Arena Death Zone


So many apples
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This is a project I started a while ago (like, 3 months or something), since I was bored and sick of all the AoS's and TD's. So I decided to create something which was not as poorly made as the most of the Arena's out there ( though, some were entertaining ! ). I was obsessed by making this Project as unique as possible, so that was kinda my drive in finishing this Project.





What is featured:

- every Hero has 3 unique spells
- total of 8 Heroes
- custom stat board system
- duel events
- dynamic commands for each player

What is yet to be featured:

- Hero ultimates
*more to come*

In depth:

Stat System: every player has a unique multiboard which tallys Hero kills, deaths, creep kills, duel timer and also your Hero's stats. By typing "-stats" you may use the arrow Keys to navigate through your multiboard and Add stats to whatever stat you wish ! Once you have spent all your stat points or type "-unstats", you will disable the stat navigator. This way, everyone is able to build they're Hero as they like.

Duels: Player one (Red) chooses the standard duel countdown of 125, 225 or 325 seconds. by typing "-timer VALUE", he/she is able to set the countdown to whatever he/she likes. "VALUE" cannot be under 60 and not over 500. Everyone duels once, until the duel turns reset. By typing "-deny" you may deny your turn of taking a duel. That way, you can buy yourself time to creep a little. During duels, everyone else but the duelists can take a look at the duels, though, the duelists will not be able to see the whole arena. Winners will be teleported back to the "safe zone".

Safe Zone: It's practically a Zone, where everybody is invurnerable and can't cast Spells. However, once they enter the Arena, by using the portal, they cannot enter the safe Zone until they won or lost a duel, or until they type "-unstuck". "-unstuck" makes your Hero teleport to the safe zone after 15 seconds. This feature can only be used once every duel (resets afterwards for every player once the duel is finished).

Hero Abilites:
Arcane Alchemist
Soul Pounder: Summons a mana leeching sphere and unleashes it on a target unit within a 300 AOE, pounding on it's very soul, dealing damage and draining mana from it. If that unit has a mana source it grows with every point of mana it has stolen, dealing more damage to the next unit in a 375 AOE from the unit it dealt damage to. If no other enemy unit is in range, the sphere vanishes.
Arcane Alchemy: Whenever you cast a spell, the very essence of the spell cast is extracted and stored in energy spheres, which rotate around yourself. The energies can be compounded together to create a deadly force, that damages a target unit. A maximum of 5 spheres can be held at once.
Mental Burden: Establishes a link to the minds of surrounding enemy units in a AOE of 375, pressuring their minds and their will, until they collapse. Drains mana until no more is left or until one is not in range. Once the manapool of the enemy unit reaches zero, the life force of that unit will suffer.
Ultimate needed.

Ancient Collosus
Iron Will: The Ancient Collosus's Body is so hardend and mighty, that it can withstand most of the incoming attacks. Grants a % chance in reducing incoming damage, if not even totally annuling it.
Crusher: Stomps on the Ground, causing the earth beneath to shudder violently, while throwing all enemy units around oneself into the air in it's wake, causing them to take imense damage apon impact.
Slayer: Sends out a shockwave of brute force towards a target unit, which sends any enemy unit in it's way into the air, which take damage apon landing.
Ultimate Needed

Blade Dancer
Screscent Moon: Strikes an enemy from different Angles, forming a full moon when casting with maximum "Rage Counters". The number of strikes depends on the number of "Rage Counters".
Brutal Stance: Every few attacks cause the Blade Dancer to deal additional damage by a certain multiplicator or if the Blade Dancer uses skills. Everytime he deals additional damage caused by normal attacks, he gains a "Rage Counter". "Rage Counters" increase the effectiveness of the skills if the counter is at 2 or higher.
Vicious Strike: Strikes down an opponent with pure brute force, dealing additional damage and causing a shockwave, that deals damage partially from the initial strike to all other units behind the intial target. "Rage Counters" buff the shockwave damage by 5% and range by 25 for each counter.
Ultimate Needed

Eternal Vampire
Blood Siphon: The Eternal Vampire steals blood from enemy units from a distance, dealing damage based the total damage dealt divided by the number of units that are effected. He converts the stolen blood partially and refreshes his own life-force. Maximum of 5 units can be effected.
Vampire's Desire: Whenever the Eternal Vampire physically harms annother unit, he steals the blood of that unit and partially converts it into his own life-force. Every additional blow on that unit will allow him to convert 5% more than the previous.
Blood Storm: Creates a ring of one's own blood around oneself. While constantly draining health, it deals damage equal to the life lost this way to units that are in the bloodstorm. The radius of Blood Storm is adjustable.
Ultimate Needed

Holy Crusader
Cardinal's Faith: Embued with the power of god, the Holy Crusader channels gods wrath into one strike, crushing a unit, dealing damage and knocking it back. This power can only be used once in while.
Bishop's Prayers: Creates a shield that protects the Holy Crusader from any physical harm. The Shield only endures a set anount of damage, but can be recasted to increase the duration by 5 seconds and the amount the shield endures. Uses 50% of current mana to cast.
Charge: Moves towards a target unit and strikes it when in range.
Ultimate Needed

