Graphs (2)


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<only for people who uses graphic calculators, since my script is using an "interface" almost like the ones in these calculators : Lists and variables>

Originally from there :

And here : (very old thing I made 1 year ago through)

If you do not know what it does, here is a video showing what it can do :

(credits to LauraeLc2 who made the video for me)

this is what I try to reproduce :


This is the (ugly) code I'm using for that :
(source code in second post)

Is there anyway to "shorten" the code or to make the code more efficient (or more readable at least)?

function Calculate takes integer degree, real duration, integer which, real delay, string s, integer precision, boolean additive, boolean delayed, boolean last returns nothing

is the function that does almost everything : pick degree of the parametric functions, the duration, which graph you want (normal or bezier), the delay between lightnings, the lightning you want, the precision of lightnings (use more or less lightnings), if it's an "additive" (that doesn't reset lightning count), if it has to delay the lightning destroy (so they destroy all together when it's false), and if it's the last lightning you are doing (used for "GetTime").

I guess that's too long to explicit everything. Would there be a shorter way of doing what I'm trying to do?

Another question : How would I make it multi instanceable? (could not perform two graphs at same time, or "not able to draw a graph while another graph is being graphed") and without making it slow? (I start to have small problems when delay is set to 0.0, sometimes my computer freezes for 0.5s but I think it depends on the lightning effect I use, I wrote if it's "laggy" or not in the function "LightningList")


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Source Code (was too big to be posted in the first post because it's really long and annoying) :

    real array udg_List1
    real array udg_List2
    real array udg_List3
    real array udg_List4
    real array udg_List5
    real array udg_List6
    integer udg_DimList
    integer udg_degree
    real udg_duration
    boolean udg_delayed
    real udg_delay
    lightning array udg_Lightnings
    integer udg_Lightning
    real array udg_RD
    string udg_LightSFX
    integer udg_which
    real udg_Precision
    integer udg_Z
    timer udg_GraphTimer
    real udg_GetTime

function CreateLightning takes nothing returns lightning
    return AddLightningEx(udg_LightSFX, true, udg_RD[1], udg_RD[2], udg_RD[3], udg_RD[4], udg_RD[5], udg_RD[6])

function CollectData takes real T, real Tmax, integer i returns nothing
    if udg_degree == 2 then
        //degree 2 parametric : at^2 + bt + c
        set udg_RD[1] = udg_List4[1]*T*T + udg_List4[2]*T + udg_List4[3]
        set udg_RD[2] = udg_List5[1]*T*T + udg_List5[2]*T + udg_List5[3]
        set udg_RD[3] = udg_List6[1]*T*T + udg_List6[2]*T + udg_List6[3]
        set udg_RD[4] = udg_List4[1]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[2]*Tmax + udg_List4[3]
        set udg_RD[5] = udg_List5[1]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[2]*Tmax + udg_List5[3]
        set udg_RD[6] = udg_List6[1]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[2]*Tmax + udg_List6[3]
        set udg_Lightnings<i> = CreateLightning()
    if udg_degree == 3 then
        //degree 3 parametric : at^3 + bt^2 + ct + d
        set udg_RD[1] = udg_List4[1]*T*T*T + udg_List4[2]*T*T + udg_List4[3]*T + udg_List4[4]
        set udg_RD[2] = udg_List5[1]*T*T*T + udg_List5[2]*T*T + udg_List5[3]*T + udg_List5[4]
        set udg_RD[3] = udg_List6[1]*T*T*T + udg_List6[2]*T*T + udg_List6[3]*T + udg_List6[4]
        set udg_RD[4] = udg_List4[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[2]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[3]*Tmax + udg_List4[4]
        set udg_RD[5] = udg_List5[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[2]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[3]*Tmax + udg_List5[4]
        set udg_RD[6] = udg_List6[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[2]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[3]*Tmax + udg_List6[4]
        set udg_Lightnings<i> = CreateLightning()
    if udg_degree == 4 then
        //degree 4 parametric : at^4 + bt^3 + ct^2 + dt + e
        set udg_RD[1] = udg_List4[1]*T*T*T*T + udg_List4[2]*T*T*T + udg_List4[3]*T*T + udg_List4[4]*T + udg_List4[5]
        set udg_RD[2] = udg_List5[1]*T*T*T*T + udg_List5[2]*T*T*T + udg_List5[3]*T*T + udg_List5[4]*T + udg_List5[5]
        set udg_RD[3] = udg_List6[1]*T*T*T*T + udg_List6[2]*T*T*T + udg_List6[3]*T*T + udg_List6[4]*T + udg_List6[5]
        set udg_RD[4] = udg_List4[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[2]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[3]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[4]*Tmax + udg_List4[5]
        set udg_RD[5] = udg_List5[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[2]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[3]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[4]*Tmax + udg_List5[5]
        set udg_RD[6] = udg_List6[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[2]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[3]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[4]*Tmax + udg_List6[5]
        set udg_Lightnings<i> = CreateLightning()
    if udg_degree == 5 then
        //degree 5 parametric : at^5 + bt^4 + ct^3 + dt^2 + et + f, a bit long xd
        set udg_RD[1] = udg_List4[1]*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List4[2]*T*T*T*T + udg_List4[3]*T*T*T + udg_List4[4]*T*T + udg_List4[5]*T + udg_List4[6]
        set udg_RD[2] = udg_List5[1]*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List5[2]*T*T*T*T + udg_List5[3]*T*T*T + udg_List5[4]*T*T + udg_List5[5]*T + udg_List5[6]
        set udg_RD[3] = udg_List6[1]*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List6[2]*T*T*T*T + udg_List6[3]*T*T*T + udg_List6[4]*T*T + udg_List6[5]*T + udg_List6[6]
        set udg_RD[4] = udg_List4[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[2]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[3]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[4]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[5]*Tmax + udg_List4[6]
        set udg_RD[5] = udg_List5[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[2]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[3]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[4]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[5]*Tmax + udg_List5[6]
        set udg_RD[6] = udg_List6[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[2]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[3]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[4]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[5]*Tmax + udg_List6[6]
        set udg_Lightnings<i> = CreateLightning()
    if udg_degree == 6 then
        //degree 6 parametric : at^6 + bt^5 + ct^4 + dt^3 + et^2 + ft + g, that&#039;s long <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />
        set udg_RD[1] = udg_List4[1]*T*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List4[2]*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List4[3]*T*T*T*T + udg_List4[4]*T*T*T + udg_List4[5]*T*T + udg_List4[6]*T + udg_List4[7]
        set udg_RD[2] = udg_List5[1]*T*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List5[2]*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List5[3]*T*T*T*T + udg_List5[4]*T*T*T + udg_List5[5]*T*T + udg_List5[6]*T + udg_List5[7]
        set udg_RD[3] = udg_List6[1]*T*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List6[2]*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List6[3]*T*T*T*T + udg_List6[4]*T*T*T + udg_List6[5]*T*T + udg_List6[6]*T + udg_List6[7]
        set udg_RD[4] = udg_List4[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[2]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[3]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[4]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[5]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[6]*Tmax + udg_List4[7]
        set udg_RD[5] = udg_List5[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[2]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[3]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[4]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[5]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[6]*Tmax + udg_List5[7]
        set udg_RD[6] = udg_List6[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[2]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[3]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[4]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[5]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[6]*Tmax + udg_List6[7]
        set udg_Lightnings<i> = CreateLightning()
    if udg_degree == 7 then
        //degree 7 parametric : at^7 + bt^6 + ct^5 + dt^4 + et^3 + ft^2 + gt + h, who would calculate this anyway??
        set udg_RD[1] = udg_List4[1]*T*T*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List4[2]*T*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List4[3]*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List4[4]*T*T*T*T + udg_List4[5]*T*T*T + udg_List4[6]*T*T + udg_List4[7]*T + udg_List4[8]
        set udg_RD[2] = udg_List5[1]*T*T*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List5[2]*T*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List5[3]*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List5[4]*T*T*T*T + udg_List5[5]*T*T*T + udg_List5[6]*T*T + udg_List5[7]*T + udg_List5[8]
        set udg_RD[3] = udg_List6[1]*T*T*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List6[2]*T*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List6[3]*T*T*T*T*T + udg_List6[4]*T*T*T*T + udg_List6[5]*T*T*T + udg_List6[6]*T*T + udg_List6[7]*T + udg_List6[8]
        set udg_RD[4] = udg_List4[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[2]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[3]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[4]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[5]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[6]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List4[7]*Tmax + udg_List4[8]
        set udg_RD[5] = udg_List5[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[2]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[3]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[4]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[5]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[6]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List5[7]*Tmax + udg_List5[8]
        set udg_RD[6] = udg_List6[1]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[2]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[3]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[4]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[5]*Tmax*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[6]*Tmax*Tmax + udg_List6[7]*Tmax + udg_List6[8]
        set udg_Lightnings<i> = CreateLightning()

