RPG Broken Peace ORPG


Анна Ахматова
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A new ORPG is on its way. The project Broken Peace ORPG is my first step onto a larger plan that will take more time and research than this project will... but lets take things one step at a time.

  1. Story
  2. Concept
  3. Pvp
  4. Features
  5. Suggestions?

1. The Story
The story takes place in a world of peace. The human race has peacefully taken settlement in the land of Arch. Arch is a sparsely forested world with quiet waters and winding trails made by the population of humans. But recently a few new faces have shown up in this new territory. Rogue Night Elves, Undead, and Orcs have shown up. All races are looking for recruits for their growing masses. You must either protect your native race and lead them in PVP victory or reject them for who they are whomever they may be).​

2. Concept
The concept is to create a ORPG that can play both online and offline. This means you can save while playing by yourself and load it while playing with others. I also want to bring the element of PVP into this game to make it feel as if you're fighting a nation as a third party person within a larger party. Alliances will be a big part of this game.​

3. PVP
You will be able to find four NPCs. They will transfer your character to a different alliance for a cost. Your character may join only five factions: Humans, Night Elves, Undead, Orcs, or neutral (good for those who just want to farm mobs and not get caught up in epic battles). You may trade off between each nation, but the expensive cost of 1k will make you consider which faction you want to join before joining. This decision may lose you a lot of gold (considering on which race is winning at the time).​

4. Features
A unique battle system is being built for realistic combat. Heroes do not have heroic armor or attack. But this is still in consideration because there may be unbalanced battles due to the battle system (added damage towards a certain armor). All units are also modified in this battle system, so leveling will be easier and faster during the first few levels. The save feature will be used a lot (btw, Ace's save code is epic, you'd love it). Each spell will also be upgradeable to maximum of ten (by the time the game is released). I hope to make the level cap higher with each patch that I'll release on my forum. I'd need to find a place to post all my maps first though (this thread will be my starting platform).


Also, a unique style of hero choosing will be used. Instead of picking any hero, you will "become" a hero as a child. When you're done making life choices, you will get to choose from several final pathways. I'll probably play around with this feature, but right now this is the layout.​

5. Suggestions
Post them in this thread.​

Side Notes:
I'm still working on the terrain, battle system, heroes, spells, and AI. The only faction I plan to make a stationary AI race is the human race. All other factions will attack. The humans' great defenses will probably keep them a live for a long time if not the whole game. I do have this game up and off the ground and the save system is already installed. But I don't want to show you any screen shots because there's little beauty in map.​

Future Plans:
The game will be hosted on my experimental forums, which will become the official home for the ORPG (the name won't change). All users committed to host the ORPG at least once a week may become GMs and will get a staff position on the forum. All those who suggest and beta test my map will get a special member title on my forum. I really hope to make this an active, fun, and unique ORPG that will have weekly patches and dedicated staff who will have fun hosting this map as an official GM. Modding, suggestions, and other things will be supported on my forum and hopefully a large community will begin to build up for this map. I want to make the funnest and most active ORPG out there.

Check out the future home of Broken Peace ORPG: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Indie_Gamer/index/
Currently this forum will not have anything to do with this project and thread. Please do not discuss about this forum on this thread or anywhere on TH.net. This map is only in the process.​

Thanks, I'll have a demo up and running in a few days.


You can change this now in User CP.
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If it is "realistic", is there an instance of evasion? or critical strike or bash to every unit? or a chance that your hero or anyone trips at any time (lol)?


Анна Ахматова
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I hate bashing by-the-way. So I'm not going to include that. And critical strike is a skill.


Анна Ахматова
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Thanks man. I'm having a bit of trouble with making a good solid AI system. Soon I plan to make a AI that will not pester the players too much so they can level up. I also need to work on the alliance triggers some more. And finally I need to add a story line for new players to follow a long and level up with. I'm planing to do this with the neutral race so any member of any faction can participate, but I'd also like to make a few more "epic" quests open for selected factions. To do this I'd have to impair my AI... and that just bums me out. I may have to trigger the AI's movement, but then the randomness of the game is gone.

Anyone have ideas on how faction quests would work?

The combat system is still being tinkered with. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep my heroes handicapped or not. They die very easily already, which just causes headaches for the people who want to grind for PVP. But the combat is sleek and smoother, I think. There's no waiting for your hero to die or win. It's just a few slashes and move on. But if you're fighting as a high level hero or a hero with a high level, then there will be longer conflicts. It'd be interesting to see the hero battles.

Anyways, I'm done rambling and editing. I'll get back to just making the map.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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OOoohhh...AAaahhh... um. First time I've seen a map from you Ninva. :)

Sounds pretty cool. Although most O/RPG's say "this is something new and realistic", you do have some new points there. Maybe you could give us more info about the heroes and stuff. Also screenshots!?!

Good luck with this! :thup:


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If you can get the AI up to notch this sounds to be a great game. I like how it's not just a pure ORPG, makes it interesting.


