Other Elemental Footman Frenzy


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Elemental Frenzy Beta v1.5

Elemental Frenzy Beta v1.5


I know, I know, Footman Wars maps have been beat to death, but I'd still like to try my hand at it; I've got a few ideas that I think are pretty damn cool.

Ideas I'm currently toying with, please leave some feedback about them:
Elemental Alternate Tiers: How to tech to the tiers
Upgrade Points: Earned by killing enemy units, used to upgrade players' units and purchase certain items.
Elemental Walls and Traps: Would work similar to the Elemental Alternate Tiers, though I haven't decided on a "Teching" system yet.
Lumber: Used to buy creeps. When killed, creeps give a lumber bounty, allowing for a constant "recycling" of lumber among players. To get lumber back, enemy creeps must be killed.
Event Bonuses: Happen when certain events occur and give various bonuses. For example, when a team picks the three original Undead heroes, they each receive an Infernal(or an Inferno Stone).


I used paint to crop it, so its pretty bad looking, but its how the base terrain currently looks. The diamond grass is for towers, the square patches are for unit spawns, and the diagonal patch is for walls.

New ideas:

New Spawned Units
I'm redoing the spawned units for each tier and race. Right now, they look like this:
Initial Spawn: Militia
Human: Footman, Rifleman, Knight, Elite Royal. All units have the ability superior weaponry, which adds +3 damage.
Orc: Grunts, Raiders, Kodo Beasts(Riderless), Tauren. All units have berserk.
Night Elf: Archer, Huntress, Dryad, Hippogryph Rider. All units have Elune's Grace
Undead: Ghoul, Zombie, Skeleton Archer, Abomination. All units have disease cloud.
Ok, so its not a big change, but there's really not that many units to choose from. Anyway, here's how the extra elemental tiers look:
Earth: Mud Golem, Rock Golem, Granite Golem, Graboid
Storm: Lightning Lizard, Storm Crow, Thunder Hawk, Storm Wyrm
Water: Water Elemental, Reef Elemental, Sea Elemental, Berserk Elemental
Fire: Lava Spawn, Flame Beast, Blazing Elemental, Phoenix
Alternate Tiers
In addition to the elemental tiers, players will have the option of teching to alternate tiers based on the unit currently spawning.
For example:
Rifleman - Can be upgraded to spawn marines
Knights - Can be upgraded to spawn royal knights

I've got quite a bit more, but I'm gonna leave this one a bit of a surprise. I will tell you that once the alternate tier is upgraded to, a series of other tiers will follow, which can result in an alternate tier 5 unit(The Knight's alternate tier will end up spawning Paladins).

Elemental Alternate Tiers: A great idea has been donned upon me(thanks wc3shady) for elemental alternate tiers, made by combining elements. Though I can't be totally sure of how the system will be, right now my idea is this:
Elemental builders will be added and can build (unit spawning?) structures. Based on the element built, alternate tiers may be teched to from there. Here's what I've got so far:
Fire + Storm = Plasma
Fire + Water = Steam
Fire + Earth = Combustion
Fire + Fire = Lava

Storm + Water = Wind
Storm + Earth = Cosmic (A "rock storm" or a meteor shower produces ALIENS)
Storm + Storm = Light

Water + Earth = Nature
Water + Water = Ice

Earth + Earth = Metal

Like I always say, if you have ideas, post them.
Builder System:
Multiple different builders will be available to buy, which can build extra spawning buildings according to race. Appropriate towers will also be available, along with a farm with a defensive ability. Builders can be hired from their separate tavern. Buildings can be built on three separate patches of grass. Each player has four, with the main base occupying one. If a player leaves, more buildings may be built in his spot. This way, teams are not lost when players leave.

Builders cost 900 gold.

I plan on completing a human, orc, night elf, and undead builder. I may also add a naga, high elf, demonic, and bug builder, and perhaps others.

I will probably add elemental builders as well.

Right now, half completed human, orc, night elf, and undead builders are available.

