Control Your Dreaming!

master maste

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I had a semi lucid dream once, but I couldnt seem to get out of it (why I'm calling it semi lucid)

I was getting chased by 4 people from a government organisation (they had black suits, guns and big black 4wds) they were chasing me to get my organs because they needed them for a transplant (ironic how that was the night after I got my licence and chose "non organ donor". . .)

Then I jumped into the water and created myself a water tank which eventually ran out of air and I drowned in the water, I woke up gasping for air then realising I wasnt really dead. Most realistic dream I've ever had.


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Lucid dreaming is something really easy for me.

Same thing on here :p

I got one case about last year, when I enjoy dreams MORE than real life... Very nice, luckily it was on holiday, so I sleep again and again and again and again and again and again until about 15-16 hours.

After that case, seems all of my dreams are lucid, strangely I feel that I never sleep at all, getting experience both when I'm living and dreaming :D


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Sorry for the double post but this page needs to be bumped.

If you're having a scary lucid dream, just wake up. All my dreams all lucid dreams, I do what I want, I control myself, but I don't know that I'm dreaming.

It's not a lucid dream unless you are aware that you you are dreaming.


Ultra Cool Member
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>It's not a lucid dream unless you are aware that you you are dreaming.

True:) forgot to mention that:banghead:

I hope that this thread stays alive, cuz i think it's awesome to dream and i want to know what you think about it and also i hope that you want to share your dreams:)



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I actually almost always remember my dreams... :nuts:

Some are nice :p

Some are disturbing in good ways :rolleyes:

Some in bad ways :(

I have lots of Lucid Dreams..

Actually it's because I love I sleep a

I actually have dreams that feel so real I think there real...


I have a dream I fall from a plane because it is crashing or something

and when I hit the floor I jump out of my sleep...and it feels so


Ultra Cool Member
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You mean like you actually feel you were smashed to the ground (well.. your bed:) )
Have that too sometimes, it's not nice -_-'

luckily i have a lot of good dreams..

I've learned myself that some things in dreams can't be so it must be a dream..

This works most of the time.. sometimes not, then i just keep on dreaming without knowing that i dream, but when i wake up and i think of my dream i can't imagine that i didn't know that I was dreaming cuz it's just so completely unlogical :banghead:

This way i can turn a lot of my dreams into lucid dreams:)


anyone else wants to share a dream?
I love to know what other people dream and what they think of dreaming etc..
so plz reply :)


Tom Jones

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I don't think I've ever had a lucid dream. Actually I can't remember the last time I woke up and were able to remember a dream. It's probably a result from my sleep disorder.


Ultra Cool Member
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well the bright side on that is that you also don't remember bad dreams:p



Formerly, Ban-Lord
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Personally, I like to spend most of my day sleeping whenever i can...because

1. It keeps me awake most of the day when i want to
2. I have dreams :D

Heres some awkward dreams i've had that i can remember.


Okay this is silly, but when i was a little kid i used to watch movies like Scream, and when I fell asleep i'd have nightmares. Well i'd do simple stuff. Walk downstairs, goto the bathroom, guess what? I walk out, and i can feel the rush of something bad about to happen, and someone with a mask comes at me and kills me, then I wake up. Well, I learned to control the dreams in my sleep. This is how i got rid of the nightmares, I thought of people i care about, so my mom came (silly me :p), he tried to kill both of us, but i pushed him down and killed him. Guess what happened? He never came back. I'm assuming that dreams are seperate worlds, where everyone else can die. Except for yourself.


Sometimes i'd 'wake' up in a different world. Lava in the sky, houses on fire, houses inside out. Sounds odd? Well it gets freaky, i'd jump platform to platform voiding' the incoming baddies and coming to goodies. Like i used to watch volcano movies, so i had lava chasing to me, and i'd jump into people's houses and stuff, i'd take people's cars. Go through subways, and see people dying and falling into the lava. That dream frightened me. And it happened like 10-20 times to me total i believe.


I was in a car, thought of a casual drive. I was in a suburban truck, so it felt kinda nice. We drove down a really steep hill, i look to the drivers seat. Not believeable, but my 3 year old sister was driving, then the car started to flip over and i felt adrenaline bursting, it was a good feeling but the event was not.

Heres some other stuff


Ever dream of being rich on a game having everything you want? Well, i dreamed of me playing wow and having like 20000 gold. Heh, dream on buddy but then your alarm clock wakes you up, then you gotta goto school.

This disadvantage of having dreams, is when you have them, either it feels like 20 minutes then you wake up, or just your having them right when your about to get up. <-- =(

But heres my sad ending, I only have dreams now only like once a week now. I beleive i've burnt myself out. I remember alot of dreams i've had, I guess i've had alot of 'Lucid Dreams'. So, whenever im dreaming, I remember them, think about them, then fall back asleep....Bye bye, and hello =/

by the way, these were all my dreams i remember, im sure i remember alot but this is mostly what i think about that are major in my dreams.

