Other Sharpshooter Online - |Map of the Week #2|


New Member
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Holy crap! Hitboxes in warcraft:p Thanks for responding^^ though I don't really get it but prolly also coz I'm bad with angles and such:p Keep up the good work:)

Think you could pm me some more info about it?:p In return I can help you with maknig some of your things JASS but only if you want I understand if you don't trust me or anything


Starcraft II Moderator
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Holy crap! Hitboxes in warcraft:p Thanks for responding^^ though I don't really get it but prolly also coz I'm bad with angles and such:p Keep up the good work:)

Think you could pm me some more info about it?:p In return I can help you with maknig some of your things JASS but only if you want I understand if you don't trust me or anything

Yea.The sysetm is pure gold.And probably took months of work.Although there is still much to give this map the stastus of "leegendary Dota Slyare" it is pretty sweet to play.Keep it commin.

WOOOT!!!!All mine REP is belonging to this


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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for the WASD movement systemi got a suggestion:
if a player tipps W once, his char will start walking and if he tipps it twice he will stop. Just like holding down the arrow key but a little bit differend. (very nice sentence isnt it?)

and maybe you could add some kind of story to your game, it would make it look even better. The scenario of a bunch of snipers shooting each other in the siberian taiga is not that interesting. in my opinion.


Minecraft Server OP, Inactive.
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for the WASD movement systemi got a suggestion:
if a player tipps W once, his char will start walking and if he tipps it twice he will stop. Just like holding down the arrow key but a little bit differend. (very nice sentence isnt it?)

and maybe you could add some kind of story to your game, it would make it look even better. The scenario of a bunch of snipers shooting each other in the siberian taiga is not that interesting. in my opinion.
Make a story?
I think Rebels versus Alliance is good enough to me for a custom game.

Can you make a supply depot in the base house? For grenade refreshing or a shop for buying items.


(o Y o)
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for the WASD movement systemi got a suggestion:
if a player tipps W once, his char will start walking and if he tipps it twice he will stop. Just like holding down the arrow key but a little bit differend. (very nice sentence isnt it?)

and maybe you could add some kind of story to your game, it would make it look even better. The scenario of a bunch of snipers shooting each other in the siberian taiga is not that interesting. in my opinion.

that type of movement, while not necessarily a bad idea, would quickly become repetitive and tedious. Again, when I get a change to sit down for an extended period of time, Ill work on implementing an WASD test where you can tap the keys to rotate as well as your normal arrow keys. If I find that it helps accuracy since key tapping will have no delay, I would then add it to a next version for testing and see what people think.

I could think about a story but objectives and meaningful play other than x kills and win game would definitely be added if this project gets past beta. All of the comments and suggestions so far are all great help and hope to somewhat make the map easier to play as well as most importantly fix the map to support more players which is the main problem currently.


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Can you add in a spell on the hero, that allows you to reset your camera? So players could still scope and do their thing, while others could still reset their camera when they want it to.


New Member
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Wow man, really great map, you seems to have put really a lot of effort. I really like your concept, which's looking like a mini-WoW FPS (lol).

A little fact : When someone leave in the map, his unit (his dwarf) stays in the game, and it can still be killed.

Overall, map is really great, ++ !


(o Y o)
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Alright guys, just an update not necessarily for the current map, but the project itself.

Upon finally getting the time to sit down and begin fixing a lot of the issues people mentioned in this forum as well as any other website I may have linked this project from, I had realized I strayed far too away from what I had first intended when starting this. That is, I wanted a simple and easy to understand FPS that while not being able to use mouse to look around, it would still be generously playable with the keyboard online and most importantly, fun. A lot of users have described using the arrow keys while zoomed in as an eye gouging and tedious problem that makes it very hard to actually kill someone while on B.net.

Now, I can not say for a fact this will be finished but I have begun not necessarily redoing the map completely, but I am going to start taking the project into a drastically different direction. I am hoping I will have time in the near future to begin this further but for now about as much information that I can give at this point is a few changes that will be changes:

  • For starters, the sniper rifle will be completely abandoned for an easier, more user friendly weapon such as a shotgun that will most likely have different types of ammunition. Knife will still remain, but possibly redone.