Анна Ахматова
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I spent a lot of time working on the AI, and I think it's ready for an Alpha trial run. I also got the terrain looking a bit more spiffy, but it's not screen shot material yet. I'm using all the basic heroes, so I'll have to look around TH.net for some ideas. I'm horrible at creating unique heroes. Also, I'm thinking about making some in game "events" to make some games more interesting than others. But that's left undecided.

Anyways, I really hope to get the Alpha map out soon so people can test it.


SC2 Forum MVP - TheSkunk #386
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OOoohhh...AAaahhh... um. First time I've seen a map from you Ninva. :)
I didn't even know he had wc3 lol.

A idea:
Famousness: Each time you kill a boss, finish a quest, ect. You will get more famous. When you enter a city you will receive gold based on how famous you are, some people might even be nicer the more famous you are. (There would be a cooldown to prevent abusing.)

Needs work, of course, but you get the general idea.. Im not really sure if it would fit into your map either.


Super Moderator
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I'm looking forwards to trying this.

I haven't ever seen you release a map before, Ninva :)

I didn't even know she/he had wc3 lol.

Lol :p


Анна Ахматова
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A idea:
Famousness: Each time you kill a boss, finish a quest, ect. You will get more famous. When you enter a city you will receive gold based on how famous you are, some people might even be nicer the more famous you are. (There would be a cooldown to prevent abusing.)

I like this idea, and it will fit for races, but how to save the multiboard/famousness will be a challenge. Using it would be even trickier! Thanks for the awesome idea. I'll start thinking of ways on how to use it. :)

I didn't even know she/he had wc3 lol.

Haha, WC3 was how I started coming to TH.net.


SC2 Forum MVP - TheSkunk #386
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I had another idea, but it wouldn't really work with my other one. There would be multiple choices for quests, some would be evil, others nice. You could, for a example, take the object you are suppose to be getting for somebody instead of give it to them, murder him and steal the reward without going any work. On top of that, you could kill villagers, steal from them, and other things. You have a level of goodness. It starts at 0. If you do bad things, it goes down (depending how bad it is) and up if its a good thing. Both choices would benefit you, killing him would save time as well as others things, and you would probably steal things other then the awards while your at it, but lower your goodness which has bad side effects. The effects of being bad? If your too bad, after finishing the quest, the guy would call the guards onto you, not reward you, or they would not give quests at all. Shops might charge you extra if your that well know for being bad, and security might increase. Being bad has other effects, you can be other classes then you could otherwise. Assassin, or bounty hunter might only be allowed for a evil person.

If there was sides, different sides might now allow you to join them if your too good\not bad enough. To be extra bad, you could work for one side then betray them to the other. :)

The only thing is, if you were evil then you wouldn't be famous, the two are to alike. Or just make it like this, and make it so its like my other idea. Combine them.

This would open up different choices:
Be all good: It would start slowly, because quests take time, as most good options do. You would be venerable at the start, but the more famous you got the more money you get, the more money you get the more powerful you get, the more powerful you get, allowing you to do quests faster.... :) The downsides? If your guy got too good he would start acting like a hero, kindly rejecting rewards. At this point, you have two choices: Start suddenly being bad, since your so nice, people wouldn't expect it and you could get away with ALOT. This would give you a final boost of speed, you would be gaining tons of gold from your fame, and getting rewards really fast by killing people. Switching so fast would really alarm people, though, and your fame would drop fast. Your luck would run out by the time your fame hits 0. By then you would be uber if you did it right, but you wouldn't get much better. Assassins would be a HUGE worry at the start. You could ally up with a bad or a mix to protect you to, but they you have the worry of then betraying you. If you get strong fast enough they won't have a chance to, though.

Be all bad: You would be a exact reverse of good to start with; You would start out really fast and slow down. By the time you get people really on the watch you would be evil enough to chose assassin class. (If you did it right. Its advised you be good sometimes, so the amount of time you can do evil things lasts longer) This would be early in the game, so you could switch to earning your money off of other players. In addition this, evil has other advantages. Fame is global, but each city has its own criminals; if you move to a different city, people will slowly forget you. In this way, you can restart the cycle over again. Using this, evil people can ruin each other. In the start of the game, switch to a different city, and be really evil. The other player will get his city to evil, and move on to YOUR city. Then switch to his city, and continue being evil. Then go by his name. You will keep his bad reputation for being evil in tact, and under your name be good. He will find your city, the one he switched too, expecting people to be evil already. When moving back he will find he is STILL known for being evil, stunting him, while you be good. He will have to turn good. Then you can go back to the OTHER city to be evil after awhile, maintaining the bad style, and bumping off a competitor. It will slow your evilness plan abit, but be worth it, since then you can switch towns freely not finding them hard from other evil people....Unless the enemy catches on to your plan soon enough to do the same thing.

A mix of both: You will maintain a steady income. You won't really have downsides. You won't have advantages, so you will do worse if they manage to make good use of the strategy they use, and you will do better if they fail. It isn't hard to suddenly change, so you can surprise enemies with sudden switches. You could also act good, move someplace else, and use the evil strategy of making it harder for evil people, then be good in the other city; you would be using the good style without worry of fast leveling assassins picking you off soon. It would let other goodies get a faster start then you, though. Or, if a goody allies with you to protect him, you could do the evil path betraying him.