Im gonna put [X] on the stuff that happened to me in dreams.
Some examples of common dream signs are: 

• breathing under water [X]
• flying or taking “Superman” long jumps [X]
• oversized or undersized objects or people
• purple skies [X]
• green cats

Dream signs are also sometimes more subtle: 

• light switches that don’t work [X]
• suddenly returning to work at an old job, being late
• not being able to scream [X] (In my nightmares with the scream guy, i used to scream and i'd be safe because he'd be like WTF?, but then all of a sudden, I stopped being able to scream, and he'd laugh at me.)
• the speech patterns of friends being unusual [X]
• arriving somewhere naked [X]
• having your teeth fall out - this is often a result of excessive worrying.


I do feel alot of pain, and goodness from dreams. I've felt being stung by thousands of bees, i've felt, Oooooh yeah =], i've felt the pain of death (not that i know but its a feeling).

and im adding another dream i just remembered.

Mysterious Dream
--Newly Added that I just remembered.

Well one of these dreams i've had were I died. You know the dreams often stop don't you? Well. I died. But the dream kept going, I kept going through insane twists and turns, and this skull laughing at me kept flying infront of me, fire and debris was on the sides, I felt as if i was going insane and something bad was happening. But then I realized, I was dead. Nothing mattered anymore, I believed in this would happen when i died, but then again, it was kind of foolish and it was a twisted thought of mine. To be serious, I do not believe in Hell or Heaven. I'm a person that has all kinds of thoughts. But I can't imagine having to be Eternal in a certain world. Hell can't exist if its something that you goto when you are dead, how do we know if we have souls? When I think, i go beyond of thought possible. Don't you think there would be MULTIPLE universes, they say there are multiple dimensions, why cant there be multiple universes? The galaxies and everything HAVE to be put in something. Like we could be in a giant black hole for all we know. But, when I think, i think beyond everything people normally think. Was my post interesting at ALL to you? Or was it just a heap of crap? I have something to say, I'am indeed a Lucid Dreamer.

What really freaks me out, is when i'm in school and i fall asleep, i'm actually dreaming and i dont want to leave the dream, something bad happens, and i wake up and my face lifts up and falls on the table. Nobody even notices, its not loud, I know nobody notices because nobody looks at me wierd or anything. Its also odd, because i've woken up from dreams with bloody lips and stuff. (could be me chewing on my lips tho, i dont do it normally)

I have a dream I fall from a plane because it is crashing or something

and when I hit the floor I jump out of my sleep...and it feels so

Thats what happens to me alot.


I'm pretty good at remembering stuff, and you want to know how old alot of these dreams are? I've had a majority of them since i was 4. Yep. I remember stuff when i was 2 years old. Im crazy I know, my parents ask me something, I remember it, I rarely ever mistype stuff unless im not used to it.

The defeated nightmare, i had that dream when i was 4-8.

Also, none of this stuff affects my normal life, i have alot of friends (no not the nerdy game playing ones, i actually hang out with alot of girls and multiple other people, me and my friends have our own type of (GANG) but thinking differently ;) We do alot of fun stuff when we hang out. This next year will be great, because we will be starting Highschool. )

When I wake up, i usually take 30-60 minutes to fully wake up, and i'm usually not thinking. I beleive i have a very expanded imagination, especially when im asleep. =)

Take Control of Dreams:
• Try moving around, if you can't move on your own option, you're most likely just dreaming, not lucid dreaming.
• If you want to move, don't try using your legs. Your body and its nerves are virtually useless. Like if you are crippled. You can walk. Theres no systems you have to think about.
• Don't think of a dream when your about to goto sleep, and don't try to think up a dream. It will not work.

What I believe
This is what I believe about dreaming, when you are sleeping, have you heard your brain functions alot more than when you are awake? Maybe this is switching dimensions, to different stuff. Maybe one dimension is not important at all. And maybe the other is the TRUE dimension you live in. Such as, you live with everyone you care about, and everything on the other dimension can be there, but it doesnt have to. You are living both the same way, just one is a little flipped up.

