AoS Final Fantasy: The Crystal Wars


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Status - Back to work!
Terrain - ||||||||||
Heroes - ||||||||||
Items - No definite but around 15% estimated.


Search the code after the title to jump to the part quickly.
  • Introduction -- AAA1
  • Systems -- AAA2
  • Heroes -- AAA3
  • Spells -- AAA4
  • Items -- AAA5

Introduction -- AAA1
Final Fantasy: The Crystal Wars is an AoS map for Warcraft III with content based on the Final Fantasy series. It will have playable heroes based on characters from every numbered game in the series, and maybe even some spin-offs (Tactics, Tactics Advance, Mystic Quest).

There are two teams, Light and Dark Warriors. Both teams must defend their crystals from the enemy
team, while trying to destroy the enemies crystal. The teams will have supporting units, which are currently unoriginal and badly named. I will definately be changing these units in the near future.

Systems -- AAA2

This skill is specific to Krile (Beastmaster). Krile can Catch a non-hero enemy with 1/4 or less health remaining and then release it whenever she wants. The caught unit will get bonuses depending on the level of Catch

Level 1: 10 Bonus Attack, 8 Bonus Armour, 100 Bonus Health
Level 2: 25 Bonus Attack, 16 Bonus Armour, 250 Bonus Health
Level 3: 50 Bonus Attack, 24 Bonus Armour, 500 Bonus Health
Level 4: 75 Bonus Attack, 32 Bonus Armour, 750 Bonus Health
Level 5: 100 Bonus Attack, 40 Bonus Armour, 1000 Bonus Health

Blue Magic (Planned)
Blue Mage heroes will have to have spells cast on them from specific enemies, or killing enemies, with the exception being Quistis, who will use items dropped by enemies to learn spells.

This system will only be used by one hero, as it made every Blue Mage too similar

Hero Selection & Repick
Heroes will be bought from taverns. Within the first 80 seconds of the game, you can choose to repick, but repicking is disabled after 80 seconds.

Fat Chocobos
If the map goes according to plan, people will run out of potions pretty quickly. With Gysahl Greens you can summon your Fat Chocobo to you to hold items for you, and also drop items it is already holding. This can also be useful if I add dungeons like I plan to.

Hero Upgrades
Remember those heroes that changed in Final Fantasy? Perhaps Cecil becoming a paladin in FF4? Kain becoming a holy dragoon in FF4: The After? And let's not forget all of the playable characters from FF1! In The Crystal Wars, heroes may be upgraded in certain ways. Currently all upgrades are done via items, but I will fit in some quests later on.

Final Fantasy 7 Hero Abilitys (Hiatus)
If this is added, Final Fantasy 7 heroes will be able to choose two basic spells once chosen. This spell will level up with the hero. The hero will also have a spellbook which will level up, containing limit breaks that are gained in the same way as in 7. Some are gained by killing X enemies, while others are gained by using the previous limit break X times. The stronger the limit break, the lower your health must be to use it (E.G: 90% health to use braver, 20% to use Omnislash)

I actually forgot all about this system. I might add it in later.

Trance (Possibility)
If implemented, all FF9 heroes will have a variable that goes up by 1 every time they are attacked when they have 35% or less health remaining. If this variable reaches 50, the FF9 hero will be given a spell named "Enter Trance". Entering Trance will replace all spells the hero has with much better ones found in trance versions on FF9. Eiko and Vivi will have permanent trances that are removed after two spells are cast. These spells will have no cooldown at all to simulate "Double White" and "Double Black".

Heroes -- AAA3
Every hero has a hero-type name, a character name, and several classifications.
Note: The heroes in this list are heroes I have in the map now.

Final Fantasy 1:
Fighter - Damage/Tank [ Melee ]
Knight - Damage/Tank/Healer/Support [ Melee ]
White Mage - Healer/Support/Caster [ Ranged ]
White Wizard - Healer/Support/Caster [ Ranged ]
Black Mage - Support/Damage/Caster [ Ranged ]
Black Wizard - Support/Damage/Nuker/Caster [ Ranged ]
Knight - Garland - Damage/Tank [ Melee ]
Final Fantasy 2:
Orphan - Firion - 'Onion Knight'*/Caster/Support [ Melee ]
Orphan - Maria - 'Onion Knight'/Caster/Support [ Ranged ]
Emperor - Palamecia - Offense/Caster [ Ranged ]

*Note: Onion Knight is what I am classifying units that have low stats at level 1, yet gain them very fast as they level.
Final Fantasy 3:
Dark Mage - Xande - Offense/Caster [ Ranged ]
Final Fantasy 4:
Dragoon - Kain Highwind - Damage/Speed [ Slightly Ranged ]
Holy Dragoon - Kain Highwind - Speed/Healer/Support
Dark Knight - Cecil Harvey - Damage/Tank [ Melee ]
Paladin - Cecil Harvey - Damage/Tank/Healer/Support [ Melee ]
Dark Mage - Golbez - Damage/Tank/Caster/Offense [ Melee ]
Final Fantasy 5:
Summoner - Faris - Summoner/Caster [ Ranged ]
Blue Mage - Galuf Halm Baldesion - Caster [ Ranged ]
Samurai - Bartz Klauser - Damage/Tank/Speed [ Melee ]
Beastmaster - Krile - Summoner/Catch* [ Melee ]
Time Mage - Lenna - Support/Caster [ Ranged ]