Here's what the base terrain looks like:

I used paint to crop it, so its pretty bad looking, but its how the base terrain currently looks. The diamond grass is for towers, the square patches are for unit spawns, and the diagonal patch is for walls.
Buildable Buildings/Units:
If you want to know what the builders themselves can build, you can download the map and see for yourself. I'm leaving the siege tank section up as a "notepad" for myself.
Siege Tanks:
Human: Siege Engine - Has the flame barrage upgrade, which gives a short range, high speed flame attack. (May also be multi-shot)
Orc: Catapult - Has the Burning Oil upgrade, which coats projectiles in flaming oil. Units killed by flaming oil will be incinerated, causing damage to nearby units.
Undead: Meat Wagon - Has the Exhume Corpses upgrade, which allows meat wagons to generate corpses. When the corpses are dropped, they are animated back to life.
Night Elf: Glaive Thrower - Has the Seeded Blades upgrade, which gives a bonus to attack damage and allows the attack to bounce onto multiple targets. Units affected by Seeded Blades will spawn a treant on death.
Earth: Rock Monster - Melee siege unit, has the Quaker upgrade, which gives the Rock Monster a bonus to damage, plus the ability to slow and deal damage per second to nearby units as it moves and attacks.
Storm: Cumulonimbus Cloud - Has the Dynamo upgrade, which gives the ability to hurl lightning bolts at organic units, dealing damage and stunning them.
Fire: Burning Contraption: - Has the Raging Inferno upgrade, allowing the Contraption to cast Rain of Chaos.
Water: Super Soaker - Has the Acid Rain upgrade, giving the Soaker a bonus to damage and an attack which reduces armor and causes damage per second.

Tier 5
Will spawn powerful heroes with strong abilities: (Buildings themselves will have powerful abilities as well)
Earth: Spawns Earth Beetles(Crypt Lords), has bash, spiked carapace, and can burrow (Earthquake)
Storm: Spawns Thunderbirds, has a Bouncing attack and Lightning Shield. (Thunderstorm)
Fire: Spawns Firelords, have Phoenix Fire and incinerate (Volcano)
Water: Spawns Mermaids (Naga Sea Witches), have slippery and Frost Arrows (Blizzard)
Undead: Spawns Dreadlords, have the Unholy Frenzy ability (Death and Decay)
Orc: Spawns Tauren Chieftans, have the stomp ability (Stampede)
Night Elf: Spawns Priestesses of the Moon, have the searing arrows ability (Starfall, or Tranquility)
Human: Spawns Mountain Kings, have the bash ability, but I may change the ability later (Resurrection)
Base Defense
EDIT: A defensive builder will be available in the mercenary camp which builds walls and traps. Another shop will be added(next to the shops in the bases) which will sell mines and other items that will aid in defense of bases. So far, there are three kinds of defenses:

Walls: Walls will be built by a hired defensive builder(hire from the mercenary camp). The way the terrain is right now, if built next to each other seven will seal the base in so no units can leak through. The basic wall is built first, then upgraded into other walls. I've created these kinds of walls so far:
Rubber Wall: Has the Defend and Magic Defense abilities, upgrades to Elastic Wall, then Mirror Wall.
Mirror Wall: Has very powerful Defend and Magic Defense abilities. Also has Divine Shield.
Gate Wall: Stronger wall, not as strong as the iron wall, but allows units in and out.
Electric Fence: Weaker wall, but causes damage per second to units near it, and has a chance to temporarily paralyze enemies. Upgrades to Energy Fence, then Plane of Light.
Plane of Light: Units which attack it have a chance to miss when attacking, also deals damage per second. Requires Storm Teching.*
Earth Wall: Wall that is especially strong but has no extra abilities. Upgrades to Rock Wall, then Iron Wall.
Iron Wall: Wall that is especially strong, has a chance to create a shock wave every time it is struck. Requires Earth Teching.*
Wall of Fire: Weaker wall coated in flames which do damage per second to nearby enemies. Upgrades to Wall of Raging Flames, then Wall of the Cosmos.
Wall of the Cosmos: Has a phoenix fire ability, doing damage per second from a distance. Requires Fire Teching.*
Frozen Wall: Strong wall which slows attacking units and has a chance to evade attacks. Requires Water Teching.*
Fluidic Wall: Very weak wall with high hitpoint regeneration, also has a 25% evasion. Upgrades to Liquid Wall, then Frozen Wall.
Lava Wall: Has a high hitpoint regeneration and deals damage per second. Requires Earth or Fire Teching.*
Natural Wall: Has a thick shell of spiked bark, returns damage to attackers.
Extraterrestrial Wall: Wall not from this Earth...when struck, inflicts parasite on the attacker. Requires Earth or Storm Teching.*
Wall of Winds: High evasion, chance to knock back attackers. Requires Water or Storm Teching.*
Steam Wall: Suffocates attackers(damage per second) and causes them to miss attacks sometimes. Requires Fire or Water Teching.*
Plasma Wall: Wall composed of the fourth state of matter, attacking units will have damage reduced and be burned with damage per second. Requires Storm or Fire Teching.*

