Defense League of Heroes


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Revolutionizing Hero Defense


League of Heroes is a hero defense map that aims to revolutionize how the genre is played. The map emphasises on unique heroes that have a skillset that complement each other and defines the heroes unique playstyle. With up to 6 spells and an ultimate, a team of heroes will attempt to defend the ruins of Ashenvale against a variety of creeps that aims to steal the sacred artifact deep within the ruins. The map aims to correct the flaw in most Hero Defense map, namely, the hero itself. If you find yourself saying yes to these questions, then read on.

While playing a Hero Defense map, have you ever encountered...

A hero where its skillset is just a bunch of random skills thrown together?
Wave after wave of the same creeps, just with more HP and attack?
Heroes that seem fun at first, but gets more and more montonous as the game drags on?
Hero concepts that make no sense at all?

This map aims to do away with all that, and to create a fast paced gameplay that revolves around controlling your hero to its maximum potential. Interesting heroes with a unique playstyle and story will also be prioritized.


New Portrayal of Heroes

Each and every hero will have their own theme and unique playstyle. Whether its a speedy blademaster that dashes around the battlefield, literally untouchable, or a elemental swordsman that enchants his sword with different elements, all of them will require a certain amount of attention to play. As opposed to your average cleaving lifesteal, hero.

Unique Skill System

League of Heroes features a more unique skill system, such as:​

- 7 abilities on every hero, which consists of 6 normal ones and an ultimate.
- A mastery system that levels up the abilities depending on certain situations. Usually it consists of using the skill, or carrying out the skills effect.
- Each ability has 10 mastery bars. Each time an additional bar is mastered, the skill will gain in power.
-Fully mastered abilities will have extra effects, or a greater boost in the ability itself.
-An ultimate system that emulates the limit break of the final fantasy series. The limit break bar for the ultimate must be fully charged before it can be used. The bar charges when a hero takes damage, deals damage or during certain situations.

Special Creep Waves

The creep waves in the map will definitely deviate from the usual style of creeps. Each wave will feature a different variety of creeps that plays a different role in the wave. Also, waves will have different requirements of completing it, and will always stay fresh after even 20 waves. Some examples:​

- A summoner wave that continously spawns creeps until the summoner is killed.
- A guardian wave that teams creeps in pairs, where one (usually with high damage) cannot be killed until the other (the guardian) is dead.
- A wave where a certain building or buildings must be destroyed.
- A wave where enemies do not just simply walk out of the portals, but may instead teleport, burrow out from underground or jump down from above, each having different effects.

Devastating Boss Battles

Fully triggered boss battles that challenges the teamwork and skill of the players. Different kinds of bosses will have their own theme and skills, as well as the method for defeating them. In certain cases, overcoming a boss doesn't necessarily mean that you have to kill it. Some bosses will have different victory and defeat conditions.

Hero Lores and Backstory

Each and every hero will have their own interesting story. Much of their skills also contain story tooltips that may briefly describe why the skill was learnt, how was it gotten, and so on.


Blade Dancer



Agile Stride - [Passive]

Type: Targeted Blink

A basic footwork that must be mastered by any Blade Dancer. The sudden burst of speed is essential to even grasp the more advanced techniques that lay ahead. Allows the Blade Dancer to easily ease through enemy ranks, appearing and disappearing with phantom-like will. He is so swift that an afterimage of himself is left behind for a while

Each move order on any target point or attack order on an enemy unit will instantly teleport the Blade Dancer there. Must be within <value> range of targeted unit or point. Leaves behind an afterimage after teleporting, which lasts for <value> seconds.

: [||||||||||]


Blade Dance - [Active]

Type: AoE Illusions and Damage

Combining the gracefulness of a dance, and the deadliness of the blade, the Blade Dancer zips around the battle field, attacking fervently with a style that almost seems mesmerising. The speed and intensity that the Blade Dancer goes through is so intense that he leaves behind afterimages of himself. At times, what seems like a whole army of Blade Dancers is actually just a lone warrior.

Blinks very quickly to precise locations at a <value> AoE around himself, leaving behind afterimages that lasts for <value> seconds, and dealing <value> damage in the process.

Mastery : [||||||||||]


Sword Serenade - [Active]

Type: Instant Damage Over Time

A misconception that the name of a Blade Dancer only came from their erratic movement style during combat, it's other meaning also derives from the Blade Dancer's ability to instill life into their blades. The blades serenades around the Blade Dancer, a symbol of both beauty and danger to those who dare stray too near.

Summon 10 blades that circle around the Blade Dancer, dealing <value> damage each every <value> seconds. Lasts <value> seconds.

Cooldown : 20 seconds

Mastery : [||||||||||]


Momentum - [Passive]

Type: Factored Attack Speed Increment

Always entranced by the fervor of speed, the Blade Dancer can strike faster as he moves with greater agility. As he disappears between the enemy crowd, nowhere to be seen, the afterimages that he leaves are the only proof of his presence.

Gains <value>% attack speed for each afterimage present. Cap of <value>.

