WIP Epic Dungeon Siege


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I'm decided to resurrect an old project of mine, and to finish it up. The concept was simple: One player takes the role of the Dungeon Master, and the rest of the players are Heroes. The Dungeon Master has to defend his dungeon heart for one hour. The Heroes have one hour to crush the dungeon heart. Pretty straightforward.

But here's where it gets more interesting. From the DM's perspective, the game is a normal top-down RTS. The catch is, the enemies are significantly stronger than you - Since they're all powerful heroes. The DM's units are cheap and plentiful, and you can see the entire dungeon - no fog of war for you.

The Heroes have to contend with Fog of War in the dungeon, and never quite knowing what they'll run into. Hordes of enemies will be around every corner. Most will fall easily under your attacks, but each enemy has a specialty - watch out for clever traps. Spellcasters must beware, for several dungeon creatures have feedback abilities, etc. Hidden traps are a bane for melee heroes.

The map is already mostly done. It's littered with features, but it's not overloaded or overwhelming like most maps of it's kind. Being the DM has a bit of learning curve to get real good at it, but it's still a ton of fun. The game automatically scales to balance, also. Heroes start with 1000 gold split amongst them, so the more Heroes, the less gold per player. The DM gets an additional 100 gold per Hero at start, and it also increases his base gold income. (Gold for the DM is earned automatically every 30 seconds) - In addition, all of the creatures and structures in the dungeon increase their health and damage for each Hero.

A full party could mean normally weak zombies turn into hordes of terror, so it's important for Heroes to work together. But if the Heroes work together and select a good class combination, they can be quite a force themselves. Warriors are lethal as it is, and when backed by a Cleric he can be almost unstoppable. Throw a Sorcerer into the mix for powerful AOE attacks, and you've quite a match on your hands.

5 Dungeon Masters and 23 Heroes give the game quite a few options on how to be played. Each Dungeon Master has a few unique structures, abilities and creatures. Every Hero has 4 powerful skills.

I plan on releasing a test map so for the public (since I can't host from my computer for some reason) but I want to finish up a few more things first. I have the Heroes all picked out, but i'm missing a few abilities here and there, and I could use some ideas.

Here's the incomplete Heroes, along with the current skill list setup for them.
Skills in ( ) are normal skills. Skills in { } are ultimate skills. Normal skills have 5 levels. Ultimate skills have 2 levels.

(Skilled Evasion) Adds a chance to dodge strikes. Gets quite powerful. (15%/20%/25%/30%/35%)
(Stunning Blow) Adds a chance to stun an opponent when struck. Also powerful.
(Counterattack) Reflects a % of damage back at enemies.
{?} ?

Arcane Archer
(?) ?
(?) ?
(Summon Scout) Channel. Creates a 'locust' scout owl to fly to the target point. Lasts 15 seconds. Detects traps.
{?} ?

Shield Bearer
Has no cast animation, so mostly passive abilities and attack-related abilities.
(Defend) Normal Defend ability, but considerably more powerful. High chance to deflect arrows back.
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(?) ?
{Mana Shield} Powerful mana shield to protect the Shield Bearer.

Focus is on support by manipulating spells. Has a natural Brilliance Aura.
(Replenish Mana) Transfers mana to friendly units. Autocast.
(?) ? [Some sort of attack]
(Siphon Mana) Drains 20/30/40 mana per second, for 10 seconds. 15 second cooldown.
{Magic Defense} Immune to magic while active, but reduces move speed by 30%.

