Q&A Batch 49! HUGE Information.


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Recently Blizzard has released the recent Q&A Batch 49. The Batch includes pictures which show the art changes done to various StarCraft II units as well as the latest artwork of the Infestor. Also included are the descriptions of some of the macromanagement mechanics that Blizzard has been testing along with some screenshots. Lastly, Karune replied to a few questions from the fans.

Art Updates
The StarCraft art team have been making massive updates to the Zerg faction, adding various new animations and improving even further on the textures of Zerg units and buildings. A picture is a thousand words so check out the updates for yourself!

Zerg Drone (Before/After)

Zerg Overlord (Before/After)

Zerg Hydralisk (Before/After)

Zerg Overseer (Before/After)

Zerg Baneling (Before/After)

Throughout the development process, the team is constantly reiterating and improving on the game in every way. As mentioned before, the Infestor too is getting a makeover, becoming much creepier and intimidating you definitely don't want to end up helpless at the will of this thing!

Zerg Infestor Concept Art

The StarCraft 2 team has made a number of changes in each of the races as the game gets closer to Beta. These are some of the new weapons and abilities that are currently being tested on the battlefield.

Protoss Dark Pylon
Long used only by the Dark Templar of Shakuras, the Dark Pylon is now used by all as the Protoss war for survival becomes more desperate. In addition to providing supply and giving power to nearby Protoss structures, the Dark Pylon has several unique abilities that require energy to use.

Proton Charge: an area-of-effect ability that gives all targeted Probes additional charge for their Proton-Cutters. Probes that have an additional charge gather additional minerals per trip when collecting resources. The Proton Charge lasts only a short time before dissipating.

Null Shield: a single-target ability that causes a Protoss Shield to shimmer and warp, cloaking the targeted Protoss unit. The Null Shield lasts only a short time.

Argus Link: a single-target ability that transfers energy from the Dark Pylon to any energy-using Protoss unit.

Screenshot: Proton Charge in Action

Terran Orbital Command
The Terrans rely not only on the troops they can train on the battlefield but also on troops called from deep space. The Orbital Command allows the Terrans to make use of their orbital assets to support their fight on the ground. As an upgrade to the Command Center the Orbital Command can create SCVs and serves as a drop location for collected resources. In addition it has several abilities that require energy.

Calldown Mule: sends a single automated mining robot by drop-pod that assists SCVs in collecting resources by working around current SCV mining operations. Unfortunately the Mule is still in the prototype phase and has a limited battery supply (timed life).

Calldown Extra Supplies: sends additional supplies to a targeted Supply Depot. Generally used by Terran commanders only in an emergency to allow them to support additional troops.

Scanner Sweep: using a satellite in high-orbit, the Terrans reveal a large area anywhere on the map and detect all cloaked units within the target area.

Screenshot: Mules Everywhere!

Zerg Queen
The Zerg Queen has continued to evolve over the last few months. She is a fierce defender of the Zerg Hatcheries and can often be found in small groups defending the larger Zerg infestations. In addition to defending her Hatchery from ground and air threats, the Queen has several special abilities that require energy to use.

Build Creep Tumor: with a mighty push from her bowels, the Queen creates a cluster of organic tumors that generate additional creep. In recent months the Zerg have mutated to move more quickly on creep, making this an important function for the Queen.

Spawn Larva: by injecting Queen ichor into a Hatchery, Lair or Hive the Queen can cause the Zerg structure to undergo a startling metamorphosis. The Hatchery starts to throb and green sacks swell up on the structure. Eventually four additional larva burst out of the Hatchery and land next to whatever larva are already wriggling around nearby. While a Hatchery hosts more than 3 larva, the Hatchery will not spawn additional larva, until that number drops below 3.

Razor Plague: with a great breath the queen exhales a cloud of tiny Zerg creatures that create a vast swarm nearby. These creatures attack all enemy creatures within their swarm, doing additional damage to biological targets. What makes it worse is the Zerg player can control the swarm, moving it around to attack whatever enemies he wishes until the swarm becomes exhausted and dissipates.

Screenshot: Incoming Swarm!

As always, feel free to give the Devs and I a w00t if your enjoying these Q&As!

How does one construct a dark pylon? Is it a separate, more expensive replacement for the original pylons or an upgrade?

The Dark Pylon currently costs 150 minerals (50 more than normal Pylon) and has the Gateway as the prerequisite building. This of course is all subject to change while more balance testing is occuring.

