Javascript loop question


Diversity enchants
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I did two identical functions, one without loop where I copy pasted code and it works as planned and another function where I used loop and it actually halts execution of program.
I am using Firefox canvas to create my electricity learning object.
This is function that works:
        function mysteryFunction(messageLayer)
            isArrowOneVisible = arrowIndexVisible[0]
            isArrowTwoVisible = arrowIndexVisible[1]
            isArrowThreeVisible = arrowIndexVisible[2]
            isArrowFourVisible = arrowIndexVisible[3]
            udv_rangeStart[0] = 0
            udv_rangeEnd[0] = 3
            justDoIt(messageLayer, udv_rangeStart[0], udv_rangeEnd[0])
            arrowIndexVisible[0] = isArrowOneVisible
            arrowIndexVisible[1] = isArrowTwoVisible
            arrowIndexVisible[2] = isArrowThreeVisible
            arrowIndexVisible[3] = isArrowFourVisible
            udv_rangeStart[1] = 4
            udv_rangeEnd[1] = 7
            justDoIt(messageLayer, udv_rangeStart[1], udv_rangeEnd[1])
            arrowIndexVisible[0] = isArrowOneVisible
            arrowIndexVisible[1] = isArrowTwoVisible
            arrowIndexVisible[2] = isArrowThreeVisible
            arrowIndexVisible[3] = isArrowFourVisible
            udv_rangeStart[2] = 8
            udv_rangeEnd[2] = 11
            justDoIt(messageLayer, udv_rangeStart[2], udv_rangeEnd[2])
            // With next function execution display new sprite
            // there are 4 sprites total, with indexes from 0 to 3
            if (arrowIndex == 3)
                arrowIndex = 0

This one is supposed to use loop to do same thing though it fails:
        function UpdateValidSprites(messageLayer)
            isArrowOneVisible = arrowIndexVisible[0]
            isArrowTwoVisible = arrowIndexVisible[1]
            isArrowThreeVisible = arrowIndexVisible[2]
            isArrowFourVisible = arrowIndexVisible[3]
            udv_rangeStart[0] = 0
            udv_rangeEnd[0] = 3
            udv_rangeStart[1] = 4
            udv_rangeEnd[1] = 7
            udv_rangeStart[2] = 8
            udv_rangeEnd[2] = 11
            for (index=0; index<=2; index++)
                    justDoIt(messageLayer, udv_rangeStart[index], udv_rangeEnd[index])
                    arrowIndexVisible[0] = isArrowOneVisible
                    arrowIndexVisible[1] = isArrowTwoVisible
                    arrowIndexVisible[2] = isArrowThreeVisible
                    arrowIndexVisible[3] = isArrowFourVisible
                // With next function execution display new sprite
                // there are 4 sprites total, with indexes from 0 to 3
                if (arrowIndex == 3)
                    arrowIndex = 0

I suspect loop runs in separate thread and it can't get variables in time. Pros maybe some tips?


I come from the net ... My format, Vector.
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> halts execution of program

In what way? Does this crash? Does it appear to do nothing? What exactly is happening.

Those two snippets of code look equivalent to me. Are you sure that's all your changing?

> I suspect loop runs in separate thread and it can't get variables in time. Pros maybe some tips?

Why would you think this? The javascript interpreter won't magically try to make your code run in parallel. In fact, based on a quick Google search, it appears that javascript doesn't support threading in the first place. What's more, you couldn't run this code in parallel, because those arrowIndexVisible variables force each call to justDoIt to be executed in order.

Even if it was possible, and each iteration of the loop was running in a separate thread, the javascript interpreter would not fail to "get variables in time". If fetching the values of the variables took a significant amount of time, the thread would simply pause and then continue when the values were ready, just like in a single-threaded environment.

If the interpreter DIDN'T do things that way, then javascript would be non-deterministic, which would make it pretty much useless :p.


Diversity enchants
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I made it easy, head to page:
<link removed>
at page source line 474 I enabled mysteryfunc

to look page with loop function enabled look at:
<link removed>
at page source line 475 I enabled UpdateValidSprites function

Javascript takes timeeeee to load, if you wait little bit (~15 sec) and can't see anything hit browser refresh button or swap between open tabs/ maximize minimize browser window. Mysteryfunc page looks like this when fully loaded and arrows move on blue background:
<link removed>

Thanks for fast reply haven't see you long time :)) I am no tech savvy, just wondering what is going on. I hope you don't need these images which make up sprite and kinetic-v3.9.4.js is 2d image display library (or something, Flash open source variant).