Moon hunter
Aether Arrow: Fires a bolt of arrows in a 90° Arc that pierce through the first target it encounters, dealing damage based on the distance the arrow traveled (Max. of 1800) and stunning it for a brief period. A target can be hit by multiple arrows. Stun duration is additive.
Hail of Arrows: Fires a ridiculous amount of arrows right in front in a 50° arc, dealing minor damage to an enemy unit that is pierced by one of the arrows. If you have "Lunar Fang" learned, there is a chance of 5% to fire the ability, instead of having every attack trigger the skill.
Lunar Fang: Whenever a attack or skill is successfull, the Hunter of the Crescent Moon calls down crashing stars to damage all enemy units in an AOE of 600 around her.
Ultimate Needed

Elder Shaman
Ring Of Flames: Conjours a ring of living Flames and launches it towards a target location. The Flames emit bolts of fire that damage the first enemy unit that it encounters.
Devouring Inferno: Everytime an enemy unit suffers magical damage from the Elder shaman, they will burn over 5 seconds, taking serious damage.
Magmic Blast: Causes the earth in a target location to shudder violently, ripping the earth open and causing it snap, releasing 8 large chunks of magma covered boulders into the air. The boulders deal damage to all enemy units in a 200 AOE and stun them for 2 seconds. Multiple boulders can hit one taget. Stun duration is additive.
Ultimate Needed

Infernal Knight
Epidemia: Whenever a unit is damaged physically with his dreaded blade, that unit instantly becomes effected by the very sickening of the disease the blade bears, causing additional damage every time the Infernal Knight attacks.
Lasts 5 seconds. Duration is refreshed after each successfull attack.
Disturbed Catharsis: Torments all enemy units in a target location, by intoxicating their minds and crippling their fatigue bodies. Once an effected unit casts a spell, that unit will suffer a great amount of damage.
Lasts 8 seconds.
Clutch of Undeath: Reaches out to an enemy unit with his own spirit. Once the Infernal Knight clutches a unit, that unit is pulled towards the Infernal Knight and takes damage.
Ultimate Needed

Shredder: Throws a glaive-like attachment towards a target location in a circular arc, that cuts all enemy unit in it's path, dealing damage, until it comes back to the Headhunter.
Skill Needed
Skill Needed
Ultimate Needed

- ultimate Ideas
- New Hero Ideas ( Icons, spells, synergy )
- loading screen design
- test Map for any other Bugs and glitches

- Jesus4Lyf's AIDS system
- Cohadar's TT system
- RisingDusk's Damage Detection system

*Note*: For mappers alike; If you like the special effects or have questions about certain features, I can reveal my Code and/or models for you to use.​


  • DeathZoneProtected.w3x
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  • DeathZoneFixed.w3x
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Working on a Map
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Can't seem to play it. Probably something to do with the protection tool you used.

Anyway, great to see you working on another map.

Certain features are rather cool, can't wait to try them.


So many apples
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Annother Map?
This is the first Map I've made in vJass :D Other projects lie yeeeeeeeeeeeears behind and were written in GUI.

I'll upload annother version of my Map, using some other tool to make my map safe.
Sorry for inconvenience.

EDIT: uploaded the fixed Version.
BTW, can someone make a nice loading screen for this? Like a forest full of dead bodies or something... The creator will be given credit on loading screen and in the upcoming credits section.


Working on a Map
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Tested it. The heroes are pretty fun :D
I only tried the Ancient Colosus, but I'm sure all the other heroes are just as good, if not better :D
Anyway, I didn't quite like the Imported Model of that giant thingy that appears when you cast slayer. Personally, I think that using a Tauren Chieftain unit and making it increase in size or play the attack slam animation (it has to be big and transparent though) is just as good.

Anyway, I realised that the knockback sems to cause units to bounce back when hitting a tree and such. That's pretty cool :D

I'll test some more heroes and edit this! Nice map!

EDIT: The Eternal Vampire's Life Steal is quite powerful against creeps. Could be slightly nerfed, the base Lifesteal, anyway. However, I'm not sure how well it does against hereos.

EDIT2: Tested it with a friend, some things noticed:
1) Cresent Moon sometimes fails to summon the Demon Hunter things. Instead, damage is dealt after some delay without them appearing.
2) The Paladin's Prayer ability doesn't block the damage sometimes. Is there supposed to be a delay or something before the shield comes into effect?

Well, you can check the replay out, its attached to the post. Please save the map in a folder called "Member's Projects" to view it :p


  • DeathZone.w3g
    143.9 KB · Views: 259


So many apples
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Tested it. The heroes are pretty fun
I only tried the Ancient Colosus, but I'm sure all the other heroes are just as good, if not better
Anyway, I didn't quite like the Imported Model of that giant thingy that appears when you cast slayer. Personally, I think that using a Tauren Chieftain unit and making it increase in size or play the attack slam animation (it has to be big and transparent though) is just as good.