I assume the orbital command is now a replacement of the surveillance center? Does that mean people who opt to upgrade their CC's to a planetary fortress are no longer able to beneft from these new features, even without the use of salvage?

Yes the Orbital Command is what the Surveillance Center used to be. If you build a Planetary Fortress you will not be able to use these new features, but your command center will be upgraded to Armor 3 and have a Ibiks Laser that does 40 splash damage with a 6 range. These stats are of course all subject to change through balance testing.

I don't suppose Proton Charge would stack, hm?

Nope they don't stack, but if casted again, it will renew the duration of the ability.

The new infestor (pure awesomeness BTW), resembles the reaver in shape and looks rather slow. Is it super slow? Can you tell us anything about its speed?

The Infestor will still be relatively slow, though they have been sped up a bit from when you guys last saw it.

In 1 screen shot there are 15 eggs hatching. We know the hatchery can make 3, then the queen can make the hatchery add 4 more. So in this shot, did the the Queen use her ability multiple times in quick succession or would she have to wait until the firs 7 hatch before she can use it again? I guess what I am asking is if the hatchery can only spit out 4 extra larva at a time or if you can tell it to do it 4 times and have it spit out 16 larva?

After the original 3 larva, each Hatchery can only be spawning 4 larva at a time. The ability cannot be used again on that Hatchery until those 4 larva have spawned.

The mules help the terrans by essentially being SCV's that mine fast right? Do they help the other SCV's mine faster as well? Can they build things? Do they cost supply since they are only there for a while? When they "run out of battery" do they shut down until you "recharge" them or do they explode and disappear forever?

Mules will not help other SCVs mine faster. They will also not be able to build anything, but will be able to repair buildings and units. Furthermore, they will not cost supply. Multiple Mules can be dropped at any given time as long as you have sufficient energy available. When the Mules run out of battery, they will not be able to be recharged, and new Mules will need to be dropped.

Is the fungal infestation a long range attack (like parasite and spawn broodling were) or does he have to be rather close?

It will be a ranged ability. This is one of my favorite abilities, it really wrecks mass Marines which are quite a force to be reckoned with at the moment with Medivac support.

Can the mule defend itself?

Yes. It currently has the same attack value as a SCV.

Can the drop pod be placed anywhere with line-of-sight, leading to the mule being used as a scout?

Yes, this can be quite helpful in some circumstances. Originally, each drop ship spawned 3 Mules, but it became a bit too advantageous in scouting 3 places at once.

Does razor swarm damage both ground and air? What about friendlies?

It does currently damage both ground and air, but not friendly units.

Can null shield be cast on non-Protoss allies?

Currently, yes.
Yes, this also means cloaked Siege Tanks are possible... ;)

Nonetheless, remember all things are still subject to balance.

The Dark Pylon and Queen are tier 1 tech. IIRC the Surveillance Station required the Shadow Ops to be built (making it tier 2), is this still true of the Orbital Command?

The Orbital Command requires a Barracks first to be built. The Planetary Fortress requires an Engineering Bay first to be built.

With the queen you can build up larva. Say you don't have a tech building up yet but you want a ton of that units, you build up larva (you can see 15 in that screen shot--that's 5 hatcheries!), then when tech finishes, you get a ton of that high level unit.

Also, mutant larva hatch faster.

These are no longer 'mutant larva' so they will not hatch faster, but everything else is correct :)

Is there anything that would prevent you from offensively dropping mules in the thick of battle? (For example it *might* be useful to drop near units that would then cause things like siege tanks to attack them and while ultimately leading to a very short lifespan for the mule, could lead to splashing a player's own units with damage)

This is theoretically possible, but the animation of the drop pod that hits the ground is a bit long (roughly 5-10 seconds), so it isn't like an instant drop.

Also, Karune, does that then mean that these larva do not cost supply? If that is the case then another advantage over a hatchery is if you mess up and forget to build enough ovies (or you just had a bunch of ovies get sniped), then instead of having to wait for more ovies, you can build mutant larva and not lose unit making time in the end.

They do not cost supply, they are just normal larva. The concept of Mutant Larva with timed life seemed more tedious and much harder to grasp in gameplay than the current reincarnation, which has definitely sat much better with the team and testers.

Was the new infestor art looking so much like a Reaver done on purpose? Maybe a joke to all the guys asking to put the reaver back?

The Infestor has a completely new model different than the Reaver, but does coincidentally have the same shape as a Reaver. Don't forget, Reavers will still be seen in single player as well as the map editor.