function Graph takes nothing returns nothing
    local real Tpitch = 1./udg_Precision
    local real T = -Tpitch
    local real Tmax = 0
    local integer i = udg_Lightning
    local integer Ex = udg_Lightning
        set i = i + 1
        set T = T + Tpitch
        set Tmax = T + Tpitch
        if Tmax &gt; 1 then
            set Tmax = 1
        if T &gt; 1 then
            set T = 1
        exitwhen T &gt;= 1
        //call BJDebugMsg(R2S(T)+&quot;to&quot;+R2S(Tmax))
        call CollectData(T, Tmax, i)
    set udg_Lightning = i
    //call BJDebugMsg(&quot;current lightning instance : &quot; + I2S(i))
    if udg_delayed then
        call TriggerSleepAction(udg_duration)
        call TriggerSleepAction(udg_duration - udg_delay*I2R(udg_Z))
    //call BJDebugMsg(&quot;destroying &quot; + I2S(i) + &quot; lightnings (from instance &quot; + I2S(udg_Lightning) + &quot; to &quot; + I2S(Ex) +&quot; )&quot;)
        exitwhen Ex == i
        call DestroyLightning(udg_Lightnings<i>)
        set udg_Lightnings<i> = null
        set i = i - 1

function LightningList takes string s returns string
    //blue category
    //Chain Lightning - Primary - &quot;big blue&quot; - &quot;CLPB&quot; - not much laggy
    //Lightning Attack - &quot;medium blue&quot; - &quot;CHIM&quot; - not much laggy
    //Chain Lightning - Secondary, &quot;small blue 1&quot; - &quot;CLSB&quot; - not much laggy
    //Mana Drain - &quot;small blue 2&quot; - &quot;DRAM&quot; - not much laggy
    //green category
    //Mana Burn - &quot;big green&quot; - &quot;MBUR&quot; - laggy
    //Mana Flare - &quot;medium green&quot; - &quot;MFPB&quot; - not much laggy
    //Drain - &quot;small green 1&quot; - &quot;DRAB&quot; - laggy
    //Life Drain - &quot;small green 2&quot; - &quot;DRAL&quot; - laggy
    //yellow category
    //Healing Wave - Primary - &quot;yellow&quot; - &quot;HWPB&quot; - laggy
    //Healing Wave - Secondary - &quot;small yellow&quot; - &quot;HWSB&quot; - not much laggy
    //red category
    //Finger of Death - &quot;red&quot; - &quot;AFOD&quot; - laggy
    //Magic Leash - &quot;small red&quot; - &quot;LEAS&quot; - not much laggy
    //Forked Lightning - &quot;purple&quot; - &quot;FORK&quot; - not much laggy
    //Spirit Link - &quot;orange&quot; - &quot;SPLK&quot; - not much laggy
    //check if entry is already correct
    if s==&quot;CLPB&quot; or s==&quot;CHIM&quot; or s==&quot;CLSB&quot; or s==&quot;DRAM&quot; or s==&quot;MBUR&quot; or s==&quot;MFPB&quot; or s==&quot;DRAB&quot; or s==&quot;DRAL&quot; or s==&quot;HWPB&quot; or s==&quot;HWSB&quot; or s==&quot;AFOD&quot; or s==&quot;LEAS&quot; or s==&quot;FORK&quot; or s==&quot;SPLK&quot; then
        return s
    //blue category
    if s==&quot;big blue&quot; then
        return &quot;CLPB&quot; //Chain Lightning - Primary
    if s==&quot;medium blue&quot; then
        return &quot;CHIM&quot; //Lightning Attack
    if s==&quot;small blue 1&quot; then
        return &quot;CLSB&quot; //Chain Lightning - Secondary
    if s==&quot;small blue 2&quot; then
        return &quot;DRAM&quot; //Mana Drain
    if s==&quot;big green&quot; then
        return &quot;MBUR&quot; //Mana Burn
    if s==&quot;medium green&quot; then
        return &quot;MFPB&quot; //Mana Flare
    if s==&quot;small green 1&quot; then
        return &quot;DRAB&quot; //Drain
    if s==&quot;small green 2&quot; then
        return &quot;DRAL&quot; //Life Drain
    if s==&quot;yellow&quot; then
        return &quot;HWPB&quot; //Healing Wave - Primary
    if s==&quot;small yellow&quot; then
        return &quot;HWSB&quot; //Healing Wave - Secondary
    if s==&quot;red&quot; then
        return &quot;AFOD&quot; //Finger of Death
    if s==&quot;small red&quot; then
        return &quot;LEAS&quot; //Magic Leash
    if s==&quot;purple&quot; then
        return &quot;FORK&quot; //Forked Lightning
    if s==&quot;orange&quot; then
        return &quot;SPLK&quot; //Spirit Link
    return &quot;DRAM&quot; //returns Mana Drain if it founds nothing

//function CreateUnitZ takes real x, real y, real z, real duration returns nothing
    //local unit u = CreateUnit(Player(15), &#039;hfoo&#039;, x, y, 0.0)
    //call UnitApplyTimedLife(u, &#039;BTLF&#039;, duration)
    //call UnitAddAbility(u, &#039;Amrf&#039;)
    //call SetUnitFlyHeight(u, z, 0)
    //call UnitRemoveAbility(u, &#039;Amrf&#039;)
    //set u = null