Goblin Tinker
(Construct) Spellbook. Contains various things the Tinker can build.
- [Clockwork Goblin] Creates a permanent small goblin robot. Cheap, moderate cooldown.
- [Automatic Turret] Builds a sentry gun emplacement. Lasts 90 seconds.
- [Clockwork Golem] Creates a powerful Clockwork Golem. Lasts 90 seconds. 5 second delay.
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Super Moderator
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I think the concept sounds pretty fun. I haven't played a map with the same Genre as this before (however, I rarely go on battle.net). I think this could be quite a fun map, once completed. Good Luck with it. :)




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I've been play testing the map with friends, we've had up to 5 players on the map so far. It's been very popular, and it's very intense. I personally love playing a Hero, i'm not real big on being the DM. But that's because I like the teamwork aspect and the strategy of how to attack the dungeon. One of my buddies absolutely rocks as a DM.

The nice thing about the design is not only the autobalance, but how the Hero levels tip the scale. With the Hero party all at level 1, the DM has the advantage. But as the Heroes hack and slash their way through the dungeon and level up, the power starts to tip to their favor. I've only had 1 out of about 18 games end in under 40 minutes. It's the last 20 or so where it gets very, very difficult for the DM to hold out. When you've got a party of 4 Heroes - all level 20, packing all their skills, and a crap load of items, trailing a crew of Mercs - it can be pretty tricky to stop them.

Usually the game ends with a 5-minute gap. Either the DM died with 5 minutes or less left on the clock, or the game ends and the Heroes only needed another 5 minutes or so to trash the heart. So far, with 2-6 players, the game seems to be VERY well balanced.


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This could be a very interesting map, one of those games where any role sounds fun to play. I hope to see it on battle.net sometime :D


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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I disagree :p passives are uber!

I agree, this concept sounds sooo interesting. Can't wait for this!

Please describe the heroes so we can help.

Fury of the Monks - when activated, drains mana per second but gives each attack a chance to go into 'fury' mode, dramatically increasing attackspeed for 3 seconds. Can only occur once every 5 seconds.

Arcane Archer
Arcane Shot (duh) - after taking a few seconds to aim, the archer fires a deadly and powerful arcane shot at a target, dealing massive damage to the target and minor splash damage to nearby enemies. (base: frost nova with a casting time and no slow, unless you want it to)

Accuray - [passive] - gives each shot to strike a vital point, dealing critical and multiplied damage.

I g2g now but I'll have more later.


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I got some ideas / notes:

- For the Shield Bearer you can give him an attack like the Mountain King's Avatar, with the idea that for like 20 seconds he does extra damage, takes less and pretty much goes wild.

- Also, why would the Shield Bearer have a Mana Sheild? Doesn't seem to fit. Maybe you can have an ability based off that, but under a different name. For example, if you can change the Shield Bearer's mana bar to say energy, then hits would drain his energy instead, which makes a lot more sense.

- Repelish Mana on the Spellweaver seems kind of a waste as they need a lot of mana over giving it away, in most games, maybe not this one, I obviously don't know. But maybe you can give that ability to the Monk instead. That'd make their role a lot more interesting, since most of their abilities are passive, the player will have more to do and this also means that they have more mana to spare, cause they are not using it for spells and such.

- Other than that, for the damage spell of the Spellweaver you may want to consider using the Blood Mage's Flame Strike attack (if that's the right name, can't recall), which is basically a pillar of fire that gets many units in a small region and looks very magic orientated.

- Arcane Archer might want to have an ability similar to stealth, in which they become invisible temporarily.

- Finally, the Goblin Tinker is the only one with the spell book, so he seems to overpower the rest. An idea would be to either let players just choose one possible unit to create, or have them all on the same cooldown, so only one can be used at a time.

Hope this all helps you in some way or another. Good luck making this map. :D


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Yeah, I was looking at the Monk closer this morning and realized I had given him all passive abilities so far. I don't like the idea of that either. I need some better ideas for making him a little more engaging. I want him to have at least two passives, I think. Due to the nature of the mana balance in the game, it actually makes him more powerful.