*Depending on the element of the current wall, certain elements may need to be built/researched in order to upgrade to these walls. I have not decided the system yet of which Elements will be teched to.

Mines: Mines cause area of effect damage when activated. Mines are expended when activated, and are therefore cheaper.
Goblin Land Mine: Basic mine, causes area of effect damage when stepped on.
Fire Mine: Causes a flame strike when activated, best used with a stunning ability or trap.
Frost Mine: Emits a Frost Nova when activated, causing area of effect damage and affected units to be slowed.
Electric Mine: Shocks all nearby units with Forked Lightning when stepped on.
Tremor Mine: Causes an earthquake when activated.
Beehive: Releases a swarm of angry bees when disturbed. WARNING: May attack friendly units as well as enemies.
Fun Box: Disguised as treasure, the fun box releases a creature which randomly attacks units. WARNING: May attack friendly units as well as enemies.
Cow Pie: Units which step in this nasty thing will have their movement speed slowed and may miss attacks because of the gnarly smell clouding their eyes.

Traps:Traps are also built by the defensive builder. Traps are set up to cause various attacks when activated by enemy units. Traps are more expensive than mines, as they are not expended after one attack. Some traps can be upgraded into more powerful traps. I've got this so far:
Ensnare Trap: Ensnares nearby enemy units within an area of effect.
Root Trap: Multiple entangling roots are cast upon enemies within an area of effect
Bio Trap: Releases toxic gases which poison nearby enemy units
Spike Pit: Damages enemy units which walk over it
Impaling Trap: When activated, releases spikes in an area around the trap which cause damage and stun enemy units.
Stun Ward: You know what this does
Laser Trap: When two laser points are connected, they link together with a super hot beam of energy which causes searing damage to enemies which walk through it.
Mud: Units are greatly slowed when walking through it
Quicksand: Upgraded version of mud, units may sink into quicksand and die if treading in it for too long(heroes don't sink in)
Hot Coal Bed: Causes damage per second as units walk on it. Can be upgraded to:
Lava: Causes damage per second, units killed by lava will be incinerated

I may do the Elemental thing for traps like I've done for walls, although I may also leave them alone...I haven't decided yet.

