Item Ideas


don't expect anything, prepare for everything
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Name: Orb of Death
Icon: Shadow orb?
Description: This orb carries the essence of the dark lord. It gives 25% more hp and mana, increases intelligence by 30%, gives 33% spell damage reduction, 75 damage and Death Desolation - destroys the orb, but instantly kills every enemy unit across the map and makes the carrier invulnerable for 5 minutes (kinda rigged, but the orb is very expensive).

Name: Staff of Kel'Thuzad
Icon: hate this part....
Description: This frozen staff once belonged to the lich, Kel'Thuzad, who was forgotten after final fight on Icecrown Glacier. It gives 35 intelligence, 50% hp and 250% mana regeneration, 500 hp and mana, aura of frost (slows nearby enemies by 40%, every attack against the carrier causes attacker to become 5% slowed until its completely freezed on 100%). This staff also give Frost Nova - releases frozen death around the carrier dealing 300 damage to every foe that gets hit, instantly kills frozen units.

Name: Venom Spear
Icon: Envenomed weapons, or w/e its called
Description: This envenomed spear reduces attack speed by 25%, but increases damage by 50% and gives 15% chance for critical strike - 3 times damage multiplier. It also rips trough targets flesh, infecting it for 30 seconds dealing 2 damage per second and slowing by 5%. It can stack up to 10 times dealing max 20 damage per second and slowing by 50%. If the unit dies while being infected it will explode into poison damaging nearby enemy units by 300 damage.

Name: Amulet of the Lich King
Icon: Some badass frosty icon?
Description: Nobody knew that it still exists. The legendary immortal heroes that locked the Lich King in his eternal frozen cage have destroyed the amulet... but did they really destroyed it? Some say that the amulet carries such evil power that it can slain even the Archangels from the heavens. Any mortal that carries it corrupts his soul and becomes one of the 5 prime evils - Lucifer, Shadow Lord, Lich King, Arthas and of course, the carrier of this amulet.
Enough of talk, here is the effect
Effect: Increases hero's max level capacity by 10 giving him +2 levels to each ability, attributes by 50% + 25% to primary attribute, gains 75% spell damage reduction, 150 chaos massive splash freezing damage and Death control (passive) - gains control of death itself, lowering revive cooldown by 50%, while sucking part of dead enemy heroes souls, taking 5% of their attribute points and transferring it to the amulet carrier permanently. The Amulet also grants Nerzhul Sacrifice - loses 90% of hp and deals the same amount of damage to every unit across the map (even allies).
If the carrier of this amulet somehow dies, the item is destroyed and the carrier cannot "buy" it anymore (or acquire).

This item is useless... only bosses might carry it, but my head is full of these riggy-itens so I just want to clean my head ;)

I'll come up with more items later... they wont be so rigged
you could use one of these that I posted before:

Chris B

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Just a random thought, like?

Name: Last Resort
Icon: Maybe like death coil or something, I dunno.
Description: Die behind enemy lines or take a chance, you're choice! Heals 500 damage, but decreases health by 600 over 30 seconds. Caster can die from item's harmful effects.



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Name: Zeyptan's Dagger
Icon: This
Description: A gigantic sword used to be held by Zeyptan, The Dark Titan, after his death undeads found his sword in a mountain.Somehow it shrinked and gained a "dagger" shape but is still as powerful as before.
Ability: Gives X% att.speed, X damage and Summon Zeyptan ability which summons the great titan to fight for you(model Infernal in darker form).While the titan is alive the dagger dissapears from your inventory and reappears once the titan vanishes

Name: Mizithra Wand
Icon: [URL="]This[/URL]
Description: Powerful wand made from a dark demon's spine bone, Mizithra.
Ability: Grants X inteligence, X% chance to Overcast, cast a single-target ability to nearby targets or cast a AoE ability with doubled AoE(Does not includes Ultimates).


Creator of Photon Command
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Name: P.L.D.
Icon: Control Magic <Normal>
Description: This portable lightning device will turn enemies into ashes!
Effect: Shoots out chain lightings at nearby targets.

(In my map, it has infinite range and shoots one lightning for each enemy, but then after all it costs alot to buy one...)