Mastery : [||||||||||]


Backslash - [Active]

: Situational Blink Damage

As the ability of a Blade Dancer grows, they can eventually retrace their steps with minimal effort, allowing them to strike much harder and stronger then before. Few have seen just what seems to be fake traces of the Blade Dancer, but none have live to tell the tale when the illusion becomes a reality, a blade to their throats.

Teleports to a random afterimage, dealing <value> damage in a <value> area. Repeats until there are no more afterimages left.

: 25 seconds

Mastery : [||||||||||]




Waltz of the Phantoms - [Active]

The epitome of a Blade Dancer's skill. A master Blade Dancer has evolved his skills to such an extent that seemingly harmless afterimages left behind are capable of striking as the original Blade Dancer does.

Nearby afterimages in a <value> AoE will strike their areas, dealing <value> damage. Afterimages affected immediately disappear.

Limit Break
: [||||||||||]

Mana Incarnate

Int hero concept that uses a mana shield to absorb damage. Most of his skills involves fueling his mana, and disrupt spellcasting capabilities.

Spell Blade

Hero that combines both magic and swordplay. Skills involve enchanting weapons with certain elements.

Voltic Charger (Rejected Idea)



Storm Pillars - [Active]

Type : AoE Damage and Purge

Concentrating a large amount of voltic power, the Voltic Charger can call upon bolts from the sky that strikes down unto the Earth, powerful enough to remain on the Earth's atmosphere for a while, resembling pillars of pure thunder.

Releases 4 pillars of electrical energy onto a random area of 500 around the Voltic Charger. Initially deals 30 damage in a small area when the bolt lands, and 10 damage as well as purge per second to enemies near the pillar until the duration ends. Lasts 10 seconds.

Cooldown : 30 seconds

Mastery : [||||||||||]


Static Current - [Active]

Type : Uncontrollable Chain Dash

Using the pillars as a conductor, the Voltic Charger is able charge himself up and move from pillar to pillar at an extremely fast speed. As he rolls up into a sphere lightning, gaining more volts when he passes through each pillar, enemies unlucky enough to be caught within the path of his trajectory will find themselves walking away with more than just a slight shock.

Jumps 5 times between pillars, dealing 15% more damage after each pillar. Deals 20 initial damage. Jumps to pillars that are at least within 700 AoE of the current one.

: 22 seconds

Mastery : [||||||||||]


Static Charge - [Passive]

Type : Attack Build-up Passive

Each attack that the Voltic Charger does builds up static electricity. The static electricity often empowers the Voltic Charger and his abilities as well.

Builds up 1 charge after 10 attacks. Maximum of 50 charges.

Mastery : [||||||||||]


Voltic Soul - [Passive]

Type : Factored Passive

Those who are blessed with the gifts of electric running through their soul are capable of charging themselves up, thus moving faster and faster, becoming one with the element itself. Sometimes the sparks become so strong that it is hard to get close to the Voltic Charger without getting zapped.

Gains 2% attack speed and 1% movement speed per charge. Also deals 2 damage per charge in a 100 AoE around the Voltic Charger. Each charge increases AoE by 5.

Mastery : [Cannot Be Mastered]

So far there is only 1 confirmed hero in total, and a few in brainstorming process. About 5 are to be expected during the first release.


Updated and new videos.

[youtube]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Outdated videos showing the skills of the heroes.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value=" "></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]<object width="660" height="525"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="525"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]




Terrain - 100%
Triggers - 10%
Heroes - 10%
Ideas - 15%
Skills - 4%


Thanks for taking the time to read through this. I'm currently seeking help in a few departments.

1. Hero Ideas
2. A Good Icon Maker

If you have another other suggestion or criticism, feel free to post in the thread. Feedback is appreciated.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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lol Spell Number 3 for him, that's a spell I had too, is that like multiple bladestorms around him?
Perhaps you should start on the map before posting it, though. Right now all you have is 10% ideas... and a lot of ideas that are amazing can sometimes cause the maker to give up if they don't have anything yet.
I'll contribute some ideas soon, :thup: Good luck!



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Thanks for the feedback. I guess its hard to get people interested if all you're proposing is an idea.

I was thinking of seeing what people would think about the whole concept though, and perhaps get some cool ideas. I have started working on the map, and my main priority is to get the heroes done first. They are the core of the whole gameplay and theme.

From time to time I'll be releasing a finished hero for a test on this site so stay tuned. The Blade Dancer is current 20% done.

I'm also still accepting ideas. From spells, heroes or gameplay concepts. Or if you justhave an opinion or a random thought, feel free to share it.

lol Spell Number 3 for him, that's a spell I had too, is that like multiple bladestorms around him?

Yes it is. lol


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I think it's pretty cool idea. So basically you have to protect a main structure from creeps?


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Yeah, that's the basic idea.

Alright, the Blade Dancer is almost finished, maybe just needs a few tweaks here and there. Check out the video above to see what the hero is like. Let me know what you guys think. Again, thanks.

