Hero Idea thread.


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Hey, I'm making a new map and I've run out of ideas for heroes. If some people could please think of some Ideas and post them, please do. (No DotA heroes please)
Also, could you set the info out like this:
Proper Names: (optional)
Model File:
Primary Attribute:

Also, tell me what the spells do in another set like this:
Mana Cost:

If anyone has the time/wants to, please make your hero on a dummy map (empty except for custom hero) and post it. Thanks.
(+rep for all who help, I'm really out of Ideas!)


Vastly intelligent whale-like being from the stars
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I suggest you make a thread in Members Project (just ONE thread for your map, mind you). I don't think this is the right place.


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Good point. Thanks. Does the just one thread inlcude this thread, I don't know how to remove threads


I am amazingly focused right now!
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I suggest you don't start a new thread in the Members' Projects (unless you have a beta version of your map, and a couple of screenshots to show.) I hate it when far from finished projects are hosted there. (Maybe that's just me, though.)

Check out this thread, and see if you can find some inspiration for your heroes there:


Truth begins in lies
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I'll think of a random one...

Name: IceLord
Model: IceCrownOverlord on the Hive
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Spells:Frost Attack, Nova Wave, Ice Bomb, Ice Aura, Metamorphosis

Spell Name: Frost Attack
Mana Cost: N/A
Effects: Default Ability (No Research), Every Attack made by the Icelord will cover it in ice, slowing it down and dealing 10 damage a second for 3 seconds.

Spell Name: Nova Wave
Mana Cost: 100, 175, 250
Effect: Targets the GROUND, causes a huge line of frost novas to burst out the ground slowly moving forward in a long distance, freezing and damaging nearby units with Nova damage.

Spell Name: Ice Bomb
Mana Cost: 150, 175, 200
Effect: Targets a non-hero unit and causes it to Spontaneously Combust, causing Crushing Waves to rip out of the target unit, this spell kills the target unit.

Spell Name: Ice Aura
Mana Cost: N/A
Effect: Every enemies movement speed is reduced by a percentage, whilst every ally's speed is increased by the same ammount.

Spell Name: Metamorphosis
Mana Cost: 300
Effect: Turns into a humongous Ice Spider with only Ice Aura and Frost Mana Burn, heavily increased damage, life, life regeneration and attack speed. Lasts 60 seconds.

Spell Name: Frost Mana Burn (Immolation)
Mana Cost: 1, 2, 3 per second
Effect: The Frost Lord goes so insane he slowly DRAINS nearby enemies mana, causing it to explode and freeze the target unit, slowing down its movement speed and attack rate.

This took ages to write :p


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Name: Death Angel
Proper Names: Bhaal, Belsebub, Khorne, Mephisto, and more devil names :p
Model File: Archimonde
Primary Attribute: Intelligence (but favours Strength and Agility!)
Spells: Soul Surp, Inferno, Cleave, and Flame Form

Name: Soul Surp
Mana Cost: 50
Effects: The Death Angel surps the life energy out of an ally and puts it into his fists. Kills a friendly unit, giving the Death Angel a Lifesteal for 8/10/12 seconds. The life steal is 100/175/250%
If you are making a map where the players have no units except from the hero, slightly decrease effect of the Soul Surp skill and enable him to use it on infernals.

Name: Inferno
Mana Cost: 180
Effects: A combined Starfall/Rain of Chaos spell. Based on Starfall, make it only affect ground units (not buildings nor air) and make a trigger for creating the very small infernals (which is summoned on every meteor hitting an enemy!)
Damage dealt 25. Damage interval 4/3/2. The infernals cannot attack, but are magic immune and have a permanent immolation which deals 3/6/9 damage every second. Infernal hp is 90/120/150.

Name: Cleave
Mana Cost: Passive
Effects: This is the original Cleave skill :)

Name: Flame Form
Mana Cost: 100
Effects: Ultimate. The Death Angel becomes a little larger and changes model to Kil'jaeden. He becomes Ethereal, gets Chaos damage, a permanent imollation dealing 20 damage/second, and get +25 damage. Duration and cooldown like Metamorphis.

Thats the base idea I came up with right now, if you want more spells, here's an edit:

Name: Hellwasps
Mana Cost: 85
Effects: Like Locust swarm, but change the models of the locusts to Phoenix with a Scaling value of 0.10. The Hellwasps (locusts) does 3-4/6-8/9-12 damage.

Name: Pit Aura
Mana Cost: Passive
Effects: Negative Devotion Aura. Decreases armor of nearby enemies by 1.5/3/4.5


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Getting ideas for heroes is never a problem, just tell me how many you want :p came up with another one which didn't fit in any of my maps, so lets post it to you :D

Name: Tuskarr Fiddler
Proper Names: Any musicians you like :)
Model File: A Tuskarr.
Primary Attribute: Strength
Spells: Symphony of Regeneration, Song of Vampirism, Turncoat, Tuskarr Theme.

