dota allstars 6.13


"[If life=Dota] I'd have quit long ago" -- Acehart
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I'd like to, but first people need to start registering on my forums. It's pretty much me and conan and that's about it over there.

The dumb thing is that there are a bunch of CoD regulars on east who you will see quite often, and none of the dorks are registering forum accounts. Just an organization nightmare for me right now.


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Well, his forums are also on a site with a lot of traffic. Yours aren't.

However, as I said, you actually host your map. There is a small number of people who know your map and like it. Also, your map is a lot more finished, and you release your changes nice and regularly. I'm not sure when was the last time Conan actually released a version of his map, and he changes it a whole lot (it's technically still in beta), so you really have to play with him to get the most recent version. Basically, he's disorganized :p.

I'll register on your forums! I want to make a comment on the Anti-Paladin anyway.


"[If life=Dota] I'd have quit long ago" -- Acehart
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Cool, thanks.

And what's up with clan mm on east these days? Even the bot doesn't make an appearance half the time. It used to be (like a couple months ago) that a ton of people were found hanging out on there.


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I used to go there more, but no one ever really did anything. If more people would try to get games arranged there or something, more people would go there.


"[If life=Dota] I'd have quit long ago" -- Acehart
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I once got a game out of there with 56k, he picked engineer. Thought it was too strong. Then again, the enemy team charging his gun in groups of 3s sure made it look that way.


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Guys, stop taking shots at dota's stupid triggers (i netherstiked a tping hero and the fountain killed me...) and gameplay (lol clinkz 37-2 wow...). We all know its there, theres no need to remind us. However, it still is the most popular game you will find on B.Net... sad isnt it. Still, its a good game to play because of a number of factors...

1. Theres lots of ppl playing it so you dont see the same guy you played with yesterday join and whine about you camping (battleships ^^)

2. Item set, truely, dota has the best item set i have seen, easy to follow, while still having diversity.

3. Gameplay, i know i said it sucks but lots of ppl like to spend money on themselves instead of towers and see "name here" is beyond godlike!

4. Hero diversity, lots of different combos, some heroes are plain crap but 1/3 have really good themes and ways of playing (Yeah, i dont see Miturugi, Jean and Leto +3 others vs Pirate, Warden, and Pory +3 others all the time...)

5. Easy to play, you think people are here to say "omfg look at that 1337 mirco" after practicing for a month when they could... "LOLLOL i owned you n0Ob" with click and cast storm bolt the first time they play. I seriously dont see many hardcore players wanting "skill" games.

6. Custom game list dominance. The most important asset DotA has is its community. I would say 50%+ custom games are DotA, thats hard to beat when your game has like 1%... This is the most important part of a game, popularity. If it has a giant community, no one is gonna care if it sucks a little because unless they can host, the games that they want to play are like 1/1000 games while you see 1/2 games being Dota -ap PRO!!! (or -ar w/e)

Dota caters to the newbie mindset by offering a ton of blatantly overpowered heroes (you have to be a Terri Schaivo brand of brain dead to suck with a hero like Leoric, Lion, Rhasta, Lich, Sven, Banshee, Tinker, etc.) mixed up with some not so great ones, and then throw into the mix items that are so horrendously powerful that past the 10 minute mark the game becomes about items and not heroes or teamwork or tactics. Towers are nothing more than speedbumps, there is no downside to running from a fight (other than a little less farming time, but otherwise who cares if the tower falls, we have another inner one and a horribly hard to seige high ground one in the main base). All the heroes feel the same, and there is very little need to think, because all of the abilities are dead simple and autoaim, thus you don't need to be intelligent, skilled, or particularly on the ball to win a game of dota (the other team simply has to be less intelligent than you), and that is a winning recipe for appealing to the masses.
Its a winning recipe, so y dont you guys use it ^^ its like this kid is cheating on a test and gets 100% while you guys study till you drop and failed

Also, Ill go to your fourms more often Sud :)


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Wait, so his enemy tried to triple team the sentry gun? That didn't work? And how many times did they do that?