Giving new meaning to co-op... slowly
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Name: Glasses of Neercite

Icon: this -

Description: The hero dons a pair of spectacles, making his attackers think twice before hitting him.

Effect: Gives the unit 20% evasion and a better view of whats going on


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Name:Amulet of the lost speaker
Icon:[URL=""]Press here or copy the URL[/URL] [url][/url] , Created by KelThuzad all rep to him
Description/Story: This amulet belonged to one of the best speakers in all of Azeroth. But one day he was suddenly gone, POOF gone! none understood what had happened until they found his amulet.
Effect: Grants +15 intelligence and silence (can remove silence).
Take the amulet and let the speaker rest in peace :p

Chris B

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Name: Sacrafice
Icon: Death Coil, or something similair
Description: Sacrafic yourself, cursing an emey player.
Effect: Kills the casting hero, dealing an XX amount of damage over 30 seconds. The amount of damage dealt is determined by the amount of health left by the caster.

Should be good if it has a large range, (like 800 or so, esp good for mellee), and the enemy is running. Maybe even this instead? This would be more 'fair' to the user lol.

Name: Sacrafice
Icon: Death Coil, or something similair
Description: Sacrafic half your current health, cursing an enemy player for the amount of sacraficed health over 30 seconds.
Effect: Reduces the casters hp by 50% of his/her current health, and deals this amount to the hero over 30secs, which can kill the caster.

Name: Death Note
Icon: Don't Know :/
Description: Curse your opponent with a death note, slowly killing them while they are intact.
Effect: Deals 10hp/sec as long as casted hero can stay within a range of 800. Once the opposing hero breaks this range, the spell is broken and free of this curse.



Truth begins in lies
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Name: Death Note
Icon: Don't Know :/
Description: Curse your opponent with a death note, slowly killing them while they are intact.
Effect: Deals 10hp/sec as long as casted hero can stay within a range of 800. Once the opposing hero breaks this range, the spell is broken and free of this curse.


Just wondering is that a small rip-off of the manga/movie thing: Death Note?


Vanishing Sphere
Icon:A cloudy orb thing
Description:An orb once made by a magical wizard 1000 years ago when he died this Sphere vanished with his corpse. Only a millenium later did it re-appear and now grants mystical powers.
Effects:+10 Intelligence and "Blinding Effect" - all units in a radius of 800 are blinded making them unable to move or attack. Also the user of this effect and all units nearby the user are temporarily invisible


Cookie Be Awesome!
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Name: Oculo

Description: A famous axe used in the first war agains the burning legion. Due the fact it has a dragons eye forged into it, the axe itself can see and strike enemies hidden for the human eye. That made it exeptionally usefull during fights against spirits and demons.
Effect: +24 damage, +12 strenght, 15% chance to deal 120 bonus damage and reveal the target for 4 seconds. Revealing nullifies invisibility and grants vision no matter where the victim goes.

Goblin Energy Converting Device
Name: Goblin Energy Converting Device

Description: Though seemingly useless, this metal staf responds to nearby magical activity by absorbing parts of the involved mana and restoring it to the bearer. With no doubt Goblin engineering at its finest.
Effect: +15 intelligence, +10% mana regen, restores 20% of the spent mana to the bearer when a spell is cast by any unit in 500 AOE (including self)

Mask of Sorrow
Name: Mask of Sorrow

Description: Said to have been a smiling mask belong to a famous troll actor once, but changed its wide grin into a depressive expression when its original owner was brutally murdered. Ever since the mask is said to cry and grief for all whose death it whitnesses.
Effect: +6 armor, +120hp, +15 damage, every kill adds 1% to the bearers damage and attackspeed for 6 seconds (this effect stacks), when the bearer is killed the killer receives -20% damage, attackspeed, and movementspeed for 10 seconds.