See, I setup Hitpoints and Mana kinda interesting. To keep things more 'realisitic', HP and MP regeneration has been set VERY low. Spellcasters boast a slightly increased MP regeneration, and Melee a slightly increased HP regeneration, but not enough to help much. So, Heroes rely very heavily on Health and Mana potions from the stores. Not very expensive, but enough to eat up precious cash - in addition, it eats up an item slot. (Items stack, but still)

Most of the Hero abilities have long cooldowns and such too. Generally, the abilities are pretty powerful with a solid mana cost and long cooldown. Makes the Hero gameplay more strategic.

Let's see, as for posted ideas:
I kinda like Accuracy, but Critical Strike is so overused. Maybe it should be an activated ability that temporarily doubles or triples the Archer's damage? Shouldn't be too hard, I don't think.

Stavious made a good point about the Mana Shield. I'll rename it to something else, but the general concept will be the same. How about Shield Focus?

I'm not sure I agree on the Spellweaver. See, there's two classes of Heroes - normal and special. Normal is mostly D&D based: Monk, Barbarian, Warrior, Paladin, Ranger, etc. Special is misc stuff: Battle Cleric, Goblin Tinker, Spellweaver, etc. The Spellweaver is a support character designed to assist other Heroes, by boosting their spellcasting abilities. Primarily, that means replenishing the mana of close allies.

I like the idea of giving the Arcane Archer some sort of Stealth ability, too.

Oh, and the Tinker isn't the only one with a spellbook like that. The Wizard class is LOADED with spells. (Two abilities are spellbooks with 5 spells each, and his ultimate is a spellbook that contains 2 spells. All told, by level 20 he knows 12 spells, plus whatever his main ability ends up being) And I don't think that's unfair - It just adds an element of flexibility. Each of the Wizard's spells will serve a different purpose, requiring him to stay very focused, and learn when to utilize each. The Thief has a spellbook ability for setting a variety of traps. The Shield Bearer now has a 'Guard Stance' spellbook which allows him to pick several stances. (Neutral/Pierce Guard/Magic Guard/Melee Guard), etc. There's a few that get that.

I'll post a list of all the Heroes in a bit, after I work on it for a bit tonight.

So I take it I can count on some people to help me test this out online? :shades:


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I'm furious! This was an amazing idea, and I can't believe I didn't come up with it! I want your map now! Not really that there's anything I could do about it, but... hey, nice idea. I'd love to play this. A suggestion I have before I give a list of skill ideas: Make multiple maps, importing the triggers from the map you're creating as of now to keep it constant. Include a different terrain for each: a fiery dungeon, an icy temple, ancient ruins, things like that. Incorporate the same heroes and DMs into each (except for an exclusive hero or 2 depending on the map). Variation is key: a ruins stage may have plenty of traps and sand or rock based monsters, while a fire themed dungeon may contain pools of lava and enemies that passively deal fire damage. It's all up to you.

(Burning Fist) The monk's fist moves with blazing speed, dealing heavy fire damage to an enemy. Attach a "Green Dragon" attack projectile to his "hand, right" attachment point for the ability.
{Burning Spirit} The monk creates a furious flame inside all of his nearby allies, increasing their attack rate and damage greatly for a short time. Base it on Inner Fire, set the Area of Effect high, and make the targets Self and Allies. I forgot which stats Howl of Terror reduces, but you could set those to negative values and set the targets if the attack rate and damage isn't an option.

(Mana Rift) Creates a surge of mana that travels in a line, damaging all enemies it hits. Based on Crushing Wave.

I'd love to help if possible!

Keep up the good work!


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I'll post a list of all the Heroes in a bit, after I work on it for a bit tonight.

OK yeah, this is why my ideas may not fit now, see I thought those were ALL of your heroes, which they apparently aren't...
I'll be happy to check out all of them and give you some more ideas when you post them up then :) .


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Here's the current Hero list. This is still undergoing revision, like I said before. The list is split into PRIMARY and SECONDARY Heroes. The Primary section is all core Heroes, mostly designed around D&D. Secondary Heroes are a little more unique, featuring some obscure concepts. They tend to be a little trickier to play, and most of them are designed to be more of a 'support' class.