Terran and protoss now have abilities to both increase they're income temporarily (mules dark pylon) as well as abilities to increase they're offensive production (reactor warp gates). Zergs only have a production ability (mutate larvae). Are zergs getting something to fill the temporary income role? Or is the mutate larvae supposed to just pump drones to make up for that?

Being able to spawn additional larva can potentially help Zerg production quite a bit actually. Prior, when a Zerg player hatched offensive units, they were always sacrificing the creation of more drones. This ability allows more bandwidth to create even more offensive units for a big push, build more balanced with more drones and additional units, or double up on the teching effort with all drones. There are a lot of options to play with that will surely inspire many new strategies.

How far in tech is the dark pylon cloak?

All 3 abilities are available right when the Dark Pylon is created.

Can dark pylons be used as a warp-in end that gives energy to your HT's?

Sneaking a cloacked probe and placing a pylon in the back of the enemy base for warp-ins and hidden cannons sounds like fun ^^

Yup, everything a Pylon can do, a Dark Pylon can do better :) but of course at a cost.

According to the new Q&A both terrans and protoss got energy-dependent economy boosts, the zerg doesnt. instead the zerg gained a boost in unit construction time (i.e. queen spawns 4 mutant larvae). one implication i can see is that it further underlines that zerg needs to expand quickly, and they can maintain numeric advantage as long as they manage their expansions well.

I'd like to see what more experienced players can forsee besides this, gameplay-wise.

Spawning larva also costs energy (currently 25) and time.

In general, can you waypoint casting abilities?

You can waypoint casting ability. For example, High Templar will move to the first location, cast the Psi Storm and will return to the last designated location. You can waypoint Zerg's Burrow ability as well.

The most recent waypoints will be displayed that you can see, and you can waypoint with Patrol command too.

for zerg is it the same that the hatchery sets the rally, or can you rally for each individual egg?

You can do both. You can set a rally for your hatchery, but can then override it with manual orders per egg as well. Also don't forget, you can set a worker rally point for your hatchery, as well as a unit rally point.

The psi round deals bonus damage vs casters (high templar, infestor...), but all the units with energy receive this extra damage (specially huge units like battlecruisers & motherships)?

You can't target mechanical units with Ghost's Psi Round, like Battlecruiser, Mothership and Nullifier.

Just a question. Battle Report was told to be out with P&R 49, and it is not atm. Is it ready???

I don't believe the Battle Report was ever scheduled to be out at the same time as Q&A 49, but it is still in the works. We really do want to find the perfect battle to show off the new features.

In StarCraft II, will you be able to setup a "queue" for a worker unit to build buildings?

Yup - this is possible in StarCraft II.

We all know that the Reaper and Colossus basically ignore cliffs when they move.

Down to the question... Can they see up cliffs?
Does the Colossus have vision like a flyer (can see over anything), or is there a limited height they can see or walk over?

Colossus can have a vision of the upper ground just like the air units, while Reaper can't as a ground unit.

Colossi and Reapers can't climb up a cliff of 2 level at one time.

I'd like to know how much energy the Dark Pylon has, how much those abilities cost, how long their duration is, and their CD. The energy transfer and cloaking abilities sound really cool :D

I can see a ton of potential for combing a Dark Pylon with Warp Prisms Warp in :D. I realize all this info would be subject to change, but having that information to talk about would be great :D

Dark Pylon has 200 energy.
Proton Charge costs 50 energy and lasts for 30 seconds.
Null Shied costs 50 energy. No cool time, as long as you have enough energy, you can use this ability.
Argus Link drains 75 energy per second from the Dark Pylon.

Are queens still unique? What about motherships?
What tier are the lurkers? Are they still late-game units?
Are hydralisks still better anti-air than anti-ground? What are their damage stats?

1) Neither are unique.
2) Lurkers are tier 3. The Lurker Den requires a Hive. Banelings are much better for earlier AoE, and Lurkers are a good siege type unit in addition to its previous uses. They have a range of 9 which outranges Protoss cannons and have an attack of 15 15 to armored (including buildings).
3) Hydralisks are still slightly better against air, with air to ground attack stats of 10 6 armored and ground to ground attack stats of 10, both with range 6.

This is absouletely astonishing, the new Zerg graphics are AMAZING! They look so detailed! Once again Blizzard has not failed to amaze me.