Name: Tombstone

Description: Created from an ancient warriors tombstone in the time an army was low on recourses and in need of some quick equipment. Spirits still appear to value the granite shield however, as the tend to protect it and punish all who dare to damage it.
Effect: +8 armor, +180hp, +3hp regen, 30% chance to block 30% of the incoming damage and deal the blocking damage against the attacker

Otherworldly Bracers
Name: Otherworldly Bracers

Description: Said to be the very bracers used to chain the titans in Tartaros millions of years ago. Putting to much force on these bracers in a to short while forces them to emit a painfull pulse, punishing all trying to damage it.
Effect: +12 armor, +220hp, 90 damage in 300 AOE when more then 200 damage is taken in 3 seconds


CSS L4D DoD? Steam ID = w00t22
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make items stats increase if heroes gain levels, but make the stats not way overpowered closer to the end of max level so items at end of the game are better


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well ill be... i just read through all these items... and well good work to everyone i have to say tho sjakie... man... GOOD WORK...

I liked most of your items and if i use them i hope u dont mind if i tweak them a bit?

anywho +rep to those who i can... (might have given away to much rep in 24h)

Wat all out of ideas? keep em coming


Name: Ring of Protection
Icon: Ring of Protection
Description/Story: none
Effect: Adds X armor, temporary increases armor by X for Y seconds when used. (Battle Roar Effect)

Name: Gloves of Bloodthirst
Icon: An icon that fits to the name :)
Description/Story: none
Effect: Increases attack damage by X, increases strength/agility by X, chance on hit to temporary increase attack speed by X for Y seconds. (Bloodlust Effect)

Name: Thor's Hammer
Icon: Storm Hammers
Description/Story: none
Effect: Increases attack damage by X, Increases strength by X, When used; Slams the ground damage nearby enemy units; dealing X damage and reduces their movement speed by Y%. (Thunderclap Effect)

Name: Shield of Light
Icon: Barkskin
Description/Story: none
Effect: Increases armor by X, Increases health by X, chance when hited to restore health equal to the damage made against you. In addition, removes one/all negative buffs and effects from the attacked unit. (Trigger Balanced)

Name: Orb of Reflection
Icon: Soul (Orb of Kil'jaeden)
Description/Story: none
Effect: Offencive spells used against you has Y% chance to be reflected back on the caster. (Trigger Balanced)

I hope you'v use of these items. Give credits if you use them. Enjoy :D



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Name: Ionez Black Shield
Icon: Pick one of choice (preferably a black..)
Story: This shield was forged for the commander Ionez, whom it served till his death. But the soul of Ionez could not let this world go, knowing that someone else might take up and use his most priced belonging. The rude soul of Ionez still hunts the shield. And indeed Ionez watches over it with right, should anyone aquire the shield he would gain incredible powers.
Effect: The hero that equips this item will instantly be teleported to another plain of existance (teleport to any distant part of the map), were he will meet Ionez, if the hero succeeds in defeating the soul, he will no longer be bothered by the soul (teleport back) and can use the shield freely.
Stats: 20 str 5 int 5 agi(?)
Rush (run towards a enemy stunning him) (Activate)

Name: Phenople the Mage's Mystical Staff
Icon: Pick one of choice
Story: The great adventurer and magician Phenoples crafted and enchanced this masterpiece to perfection. It has served him the last ten years, until he, recently, passed away. Now it is ready to serve a new owner, till death!
Effect: 10 Int (?)
And an activate spell, casts a random bolt spell. (fire, frost, venom etc)
(?) = as I don't know the usual values..

And may I ask, what type of map is this? I guess these are kind of "RPGy".. (EDIT: sorry read kind of crappy don't mind this question)
If you wonder why I didn't add any icon, its because I'm away from wc3 right now..
And tweak em' on! :)D)

If you want to use them, use them freely, just notify me you are.

(More to come if you like them)


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Name: Soul Tether
Icon: Edited Healing Ward
Description: An artifact found inside the house of witch doctor Vol'Jin, this item of power can bind the souls of enemy heroes that stray too near.
Use: Creates an invulnerable locust totem that will drag a unit that wanders too close to it, stunning the unit and draining 2% of it's maximum life every second for five seconds. Lasts 20 seconds. When the ward is destroyed, the user regains all life stolen.