Some of the numbers below have been tinkered with in the game already, so don't worry about them too much. Balance is being finely tuned, so a lot of values will change. Also, don't forget that Heroes have 20 levels and 5 skills, all together. 3 Primary Skills (5 ranks each), 1 Ultimate (2 ranks), and an Attribute Skill (3 ranks).

Also, I know a lot of the skills are pretty standardized, just reused and cleaned up a bit for each character. It's supposed to be that way. There's a lot of great skills in this game already, and with proper tuning and planning, they still rock in any project. Some skills i've just cleaned up by creating AOE versions of them, with channel. (Like Divine Protection, which is an AOE Inner Fire)

Epic Dungeon Siege Heroes

Primary Classes:
Powerful warrior. Focus is on high damage at reduced defense. Agility-based.
(Berserk) Attacks 50% faster, but he takes 25% more damage. Lasts 15 seconds.
(Battle Cry) Roar. Gives allies a 50% boost to damage for 12 seconds.
(Brawler) Drunken Brawler. % chance to dodge attacks, % chance to deal extra damage.
{Blazing Courage} Endurance Aura. Increases move speed and attack rate of friendly units.

Average Speed, powerful melee attacks, high HP.
(Cleaving Attack) Adds a chance that an attack will deal damage to nearby enemies.
(Stunning Blow) Adds a chance to stun on strike.
(Stomp) Slams the Ground, dealing damage to nearby units and slowing their movement.
{Vengeance} Increases attack, armor and HP of 30 seconds.

Quick, strong ranged attack, low HP. Permanent weak Trueshot Aura. (Instruction)
(Crippling Shot) Reduces movement and attack speed. Spendy.
(Sonic Shot) Basically an arrow version of Shockwave.
(Critical Strike) Adds a chance to deal triple damage.
{Arrow Barrage} Fires a barrage of arrows that deal 200 damage. 30 second cooldown.

Quick. Average melee attacks, average hitpoints. Amazing unarmed melee unit.
(Skilled Evasion) Adds a chance to dodge strikes. Gets quite powerful.
(Stunning Blow) Adds a chance to stun an opponent when struck. Also powerful.
(Counterattack) Reflects a % of damage back at enemies.
{?} ?

Average. Powerful melee attacks, high HP. Extremely slow mana regeneration.
(Holy Light) Heals allies or damages enemies.
(Divine Shield) Invulnerable for 15-30 seconds when activated.
(Devotion Aura) Increases the armor of nearby units.
{Reincarnation} When killed, the Paladin will resurrect after 5 seconds. (LONG Cooldown)

Combination active/autocast spells. Very fun to play, actually.
(Healing Touch) Short-range, autocast heal. Low mana cost.
(Healing Wave) Bouncing heal. Very powerful, very spendy.
(Divine Protection) Increases the armor of all allies in the target area for a short time.
{Resurrection} Returns up to 6 allies from the dead.

Specializes in weaker, faster magic than the Wizard.
(Fireball) Standard fireball spell, with a solid stun.
(Chain Lighting) Same as normal Chain Lightning, basically.
(Shockwave) Deals damage in a straight line.
{Flame Strike} Deals 25 damage for 10 seconds.