  • The game play of this project will be shifting more toward close quarters, faster paced combat focused on forcing players to encounter each other more often and create hopefully a more action oriented experience.

  • Possible ideas have come down to a scenario type involvement based in a mine. There will be two bases, one for each team that is separated by a mine entrance and tunnels to be walked through. Whether or not these mines will look realistic I cant honestly say but it will one way or another have a cave feeling once designed. Creating caves to fight through is a definite possibility but solely depends on my terrain abilities and environmental placement so it might not look impressive at first.

  • The current game mode, while not final but most likely similar to what it will be, is called "Rich Man's Greed". The objective of this is simply your team must obtain the gold placed in the center of the mine in the beginning and hold it for as long as possible. Your team will gain money constantly while a player of the same team is holding it but when a player holding the gold dies they will drop it allowing anyone to pick it up and begin accumulating money for their team. The winning goal is for your team to reach a score of $1,000,000 dollars, hence the title of the mode. While this is all pen and paper procedure for the time being, it will be the way the game play of this project will be heading.

  • As to the most important part, the controls. Less will be focuses on precision and long range shooting thus allowing for a different way of approaching aiming and movement. While arrow keys will still move you around, it will be tweaked to perform as a FPS would. This means left and right will no longer rotate you but will strafe. Rotation will be controlled simply by WASD. However, the downside of this is, you will have to tap the WASD keys to look around. While this could be translated as tedious key slamming, it will be tweaked appropriately so it will feel easier to use than the current sniper rifle configurations. Because this will now be focuses more on mid to close ranged combat, rotating at a precise angle to kill someone is no longer needed. Alternate aiming will remain for anyone who may want to be a bit more precise but it will be far less dependent. Aiming will work a little bit differently as well. There will no longer be an aim mode that will force you to stop completely and not have the ability to move. Aiming will now give you an iron sight view and only slightly decrease your movement speed but you will still be able to maneuver with arrow keys and rotate with WASD. The main difference is the sensitivity of the WASD keys while doing so as well as a slightly improved vision to aim further.

  • In a nutshell, I am turning this into less of a "WOW" factor and more into a "FUN" factor. While most may say making a FPS is a pointless waste of time in wc3, I believe while its very constrictive I can create something that can be fun for some even though its FPS mechanics will be very limited, but unfortunately the project needs to be turned around to do that first and thats what I am now doing. Considering this has all come to me just yesterday, I have merely begun working on turning this around. What I have mainly done and will be working on at the moment is the altered movement to appropriately fit that of an FPS as well as changing the aiming mechanic entirely. Once I get the core design of the new movement and test it to my satisfaction I might open this up to an open project for any interested individuals who may want to help, but I must first see to it that what I am wanting to do is going to be reachable.

For any who actually read this massive wall of text, please comment if you agree if this is a better way to go. Whether or not Sharpshooter Online is good or bad, I was disappointed in the end with how it felt even tho its only the beta and I now know why and what I first intended.



2D-Graphics enthusiast
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yes i know its frustrating to make such a big map when you know its almost impossible to make it as complex as you want it to be. also the fact that warcraft could not handle all of your triggers and complex movement and aim systems and that it may lagg if 8 players are playing your game is a good reason to make it smaller and less enormous.
also your new idea would make the gameplay for newbies much easier (no sniper rifles).

well i am looking forward for your map to be finished someday, i think its still a very good map and you need alot of willpower to work through such difficult triggers and systems as your maps has.
And well, fun is always the most important factor in creating a map. your map could be the biggest and most complex map ever made, if the players dont like to play it its kinda useless not?

do your best, its your map, i guess it will be much better as most other maps on Bnet whatever you're going to change.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Yes, I did read that block of text. :D

Well, I always have talked about games like you just did, so I think this would be an OK new direction to go, not neccesarily good, but not bad either.