Wow, we really derailed this thread, huh.

@ Cres: Umm, you're talking about ToB in number 4.


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Well... Tob is an AoS, the only one that i see has over 5% of the custom games, excluding battleships (well its not REALLY dota type AoS)


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Yeah, but what does ToB have to do with good points about DotA? It just didn't make any sense. Maybe you just weren't clear enough.

Anyway, Sud: which forums can I actually post in?


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As in Dota has more variety than ToB, so therefore it doesnt get old the 20th time you play it


"[If life=Dota] I'd have quit long ago" -- Acehart
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no, they right clicked 56k and 56k happily focused his sentry gun on them. 56k 3, dorks 0

well cres, some things:

1. Theres lots of ppl playing it so you dont see the same guy you played with yesterday join and whine about you camping (battleships ^^)

I actually like playing with people I know are decent though

2. Item set, truely, dota has the best item set i have seen, easy to follow, while still having diversity.

I can't agree. CoD's itemset absolutely destroys dota's for specialization, and interesting fun to use items. Compare a WorldSlayer to *yawn* divine rapier. I find dota's items to be quite boring, I even like land of legend's items better than dota's. Items in dota are the turning point of the game, as in, once I get that heart I pwn every nub in here. Some of the best items in Dota are nothing more than attribute boosters even.

3. Gameplay, i know i said it sucks but lots of ppl like to spend money on themselves instead of towers and see "name here" is beyond godlike!

CoD offers both. I know people who are very good hero killers who go for item builds and it doesn't cost the team anything. Hero killers make incredible amounts of gold if they're good.

4. Hero diversity, lots of different combos, some heroes are plain crap but 1/3 have really good themes and ways of playing (Yeah, i dont see Miturugi, Jean and Leto +3 others vs Pirate, Warden, and Pory +3 others all the time...)

Disagree. How many variations of storm bolt are in Dota? Let's see, leoric, sven, shandalzare, chaos knight; you can consider ensnare and frostbite to be slightly different variations on that theme too. Where's the diversity when many heroes share the same abilities? To name some more, multiple heroes have impale. Multiple heroes have hex (hell even an item polymorphs). Multiple heroes have mirror images (of varying amounts granted). Multiple heroes have carrion swarm (unless they removed it off void which is possible). Goes on and on.

5. Easy to play, you think people are here to say "omfg look at that 1337 mirco" after practicing for a month when they could... "LOLLOL i owned you n0Ob" with click and cast storm bolt the first time they play. I seriously dont see many hardcore players wanting "skill" games.

Candyland is easy to play too, so why do games like Chess or Risk exist?

6. Custom game list dominance. The most important asset DotA has is its community. I would say 50%+ custom games are DotA, thats hard to beat when your game has like 1%... This is the most important part of a game, popularity. If it has a giant community, no one is gonna care if it sucks a little because unless they can host, the games that they want to play are like 1/1000 games while you see 1/2 games being Dota -ap PRO!!! (or -ar w/e)

Britney Spears has musical industry dominance, or at least has a good piece of it, as well as a retarded community. I'm sorry, are you listing this as an attack or a defense against dota?

Its a winning recipe, so y dont you guys use it ^^ its like this kid is cheating on a test and gets 100% while you guys study till you drop and failed

At least, until the kid goes to university and gets owned as he's unable to cheat anymore and the professors are profesional enough to be able to see right through his internet copied essays.

Also, Ill go to your fourms more often Sud

Cool, leave some comments if you get some time. I'm so busy trying to think up new stuff some things might need some attention put on them. Thanks.

edit: I approved your account Sarg so you should be able to post in anything related to discussions. I think just the download and developer info forums are locked. But any discussion forum is open.