Random Events
I had the idea to make a random event every few minutes to spice up gameplay and loosen the monotony. Here are the ideas I've had so far:
In the central area:
Night of the Living Dead: All the corpses in the middle are reanimated as neutral hostile units and will begin attacking everyone.
Rain of Chaos: Several neutral hostile infernals fall and begin attacking nearby units
Earthquake: An earthquake...kinda self-explanatory
Thunderstorm: A blizzard pours down, lightning strikes random units, and cyclones randomly toss units into the air.
Meteor Shower: Starfall all over the center
Hungry Hungry Kodos: Kodo Beasts swarm the center, devouring random units.
The Dust Bowl: Dust clouds the air, causing all units to miss 33% of the time. Random units may also be caught in cyclones. Locusts also fill the air, biting and tearing at organic units.
Tsunami: A crushing wave rips though the arena, causing damage to all in its path. Numerous water elementals are left behind it.
Golden Shower: Gold coins rain down into the center, giving 25 gold each. There's a lot of coins...and sorry about the name, I just find it hilarious.
A Gift from the Gods: All players receive 500 gold, and maybe a unit.
Swamp Thing: The central area turns into a swamp, reducing movement speed. Sludge Creatures also spawn from the swamp and attack units.
Gone but not Forgotten: Multiple Forgotten Ones are spawned into the middle of the arena.
Naval Battle: The center fills with water and multiple ships and aircraft attack the central area
Nature's Call: Trees attack and such
Elemental Footies: All players are given a set of Elemental Footmen which are very powerful**
Rabid Rabbit: The rabid rabbit spawns in the middle of the arena. It is very deadly and can only be killed by a holy hand grenade, one of which spawns in front of each player's base. The rabbit has a very high bounty, and leftover grenades can be used to kill enemy units.
Avalanche: Several rocks fall down at random, forming Earth Elementals and stunning units they land on.
Mine Field: Several different mines are randomly thrown about the arena.
Judgement Day: Machines become self-aware, and several rampaging robots attack the center
Elemental Fury: Several different elements spawn into the center arena
War Zone: Marines and tanks attack the center, random bombs fall
Magma: Magma seeps up from the Earth's crust, burning units in the center and spawning hostile Fire Elementals.
Heat Lightning: Lightning randomly strikes units, hostile lightning elementals are spawned.
Static Electricity: Every unit is given a lightning shield which shocks nearby units.
Bountiful Harvest: All players are given extra food*
Elemental Frenzy: All players are given a set of Elementals to be used as they wish**
Wyrm Frenzy: All players are given a set of Wyrms: Frost Wyrms, Storm Wyrms, Earth Wyrms, and Flame Wyrms.**
Dragon Frenzy: A swarm of dragons attack the center, and players are given a set of dragons.**
Parasitic Infection: All units in the center are afflicted with the parasite status; when units die, parasites spawn from their corpses. Parasites have the ability to infect other units with parasite.
Duel: All heroes are warped to the center arena and all units are warped back to their starting point. Gates block heroes inside the arena, last hero standing wins a prize(probably gold, maybe a unit or an item).*
Holy Blessing: Healing Spray rains down from the sky, and Holy Lights heal random units.
Holy Shit: "Mud" rains down from the sky. Units hit by "mud" will be slowed and have reduced damage. After the rain is done, the arena will smell awful, so much so that it clouds the eyes of units in the center, causing them to miss a percentage of their attacks.
Salty Sea Air: A sea breeze blows by, rusting and crippling all mechanical units.
Taken by Vultures: A flock of vultures attacks, devouring random units. Vultures can also cannibalize.
Alien Invaders: Aliens invade and such
Divine Intervention: The elemental gods attack the center
Zombie Horde: Various kinds of zombies attack
Nuclear Bomb: An A-bomb goes off in the center, causing massive damage to those near the blast. Units not killed will become mutants, and random mutations will spread throughout the arena.
The Father, The Spirit, and the Holy Ghost: A holy trinity attacks the center
The Crusades: Holy warriors attack, slaughtering the unholy(they go after everyone)
A Siren's Soliloquy: Sirens charm lots of nearby units
THOR: The THOR trio attacks, consisting of ThunderTHOR, LuTHOR, and SkeleTHOR.
Caravan: An unwitting caravan crosses through the middle, breaking it may wield treasure, or danger...
Avast!: Pirates attack, and since the only thing that can kill a pirate is another pirate, all players are given pirates of their own.**
The Krakken: A mighty beast lurks beneath the waves...

Units spawned in the middle of the arena will have a high bounty, so it pays to have those events.

*I may or may not use this one
**Beware, the given units have high bounty, so avoid letting them die

Racial Buffs: These will affect specific races only. Unlike central area events, these affect all proper units all over the map, not just in the center area.
Positive Buffs:
Eclipse: Turns the time of day to night, giving Night Elves permanent invisibility and increasing their hitpoint regeneration.
Pestilence: Gives a temporary armor bonus and hitpoint regen bonus to undead units
Battlehorn: Gives all human units a temporary bonus to attack damage and attack speed
Blood of Battle: The air becomes heavy, and the smell of blood lingers. All orc units are bloodlusted.
Calm before the Storm: The air is full of electricity, giving storm units a bonus to damage and move speed.
High Tide: The arena becomes flooded, giving water units a bonus to attack and move speed.
Global Warming: Gives fire units a bonus to hitpoint regeneration and damage
Rock Solid: Gives earth units a bonus to armor and damage

