Preloading an spell/s


You can change this now in User CP.
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Hi, I have a question, hope you can answer me efficient.

I want to load my spell before the game starts (the map is showing 2 seconds of black mask since it says about credits and all).

Some spells lag on the first cast, so that's the reason of preloading.

How would I make an preload? Any suggestion?


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You can also pre-place one dummy unit with negative health regeneration (so it dies by itself) and put all your dummy spells on it.


No Marlo no game.
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Add all your abilities to one dummy, like that one guy suggested. It preloads those object editor abilities.

Also create and destroy all different special effects in map init, so they dont lagg when first used.

Also, if you use some dummy units for example some triggered projectiles, you should create those units at map init too.


You can change this now in User CP.
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And how would I preload this spell?

// Version 1.02.
scope FirePillar initializer Init //requires KT, KBS, xefx
    //   UPDATE HERE! CTRL + D
    private constant integer SPELL_ID = 'A00D'
    private constant integer DUMMY_ID = 'e002'
    private constant integer BUFF_ID = 'B028'
    private constant integer LICH_SFX_ID = 'A00H'
    private constant integer WYRM_SFX_ID = 'A028'
    private constant integer STUN_ID = 'A00Z'
    private constant string STUN_STRING = "thunderbolt"
    private constant boolean IS_ULTIMATE = true    // - Is this ability ultimate? Target immune.

    private constant real TIMER_INTERVAL = 0.03125
    private constant real ROTATE_SPEED = 10.

    private constant attacktype ATK_TYPE = ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL
    private constant damagetype DMG_TYPE = DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC
    private constant weapontype WPN_TYPE = null

    private constant real MAX_HEIGHT = 1000// - Height the pillar will reach.

    //  If you want to edit the model of the pillar, go to Object Editor Abilities and modify the SFX.
    //  To disable FLASH_SFX or TRIAL_SFX just put " ".
    private constant real PILLAR_SCALE = 1.00   // SCALE of the parts of the pillar
    private constant real TRAIL_SCALE = 1.00    // Scale of the trail.
    private constant string FLASH_SFX = ""//"Abilities\\Weapons\\FrostWyrmMissile\\FrostWyrmMissile.mdx"
    private constant string TRAIL_SFX = ""//"Abilities\\Weapons\\PhoenixMissile\\Phoenix_Missile.mdx"
    private constant boolean FREEZE_ANIMATION = true// Enemy units freeze animation when frozen?
    private constant real HEIGHT_VISIBILITY = 1100  // Cannot see usually above here.
                                                    // Units won't be created if height > this.

private function SPELL_AOE takes integer level returns real
    return 350. + ( level * 0. )

private function SPELL_DURATION takes integer level returns real
    return 2. + ( level * 0. )

// Distance of the knockback? Add levels as necessary, level being in [x]
private function SPELL_KB_DISTANCE takes integer level returns real
    return 250. * level

private function SPELL_DAMAGE takes integer level returns real
    return 250. * level

    !!! <>< FISHY TRIAL ><> !!! Fish Pillar begins here.
    private constant group Group = CreateGroup() // For instant enum. NO DYNAMIC-STABILITY! ??? lolwut.

    private unit DUMMY_CASTER   // Have 1 dummy unit cast all Storm Bolts.
    // Unit Filtering.
    private boolexpr G_UFilter = null   // Save 1 call.
    private unit TempUnit     = null    // Save a fe calls.
    private player TempPlayer = null    // Passing.
    private integer TempInt = 0

    private unit TempCaster = null
    private real KBDist
    private real Damage
    private real TempX
    private real TempY
    private boolean array BA

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//                          ANIMATION FREEZING
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
private struct BFData
    unit Target

    static method create takes unit u returns BFData
        local BFData d = BFData.allocate()
        set d.Target = u
        return d
    method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call SetUnitTimeScale( .Target, 1.00 )
    static method Update takes nothing returns boolean
        local BFData d  = KT_GetData()
        call SetUnitTimeScale( d.Target, 0 )
        // If they somehow lose the bugg, or they become magic immune and the spell is not an ultimate, or they die.
        if (GetUnitAbilityLevel( d.Target, BUFF_ID ) == 0) or (IsUnitType( d.Target, UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE ) and not IS_ULTIMATE ) /*
        */ or ( IsUnitType( d.Target, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD )) then
            call d.destroy()
            return true
        return false

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//                          I C E  P I L L A R
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
private function Destroy_trees takes nothing returns nothing
    call KillDestructable(GetEnumDestructable()) // Used to destroy destructables.