Specializes in slower, more powerful magic. Has a HUGE array of spells.
(?) ?
(Cantrips) Spellbook containing several cheap, basic spells.
- (Detect Evil) Casts 'Fairie Fire' on all enemies within a massive radius, revealing their location for a peroid of time.
- (Word of Mending) Rejuv. All allies in the target area regenerate 500 HP over 30 seconds. (-10s at L2)
- (Disruption) Ray of disruption. Bounces between enemies, dispelling buffs.
- (Wall of Air) AOE Slow. All enemies in the radius are slowed by 50% for 10 seconds.
- (Telekenesis) Object-target channel spell. Damages enemy units, or picks up an item at range.
(Incantations) Spellbook containing several spells.
- (Circle of Protection) Creates a COP with a tiny aura, that increases the armor of allies by 50. Lasts 30 seconds.
- (Thick Fog) Cloud. Disables ranged towers in a large area for 30 seconds.
- (Earthquake) Same, basically. Great anti-structure attack. Slows enemies.
- (Rain of Fire) Channel spell, expensive. Causes waves of fire for a long duration.
- (?) ?
{Lost Ledger}
- {Mass Teleport} Teleports all of the player's nearby units to a friendly structure.
- {Army of Light} Summons 6 light soldiers for 60 seconds. They should have a pretty aura on 'em. ;-)

Higher HP regeneration than most Heroes.
(Bear Form) Transform the Druid into a powerful Bear. Lower mana regeneration, stronger combat.
(Overgrowth) AOE Version of Entangling Roots. Level increases radius and duration?
(Summon Creature) Spellbook. Summons 1 of 3 creatures, each with a different special ability. Creatures earned at 1, 3 and 5.
[Spider Crab] Slow, powerful, well-armored melee unit.
[Giant Wolf] Powerful, fast, low health and armor melee unit.
[?] Ranged.
{Earthquake} Same, basically. Great anti-structure attack. Slows enemies.

Quick, weak attack, low HP. Stealthy. Natural detect invisible. Has a large sight radius.
(Disarm Trap) 70% chance to instantly disarm a trap from a distance.
(Set Trap) Spellbook of traps the Thief can set. Each level adds a new trap.
[?] ?
(Evasion) % chance to dodge an attack.
{Pillage} Channel spell, moderate cooldown. Autocast on attack. Steals some money.

Similar to the Rogue, but more damage oriented. Melee. Passive poison arrows.
(Uncover) Reveals hidden units in a target area nearby.
(Shadow Step) Invisible + Speed. Deals bonus damage when breaking hide.
(Acid Bomb) Throws a flask of acid at her enemies.
{Dagger Spread} Throws a flurry of daggers. Small AOE attack for high damage.

Secondary Classes:

Beast Rider
Powerful warrior. Focus is on aura projection. Strength-based. Support Hero.
(Devour) Each level actually increases the damage the Cargo Hold deals to devoured enemies.
(Change Beat) Changes the aura projected. (Endurance Aura, War Drums, Reverse Endurance)
(Thick Skin) Hardened skin. Reduces damage by 3/4/5/6/7 points. Minimum 2.
{Beast Stomp} Damages all nearby units for 60/80 damage and slows their movement.

Mountain Giant
Powerful warrior. Focus is on damage reduction / tanking. Strong melee tank.
(Slam) Stomp. Damage and stun.
(Stunning Blow) 10/20/30/40/50 chance to stun the target for 2 seconds.
(Demolish) Deals 1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5/4 times damage to buildings.
{Hardened Skin} Reduces all damage by 5, minimum 1. Level 2 adds spell immunity. (Just add the ability manaully)

Battle Cleric
A balanced Cleric/Warrior. Less base damage then other warriors.
(Rejuvenation) Small AOE Rejuv. Restores a solid amount of HP over several seconds to all allies.
(Cleanse) Medium AOE. Removes neg bufs from allies, damages undead. (Combo of Abolish Magic and trigger damage)
(?) ?
{?} ?

