Spellpack Psionic Spells


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Yet again one of my spell creations. This time instead of using just special effects for eye candy. I decided to work with imported stuff. Such as custom lightning effects used in two of my spells , also using a model in the final spell only taking 6kb!

I used custom lightning effects in my spells, if you want to learn how to use them go here.

This spell pack contains 4 spells
-Mind Blast
-Psionic Storm
-Shadow Burst

All spells are not MUI and are made in 100% GUI.



        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Psychic 
        Set psycaster = (Triggering unit)
        Set psytarget = (Target unit of ability being cast)
        Set psycheck = True
        Set psypoint1 = (Position of psytarget)
        Unit - Create 1  Ability for (Owner of psycaster) at psypoint1 facing (Facing of psytarget) degrees
        Set psydummy = (Last created unit)
        Hero - Set psydummy Hero-level to (Level of Psychic  for psycaster), Hide level-up graphics
        Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of psytarget using Abilities\Spells\Other\Charm\CharmTarget.mdl
        Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
        -------- - --------
        Unit - Pause psytarget
        Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to psytarget
        Unit - Turn collision for psytarget Off
        Unit - Turn collision for psydummy Off
        Unit - Move psydummy instantly to psypoint1
        Animation - Change psytarget flying height to 325.00 at 1000.00
        Animation - Change psytarget's animation speed to 0.00% of its original speed
        Selection - Select psydummy for (Owner of psycaster)
        -------- - --------
        Unit - Set level of Crush  for psydummy to (Level of Psychic  for psycaster)
        -------- - --------
        Countdown Timer - Start psytimer as a Repeating timer that will expire in 0.10 seconds
        -------- - --------
        Wait until (psycheck Equal to False), checking every 0.10 seconds
        Unit - Remove psydummy from the game
        -------- - --------
        Animation - Change psytarget flying height to 0.00 at 1000.00
        Countdown Timer - Pause psytimer
        Wait 0.50 seconds
        Unit - Order psycaster to Stop
        Selection - Select psycaster for (Owner of psycaster)
        Unit - Remove Storm Crow Form from psytarget
        Unit - Unpause psytarget
        Unit - Turn collision for psytarget On
        Animation - Change psytarget's animation speed to 100.00% of its original speed
        Set psytarget = No unit
        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation (udg_psypoint1)

        Unit - A unit Stops casting an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Psychic 
        Set psycheck = False

        Time - psytimer expires
        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                (psytarget is dead) Equal to True
            Then - Actions
                Set psycheck = False
            Else - Actions
        Set psypoint2 = (Position of psydummy)
        Unit - Move psytarget instantly to psypoint2, facing ((Facing of psytarget) + 30.00) degrees
        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                (Level of Invulnerable (Neutral) for psytarget) Greater than 0
            Then - Actions
                Custom script:   call RemoveLocation (udg_psypoint2)
                Skip remaining actions
            Else - Actions
        Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of psytarget using Abilities\Spells\Items\AIil\AIilTarget.mdl
        Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
        Unit - Cause psycaster to damage psytarget, dealing (6.00 x (Real((Level of Psychic  for psycaster)))) damage of attack type Spells and damage type Magic
        Unit - Set life of psydummy to (Percentage life of psytarget)%
        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation (udg_psypoint2)

        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Triggering unit) Equal to psydummy
        -------- Crush --------
        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                (Ability being cast) Equal to Crush 
            Then - Actions
                Unit - Cause psycaster to damage psytarget, dealing (500.00 x (Real((Level of Psychic  for psycaster)))) damage of attack type Chaos and damage type Universal
                Set psycheck = False
                Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of psytarget using Abilities\Spells\Human\Thunderclap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
                Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of psytarget using Abilities\Spells\NightElf\Taunt\TauntCaster.mdl
                Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
            Else - Actions
        -------- Toss --------
        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                (Ability being cast) Equal to Toss 
            Then - Actions
                Unit - Add ShadowEffect  to psytarget
                Unit - Add Invulnerable (Neutral) to psytarget
                Animation - Change psytarget flying height to 2000.00 at 4000.00
                Animation - Change psydummy flying height to 2200.00 at 4100.00
                Wait 0.50 seconds
                Animation - Change psytarget flying height to 0.00 at 4000.00
                Animation - Change psydummy flying height to 100.00 at 4100.00
                Wait 0.50 seconds
                Unit - Remove Invulnerable (Neutral) from psytarget
                Unit - Remove ShadowEffect  from psytarget
                Set psypoint1 = (Position of psytarget)
                Unit - Cause psycaster to damage psytarget, dealing (200.00 x (Real((Level of Psychic  for psycaster)))) damage of attack type Chaos and damage type Universal
                Unit - Cause psycaster to damage circular area after 0.00 seconds of radius 350.00 at psypoint1, dealing (150.00 x (Real((Level of Psychic  for psycaster)))) damage of attack type Chaos and damage type Universal
                Special Effect - Create a special effect at psypoint1 using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
                Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                Special Effect - Create a special effect at psypoint1 using Abilities\Spells\Orc\WarStomp\WarStompCaster.mdl
                Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                Custom script:   call RemoveLocation (udg_psypoint1)
                Set psycheck = False
            Else - Actions
        -------- Curse --------
        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                (Ability being cast) Equal to Curse 
            Then - Actions
                Set psypoint1 = (Position of psytarget)
                Unit - Create 1 DUMMY for (Owner of psycaster) at psypoint1 facing Default building facing degrees
                Unit - Set level of Curse (Dummy) for (Last created unit) to (Level of Psychic  for psycaster)
                Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Human Sorceress - Polymorph psytarget
                Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
                Set psycheck = False
                Custom script:   call RemoveLocation (udg_psypoint1)
            Else - Actions
        -------- Cancel --------
        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                (Ability being cast) Equal to Cancel 
            Then - Actions
                Set psycheck = False
            Else - Actions
Focuses energy on a target and picks it up, the Lich can move his target around and manipilate the unit as he wills.
[Levels increase damage, and effects of manipulation ]

