Multiboard not updating?

Reaction score
I've been having this problem for around an hour now and I still can't figure it out, which is driving me totally insane - I've looked for every single mistake in my code and put debug messages everywhere. And still no effect - the code just doesn't work at some place (in a function call particularly). Everything in it is fine: values get increased, checks get ran but when it comes to updating the multi board nothing happens. It can't be from the system I'm using since it worked a few moments before everything just stopped.

Look at the function UpdateMultiboard - it is supposed to call some other function that increases the value in some column or row.

To give a short explanation on this thing - when a player's Hero attacks, 3 wisps colored in light blue and owned by player passive appear above the attacked unit's head. At random intervals one of the wisps turns into a different color and once the player is quick enough to click it, it gets light blue again and grants a "level" point for the player. The process repeats again and again, the level point gets higher and higher and all this stuff has to get pasted into a multi board, individual for each player. It is sorted like this:
Combo name | Bounty | Bonus damage
"something" | 15 | 25%

However, the multi board never gets updated, and I have no idea why.


library ComboLib initializer Init uses TimerUtils, PUI, AMS, TimedLoop, xebasic, GetPlayerColored

// ID is for referencing some things about the wisps
//! runtextmacro PUI_PROPERTY("private", "integer", "ID", "141421")
// Time is used to count some combo stuff
//! runtextmacro PUI_PROPERTY("private", "integer", "TIME", "7")

    private constant string TITLE = "Combo Meter"
    private constant integer ROWS = 4
    private constant integer COLLUMNS = 3

// declare multiboards for each player..
    Multiboard mb1
    Multiboard mb2
    Multiboard mb3
    Multiboard mb4
    Multiboard mb5
    Multiboard mb6
    Multiboard mb7
    Multiboard mb8
// and an array to store them (they are actually structs)
    integer array mb
// used with GetPlayerId() for array index - to determine the level of combo
    integer array LEVEL
// Text displayed for each level (displayed on the multiboard)
    string array TEXT
// Bonus bounty used for some other cases (also displayed on mb)
    integer array BOUNTY
// And bonus damage multiplier for other stuff (also displayed on mb)
    real array MULTIPLIER
// I store some player colors since I change the wisps
    playercolor array PLAYER_COLOR

    //private Table t - same syntax
    private integer array t
    private integer a = 0
    private real gx = 0.
    private real gy = 0.
// Group containing all heroes so TIME[] can be subtracted from them
    private group gr = CreateGroup()

private function UpdateMultiboard takes unit cast, integer lvl returns nothing
    local player p = GetOwningPlayer(cast)
    local integer pid = GetPlayerId(p)
    local Multiboard mult = mb[pid]
    call mult.SetItem(3, 1, TEXT[LEVEL[pid]])
    call mult.SetItem(3, 2, I2S(BOUNTY[LEVEL[pid]]))
    call mult.SetItem(3, 3, R2S(MULTIPLIER[LEVEL[pid]]))
    call mult.SetItem(3, 1, TEXT[lvl])
    call mult.SetItem(3, 2, I2S(BOUNTY[lvl]))
    call mult.SetItem(3, 3, R2S(MULTIPLIER[lvl]))
    call mult.Fold()
    call mult.Unfold()

private struct Data
    unit cast
    unit targ
    player owner
    unit array wisp[3]
// To determine whether the wisp is colored or not
// (by colored I mean color other than light blue since that looks like white)
    boolean array yes[3]
    timer tim
    trigger trig
    boolean held = false
    integer clicks
    private method onTimedLoop takes nothing returns boolean
        if GetWidgetLife(this.targ) > 0.405 and GetWidgetLife(this.cast) > 0.405 and GetWidgetLife(this.wisp[0]) > 0.405 and GetWidgetLife(this.wisp[1]) > 0.405 and GetWidgetLife(this.wisp[2]) > 0.405 then
            set a = 0
            set gx = GetUnitX(this.targ)
            set gy = GetUnitY(this.targ)
                exitwhen a > 2
                call SetUnitX(this.wisp[a], gx - (50. * a))
                call SetUnitY(this.wisp[a], gy + (50. * a))
                set a = a + 1
            set a = 0
                exitwhen a > 2
                call KillUnit(this.wisp[a])
                set a = a + 1
            return TimedLoop_STOP
        return TimedLoop_CONTINUE
    implement TimedLoop
    private static method onCallback takes nothing returns nothing
        local thistype this = GetTimerData(GetExpiredTimer())
        set a = 0
            exitwhen a > 2
            set this.yes[a] = false
            call SetUnitOwner(this.wisp[a], Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE), false)
            call SetUnitColor(this.wisp[a], PLAYER_COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE)
            set a = a + 1
        set a = GetRandomInt(0, 2)
        set this.yes[a] = true
        call SetUnitColor(this.wisp[a], PLAYER_COLOR[GetRandomInt(0, 7)])
        // ^ get a random wisp and color it
// This works...
        set gx = 2. - (0.1 * LEVEL[GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(this.cast))])
        if gx < 0.8 then
            set gx = 0.8
        call SetTimerData(this.tim, this)
        call TimerStart(this.tim, gx, false, function thistype.onCallback)
    static method create takes unit cast returns thistype
        local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
        set this.cast = cast
        set this.tim = NewTimer()
        set this.trig = CreateTrigger()
        set t[GetUnitIndex(this.cast)] = integer(this)
        set this.owner = GetOwningPlayer(this.cast)
        set this.clicks = 0
        call this.startTimedLoop()
        call SetTimerData(this.tim, this)
        // this works...
        set gx = 2. - (0.1 * LEVEL[GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(this.cast))])
        if gx < 0.8 then
            set gx = 0.8
        call TimerStart(this.tim, gx, false, function thistype.onCallback)
        return this
    private static method onSelect takes nothing returns boolean
        local unit sel = GetTriggerUnit()
        local integer id = ID[sel]
        local thistype this = thistype(t[GetUnitIndex(sel)])
        local player p = GetOwningPlayer(this.cast)
        local integer pid = GetPlayerId(p)
        local integer lvl
        local Multiboard mult
// everything works here...
            if this.yes[id] == true then
                if LEVEL[pid] < 14 then
                    set LEVEL[pid] = LEVEL[pid] + 1
                set mult = mb[pid]
                set lvl = LEVEL[pid]
                // EXCEPT THIS ONE ... -.-
                call UpdateMultiboard.execute(this.cast, LEVEL[pid])
                // works....
                set this.yes[id] = false
                //call SetUnitOwner(this.wisp[id], Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE), false)
                call SetUnitColor(this.wisp[id], PLAYER_COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE)
            // works... T_T
            if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
                call ClearSelection()
                call SelectUnit(this.cast, true)
            set t[GetUnitIndex(sel)] = this
        return false
    method wispSwap takes unit targ returns nothing
        local real tx = GetUnitX(targ)
        local real ty = GetUnitY(targ)
        set this.targ = targ
        set a = 0
            exitwhen a > 2
            call RemoveUnit(this.wisp[a])
            set this.wisp[a] = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(this.cast), 'e004', tx, ty, 0.)
            call UnitAddAbility(this.wisp[a], 'Amrf')
            call UnitRemoveAbility(this.wisp[a], 'Amrf')
            call SetUnitFlyHeight(this.wisp[a], 150., 0.)
            call SetUnitColor(this.wisp[a], PLAYER_COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE)
            // desync?
            //call ShowUnit(this.wisp[a], GetOwningPlayer(this.wisp[a]) == GetLocalPlayer())
            call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(this.trig, this.wisp[a], EVENT_UNIT_SELECTED)
            call TriggerAddCondition(this.trig, Condition(function thistype.onSelect))
            set ID[this.wisp[a]] = a
            set t[GetUnitIndex(this.wisp[a])] = integer(this)
            set a = a + 1
        // works...
        call this.startTimedLoop()
    method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call TriggerClearConditions(this.trig)
        call DisableTrigger(this.trig)
        call DestroyTrigger(this.trig)
        call ReleaseTimer(this.tim)
        set a = 0
            exitwhen a > 2
            call RemoveUnit(this.wisp[a])
            set a = a + 1