function CalculateEx takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer Z = udg_Z //just to make things easier to be read
    if Z != udg_DimList - udg_degree then
        set Z = Z + 1
        set udg_Z = Z
        //call BJDebugMsg(I2S(Z))
        //dummy unit that can be removed if you don&#039;t need it
        //call CreateUnitZ(udg_List1[Z], udg_List2[Z], udg_List3[Z], duration)
        //debug data
        //call BJDebugMsg(&quot;x=&quot;+R2S(udg_List1[Z]))
        //call BJDebugMsg(&quot;y=&quot;+R2S(udg_List2[Z]))
        //call BJDebugMsg(&quot;z=&quot;+R2S(udg_List3[Z]))
        if udg_degree == 2 then //degree 2 data collect
            if udg_which == 1 then //normal graph
                //degree 2 data : 2(n1-2*n2+n3)*t^2 + (-3*n1+4*n2-n3)*t + n3
                set udg_List4[1] = 2*(udg_List1[Z]-2*udg_List1[Z+1]+udg_List1[Z+2])
                set udg_List4[2] = -3*udg_List1[Z]+4*udg_List1[Z+1]-udg_List1[Z+2]
                set udg_List4[3] = udg_List1[Z]
                set udg_List5[1] = 2*(udg_List2[Z]-2*udg_List2[Z+1]+udg_List2[Z+2])
                set udg_List5[2] = -3*udg_List2[Z]+4*udg_List2[Z+1]-udg_List2[Z+2]
                set udg_List5[3] = udg_List2[Z]
                set udg_List6[1] = 2*(udg_List3[Z]-2*udg_List3[Z+1]+udg_List3[Z+2])
                set udg_List6[2] = -3*udg_List3[Z]+4*udg_List3[Z+1]-udg_List3[Z+2]
                set udg_List6[3] = udg_List3[Z]
                call ExecuteFunc(&quot;Graph&quot;)
            else //bezier graph
                //degree 2 data : (n1-2*n2+n3)*t^2 + (-2*n1-2*n2)*t + n3
                set udg_List4[1] = udg_List1[Z]-2*udg_List1[Z+1]+udg_List1[Z+2]
                set udg_List4[2] = -2*udg_List1[Z]+2*udg_List1[Z+1]
                set udg_List4[3] = udg_List1[Z]
                set udg_List5[1] = udg_List2[Z]-2*udg_List2[Z+1]+udg_List2[Z+2]
                set udg_List5[2] = -2*udg_List2[Z]+2*udg_List2[Z+1]
                set udg_List5[3] = udg_List2[Z]
                set udg_List6[1] = udg_List3[Z]-2*udg_List3[Z+1]+udg_List3[Z+2]
                set udg_List6[2] = -2*udg_List3[Z]+2*udg_List3[Z+1]
                set udg_List6[3] = udg_List3[Z]
                call ExecuteFunc(&quot;Graph&quot;)
        if udg_degree == 3 then //degree 3 data collect
            if udg_which == 1 then //normal graph
                //degree 3 data : (-9/2)(n1-3*n2+3*n3-n4)*t^3 + (9/2)(2*n1-5*n2+4*n3-n4)*t^2 + (-1/2)(11*n1-18*n2+9*n3-2*n4)*t + n1
                set udg_List4[1] = (-9./2.)*(udg_List1[Z]-3*udg_List1[Z+1]+3*udg_List1[Z+2]-udg_List1[Z+3])
                set udg_List4[2] = (9./2.)*(2*udg_List1[Z]-5*udg_List1[Z+1]+4*udg_List1[Z+2]-udg_List1[Z+3])
                set udg_List4[3] = (-1./2.)*(11*udg_List1[Z]-18*udg_List1[Z+1]+9*udg_List1[Z+2]-2*udg_List1[Z+3])
                set udg_List4[4] = udg_List1[Z]
                set udg_List5[1] = (-9./2.)*(udg_List2[Z]-3*udg_List2[Z+1]+3*udg_List2[Z+2]-udg_List2[Z+3])
                set udg_List5[2] = (9./2.)*(2*udg_List2[Z]-5*udg_List2[Z+1]+4*udg_List2[Z+2]-udg_List2[Z+3])
                set udg_List5[3] = (-1./2.)*(11*udg_List2[Z]-18*udg_List2[Z+1]+9*udg_List2[Z+2]-2*udg_List2[Z+3])
                set udg_List5[4] = udg_List2[Z]
                set udg_List6[1] = (-9./2.)*(udg_List3[Z]-3*udg_List3[Z+1]+3*udg_List3[Z+2]-udg_List3[Z+3])
                set udg_List6[2] = (9./2.)*(2*udg_List3[Z]-5*udg_List3[Z+1]+4*udg_List3[Z+2]-udg_List3[Z+3])
                set udg_List6[3] = (-1./2.)*(11*udg_List3[Z]-18*udg_List3[Z+1]+9*udg_List3[Z+2]-2*udg_List3[Z+3])
                set udg_List6[4] = udg_List3[Z]
                call ExecuteFunc(&quot;Graph&quot;)
            else //bezier graph
                //degree 3 data : (-n1+3*n2-3*n3+n4)*t^3 + (3*n1-6*n2+3*n3)*t^2 + (-3*n1+3*n2)*t + n1
                set udg_List4[1] = -udg_List1[Z]+3*udg_List1[Z+1]-3*udg_List1[Z+2]+udg_List1[Z+3]
                set udg_List4[2] = 3*udg_List1[Z]-6*udg_List1[Z+1]+3*udg_List1[Z+2]
                set udg_List4[3] = -3*udg_List1[Z]+3*udg_List1[Z+1]
                set udg_List4[4] = udg_List1[Z]
                set udg_List5[1] = -udg_List2[Z]+3*udg_List2[Z+1]-3*udg_List2[Z+2]+udg_List2[Z+3]
                set udg_List5[2] = 3*udg_List2[Z]-6*udg_List2[Z+1]+3*udg_List2[Z+2]
                set udg_List5[3] = -3*udg_List2[Z]+3*udg_List2[Z+1]
                set udg_List5[4] = udg_List2[Z]
                set udg_List6[1] = -udg_List3[Z]+3*udg_List3[Z+1]-3*udg_List3[Z+2]+udg_List3[Z+3]
                set udg_List6[2] = 3*udg_List3[Z]-6*udg_List3[Z+1]+3*udg_List3[Z+2]
                set udg_List6[3] = -3*udg_List3[Z]+3*udg_List3[Z+1]
                set udg_List6[4] = udg_List3[Z]
                call ExecuteFunc(&quot;Graph&quot;)
        if udg_degree == 4 then //degree 4 data collect
            if udg_which == 1 then //normal graph
                //degree 4 data : so long I won&#039;t put anymore the full function
                set udg_List4[1] = (32./3.)*(udg_List1[Z]-4*udg_List1[Z+1]+6*udg_List1[Z+2]-4*udg_List1[Z+3]+udg_List1[Z+4])
                set udg_List4[2] = (-16./3.)*(5*udg_List1[Z]-18*udg_List1[Z+1]+24*udg_List1[Z+2]-14*udg_List1[Z+3]+3*udg_List1[Z+4])
                set udg_List4[3] = (2./3.)*(35*udg_List1[Z]-104*udg_List1[Z+1]+114*udg_List1[Z+2]-56*udg_List1[Z+3]+11*udg_List1[Z+4])
                set udg_List4[4] = (-1./3.)*(25*udg_List1[Z]-48*udg_List1[Z+1]+36*udg_List1[Z+2]-16*udg_List1[Z+3]+3*udg_List1[Z+4])
                set udg_List4[5] = udg_List1[Z]
                set udg_List5[1] = (32./3.)*(udg_List2[Z]-4*udg_List2[Z+1]+6*udg_List2[Z+2]-4*udg_List2[Z+3]+udg_List2[Z+4])
                set udg_List5[2] = (-16./3.)*(5*udg_List2[Z]-18*udg_List2[Z+1]+24*udg_List2[Z+2]-14*udg_List2[Z+3]+3*udg_List2[Z+4])
                set udg_List5[3] = (2./3.)*(35*udg_List2[Z]-104*udg_List2[Z+1]+114*udg_List2[Z+2]-56*udg_List2[Z+3]+11*udg_List2[Z+4])
                set udg_List5[4] = (-1./3.)*(25*udg_List2[Z]-48*udg_List2[Z+1]+36*udg_List2[Z+2]-16*udg_List2[Z+3]+3*udg_List2[Z+4])
                set udg_List5[5] = udg_List2[Z]
                set udg_List6[1] = (32./3.)*(udg_List3[Z]-4*udg_List3[Z+1]+6*udg_List3[Z+2]-4*udg_List3[Z+3]+udg_List3[Z+4])
                set udg_List6[2] = (-16./3.)*(5*udg_List3[Z]-18*udg_List3[Z+1]+24*udg_List3[Z+2]-14*udg_List3[Z+3]+3*udg_List3[Z+4])
                set udg_List6[3] = (2./3.)*(35*udg_List3[Z]-104*udg_List3[Z+1]+114*udg_List3[Z+2]-56*udg_List3[Z+3]+11*udg_List3[Z+4])
                set udg_List6[4] = (-1./3.)*(25*udg_List3[Z]-48*udg_List3[Z+1]+36*udg_List3[Z+2]-16*udg_List3[Z+3]+3*udg_List3[Z+4])
                set udg_List6[5] = udg_List3[Z]
                call ExecuteFunc(&quot;Graph&quot;)
            else //bezier graph
                //degree 4 data : too long...
                set udg_List4[1] = udg_List1[Z]-4*udg_List1[Z+1]+6*udg_List1[Z+2]-4*udg_List1[Z+3]+udg_List1[Z+4]