While a unit is in control of the Lich he is constantly taking damage, and can be moved. The Lich may also perform special actions.

Crush: The Lich focuses energy and crushes his victim dealing a large amount of damage.

Toss: The lich disposes of his victim and tosses it high into the air , dealing area of effect damage on landing

Curse : Curses a target transforming it into a feeble sheep for a time.



Mind Blast
        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Mind Blast 
        Set mindcaster = (Triggering unit)
        Set mindtarget = (Target unit of ability being cast)
        For each (Integer B) from 1 to 5, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Set mindtargetpoint = (Position of mindtarget)
                Unit - Create 1 DUMMY for (Owner of mindcaster) at mindtargetpoint facing Default building facing degrees
                Unit - Turn collision for (Last created unit) Off
                Unit - Turn collision for mindtarget Off
                Unit - Move (Last created unit) instantly to mindtargetpoint
                Animation - Change (Last created unit) flying height to 1500.00 at 10000.00
                Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
                Unit - Set level of Mind Blast (Dummy) for (Last created unit) to (Level of Mind Blast  for mindcaster)
                Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Orc Far Seer - Chain Lightning mindtarget
                For each (Integer A) from 1 to 5, do (Actions)
                    Loop - Actions
                        Set mindpoint = (mindtargetpoint offset by 500.00 towards (72.00 x (Real((Integer A)))) degrees)
                        Unit - Create 1 DUMMY for (Owner of mindcaster) at mindpoint facing Default building facing degrees
                        Animation - Change (Last created unit) flying height to 1500.00 at 10000.00
                        Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
                        Unit - Set level of Mind Blast (Dummy) for (Last created unit) to (Level of Mind Blast  for mindcaster)
                        Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Orc Far Seer - Chain Lightning mindtarget
                        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation (udg_mindpoint)
                Unit - Turn collision for mindtarget On
                Custom script:   call RemoveLocation (udg_mindtargetpoint)
                Wait 0.50 seconds
Destroys the enemy's mind with a powerful shock of arcane lightning , with a weakened mind the enemy's speed and damage is lowered.
[Levels increase damage and effects]



Psionic Storm
Psionic Storm
        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Psionic Storm 
        Set caster = (Triggering unit)
        Set casterpoint = (Position of caster)
        Set group = (Units within 750.00 of casterpoint matching ((((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True) and (((((Matching unit) is A structure) Equal to False) and (((Matching unit) is A flying unit) Equal to False)) and ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of c
        Set Check = True
        Countdown Timer - Start timer as a Repeating timer that will expire in 0.03 seconds
        -------- - --------
        Unit - Turn collision for caster Off
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in group and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to (Picked unit)
                Unit - Turn collision for (Picked unit) Off
                Unit - Pause (Picked unit)
                Animation - Change (Picked unit)'s animation speed to 0.00% of its original speed
                Animation - Change (Picked unit) flying height to (Random real number between 300.00 and 500.00) at 1000.00
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (Random integer number between 1 and 10) Less than 5
                    Then - Actions
                        Unit - Set the custom value of (Picked unit) to -3
                    Else - Actions
                        Unit - Set the custom value of (Picked unit) to 3
                Unit - Create 1 DUMMY for (Owner of caster) at casterpoint facing Default building facing degrees
                Unit - Set level of Dummy  for (Last created unit) to (Level of Psionic Storm  for caster)
                Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Neutral Dark Ranger - Life Drain (Picked unit)
                Unit - Add a 15.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
        Special Effect - Create a special effect at casterpoint using Abilities\Spells\Items\AItb\AItbTarget.mdl
        Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
        -------- - --------
        Wait until (Check Equal to False), checking every 0.10 seconds
        Unit - Turn collision for caster On
        Countdown Timer - Pause timer
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in group and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Animation - Change (Picked unit)'s animation speed to 100.00% of its original speed
                Animation - Change (Picked unit) flying height to 1.00 at 1000.00
                Unit - Set the custom value of (Picked unit) to 0
                Unit - Make (Picked unit) Invulnerable
        Wait 0.50 seconds
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in group and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit - Remove Storm Crow Form from (Triggering unit)
                Unit - Turn collision for (Picked unit) On
                Unit - Unpause (Picked unit)
                Unit - Make (Picked unit) Vulnerable
        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation (udg_casterpoint)
        Custom script:   call DestroyGroup (udg_group)