By the way, thanks for reading. I'll be adding more to this thread over the next couple of days. Also yes, all this stuff is written and viewed by myself =D


Ultra Cool Member
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thank you for this:D love reading this
will post a bigger "review" later.. don't have the time right now:)

>Was my post interesting at ALL to you? Or was it just a heap of crap?
absolutly not crap, cuz i also think that there must be something else out there.. i just love the idea that there is more then we know off

>don't try to think up a dream. It will not work.
Not true.. you can do this, BUT only if you have something visual. For example (this was yesterday) I wanted to dream about that i was a great baseballer (don't ask me why i just wanted that :p ) anyway i've tried that before, but it just wasn't possible (like you said), but when you have something visual you greatly increase the chance that you dream about that.. so I tried that: I have a baseballbat hanging on my wall and i just stared at it, waiting till i get enough rested that i can easily go to sleep (as you may know it's hard to sleep when you just did something exciting or you were very busy etc.) when i was sleeping i dreamed about baseball :D AND I WAS GOOOOD WOOH! :p

>Its also odd, because i've woken up from dreams with bloody lips and stuff. (could be me chewing on my lips tho, i dont do it normally)
the reason that it feels so real is because it is real (huh, i didn't fall into my bed dude..) i know, but when you are dreaming your brain gets (like you said) more active, this causes that your mussles will do all kinds of weird and not planned stuff like: "my face lifts up and falls on the table" that's way you may have a bloody lip, your head might get lifted and slammed to the table/floor/bed(although that isn't painfull:p ) just because your mind makes it real

Yea your brain is a weird thing..XD

>What I believe
Love the idea:) not sure if i believe it that way though

Some examples of common dream signs are:

• breathing under water [X]
• flying or taking “Superman” long jumps [X]
• oversized or undersized objects or people
• purple skies [X]
• green cats

Dream signs are also sometimes more subtle:

• light switches that don’t work [X]
• suddenly returning to work at an old job, being late
• not being able to scream [X] (In my nightmares with the scream guy, i used to scream and i'd be safe because he'd be like WTF?, but then all of a sudden, I stopped being able to scream, and he'd laugh at me.)
• the speech patterns of friends being unusual [X]
• arriving somewhere naked [X]
• having your teeth fall out - this is often a result of excessive worrying.

you may know the signs, but the hard part is to realize that you have them in your dream:)
I mean when you are dreaming, mostly nothing does surprise you, but when you wake up you think something like: WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT :O
I'm learning (and have learned) to make my dreams go lucid also with the help of those signs you mentioned, but also with some other things (like i posted a "long" time ago)

well that was that, maybe add something to it later on



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I know about 1000 dreams I had in nearly all cathegories. Over fun scary amazing up to horrible death and so on. ;) I dunno why, but I can really remember me of hundreds of dreams I had and can explain very little details of them lol. :D

Take Control of Dreams:
• Try moving around, if you can't move on your own option, you're most likely just dreaming, not lucid dreaming.
• If you want to move, don't try using your legs. Your body and its nerves are virtually useless. Like if you are crippled. You can walk. Theres no systems you have to think about.
• Don't think of a dream when your about to goto sleep, and don't try to think up a dream. It will not work.
> I know that I can control my dreams. Why? When I am dreaming and I notice dream => when I have an active dream I know that I sleeped into most times. Then I know its a dream, also I can make whatever I want. But sometimes I am dreaming something, passive situation, like I am only watching something. Then I don't care if it is dream or not in dream.

One time as I knew that I sleeped I created a realistic world in my dream and it was really great! Best dream every, until I woke up. I had terrible headache about one week, seems like it was to hard for my brain to create my own dream. I never expected that >.< :(

Edit: Scary but true :p


Formerly, Ban-Lord
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Thanks for the review thing :D and

Heres a cool program you may find very amazing:

Create your own world!



Install Terragen v0.9.43 (1.6 Mb)
The full installer makes use of Microsoft's Windows Installer. If your computer is not able to open the downloaded installer you may need to download and install the Windows Installer from Microsoft. You can download it for Windows 95/98/ME here, and for Windows 2000/XP here.

Download Terragen Mac v0.9 ( 3.7 MB )

TERRAGEN--> This paragraph below is by myself.
Terragen is a program that can be used to generate landscapes, it may be hard to use at first but once you understand all of the camera angles its pretty amazing. Just take a look at it :p <--- cool one i made


Formerly, Ban-Lord
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yeah i was thinking i'd post it because it'd be a cool thing for people to see, i also added a pic i made with it


Ultra Cool Member
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man i almost forgot that this topic existed

cant help myself


plz share your dream experience :D


Heavy is credit to team!
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This is dreaming hates me :(. Sometimes if I dream I think 'oh, I'm dreaming!'. Problem? I always wake up 1 second later -.-


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
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I've had quite a few strange dreams, but I've only been able to control one kind.

1. Jumping down the stairs. I jump, and think Whoah. I just jumped down the stairs. Pretty short dream :p

2. I am peter pan and I am inside a cave, with crevices in the sides, but the roofs stop me from being able to fly.

3. I am peter pan, and there's lava surrounding an island that Captain Hook is on. :p Orange lava you can swim through, and red lava kills you. (lol)

4. This is the only kind of dream I have been able to 'control.' If you remember those maze screensavers that people used to have, I was in one made out of bricks. I remember that taking a left was a wrong turn, so I would take a left, then rewind it, and take a left again. (lol) Rewinding it was the best I could do.

Those are the only ones I can remember. I haven't had a dream I remembered in years. :(
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