Problem solved, solution and script posted in this thread my last post. Weblinks are removed.


Staff Member and irregular helper
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Doesn't hang for me, however there is indeed an error.

The problem with the loop is that you never declare the variable index in the scope of the function so it will be a global variable (undeclared variables are global variables in javascript). Since you do the same mistake in several places in your code, the loop will exit after just one iteration.

for (var index=0; index<=2; index++)
is what you want. You have the same error in several places in your code.

Use and a javascript lint to detect similar errors.


Diversity enchants
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Omg, Phyrex1an you are the best, thanks for answer and your time!
I used "use strict" keyword in my script tag start and fixed error messages given by Firefox Developer Error Console Errors. I fixed a lot of undelcared variables and moved global variable declaration at the top of script. Working code is here:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
      body {
        margin: 0px;
        padding: 0px;
      canvas {
        border: 1px solid #9C9898;
    <script src="kinetic-v3.9.4.js"></script>
        // Whole-script strict mode syntax
        "use strict";
        var arrowSpriteSrcpath =new Array();
        var arrowSpriteOne =new Array();
        var arrowSpriteTwo =new Array();
        var arrowSpriteThree =new Array();
        var arrowSpriteFour =new Array();
        var udv_messageLayer = null
        var arrowSpriteOneMaxIndex = 0
        var arrowSpriteTwoMaxIndex = 0
        var arrowSpriteThreeMaxIndex = 0
        var arrowSpriteFourMaxIndex = 0
        var arrowSpriteIndexStart = 0
        var udv_indexRange = new Array();
        var udv_indexRangeMaxIndex = 0
        var udv_indexRangeCounter = 0
        var udv_indexRangeShow = new Array();
        var udv_rangeStart = new Array();
        var udv_rangeEnd = new Array();
        var arrowIndex = 1
        var arrowIndexVisible =new Array();
        // DEBUG
        var udv_ison = 0
        var udv_debugimg
        function hidepic(layer, img)
        function showpic(layer, img)
        function hideArrowSpriteOnes(messageLayer)
            var index = arrowSpriteIndexStart
            for (index; index<=arrowSpriteOneMaxIndex; index++)
                hidepic(messageLayer, arrowSpriteOne[index])
        function hideArrowSpriteTwos(messageLayer)
            var index = arrowSpriteIndexStart
            for (index; index<=arrowSpriteTwoMaxIndex; index++)
                hidepic(messageLayer, arrowSpriteTwo[index])
        function hideArrowSpriteThrees(messageLayer)
            var index = arrowSpriteIndexStart
            for (index; index<=arrowSpriteThreeMaxIndex; index++)
                hidepic(messageLayer, arrowSpriteThree[index])
        function hideArrowSpriteFours(messageLayer)
            var index = arrowSpriteIndexStart
            for (index; index<=arrowSpriteFourMaxIndex; index++)
                hidepic(messageLayer, arrowSpriteFour[index])
        function animateHideArrows(messageLayer, arrowIndex)
            // Hide all sprites who's index is different
            if (arrowIndex != 0 && arrowIndexVisible[0] == 1)
                // update index visibility status to false
                arrowIndexVisible[0] = 0
            if (arrowIndex != 1 && arrowIndexVisible[1] == 1)
                // update index visibility status to false
                arrowIndexVisible[1] = 0
            if (arrowIndex != 2 && arrowIndexVisible[2] == 1)
                // update index visibility status to false
                arrowIndexVisible[2] = 0
            if (arrowIndex != 3  && arrowIndexVisible[3] == 1)
                // update index visibility status to false
                arrowIndexVisible[3] = 0
        function showArrowSpriteOnes(messageLayer)
            var index = arrowSpriteIndexStart
            for (index; index<=arrowSpriteOneMaxIndex; index++)
                showpic(messageLayer, arrowSpriteOne[index])
        function showArrowSpriteTwos(messageLayer)
            var index = arrowSpriteIndexStart