                set udg_List4[2] = -4*udg_List1[Z]+12*udg_List1[Z+1]-12*udg_List1[Z+2]+4*udg_List1[Z+3]
                set udg_List4[3] = 6*udg_List1[Z]-12*udg_List1[Z+1]+6*udg_List1[Z+2]
                set udg_List4[4] = -4*udg_List1[Z]+4*udg_List1[Z+1]
                set udg_List4[5] = udg_List1[Z]
                set udg_List5[1] = udg_List2[Z]-4*udg_List2[Z+1]+6*udg_List2[Z+2]-4*udg_List2[Z+3]+udg_List2[Z+4]
                set udg_List5[2] = -4*udg_List2[Z]+12*udg_List2[Z+1]-12*udg_List2[Z+2]+4*udg_List2[Z+3]
                set udg_List5[3] = 6*udg_List2[Z]-12*udg_List2[Z+1]+6*udg_List2[Z+2]
                set udg_List5[4] = -4*udg_List2[Z]+4*udg_List2[Z+1]
                set udg_List5[5] = udg_List2[Z]
                set udg_List6[1] = udg_List3[Z]-4*udg_List3[Z+1]+6*udg_List3[Z+2]-4*udg_List3[Z+3]+udg_List3[Z+4]
                set udg_List6[2] = -4*udg_List3[Z]+12*udg_List3[Z+1]-12*udg_List3[Z+2]+4*udg_List3[Z+3]
                set udg_List6[3] = 6*udg_List3[Z]-12*udg_List3[Z+1]+6*udg_List3[Z+2]
                set udg_List6[4] = -4*udg_List3[Z]+4*udg_List3[Z+1]
                set udg_List6[5] = udg_List3[Z]
                call ExecuteFunc(&quot;Graph&quot;)
        if udg_degree == 5 then //degree 5 data collect
            if udg_which == 1 then //normal graph
                //degree 5 data : too long....
                set udg_List4[1] = (-625./24.)*(udg_List1[Z]-5*udg_List1[Z+1]+10*udg_List1[Z+2]-10*udg_List1[Z+3]+5*udg_List1[Z+4]-udg_List1[Z+5])
                set udg_List4[2] = (625./24.)*(3*udg_List1[Z]-14*udg_List1[Z+1]+26*udg_List1[Z+2]-24*udg_List1[Z+3]+11*udg_List1[Z+4]-2*udg_List1[Z+5])
                set udg_List4[3] = (-125./24.)*(17*udg_List1[Z]-71*udg_List1[Z+1]+118*udg_List1[Z+2]-98*udg_List1[Z+3]+41*udg_List1[Z+4]-7*udg_List1[Z+5])
                set udg_List4[4] = (25./24.)*(45*udg_List1[Z]-154*udg_List1[Z+1]+214*udg_List1[Z+2]-156*udg_List1[Z+3]+61*udg_List1[Z+4]-10*udg_List1[Z+5])
                set udg_List4[5] = (-1./12.)*(137*udg_List1[Z]-300*udg_List1[Z+1]+300*udg_List1[Z+2]-200*udg_List1[Z+3]+75*udg_List1[Z+4]-12*udg_List1[Z+5])
                set udg_List4[6] = udg_List1[Z]
                set udg_List5[1] = (-625./24.)*(udg_List2[Z]-5*udg_List2[Z+1]+10*udg_List2[Z+2]-10*udg_List2[Z+3]+5*udg_List2[Z+4]-udg_List2[Z+5])
                set udg_List5[2] = (625./24.)*(3*udg_List2[Z]-14*udg_List2[Z+1]+26*udg_List2[Z+2]-24*udg_List2[Z+3]+11*udg_List2[Z+4]-2*udg_List2[Z+5])
                set udg_List5[3] = (-125./24.)*(17*udg_List2[Z]-71*udg_List2[Z+1]+118*udg_List2[Z+2]-98*udg_List2[Z+3]+41*udg_List2[Z+4]-7*udg_List2[Z+5])
                set udg_List5[4] = (25./24.)*(45*udg_List2[Z]-154*udg_List2[Z+1]+214*udg_List2[Z+2]-156*udg_List2[Z+3]+61*udg_List2[Z+4]-10*udg_List2[Z+5])
                set udg_List5[5] = (-1./12.)*(137*udg_List2[Z]-300*udg_List2[Z+1]+300*udg_List2[Z+2]-200*udg_List2[Z+3]+75*udg_List2[Z+4]-12*udg_List2[Z+5])
                set udg_List5[6] = udg_List2[Z]
                set udg_List6[1] = (-625./24.)*(udg_List3[Z]-5*udg_List3[Z+1]+10*udg_List3[Z+2]-10*udg_List3[Z+3]+5*udg_List3[Z+4]-udg_List3[Z+5])
                set udg_List6[2] = (625./24.)*(3*udg_List3[Z]-14*udg_List3[Z+1]+26*udg_List3[Z+2]-24*udg_List3[Z+3]+11*udg_List3[Z+4]-2*udg_List3[Z+5])
                set udg_List6[3] = (-125./24.)*(17*udg_List3[Z]-71*udg_List3[Z+1]+118*udg_List3[Z+2]-98*udg_List3[Z+3]+41*udg_List3[Z+4]-7*udg_List3[Z+5])
                set udg_List6[4] = (25./24.)*(45*udg_List3[Z]-154*udg_List3[Z+1]+214*udg_List3[Z+2]-156*udg_List3[Z+3]+61*udg_List3[Z+4]-10*udg_List3[Z+5])
                set udg_List6[5] = (-1./12.)*(137*udg_List3[Z]-300*udg_List3[Z+1]+300*udg_List3[Z+2]-200*udg_List3[Z+3]+75*udg_List3[Z+4]-12*udg_List3[Z+5])
                set udg_List6[6] = udg_List3[Z]
                call ExecuteFunc(&quot;Graph&quot;)
            else //bezier graph
                //degree 5 data : too long.....
                set udg_List4[1] = -udg_List1[Z]+5*udg_List1[Z+1]-10*udg_List1[Z+2]+10*udg_List1[Z+3]-5*udg_List1[Z+4]+udg_List1[Z+5]
                set udg_List4[2] = 5*udg_List1[Z]-20*udg_List1[Z+1]+30*udg_List1[Z+2]-20*udg_List1[Z+3]+5*udg_List1[Z+4]
                set udg_List4[3] = -10*udg_List1[Z]+30*udg_List1[Z+1]-30*udg_List1[Z+2]+10*udg_List1[Z+3]
                set udg_List4[4] = 10*udg_List1[Z]-20*udg_List1[Z+1]+10*udg_List1[Z+2]
                set udg_List4[5] = -5*udg_List1[Z]+5*udg_List1[Z+1]
                set udg_List4[6] = udg_List1[Z]
                set udg_List5[1] = -udg_List2[Z]+5*udg_List2[Z+1]-10*udg_List2[Z+2]+10*udg_List2[Z+3]-5*udg_List2[Z+4]+udg_List2[Z+5]
                set udg_List5[2] = 5*udg_List2[Z]-20*udg_List2[Z+1]+30*udg_List2[Z+2]-20*udg_List2[Z+3]+5*udg_List2[Z+4]
                set udg_List5[3] = -10*udg_List2[Z]+30*udg_List2[Z+1]-30*udg_List2[Z+2]+10*udg_List2[Z+3]
                set udg_List5[4] = 10*udg_List2[Z]-20*udg_List2[Z+1]+10*udg_List2[Z+2]
                set udg_List5[5] = -5*udg_List2[Z]+5*udg_List2[Z+1]
                set udg_List5[6] = udg_List2[Z]
                set udg_List6[1] = -udg_List3[Z]+5*udg_List3[Z+1]-10*udg_List3[Z+2]+10*udg_List3[Z+3]-5*udg_List3[Z+4]+udg_List3[Z+5]
                set udg_List6[2] = 5*udg_List3[Z]-20*udg_List3[Z+1]+30*udg_List3[Z+2]-20*udg_List3[Z+3]+5*udg_List3[Z+4]
                set udg_List6[3] = -10*udg_List3[Z]+30*udg_List3[Z+1]-30*udg_List3[Z+2]+10*udg_List3[Z+3]
                set udg_List6[4] = 10*udg_List3[Z]-20*udg_List3[Z+1]+10*udg_List3[Z+2]
                set udg_List6[5] = -5*udg_List3[Z]+5*udg_List3[Z+1]
                set udg_List6[6] = udg_List3[Z]
                call ExecuteFunc(&quot;Graph&quot;)
        if udg_degree == 6 then //degree 6 data collect
            //normal graph, didn&#039;t add data for Bezier, I think degree 5 Bezier is enough but degree 5 Normal is not
            //degree 6 data : too long........
            set udg_List4[1] = (324./5.)*(udg_List1[Z]-6*udg_List1[Z+1]+15*udg_List1[Z+2]-20*udg_List1[Z+3]+15*udg_List1[Z+4]-6*udg_List1[Z+5]+udg_List1[Z+6])
            set udg_List4[2] = (-162./5.)*(7*udg_List1[Z]-40*udg_List1[Z+1]+95*udg_List1[Z+2]-120*udg_List1[Z+3]+85*udg_List1[Z+4]-32*udg_List1[Z+5]+5*udg_List1[Z+6])
            set udg_List4[3] = 9.*(35*udg_List1[Z]-186*udg_List1[Z+1]+411*udg_List1[Z+2]-484*udg_List1[Z+3]+321*udg_List1[Z+4]-114*udg_List1[Z+5]+17*udg_List1[Z+6])
            set udg_List4[4] = (-9./2.)*(49*udg_List1[Z]-232*udg_List1[Z+1]+461*udg_List1[Z+2]-496*udg_List1[Z+3]+307*udg_List1[Z+4]-104*udg_List1[Z+5]+15*udg_List1[Z+6])
            set udg_List4[5] = (1./10.)*(812*udg_List1[Z]-3132*udg_List1[Z+1]+5265*udg_List1[Z+2]-5080*udg_List1[Z+3]+2970*udg_List1[Z+4]-972*udg_List1[Z+5]+137*udg_List1[Z+6])
            set udg_List4[6] = (-1./10.)*(147*udg_List1[Z]-360*udg_List1[Z+1]+450*udg_List1[Z+2]-400*udg_List1[Z+3]+225*udg_List1[Z+4]-72*udg_List1[Z+5]+10*udg_List1[Z+6])
            set udg_List4[7] = udg_List1[Z]