        Time - timer expires
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in group and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Set point1 = (Position of (Picked unit))
                Set point2 = (casterpoint offset by (Distance between casterpoint and point1) towards ((Angle from casterpoint to point1) + (Real((Custom value of (Picked unit))))) degrees)
                Unit - Move (Picked unit) instantly to point2, facing ((Facing of (Picked unit)) + 15.00) degrees
                Custom script:   call RemoveLocation (udg_point1)
                Custom script:   call RemoveLocation (udg_point2)

        Unit - A unit Stops casting an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Psionic Storm 
        Set Check = False
Unleashes a storm of psychic energy, enemy units are lifted and tossed around helplessly as the Lich destroys them.


Shadow Burst
Shadow Burst
        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Shadow Burst 
        Set Bcaster = (Triggering unit)
        Set Bcasterpoint = (Position of Bcaster)
        Set Bsize = 200
        Unit - Make Bcaster face Default building facing over 0.00 seconds
        Unit - Create 1 BlackHole for Neutral Passive at Bcasterpoint facing Default building facing degrees
        Set Bdummy = (Last created unit)
        -------- - --------
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 3, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Set Bpoint1 = (Bcasterpoint offset by 350.00 towards (120 x (Real((Integer A)))) degrees)
                Unit - Create 1 Side Port for (Owner of Bcaster) at Bpoint1 facing (Angle from Bpoint1 to Bcasterpoint) degrees
                Unit - Add a 15.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
                Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Attack Bdummy
                Custom Script: call Remove Location (udg_Bpoint1)
        Countdown Timer - Start Btimer as a Repeating timer that will expire in 0.02 seconds
        Wait 15.00 seconds
        Countdown Timer - Pause Btimer
        Animation - Change Bdummy flying height to 0.00 at 100.00
        Wait 3.75 seconds
        -------- - --------
        Unit - Explode Bdummy
        Unit - Create 1 Explosion for Neutral Passive at Bcasterpoint facing Default building facing degrees
        Unit - Add a 2.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
        Set bgroup = (Units within 750.00 of Bcasterpoint matching (((((Matching unit) is A structure) Equal to False) and ((((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to psytarget))) and (((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of Bcaster)) E
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in bgroup and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit - Add ShadowEffect  to (Picked unit)
                Unit - Add Invulnerable (Neutral) to (Picked unit)
                Unit - Pause (Picked unit)
                Unit - Add Storm Crow Form to (Picked unit)
                Animation - Change (Picked unit) flying height to 2000.00 at 4000.00
        Wait 0.50 seconds
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in bgroup and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Animation - Change (Picked unit) flying height to 0.00 at 4000.00
        Wait 0.50 seconds
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in bgroup and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit - Remove Storm Crow Form from (Picked unit)
                Unit - Unpause (Picked unit)
                Unit - Remove Invulnerable (Neutral) from (Picked unit)
                Unit - Remove ShadowEffect  from (Picked unit)
                Set psypoint1 = (Position of (Picked unit))
                Unit - Cause Bcaster to damage (Picked unit), dealing 1999.00 damage of attack type Chaos and damage type Universal
                Special Effect - Create a special effect at psypoint1 using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
                Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                Special Effect - Create a special effect at psypoint1 using Abilities\Spells\Orc\WarStomp\WarStompCaster.mdl
                Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                Custom script:   call RemoveLocation (udg_psypoint1)
        Custom script:   call DestroyGroup (udg_bgroup)
        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation (udg_Bcasterpoint)

        Time - Btimer expires
        Animation - Change Bdummy's size to ((Real(Bsize))%, (Real(Bsize))%, (Real(Bsize))%) of its original size
        Set Bsize = (Bsize + 2)

        Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
        Selection - Remove Bdummy from selection
Taps into the powers of the shadows and creates a bomb fueled by darkness , detonating it upon his foes dealing extremely large amounts of damage.