            for (index; index<=arrowSpriteTwoMaxIndex; index++)
                showpic(messageLayer, arrowSpriteTwo[index])
        function showArrowSpriteThrees(messageLayer)
            var index = arrowSpriteIndexStart
            for (index; index<=arrowSpriteThreeMaxIndex; index++)
                showpic(messageLayer, arrowSpriteThree[index])
        function showArrowSpriteFours(messageLayer)
            var index = arrowSpriteIndexStart
            for (index; index<=arrowSpriteFourMaxIndex; index++)
                showpic(messageLayer, arrowSpriteFour[index])
        function animateActiveArrows(messageLayer)
            // It' s index 0 turn to be visible and currently
            // index 0 is invisible
            if (arrowIndex == 0 && arrowIndexVisible[0] ==0)
                animateHideArrows(messageLayer, arrowIndex)
                arrowIndexVisible[0] = 1
            // It' s index 1 turn to be visible and currently
            // index 1 is invisible
            if (arrowIndex == 1 && arrowIndexVisible[1] ==0)
                animateHideArrows(messageLayer, arrowIndex)
                arrowIndexVisible[1] = 1
            // It' s index 2 turn to be visible and currently
            // index 2 is invisible
            if (arrowIndex == 2 && arrowIndexVisible[2] ==0)
                animateHideArrows(messageLayer, arrowIndex)
                arrowIndexVisible[2] = 1
            // It' s index 3 turn to be visible and currently
            // index 3 is invisible
            if (arrowIndex == 3 && arrowIndexVisible[3] ==0)
                animateHideArrows(messageLayer, arrowIndex)
                arrowIndexVisible[3] = 1
            //if (arrowIndex == 3)
            //    arrowIndex = 0
            //    arrowIndex++
        // PASTE START
        function animateActiveArrows2(messageLayer)
            // It' s index 0 turn to be visible and currently
            // index 0 is invisible
            if (arrowIndex == 0 && arrowIndexVisible[0] ==0)
                animateHideArrows(messageLayer, arrowIndex)
                arrowIndexVisible[0] = 1
            // It' s index 1 turn to be visible and currently
            // index 1 is invisible
            if (arrowIndex == 1 && arrowIndexVisible[1] ==0)
                animateHideArrows(messageLayer, arrowIndex)
                arrowIndexVisible[1] = 1
            // It' s index 2 turn to be visible and currently
            // index 2 is invisible
            if (arrowIndex == 2 && arrowIndexVisible[2] ==0)
                animateHideArrows(messageLayer, arrowIndex)
                arrowIndexVisible[2] = 1
            // It' s index 3 turn to be visible and currently
            // index 3 is invisible
            if (arrowIndex == 3 && arrowIndexVisible[3] ==0)
                animateHideArrows(messageLayer, arrowIndex)
                arrowIndexVisible[3] = 1
            // With next function execution display new sprite
            // there are 4 sprites total, with indexes from 0 to 3
            if (arrowIndex == 3)
                arrowIndex = 0
        // PASTE END
        function loadImg(stage, layer, srcpath, x1, y1, width1, height1)
              var imageObj = new Image();
              var image = new Kinetic.Image({
            x: x1,
            y: y1,
            width: width1,
            height: height1,
            image: imageObj,
            visible: false,
            detectionType: "pixel"
          // add the shape to the layer
          imageObj.src = srcpath;
          //save image pixel data so that it can be detected
          * since we are adding the image to the layer after
          * the image loads, we need to redraw the layer because
          * it has now changed
          return image;
        function createArrowSpritesInLineX(x1, x2, y1, stage, messageLayer)
            // CONSTANTS
            var spriteWidth = 100
            var spriteHeight = 50
            var xWidth = x2 - x1
            var xpos = x1
            var ypos = y1
            // Get last created sprite index
            var index = udv_indexRangeMaxIndex
            // Store old index count
            var oldIndex = udv_indexRangeMaxIndex
            // Store new range start