            set udg_List5[1] = (324./5.)*(udg_List2[Z]-6*udg_List2[Z+1]+15*udg_List2[Z+2]-20*udg_List2[Z+3]+15*udg_List2[Z+4]-6*udg_List2[Z+5]+udg_List2[Z+6])
            set udg_List5[2] = (-162./5.)*(7*udg_List2[Z]-40*udg_List2[Z+1]+95*udg_List2[Z+2]-120*udg_List2[Z+3]+85*udg_List2[Z+4]-32*udg_List2[Z+5]+5*udg_List2[Z+6])
            set udg_List5[3] = 9.*(35*udg_List2[Z]-186*udg_List2[Z+1]+411*udg_List2[Z+2]-484*udg_List2[Z+3]+321*udg_List2[Z+4]-114*udg_List2[Z+5]+17*udg_List2[Z+6])
            set udg_List5[4] = (-9./2.)*(49*udg_List2[Z]-232*udg_List2[Z+1]+461*udg_List2[Z+2]-496*udg_List2[Z+3]+307*udg_List2[Z+4]-104*udg_List2[Z+5]+15*udg_List2[Z+6])
            set udg_List5[5] = (1./10.)*(812*udg_List2[Z]-3132*udg_List2[Z+1]+5265*udg_List2[Z+2]-5080*udg_List2[Z+3]+2970*udg_List2[Z+4]-972*udg_List2[Z+5]+137*udg_List2[Z+6])
            set udg_List5[6] = (-1./10.)*(147*udg_List2[Z]-360*udg_List2[Z+1]+450*udg_List2[Z+2]-400*udg_List2[Z+3]+225*udg_List2[Z+4]-72*udg_List2[Z+5]+10*udg_List2[Z+6])
            set udg_List5[7] = udg_List2[Z]
            set udg_List6[1] = (324./5.)*(udg_List3[Z]-6*udg_List3[Z+1]+15*udg_List3[Z+2]-20*udg_List3[Z+3]+15*udg_List3[Z+4]-6*udg_List3[Z+5]+udg_List3[Z+6])
            set udg_List6[2] = (-162./5.)*(7*udg_List3[Z]-40*udg_List3[Z+1]+95*udg_List3[Z+2]-120*udg_List3[Z+3]+85*udg_List3[Z+4]-32*udg_List3[Z+5]+5*udg_List3[Z+6])
            set udg_List6[3] = 9.*(35*udg_List3[Z]-186*udg_List3[Z+1]+411*udg_List3[Z+2]-484*udg_List3[Z+3]+321*udg_List3[Z+4]-114*udg_List3[Z+5]+17*udg_List3[Z+6])
            set udg_List6[4] = (-9./2.)*(49*udg_List3[Z]-232*udg_List3[Z+1]+461*udg_List3[Z+2]-496*udg_List3[Z+3]+307*udg_List3[Z+4]-104*udg_List3[Z+5]+15*udg_List3[Z+6])
            set udg_List6[5] = (1./10.)*(812*udg_List3[Z]-3132*udg_List3[Z+1]+5265*udg_List3[Z+2]-5080*udg_List3[Z+3]+2970*udg_List3[Z+4]-972*udg_List3[Z+5]+137*udg_List3[Z+6])
            set udg_List6[6] = (-1./10.)*(147*udg_List3[Z]-360*udg_List3[Z+1]+450*udg_List3[Z+2]-400*udg_List3[Z+3]+225*udg_List3[Z+4]-72*udg_List3[Z+5]+10*udg_List3[Z+6])
            set udg_List6[7] = udg_List3[Z]
            call ExecuteFunc(&quot;Graph&quot;)
        if udg_degree == 7 then //degree 7 data collect
            //normal graph, degree 6 was not enough for my uses, but I stop at degree 7 through
            //degree 7 data : too long!!!!
            set udg_List4[1] = (-117649./720.)*(udg_List1[Z]-7*udg_List1[Z+1]+21*udg_List1[Z+2]-35*udg_List1[Z+3]+35*udg_List1[Z+4]-21*udg_List1[Z+5]+7*udg_List1[Z+6]-udg_List1[Z+7])
            set udg_List4[2] = (117649./720.)*(4*udg_List1[Z]-27*udg_List1[Z+1]+78*udg_List1[Z+2]-125*udg_List1[Z+3]+120*udg_List1[Z+4]-69*udg_List1[Z+5]+22*udg_List1[Z+6]-3*udg_List1[Z+7])
            set udg_List4[3] = (-16807./720.)*(46*udg_List1[Z]-295*udg_List1[Z+1]+810*udg_List1[Z+2]-1235*udg_List1[Z+3]+1130*udg_List1[Z+4]-621*udg_List1[Z+5]+190*udg_List1[Z+6]-25*udg_List1[Z+7])
            set udg_List4[4] = (2401./144.)*(56*udg_List1[Z]-333*udg_List1[Z+1]+852*udg_List1[Z+2]-1219*udg_List1[Z+3]+1056*udg_List1[Z+4]-555*udg_List1[Z+5]+164*udg_List1[Z+6]-21*udg_List1[Z+7])
            set udg_List4[5] = (-343./720.)*(967*udg_List1[Z]-5104*udg_List1[Z+1]+11787*udg_List1[Z+2]-15560*udg_List1[Z+3]+12725*udg_List1[Z+4]-6432*udg_List1[Z+5]+1849*udg_List1[Z+6]-232*udg_List1[Z+7])
            set udg_List4[6] = (49./360.)*(938*udg_List1[Z]-4014*udg_List1[Z+1]+7911*udg_List1[Z+2]-9490*udg_List1[Z+3]+7380*udg_List1[Z+4]-3618*udg_List1[Z+5]+1019*udg_List1[Z+6]-126*udg_List1[Z+7])
            set udg_List4[7] = (-1./60.)*(1089*udg_List1[Z]-2940*udg_List1[Z+1]+4410*udg_List1[Z+2]-4900*udg_List1[Z+3]+3675*udg_List1[Z+4]-1764*udg_List1[Z+5]+490*udg_List1[Z+6]-60*udg_List1[Z+7])
            set udg_List4[8] = udg_List1[Z]
            set udg_List5[1] = (-117649./720.)*(udg_List2[Z]-7*udg_List2[Z+1]+21*udg_List2[Z+2]-35*udg_List2[Z+3]+35*udg_List2[Z+4]-21*udg_List2[Z+5]+7*udg_List2[Z+6]-udg_List2[Z+7])
            set udg_List5[2] = (117649./720.)*(4*udg_List2[Z]-27*udg_List2[Z+1]+78*udg_List2[Z+2]-125*udg_List2[Z+3]+120*udg_List2[Z+4]-69*udg_List2[Z+5]+22*udg_List2[Z+6]-3*udg_List2[Z+7])
            set udg_List5[3] = (-16807./720.)*(46*udg_List2[Z]-295*udg_List2[Z+1]+810*udg_List2[Z+2]-1235*udg_List2[Z+3]+1130*udg_List2[Z+4]-621*udg_List2[Z+5]+190*udg_List2[Z+6]-25*udg_List2[Z+7])
            set udg_List5[4] = (2401./144.)*(56*udg_List2[Z]-333*udg_List2[Z+1]+852*udg_List2[Z+2]-1219*udg_List2[Z+3]+1056*udg_List2[Z+4]-555*udg_List2[Z+5]+164*udg_List2[Z+6]-21*udg_List2[Z+7])
            set udg_List5[5] = (-343./720.)*(967*udg_List2[Z]-5104*udg_List2[Z+1]+11787*udg_List2[Z+2]-15560*udg_List2[Z+3]+12725*udg_List2[Z+4]-6432*udg_List2[Z+5]+1849*udg_List2[Z+6]-232*udg_List2[Z+7])
            set udg_List5[6] = (49./360.)*(938*udg_List2[Z]-4014*udg_List2[Z+1]+7911*udg_List2[Z+2]-9490*udg_List2[Z+3]+7380*udg_List2[Z+4]-3618*udg_List2[Z+5]+1019*udg_List2[Z+6]-126*udg_List2[Z+7])
            set udg_List5[7] = (-1./60.)*(1089*udg_List2[Z]-2940*udg_List2[Z+1]+4410*udg_List2[Z+2]-4900*udg_List2[Z+3]+3675*udg_List2[Z+4]-1764*udg_List2[Z+5]+490*udg_List2[Z+6]-60*udg_List2[Z+7])
            set udg_List5[8] = udg_List2[Z]
            set udg_List6[1] = (-117649./720.)*(udg_List3[Z]-7*udg_List3[Z+1]+21*udg_List3[Z+2]-35*udg_List3[Z+3]+35*udg_List3[Z+4]-21*udg_List3[Z+5]+7*udg_List3[Z+6]-udg_List3[Z+7])
            set udg_List6[2] = (117649./720.)*(4*udg_List3[Z]-27*udg_List3[Z+1]+78*udg_List3[Z+2]-125*udg_List3[Z+3]+120*udg_List3[Z+4]-69*udg_List3[Z+5]+22*udg_List3[Z+6]-3*udg_List3[Z+7])
            set udg_List6[3] = (-16807./720.)*(46*udg_List3[Z]-295*udg_List3[Z+1]+810*udg_List3[Z+2]-1235*udg_List3[Z+3]+1130*udg_List3[Z+4]-621*udg_List3[Z+5]+190*udg_List3[Z+6]-25*udg_List3[Z+7])
            set udg_List6[4] = (2401./144.)*(56*udg_List3[Z]-333*udg_List3[Z+1]+852*udg_List3[Z+2]-1219*udg_List3[Z+3]+1056*udg_List3[Z+4]-555*udg_List3[Z+5]+164*udg_List3[Z+6]-21*udg_List3[Z+7])
            set udg_List6[5] = (-343./720.)*(967*udg_List3[Z]-5104*udg_List3[Z+1]+11787*udg_List3[Z+2]-15560*udg_List3[Z+3]+12725*udg_List3[Z+4]-6432*udg_List3[Z+5]+1849*udg_List3[Z+6]-232*udg_List3[Z+7])
            set udg_List6[6] = (49./360.)*(938*udg_List3[Z]-4014*udg_List3[Z+1]+7911*udg_List3[Z+2]-9490*udg_List3[Z+3]+7380*udg_List3[Z+4]-3618*udg_List3[Z+5]+1019*udg_List3[Z+6]-126*udg_List3[Z+7])
            set udg_List6[7] = (-1./60.)*(1089*udg_List3[Z]-2940*udg_List3[Z+1]+4410*udg_List3[Z+2]-4900*udg_List3[Z+3]+3675*udg_List3[Z+4]-1764*udg_List3[Z+5]+490*udg_List3[Z+6]-60*udg_List3[Z+7])
            set udg_List6[8] = udg_List3[Z]
            call ExecuteFunc(&quot;Graph&quot;)
        call PauseTimer(udg_GraphTimer)
    //dummy unit that can be removed if you don&#039;t need it
    //set Z = udg_DimList + 1
        //set Z = Z - 1
        //exitwhen Z == udg_DimList - degree
        //call CreateUnitZ(udg_List1[Z], udg_List2[Z], udg_List3[Z], duration)