Pretty straightforward spells, this is an open source meaning you can learn from it, use it and what not. But +Rep/Credits is always appreciated :cool:


  • PsionicSpellPack.w3x
    52.3 KB · Views: 880


Back from the dead...
Reaction score
I believe you're not posting all your triggers. Put them all, and I give you +rep. And why such big words?


Playing WoW
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Theres too many to post for one, I tried but the spoilers stopped working. then when I took them out they started to work again, so I just put the main trigger.
The other triggers are rather small , and have only a few lines of code.


Back from the dead...
Reaction score
        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Mind Blast 
        Set mindcaster = (Triggering unit)
        Set mindtarget = (Target unit of ability being cast)
        For each (Integer B) from 1 to 5, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Set mindtargetpoint = (Position of mindtarget)
                Unit - Create 1 DUMMY for (Owner of mindcaster) at mindtargetpoint facing Default building facing degrees
                Unit - Turn collision for (Last created unit) Off
                Unit - Turn collision for mindtarget Off
                Unit - Move (Last created unit) instantly to mindtargetpoint
                Animation - Change (Last created unit) flying height to 1500.00 at 10000.00
                Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
                Unit - Set level of Mind Blast (Dummy) for (Last created unit) to (Level of Mind Blast  for mindcaster)
                Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Orc Far Seer - Chain Lightning mindtarget
                For each (Integer A) from 1 to 5, do (Actions)
                    Loop - Actions
                        Set mindpoint = (mindtargetpoint offset by 500.00 towards (72.00 x (Real((Integer A)))) degrees)
                        Unit - Create 1 DUMMY for (Owner of mindcaster) at mindpoint facing Default building facing degrees
                        Animation - Change (Last created unit) flying height to 1500.00 at 10000.00
                        Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
                        Unit - Set level of Mind Blast (Dummy) for (Last created unit) to (Level of Mind Blast  for mindcaster)
                        Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Orc Far Seer - Chain Lightning mindtarget
                        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation (udg_mindpoint)
                Unit - Turn collision for mindtarget On
                Custom script:   call RemoveLocation (udg_mindtargetpoint)
                [B]Wait 0.50 seconds[/B]

Why that wait is in there?


Playing WoW
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It is a loop sir. Download and see for yourself , it shocks them 5 times ( I guess tooltip is a bit misleading ) The second loop, creates 5 dummy units to cast 5 lightning spells , then the first loop repeats that 5 times.

Still confused? DL IT!


Learning vJASS ;)
Reaction score
don't force us to download your map, please post full codes =/, also i think that you are using the think that you posted in the tutorial not ?

Nice looking spells anyway +rep (WAit a little till i spread rep :rolleyes:)


Playing WoW
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Adding Codes
Its not that hard to click on map press open but whatever.

and Yes , the screeny showed in my tutorial was from this when it was still W.I.P
Notice it said under the picture a sneak preview =O


New Member
Reaction score
nice looking effects, too bad cant rep u cuz i did it that ligthning tutorial =D
love the Psychic

@off topic: is there a way to preview the lightnign colouring rather than importing and checking all the time?


Playing WoW
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Google a site that shows the R/B/G values , the colour in game should be relative to the colour shown there.


Jass User (Just started using NewGen)
Reaction score
i liked the first one and the other skills was good too though it would have given you extra points if you would have tried making it MUI anyway good job still +Rep


New Member
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don't force us to download your map, please post full codes =/, also i think that you are using the think that you posted in the tutorial not ?

Nice looking spells anyway +rep (WAit a little till i spread rep :rolleyes:)

Who ever said he was forcing you?


Learning vJASS ;)
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He wasn't, i mean that for check things i need to read the codes and since i didn't have wc3 in that PC in that moment i haven't got any other way. Anyway i don't remember well why i said that =P


Playing WoW
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Not sure how MUI would work as I canot refer to ( Custom Value of Casting Unit ) in a another trigger


Forum Administrator
Staff member
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Nice spells!

Shadow Burst is long though.

for esthetics purpose I'd suggest you reduce the number of portals summoning the bomb to 3, so it doesn't look like 3 of them are creating energy for the fourth.

Plus, when it lands, the bomb goes halfway through the ground. Its final height before exploding should thus be increased.

For each (Integer A) from 1 to 4, do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions
        Set Bpoint1 = (Bcasterpoint offset by 350.00 towards (90.00 x (Real((Integer A)))) degrees)
        Unit - Create 1 Side Port for (Owner of Bcaster) at Bpoint1 facing (Angle from Bpoint1 to Bcasterpoint) degrees
        Unit - Add a 15.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
        Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Attack Bdummy

Bpoint1 leaks.


Reaction score
These spell are very nice. I was trying copy psionic storm to my map, but I have problem. It doesnt have lighting effect... I dont know why? I copied DUMMY all spells dummy, import and triggers. It works but no lighting:banghead:
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