Defense Dead Rampage - A zombie survival


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I am going to make this map from zero (open the world editor and start doing stuff).

This map is inspired by games Left 4 Dead and Natural Selection. :thup:

Dead Rampage

Short: This map will be a somewhat classical zombie survival. You choose one of several heroes and start in a house, where you'll need to survive incoming zombie waves for ~20-25 minutes.

Indepth: Every hero in the game (6 in the end) will have 5 active hero skills to choose from, with stronger skills available on later levels. Maximum hero level will be set to 20. After choosing a hero and/or entering the desired game modes through commands like -hh -ar -ap etc. you start off either on the left or on the right sight of the map. :confused:

About the map: It will be a small-medium map, with a "house" in the center covering 90% of the map. After ~1 minute of the game the doors to the inside of the house will open and you'll be able to go inside. :confused:

What's different in this zombie survival? :(

Unlike other modern zombie survivals, where you are venturing a big town, completing some objective in Dead Rampage you will simply have to build up in some corner (or not) and survive for as long as possible.

Build up? :eek: :thdown:

Yep. In this map you'll be able to build buildings for resourses that you automatically collect over time. There are 10 Energy Generators on the map which can be taken using Power Supplyes that you can build to capture the Energy Generators for more income. :nuts:


The game will be pretty easy to learn, but quite hard to master.
You will be able to play on 1 of 5 difficulties. :)

There will be only 7 buildings. :thup:
You can win either by suriving for 20-25 minutes, or by building a Power Core - a very expensive building that takes 5 minutes to build. If you succeed then you'll win without having to survive the remaining time. You will however be able to disable Power Cores in a game with a game mode (something like -nc -no core).

With the Power Core and the Power Supply there will also be some barricades and turrets. That's 4 buildings, with other 3 remaining a secret until the map is released. :(


There will be 4 (3 general + 1 special) types of zombies in the game, ranging from a normal zombie that comes in form of a horde to a Giant Zombie that can throw back survivors. :D

Zombie hordes will differ in their size every respawn, so the game won't get boring over time as there will be a random element to it.


The game consists out of 2 teams: The Survivors (6 players) and the Zombies (5 players), so it's a 6v5 game. :rolleyes:

The powerful zombie hordes and giant zombies will be controlled by the AI, while survivors defend themselves with everything they can.

The zombie players will be in control of a single zombie hero that they can upgrade or turn into other types of heroes.


I plan to make all the hero skills in the game active. :thup:

I have very big experience in map making and coding, and this beeing my latest project (and the only one for a long time) I will make all the hero skills triggered/overtriggered.

I plan on making skills that make a lot of pushes, so that you can push away entire hordes and throw zombies in all dirrections. Other skills will have good graphical effects, so the heroes won't get you bored. ;)

So I choose one of six heroes as a Survivor and play with him the whole game, but what about the zombie heroes?

As a zombie player on every respawn you will be able to select one of 2 heroes (or the selection will be made automatically and random with a proper game mode). You can turn your zombie into a more power hero with a purchase from the shop (you are able to "buy" 3 heroes, so that's 5 heroes in total). :confused:

If you die as a purchased, more powerful zombie, you will still revive as one of the first 2. So if you die, you loose your hero, but the upgrades you bought remain.

As a zombie your level will be saved after you die. Zombies get experience for dealing damage to the survivors, and also a bit of experience for staying near dying zombies.

Zombie heroes are less powerful and generaly exist to support the zombie hordes. You won't be able to take down a team of survivors without any zombies. :(

Dead Rampage. What? When?

I do not plan to make this map for months. I plan to release the first version in less than a month.

What will the first version have?

The first version will be like a start. Out of 6 survivor heroes it will have only 1. Out of the 5 zombie heroes it will have 3 (2 starting and 1 purchasable, so that leaves 2 more purchasable heroes). It will also have 3 of 5 difficulties available. :(

Other than that, all buildings and normal zombies will be complete. The first version will contain an in-depth ingame tutorial. :shades: As you start the game in singleplayer you will be able to select either to see the tutorial, or not to see it. If you choose not to see it or you are playing in multiplayer, you will be given a difficulty selection and the game will start.

But! If you select to view the tutorial, the game will teach you all aspects of the game. What upgrades are there. What zombies exist in the game. What items are there and everything you could ever need to know. :)

So stay tuned as the map will come out pretty soon (at least the first version). I will be updating this page from time to time to show the progress.