*Krile captures units that have 1/4 or less health remaining and can then summon them. They gain Health, Armour, and Attack based on the level of Catch
Final Fantasy 6:
Half-Esper - Terra Branford - Caster/Damage/Offense [ Ranged ]
Court Mage - Kefka Palazzo - Caster/Offense [ Ranged ]
Final Fantasy 7:
Ex-SOLDIER - Cloud Strife - Damage/Speed [ Slightly Ranged ]
Flower Girl - Aeris Gainsborough - Support/Caster [ Ranged ]
One Winged Angel - Sephiroth - Damage
Final Fantasy 8:
Final Fantasy 9:
Rogue Monk - Amarant - Damage/Self-Healing/Support [ Melee ]
Final Fantasy 10:
Black Mage - Lulu - Damage/Nuker/Caster [ Ranged ]
Final Fantasy 11:
Final Fantasy 12:

Spells -- AAA4

Offense Spells
Fire - Firaga
Thunder - Thundaga
Blizzard - Blizzaga

Support Spells
Protect - Protectga
Haste - Hastega

Healing Spells
Cure - Curaja
Life - Arise
White Wind

Status Effect Spells
Poison - Toxify
Silence - Silencega
Blind - Blindga
Slow - Slowga

Summon Spells
Ifrit (Hellfire)
Ramuh (Judgement Bolt)
Shiva (Diamond Dust)
Phoenix (Rebirth Flame)
Shadow Dragon

Skills & Abilities
Blade Beam
Sephiroth Shock

Items -- AAA5
Players may only have one weapon and one piece of armor. There will be accessories that heroes will be able to have two of, and potions will stack.


-Swords (Str)
- Falchion
- Mythril Sword
- Daggers (Agi)
- Main Gauche
- Mythril Dagger
- Thief's Knife [ Steals 2 gold on attack ]
-Katanas (Str+Agi)
- Ashura
-Staves/Rods (Int)
-Mage Staff
- Mythril Rod
- Healing Staff [ Heals 500 health ]
-Thief Swords (Agi+Health)


Heavy Armour (MediumHealth+HighArmor)
- Chain Plate
- Iron Armour
- Mythril Armour
- Demon's Mail
Medium Armour (MediumAgility+MediumArmor)
- Leather Shirt
- Leather Armour
- Mythril Vest
- Gaia Gear
Light Armour (HighMana+LowInt+LowArmor)
- Silk Shirt
- Silk Robe
- Mage's Robe
- Lord's Robe


- Potion [ Heals health ]
- Hi-Potion [ Heals lots of health ]
- Ether [ Heals mana ]
- Dry Ether [ Heals lots of mana ]
- Antidote [ Cures Poison ]
- Eye Drops [ Cures Darkness ]
- Echo Herbs [ Cures Silence ]
- Remedy [ Cures Poison, Darkness, and Silence ]

Support Items

- Phoenix Down
- Phoenix Pinion
- Gysahl Greens [ Summons Fat Chocobo to store items ]
- Tent [ Heals everyone around it ]

Hero Upgrade Items

- Cecil's Mirror [ Fight Cecil (Hostile) to upgrade Cecil to a Paladin ]
- Kain's Mirror [ Fight Kain (Hostile) to upgrade Kain to a Holy Dragoon ]
- Rat Tail [ Take to Bahamut to upgrade FF1 heroes ]

Misc. Items



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Thief - Rikku - Support/Speed/Stealer [ Melee ]
Warrior - Paine - Damage/Tank [ Melee ]
High Summoner - Yuna - Caster/Healer/Summoner [ Ranged ]
Warrior - Auron - Damage/Ability [ Melee ]
White Mage - Rosa - Caster/Support [ Ranged ]
Black Mage - Rydia - Caster/Damage/Summoner [ Ranged ]
Thief - Zidane - Thievery/Luck/Speed [ Melee ]


Lucky Seven
Zidane deals damage with a random number involving 7s. Damage includes 7, 77, and 777. If the spell has multiple levels, each level will have smaller cooldown.


If anyone has spell ideas (From FF please), hero ideas (Once again FF), or item ideas (FF!), don't hesitate to post them.


Super Moderator
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Final Fantasy 10 Heroes:

White Mage - Yuna - Caster/Healer
Black Mage - Lulu - Caster/Damage
Warrior - Auron - Melee


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Yuna is planned. She will be a Summoner/Healer/Support/Caster.
Auron will be a Damage/Ability.
Lulu will be Offense/Caster.


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Planned content and content added in last version will be in the second post in this topic.

Jolly chap*

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Final Fantasy 10 Hero:

Thief - Rikku - Melee/Support/Speed/Stealer

Final Fantasy 10-2 Hero

Warrior - Paine - Melee/Damage


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Added to planned list.

Edit: Is there anywhere I can request models? There aren't any good original models or many custom models that fit in.