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Sud, you mistake my post as an attack on CoD which its not (umm i think you mistook it anyway :p)

I am just pointing out what dota has that some other AoS's dont and what makes it more popular of course, I myself dont have a released game competing against DotA so i probably dont understand y you all hate its position in B.Net


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You're listing that, and in return he's listing how CoD has all of that, and better versions of all of that, too. I think he got your post perfectly right.


"[If life=Dota] I'd have quit long ago" -- Acehart
Reaction score
I know Cres, because you actually play CoD, I'm just saying that I don't agree with the reasons that it's holding #1.

I actually wouldn't have a problem if it was something like ToB holding #1. At least ToB hints at some innovation and decent triggering, has a good skinning fanbase, and isn't stolen from another mapmaker.


I do not say anything bad about CoD buty about DoTA neither.... People like it and it's very popular... it's an pretty old map with a lot of fans... Any map could get there... I think the people like at DoTA the fact that new versions come in fast with things added... they always play another hero (too many heroes) and that the items can rule the game... I do NOT play DoTA because i don't like it .... who knows ... maybe one day 50% of games will be CoD! Who knows...

Anyway I'll visit your forum too , Sud.


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Sud you know what would make CoD the best map I have ever played? Making a fade filter saying 56k OwnZ J00.
I would host your map every night :)

More on-topic.

Has anyone played the blizzard made AoS. Halloween Extreme Candy Wars?
That is a great game, balanced and very unique.

Also I only see about 2-3 dota games in the custom game list out of about around 20. If you look there are more tower defences hosted more then dota. Since there are lots of tower defences most poorly made...but there are the unique few that keep tower defences around.

Battleships is rigged. They have a few rigged items in it. They have an item increasing speed by 400%, and another giving +70hp/sec regeneration.

Dota is pretty good, but it is rigged from the start, team with most kills 10 mins in wins. Unless you give all items to 1 player then that player will own all.

Why arn't players joining new aos games, because they don't want to. They don't want to get away from dota, to them icefrog is god even though they know sh*t about mapmaking or anything about dota.
Don't believe me they think he is god read this.

Warcraft III: RoC Keys
Greetings fellow gamers,

We are, again, looking for a few extra CD keys for bots associated with TDA and DotA.

If you have a RoC CD key, that is not being used, please send a PM to myself. We only need extra keys that are not being used and not obtained thru illegal methods.

Please note that when you play TFT, it DOES use the RoC key as well so don't send me the key that you are currently using or you will have problems signing in. Good keys would include keys from getting 2 copies of a game as a gift or whatever.

Any donation of a key would extremely helpful to the DotA community and you will feel better at night.


Thanks, do not need anymore at this time.

This was announced a week ago or so, and notice he added
Thanks, do not need anymore at this time.
This means he got a load of cdkeys, which means they think hes god, I bet if you talked to one of them on bnet and asked them to give you their cdkey they would say f*** off or something related...

Also they have a forum which requires MONEY $$$ to get in, people give him MONEY $$$, isn't that illegal? They ask for people to give them money to keep the site going.

Lets talk more about the dota gameplay shall we?

You die, the other team says LOL N00B.
You die again, the other team says LOL N00B OWNED!!!
Your team now complains they have a newb on their team for the reason they are *loosing*.

Ok say someone goes 3-0 or more. They start saying LOL YOU ALL SUCK NEWBS.
Everytime they kill someone they will say something along the line LOL YOU SUCK NEWB LEAVE.

How about the Clinks hero.
Oh, look I can windwalk and go behind heros and push a button and right click, damn im good now.

Also 90% of the spells are from, ALL the skins are from there to, same with icons. But they claim its theirs, giving no credit or saying they didn't make them. They give no credit because they want people to think their god.

Ever been in a TDA game, you leave and your banned for good from games.

Lets do a little ingame talk here about this.

You:I g2g its important.
Them: Leave your shitlisted.
You: I f*cking have to go its important.
Them: Leave your shitlisted.
You: F*ck you guys.
You has left the game.
Them: Shitlisted.