Anyway, I realised that the knockback sems to cause units to bounce back when hitting a tree and such. That's pretty cool

I'll test some more heroes and edit this! Nice map!

EDIT: The Eternal Vampire's Life Steal is quite powerful against creeps. Could be slightly nerfed, the base Lifesteal, anyway. However, I'm not sure how well it does against hereos.

EDIT2: Tested it with a friend, some things noticed:
1) Cresent Moon sometimes fails to summon the Demon Hunter things. Instead, damage is dealt after some delay without them appearing.
2) The Paladin's Prayer ability doesn't block the damage sometimes. Is there supposed to be a delay or something before the shield comes into effect?

Well, you can check the replay out, its attached to the post. Please save the map in a folder called "Member's Projects" to view it

Awesome ! Glad you like it ! =)

I am aware of the bug that Crescent Moon causes. Though, I don't have any potential solution yet.

About the shield; I know what you are poiting at to. I will fix that immediatly. Also, the shield doesn't absorb magic damage =)

About the Vampire... I will start balancing things out once I have the ultimates and 1 or 2 more Heroes done =)

You can also expect a winning condition in the next version, also with a few fixes =)
BTW, did you feel any sort of lagg during the game?


Active Member
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I'd be cool if you could make special finishes for some heroes.

What I mean is that when a hero beats another in a duel,
The game is paused and everyone's camera pans to the duel
The winning hero performs a super uber eye candy spell and eliminates the other one :p


So many apples
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I'd be cool if you could make special finishes for some heroes.

What I mean is that when a hero beats another in a duel,
The game is paused and everyone's camera pans to the duel
The winning hero performs a super uber eye candy spell and eliminates the other one :p

Haha :D
Sounds like fun :D
But, it might be a bit annoying if that happens after EVERY duel... I'll see about that :D

Tried to make some kind of loadingscreen...not good but.

I actually do like that one =P
Though, a bit too much cartoon effect =/
I'll consider this though ^^
If any other person makes one, I will put up a poll or something for loading screen thingy :D


Working on a Map
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Oh yeah, I just remembered something:
What's resetting Duel Turns? This happens rather often :(


So many apples
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Oh yeah, I just remembered something:
What's resetting Duel Turns? This happens rather often :(

When everyone has duel once, there will be a "duel reset".

Then anybody may deny once again, and everybody will take a turn once again =P

EDIT: Alright, I'm done with the bug fixes =)
Now, just a few ultimate coding, and I can release the next version.
After that, I won't be updating for a while, since I will start to make a winning condition (how many kills one need to have to win, etc.) and some extra options (like, extending the winning condition, by adding a minimum of creep kills and making the winner that needs like, 3 more kills or something to win, visible for all other players, so that the winning players will have presure on them ). After these are done, i will start to make 1-2 more Heroes. After that I will start to balance.

What you can do to contribute:
- ultimate Ideas
- New Hero Ideas ( Icons, spells, synergy )
- loading screen design
- test Map for any other Bugs and glitches


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Eternal Vampire
Ultimate: The vampire busts into a swarm of bats that rush to the target. does yz damage and improves the damage of blood swarm by x%. If more than 100 damage is done this way, the Eternal Vampire explodes and transforms into its true form for 15 secs.

Meh seems a little week, maybe a starting point

Edit: Ill try to make a loading screen just tell me about what


So many apples
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Eternal Vampire
Ultimate: The vampire busts into a swarm of bats that rush to the target. does yz damage and improves the damage of blood swarm by x%

Meh seems a little week, maybe a starting point

I don't know if you can play an animation backwards... Else, I would have done that ^.^ Maybe a bit more different... Since, it is too simple =/

Though I like the direction it is going


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Ancient Colossus Ultimate
Colosseum: When activated, the giant digs deep into the earth and rejoins it, becoming immobile but one with the ground. A magnificent colosseum is quickly built in an area of 1000 around him, trapping all enemies inside. During this ability, Iron Will is increased, and he can cast Crusher and Slayer for [50%] mana. The mighty walls last for up to 15 seconds, but have a total of [750] health and can be destroyed. Channeled.
*Extra: to make it so that he can actually do something if he traps an enemy and not just wait for allies to help, another addition is that his spells cooldowns are reduced by 50% or something.



Working on a Map
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Holy Crusader​
Ultimate: Divine Wings
Blessed by the strength of the Archangels, the Holy Crusader temporarily sprouts magical wings, gaining improved movement speed.
Divine Wings also cause Holy Crusader to regenerate health and mana whenever a spell triggers (including Cardinal's Faith).
Should he be slain before the spell ends, his spirit will persist through death to battle for 10 seconds. (Spirit is invulernable but has the same stats/items as the hero)
Elder Shaman​
Ultimate: Living Fire
The Elder Shaman summons the ever-burning Spirits of Fire. Whilst channeling this ability, he creates a huge fire that increases in size and does damage until he stops channeling. When he does, the fire turns into Spirits of Fire and strike a random enemy within range, dealing magical damage and leaving the target weak against fire, allowing the Elder Shaman to inflict much greater harm.

Good luck :)
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