Name: Symphony of Regeneration
Mana cost: 150/135/120
Description: Like Tranquility, but change the Effect from that tranquility rain to the Taunt animation, and change the effect sound to nothing, adding a trigger playing the Night Elf Victory theme once. Also change the buff, ofcourse, but not buff animation. Cooldown 50/40/30 seconds, lasts 22 seconds, heals 8/13/18 damage every second.

Name: Song of Vampirism
Mana cost: 200
Description: Like the spell above, but with vampirism potion as the buff animation, and Undead Victory team played instead. Instead of healing, the Song of Vampirism grants a 30/60/90% life steal to both melee and ranged units (make this with a trigger that all the time detects if units has the Song buff, adding/removing an invisible life steal ability.) Lasts 40 seconds. Cooldown 50 seconds.

Name: Turncoat
Mana cost: 250/200/150
Description: Exactly like the Charm spell but with a casting time; 8/4/0 seconds. I recommend the Anti-Magic potion icon, it fits nice.

Name: Tuskarr Theme
Mana cost: -
Description: Ultimate. Passive. When recieved, this skill changes the music played in the map, or maybe the player get options which theme he wants to play. Maybe it is an active skill and when you click there you can choose music by choice. You decide :) This skill shall also give a lvl 3 Endurance Aura and a lvl 2 Brilliance Aura for the Tuskarr Fiddler.


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Being so lazy just giving you ideas, I thought I could make you a hero and upload it here. It is a simple one, but I think it is brilliant myself :D depending on which kind of enemies you meet in the map, he could be either overpowered or too weak. Or perfect :p

Name: Cager
Model: A griffin fighting with a giant cage!
Abilities: Imprison, Cage, Netter, Great Snarl

Here is a minor map with the hero, his abilities and necessery triggers. Just import everything :) you could also send me the map so I could have a look at it, as long as you want I could help you with heroes :p
View attachment JoccarenHero.w3x


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Name: Druid (not feeling creative)
abilities: bear form, cat form, moonkin form, tree of life (ult)

Each form could have different abilities and serve for different purposes

e.g, bear form can be for tanking, cat form can be melee dps, moonkin form caster dps, and tree of life for healing.

I don't know where'd you get a moonkin model though :p


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The Time Traveller

Proper Names: Sgt. Lois, Sgt. Johnson, Sgt. Gerald, Sgt. James, Sgt. Lyfeld, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band

The experiment to send a man back in time was a success... Sort of... Now the good Sargent is trapped in the past and need to use his gadgets to survive.

Model File - Marine

Primary Stat Int

Spell One:
Mana Cost: 100/130/150
Cooldown: 15/10/5
Damage: 200/200/200
AoE: 200/250/300
Effects: Tosses a grenade that lands in a group of units. All units in the AoE run away from the grenade, disrupting all orders. The grenade has a delay of 2/1/0.5

Spell Two:
Take aim
Effects: Increases attack range by 100/200/300

Spell Three:
Adaptive Armour
Effects: Units takes 1 damage for every 2/5/7 points of mana consumed

Unlikely Backup
Mana cost: 50 mana for every second of summoning time.
Effects: Summons two foot soldiers (High Damage/Hp), a medic (AoE Healing), a and a weapons specialist (Slows unit's in an area).


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Druid of the Claw

Proper names(i used the name generator site :p): Ebnik Bloodclaw, Cezut Beakcutter blah blah blah i dont have too much inspiration when it comes to names

Model File: Druid of the Claw

Primary stat: Strength

Spells: Animal Claws, Primal Instincts, Beasts' Strength, (still thinking)

Animal Claws
Passive bash-like ability
Chance: 20%+5%/level
Bonus damage: 15, 35, 50, 70, 85
Duration: 0.33, 0.66, 1, 1.33, 1.66
Critical(level 3-5): 1.25,1.5,2

Primal Instincts
Active berserker-like ability
Damage taken: +20%+5%/level
Attack speed: +35%+15%/level
Moving speed: +5%+2.5%/level
Has a 20% chance that the druid will attack allies

Beasts' Strength
Active roar-like ability
Manacost: 50+40/level
Bonus damage: 45%+15%/level
Bonus armor: 3.5+1.5/level
Has a 30% chance to deal 25% of the difference between his HP and the targets HP


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Name: Flesh Golem
Proper Names: Grotzul
Model File: Flesh Golem
Primary Attribute: Strength
Spells: Infect Corspes, Plague of the Fallen, Corpse Armor and Rain of Death.