// Thanks to PitzerMike for this function. (Modified Slightly).
private function Check_trees takes nothing returns boolean
    local destructable dest   = GetFilterDestructable()
    local boolean      result = false
    if GetDestructableLife(dest) > 0.405 then
        call ShowUnit(DUMMY_CASTER,true)
        call SetUnitX(DUMMY_CASTER,GetWidgetX(dest))
        call SetUnitY(DUMMY_CASTER,GetWidgetY(dest))
        set result = IssueTargetOrder(DUMMY_CASTER,"harvest",dest)
        call IssueImmediateOrder(DUMMY_CASTER,"stop")
        call ShowUnit(DUMMY_CASTER,false)
        set dest = null
        return result
    set dest = null
    return result

private struct IPData
    unit Caster

    player Owner
    real TX
    real TY
    real Height = 0.00
    integer Counter = 0

    integer LevelX
    real AoE
    real angle = 0
    real SECONDS = 0.00
    real Damage
    real HeightModifier
    real Duration
    real a2n = 0
    group IcePillar = CreateGroup()
    xefx fx

    static method UFilter takes nothing returns boolean
        local real angle = 0.00
        local boolean b
        set TempUnit = GetFilterUnit()

        if IsUnitEnemy( TempUnit, TempPlayer ) and not IsUnitType( TempUnit, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD ) then
            call SetUnitAbilityLevel( DUMMY_CASTER, STUN_ID, TempInt )
            call SetUnitPosition( DUMMY_CASTER, TempX , TempX )
            call SetUnitOwner( DUMMY_CASTER, TempPlayer, false )
            // If this spell is not an ultimate, and the target is a magic immune, yes, let them be hurt.
            if IsUnitType( TempUnit, UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE ) and not IS_ULTIMATE then
                debug call BJDebugMsg ("THIS SPELL IS NOT AN ULTIMATE, DOES NOT HURT " + GetUnitName( TempUnit ) )
                return false
                set angle = Atan2( GetUnitY( TempUnit ) - TempY, GetUnitX( TempUnit ) - TempX  ) * bj_RADTODEG

                call UnitDamageTarget( TempCaster, TempUnit, Damage, true, false, ATK_TYPE, DMG_TYPE, WPN_TYPE )
                set b = IssueTargetOrder( DUMMY_CASTER, STUN_STRING, TempUnit )

                call KBS_BeginCommon( TempUnit, KBDist,.8,angle) 
                if FREEZE_ANIMATION then
                    call KT_Add( function BFData.Update, BFData.create( TempUnit ), TIMER_INTERVAL )
                if not b then
                    debug call BJDebugMsg( &quot;Target cannot be stunned <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite3" alt=":(" title="Frown    :(" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":(" />&quot;)

        return false

     method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit u
        local real angle
        local BFData d
        local real x = .TX
        local real y = .TY

        // Initial dummy death.
            set u = FirstOfGroup( .IcePillar )
            exitwhen u == null
            call GroupRemoveUnit( .IcePillar, u )
            call UnitRemoveAbility( u, LICH_SFX_ID )
            call UnitAddAbility( u, WYRM_SFX_ID )
            call UnitRemoveAbility( u, WYRM_SFX_ID )
            call KillUnit( u )
            set u = null
        call EnumDestructablesInRect( Rect( x - .AoE, y - .AoE, x + .AoE, y + .AoE ), Condition( function Check_trees), function Destroy_trees )
        call SetWidgetLife( GetEnumDestructable(), 0 )
        set TempX = .TX
        set TempY = .TY
        set TempPlayer = .Owner
        set TempInt = .LevelX
        set TempCaster = .Caster
        set Damage = SPELL_DAMAGE( .LevelX )
        debug call BJDebugMsg( &quot;Damage: &quot; + R2S( Damage ) )
        set KBDist = SPELL_KB_DISTANCE( .LevelX )
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRange( Group, .TX, .TY, .AoE, G_UFilter )        
        call GroupClear( .IcePillar )
        call .fx.destroy()
    static method create takes nothing returns IPData
        local IPData d = IPData.allocate()
        set d.Caster = GetTriggerUnit()
        set d.Owner = GetOwningPlayer( d.Caster )
        set d.TX = GetSpellTargetX()
        set d.TY = GetSpellTargetY()
        set d.LevelX = GetUnitAbilityLevel( d.Caster, SPELL_ID )
        set d.AoE = SPELL_AOE( d.LevelX )
        set d.Duration = SPELL_DURATION( d.LevelX )
        set d.HeightModifier = MAX_HEIGHT / ( d.Duration / TIMER_INTERVAL )
        set d.a2n = 90
        debug call BJDebugMsg( &quot;LevelX: &quot; + R2S( d.LevelX ) )
        debug call BJDebugMsg( &quot;AoE: &quot; + R2S( d.AoE ) )
        debug call BJDebugMsg( &quot;Duration: &quot; + R2S( d.Duration ) )

        set d.fx = xefx.create( d.TX, d.TY, bj_UNIT_FACING )
        set d.fx.fxpath = TRAIL_SFX
        set d.fx.scale = TRAIL_SCALE
        return d

