Other Ninja Vs Samurai


Snow Leopard
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Ninja Vs Samurai 2

Originally made by Black)Ninja and BadBlack)Ninja. Revamped with new optimized triggers, objects, mechanics and terrain by me (Moridin/Moridin239) and Kron

I do realise that I have a thread about an earlier version of this map here. However, that older map is outdated and the thread has a lot of comments that are now invalid...so I thought it would be better to start a new thread. I don't intend on making a new thread for every version :p.
The older thread has also been updated to match this one. This is because the thread used to have a link to an unprotected version of the map, which I would prefer to remain undisclosed for now.

Type: Other
Requisite Players: 2
Recommended Players: 2 to 10

The ninja have to capture the 6 samurai talismans around the map. The samurai have to guard the talismans from capture. The ninja have a certain number of lives. When they run out, the ninja dies permanently. If all ninja are dead, the samurai win.

The above is a short description that does not do the game justice. I have included a tutorial on how to play the roles of ninja and samurai to the best of your ability below this. I recommend reading it, as the game is versatile and employs many mechanics not seen often (if ever).

Some of the awesome mechanics are:
1) A semi-realistic damage system. A few hits will kill you, no matter who you are.
2) A wounding system. The less life you have the slower you move and attack.








|------------///---///// ---//----//----///---//---//----///////------------|
|-----------///---//-//- --//----//----///---//---//----//------------------|

Aim: To capture the 6 talismans and deposit them at the Ninja base.
Hide (Passive)
Dodge (Active)
TrueSight (Active)
Ninja Substitution (Active)
Shadow Duplicate (Active)
Wind Walk (Active) (Ultimate)

Hide: (Passive)
This ability is pre-given at the start of the game to every Ninja.
It allows you to become invisible or blend into the shadows if you merely stand still.

Dodge: (Active)
This ability is pre-given at the start of the game to every Ninja.
It allows you to dodge all possible attacks (become invulnerable) for a very short period of time.

TrueSight: (Active)
This ability is pre-given at the start of the game to every Ninja.
This ability allows you to see a larger area with true sight. You can spot invisible units or traps with this ability.

Ninja Substitution: (Active)
This ability teleports the Ninja a short distance, leaving a dummy in his place to take any hits. The dummy cannot be controlled by the Ninja. The dummy instantly dies after a few seconds.

Shadow Duplicate: (Active)
This ability creates a duplicate of the Ninja a short distance away. This ability stuns anything in a short radius around the target point for a while. The duplicate can be controlled by the Ninja.

Wind Walk: (Active)(level 6)
This ability turns the Ninja temporarily invisible, even when moving. If the Ninja attacks or steals a talisman, he is revealed.

Extra: Backstab mechanic: Ninja's can backstab. They kill anything if they hit the unit from behind. If they are too close to the unit they fumble.

- You have 20 lives. Use them wisely.
- Don't go head to head against a samurai. They're tougher than you health wise.
- Once you capture a talisman you are a walking target. The samurai constantly get pings as to your position. Run don't hide.
- Once you place a talisman at you base (there is a unit there which you give it to, the box) it cannot be taken back by the samurai.
- Ninja have two teleporters (the circles of power). One at their base and one a little away from it. Both take you most of the distance towards the further away talismans.
- Most guards take 2 hits to kill. Some 3 and a few 1 (the invisible ones).
- Most guards can kill you in 2-3 hits. Invisible guards can kill you in 1 but reveal themselves instantly upon sighting you.
- Shadow Duplicate and Ninja Substitution BOTH have the animation of a blink. This can be used to confuse a samurai as to which Ninja is the real one.
- The Shadow Duplicate can kill anything except towers in 1 hit, including samurai. They have none of your abilities however.
- Always be stealthy, hit random targets and don't target the same talisman twice. As soon as you are spotted by the samurai's team (including the guards) Samurai will be coming to finish you off.
- Always move. Guards' attacks are siege. They attack ground rather than you. IF you stay still you will be hit. If you move you can pretty much run through guards.
- You have a number of items at your disposal, all of which are extremely useful. They cost gold however, so spend wisely.
- You gain gold at a slower rate than the samurai. However you do get a bonus for killing Samurai.
- Don't stay in your base for too long. Samurai CAN rush in and kill you, making you lose your precious lives.

