Snippet Explode String


Super Moderator
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Explode String
By Romek

SetPlayerColour Command

A remake of one of my old snippets. (Search "Divide String" if you care). This one uses less strings, and doesn't leak as much. And this one supports multiple separators next to eachother. :)

To use it, you do the following:
local ExpString name = ExplodeString(source, separator, maxamount)

'ExpString' is a dynamic array type.
'name' is the variable name.
'source' is the string you want to explode
'separator' is the character that determine where to break the string. This will default to " " if an invalid string is specified.
And 'maxamount' is the amount of array slots that will be filled.

Note that if 'separator' is more than one character long, only the first character will be used.

Note that ExpString's will need to be destroyed after you're finished with them. They don't require nulling though.
To destroy it, just use:
call name.destroy()

The final array slot (maxamount) will contain the rest of the string if it wasn't fully divided.
ExplodeString("Hello, my name is Romek", " ", 5)

Will give the following results:
index[0] => "Hello,"
index[1] => "my"
index[2] => "name"
index[3] => "is"
index[4] => "Romek"

The following will give identical results:
ExplodeString("Hello,%my%name%is%Romek", "%", 5)

As will this:
ExplodeString("Hello,^^^^^^my^^^name^^is^^^^Romek", "^", 5)

However, changing the maximum to 2 will result in this:
index[0] => "Hello,"
index[1] => "my name is Romek"

An Example:
// Player Chat Event.
// Sends a message to a given player
function Action takes nothing returns nothing
    local ExpString result = ExplodeString(GetEventPlayerChatString(), " ", 3)
    // Split the chat string into multiple words.
    // "red" == "ReD", etc.
    set result[0] = StringCase(result[0], false)
    set result[1] = StringCase(result[1], false)
    // However, we want the message to retain capitalization.
    // result[0] will be the first word.
    if result[0] == "-message" or result[0] == "-send" then
    // We can use many alternatives to the 'command' very, very easily.
        // result[1] will be the second word
        if result[1] == "red" or result[1] == "1" or result[1] == GetPlayerName(Player(0)) then
        // We will check if the user typed either the colour, number or name of the player
            // result[2] will hold the rest of the string. In our case, this is the message.
            call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(Player(0), 0., 0., 10., result[2])
        // Rinse and repeat <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />
        elseif result[1] == &quot;blue&quot; or result[1] == &quot;2&quot; or result[2] == GetPlayerName(Player(1)) then
            call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(Player(1), 0., 0., 10., result[2])
        // Etc.. I could go up to Player(11), but I think this explains enough.
    // We need to destroy the ExpString as it is a dynamic array. Sorry!
    call result.destroy()
    // It doesn&#039;t require nulling. :]

The Code:
library ExplodeString
//  ________________________________________
// +----------------------------------------+
// |      E X P L O D E   S T R I N G       |
// +----------------------------------------+
// |            By Romek - v3               |
// |________________________________________|
// +----------------------------------------+

    struct ExpString
        //  Change the [10] to the maximum amount of substrings
        private string array S [10]
        readonly integer size
        method operator [] takes integer i returns string
            return .S<i>
        static method create takes string source, string separator, integer maxamount returns ExpString
            local ExpString this = ExpString.allocate()
            local integer i = 0
            local integer last = 0
            local integer first = 0
            local integer length
            local boolean insep = true
            if maxamount &lt; 1 then
                set maxamount = 1
            set maxamount = maxamount - 1
            if separator == &quot;&quot; or separator == null then
                set separator = &quot; &quot;
                set separator = SubString(separator, 0, 1)
            set .size = 0
            set source = separator + source
            set length = StringLength(source)
               exitwhen i &gt; length
                    if SubString(source, i, i + 1) == separator or i == length then
                        if not insep then
                            set last = i + 1
                            set insep = true
                            if .size  == maxamount then
                                set .S[.size ] = SubString(source, first, length)
                                exitwhen true
                            set .S[.size ] = SubString(source, first, last - 1)
                            set .size  = .size  + 1
                    elseif insep then
                        set insep = false
                        set first = i
                set i = i + 1
            return this
    function ExplodeString takes string source, string separator, integer maxamount returns ExpString
        return ExpString.create(source, separator, maxamount)


.size will be the amount of array slots used.