// Works... 
(I separated it into another function since I thought the timer callback couldn't handle so much function calls... but actually it could so that wasn't the problem)
private function MultiboardCreation takes nothing returns nothing
    call TriggerSleepAction(0)
    set mb1 = Multiboard.Create(TITLE, ROWS, COLLUMNS, true, true, false, 25)
    call mb1.SetItemWidth(1, 1, 8) // "Combo name"
    call mb1.SetItemWidth(1, 2, 8) // "Bonus bounty"
    call mb1.SetItemWidth(1, 3, 8) // "Bonus damage"
    call mb1.SetItemWidth(2, 1, 1)
    call mb1.SetItemWidth(2, 2, 1)
    call mb1.SetItemWidth(2, 3, 1)
    call mb1.SetItemWidth(3, 1, 8)
    call mb1.SetItemWidth(3, 2, 8)
    call mb1.SetItemWidth(3, 3, 8)
    call mb1.SetItem(1, 1, "|cffffcc00Combo name|r")
    call mb1.SetItem(1, 2, "|cffffcc00Bonus bounty|r")
    call mb1.SetItem(1, 3, "|cffffcc00Bonus damage|r")
    call mb1.SetItem(3, 1, TEXT[LEVEL[0]])
    call mb1.SetItem(3, 2, I2S(BOUNTY[LEVEL[0]]))
    call mb1.SetItem(3, 3, R2S(MULTIPLIER[LEVEL[0]]))
    if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(0) then
        call mb1.Show()
    set mb2 = Multiboard.Create(TITLE, ROWS, COLLUMNS, true, true, false, 25)
    call mb2.SetItemWidth(1, 1, 8) // "Combo name"
    call mb2.SetItemWidth(1, 2, 8) // "Bonus bounty"
    call mb2.SetItemWidth(1, 3, 8) // "Bonus damage"
    call mb2.SetItemWidth(2, 1, 1)
    call mb2.SetItemWidth(2, 2, 1)
    call mb2.SetItemWidth(2, 3, 1)
    call mb2.SetItemWidth(3, 1, 8)
    call mb2.SetItemWidth(3, 2, 8)
    call mb2.SetItemWidth(3, 3, 8)
    call mb2.SetItem(1, 1, "|cffffcc00Combo name|r")
    call mb2.SetItem(1, 2, "|cffffcc00Bonus bounty|r")
    call mb2.SetItem(1, 3, "|cffffcc00Bonus damage|r")
    call mb2.SetItem(3, 1, TEXT[LEVEL[1]])
    call mb2.SetItem(3, 2, I2S(BOUNTY[LEVEL[1]]))
    call mb2.SetItem(3, 3, R2S(MULTIPLIER[LEVEL[1]]))
    if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(1) then
        call mb2.Show()
    set mb3 = Multiboard.Create(TITLE, ROWS, COLLUMNS, true, true, false, 25)
    call mb3.SetItemWidth(1, 1, 8) // "Combo name"
    call mb3.SetItemWidth(1, 2, 8) // "Bonus bounty"
    call mb3.SetItemWidth(1, 3, 8) // "Bonus damage"
    call mb3.SetItemWidth(2, 1, 1)
    call mb3.SetItemWidth(2, 2, 1)
    call mb3.SetItemWidth(2, 3, 1)
    call mb3.SetItemWidth(3, 1, 8)
    call mb3.SetItemWidth(3, 2, 8)
    call mb3.SetItemWidth(3, 3, 8)
    call mb3.SetItem(1, 1, "|cffffcc00Combo name|r")
    call mb3.SetItem(1, 2, "|cffffcc00Bonus bounty|r")
    call mb3.SetItem(1, 3, "|cffffcc00Bonus damage|r")
    call mb3.SetItem(3, 1, TEXT[LEVEL[2]])
    call mb3.SetItem(3, 2, I2S(BOUNTY[LEVEL[2]]))
    call mb3.SetItem(3, 3, R2S(MULTIPLIER[LEVEL[2]]))
    if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(2) then
        call mb3.Show()
    set mb4 = Multiboard.Create(TITLE, ROWS, COLLUMNS, true, true, false, 25)
    call mb4.SetItemWidth(1, 1, 8) // "Combo name"
    call mb4.SetItemWidth(1, 2, 8) // "Bonus bounty"
    call mb4.SetItemWidth(1, 3, 8) // "Bonus damage"
    call mb4.SetItemWidth(2, 1, 1)
    call mb4.SetItemWidth(2, 2, 1)
    call mb4.SetItemWidth(2, 3, 1)
    call mb4.SetItemWidth(3, 1, 8)
    call mb4.SetItemWidth(3, 2, 8)
    call mb4.SetItemWidth(3, 3, 8)
    call mb4.SetItem(1, 1, "|cffffcc00Combo name|r")
    call mb4.SetItem(1, 2, "|cffffcc00Bonus bounty|r")
    call mb4.SetItem(1, 3, "|cffffcc00Bonus damage|r")
    call mb4.SetItem(3, 1, TEXT[LEVEL[3]])
    call mb4.SetItem(3, 2, I2S(BOUNTY[LEVEL[3]]))
    call mb4.SetItem(3, 3, R2S(MULTIPLIER[LEVEL[3]]))
    if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(3) then