Plans for the future:

The second version of the map will contain all 5 difficulties, all 5 zombie heroes, new game modes and 3 (2 new, but not 6 yet) survivor heroes.

The tutorial will be removed in the second version, so if you'll want to learn the map sometime, you'll have to find the first version with the tutorial, which I will keep separated from other versions.

Things I plan to do for sure:

Add all the 6 survivor heroes.
Add some game modes.
Add a SECOND terrain in form of a different map. This will look something like "Dead Rampage vX.XX [Map 1 name here].w3x" and "Dead Rampage vX.XX [Map 2 name here].w3x".

After that I plan to make more terrains/maps with the help of the community. :D

What does this mean? It means that I will tell you guys how can YOU make the terrain yourself, what should it have, what are the limits. If the map is good (you'll show it to me) I will make in an official one.

Things I MAY make (not sure):

A ranking system. Using -load (probably without having to enter -save) you will be able to save your experience. You get a little bit of experience in every game. The harder the difficulty, the more zombie players - the more experience you will get. If you win, you get more experience than if you loose.

You will be able to gain "levels" from 1 up to 10. Every level will give you a little ammount of "gold" when the game hits the 5 minute mark. So with level 5, on the 5 minute mark you'll get, say, 10 gold and with level 10 you will get 20 gold (not much).

Once you get to level 10, you will be able to increase your rank. Your level will go back to 1, but your rank will increase by 1. There will be 5 ranks, with you starting at the first one. Every next rank makes levels require more XP, with requiring a LOT of xp to get level 10 on the 5th rank.

Ranks will look something like: Player, Helper, Pro, Expert, Rampager.
Every new rank will give your hero 1 or 2 extra stat points that you can spend on strength/agility/intelliegence. So you won't be much stronger than players without a rank.

What will this ranking give aside from the sligth bonuses? :confused:

If I make the rankings, I will also add some game modes. They will be -lx (x is a number between 2 to 9) and -rx (x is a number between 2 and 5), as an example, mode -l5r3. What does it mean? Well...

The game will wait for the players to enter their codes. If you'll be below rank 3 (-r3) and level 5 (-l5) then the game will automaticaly kick you out of it. If you have a rank 4, then the level requirement will not apply to you.

The load codes will be dependent on your name, so you won't (99% chance) be able to use the codes of other people.
The ranking system will basically allow for higher level games. And if someone wants to join without the proper rank/level, he won't even be able to watch the game and will just loose his time (leavers don't have a large impact on this game). ;)

A second thing I MAY make in the future - a Zombie Hero AI. This is if you want to play with your buddies on a single team without any other players. But, you still want the game to have some zombie heroes to get the full experience from the game. This is why I could make a Zombie Hero AI.

If I make the zombie AI someday, I will try my best to make it very smart, and with propper difficulty (easy/normal/insane will depend).

I WILL NOT ever make an AI for the survivors, as it would be way to hard, so if you want to play as a Zombie against some Survivors then you better go online.

That's pretty much it. :rolleyes:

How can you help the project? Well, for now, you can't do it dirrectly. I am making this map alone (don't know if it's good or bad). In the future you will be able to make maps (terrains) for this game.

But, you could "kind of" help me.

If you don't like and don't even want to read about Survey Sites or other things like that then stop reading, skip this spoiler and contuine reading after it.

It may sound selfish or something like that. If it does, then I appologize.

I am trying to raise an easy 50$, so if you'd like to help me in that, you could go to this link: here

After that you can go to "Create a Free Account" and simply register. You can enter any e-mail/name/password, but it's better if you enter your real e-mail. You won't get a confirmation e-mail and you won't need to active your account or anything. That's about it.

You can complete the last "survey" on your Home Page (a survey - you write what you think about some site that you are shown) that adds 1$ to your account (this doesn't help much) and you'll have a chance to win a montly 500$.

Or you can try to make some money yourself, but due to the limited ammount of surveys you'll need to reffer a lot of people to redeem at least some money.

This registration costs you nothing (well, it actualy costs you some time :)), and adds a little bit of money to my account.

Other than that you can support me by commenting in this thread. Do you like the idea? Do you have any extra suggestions? Would you like to play a map like this?