Arcane Warrior
Strong warrior with some powerful spells. Less base damage then other warriors.
(Slow) Can slow enemies for 8 seconds. Reduces move speed by 50%.
(Shockwave) Similar to the Sorcerer, but with much less damage and a lower cooldown.
(Disenchant) Removes buffs from enemies in a small area.
{Arcane Armor} +3 armor, and 10% of melee damage is reflected. (Spiked Carapace)

Shield Bearer
Has no cast animation, so mostly passive abilities and attack-related abilities. Has a nice morph animation and alternate though, with a glowing sword. Maybe some sort of ultimate with powered-up attack?
(?) ?
(Improved Tactics) Devotion Aura. Boosts the armor of all nearby allies. (But not the Shield Bearer)
(Guard Stance) Spellbook. Once learned, allows you to change to any of these stances:
:: This ability works by attaching a 'Stance' ability to the Shield Bearer, like the Beast Rider.
- [Neutral Guard] Based on Spiked Carpace. Boosts armor by 1/2/3/4/5, but doesn't reflect damage.
- [Strike Guard] Based on Spiked Carpace. Reflects 5/10/15/20/25% of melee damage.
- [Pierce Guard] Based on Elune's grace. Reduces piercing damage by 10/20/30/40/50%.
- [Spell Guard] Based on Elune's grace. Reduces magic damage by 10/20/30/40/50%.
{Shield Focus} Based on Mana Shield, without the shell art. Channels his power to the shield, to protect himself.

Arcane Archer
Vicious archer with powerful abilities. Slightly lower range and damage than the Ranger.
(Multishot) Barrage. Fires multiple arrows. (OVERPOWERED, SO FAR)
(Explosive Shot) Fires a powerful exploding arrow at the target location.
(Summon Scout) Channel. Creates a 'locust' scout owl to fly to the target point. Lasts 15 seconds. Detects traps.
{?} ?

Weak spellcaster. Focus is on destroying mana and spells. Has a natural feedback ability.
(Abolish Magic) Destroy positive buffs from enemies, and negative buffs from friendlies.
(Silence) Stops spells from being cast in a target area. Lasts 10 seconds.
(Antimagic Sphere) Target friendly is immune to magic for 20/30/40/50/60 seconds.
{Mana Flare} Toggle. When nearby enemies cast spells, they take damage.

Weak spellcaster. Focus is on support by manipulating spells. Has a natural Brilliance Aura.
(Replenish Mana) Transfers mana to friendly units. Autocast.
(?) ?
(Siphon Mana) Drains 20/30/40 mana per second, for 10 seconds. 15 second cooldown.
{Magic Defense} Immune to magic while active, but reduces move speed by 30%.

Dark Traveler
Mysterious spellcaster.
(Blink) Hero can teleport short distances. Cheap, but solid cooldown.
(Shadow Gate) Carrion Beetle, but raises a Shadow Warrior. You may control 1 per ability level.
(Unravel) Medium AOE Mana Burn. Deals a lot of mana damage. Also damages summoned units.
{Shadow Rift} Creates a portal that summons shadow warriors.

Goblin Tinker
Mechanical, Melee Hero. Average damage, has clockwork related abilities.
(Construct) Spellbook. Contains various things the Tinker can build.
- [Clockwork Goblin] Creates a permanent small goblin robot. Cheap, moderate cooldown.
- [Automatic Turret] Builds a sentry gun emplacement. Lasts 90 seconds.
- [Clockwork Golem] Creates a powerful Clockwork Golem. Lasts 90 seconds. 5 second delay.
(?) ?
(?) ?
{Transform} Avatar, basically. Boosts HP, Armor, Damage and makes the Tinker magic-immune.

Hex Blade
Similar to the Arcane warrior, except focuses on negative buffs like curses and such.
(Curse) Autocast. Gives enemies a 30% chance to miss on an attack for 10 seconds.
(Cripple) Reduce move speed, attack speed and damage for 30 seconds.
(Sleep) Put a target unit to sleep for 15 seconds. 30s cooldown.
{Terror} Nearby enemies deal 25% less damage for 30 seconds. Expensive.