function Calculate takes integer degree, real duration, integer which, real delay, string s, integer precision, boolean additive, boolean delayed, boolean last returns nothing
    //delayed assign
    set udg_delayed = delayed
    //not additive (lightnings) resets Lightning count
    if not additive then
        set udg_Lightning = 0
    //get lightning sfx type
    set udg_LightSFX = LightningList(s)
    //set precision
    set udg_Precision = 2.+2.*udg_degree+precision
    set udg_degree = degree
    set udg_which = which
    //correct degree input
    //if degree!=N(2,7) or degree==6/which!=2 or degree==7/which!=2
    if (degree != 2 and degree != 3 and degree != 4 and degree != 5 and degree != 6 and degree != 7) or (degree == 6 and which == 2) or (degree == 7 and which == 2) then
        set degree = 2
        set which = 1
    //duration check
    set udg_duration = duration
    if udg_duration &lt;= 0.0 then
        set udg_duration = 3.0
    //delay check
    set udg_delay = delay
    if udg_delay &lt; 0.0 then
        set udg_delay = 0.0
    //precision check
    if udg_Precision &lt;= 0.0 or udg_Precision != 2.+2.*udg_degree+precision then
        set udg_Precision = 2.+2.*udg_degree
    //reset Z count
    set udg_Z = 0
    //gettime data
    if additive and not last then
        set udg_GetTime = 0.0
        set udg_GetTime = udg_duration
    //start timer
    call TimerStart(udg_GraphTimer, udg_delay, true, function CalculateEx)