Aim: To protect the 6 samurai talismans.
Dodge (Active)
Observer Ward (Active)
Arrow (Active)
Blink (Active)
Tranquility (Active) (Ultimate)

Dodge: (Active)
This ability is pre-given at the start of the game to every Ninja.
It allows you to dodge all possible attacks (become invulnerable) for a very short period of time.

Observer Ward: (Active)
It places an invisible observer ward on the ground that gives you true sight in a small radius around it. It is one of the main ways to spot the invisible Ninja.

Arrow: (Active)
The arrow flies in a straight line and kills all Ninja it happens to meet on the way.

Blink: (Active)
This is a typical teleport spell. Helpful if you want to catch the Ninja.

Tranquility: (Active)(Level 6)
The samurai attains a period of bullet-time, slowing down all units in the game except for him. It doesn't slow down projectiles however (like the guards' thrown spears).

- You have unlimited lives and are stronger than the Ninja. Don't be afraid to hunt them down on sight. Watch out for some of their equipment though.
- Spam observer wards. They are one of the two ways you can spot a ninja standing still. IF you don't have the ability, the ninja can just stand still and you won't be able to touch him.
- Arrows are instant kill to Ninja. Always good when you don't want to go and hit a Ninja twice.
- You may have unlimited lives, but you still give the Ninja exp and gold when you die. Don't be suicidal.
- When and if you use tranquility. Ninja are almost certainly dead, wherever they are. Thus, it is best to use it when a ninja is escaping with a talisman.
- A leveled up blink is a good way to chase after a Ninja.
- Stasis traps, blockades, mines and more can be bought from the shop. They can prove to be a very strong guard against Ninja if used well.
- The samurai have numerous gateways at their base and around the field to quickly get from one end of the map to the other.
- The reveal ball, bought from the samurai shop, is another easy and cheap way of detecting the Ninja.

Many Thanks to: :thup:
Black)Ninja and BadBlack)Ninja for the original map
Callahan for the Ronin custom model
Kron for helping me with pretty much everything including coding, items, heroes, balancing, triggering, etc.

People who play this map should please contact me at thehelper via a PM If they notice one of the following:
1) Something is in french or german or in any other language apart from english.
2) The game is not fun. For either side.
3) Some part of the game is imbalanced.
4) A tooltip / any text is wrong.

Please note:
1) Ninja's currently DO NOT have spell levels upto 10. They are actually missing a spell. I am working on this, as they seem to be plenty powerful even without a 4th ability.

Thanks also to any who play this map. Hope you find it fun. :D
To download click the large "Ninja VS Samurai" at the top of this post OR the link at the bottom.

View attachment 37302


New Member
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Yeah one of my favourite maps :D But
NVS V2.0.1 U14_07_10
is the worst map name I have ever seen.


Snow Leopard
Reaction score
NVS V2.0.1 U14_07_10
is the worst map name I have ever seen.

Hahahah :p....well I should really change it, please give me something better to swap it to. Right now the name is like that for indexing purposes, not aesthetics.

Edit: Also, quick question, have you played this map or other ninja vs samurai maps? From what I've seen, there are tons of these everywhere....many of which I haven't tried and most of which are different compared to mine. If you haven't tried this map yet, I recommend you do :). It's a map that I can still find fun to play with a couple friends.


New Member
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As I said, I know what is this.

Ninja vs Samurai 2.01 might be better.

Also ninjas are too fast, or guards are retard.I just right clicked the talisman, hold shift button and clicked to base.They couldn't kill me.

I can control the ninja which created with blink(ninja substitution).

Same thing with Ninja kid.

Duplicate has 12-13 damage wtf?


Snow Leopard
Reaction score
Also ninjas are too fast, or guards are retard.I just right clicked the talisman, hold shift button and clicked to base.They couldn't kill me.
Right now, I don't want them to be able to kill you. The game is not meant to be single player....and with an opposing samurai it's much tougher to get talismans trust me :p. (They have teleporters from their base to strategic places around the map, so they're very mobile in defence).

However, if you do feel the guards are a bit weak, they make up for it by the occasional berserker. These guards are a lot tougher to get past as their attack speed and projectile speed have been doubled. They're also magic immune.

I can control the ninja which created with blink(ninja substitution).
Really? :S I didn't know this. Is this really a problem though?