Source: Battle.net


Super Moderator
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Those model comparisons look amazing. :p

Anyway, I couldn't care less about the gameplay batches. I haven't played the original, so everything's new and not improved to me anyway.
And I'm awaiting those mapper-edition Q&As. :D


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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Those model comparisons look amazing. :p

Indeed xD They really do look scary now, and before they looked like low poly Warcraftish plush toys :D

Anyway, I couldn't care less about the gameplay batches. I haven't played the original, so everything's new and not improved to me anyway.
And I'm awaiting those mapper-edition Q&As. :D

Ahh well, if you had of played Sc1 you would of liked the new mechanics anyway. I am too waiting on the Map Editor Q&A batches, but don't worry, Beta is said (and I'm sure it will be correct) to be released march-april, and I'm sure some 'friends' will help us 'make' it open with a nice Editor ;)


Your Friendly Neighborhood Admin
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> everything's new and not improved to me

Lucky you.
I nearly cried the day I read that S + Z will not produce 6 Zerglings anymore but just 2
and that the "new and improved" way would be S + Z + Z + Z... @!#?@!

Q: Why do all those "people" hate Zerg?
A: Because they don't speak English.


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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> everything's new and not improved to me

Lucky you.
I nearly cried the day I read that D + Z will not produce 6 Zerglings anymore but just 2
and that the "new and improved" way would be D + Z + Z + Z... @!#?@!

I feel your sorrow, but remember Blizzard is trying their hardest to balance out MBS, Micro and Macro and so far I think they are doing a brilliant job. Also, who are you refering to in your quote?


Super Moderator
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I take D's and Z's are some sort of building/unit?

Well, when there are improvements, there are always a few changes that not everybody likes. Hopefully the pros outweigh the cons. :p

> A: Because they don't speak English.

Edit: I just realised I was only 3 years old when Starcraft was released!


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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I take D's and Z's are some sort of building/unit?

Well, when there are improvements, there are always a few changes that not everybody likes. Hopefully the pros outweigh the cons. :p

> A: Because they don't speak English.

Edit: I just realised I was only 3 years old when Starcraft was released!

I think he meant S's and Z's which are the hotkeys for Select Larvae and Build Zergling.


Starcraft II Moderator
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The new improvements suck... I might as well be the last zerg player when SCII comes out...

Edit: WTF????? Now the unit "spam" u need for the zerg will be shitty. SHIITY I TELLS YA!


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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The new improvements suck... I might as well be the last zerg player when SCII comes out...

Is that sarcasm? :nuts: (just in case you do not know, the ones to the RIGHT are the new improvements, not the LEFT ones)


Your Friendly Neighborhood Admin
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> balance out MBS

Major BullShit?

> some sort of building/unit?

See (more or less) previous post.
Years ago, selecting Larvae and giving a morph order applied to all of them at once.
Nowadays it's one order per Larva...

I'm sure they know what they are doing.
But, generally, from what I remember of Brood War patches was that most tried their very bestest and hardest to cut down those invincible Zerg.

It should be noted that any race is just as deadly when handled correctly.
But, well, people complained most about Zerg.
Hence, near the "end" (if I dare say so), the most often used "rule" on bnet was "No rush",
where "rush" defined any attack that happened before Battlecruisers... (tier 3, final tech).

Regardless, Zerg are clearly the best!
Some day, I might show you.
Though, I do have, unfortunately, much less free time now than back then... :(

Either way though, it's getting somewhere, and it looks just great.
Where's "Operation CWAL" when you need them? :p

Presumably confirmed Map Editor features


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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Major BullShit?

That's only your opinion, they are working very, VERY hard to balance out MBS. MBS affects so many parts of the gameplay, for example you can build units so much faster. Anyway, a lot of pro players and players who have tested out Starcraft 2 have said that the new Larvae mechanic for the Zerg is better. Because this way you can sort out your eggs a lot easier for example:

S, Z, Z, H, M, = Two Zerglings, one Hydralisk, and one Mutalisk (those hot keys are probably wrong though).

Edit: WTF????? Now the unit "spam" u need for the zerg will be shitty. SHIITY I TELLS YA!

You confuse me, what makes the unit "spam" you call it shitty? Please explain more. :)


Starcraft II Moderator
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kingbdogz, no sarcasm here. Zerg were hard enugh to handle as it was, see the race requires micro managment, and a high level of unit controll(higher, then let's say Protoss) and now I've got to type like hell just to order my units to build. Although in late game this has some ups, like for example, if you want a bit from evrything, but in mid game, it is a real night mare.(or atleast it sounds like one)

Well, Ace when SCII comes out you are the first one on my list to battle then :p 1v1 zerg vs zerg :)

EDIT: The Swarm are about "spamming" a coupple of units and maiking a combo of them. For example you build mass lurkers+ the second form of the Mutaliscs(the one that has killer air dmg, but i forgot the name) that is what i meant by spamming

note: the "combo" I gave you is pretty bad, cuz you build your army based on that one of your oponent but how cares....