...This must be the longest post for a snippet ever... :p

The Map:


  • [Snippet] ExplodeString.w3x
    17 KB · Views: 313


Old World Ghost
Reaction score
An excellent addition to your achievements. Better than DivideString? Even better! That alone was perfect for RP maps and the like.


Super Moderator
Reaction score
> That alone was perfect for RP maps and the like.
That worked only with single spaces.
Here you can define your own seperator, and this will still work if there are multiple seperators next to each other. :)

> This could definitely be useful for some.
I thought so too.


Reaction score
Cool, except I think you should put some documentation or examples of where it could be useful.
Atleast I couldn't figure out ^_________^

EDIT: Oshi-, you already did. Fail.


Super Moderator
Reaction score
For those of you who are finding it difficult to see how it's useful:
Lets say you wanted to make a resource command. So the player could do:
-give gold red 600

Which would obviously work with all player colours, numbers and names.
And for lumber. And an alt. name, 'wood'.
Also, we might want to use 'send' or 'transfer' instead of 'give'.

You'd need an awful lot of code to make something like that normally. And a lot of substring usage and string leaks, to account for the different resource name lengths, and play colour lengths. (Lumber, gold. Blue, red, darkgreen).

However, if you used this, you could just explode the chat string,
and compare index[0] to "-send", "-transfer", etc. Anything really.
Same applies for the resources. No need for substrings at all actually. :)

I might submit a little snippet like that once this has been approved, to further demonstrate the usage.


Super Moderator
Reaction score
> What about the other way around?
I like to do resources one at a time. :p

I guess I could though... Probably today even. :)


Your Friendly Neighborhood Admin
Reaction score
> if SubString(source, i, i + 1) == seperator

Why not + <string length of separator>? (note the spelling too).
You sure this works with separators that have more than 1 character?

> set source = seperator + source

Hm... looks more like an evil hack than an actual plan.

You have an integer called arrays? Great... :p
If maxamount passed is less than 1, strange things may happen.


Reaction score
This looks sweet, like the PHP explode function ;)

I can thinks of a few uses that I have for this, thx Romek!



If maxamount passed is less than 1, strange things may happen.

Cutting strings into smaller pieces to put in 0 boxes, hopefully not many people will do that or even think about doing it. :)

But anyway couldn't there be a failcheck that disables the explode is the passed maxamount is <1, giving them a gentle nudge ingame when they're testing.
(I was thinking a great red fade filter going from 0-100% 5 times a second)


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Updated. You can only have 1 character as the separator now. There was no need for it to allow multiple characters anyway.

> (note the spelling too).
It's one of those words I don't know how to spell. :D

> Hm... looks more like an evil hack than an actual plan.
Nothing wrong with that, right? :p

> You have an integer called arrays? Great...
It's descriptive. :)

> If maxamount passed is less than 1, strange things may happen.
Added safety.

> This looks sweet, like the PHP explode function
Yeah, I got the name from the PHP function. :)


WEHZ Helper
Reaction score
Just fully read the thread over.
Again, very nice job.
I'll probably be using this when I start to make my AoS.

Looks like that "useful for some" is me :p .


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Here's a fairly large code I made to demonstrate the use of this snippet.
And for everyone to use if they wish. :)

This allows players to use a chat command to change a players colour. The colour will only change for them.

'-colour reset' resets all the colours of the players to the default ones.
'-colour NAME COLOUR' can change the colour of NAME to COLOUR.
NAME can be either the player number, the default colour, or the player name.
Colour can be any colour from red to dark brown.

'allies' can be used as NAME to change the colour of all the players allies.
'enemies' can be used as above, but for the enemies.
'all' will change the colour of all the players.
'me' will change the colour of the triggering player.

'-color' can be used instead of '-colour'
'dg' can be used instead of 'darkgreen'
'lb' can be used instead of 'lightblue'
'gray' can be used instead of 'grey'
'myself' can be used instead of 'me'
'friends', 'ally', 'friend' or 'team' can be used instead of 'allies'
'enemy' can be used instead of 'enemies'
'everybody' and 'everyone' can be used instead of 'all'