Same thing with Ninja kid.
I know. There's really no way to stop this from happening, so I've implemented an indirect solution. Try walking him outside the ninja base :). The way I've done it as it is, you can't use him as a scout or a distraction and he has no attack damage.

Duplicate has 12-13 damage wtf?
This is known and somewhat intentional. The illusion has the power to kill anything in one hit, but it's attack speed is slightly slower than the ninja's. If you try and storm a bunch of guards, the illusion usually gets one kill before dying, because it can't move away fast enough.

Thanks for the info though :). Try playing a 1v1 and tell me if anything's overpowered / underpowered.


Snow Leopard
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271 downloads on epic war with 2 people rating it 3, 5. 111 Views on this page...and yet only 2 comments not made by me :(.

Post people! :D


New Member
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Well I don't have anyone to play with but it seems entertaining.
The substitution and dodge techniques are clever and the ninja model looks good.
I haven't played much but here are some suggestions:
Maybe some more ninja-like weapons eg. kunai or throwing stars.
Some sort of disguise/camouflage techniques.
Also I would scrap the Naruto name, it's a bit lame.


Snow Leopard
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Alright. I should see to hosting this in a hamachi room or something :p.

Ninja already have shuriken AND kunai. They're both bought items at the Ninja store. Shuriken is essentially killing stuff in a line, while kunai kills everything in a large AOE around you.

I am actually working on a kind of disguise technique for the ninja, but so far I haven't been able to implement it.

The Naruto names are only because I couldn't think of anything better :p. I might change them, but they hardly affect gameplay, so then again I might not.

Thanks for the comment! :)


Ultra Cool Member
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I played a while back with my brother.

The map's preview picture, you know, the one with the samurai's sword coming directly down onto the ninja's head, is a perfect representation of what happens in this game.

first he played as samurai, and I quickly lost. To make sure that I didn't just suck at playing, I became the samurai. After the first five minutes I decided to hide away in a base, the ninja was able to get one talisman before he ran out of lives. (3 hit kill from a guard, 100 guards.)

Since the abilities are items you can't use hotkeys, which impedes on the entire fast ninja thing.

This map would be good if it was just Ninjas vs Guards. I would play that.

Please make it so that the ninjas have perma invisibility except when attacking at night, and shadow meld during the day or something.
Maybe we played a really old version though


Snow Leopard
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Um....you definitely played a different map :p.

Half of the stuff you talked about doesn't exist in my map. My map is pretty different from other NVS maps, so I suggest you try this one out :). I can assure you that it's been balanced for 1v1 and 2v2 play ('cause I've only been able to play test it with 4 ppl so far).


Snow Leopard
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Unfortunately you need the latest version for this map. It doesn't use any of the newer features like hashtables, but it's been saved in the newest version of the Editor.


Snow Leopard
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News! Planning a major update soon ish. Things to come:

- A new external region. This region will contain a visual tutorial zone for those who want to use it at the beginning of the game. Hopefully this will make the game a little easier to get into. It will also contain the new ninja base and maybe a simple mini-game.

- The ninja base will be now moved to an external region (as mentioned before) so samurai can't tramp in. It will also have resettable spawn points, meaning ninja can literally appear (nearly) anywhere on the map. This will force the samurai to be extra vigilant as well as stop spawn-camping on the samurai's part.

- The samurai will have a preparation time during which they can place the starting guards. The limit will be decided later, but this is meant to allow the samurai greater flexibility and control in their guards. It also means that ninja cannot just memorize the positions of guards, as it's now change-able.

- An achievement system will be implemented. Rewards are yet to be decided, but they will most likely be purely aesthetic.


We also Need a Terrainer. Nothing fancy really, it's just that the current terrain is horrible, so we need to improve on it. If you're interested please send me a terrain sample via PM using screenshots. A few things you will have to keep note on when working on the terrain for this map:

1) There will be no real sky.
2) It's always night.
3) Pathways will have to be maintained for the most part.

Apart from that, you will mostly have a free reign on the terrain of the map. You may change the tileset to something more appealing (right now it's the default :p).
If you are working on the terrain, I would also like you to be available until the 27th of this month, because that's when we're planning our next release, so we'd like the terrain to be completed for the most part by then as well.
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