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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kingbdogz, no sarcasm here. Zerg were hard enugh to handle as it was, see the race requires micro managment, and a high level of unit controll(higher, then let's say Protoss) and now I've got to type like hell just to order my units to build. Although in late game this has some ups, like for example, if you want a bit from evrything, but in mid game, it is a real night mare.(or atleast it sounds like one)

Well, Ace when SCII comes out you are the first one on my list to battle then :p 1v1 zerg vs zerg :)

Can't handle a little bit of button pressing? Come on, wheres that Zerg player I vs'ed? xD Seriously though, it's no different then the original, if at all, it is better seeing as you can control what you would like to build. Including the Queen being able to create an extra 4 larvae units, I could see some very good rushes in early game. Dark Pylon and Mules are quite interesting too.

EDIT: Also, do you at least like the new graphics? I think they are very slimy and disgusting in a good Zerg way XD


Starcraft II Moderator
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He is beeng crushed by the 8 tests he has had this week and kinda pissed off. Anyway zerg- Bu-hu. Let's start to discuss something else, shall we ?(btw, try to get on MSN some times will ya? I can barely talk with you these days)

The protos charge ability will be gotten from an upgrade or do they start with it ?


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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He is beeng crushed by the 8 tests he has had this week and kinda pissed off.
Don't remind me ;(

(btw, try to get on MSN some times will ya? I can barely talk with you these days)

Sorry my computer is screwed and your time zone is hard to get a good time to talk with you.

The protos charge ability will be gotten from an upgrade or do they start with it ?

Straight away, but the Dark Pylon requires a Warp Gate. Do you mean the charge from the Dark Pylon or Zealot charge?


Super Moderator
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Warcraft 3 also features the "no rush" rule. Completely unofficial, but it's just there because players can't handle being attacked until they've massed the strongest unit in the game. :D
Didn't Blizzard notice that the races were balanced enough, and it was just people complaining?

> Some day, I might show you. [...]
If you did find some time, then it'd be awesome. I'd probably end up making silly excuses explaining why I did so bad against you though. :p


Your Friendly Neighborhood Admin
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> That's only your opinion

That too. But the actual question was "what is MBS?".

> Including the Queen

Back in the days, I mostly used those for fun, when you simply know your opponents aren't all that great.

My opinion on them changed a bit after one memorable game though.
3vs3, probably Hunters.
I was left middle, and attacked top left.
Went rather well, so I send in some more.
However, as they turned the corner, I noticed some colored dots just before the fog grew back.
Some terrain.
And, somehow, I had this feeling he'd come for me.
(An easy guess, given his friend was nearly gone :p)

Still, some extra 6 Zerglings on the way.
All I had was a couple Hydralisks, and a fully charged Queen, with charge upgrade for some reason (fun I guess).

So, he came nearby, planted his two tanks, along with some 10 or so Marines and two Medics.

Broodling on one tank,
Ensnare on the Marines,
6 Zerglings on the second tank,
Hydras in.
Pretty much simultaneously (that's what endless hours can do to you).

Losses on my end: 6 Zerglings, 2 Broodlings :)P), half the Hydras,
losses on his end: all gone.

The rest was rather uneventful, basically just cleaning up.
Still, without that Queen I may not have made it.

Anyway, yes, it's getting somewhere.

Additionally, BlizzCon will be earlier this year, August.
With some really amazing luck, they'll announce the beta then.


Starcraft II Moderator
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Shhhh Romek, don't talk noncense. The warcraft "no rush rulle" was droped away 2-3 years ago. now, the normal melee games, rearly get to tier 3 or a 5 level hero. Rushing is verry important.

As for starcraft, I am verry happy that u still get 2 zerglings at the cost of one larva. Those little bunnys are verry usefull. Although I usually use them to hurass the oponent, observe the map, and for "mindless flesh to block the enemys untill my darlings, the hydraliscs and Guardians beat the sh*t out of the army" but in my last sc melee games before my "retirenment" i found out that the 35hp and 5 dmg, witch is weaker then a zerg worker is actually god damn strong with some micro management and "burow" ability...
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