The command is not case sensitive. :)

scope SetPlayerColour initializer Init
//  ____________________________________________________
// +----------------------------------------------------+
// |        S E T   P L A Y E R   C O L O U R           |
// +----------------------------------------------------+
// |                 By Romek v1.0                      |
// |____________________________________________________|
// +----------------------------------------------------+
// | Commands that can be used to change the colour of  |
// | all players, as well as groups of players for only |
// | one player. So only the typing player will see     |
// | the colour changes.                                |
// |____________________________________________________|
// +----------------------------------------------------+
// |          C O N F I G U R A T I O N :               |
// |____________________________________________________|
// +----------------------------------------------------+
    // The command the player needs to type to change the players colours.
    // Example: &#039;COMMAND worldedit red&#039; will set WorldEdits colour to red.
    private constant function COMMAND takes string s returns boolean
        return s == &quot;-colour&quot; or s == &quot;-color&quot;
    // The command used to reset the colours.
    private constant function RESET takes string s returns boolean
        return s == &quot;reset&quot;

    // The command used to refer to the typing player.
    private constant function SELF takes string s returns boolean
        return s == &quot;myself&quot; or s == &quot;me&quot; 
    // Group name for allies.
    private constant function ALLIES takes string s returns boolean
        return s == &quot;allies&quot; or s == &quot;friends&quot; or s == &quot;ally&quot; or s == &quot;friend&quot; or s == &quot;team&quot;
    // Group name for enemies.
    private constant function ENEMIES takes string s returns boolean
        return s == &quot;enemies&quot; or s == &quot;enemy&quot;
    // Group name for everybody.
    private constant function ALL takes string s returns boolean
        return s == &quot;all&quot; or s == &quot;everyone&quot; or s == &quot;everybody&quot;

        // The error message shown to the triggering player when an invalid colour is specified
        private constant string INVALIDCOLOUR = &quot;|cffffcc00Invalid Colour|r&quot;
        // The error message shown to the triggering player when an invalid player or group is specified.
        private constant string INVALIDGROUP = &quot;|cffffcc00Invalid Player or Group|r&quot;
        // The sound played to the triggering player when an error message is displayed.
        private constant sound ERROR = CreateSoundFromLabel(&quot;InterfaceError&quot;, false, false, false, 10, 10)
//  ______________________________________________________
// +------------------------------------------------------+
// |        E N D   O F   C O N F I G U R A T I O N       |
// |______________________________________________________|
// +------------------------------------------------------+

    private struct Data extends array
        string Colour
        string AltColour
        string Name
        string Number
        playercolor C
        private group G = CreateGroup()
    private function True takes nothing returns boolean
        return true
    private function SetUnitsColour takes player p, playercolor c returns nothing
        local unit u
        call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(G, p, Filter(function True))
            set u = FirstOfGroup(G)
            exitwhen u == null
            call GroupRemoveUnit(G, u)
            call SetUnitColor(u, c)
    private function ColourReset takes player p returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
        if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
                exitwhen i &gt; 11
                call SetPlayerColor(Player(i), Data<i>.C)
                call SetUnitsColour(Player(i), Data<i>.C)
                set i = i + 1
    private function ColourPlayer takes player p, player target, integer colour returns nothing
        if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
            call SetPlayerColor(target, Data[colour].C)
            call SetUnitsColour(target, Data[colour].C)
    private function ColourGroup takes player p, integer who, integer colour returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
        if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
            if who == 0 then // Allies
                    exitwhen i &gt; 11
                    if IsPlayerAlly(p, Player(i)) then
                        call SetPlayerColor(Player(i), Data[colour].C)
                        call SetUnitsColour(Player(i), Data[colour].C)
                    set i = i + 1
            elseif who == 1 then // Enemies
                    exitwhen i &gt; 11
                    if IsPlayerEnemy(p, Player(i)) then
                        call SetPlayerColor(Player(i), Data[colour].C)
                        call SetUnitsColour(Player(i), Data[colour].C)
                    set i = i + 1
                    exitwhen i &gt; 11
                    call SetPlayerColor(Player(i), Data[colour].C)
                    call SetUnitsColour(Player(i), Data[colour].C)
                    set i = i + 1