What if a power outage, internet disc, etc??

TDA thinks they can make their own rules for custom game play on

Im banning you from playing this custom game because this person said you left,even though I have no proof but I don't care SHITLISTED.

Lets talk about the gameplay again.

Say if its near end of the game, your whole team leaves, WO like 10,000 gold? Godlike items all for me? Sure. Now you own everyone and now you can win! Hmm...isn't when my allies leave im suppose to lose? Some balancing issues you got there...but I don't care because i'm going to win!

How about the allrandom mode, one team gets mass casters, other gets mass stunners. Stunners win in 20 mins.

How about the item drop mode, when you lose a random item when your hero dies. Yes finally saved up for this godlike item, sh*t I died, NO LOST MY ITEM. Game over.

CoD Talk

Unique = True + 1
Custom Spells = True + 1
Custom Heros = True + 1
Good Terrain = True + 1
If True > 3 Then
Goodgame = True
Goodgame = False
End if

What I like about CoD, its different and I like it.
You die, no big deal.
You kill a hero, little improvement, got a long way to win.
Lose a tower, its ok we can still win by skill unlike a game I know.
Kill a tower, looks like we're doing good, but still a long ways to win.
Ah ha got a good item, but I can still die because of a word called balanced.


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maerlyn said:
I wrote a post defending dota and then I realized: you're right.

So yeah, dota's pretty crappy. But there's nothing better to play. If I saw CoD, I'd play it. Never seen it hosted though. Why not make a clan? Organize some matches? I'd play.

A: You look more closely at the details and see it the way I see it, nobody has done that which is why DotA is popular.
B: CoD isn't hosted because DotA is hosted so often, its nearly impossible to get regulars to play a map you create because all of the 'regulars' are playing dota
C: It's not entirely that DotA is a 'Bad' map... in fact, besides the imbalanced items, the assholes, the imbalanced heroes, imbalanced abilities, and everything else about the map... the maps not that bad :rolleyes:

Dota caters to the newbie mindset by offering a ton of blatantly overpowered heroes (you have to be a Terri Schaivo brand of brain dead to suck with a hero like Leoric, Lion, Rhasta, Lich, Sven, Banshee, Tinker, etc.) mixed up with some not so great ones, and then throw into the mix items that are so horrendously powerful that past the 10 minute mark the game becomes about items and not heroes or teamwork or tactics. Towers are nothing more than speedbumps, there is no downside to running from a fight (other than a little less farming time, but otherwise who cares if the tower falls, we have another inner one and a horribly hard to seige high ground one in the main base). All the heroes feel the same, and there is very little need to think, because all of the abilities are dead simple and autoaim, thus you don't need to be intelligent, skilled, or particularly on the ball to win a game of dota (the other team simply has to be less intelligent than you), and that is a winning recipe for appealing to the masses.

[bold]Its a winning recipe, so y dont you guys use it ^^ its like this kid is cheating on a test and gets 100% while you guys study till you drop and failed[/bold]

Thats a true braindead dota fan reply now isnt it Cres? Its people like you that ruin games that are fun by exploiting the few imbalances and bugs to the max pissing everyone else off causing them to stop playing, then less people host it, less people discover it, its history...


"[If life=Dota] I'd have quit long ago" -- Acehart
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56k has it completely and utterly nailed right down to the dialog in games. The #1 word uttered in dota absolutely must be noob. Thanks for the compliments btw.

I'm not going to be so arrogant as to say that cod's perfectly balanced, but crap, I watched a paladin and an anti paladin duel 1v1 the other day (in an enclosed area). They both died. A battle that close between two similar, but very different, heroes really shows the balance.

Well don't jump too hard on Cres, he actually plays cod on occasion, but for some reason he likes to devil's advocate for dota.


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As does everyone who plays dota, if your wanting a fair and balanced game with a nice atmosphere you wont find it there...
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