    private function Callback takes nothing returns boolean
        local IPData d = KT_GetData()
        local integer i = 0
        local real x
        local real y
        local real angle = 0
        local unit u = null
        set d.angle = d.angle + ROTATE_SPEED
        set d.Height = d.Counter * d.HeightModifier
        //set d.ZANGLE = d.ZANGLE - 7
        //if d.ZANGLE &lt; -360 then
            //set d.ZANGLE = d.ZANGLE + 360

            set x = d.TX + d.AoE * Cos( d.angle * bj_DEGTORAD )
            set y = d.TY + d.AoE * Sin( d.angle * bj_DEGTORAD )
            call d.fx.flash( FLASH_SFX )
            set d.a2n = d.a2n + ROTATE_SPEED
            if d.Height &lt; HEIGHT_VISIBILITY then
                set u = CreateUnit( d.Owner, DUMMY_ID, x, y, d.a2n )
                call SetUnitFlyHeight( u, d.Height, 0 )
                call GroupAddUnit( d.IcePillar, u )
                call SetUnitScale( u, PILLAR_SCALE,PILLAR_SCALE,PILLAR_SCALE)
                set d.fx.x=x
                set d.fx.y=y
                set d.fx.z=d.Height

                // NORMAL PILLAR
                set u = CreateUnit( d.Owner, DUMMY_ID, d.TX, d.TY, bj_UNIT_FACING )
                call SetUnitFlyHeight( u, d.Height, 0 )
                call GroupAddUnit( d.IcePillar, u )
        set d.Counter = d.Counter + 1
        set u = null
        if d.SECONDS &gt;= d.Duration then
            call d.destroy()
            return true
        return false
    private function Cond takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == SPELL_ID

    private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
        call KT_Add( function Callback, IPData.create(), TIMER_INTERVAL )

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
    call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function Cond ) )
    call TriggerAddAction( t, function Actions )
    set G_UFilter = Condition( function IPData.UFilter )
    set DUMMY_CASTER = CreateUnit( Player(12), DUMMY_ID, 0, 0, bj_UNIT_FACING )
    call UnitRemoveAbility( DUMMY_CASTER, &#039;Amov&#039; )
    call UnitRemoveAbility( DUMMY_CASTER, LICH_SFX_ID )
    call UnitAddAbility( DUMMY_CASTER, STUN_ID )



No Marlo no game.
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Well, it works unless your spell does something that you dont really wanna do during that black mask time.

Just use your imagination and you can think plenty of examples.


You can change this now in User CP.
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Well, it works unless your spell does something that you dont really wanna do during that black mask time.

Just use your imagination and you can think plenty of examples.

Okay, everything is almost fixed, except this 'small' thing:

  • Champion Mark
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Gains a level
    • Conditions
      • (Level of (Leveling Hero)) Equal to 21
    • Actions
      • Set TempUnitType = (Unit-type of (Leveling Hero))
      • Game - Display to (All players) for 12.00 seconds the text: (PlayerColourNames[(Player number of (Owner of (Leveling Hero)))] + has just reached level 21!)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
            • Conditions
              • TempUnitType Equal to |c00ff0000Holy Warrior|r
              • TempUnitType Equal to |c00ff0000Mountain King|r
              • TempUnitType Equal to Corher
              • TempUnitType Equal to |c00ff0000Cursed Knight|r
              • TempUnitType Equal to |c0000ff00Vampire|r
              • TempUnitType Equal to |c00ff0000Beastmaster|r
              • TempUnitType Equal to |c00ff0000Pit Lord|r
              • TempUnitType Equal to |c00ff0000Cow King|r
              • TempUnitType Equal to |c00ff0000Berserker|r
        • Then - Actions
          • Unit - Add Champion of Strength to (Leveling Hero)
        • Else - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
                • Conditions
                  • TempUnitType Equal to |c000080ffWizard|r
                  • TempUnitType Equal to |c000080ffArcane Apprentice|r
                  • TempUnitType Equal to |c000080ffNecromancer|r
                  • TempUnitType Equal to |c000080ffWitch|r
                  • TempUnitType Equal to |c000080ffLightning Spirit|r
            • Then - Actions
              • Unit - Add Champion of Intelligence to (Leveling Hero)
            • Else - Actions
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
                    • Conditions
                      • TempUnitType Equal to |c0000ff00Night Elf Blademaster|r
                      • TempUnitType Equal to |c0000ff00Moon Ranger|r
                      • TempUnitType Equal to |c0000ff00Light Ranger|r
                      • TempUnitType Equal to |c0000ff00Dark Rogue|r
                      • TempUnitType Equal to |c0000ff00Deadeye|r
                      • TempUnitType Equal to |c0000ff00Tremble Lord|r
                • Then - Actions
                  • Unit - Add Champion of Agility to (Leveling Hero)
                • Else - Actions

Is there any way to preload this? It lags when heroes gain level 21 because it addds a spellbook when max. level acomplished.
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