Arena Legends

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is now a game developer :)
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< Legends 2.0 >

<under overhaul>

The goal of this map is to present a new, better, and more dynamic hero system/engine different from most of the popular maps.

Please take your time to read through the details.





Legends’ game play revolves mainly on an evolved idea of the ‘Heroes’. Collectively, each hero has its role in team battles but also individually, each hero has different possibilities. It’s like having two or more heroes in one. Each player can develop an own style for a hero.

< Ability Mastery >
-each hero has 5 abilities with 10 levels each, but the level cap is only until level 30.
-this set-up makes for a more strategic perspective in hero play, you must choose which abilities to maximize or leave weakened and develop your own style for your hero.

< Advanced Stats / Attributes >
Strength – Increases HP, HP Regen and Critical.
Agility – Increases Attackspeed, Movespeed, Armor and Evasion
Intelligence – Increases Mana, Mana Regen and Spell Power

Evasion :
-base value = 5% + Agi x 0.12
-percentages stack with diminishing returns.

-base multiplier is 2x normal damage
-base value = 5% + Str x 0.12
-^because the stronger you are, the harder you hit.
-percentages stack with diminishing returns.

Spell Power
-base is 0.75 x Int
-will be used to powerup some abilities.
-^not all because some will be imba.

< Endgame EventBasedStatGrowth >
Activates lvl 17 onwards, to avoid stagnation at endgame.
*Caps increase per level, lvl 30 caps shown:

spoiler@ Lvl 30
Gain 1 Agi per 21 attacks
Gain 2 Str per 700 damage taken
Gain 2 Int per 16 spells cast

< Experience Per Hit >
-heroes gain experience points per hit on a creep or hero.
-heroes also gain a few experience points for being near dying enemy units.
-the total exp given out by a certain unit is always the same, based on its hp and the damage you dealt.

i.e., the full exp from a target is 100xp, and it has 100hp.
you deal 25 damage (25% of its health) in 1 attack. you gain 25xp.
another hero deals 25 damage through 2 attacks. they also gain 25xp.


More features that make the game even more fun to play.

A typical game would last maybe up to 40 minutes..
Early Game (10 minutes) – creeping, leveling
Mid Game (20 minutes) – farming, items
Late Game (30 minutes) – Ganking, Rune Hunting, Pushing

< Neutral Rune Bonuses >
-there are 5 Neutral monster types that will buff you with their respective runes when you defeat them.
-the runes provide your hero powerful bonuses that should help you defeat your opponents.
-runes do not stack on each other, only one can be active per hero. you must wait for the first one to fade before acquiring another.
--Mark of the Frost Wolf - will grant 25% more movement speed for 80 seconds.
--Ogre Magi's Warding - will grant +30 armor for 90 seconds.
--Arachnathid Venom - for 90 seconds, your attacks will deal 65 magic damage per second for 3 seconds.
--Infinite Mana Flux - will grant 55 mana regen per second for 45 seconds.
--Dragon's Fury - aura will grant 40%attack speed for 80 seconds.

< in-Battle Strafing >
-when things fight they don't just stand there and hit each other, don't they?
-my self made system adds some aspects of aesthetics and realism.
-fighting units strafe across each other as they battle!

< Better Forest Fogging for Hiding and Ambush >
- Inspired by Fogging from DotA and the Brush system from League of Legends.
- in DotA, when when you enter the forest you wont be able to see what's outside the forest! (you cant wait inside 'cause even you dont know what will happen.
- in my new system, when you enter the forest you will be able to see what's outside of it without them seeing you!.

< Hybrid Gameplay >
-there are 2 'lanes' in the map but they will only spawn creeps for your team overtime (3 waves will be spawned simultaneously).
-the whole map is open space for all heroes to battle, only the lanes are restricted because of towers.
-because the spawn rate is slow, you must train with the neutral creeps to earn more experience.
-currently, the game is a bit more of a Hero Arena and AoS. but soon more 'sidequests' will be added like : neutral bosses, capturing items/buildings, forced duels, special events, etc.

< Regen and Gold Drops >
-hp, mana and gold runes randomly drop from neutral creeps to minimize expenses.