            udv_rangeStart[udv_indexRangeCounter] = index
            for (var index; xpos<=xWidth; index = index + 1)
                // Add new sprites to sprite index
                // there are 4 arrys in parallel
                arrowSpriteOne[index] = loadImg(stage, messageLayer, arrowSpriteSrcpath[0], xpos, ypos, spriteWidth, spriteHeight);
                arrowSpriteOneMaxIndex = index
                arrowSpriteTwo[index] = loadImg(stage, messageLayer, arrowSpriteSrcpath[1], xpos, ypos, spriteWidth, spriteHeight);
                arrowSpriteTwoMaxIndex = index
                arrowSpriteThree[index] = loadImg(stage, messageLayer, arrowSpriteSrcpath[2], xpos, ypos, spriteWidth, spriteHeight);
                arrowSpriteThreeMaxIndex = index
                arrowSpriteFour[index] = loadImg(stage, messageLayer, arrowSpriteSrcpath[3], xpos, ypos, spriteWidth, spriteHeight);
                arrowSpriteFourMaxIndex = index
                xpos = xpos + spriteWidth
                // Set last created sprite index as new index max
                udv_indexRangeMaxIndex = index
                // Store new range end
                udv_rangeEnd[udv_indexRangeCounter] = index
                // Return newly created index range
                return index - oldIndex
        // PASTE START
        function justDoIt(messageLayer, start1, stop1)
            arrowSpriteOneMaxIndex = 0
            arrowSpriteTwoMaxIndex = 0
            arrowSpriteThreeMaxIndex = 0
            arrowSpriteFourMaxIndex = 0
            arrowSpriteIndexStart = 0
            var newMaxIndex = stop1
            arrowSpriteOneMaxIndex = newMaxIndex
            arrowSpriteTwoMaxIndex = newMaxIndex
            arrowSpriteThreeMaxIndex = newMaxIndex
            arrowSpriteFourMaxIndex = newMaxIndex
            arrowSpriteIndexStart = start1
        function mysteryFunction(messageLayer)
            var isArrowOneVisible = arrowIndexVisible[0]
            var isArrowTwoVisible = arrowIndexVisible[1]
            var isArrowThreeVisible = arrowIndexVisible[2]
            var isArrowFourVisible = arrowIndexVisible[3]
            udv_rangeStart[0] = 0
            udv_rangeEnd[0] = 3
            justDoIt(messageLayer, udv_rangeStart[0], udv_rangeEnd[0])
            arrowIndexVisible[0] = isArrowOneVisible
            arrowIndexVisible[1] = isArrowTwoVisible
            arrowIndexVisible[2] = isArrowThreeVisible
            arrowIndexVisible[3] = isArrowFourVisible
            udv_rangeStart[1] = 4
            udv_rangeEnd[1] = 7
            justDoIt(messageLayer, udv_rangeStart[1], udv_rangeEnd[1])
            arrowIndexVisible[0] = isArrowOneVisible
            arrowIndexVisible[1] = isArrowTwoVisible
            arrowIndexVisible[2] = isArrowThreeVisible
            arrowIndexVisible[3] = isArrowFourVisible
            udv_rangeStart[2] = 8
            udv_rangeEnd[2] = 11
            justDoIt(messageLayer, udv_rangeStart[2], udv_rangeEnd[2])
            // With next function execution display new sprite
            // there are 4 sprites total, with indexes from 0 to 3
            if (arrowIndex == 3)
                arrowIndex = 0
        function debugme(img)
            if (udv_ison == 0)
                udv_ison = 1
                showpic(udv_messageLayer, img)
                udv_ison = 0
                hidepic(udv_messageLayer, img)
        function resetGlobals()
            arrowSpriteOneMaxIndex = 0
            arrowSpriteTwoMaxIndex = 0
            arrowSpriteThreeMaxIndex = 0
            arrowSpriteFourMaxIndex = 0
            arrowSpriteIndexStart = 0
            // Initialize animateActiveArrows func globals
            arrowIndex = 1
            // 0 is not visible, sprite 1
            arrowIndexVisible[0] = 0
            // 0 is not visible, sprite 2
            arrowIndexVisible[1] = 0
            // 0 is not visible, sprite 3
            arrowIndexVisible[2] = 0
            // 0 is not visible, sprite 4
            arrowIndexVisible[3] = 0
        function UpdateValidSprites(messageLayer)
            var isArrowOneVisible = arrowIndexVisible[0]
            var isArrowTwoVisible = arrowIndexVisible[1]
            var isArrowThreeVisible = arrowIndexVisible[2]
            var isArrowFourVisible = arrowIndexVisible[3]