        call mb4.Show()
    set mb5 = Multiboard.Create(TITLE, ROWS, COLLUMNS, true, true, false, 25)
    call mb5.SetItemWidth(1, 1, 8) // "Combo name"
    call mb5.SetItemWidth(1, 2, 8) // "Bonus bounty"
    call mb5.SetItemWidth(1, 3, 8) // "Bonus damage"
    call mb5.SetItemWidth(2, 1, 1)
    call mb5.SetItemWidth(2, 2, 1)
    call mb5.SetItemWidth(2, 3, 1)
    call mb5.SetItemWidth(3, 1, 8)
    call mb5.SetItemWidth(3, 2, 8)
    call mb5.SetItemWidth(3, 3, 8)
    call mb5.SetItem(1, 1, "|cffffcc00Combo name|r")
    call mb5.SetItem(1, 2, "|cffffcc00Bonus bounty|r")
    call mb5.SetItem(1, 3, "|cffffcc00Bonus damage|r")
    call mb5.SetItem(3, 1, TEXT[LEVEL[4]])
    call mb5.SetItem(3, 2, I2S(BOUNTY[LEVEL[4]]))
    call mb5.SetItem(3, 3, R2S(MULTIPLIER[LEVEL[4]]))
    if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(4) then
        call mb5.Show()
    set mb6 = Multiboard.Create(TITLE, ROWS, COLLUMNS, true, true, false, 25)
    call mb6.SetItemWidth(1, 1, 8) // "Combo name"
    call mb6.SetItemWidth(1, 2, 8) // "Bonus bounty"
    call mb6.SetItemWidth(1, 3, 8) // "Bonus damage"
    call mb6.SetItemWidth(2, 1, 1)
    call mb6.SetItemWidth(2, 2, 1)
    call mb6.SetItemWidth(2, 3, 1)
    call mb6.SetItemWidth(3, 1, 8)
    call mb6.SetItemWidth(3, 2, 8)
    call mb6.SetItemWidth(3, 3, 8)
    call mb6.SetItem(1, 1, "|cffffcc00Combo name|r")
    call mb6.SetItem(1, 2, "|cffffcc00Bonus bounty|r")
    call mb6.SetItem(1, 3, "|cffffcc00Bonus damage|r")
    call mb6.SetItem(3, 1, TEXT[LEVEL[5]])
    call mb6.SetItem(3, 2, I2S(BOUNTY[LEVEL[5]]))
    call mb6.SetItem(3, 3, R2S(MULTIPLIER[LEVEL[5]]))
    if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(5) then
        call mb6.Show()
    set mb7 = Multiboard.Create(TITLE, ROWS, COLLUMNS, true, true, false, 25)
    call mb7.SetItemWidth(1, 1, 8) // "Combo name"
    call mb7.SetItemWidth(1, 2, 8) // "Bonus bounty"
    call mb7.SetItemWidth(1, 3, 8) // "Bonus damage"
    call mb7.SetItemWidth(2, 1, 1)
    call mb7.SetItemWidth(2, 2, 1)
    call mb7.SetItemWidth(2, 3, 1)
    call mb7.SetItemWidth(3, 1, 8)
    call mb7.SetItemWidth(3, 2, 8)
    call mb7.SetItemWidth(3, 3, 8)
    call mb7.SetItem(1, 1, "|cffffcc00Combo name|r")
    call mb7.SetItem(1, 2, "|cffffcc00Bonus bounty|r")
    call mb7.SetItem(1, 3, "|cffffcc00Bonus damage|r")
    call mb7.SetItem(3, 1, TEXT[LEVEL[6]])
    call mb7.SetItem(3, 2, I2S(BOUNTY[LEVEL[6]]))
    call mb7.SetItem(3, 3, R2S(MULTIPLIER[LEVEL[6]]))
    if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(0) then
        call mb7.Show()
    set mb8 = Multiboard.Create(TITLE, ROWS, COLLUMNS, true, true, false, 25)
    call mb8.SetItemWidth(1, 1, 8) // "Combo name"
    call mb8.SetItemWidth(1, 2, 8) // "Bonus bounty"
    call mb8.SetItemWidth(1, 3, 8) // "Bonus damage"
    call mb8.SetItemWidth(2, 1, 1)
    call mb8.SetItemWidth(2, 2, 1)
    call mb8.SetItemWidth(2, 3, 1)
    call mb8.SetItemWidth(3, 1, 8)
    call mb8.SetItemWidth(3, 2, 8)
    call mb8.SetItemWidth(3, 3, 8)
    call mb8.SetItem(1, 1, "|cffffcc00Combo name|r")
    call mb8.SetItem(1, 2, "|cffffcc00Bonus bounty|r")
    call mb8.SetItem(1, 3, "|cffffcc00Bonus damage|r")
    call mb8.SetItem(3, 1, TEXT[LEVEL[7]])
    call mb8.SetItem(3, 2, I2S(BOUNTY[LEVEL[7]]))
    call mb8.SetItem(3, 3, R2S(MULTIPLIER[LEVEL[7]]))
    if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(7) then
        call mb8.Show()
    set mb[0] = mb1
    set mb[1] = mb2
    set mb[2] = mb3
    set mb[3] = mb4
    set mb[4] = mb5
    set mb[5] = mb6
    set mb[6] = mb7
    set mb[7] = mb8