< Neutral Creep Growth >
-the Neutral Hostile camps have upgrades that gain a level overtime.

< Adjustable Game Camera >
-a set of commands to adjust the game camera to your liking.
- "-camd x" Set your camera-distance-to-target to x.
- "-cama x" Set your camera-angle-of-attack to x.
- "-caml" Toggle camera-lock on/off to your hero.
*default –caml looks like an online mmorpg camera.

Screenshots: <VERY OLD>





*Currently, I am the only one making the map itself. Most of these are my work and ideas.
Looking for : Spell/Hero Trigger-er
Although I am quite competent to trigger the skills i can think of, i do not have the luxury of time. I'm looking for someone who has the skills to trigger (using the systems already implemented in the map) some of the hero and spell ideas.​


In need of sleep
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so in other words this is a rpg with global pvp elements?
or are you aiming for just
Hero arena

because "hero dungen" exists within hero arenas since the days of angel arena (you know the paths with the super big creeps that can kick you ass at any given moment? yea those creeps) so i dont see whats so specal about it....

"Systems Implemented :

Caster System (Vexorian)
Item Charge Stacking (SFilip)
Creep Respawn (Acehart)
Zoomed-Out Camera (my modification)"

good start but at the moment these are pretty cookie cutter

"*Strategic Skill Building System
-each hero has 6 abilities with 10 levels each, but the level cap is only until level 30.
-this set-up makes for a more strategic perspective in hero play, you must choose which abilities to maximize or leave weakened and develop your own syle for your hero.

*Training Points System
-you gain training points each time you kill a set number of neutral creeps and also from other specific events.
-training points are primarily for buying stat boosters."

I like it, this is just about the only reason why im still here... but please come up with something more interesting then hero dungen, please...?

"- in single player, this will be the driving concept of the story."
if its single player then how can it be hero arena, unless your using AI to controle the other heros


is now a game developer :)
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so in other words this is a rpg with global pvp elements?
well, not exactly a very long story-heavy rpg.
i think the timeline/story is too short for it to become an rpg.
it's a fairly small map with no room for cities/towns/regions.

it's like this...
in multiplayer, it's a basic hero arena with some twists.
but if you play it in single player, you can play using your hero to finish some sort of story by defeating bosses and defending stuff.


In need of sleep
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you can always encorperate that story as lore in the multiplayer section cant you? I mean makeing quests and such for each major town (im thinking your houseing teach team in a seperate town, ifthere are teams.. you did call this a hero arena right?) telling them to seek out the differnt bosses and mabey each one can enhance the town in differnt ways (better anti camp defenses, better healing rates, spawn rates, items sold?)

i mean with a map discription as vauge as yours, anything goes right?


is now a game developer :)
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i mean with a map discription as vauge as yours, anything goes right?
well, i kinda just got that out of my head just right now.. :D.

well, there will be bases but small ones..
the 'island' is uninhabited.. they just got there someway.. through a portal.

good start but at the moment these are pretty cookie cutter
I like it, this is just about the only reason why im still here... but please come up with something more interesting then hero dungen, please...?

well... it's pretty basic stuff for now,
considering that i just started this project two days ago..


Starcraft II Moderator
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I said I'd help.... but untill you give me more details I can't give specific ideads ;) But still:
If you max out a skill, I suggest having a legendary level avaiable (level 11) but to get that level, you will need a skill at max, and another 2 skills at level 9 and a skill at level 2. The legendary level shloud be x times more powerfull then the skill on level 10.
Perhaps, the experience and gold earning shloud be each hit, not each kill ;) simply because someone can last hit your units and take the credit dor your hard work.
Make some acheavements. For example survive 5 minutes without beeing killed or kill all boses before your oponents. The acheavments can give the game a direction on where it shloud evolve. For example if you get XXX gold per player for an acheavement then evryone will try to do acheavements, the teamplay will be... well... better and you will have to think of what your opponent will do and try to block the acheavment. :)


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I can also give Hero ideas. Though I need more detail on what kind of heroes will be placed in the arena, or the teams themselves.