            udv_rangeStart[0] = 0
            udv_rangeEnd[0] = 3
            udv_rangeStart[1] = 4
            udv_rangeEnd[1] = 7
            udv_rangeStart[2] = 8
            udv_rangeEnd[2] = 11
            //var index = 0
            for (var index = 0; index<=2; index++)
                    arrowIndexVisible[0] = isArrowOneVisible
                    arrowIndexVisible[1] = isArrowTwoVisible
                    arrowIndexVisible[2] = isArrowThreeVisible
                    arrowIndexVisible[3] = isArrowFourVisible
                    justDoIt(messageLayer, udv_rangeStart[index], udv_rangeEnd[index])
                // With next function execution display new sprite
                // there are 4 sprites total, with indexes from 0 to 3
                if (arrowIndex == 3)
                    arrowIndex = 0
                // DEBUG
        // PASTE END
        function draw() { 
            var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
            container: "container",
            width: 800,
            height: 600
        var messageLayer = new Kinetic.Layer();
        var context = messageLayer.getContext();
        // add the layer to the stage
        context.font = "18pt Calibri";
        context.fillStyle = "black";
        // Anims pics paths
        arrowSpriteSrcpath[0] = "anims/arrow/arrow1.png" // arrow sprite 1 100x50
        arrowSpriteSrcpath[1] = "anims/arrow/arrow2.png" // arrow sprite 2 100x50
        arrowSpriteSrcpath[2] = "anims/arrow/arrow3.png" // arrow sprite 3 100x50
        arrowSpriteSrcpath[3] = "anims/arrow/arrow4.png" // arrow sprite 4 100x50
        // Fill possible electrical pathway with 4 sprite variations and hide them
        // Store created sprite indexes in variable arry for
        // later enable/ disable show/ hide cycle
        udv_indexRange[udv_indexRangeCounter] = createArrowSpritesInLineX(150, 600, 150, stage, messageLayer) // x1, x2, y1
        // Show is 1 and don't show is 0, by default 0
        udv_indexRangeShow[udv_indexRangeCounter] = 1
        udv_indexRange[udv_indexRangeCounter] = 4
        udv_indexRangeCounter = udv_indexRangeCounter + 1
        // PASTE START
        udv_indexRange[udv_indexRangeCounter] = createArrowSpritesInLineX(150, 600, 300, stage, messageLayer) // x1, x2, y1
        // Show is 1 and don't show is 0, by default 0
        udv_indexRangeShow[udv_indexRangeCounter] = 1
        udv_indexRange[udv_indexRangeCounter] = 4
        udv_indexRangeCounter = udv_indexRangeCounter + 1
        udv_indexRange[udv_indexRangeCounter] = createArrowSpritesInLineX(150, 600, 450, stage, messageLayer) // x1, x2, y1
        // Show is 1 and don't show is 0, by default 0
        udv_indexRangeShow[udv_indexRangeCounter] = 1
        udv_indexRange[udv_indexRangeCounter] = 4
        //udv_indexRangeCounter = udv_indexRangeCounter + 1
        // PASTE END
        // Update Arrow animations
        // Initialize animateActiveArrows func globals
        arrowIndex = 1
        // 0 is not visible, sprite 1
        arrowIndexVisible[0] = 0
        // 0 is not visible, sprite 2
        arrowIndexVisible[1] = 0
        // 0 is not visible, sprite 3
        arrowIndexVisible[2] = 0
        // 0 is not visible, sprite 4
        arrowIndexVisible[3] = 0
        udv_messageLayer = messageLayer
        //udv_arrowSprite = arrowSprite
        // DEBUG START
        udv_debugimg = loadImg(stage, messageLayer, arrowSpriteSrcpath[0], 0, 0, 100, 50);
        showpic(messageLayer, udv_debugimg)
        // DEBUG END
        //setInterval(function() {mysteryFunction(udv_messageLayer)}, 2000);
        setInterval(function() {UpdateValidSprites(udv_messageLayer)}, 2000);
        //setInterval(function() {animateActiveArrows(udv_messageLayer)}, 2000);
  <body onload="draw();" bgcolor = "blue">
    <div id="container"></div>
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    @tom_mai78101 I must be blind. If I go on my profile I don't see any area to edit the signature; If I go to account details (settings) I don't see any signature area either.
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  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
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