// explained above
private function MultiboardSafe takes nothing returns nothing
    call MultiboardCreation.execute()
    call ReleaseTimer(GetExpiredTimer())

// Wooooooorks...
private function StoreData takes nothing returns nothing
    set a = 0
        exitwhen a > 7
        set LEVEL[a] = 0
        set a = a + 1
    set TEXT[0] = "None"
    set TEXT[1] = "Dope!"
    set TEXT[2] = "Deadly!"
    set TEXT[3] = "Damn!"
    set TEXT[4] = "Cool!"
    set TEXT[5] = "Crazy!"
    set TEXT[6] = "Blast!"
    set TEXT[7] = "Boom!"
    set TEXT[8] = "Atomic!"
    set TEXT[9] = "All right"
    set TEXT[10] = "GOSU!"
    set TEXT[11] = "OMG!"
    set TEXT[12] = "Smokin' "
    set TEXT[13] = "Smokin' Style"
    set TEXT[14] = "Smokin' Sick Style"
    set BOUNTY[0] = 0
    set BOUNTY[1] = 10
    set BOUNTY[2] = 15 
    set BOUNTY[3] = 25
    set BOUNTY[4] = 30
    set BOUNTY[5] = 35
    set BOUNTY[6] = 45
    set BOUNTY[7] = 50
    set BOUNTY[8] = 60
    set BOUNTY[9] = 70
    set BOUNTY[10] = 75
    set BOUNTY[11] = 85
    set BOUNTY[12] = 95
    set BOUNTY[13] = 95
    set BOUNTY[14] = 100
    set MULTIPLIER[0] = 0.00
    set MULTIPLIER[1] = 0.05
    set MULTIPLIER[2] = 0.1
    set MULTIPLIER[3] = 0.1
    set MULTIPLIER[4] = 0.15
    set MULTIPLIER[5] = 0.15
    set MULTIPLIER[6] = 0.2
    set MULTIPLIER[7] = 0.25
    set MULTIPLIER[8] = 0.3
    set MULTIPLIER[9] = 0.35
    set MULTIPLIER[10] = 0.4
    set MULTIPLIER[11] = 0.45
    set MULTIPLIER[12] = 0.5
    set MULTIPLIER[13] = 0.55
    set MULTIPLIER[14] = 0.6
    call ReleaseTimer(GetExpiredTimer())

// also works
private function OnAttack takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit cast = GetAttacker()
    local unit targ = GetTriggerUnit()
    local Data this
    if IsUnitType(cast, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) == true then//and IsUnitEnemy(targ, GetOwningPlayer(cast)) then
        set this = t[GetUnitIndex(cast)]
        if targ != this.targ then
            call this.destroy()
            set this = Data.create(cast)
            call this.wispSwap(targ)
        if not IsUnitInGroup(this.cast, gr) then
            call GroupAddUnit(gr, this.cast)
    set cast = null
    set targ = null
    return false

private function OnDamage takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit cast = GetEventDamageSource()
    local unit targ = GetTriggerUnit()
    local real dmg = GetEventDamage()
    local Data this = t[GetUnitIndex(cast)]
    if this == 0 then
        call DisableDamageDetect()
        call UnitDamageTarget(cast, targ, dmg + (dmg * MULTIPLIER[LEVEL[GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(cast))]]), true, true, ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, null)
        call EnableDamageDetect()
        set TIME[this.cast] = 7
    set cast = null
    set targ = null
    return false

private function Minus takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit cast = GetEnumUnit()
    local integer id 
    set TIME[cast] = TIME[cast] - 1
    if TIME[cast] <= 0 then
        set id = GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(cast))
        if LEVEL[id] > 0 then
            set LEVEL[id] = LEVEL[id] - 1
        set TIME[cast] = 7
        // AAAAAAA ... :|
        call UpdateMultiboard.execute(cast, LEVEL[id])
    set cast = null

private function SubstractTime takes nothing returns nothing
    call ForGroup(gr, function Minus)

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trig, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED)
    call TriggerAddCondition(trig, Condition(function OnAttack))

    call TimerStart(NewTimer(), 0.00, false, function StoreData)
    call TimerStart(NewTimer(), 0.5, false, function MultiboardSafe)
    call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 1., true, function SubstractTime)
    call AddOnDamageFunc(Condition(function OnDamage))


AMS system code:

//                                                                          //
//                  ADVANCED MULTIBOARD SYSTEM - v3.02 Beta                 //
//                              BY MAGENTIX                                 //
//                                                                          //
//                     Requires vJASS & Cohadar's ABC                       //
//                                                                          //
//                                                                          //
//  1) CONFIGURATION:                                                       //
//  =================                                                       //
//    - Create a trigger, name doesn't matter                               //
//    - Go to Edit -> Convert to Custom Text                                //
//    - Copy-Paste this entire piece of code over the generated text        //
//                                                                          //
//  2) INSTRUCTIONS:                                                        //
//  ================                                                        //
//    For every multiboard action you want done, you MUST use the methods   //
//    described below. Other use of natives is at your own risk and may     //
//    cause the system to malfunction completely.                           //
//                                                                          //
//                                                                          //
//    Use .GetMultiboard() to get your multiboard.                          //
//                                                                          //
//    When setting colors, use a HEX code (6 letters).                      //
//    Giving a faulty color code will end up showing "FFFFFF" (White).      //
//                                                                          //
//    USE INTEGERS AS PLAYERS (Player 1 = 0, Player 2 = 1, etc.)            //
//                                                                          //
//  3) FUNCTION LIST:                                                       //
//  =================                                                       //
//                                                                          //
//    Display functions:                                                    //
//     .Create(title,rows,cols,showBoard,showValues,showIcons,width)        //
//     .Show()                                                              //
//     .Hide()                                                              //
//     .Fold()                                                              //
//     .Unfold()                                                            //
//     .SetItemWidth(row,col,width)                                         //
//                                                                          //
//                                                                          //
//    Retrieving functions:                                                 //
//     .GetItem(row,col) -> string                                          //
//     .GetItemPrefix(row,col) -> string                                    //
//     .GetItemSuffix(row,col) -> string                                    //
//     .GetItemColor(row,col) -> string                                     //
//     .GetItemPrefixColor(row,col) -> string                               //
//     .GetItemSuffixColor(row,col) -> string                               //
//     .GetTitle() -> string                                                //
//     .GetTitlePrefix() -> string                                          //
//     .GetTitleSuffix() -> string                                          //
//     .GetTitleColor() -> string                                           //
//     .GetTitlePrefixColor() -> string                                     //
//     .GetTitleSuffixColor() -> string                                     //
//                                                                          //
//     .GetValueState(row,col) -> boolean (show/hide)                       //
//     .GetIconState(row,col) -> boolean (show/hide)                        //
//     .GetIconPath(row,col) -> string                                      //
//                                                                          //
//     .GetColumnCount() -> integer                                         //
//     .GetRowCount() -> integer                                            //
//     .GetMultiboard() -> multiboard                                       //
//                                                                          //
//    Storing functions:                                                    //
//     .SetItem(row,col,value)                                              //
//     .SetItemPrefix(row,col,value)                                        //
//     .SetItemSuffix(row,col,value)                                        //
//     .SetItemColor(row,col,value)                                         //
//     .SetItemPrefixColor(row,col,value)                                   //
//     .SetItemSuffixColor(row,col,value)                                   //
//     .SetTitle(value)                                                     //
//     .SetTitlePrefix(value)                                               //
//     .SetTitleSuffix(value)                                               //
//     .SetTitleColor(value)                                                //
//     .SetTitlePrefixColor(value)                                          //
//     .SetTitleSuffixColor(value)                                          //
//                                                                          //
//     .SetIconPath(row,col,path)                                           //
//     .SetItemStyle(row,col,showValue,showIcon)                            //
//                                                                          //
//    Handy functions:                                                      //
//     .IncreaseItem(row,col,increment)                                     //
//     .SuspendItem(row,col,string)                                         //
//     .PrependItem(row,col,string)                                         //
//     .SuspendTitle(string)                                                //
//     .PrependTitle(string)                                                //
//                                                                          //
//    Sorting functions:                                                    //
//     .SortRowsOnce(start_row,end_row,sort_col,ascending)                  //
//     .SortRows(start_row,end_row,sort_col,interval,ascending)             //
//     .StopSorts()                                                         //
//     .SwapRows(row1,row2)                                                 //
//                                                                          //
//    Clock functions:                                                      //
//     .AddClock(asSuffix)                                                  //
//     .PauseClock()                                                        //
//     .ResumeClock()                                                       //
//     .ResetClock()                                                        //
//     .StopClock()                                                         //
//                                                                          //
//    Handy player functions:                                               //
//     .AddPlayers(startPlayer,amount,startRow,col,colorName)               //
//     .SetPlayerItem(player,col,value)                                     //
//     .GetPlayerItem(player,col) -> string                                 //
//     .SetPlayerRow(player,row)                                            //
//     .GetPlayerRow(player) -> integer                                     //
//                                                                          //
//                                                                          //
//     .Destroy()                                                           //
//                                                                          //
//                                                                          //
//                      DO NOT EDIT BEYOND THIS POINT                       //
//                 PLEASE GIVE CREDIT WHEN USING THIS SYSTEM                //
//                                                                          //

library AMS initializer Init requires TimerUtils, Table

    private HandleTable ht


//! textmacro MBGetItem takes KEY, TYPE, VARNAME
method Get$KEY$ takes integer row, integer col returns $TYPE$
    return .GetItemData(((row-1)*.Cols)+col).$VARNAME$
//! endtextmacro
//! textmacro MBGetTitle takes KEY, VARNAME
method Get$KEY$ takes nothing returns string
    return .$VARNAME$
//! endtextmacro
//! textmacro MBSetItem takes KEY, VARNAME
method Set$KEY$ takes integer row, integer col, string value returns nothing
    set .GetItemData(((row-1)*.Cols)+col).$VARNAME$ = value
    call .UpdateItem(row,col)
//! endtextmacro
//! textmacro MBSetTitle takes KEY, VARNAME
method Set$KEY$ takes string var returns nothing
    set .$VARNAME$ = var
    call .UpdateTitle()
//! endtextmacro


private struct ItemData
    string Value
    string Prefix
    string Suffix
    string Color
    string PrefixColor
    string SuffixColor
    string IconPath
    boolean ShowValue
    boolean ShowIcon

private struct Item
    ItemData data

private struct SortData
    integer SORT_COL
    integer START_ROW
    integer END_ROW
    boolean ASC
    Multiboard MB


    private string array PlayerColors
    private Item array Items
    private Multiboard array Multiboards
    private integer MultiboardCounter = 0