I thank YOU dear reader, for taking your time to read this entire topic up to this point. I hope the reading didn't go too boring. <3


Zombie Heroes: 0%
AI Zombies: 0%
Terrain: 0%
Buildings/items/upgrades: 0%
Survivors: 0%
Engine: 0%


I will write updates here. :D


Super Moderator
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Seems pretty interesting. I look forward to trying it out.

Btw, I would remove that money-making part before a mod sees it. It is not allowed here.


New Member
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Seems pretty interesting. I look forward to trying it out.

Btw, I would remove that money-making part before a mod sees it. It is not allowed here.

Thanks for the comment. Yeah it's interesting. Otherwise I wouldn't have been doing it lol.

About the
money-making part

I read the rules and didn't find anything about it, BUT! If it is against the rules, which I couldn't find, then I appologize.

Also, as I sayd it doesn't cost anything, but I could still be wrong on this whole point.

I've hid "that" part in a spoiler tag, with a warning for people not to read it if they don't like that kind of stuff.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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You may.

Looks cool. Well made thread with, um, lots of effort, I guess.
Zombie that can throw back enemies? Nice. :)
Good luck! :thup: But I suggest having more than one hero for first release. Two or three is better. You want to make a good first impression, :D

Btw, it's spelled "supplies". :p



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Also, only 3 zombies? I'm sorry but simply changing spawn size/amount will not keep the game from becoming repetive.

I know when I was making my The End Is here game, I had many types of zombie types made.
"regular" zombie -25% chance to come back when killed
Leaper - This zombie can jump long distances
Meater - This unit had a huge amount of life (but huge collision)
Carrier - This unit (when killed) would drop off 3 small, but very fast bettles.

Zombies could be seen in teh fog of war(but not attacked) - so I included the following variants
Regular - these can be seen in the fog of war
Weathered- These blend into the terrain, making them unseeable in the fog of war
Mistaken - These are not real, but show up in the fog of war. When they reach normal vision they dissapear.

I had more zombie types and what I had excluded bosses. But the general theme is there.


New Member
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Thaks a lot for all the replies guys! Made me feel a lot better ^^

You may.

Looks cool. Well made thread with, um, lots of effort, I guess.
Zombie that can throw back enemies? Nice. :)
Good luck! :thup: But I suggest having more than one hero for first release. Two or three is better. You want to make a good first impression, :D

Btw, it's spelled "supplies". :p


Well, yeah, having more heroes for the first release would be a lot better, but it would take a lot more time, considering that as I sayd, I put a lot into hero skills. Ofc. is that I want to release this faster.

But the first version will have a tutorial and the future ones won't.

Basically, the first version will get you ready for "the real thing".

I do agree that the first impression is very important. Maybe I'll make 2 heroes as a start. I'll think about it.

Also, only 3 zombies? I'm sorry but simply changing spawn size/amount will not keep the game from becoming repetive.

I know when I was making my The End Is here game, I had many types of zombie types made.
"regular" zombie -25% chance to come back when killed
Leaper - This zombie can jump long distances
Meater - This unit had a huge amount of life (but huge collision)
Carrier - This unit (when killed) would drop off 3 small, but very fast bettles.

Zombies could be seen in teh fog of war(but not attacked) - so I included the following variants
Regular - these can be seen in the fog of war
Weathered- These blend into the terrain, making them unseeable in the fog of war
Mistaken - These are not real, but show up in the fog of war. When they reach normal vision they dissapear.

I had more zombie types and what I had excluded bosses. But the general theme is there.

Yeah only 3 zombies. The "4th" zombie is something that appears from dead players.

Don't forget! The map is not only about the 3-4 AI zombie types. There's the team of 5 Zombie players that each control one of 5 (3 in the first version) different zombie heroes with 5 different skills each.

Those players can think up a strategy and bring "that" needed element to the game.

Btw. do you have a link to your map ^^ ?

About the model pack: I'm not sure. But it looks awesome! I also saw your other model pack for a zombie theme.

The thing is - I kind of like having my maps very small in size. But it is possible in the future for you (or me) to create a terrain with those models for my map ^^ (at least I think so).

I believe the map needs to be small the first couple (or dozens ^^) of versions or it won't get popular. I often don't dl the map just by looking at the size.

In our days only Dota can FULLY allow a high map size, due to it's popularity.

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