function SignumPos takes integer i returns real
    if i &lt;= 0 then
        return 0.0
    return I2R(i)

function GetTime takes integer DimList returns real
    //notadditive = 0.0 -&gt; additive = true
    //notadditive = 1.0 -&gt; additive = false
    return SignumPos(DimList-udg_degree)*udg_delay + udg_GetTime

function GraphReset takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i = 0
    set udg_Lightning = 0
        set i = i + 1
        set udg_List1<i> = 0.0
        set udg_List2<i> = 0.0
        set udg_List3<i> = 0.0
        exitwhen i &gt;= udg_DimList

function Resize takes real r, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
    local integer i = 0
        set i = i + 1
        set udg_List1<i> = udg_List1<i> * r + x
        set udg_List2<i> = udg_List2<i> * r + y
        set udg_List3<i> = udg_List3<i> * r + z
        exitwhen i == udg_DimList

function Letter_r takes real delx, real dely, real delz returns nothing
    set udg_List1[1] = 11./24. + delx
    set udg_List2[1] = 3./2. + dely
    set udg_List3[1] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[2] = 5./24. + delx
    set udg_List2[2] = 0.0 + dely
    set udg_List3[2] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[3] = 1./3. + delx
    set udg_List2[3] = 4./5. + dely
    set udg_List3[3] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[4] = 1./2. + delx
    set udg_List2[4] = 1. + dely
    set udg_List3[4] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[5] = 1. + delx
    set udg_List2[5] = 6./5. + dely
    set udg_List3[5] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[6] = 3./2. + delx
    set udg_List2[6] = 7./5. + dely
    set udg_List3[6] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[7] = 9./5. + delx
    set udg_List2[7] = 3./2. + dely
    set udg_List3[7] = 0.0 + delz
    //don&#039;t forget to input udg_DimList
    set udg_DimList = 7

function Letter_u takes real delx, real dely, real delz returns nothing
    set udg_List1[1] = 1./4. + delx
    set udg_List2[1] = 3./2. + dely
    set udg_List3[1] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[2] = 1./5. + delx
    set udg_List2[2] = 3./4. + dely
    set udg_List3[2] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[3] = 3./5. + delx
    set udg_List2[3] = 0.0 + dely
    set udg_List3[3] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[4] = 1. + delx
    set udg_List2[4] = 1./6. + dely
    set udg_List3[4] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[5] = 5./3. + delx
    set udg_List2[5] = 3./4. + dely
    set udg_List3[5] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[6] = 7./4. + delx
    set udg_List2[6] = 3./2. + dely
    set udg_List3[6] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[7] = 5./3. + delx
    set udg_List2[7] = 3./4. + dely
    set udg_List3[7] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[8] = 7./4. + delx
    set udg_List2[8] = 1./3. + dely
    set udg_List3[8] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[9] = 9./5. + delx
    set udg_List2[9] = 0.0 + dely
    set udg_List3[9] = 0.0 + delz
    //don&#039;t forget to input udg_DimList
    set udg_DimList = 9

function Letter_a takes real delx, real dely, real delz returns nothing
    set udg_List1[1] = 5./3. + delx
    set udg_List2[1] = 3./2. + dely
    set udg_List3[1] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[2] = 1./2. + delx
    set udg_List2[2] = 5./4. + dely
    set udg_List3[2] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[3] = 1./4. + delx
    set udg_List2[3] = 1./4. + dely
    set udg_List3[3] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[4] = 1. + delx
    set udg_List2[4] = 0.0 + dely
    set udg_List3[4] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[5] = 3./2. + delx
    set udg_List2[5] = 1./2. + dely
    set udg_List3[5] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[6] = 5./3. + delx
    set udg_List2[6] = 3./2. + dely
    set udg_List3[6] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[7] = 3./2. + delx
    set udg_List2[7] = 1./2. + dely
    set udg_List3[7] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[8] = 5./3. + delx
    set udg_List2[8] = 1./6. + dely
    set udg_List3[8] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[9] = 7./4. + delx
    set udg_List2[9] = 0.0 + dely
    set udg_List3[9] = 0.0 + delz
    //don&#039;t forget to input udg_DimList
    set udg_DimList = 9

function Letter_L takes real delx, real dely, real delz returns nothing
    set udg_List1[1] = 1. + delx
    set udg_List2[1] = 3. + dely
    set udg_List3[1] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[2] = 1./3. + delx
    set udg_List2[2] = 7./3. + dely
    set udg_List3[2] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[3] = 3./2. + delx
    set udg_List2[3] = 2. + dely
    set udg_List3[3] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[4] = 7./3. + delx
    set udg_List2[4] = 5./2. + dely
    set udg_List3[4] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[5] = 11./5. + delx
    set udg_List2[5] = 13./5. + dely
    set udg_List3[5] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[6] = 7./4. + delx
    set udg_List2[6] = 5./2. + dely
    set udg_List3[6] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[7] = 3./2. + delx
    set udg_List2[7] = 2. + dely
    set udg_List3[7] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[8] = 3./2. + delx
    set udg_List2[8] = 5./4. + dely
    set udg_List3[8] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[9] = 6./5. + delx
    set udg_List2[9] = 2./5. + dely
    set udg_List3[9] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[10] = 1./3. + delx
    set udg_List2[10] = 0.0 + dely
    set udg_List3[10] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[11] = 2./3. + delx
    set udg_List2[11] = 3./4. + dely
    set udg_List3[11] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[12] = 6./5. + delx
    set udg_List2[12] = 2./4. + dely
    set udg_List3[12] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[13] = 9./5. + delx
    set udg_List2[13] = 1./5. + dely
    set udg_List3[13] = 0.0 + delz
    set udg_List1[14] = 11./4. + delx
    set udg_List2[14] = 0.0 + dely
    set udg_List3[14] = 0.0 + delz
    //don&#039;t forget to input udg_DimList
    set udg_DimList = 14

