US News FBI admits to internet spying


Mostly known as Zomby Jezuz
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What is it they say about Hitler being brought up in a thread?

barrels of fun?



Mega Super Ultra Cool Member
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What is it they say about Hitler being brought up in a thread?

"Godwin's Law
Godwin's Law states that “as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.”"

U are a noob

Mega Super Ultra Cool Member
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People in America (and other countries where they have 'freedom') don't realize how good they have it, we take everything for granted and want more, we think we can make things better when we have no knowledge of what we speak.

That goes against what we believe in which is capitalism. We will always want more because it's a standard of living in the US.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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He invaded Poland AFTER his rise to power. And im comparing the methods not the situation, the government going after terrorism isn't quite as dramatic as Hitler going after the Jews. But they both justify actions by claims of the "Common Good" regardless of how the population feels.

Yeah... as I said, no one checked Hitler until he invaded Poland. The rest of that paragraph is what you've repeated (or someone has anyway) and I've already conceded it. This time you just brought Hitler up.

You do not possess the ability to rebel in this country, Any act, no matter how large would be considered an act of treason. Which is at minimum 5 years in prison and a 10,000 fine. If martial law was declared this would be punishable by death.

No, no, no, no, no. You have the right to revolution:

US Constitution said:
...That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is in the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

You do not know what you are talking methinks.

You haven't said one thing of substance in this entire thread. It's all opinion, which you claim to be fact simply because you've worked in the government.
If in fact, you do work for this government, then i don't even have to continue with my argument, you prove me right conclusively.

I claim it to be reasonable for me to believe because I work for the government to counter you're little statement calling me a mindless lemming, despite you're ignorance to our Constitution as well. You've already proven that I know more than you do about our laws and rights with your little attempt to tell me what the Constitution says, so no, you've proven nothing conclusively except you're beliefs, which for some reason seem include disbelieving anything someone in the government says and taking the fact that they work for the government as proof of your belief. Once again you should expound on that because you're getting no where.

Would it not be fair to say that you have little knowledge of what you speak of, and that your opinion isn't of any more value then ours?

I don't care what you say. I've never said mine's more valuable, I said mine's based on a firmer knowledge base... regardless of how you viewed my wording of it.

Many people in this country forsake their freedoms, and many more don't realize that at the drop of a dime every one of those freedoms can be taken away. I'd rather fight for my freedoms when i can do something about it, then wait for all of my freedoms to be taken away and be able to do nothing.

No, they can't. As I said, the right of revolution.... And, as I've also said, go do something about it because you're certainly not getting much done here.

Your not a lemming because your following the majority. Your a lemming because your following the people in charge. From what i've seen of this thread, and from the people i know in my life. You are a small minority. :eek:

And you're a sycophant of another small minority that knows very little about what they're talking about it.

Im starting to lean towards this thread being closed, most government chats end up in a messy schism.

Sorry to confuse you with reality.

EDIT: I also like how, shortly after complaining about the -rep I gave you (which had a founded reason for it), you then gave it to me for embracing my status as the said lemming. A little... hypocritical?


Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
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I kind of see how Varine looks at it, or how it seems. If you can't beat it, join it.

And no Varine, the constitution can say the citizens are untouchable, but the government won't give a shit. It says we have many other rights, does it follow it? Of course not. Of course we cannot revolt against the government because in two seconds we will be marked as terrorists.


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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EDIT: I also like how, shortly after complaining about the -rep I gave you (which had a founded reason for it), you then gave it to me for embracing my status as the said lemming. A little... hypocritical?

Karma my friend, paid back 10 fold, and it seems that everything i've said has found deaf ears. You dissect every part of what i say over an hour and haven't really taken in a word of it. You completely disregarded the point i was trying to make and picked out everything you could discredit.

The whole point of my argument is that throughout human history governments have been corrupted, and done so quite easily with the public unsuspecting. Our government has DISREGARDED rules THEY set up for four years, without repercussions. If they remain unpunished and unchecked then what exactly is our government also capable of? You cannot contest this, because its right there, black and white in the first thread. Regardless of your knowledge gathered by working for the lowest conceivable branch of our government.

This is going nowhere, because neither of us is going to concede our opinions.
I'll be taking my leave now. No hard feelings!
Cheers :eek:


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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I kind of see how Varine looks at it, or how it seems. If you can't beat it, join it.

No, I see it as... there's nothing wrong with what's going on right now. Tell me how this is affecting me? How does it change my life? And please avoid saying that it'll go further and further. I've already told you that when I feel it's threatening me, then I'll take some affirmative action. I'd be the first to rebel against an unjust government, but as I'm not seeing as most of what they're doing as troublesome, I don't really care. I may be biased, having spent most of my adult life doing my best to fight terrorists, which may have made me a little too uneasy about the topic, but that doesn't matter because my stance is what it is, just as yours is, and it's obvious that no one cares what the other sides says because one side is going to be right, while the other is too headstrong to admit it... and then votes for Ron Paul.

Revolution is your right. The government obviously won't like you trying to usurp them, but it's still your right. If you don't have enough popular support for it's change... that probably means that most people aren't have too big of an issue with it.

Karma my friend, paid back 10 fold, and it seems that everything i've said has found deaf ears. You dissect every part of what i say over an hour and haven't really taken in a word of it. You completely disregarded the point i was trying to make and picked out everything you could discredit.

Your point was stupid. Why would I embrace it?

The whole point of my argument is that throughout human history governments have been corrupted, and done so quite easily with the public unsuspecting. Our government has DISREGARDED rules THEY set up for four years, without repercussions. If they remain unpunished and unchecked then what exactly is our government also capable of? You cannot contest this, because its right there, black and white in the first thread. Regardless of your knowledge gathered by working for the lowest conceivable branch of our government.

Our government isn't unchecked. The UN, NATO, the three branches, your right to revolution... not that the UN can really do anything. Pretty useless organization, really.

And what the fuck do you know about the military? You think it's so low that we risk our lives to do what we can to ensure that you can keep your worthless aspect in existance? You are one of those useless people that know nothing of what they talk about, just the sycophant of some other person that changes the truth to fit his beliefs and then spread their propaganda. Why don't you go do something to help the country? Oh, that's right, you're useless ass hates the government and feels that our military is the lowest of the agencies controlled by them, so you probably wouldn't get much done anyway. You are one of those people that probably wouldn't dare speak out in public because of you're complete fear of repurcussions, so instead you hide behind the viel of our false identity offered by the Internet to try and convince others of your bullshit. Why don't you go off and get a fucking life and learn what happens outside your sphere of protection that the lowest branch ensures for you?

You have no point. You have no idea what you are talking about. All you have is a misconception of the world probably regulated by the mass liberal media that changes the truth of the stories to fit their will, and for some reason there are idiots that believe it. So continue on with your life, you put pressure on the government to give you all the freedom you feel you should have. And then if it's given to you, when someone invades us because of our inability to collect intelligence, why don't you make your announcement of how low the military is? To me, the lowest branch of our government is the ignorant civilians, which for some reason are given a vote.

The Helper

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Link updated - funny thing though when I was looking for the new link to the article I searched google for FBI admits to spying on Internet Users and there were tons more articles about other things that were alot later than this article. Apparently, this was not a new thing in 2008 and has not stopped.
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