Again, It probably needs big adjustments to fit your needs.

Sorry. I did not intend the post to be this long originally. As long as you don't mind reading through it all. :p

P.S Glad I ran it through the spellchecker... xD


Анна Ахматова
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I don't mind reading. Actually I'm really glad you did because it really got my head full of ideas now. :thup:

Well, in the game you are a mercenary. I haven't finished the whole class/hero thing, but this is how it goes. You may either be a "calm" person or a "wild" person. This is basically good and evil. Your ideas will work for the game, but like you said I'd have to manipulate it a bit. One thing I'd have to work with is the fame. When you suggested your first idea to me, I instantly looked up how to make multiboards and leaderboards. I've made leaderboards before, but apparently I forgot. So, no matter how much I really want to do the fame thing, I'd have to wait until I have a whole day to look at triggers, etc. That should be tomorrow if I get most of the spawn points done tonight. Then the next thing I'd have to work on is reputation and savable scores. Hopefully Ace's save and load trigger will be enough for all of this. Man, I hope not to go back and work on all that save and load crap again. But if it must be done to make this game what I want it to be, it must be done.

Your ideas add to many ideas I've been playing with, but the biggest problem is that I don't even know where to begin. I'm not asking for someone to do it for me, but maybe I'd have to look at other people's maps to figure this out (too bad most of them are protected). If you or anybody else knows where I can seek out answers to questions that I'll need answering to, please post some information. I'd love your support. :)

Oh, and Daskunk, I'm sorry for not adding reputation to you yet. It seems like I already +reped you a while. I'll pass some reputation around later so you can get some well deserved reputation.


SC2 Forum MVP - TheSkunk #386
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When you suggested your first idea to me, I instantly looked up how to make multiboards and leaderboards. I've made leaderboards before, but apparently I forgot. So, no matter how much I really want to do the fame thing, I'd have to wait until I have a whole day to look at triggers, etc. That should be tomorrow if I get most of the spawn points done tonight. Then the next thing I'd have to work on is reputation and savable scores. Hopefully Ace's save and load trigger will be enough for all of this. Man, I hope not to go back and work on all that save and load crap again. But if it must be done to make this game what I want it to be, it must be done.

Your ideas add to many ideas I've been playing with, but the biggest problem is that I don't even know where to begin. I'm not asking for someone to do it for me, but maybe I'd have to look at other people's maps to figure this out (too bad most of them are protected). If you or anybody else knows where I can seek out answers to questions that I'll need answering to, please post some information. I'd love your support. :)
My whole idea would be fairly simple to do, if you need help with that. Other then that, If you don't know how to make somthing you can just ask at the World editor help zone.

Oh, and Daskunk, I'm sorry for not adding reputation to you yet. It seems like I already +reped you a while. I'll pass some reputation around later so you can get some well deserved reputation.
Haha. I have way to much rep allready, don't wory about it. And yeah, You reped me 2 days ago for helping you in a thread.


Анна Ахматова
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My whole idea would be fairly simple to do, if you need help with that. Other then that, If you don't know how to make somthing you can just ask at the World editor help zone.

Yes, I'd like to get some help with your idea. How would you make your idea work?


SC2 Forum MVP - TheSkunk #386
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Yes, I'd like to get some help with your idea. How would you make your idea work?
It would be a integer varible for each player. When they do somthing bad, set it down, when they do somthing good, set it up. Then, when doing a quest do If\then\elses. If Fame is less then or equal to ## then do Actions: (What happens if they are evil) else do... ect. To give them choices on to be bad or good, make a dialog appear with different choices (you might have to look up a tutorial on dialogs) and when you click a button for the dialog, set his goodness\badness up\down. If theres anything else I need to explain, or make the acually triggers, go ahead and tell me though..


Анна Ахматова
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It seems like I'm going to have to dwell on this for a while. I don't want you to make the triggers for me, so I'm going to have to read up a bit more about integers, etc. Thanks for all your help.


Анна Ахматова
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Alright, I'm now playing with the idea of making an AI with triggers, which would certainly last longer than a normal AI. It'd also give me more cities to put more quests and doodads. But the randomness may just be gone then. There won't be too many random raids anymore.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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hmm... it's starting to sound like Fable, :rolleyes:, a very good RPG. You should try it out if you haven't Ninva, there's so many good ideas there, like the whole thing of becoming "good or evil", along with fame which gives you different quest options on a quest, like if you're evil, you do the other side of it. However, there's not really a "good" or "evil" faction that you side with as the whole game; you can turn evil and join the evil team, but it's not really focused on like a whole battle with good versus evil.

Also, for fame, you can do it differently with quests. Like in Fable, there's options like "Kill 20 of the selected unit without getting hit once" or "Invincible - never get hit" or "take off all your armor to do it (obviously, that's harder" or "No Potions", etc. And like "No Potions" would increase your fame slightly, "take off all your armor to do it" would increase your fame quite a bit, but "Invincible" would like soar it up. Quest options would be fun, so you could sort of compete with friends and stuff but take the consequenses (eh can't spell that) in a fun way if you fail.

So good luck with this. :thup:

Ninva is a male from what I recall. ...
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