Ranged. Combat-oriented spells.
(Ensnare) Snares a target creature for 15 seconds.
(Smoke Bomb) AOE Curse. Enemies in AOE radius have a 66% chance to miss for 10 seconds.
(Eagle Eye) Increases the sight radius of the Hunter. (Requires an Upgrade for this)
{Call Dogs} Summons 3 hunting dogs to defend the Hunter.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Kewl. I have one question; what does the Arcane Archer have anything to do with 'arcane'? lol


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Thief Traps
Net Trap - Based on Stasis Trap. Not much to change here.
Fire Trap - Fires up to 3 Firebolts and disappears. Based on Stasis Trap with a different ability.
Frost Trap - Might involve triggers. Based on Stasis Trap. Casts Frost Nova on self and damages and slows nearby enemies.
Storm Trap - When activated, calls 3 bolts of lightning from the sky to strike random points around the trap and damage enemies.
Death Ward - When activated, deals massive damage to all enemy units in an area. Aferwards, resurrects up to 4 enemies in the area to fight for the thief.


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Thief Traps
Net Trap - Based on Stasis Trap. Not much to change here.
Fire Trap - Fires up to 3 Firebolts and disappears. Based on Stasis Trap with a different ability.
Frost Trap - Might involve triggers. Based on Stasis Trap. Casts Frost Nova on self and damages and slows nearby enemies.
Storm Trap - When activated, calls 3 bolts of lightning from the sky to strike random points around the trap and damage enemies.
Death Ward - When activated, deals massive damage to all enemy units in an area. Aferwards, resurrects up to 4 enemies in the area to fight for the thief.

I love it. Sounds perfect.

@thewrongvine: Nothing, yet. :p Help me fix that.


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Alright, here's some more.
(Spellcraft) Passive - Adds 2 intelligence per level. Also, when the Wizard uses a mana potion, he gains an extra 20 mana per level of the skill. (The second part needs to be triggered).
[Mana Spirit] Semi-expensive spell based on Carrion Beetles. Creates a floating spirit that can replenish the mana of all nearby allies (Brilliance Aura with different tooltips and icon) passively. Lasts 20 seconds.

(Summon Creature)
[Acid Wyrm] Summons a powerful Acid Wyrm. Uses the lightning lizard model with a poisonous-looking projectile (such as that of a Spitting Spider). Deals moderate damage and poisons enemies.

EDIT: And one more thing: you never answered me on the idea for multiple maps. I'd be more than happy to design some compatible with the game if you'd like to do that.


Avoid, if at all possible.
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Sounds really awesome. Keep it coming, and yeah, will be fun trying this map out! :)


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Alright, here's some more.
(Spellcraft) Passive - Adds 2 intelligence per level. Also, when the Wizard uses a mana potion, he gains an extra 20 mana per level of the skill. (The second part needs to be triggered).
[Mana Spirit] Semi-expensive spell based on Carrion Beetles. Creates a floating spirit that can replenish the mana of all nearby allies (Brilliance Aura with different tooltips and icon) passively. Lasts 20 seconds.

(Summon Creature)
[Acid Wyrm] Summons a powerful Acid Wyrm. Uses the lightning lizard model with a poisonous-looking projectile (such as that of a Spitting Spider). Deals moderate damage and poisons enemies.

EDIT: And one more thing: you never answered me on the idea for multiple maps. I'd be more than happy to design some compatible with the game if you'd like to do that.

Those are all perfect, and fit brilliantly. I'm adding 'em to the list now.

And sorry about not answering that. I'm not going to do multiple maps quite yet, because this one is such a huge pain in the ass as it is. However, i'm thinking about doing a second one, and trying to factor in random terrain and some other features, to keep the shape of the dungeon changing every game.

Right now, the dungeon layout is pretty much fixed. I'm considering adding some doorways and having the game randomly delete a few, just to add minor changes, but that's it for now. Let's finish up this map, release it to the public and see what the world thinks of it for now. Then, we consider making a bunch more - and that way we know where we need improvement, too. :shades:


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If you'd like to enter a partnership on the map, I could help out. I'd love to do some work on this map for you. :D
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