    private function Act takes nothing returns nothing
        local ExpString es = ExplodeString(StringCase(GetEventPlayerChatString(), false), &quot; &quot;, 3)
        local integer i = 0
        local integer colour
        local player p = GetTriggerPlayer()
        if COMMAND(es[0]) then
            // &quot;reset&quot;
            if RESET(es[1]) then
                call ColourReset(p)
                call es.destroy()
            // Check colour:
                exitwhen i &gt; 11
                    if es[2] == Data<i>.Colour or es[2] == Data<i>.AltColour then
                        set colour = i
                        exitwhen true
                set i = i + 1
            if i &gt; 11 then
                call es.destroy()
                if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
                    call StartSound(ERROR)
                call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(p, 0., 0., 1., INVALIDCOLOUR)
            // Individual Players:
            if SELF(es[1]) then
                call ColourPlayer(p, p, colour)
                call es.destroy()
            set i = 0
                exitwhen i &gt; 11
                    if es[1] == Data<i>.Name or es[1] == Data<i>.Colour or es[1] == Data<i>.AltColour or es[1] == Data<i>.Number then
                        call ColourPlayer(p, Player(i), colour)
                        call es.destroy()
                set i = i + 1
            // Groups of Players:
            if ALLIES(es[1]) then
                call ColourGroup(p, 0, colour)
            elseif ENEMIES(es[1]) then
                call ColourGroup(p, 1, colour)
            elseif ALL(es[1]) then
                call ColourGroup(p, 2, colour)
                if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
                    call StartSound(ERROR)
                call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(p, 0., 0., 1., INVALIDGROUP)
        call es.destroy()

    private function Cond takes nothing returns boolean
        return SubString(GetEventPlayerChatString(), 0, 1) == &quot;-&quot;

    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        local integer i = 0
            exitwhen i &gt; 11
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(t, Player(i), null, false)
            set Data<i>.Name = StringCase(GetPlayerName(Player(i)), false)
            set Data<i>.Number = I2S(i + 1)
            set Data<i>.C = ConvertPlayerColor(i)
            set i = i + 1
        call TriggerAddCondition(t, Filter(function Cond))
        call TriggerAddAction(t, function Act)
        call Filter(function True) // Figure out why this is here, and you get a cookie. :]
        set Data[0].Colour = &quot;red&quot;
        set Data[1].Colour = &quot;blue&quot;
        set Data[2].Colour = &quot;teal&quot;
        set Data[3].Colour = &quot;purple&quot;
        set Data[4].Colour = &quot;yellow&quot;
        set Data[5].Colour = &quot;orange&quot;
        set Data[6].Colour = &quot;green&quot;
        set Data[7].Colour = &quot;pink&quot;
        set Data[8].Colour = &quot;grey&quot;
        set Data[9].Colour = &quot;lightblue&quot;
        set Data[10].Colour = &quot;darkgreen&quot;
        set Data[11].Colour = &quot;brown&quot;
        set Data[8].AltColour = &quot;gray&quot;
        set Data[9].AltColour = &quot;lb&quot;
        set Data[10].AltColour = &quot;dg&quot;



Reaction score
Is it possible that you may extend the library, adding ExplodeAtIndex(string, index, repeat, maxamount), as I think that would be a good addition, unless it already is possible in some odd way o_O

Anyways if you don't get what I mean,

local ExpString result = ExplodeAtIndex(TestString, 6, false, 4)
local string TestString = &quot;GooS is not epic at JASS&quot;
local integer Index = 0

        call DisplayTextToForce(GetPlayersAll(), result[Index])
        set Index = Index + 1
        exitwhen Index == 4

The repeat says if it should cut again at Index behind last Index cut.

Will display:

GooS i
s not epic at JASS

(With repeat true)

GooS i
s not 
epic a


PS: I would need one of these function although I think I can make it myself ;) But if it was added to the library I'd appreciate it since I'm using the rest of the snippet.


Super Moderator
Reaction score
You can do that with pretty basic substring usage.
The first one would be SubString( thestring, 0, index) and SubString(thestring, index, length).

Second one would be similar, but using a loop.

Glad to see another person is using this. :)


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
Is there a reason this isn't approved? It's probably too pwnage to get approved :D Admins/Mods just can't touch it. They get burned. LOL.


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Thanks Sevion. :)
Anyway, I updated it.

It now uses a struct instead of a dynamic array. Believe it or not, it's backwards compatible.
The reason I changed it? '.size' now works as it should. It becomes the amount of array indices used, not the total possible amount. :D


Reaction score
Took me a while to figure out what this was for but now I can see how useful it is! GJ! :thup:


Super Moderator
Reaction score
> Took me a while to figure out what this was for but now I can see how useful it is! GJ!
It is indeed a useful snippet. Thanks. :)


Cuz I can
Reaction score
this is absolutely bugged for seperators that are longer than one char.
You even cut it to length 1. If you can't handle length n seperators, please post that. You even say it would work with "char(s)".
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    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though

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