private function ClockCallback takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
    local Multiboard mb = ht[t]
    local string s
    if (mb.STOP == false) then
        if (mb.seconds < 59) then
            set mb.seconds = mb.seconds + 1
        elseif (mb.minutes < 59) then
            set mb.seconds = 0
            set mb.minutes = mb.minutes + 1
            set mb.seconds = 0
            set mb.minutes = 0
            set mb.hours = mb.hours + 1
        if (mb.hours < 10) then
            set s = "0"+I2S(mb.hours)+":"
            set s = I2S(mb.hours)+":"
        if (mb.minutes < 10) then
            set s = s+"0"+I2S(mb.minutes)+":"
            set s = s+I2S(mb.minutes)+":"
        if (mb.seconds < 10) then
            set s = s+"0"+I2S(mb.seconds)
            set s = s+I2S(mb.seconds)
        if (mb.asSuffix) then
            call mb.SetTitleSuffix("- "+s)
            call mb.SetTitle(s)
        call ReleaseTimer(mb.ClockTimer)
    set s = null
    set t = null
private function SortRowsCallback takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
    local SortData dat = ht[t]
    if (dat.MB.SortStop == false) then
        call dat.MB.SortRowsOnce(dat.START_ROW, dat.END_ROW, dat.SORT_COL, dat.ASC)
        call ht.flush(t)
        call dat.destroy()
        call ReleaseTimer(t)
        set dat.MB.SortCount = dat.MB.SortCount - 1
        if (dat.MB.SortCount == 0) then
            set dat.MB.SortStop = false
    set t = null

//  Multiboard STRUCT

struct Multiboard
    // Array Initial Value
    integer ArrayStart = 0
    integer MultiboardNR = 1
    // Multiboard Values
    private multiboard MB
    private integer Rows
    private integer Cols
    private integer array PlayerRow[11]
    // Title Values
    private string Value
    private string Prefix
    private string Suffix
    private string Color
    private string PrefixColor
    private string SuffixColor
    // Clock Values
    timer ClockTimer
    integer seconds = 0
    integer minutes = 0
    integer hours = 0
    boolean asSuffix
    boolean STOP
    // Sort Values
    integer SortCount = 0
    boolean SortStop = false
    static method Create takes string title, integer rows, integer cols, boolean showBoard, boolean showValues, boolean showIcons, integer width returns Multiboard
        local Multiboard mb = Multiboard.allocate()
        local integer i = 1
        if (MultiboardCounter > 0) then
            set mb.ArrayStart = Multiboards[MultiboardCounter].ArrayStart + (Multiboards[MultiboardCounter].Rows * Multiboards[MultiboardCounter].Cols)
            set mb.MultiboardNR = MultiboardCounter + 1
        set MultiboardCounter = MultiboardCounter + 1
        set Multiboards[MultiboardCounter] = mb
        set mb.MB = CreateMultiboard()
        set mb.Rows = rows
        set mb.Cols = cols
        set mb.Value = title
        call MultiboardSetRowCount(mb.MB, mb.Rows)
        call MultiboardSetColumnCount(mb.MB, mb.Cols)
        call MultiboardSetTitleText(mb.MB, title)
        call MultiboardSetItemsStyle(mb.MB, showValues, showIcons)
        if (width <= 0) then
            set width = 25
        call MultiboardSetItemsWidth(mb.MB, (width/cols)/100.00)
        call MultiboardDisplay(mb.MB, showBoard)
            exitwhen (i > mb.Rows * mb.Cols)
            set Items[mb.ArrayStart+i] = Item.create()
            set Items[mb.ArrayStart+i].data = ItemData.create()
            set Items[mb.ArrayStart+i].data.ShowIcon = showIcons
            set Items[mb.ArrayStart+i].data.ShowValue = showValues
            set Items[mb.ArrayStart+i].data.IconPath = "UI\\Widgets\\EscMenu\\Human\\observer-icon.blp"
            set i = i + 1
        return mb
    private method GetItemData takes integer ItemNR returns ItemData
        return Items[.ArrayStart+ItemNR].data
    method ShowItem takes integer row, integer col returns nothing
        local ItemData I = .GetItemData(((row-1)*.Cols)+col)
        call BJDebugMsg(I.Value)