Still accepting ideas, so any suggstions or comments are very much appreciated as well.


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Haha, Thanks.

Yeah, they were all made from scratch. There are a few more passive abilities though that you can't really notice in the video.

If you're interested, I could post the map of the hero here, but that will be after I finish it, and tie up all the loose ends.

Thanks for commenting!


Working on a Map
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THE SPELLS ARE FREAKING EPIC! Its so insanely awesome that you could actually make such epic spells 0_o
If all the heroes are as awesome as this one, the map will fly straight into #1 played map in Multiplayer Warcraft!

Totally wonderful project! Go for it!


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Oh wow. And I actually thought those crappy Moo-moo skills were awesome. No, THIS is awesome. :eek:

To be honest, I was all yawn while I read the map description. Then I watched the video. Hot DAMN. Even if the map will end up as just a generic hero defense, I'm willing to bet it'll jump up the popularity table within a span of weeks just because of the awesome-possum hero skills.

Any way, I'm looking forward to the first release. Good luck. :thup:


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Whoa, thanks for the awesome replies.

I'm glad that the spells really stood out. That was the aim from the beginning. Unique heroes with a unique playstyle. I guess it was much more easier to make them more epic due to it being a hero defense. If not you would often have to wonder about how balanced it is when a hero just keeps zipping away here and there in an AOS and such.

As for the other heroes, I currently have a few sketchy ideas planned out, but nothing detailed yet. Still I want each and every hero to have a unique skill and playstyle, so I would most probably take my time on that.

Again, if you suddenly have a certain kind of hero that you would very much love to play, post it here. It can be just a basic concept. Eg. Blade Dancer, who moves around the battlefield, almost untouchable, as he slices and dices enemies. So if you would love to see a maybe a hero that uses both magic and swords, like a magic swordsman, as he charges elements into his weapons and strikes his foes, causing different elemental chaos, just say it. The crazier the better.
To be honest, I was all yawn while I read the map description.

Oh, hmm. I often find it hard to convey in words about what exactly I want to say. Reading back at the thread itself, it really doesn't seem that convincing or appealing at all. It would be really cool if someone who has a way with words could help me with the layout of this thread, or maybe point out what's wrong with it.

Lastly. Thanks!


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Bump post.

Few changes. Added new hero concept : Voltic Charger. So far only 4 of his 7 skills. Comment and let me know what you think.

Also, the video embedded is now in High Quality. Check it out again. =)


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Put up a short video of the Voltic Charger, and made major changes to the main post. Updated progess as well.

Also, terrain is already 60% completed.


Working on a Map
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Some suggestions for the Voltic Charger's skills.

Volt Leash - [Active]

Type : AoE Disable and Drag + Damage

Charging a huge amount of energy into multiple energy leashes, the Voltic Charger is able to control the movements of his enemies to follow his own and cause immense pain as they are connected to the leash. Such a leash requires massive amounts of energy to maintain, and would snap the moment when there is insuffice.

Latches an energy leash on units in the area, dragging them in the exact arc that the Voltic charger has travelled. Drains 1 static charge and does 20 damage per 200 distance moved.

Cooldown : 40 seconds

Mastery : [||||||||||]
I'm unoriginal xD
Somehow, I love the word "Leash" when it comes to electricity.


New Member
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Very cool idea! Thanks. Fits perfectly with the hero as well. +Rep.

I'm unoriginal xD
Somehow, I love the word "Leash" when it comes to electricity.



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Posted up some screenshots of the terrain.

The heroes are coming along nicely. Just need to finish out the 2 heroes in detail before I move on to the others.


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It's probably only me but I don't like super eye-candy spells in maps. Those spells seem uncontrollable in the demo, meaning, you dont know who your going to kill when you cast it.


Working on a Map
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Its a hero defense. It doesn't matter who you kill, as long as you kill everything.
PS: There is no super eye-candy, its just the ribbon that comes with the model itself. Watch some battle cinematics and you'll know what's true "Super-Eye-Candy" xD


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I'm reviving this project again. What happened the last time was that my computer got a nasty virus, and I was only able to salvage the map few months back. Yet at the time I wasn't planning on continuing it again.

Updated first post in the thread. I took into account some of the comments made previously about the map, and made abit of adjustments towards the heroes. The intended gameplay now is less randomness of the skills, and more control of the heroes and the targets that you want to hit.

I'm also now creating the heroes with more specific themes, and their roles in the game, as well as the flow of their skills and how they work together. Thus, the changes in the Blade Dancer's skills.

I'm currently looking for hero ideas as well. Feel free to go crazy and wild with your ideas. Rep will be given. Thanks.


Working on a Map
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Was kinda wondering what happened to the map. So it was a virus.

Well, I really look forward to this map, but kinda disappointed that the Voltic Charger was rejected (too much randomness, I suppose). But still, really good that you're still working on it.

I'll try and post some ideas, hopefully some that can revive the Voltic Charger :)P, I really liked his concept).

Good luck!
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