Negative Buffs: These affect races negatively. They do not provide bonuses to other races, they only weaken the target race.
High Noon: The night elves are at their weakest and can be seen very easily. They have reduced armor.
Maggots Prey upon the Living Dead: Maggots infest decaying bodies, the undead slowly lose hitpoints.
Sea Breeze: Human weapons rust, causing a decrease in damage
Arrogance: Orcs find these enemies too weak, and are bored of fighting them. All orc units fall asleep.
Anti-Conduction: Enemies become coated with rubber, weakening the attacks of storm units. Units have decreased damage
Cold Snap: It's cold, and fire units have a hard time moving. Movement speed is decreased.
Drought: Water units evaporate into the air because of a drought. Units slowly lose hitpoints.
Plate Tectonics: Earth units are much less sturdy because of shifting soils. Attacks sometimes miss.

For the Elemental Alternate Tiers where elements are combined, I'm thinking that they will never be affected by racial random events as an added bonus(but also somewhat of a cripple, since they don't receive buffs or debuffs).

Let me know what you think, or if this is even a good idea...I'm not sure, it could be obnoxious.

If you have any ideas, suggestions, or criticism about my ideas, go ahead and post.

Artist: I could use a loading screen for this game...something to do with the shit in the game...predominantly elements. Anyone interested?
Cinematics maker(For the random events)
JASS guy for spells and such(mostly for random events right now)

I'll keep updating that list when the need presents itself, and of course credit will be given to anyone who helps me.

Misc. Descriptions
Heroes: Heroes can be leveled to Level 18 right now, having three basic skills (four levels) and one ultimate (three levels).

As far as items go, I've created some of my own, hopefully balanced, and recipes WILL NOT be a part of my map, as I find them obnoxious. Recipes are only useful to those who know how to create them. Tomes will also not be included, those just create jacked up heroes, which creates imbalances.

Naturally, the map will try to be more unit based since there is an extra spawning system, but I have created some powerful items, so a solo hero approach is possible, though more difficult.

Check out the map for yourself if you're curious as to how it's going to work. There's no AI right now, but I might be adding an AI system. Also, if you have any suggestions on what should be in the map, feel free to post them.

NEW: I added a trigger where players are given about half the bounty value of their units each time one dies. This applies to tier units and buildable spawned units only. Creeps, builders, buildings, summons, and heroes are not included.

The new version is finally out! Here's the download link: http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/maps.php?view=1318


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:thup:First of:

Give your Viewers sum more Information.

There are Hundreds of Footman Frenzy maps:
-How do u want to make it Different&Better in your way?
-Why Should we play your Footman Frenzy Map.

If you got something already,get a Screenshot.


New Member
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here some tips that I'm using

same concepts is fine, like the goals, but make it more unique like different soawnign system and such.


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The basic idea of the map is that along with the basic footman frenzy style, a player has the option of building support units to, well, support his army. From the beginning, the player will go to the taverns to buy heroes like normal, but there is also a builder tavern with racial builders for hire(just human right now, with a few other racial buildings thrown into it, its not so organized just yet).

The builders will each cost 1000 gold along with certain supportive units(likely the tier 2 casters) costing 1000 gold, giving the player the option of a hero or a different style of teching. More powerful spawns will eventually be available for more gold(and possibly a certain tier requirement if I can figure out how to do that). Oh yeah, and the upgrades for the units are also available for research in the support buildings(Preist, Sorceress, Banshee Training, etc.).

Along with that, another detail I didn't mention is that there are four extra tiers available for upgrading. I've only got one in place right now, but I plan on having the rest created should the game become popular enough. These extra tiers are more expensive as they spawn more powerful units with unique abilities to their race.

I also may add a tier 5 should the map be successful enough.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated, and used if I like the idea. Credit will be given, of course.


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Before I explain my idea, well, I also have another map on the style of Footman Frenzy. Tropical Assault.

For now there are some sh***y bugs in v1.5c but this might give you some inspiration for Footies maps.

I'm not telling you to base your map with the ideas I used for my map, just to tell you my goals. My actual goal is to rescuscitate the Footman Wars genre and make it popular again. With the help of fellow and kind members from Mod DB I can pull this off.

If your map uses heroes then hero duels are a great idea! A wider space for your map and some really cool terraining are simple and good stuff. Think of the terrain as the main highlight for your map. Loading screen and a map preview with decent graphics can make the map great and unique.