-- Umaku iku yō ni -|- jonadrian619 --​


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It needs to be more special to stand out from the other AoSes, I don't really like the idea you have currently though.


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>> I don't really like the idea you have currently though.
Criticism is good but at least say what you don't like about it or how else it improve?

Anyway I think training on creeps will get boring, the only difficult part about it would be to not die against harder creeps.


is now a game developer :)
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Perhaps, the experience and gold earning shloud be each hit, not each kill simply because someone can last hit your units and take the credit dor your hard work

acheavments can give the game a direction on where it shloud evolve.
i'll work on xp per hit,
give me some ideas on achievements, based on the current format of the map.

It needs to be more special to stand out from the other AoSes,
well, what makes an AoS stand out for you?

I don't really like the idea you have currently though.
Criticism is good but at least say what you don't like about it or how else it improve?

Anyway I think training on creeps will get boring, the only difficult part about it would be to not die against harder creeps.
well, any better ideas?

and for all other commenters,
if you dont like something please give me an idea on how to improve.


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Try to make it so that it is unique in a way, look at AoM and DoE, the playing style is totally different from dota and other Aos as it did not focus much on items but focused more on factions to buy units in your barracks or Heroes to spawn creep in Aotz.

If you were a player, you wouldn't want to play maps that are the same all over again right?

13lade619 said:
-there are 2 'lanes' in the map but they will only spawn creeps for you every 5 minutes.
-the 5 minute spawn is like a forced duel system, you must face the hero that is pushing the lane or you risk to lose a tower.
-because the spawn rate is slow, you must train with the neutral creeps to earn TP and gain levels.

5 minutes? So players rot there :( No way to salvage the situation at all? I can't imagine how much advantage a player can have if during the first push they won.

Try to make some interesting quest or missions that have some storyline in it but don't make some like Kill 10 kobolds for 50exp.


is now a game developer :)
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5 minutes? So players rot there No way to salvage the situation at all? I can't imagine how much advantage a player can have if during the first push they won.

they go around the map, training.. just like in an arena.
if they like, they can seek out the other players and kill them before the clash.

the towers are only along the lane, you can back door if you want.
but it's just easier to destroy them with some reinforcements.

..some images uploaded too.


  • Title.png
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  • Download.png
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  • Heroes.png
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  • Features.png
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Working on a Map
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So its an Arena with some aspects of an AoS? Interesting...
The map seems interesting, I look forward to it :D


Forum User
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Umm.... the terraining is a Blizzard Map? It looks like one. It doesn't seem interesting, well, maybe because I don't read, or there are no screenshots... I always judge something by how it looks first lol.

The only thing that captured my attention is future AI.... I just prefer AI games over games on the internet.


Starcraft II Moderator
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I am with brainstorming and hero/item ideas.

Ok, I suggest maiking the waves BIG so the battle is 2-3 minutes.
Also the timer shloud also start when the last creep dyes.
Perhaps the player shloud be able to upgrade the towers with barikades?


is now a game developer :)
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So its an Arena with some aspects of an AoS? Interesting...
The map seems interesting, I look forward to it
nice mini aos style map
walking around large aos maps are quite boring..

Umm.... the terraining is a Blizzard Map? It looks like one. It doesn't seem interesting, well, maybe because I don't read, or there are no screenshots... I always judge something by how it looks first lol.
yes, Plunder Isle exactly.. i'll be adding more modifications to spice it up.

The only thing that captured my attention is future AI.... I just prefer AI games over games on the internet.
me too.. but you'll have to wait a long time since i dont have anyone to work on ai yet
and i'm busy with other stuff with the map.

Ok, I suggest maiking the waves BIG so the battle is 2-3 minutes.
Also the timer shloud also start when the last creep dyes.
good idea, a large wave of random creeps would be good.

now for some images: may take a while to load..

the four heroes i'm simultaneously working on right now:

the rock slide spell at lvl 10:

and the XP per hit system is done too.


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Omg Avalance from Dota :p!

Looks so alike man.

How did you do those GIF?

Oh by the way, the terrain in your GIF needs to be improved.
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