    //! runtextmacro MBGetItem("Item","string","Value")
    //! runtextmacro MBGetItem("ItemPrefix","string","Prefix")
    //! runtextmacro MBGetItem("ItemSuffix","string","Suffix")
    //! runtextmacro MBGetItem("ItemColor","string","Color")
    //! runtextmacro MBGetItem("ItemPrefixColor","string","PrefixColor")
    //! runtextmacro MBGetItem("ItemSuffixColor","string","SuffixColor")
    //! runtextmacro MBGetItem("ValueState","boolean","ShowValue")
    //! runtextmacro MBGetItem("IconState","boolean","ShowIcon")
    //! runtextmacro MBGetItem("IconPath","string","IconPath")
    //! runtextmacro MBGetTitle("Title","Value")
    //! runtextmacro MBGetTitle("TitlePrefix","Prefix")
    //! runtextmacro MBGetTitle("TitleSuffix","Suffix")
    //! runtextmacro MBGetTitle("TitleColor","Color")
    //! runtextmacro MBGetTitle("TitlePrefixColor","PrefixColor")
    //! runtextmacro MBGetTitle("TitleSuffixColor","SuffixColor")
    method GetPlayerRow takes integer p returns integer
        return .PlayerRow[p]
    method GetColumnCount takes nothing returns integer
        return .Cols
    method GetRowCount takes nothing returns integer
        return .Rows
    method GetMultiboard takes nothing returns multiboard
        return .MB
    method Show takes nothing returns nothing
        call MultiboardDisplay(.MB, true)
    method Hide takes nothing returns nothing
        call MultiboardDisplay(.MB, false)
    method Fold takes nothing returns nothing
        call MultiboardMinimize(.MB, true)
    method Unfold takes nothing returns nothing
        call MultiboardMinimize(.MB, false)
    method SetItemWidth takes integer row, integer col, real width returns nothing
        local multiboarditem mbi = MultiboardGetItem(.MB,row-1,col-1)
        call MultiboardSetItemWidth(mbi, width/100.00)
        call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi)
        set mbi = null
    private method UpdateItem takes integer row, integer col returns nothing
        local string full = ""
        local multiboarditem mbi
        local ItemData I = .GetItemData(((row-1)*.Cols)+col)
        if (I.Prefix != null) then
            if (I.PrefixColor != null and StringLength(I.PrefixColor) == 6) then
                set full = "|cFF"+I.PrefixColor+I.Prefix+"|r "
                set full = "|cFFFFFFFF"+I.Prefix+"|r "
        if (I.Color != null and StringLength(I.Color) == 6) then
            set full = full+"|cFF"+I.Color+I.Value+"|r"
            set full = full+"|cFFFFFFFF"+I.Value+"|r"
        if (I.Suffix != null) then
            if (I.SuffixColor != null and StringLength(I.SuffixColor) == 6) then
                set full = full+" |cFF"+I.SuffixColor+I.Suffix+"|r"
                set full = full+" |cFFFFFFFF"+I.Suffix+"|r"
        set mbi = MultiboardGetItem(.MB,row-1,col-1)
        call MultiboardSetItemValue(mbi, full)
        call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi)
        set full = null
        set mbi = null
    private method UpdateTitle takes nothing returns nothing
        local string full = ""
        if (.Prefix != null) then
            if (.PrefixColor != null and StringLength(.PrefixColor) == 6) then
                set full = "|cFF"+.PrefixColor+.Prefix+"|r "
                set full = "|cFFFFCC00"+.Prefix+"|r "
        if (.Color != null and StringLength(.Color) == 6) then
            set full = full+"|cFF"+.Color+.Value+"|r"
            set full = full+"|cFFFFCC00"+.Value+"|r"
        if (.Suffix != null) then
            if (.SuffixColor != null and StringLength(.SuffixColor) == 6) then
                set full = full+" |cFF"+.SuffixColor+.Suffix+"|r"
                set full = full+" |cFFFFCC00"+.Suffix+"|r"
        call MultiboardSetTitleText(.MB, full)
        set full = null
    //! runtextmacro MBSetItem("Item","Value")
    //! runtextmacro MBSetItem("ItemPrefix","Prefix")
    //! runtextmacro MBSetItem("ItemSuffix","Suffix")
    //! runtextmacro MBSetItem("ItemColor","Color")
    //! runtextmacro MBSetItem("ItemPrefixColor","PrefixColor")
    //! runtextmacro MBSetItem("ItemSuffixColor","SuffixColor")
    //! runtextmacro MBSetTitle("Title","Value")
    //! runtextmacro MBSetTitle("TitlePrefix","Prefix")
    //! runtextmacro MBSetTitle("TitleSuffix","Suffix")
    //! runtextmacro MBSetTitle("TitleColor","Color")
    //! runtextmacro MBSetTitle("TitlePrefixColor","PrefixColor")
    //! runtextmacro MBSetTitle("TitleSuffixColor","SuffixColor")
    method SetPlayerRow takes integer p, integer row returns nothing
    set .PlayerRow[p] = row
    method SetItemStyle takes integer row, integer col, boolean showValue, boolean showIcon returns nothing
        local multiboarditem mbi
        set .GetItemData(((row-1)*.Cols)+col).ShowValue = showValue
        set .GetItemData(((row-1)*.Cols)+col).ShowIcon = showIcon
        set mbi = MultiboardGetItem(.MB,row-1,col-1)
        call MultiboardSetItemStyle(mbi, showValue, showIcon)
        call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi)
        set mbi = null
    method SetIconPath takes integer row, integer col, string path returns nothing
        local multiboarditem mbi
        set .GetItemData(((row-1)*.Cols)+col).IconPath = path
        set mbi = MultiboardGetItem(.MB,row-1,col-1)
        call MultiboardSetItemIcon(mbi, path)
        call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi)
        set mbi = null

    method IncreaseItem takes integer row, integer col, integer increment returns nothing
        call .SetItem(row,col,I2S(S2I(.GetItem(row,col))+increment))
    method SuspendItem takes integer row, integer col, string Suffix returns nothing
        call .SetItem(row,col,.GetItem(row,col)+Suffix)
    method PrependItem takes integer row, integer col, string Prefix returns nothing
        call .SetItem(row,col,Prefix+.GetItem(row,col))
    method SuspendTitle takes string Suffix returns nothing
        call .SetTitle(.GetTitle()+Suffix)
    method PrependTitle takes string Prefix returns nothing
        call .SetTitle(Prefix+.GetTitle())
    method GetPlayerItem takes integer p, integer col returns string
        return .GetItem(.GetPlayerRow(p),col)
    method SetPlayerItem takes integer p, integer col, string value returns nothing
        call .SetItem(.GetPlayerRow(p),col,value)
    method AddPlayers takes integer startPlayer, integer amount, integer row, integer col, boolean colorName returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
        exitwhen i == amount
            call .SetItem(row+i,col,GetPlayerName(Player(startPlayer+i)))
            set .PlayerRow[startPlayer+i] = row+i
            if (colorName) then
                call .SetItemColor(row+i,col,PlayerColors[startPlayer+i])
            set i = i + 1
    method AddClock takes boolean asSuffix returns nothing
        if (.ClockTimer != null) then
            call BJDebugMsg("Error: This multiboard already has a clock.")
            set .ClockTimer = CreateTimer()
            set .asSuffix = asSuffix
            set .STOP = false
            set ht[.ClockTimer] = this
            call TimerStart(.ClockTimer,1.00,true,function ClockCallback)
    method PauseClock takes nothing returns nothing
        set .STOP = true
    method ResumeClock takes nothing returns nothing
        set .STOP = false
        call TimerStart(.ClockTimer,1.00,true,function ClockCallback)
    method ResetClock takes nothing returns nothing
        set .seconds = 0
        set .minutes = 0
        set .hours = 0
    method StopClock takes nothing returns nothing
        set .seconds = 0
        set .minutes = 0
        set .hours = 0
        call ht.flush(.ClockTimer)
        call ReleaseTimer(.ClockTimer)
        set .ClockTimer = null
        if (.asSuffix) then
            call .SetTitleSuffix("")
            call .SetTitle("")
    method SwapRows takes integer row1, integer row2 returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
        local integer col = 1
        local ItemData I
        exitwhen i > 11
            if (.PlayerRow<i> == row1) then
                set .PlayerRow<i> = row2
            elseif (.PlayerRow<i> == row2) then
                set .PlayerRow<i> = row1
            set i = i + 1
        exitwhen col &gt; .Cols
            set I = .GetItemData(((row1-1)*.Cols)+col)
            set Items[.ArrayStart+((row1-1)*.Cols)+col].data = .GetItemData(((row2-1)*.Cols)+col)
            set Items[.ArrayStart+((row2-1)*.Cols)+col].data = I
            call .UpdateItem(row1,col)
            call .UpdateItem(row2,col)
            set col = col + 1
    method SortRowsOnce takes integer START_ROW, integer END_ROW, integer SORT_COL, boolean ASC returns nothing
        local integer k = END_ROW - 1
        local integer l
        local integer lv
        local integer Item1
        local integer Item2
        if (START_ROW &gt; END_ROW) then
            call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Error: START_ROW must be less than END_ROW when calling a RowSort().&quot;)
            exitwhen (k &lt; START_ROW)
                set l = START_ROW
                set lv = START_ROW
                exitwhen (l &gt; k)                  
                    set Item1 = S2I(.GetItemData(((l-1)*.Cols)+SORT_COL).Value)
                    set Item2 = S2I(.GetItemData((l*.Cols)+SORT_COL).Value)
                    if ((Item1 &gt; Item2 and ASC) or (Item1 &lt; Item2 and not ASC)) then
                        call .SwapRows(l,l+1)
                        set lv = l 
                    set l = l + 1
            set k = lv - 1