I am amazingly focused right now!
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Here are a few suggestions:

Final Fantasy 8 Heroes:

SeeD - Squall - Damage/Speed [ Melee ]
SeeD - *sniper (can't remember his name) - Long-Range Damage [ Ranged ]
Guardian Force / GF / Summon - Griever - Damage / Tank / Caster [ Melee ]

Jolly chap*

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I saw a really good Yuna model somewhere, but I've lost the link. If I can find it again, I'll post it here.


Ultra Cool Member
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Oh man you gotta include Vincent from FF7 he would be perfect for a wc3 map with metamorphosis ultimate.


In need of sleep
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Vivi and stiner ff9

If vivi and Stiner is on the same team, Vivi can cast a spell on stiner so on stiner's next attack the spell is cast, all damage delt from the spell will belong to vivi


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Vivi and stiner ff9

If vivi and Stiner is on the same team, Vivi can cast a spell on stiner so on stiner's next attack the spell is cast, all damage delt from the spell will belong to vivi

This idea is brilliant. I actually forgot all about Steiner's spellsword, and I've been playing FF for years :O

Few screenshots won't kill anyone. ;)

At school right now. Will post some screenshots when I get home.

Oh man you gotta include Vincent from FF7 he would be perfect for a wc3 map with metamorphosis ultimate.

Will do :D

I would also like to add to everyone, all of the main characters will likely be added. Most ideas I am looking for are stuff like spells and systems for heroes like FF8 heroes, and maybe some 'boss' heros (Like elemental lords from FF4)


Ultra Cool Member
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Vincent's ultimate could be an uncontrollable metamorphosis. You target an enemy with it and he metamorphosises and the player loses control of him and he automatically attacks the target until either the target or himself dies. After he kills the target he turns back to his normal self and the player has control again, or after he dies he respawns as his normal self.

Of course he would be ranged, but his ultimate form would be melee, have extra movement speed, deal extra damage, and have a chance to cast various spells on each attack (like livewire, gigas flare, etc...).

Another one of his abilities could be Death Penalty and work similar to Nevermore's Necromastery (increase attack damage when he kills a unit) because his ultimate weapon in FF7 is Death Penalty and it increase with power as he kills more enemies.


In need of sleep
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ff8 chars are gona be a pain to do, they dont have basic spells because of teir magic extract system, so i gues youll be massing limit breaks for them haha

Grundy, have you played a FF other then 7, thats all youve been referencing to dude =_=

Dont remmeber who, but i remmeber in ff6 there was someone who can use tools, that was always fun (same for the guy who used blitz XD blits = fightning game in a rpg XD)

btw... where are the chocobos and ultima? (ultima was also a esper in ff6, so i guess he can be a summonable lol)


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ff8 chars are gona be a pain to do, they dont have basic spells because of teir magic extract system, so i gues youll be massing limit breaks for them haha

Grundy, have you played a FF other then 7, thats all youve been referencing to dude =_=

Dont remmeber who, but i remmeber in ff6 there was someone who can use tools, that was always fun (same for the guy who used blitz XD blits = fightning game in a rpg XD)

btw... where are the chocobos and ultima? (ultima was also a esper in ff6, so i guess he can be a summonable lol)

Edgar will be interesting to make.
Sabin could be hard.
FF8 heroes might extract magic from mage heroes and get charges.
Fat chocobos are in the game.


Ultra Cool Member
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Another thing you could do is for FF8 heroes since they'll probably be the lamer of the heroes and weaker since they don't have their own spells, they gain extra experience when they land the killing hit just like in the game. Not a ton of extra experience because that could really screw up balance but a little bit might be good to make up for their lack of inherent spells.

rinoa could have angelo by her side like the lone druid and his bear in dota. maybe angelo could just follow her around uncontrolably and only attacks randomly with like angelo rush or whatever and has a chance to use a potion on rinoa or her allies or something like that.

I think for the FF8 heroes you can't really keep them very true to the game you're going to have to make some changes just so they can fit into a wc3 map.

If you're going to have FF8 guys draw magic from enemies, are FF7 guys going to use materia?

Grundy, have you played a FF other then 7

i've played final fantasy, final fantasy 3 (well actually 6), final fnatasy 7, final fantasy 8, final fantasy 10, and like 5 minutes of final fantasy 12 (after the very 1st fight of the game i couldn't stand to play it any longer), Chocobo's Dungeon for wii, and FFTA2.

thats all youve been referencing to dude =_=

...I only made 2 posts here. 1 of them was saying to include Vincent. Then he said he will probably include all the final fantasy characters but he needs ideas for abilities so I gave him ideas for his abilities... What do you want?


Hot food far all world wide!
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FAT CHOCOOBOS ftw! They're funny in the real game ^^ Give it to us soon!


Always Here..
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Does this have to be an AoS? It sounds like such an epic idea, I don't think you should add it to the list of 5000 AoS maps.


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Does this have to be an AoS? It sounds like such an epic idea, I don't think you should add it to the list of 5000 AoS maps.

Well I'm pretty sure it's too late to change it now. The basic terrain had been made and so are the triggers.

And now a filler...

If there are any modellers that would be willing to help, I would really appreciate it.
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