function Setup takes nothing returns nothing
    call Letter_L(0, 0, 0)
    call Resize(1000., 0, 0, 0)
    //Chain Lightning - Primary - &quot;big blue&quot; - &quot;CLPB&quot;
    //Lightning Attack - &quot;medium blue&quot; - &quot;CHIM&quot;
    //Chain Lightning - Secondary, &quot;small blue 1&quot; - &quot;CLSB&quot;
    //Mana Drain - &quot;small blue 2&quot; - &quot;DRAM&quot;
    //Mana Burn - &quot;big green&quot; - &quot;MBUR&quot;
    //Mana Flare - &quot;medium green&quot; - &quot;MFPB&quot;
    //Drain - &quot;small green 1&quot; - &quot;DRAB&quot;
    //Life Drain - &quot;small green 2&quot; - &quot;DRAL&quot;
    //Healing Wave - Primary - &quot;yellow&quot; - &quot;HWPB&quot;
    //Healing Wave - Secondary - &quot;small yellow&quot; - &quot;HWSB&quot;
    //Finger of Death - &quot;red&quot; - &quot;AFOD&quot;
    //Magic Leash - &quot;small red&quot; - &quot;LEAS&quot;
    //Forked Lightning - &quot;purple&quot; - &quot;FORK&quot;
    //Spirit Link - &quot;orange&quot; - &quot;SPLK&quot;
    call TriggerSleepAction(2.0)
    //in case you do lightning per lightning after destroying them, you do not need to reset and make sure additive is false
    call Calculate(7, 3.0, 1, 0.2, &quot;big blue&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //Degree 7, dur 8s, Graph, 0.2s del)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList)) //wait so it doesn&#039;t overlap
    call Calculate(6, 3.0, 1, 0.2, &quot;medium blue&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //Degree 6, dur 8s, Graph, 0.2s del)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList)) //wait so it doesn&#039;t overlap
    call Calculate(5, 3.0, 1, 0.2, &quot;small blue 1&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //Degree 5, dur 8s, Graph, 0.2s del)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList)) //wait so it doesn&#039;t overlap
    call Calculate(5, 3.0, 2, 0.2, &quot;small blue 2&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //Degree 5, dur 8s, Bezier, 0.2s del)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList)) //wait so it doesn&#039;t overlap
    call Calculate(4, 3.0, 1, 0.2, &quot;big green&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //Degree 4, dur 8s, Graph, 0.2s del)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList)) //wait so it doesn&#039;t overlap
    call Calculate(4, 3.0, 2, 0.2, &quot;medium green&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //Degree 4, dur 8s, Bezier, 0.2s del)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList)) //wait so it doesn&#039;t overlap
    call Calculate(3, 3.0, 1, 0.2, &quot;small green 1&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //Degree 3, dur 8s, Graph, 0.2s del)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(3, 3.0, 2, 0.2, &quot;small green 2&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //Degree 3, dur 8s, Bezier, 0.2s del)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 3.0, 1, 0.2, &quot;yellow&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //Degree 2, Graph)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 3.0, 2, 0.2, &quot;small yellow&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //Degree 2, Bezier)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 3.0, 1, 0.2, &quot;red&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //Degree 2, Graph)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 3.0, 1, 0.2, &quot;small red&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //Degree 2, Graph)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 3.0, 1, 0.2, &quot;purple&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //Degree 2, Graph)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 3.0, 1, 0.2, &quot;orange&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //Degree 2, Graph)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 1.0, 1, 0, &quot;big blue&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //instant degree 2 graph
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 1.0, 1, 0, &quot;medium blue&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //instant degree 2 graph
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList)) 
    call Calculate(2, 1.0, 1, 0, &quot;small blue 1&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //instant degree 2 graph
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 1.0, 2, 0, &quot;small blue 2&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //instant degree 2 graph
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 1.0, 1, 0, &quot;big green&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //instant degree 2 graph
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 1.0, 2, 0, &quot;medium green&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //instant degree 2 graph
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 1.0, 1, 0, &quot;small green 1&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //instant degree 2 graph
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 1.0, 2, 0, &quot;small green 2&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //instant degree 2 graph
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 1.0, 1, 0, &quot;yellow&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //instant degree 2 graph
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 1.0, 2, 0, &quot;small yellow&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //instant degree 2 bezier
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 1.0, 1, 0, &quot;red&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //instant degree 2 graph
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 1.0, 1, 0, &quot;small red&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //instant degree 2 graph
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 1.0, 1, 0, &quot;purple&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //instant degree 2 graph
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Calculate(2, 1.0, 1, 0, &quot;orange&quot;, 0, false, true, false) //instant degree 2 graph
    //drawing a full &quot;Laura&quot; in small blue 1, degree 2, delay 0.2s, duration 36.0s
    call Letter_L(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    call Resize(300., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 22.0, 1, 0.2, &quot;small blue 1&quot;, 0, true, true, false)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_a(3., 0.0, 0.0)
    call Resize(300., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 22.0-GetTime(14), 1, 0.2, &quot;small blue 1&quot;, 0, true, true, false) //use GetTime(14) because it&#039;s additive &gt;&lt;
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_u(5., 0.0, 0.0)
    call Resize(300., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 22.0-GetTime(14+9), 1, 0.2, &quot;small blue 1&quot;, 0, true, true, false) //use GetTime(14+9) because it&#039;s additive &gt;&lt;
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_r(7., 0.0, 0.0)
    call Resize(300., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 22.0-GetTime(14+9+9), 1, 0.2, &quot;small blue 1&quot;, 0, true, true, false) //and so on because it&#039;s ADDITIVE
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_a(9., 0.0, 0.0)
    call Resize(300., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 22.0-GetTime(14+9+9+7), 1, 0.2, &quot;small blue 1&quot;, 0, true, true, true) //LAST
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call TriggerSleepAction(5.0)
    //writing 4 same letters together
    call GraphReset() //to put each time when you start a new lightning
    call Letter_L(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    call Resize(1000., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 12.0, 1, 0.2, &quot;small blue 1&quot;, 0, true, false, false)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_L(0.0, 0.0, 0.5)
    call Resize(1000., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 12.0-GetTime(14), 1, 0.2, &quot;small blue 1&quot;, 0, true, false, false)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_L(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    call Resize(1000., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 12.0-GetTime(28), 1, 0.2, &quot;small blue 1&quot;, 0, true, false, false)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_L(0.0, 0.0, 1.5)
    call Resize(1000., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 12.0-GetTime(42), 1, 0.2, &quot;small blue 1&quot;, 0, true, false, true)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    //degree, duration, whichgraph, lightning delay, lightningstring, precision, isadditive, isdelayed, islast
    //my graph 1
    call GraphReset() //to put each time when you start a new lightning
    call Letter_L(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    call Resize(300., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 7.0, 1, 0.1, &quot;purple&quot;, 0, true, false, false)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_a(3., 0.0, 0.0)
    call Resize(300., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 7.0-GetTime(14), 1, 0.1, &quot;big blue&quot;, 0, true, false, false)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_u(5., 0.0, 0.0)
    call Resize(300., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 7.0-GetTime(14+9), 1, 0.1, &quot;big green&quot;, 0, true, false, false)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_r(7., 0.0, 0.0)
    call Resize(300., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 7.0-GetTime(14+9+9), 1, 0.1, &quot;red&quot;, 0, true, false, false)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_a(9., 0.0, 0.0)
    call Resize(300., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 7.0-GetTime(14+9+9+7), 1, 0.1, &quot;orange&quot;, 0, true, false, true)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call TriggerSleepAction(5.0)
    //my graph 2
    call GraphReset() //to put each time when you start a new lightning
    call Letter_L(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    call Resize(600., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 7.0, 1, 0.0, &quot;purple&quot;, 0, true, false, false)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_a(0.0, 0.0, 0.5)
    call Resize(600., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 7.0-GetTime(14), 1, 0.0, &quot;big blue&quot;, 0, true, false, false)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_u(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    call Resize(600., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 7.0-GetTime(14+9), 1, 0.0, &quot;big green&quot;, 0, true, false, false)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_r(0.0, 0.0, 1.5)
    call Resize(600., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 7.0-GetTime(14+9+9), 1, 0.0, &quot;red&quot;, 0, true, false, false)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call Letter_a(0.0, 0.0, 2.0)
    call Resize(600., 0, 0, 0)
    call Calculate(2, 7.0-GetTime(14+9+9+7), 1, 0.0, &quot;orange&quot;, 0, true, false, true)
    call TriggerSleepAction(GetTime(udg_DimList))
    call TriggerSleepAction(5.0)
General chit-chat
Help Users
  • No one is chatting at the moment.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Still lurking
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am great and it is fantastic to see you my friend!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    If you are new to the site please check out the Recipe and Food Forum
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    How come you're so into recipes lately? Never saw this much interest in this topic in the old days of
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    Hmm, how do I change my signature?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    Signatures can be edit in your account profile. As for the old stuffs, I'm thinking it's because Blizzard is now under Microsoft, and because of Microsoft Xbox going the way it is, it's dreadful.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am not big on the recipes I am just promoting them - I use the site as a practice place promoting stuff
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    @tom_mai78101 I must be blind. If I go on my profile I don't see any area to edit the signature; If I go to account details (settings) I don't see any signature area either.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    You can get there if you click the bell icon (alerts) and choose preferences from the bottom, signature will be in the menu on the left there
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I think I need to split the Sci/Tech news forum into 2 one for Science and one for Tech but I am hating all the moving of posts I would have to do
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What is up Old Mountain Shadow?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Thursday!
  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Power back on finally - all is good here no damage
    Happy Friday!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    New recipe is another summer dessert Berry and Peach Cheesecake -

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