    method StopSorts takes nothing returns nothing
        set .SortStop = true
    method SortRows takes integer START_ROW, integer END_ROW, integer SORT_COL, real interval, boolean ASC returns nothing
        local timer t = CreateTimer()
        local integer i = 0
        local SortData dat = SortData.create()
        set dat.SORT_COL = SORT_COL
        set dat.START_ROW = START_ROW
        set dat.END_ROW = END_ROW
        set dat.ASC = ASC
        set dat.MB = this
        set ht[t] = dat
        call TimerStart(t,interval,true,function SortRowsCallback)
        set .SortCount = .SortCount + 1
        set t = null
    method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 1
        exitwhen (i &gt; .Rows * .Cols)
            call Items[.ArrayStart+i].data.destroy()
            call Items[.ArrayStart+i].destroy()
            set i = i + 1
        set i = 1
        exitwhen i &gt; Multiboards[MultiboardCounter].ArrayStart + (Multiboards[MultiboardCounter].Cols * Multiboards[MultiboardCounter].Rows) - (.ArrayStart + (.Cols * .Rows))
            set Items[.ArrayStart+i] = Items[.ArrayStart+i+(.Cols*.Rows)]
            set i = i + 1
        set i = 1
        exitwhen i &gt; MultiboardCounter - .MultiboardNR
            set Multiboards[.MultiboardNR+i-1] = Multiboards[.MultiboardNR+i]
            set Multiboards[.MultiboardNR+i-1].MultiboardNR = Multiboards[.MultiboardNR+i-1].MultiboardNR - 1
            if (Multiboards[.MultiboardNR+i-1].MultiboardNR == 1) then
                set Multiboards[.MultiboardNR+i-1].ArrayStart = 0
                set Multiboards[.MultiboardNR+i-1].ArrayStart = Multiboards[.MultiboardNR+i-2].ArrayStart + (Multiboards[.MultiboardNR+i-2].Cols * Multiboards[.MultiboardNR+i-2].Rows)
            set i = i + 1

        set MultiboardCounter = MultiboardCounter - 1
        call .StopSorts()
        call DestroyMultiboard(.MB)


private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    set PlayerColors[0] = &quot;FF0303&quot;
    set PlayerColors[1] = &quot;0042FF&quot;
    set PlayerColors[2] = &quot;1CB619&quot;
    set PlayerColors[3] = &quot;540081&quot;
    set PlayerColors[4] = &quot;FFFF01&quot;
    set PlayerColors[5] = &quot;FE8A0E&quot;
    set PlayerColors[6] = &quot;20C000&quot;
    set PlayerColors[7] = &quot;E55BB0&quot;
    set PlayerColors[8] = &quot;959697&quot;
    set PlayerColors[9] = &quot;7EBFF1&quot;
    set PlayerColors[10] = &quot;106246&quot;
    set PlayerColors[11] = &quot;4E2A04&quot;
    set ht = HandleTable.create()
General chit-chat
Help Users
  • No one is chatting at the moment.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Still lurking
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am great and it is fantastic to see you my friend!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    If you are new to the site please check out the Recipe and Food Forum
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    How come you're so into recipes lately? Never saw this much interest in this topic in the old days of
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    Hmm, how do I change my signature?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    Signatures can be edit in your account profile. As for the old stuffs, I'm thinking it's because Blizzard is now under Microsoft, and because of Microsoft Xbox going the way it is, it's dreadful.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am not big on the recipes I am just promoting them - I use the site as a practice place promoting stuff
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    @tom_mai78101 I must be blind. If I go on my profile I don't see any area to edit the signature; If I go to account details (settings) I don't see any signature area either.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    You can get there if you click the bell icon (alerts) and choose preferences from the bottom, signature will be in the menu on the left there
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I think I need to split the Sci/Tech news forum into 2 one for Science and one for Tech but I am hating all the moving of posts I would have to do
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What is up Old Mountain Shadow?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Thursday!
  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Power back on finally - all is good here no damage
    Happy Friday!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    New recipe is another summer dessert Berry and Peach Cheesecake -

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