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@slasho - Nice items... some a tiny incy bit basic... but good... sometimes basic is good :)
@swe_suffer - my map? well these items can be used by anyone... but yeah a bit for me... cause i want to see wat people come up with and i need some ideas of my own... my map is an RPG... so yeah ur items are good :) I would like to see more... and if i use ur items if u dont mind ill tweak em..
@soulshadow - i like it... could be tweaked to be made a bit stronger... but yeah good


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Name:Blade of Zealotry
Icon: Searing Blade
Description: A blade with the insignia of a forgotten Paladin order etched on the pommel. The stained blood upon the blade and the many notches indicate it clearly has been used for battle in the past.
Effects: Adds X strength. In addition, gives a 5% chance on hit to summon the spirit of the Zealot Ghost, who will smite the wielder's target with holy light.

Name: The Widowmaker
Icon: Serathil
Description: The simplicity of the weapon implies it's been mass produced, though it appears to be well-balanced and as sharp as ever.
Effects: Adds X damage to the hero's attacks.

Name: Flute of the Dreamer
Icon: Alleria's Flute
Description: It appears that a series of musical notes are etched on its side. What ever will happen if the music is played....
Effects: Has a 50% chance to put the target to sleep for 10 seconds, and a 50% chance to stun the target for 2 seconds.

Name: Mograine's Secret Cheese
Icon: Cheese!
Description: A fairly-sized cube of cheese blessed by Highlord Mograine himself! An item of great legend and value to chefs and cheese-afficionados around Azeroth.
Effect: We're not sure.... But it does do something!


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cool nice items... i could use em for a recipe! haha thank you +rep

If some people could think up some epic weapons? might imcorporate them to be recipe's...

and if u are really into thinking up items make like 2,3 or 4 simple items... and make a recipe!

Chris B

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Chris B said:
Name: Death Note
Icon: Don't Know :/
Description: Curse your opponent with a death note, slowly killing them while they are intact.
Effect: Deals 10hp/sec as long as casted hero can stay within a range of 800. Once the opposing hero breaks this range, the spell is broken and free of this curse.

Just wondering is that a small rip-off of the manga/movie thing: Death Note?


Vanishing Sphere
Icon:A cloudy orb thing
Description:An orb once made by a magical wizard 1000 years ago when he died this Sphere vanished with his corpse. Only a millenium later did it re-appear and now grants mystical powers.
Effects:+10 Intelligence and "Blinding Effect" - all units in a radius of 800 are blinded making them unable to move or attack. Also the user of this effect and all units nearby the user are temporarily invisible

Well, I heard a spell in an earlier game, in which they called the spell death note or something. The spell with this name was totally different, and I don't watch any cartoons/manga/anime, so no :p The spell I'm originating from I think was used in FF Epic RPG (wc3), where the spell dealt an XX amount of damage until they died or the spell was dispelled. My version on the other hand, probably not as appropriately named, is only in effect while the caster is within a specific range, kind of like channeling it while still freely moving :p Sorry for the slow response, I've been out :( A death note in general though, not specific to any game, movie, etc, is basically forming someone's death. I just couldn't think of an appropriate name. Here's another though:

Name: Bug
Description: Bug your enemy with this little device, giving you the ability to see your opponent at all times for 60 seconds. Due to it's complexity, the user is easily aware of it's presence, gaining +10% speed out of paranoia.

Here's something random I came up with, reminding me of Get Smart :p
Name: Kiss
Description: Stun the enemy depending on sexual preference. If opponent is a same sex, stun for 3/6/10 seconds, else if opposite sex, stun for 1/2/3 seconds and giving the opponent +10% damage for 30/20/10 seconds out of rage.



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ur alright Chris... lol it did remind me of Death Note tho... mmm... i could make an interesting spell out of that... Read my above post!!

Chris B

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Just throwing some ideas out there. BTW, I forgot we were talking about items for a sec, starting giving out spells lol. Maybe this could be an item?

Name: Sword of Elements
Requires: Mithril Sword, Advanced Orb of Fire/Ice/Ligtning/Earth
Description: Grants +X amount of damage, and utilizing a random element with each attack including fire (250AOE splash), ice (slow for 5secs), lightning (removes all buffs), and earth (stun for 1sec)

Or give all elements in one attack, w/e. Just sounds like an epic item to me lol.
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