Lastly, AI is the best idea out there. Only a few footman frenzy maps like mine possess AI scripts for units, and mine allows players to select a race, a unit type and a hero that the AI 'likes', and including the CPU's attack strategies. AI is quite complicated and hard to code, and it took me 3 weeks just to make basic AI like that, but in the end it will work better than before.


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Well, I am pretty new to map making, so I really have no idea how to code AI. As for the hero arena, I had actually thought of that today. I've still got to think of how it'll exactly play out but I think I can make something pretty damn cool. Something along the lines of initiating a vote, then having a majority vote as to whether it should happen. From there, either the heroes are transported to a separate dueling arena, or I move them all to the center where invulnerable gates block the heroes and units from getting out/in. I'm still thinking about it, and I've still got quite a few bugs to work out on my own map, so I'm going to focus on that right now, but thanks for the ideas, well appreciated.


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if your new to map making then it will be very hard for you to make your own footies map and have it get popular.


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Yeah, I know, but you gotta start somewhere right? Besides, I've worked on this thing forever and I'm sure as hell not giving up, despite setbacks...like lacking the ability to host, that's a big one, but I've probably got that figured out. Plus, the forum will hopefully help with distribution.


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The reason why Footman Frenzy/Wars is impaled on a stake is because there are more than 1000+ footies maps out there of the same type. People have been hacking through other people's footies maps and began making their own crazy maps, that's why the general public didn't have an interest in playing the maps anymore. I only liked to play 2 footies maps, my Tropical Assault and Call to Arms.

For a good start you can read really cool map-making tutorials Here. With a lot of patience and determination to excel at mapmaking, I assure you will make it to the top and make cool maps.

Start small, create a map and practice creating triggers and such stuff, then go big.:thup:


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From what I've seen of the general people and with my own experiences, I gotta think that people like a simple map which is familiar but has subtle differences that make the experience totally different. That's basically what I'm trying to accomplish, and everyone can tell me what they think of Elemental Footies, as I'm just about to release it's beta.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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I like footman wars. It would be nice to see one that's been updated with different options.


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Well, that's what I'm trying to do, just fixing a few more bugs then it'll be ready for release. If I can get my computer to let me host games I'll be hosting on U.S. East.


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Ok, footies has been remade so much so this is what i want to see:
  • Make the terrain different, like make a maze to the middle or make a huge map with small bases or something, but all footy layouts are the same...
  • Have like every, say, third units or random unit or something be more powerful, mix it up!
  • Put in custom models if possible.

You dont need any of these, but a few would be nice!


Minecraft Server OP, Inactive.
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Ok, footies has been remade so much so if u want it to be popular:
  • Make the terrain different, like make a maze to the middle or make a huge map with small bases or something, but all footy layouts are the same...
  • Have like every, say, third units or random unit or something be more powerful, mix it up!
  • Put in custom models if possible.

You dont need all of these, but a few would be nice!
That is just your opinion. Others might think differently.


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Make the terrain different, like make a maze to the middle or make a huge map with small bases or something, but all footy layouts are the same...
A maze would be obnoxious, most footy players I know don't want to traverse through a maze to fight each other, they like the big open arena to murder everything. The terrain is pretty generic right now, but I'll change it up a bit later.
Have like every, say, third units or random unit or something be more powerful, mix it up!
The hire builder/build extra spawns system was designed to put extra units in the game and to allow many different styles of gameplay. Eventually all races will have their own builders with their own respective buildable casters, a powerful ranged/melee unit, siege unit, and a tank unit which will be incredibly powerful.
Put in custom models if possible.
I will eventually be adding custom models as the map expands and grows, but I'm going to limit it as much as possible, as games with too many custom models tend to have long download and load times which can turn many players away. For example, Nintendo Footies has a painfully long download and load time, and I've only played it once and probably will not play it again because of that, its really annoying.


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True... its just stuff that i dont see, but yeah its just my opinion... Will edit.


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Its cool, opinions are good, and so are suggestions, anything that can potentially make the map better.


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Hmm, the first alpha release of my footies map, Tropical Assault will be done soon on November.

Some suggestions:
Basic AI, create a trigger that orders all Computer players to attack at the middle of the map every say like 90 seconds.
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