Name: Infect Corpses
Mana Cost: 80/100/120/140
Effects: All corpses in an AoE around the Flesh Golem will damage nearby units for 10/20/30/40 physical damage per second for 8 seconds.

Name: Plague of the Fallen
Mana Cost: 120
Effects: Roots the targeted enemy by death hands for 2/3/4/5 second, decreasing its armor by 8 for the duration.

Name: Corpse Armor
Mana Cost: Passive
Effects: Each corspe nearby will increase the golems regeneration by 1/2/3/4 hp per second.

Name: Rain of Death
Mana Cost: 210
Effects: Starts a chaotic rain of death, that will for 10 seconds make corpses fall from the sky around the golem.


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Legendary Demon
Proper Names: some demon name(Azazel, SATAN....) or Hessapias, Ahimann
Model File: Doom Guard
Primary Attribute: Str/Int
Spells: Gates of Hell, Heartless, Demonic Glyphs and Earthmelt

Name: Gates of Hell
Manacost: 135+25/level
Effects: Summons demons that on death damage some "holy" enemies

Name: Heartless
Manacost: 50+15/level
Effects: The target becomes more vulnerable to magical attacks but has increased armor

Name: Demonic Glyphs
Manacost: 80+25/level
Effects: Marks a unit with ancient demonic glyphs that decreases it's armor and damage

Name: Earthmelt
Manacost: 230+60/level
Effects: Turns the ground beneath your enemies into molten lava that greatly damages them


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Name: Puppeteer
Proper Name: Gioni
Model File: Troll Voodoo Hunter
Attack Range: 500
Strength = low
Agility = medium
Intelligence = high
Skills: Puppet Play, Puppetize, Ventriloquism, Voodoo Doll

Puppet Play (Active, single target)
Gioni summons a number of enchanced strings and uses them to practice control over the target unit. When used on an ally, he aids them in their movement. When used on an enemy however, he will pull the strings the opposite ways and slow them down. Lasts for 5 seconds.

Level 1 - Slows/increases movement and attackspeed by 15%.
Level 2 - Slows/increases movement and attackspeed by 20%.
Level 3 - Slows/increases movement and attackspeed by 25%.
Level 4 - Slows/increases movement and attackspeed by 30%.

Manacost: 110/110/110/110 mana
Cooldown: 35/31/27/23 seconds
Casting Time: Instant/instant/instant/instant
Casting Range: 400/400/400/400

Puppetize (Active, single target)
Gioni calls upon dark energies to make the target enemy into his puppet slave. When used on a regular unit, he gains full control over his new toy for an unlimited amount of time. When used on a hero however, it makes the target uncontrollable and attack random units for several seconds.

Level 1 - Maximum of 1 regular puppet. Uncontrollable effect lasts for 2 seconds.
Level 2 - Maximum of 1 regular puppet. Uncontrollable effect lasts for 3 seconds.
Level 3 - Maximum of 2 regular puppets. Uncontrollable effect lasts for 4 seconds.
Level 4 - Maximum of 3 regular puppets. Uncontrollable effect lasts for 5 seconds.

Manacost: 120/150/180/210 mana
Cooldown: 50/47/44/41 seconds
Casting Time: Instant/instant/instant/instant
Casting Range: 400/400/400/400

Ventriloquism (Passive)
Gioni morphs his voice and tricks opponents into hearing it coming out of one of his puppets. This allows Giono to hide his presence when close to a puppet. In addition, his attacks are capable of sealing the opponents voice.

Level 1 - Grants 4 seconds fade-time invisibility when in 250 range of a puppet. Every 5th attack silences the target for 2 seconds.
Level 2 - Grants 3.5 seconds fade-time invisibility when in 250 range of a puppet. Every 5th attack silences the target for 3 seconds.
Level 3 - Grants 3 seconds fade-time invisibility when in 250 range of a puppet. Every 5th attack silences the target for 4 seconds.
Level 4 - Grants 2.5 seconds fade-time invisibility when in 250 range of a puppet. Every 5th attack silences the target for 5 seconds.

Voodoo Doll (Active, single target)
Gioni creates an enchanced doll of the target enemy for 7 seconds, which only he and his puppets are capable of attacking. The doll has a limited amount of health and takes 150% damage from all sources. All damage taken by this doll however is also taken by the target. In addition, spells cast by the puppeteer on this doll, including the Ventriloquism effect, also have effect on the target.

Level 1 - The doll has 300 health.
Level 2 - The doll has 400 health.
Level 3 - The doll has 500 health.

Manacost: 230/260/290 mana
Cooldown: 110/100/90 seconds
Casting Time: Instant/instant/instant/instant
Casting Range: 600/700/800
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