"Rich Man's Greed" eh? Sounds like Battlefield: Bad Company. :D Just a quick suggestion for a side mode - you don't have too many items or at all, right? Well, units will have inventories, and every $100 you collect, it becomes a "Gold Bar" in your inventory. To collect to the database stats for the way to the $1,000,000 total, you have to bring the "Gold Bars" back to your base stash. To make it fair however, so that people cannot just wait for people to get the bars, kill them, and get the item, "Gold Bars" disappear when dropped and the unit is killed. EDIT: How many players is it? If $100 is too slow (which is basically $600 X number of players on a team), this was just a suggestion and it could be anything like $500 and $1,000.

Hm... no more sniper? Blowing people up with sharpels of bullets charging into them is always fun, but no more "skillz" with aiming? :( But I guess it wouldn't be so bad with that description of the shotgun I just gave. :) The whole sniper system you had was very cool, so not too sure about this, but I wouldn't really mind at all wherever it goes, but I'm not siding with anything on this part.

Controls... yes, that is always a confuzzling part. So, you strafe and move with the Arrow Keys and you aim, while moving (which is always good :D) with WASD? How do you shoot again? Maybe SPACEBAR, or another hotkey near WASD would be easy and good. Clicking would be annoying. But this improvement is certainly bound to be better than before, especially that you can now aim AND shoot at the same time.

Is there going to be blood and stuff? :) Like in Gears of War. With all these things you have suggested, this completely reminds me of Gears of War. From the shotgun to the aiming-while-moving-but-slowed thing like in Gears - which is why I think this change is a good one. Sorta'.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

This pep talk and all is probably not useful at all, but's true. As frustrating and dissapointing it is, it's still amazing. :D All I can say is good luck and to keep going. :thup:


(o Y o)
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WoW, im amazed you read and replied so fast, very nice.

"Rich Man's Greed" eh? Sounds like Battlefield: Bad Company. Just a quick suggestion for a side mode - you don't have too many items or at all, right? Well, units will have inventories, and every $100 you collect, it becomes a "Gold Bar" in your inventory. To collect to the database stats for the way to the $1,000,000 total, you have to bring the "Gold Bars" back to your base stash. To make it fair however, so that people cannot just wait for people to get the bars, kill them, and get the item, "Gold Bars" disappear when dropped and the unit is killed. EDIT: How many players is it? If $100 is too slow (which is basically $600 X number of players on a team), this was just a suggestion and it could be anything like $500 and $1,000.

Haha, your right that must be where I got the name from even though its appropriately fit for this type of mode. Hm, bringing gold bars back to your base to get additional points is a good idea but I think I will most likely be using the inventory slots for specific things eventually and it might interfere with that. The map will support 10 players, as a matter of fact today I redid collision so that is much more simplified and as a result frame rate will no longer dip drastically when multiple players are moving around. It has yet to be tested with players, but I am fully able to run 9 CPU players while having them run around in cicles all at once via arrow keys and random WASD with little to no drop.

Hm... no more sniper? Blowing people up with sharpels of bullets charging into them is always fun, but no more "skillz" with aiming? But I guess it wouldn't be so bad with that description of the shotgun I just gave. The whole sniper system you had was very cool, so not too sure about this, but I wouldn't really mind at all wherever it goes, but I'm not siding with anything on this part.

Yes, while I liked the sniper as well, just the fact you could snipe someone from far away and headshot them was cool but far too difficult online. The main challenge with the shotgun will be asthetics rather than the coding. Making it look and feel like a shotgun will take quite some work. I will have to use filter slides again unless a very talented modeler would want to create a shotgun that will work in game. Filters are usually very tedious work and image editing. The aiming will still give players an advantage if they want to use it, but just takes a bit of skill to use. The thought behind this is, you could run around with scatter shot ammunition and rely on closer ranges shots, or you could use slugs and actually aim and get longer firing range.

Controls... yes, that is always a confuzzling part. So, you strafe and move with the Arrow Keys and you aim, while moving (which is always good ) with WASD? How do you shoot again? Maybe SPACEBAR, or another hotkey near WASD would be easy and good. Clicking would be annoying. But this improvement is certainly bound to be better than before, especially that you can now aim AND shoot at the same time.

Ah yes, the controls again. The arrow keys now work like as if it was WASD in a real FPS, maybe not exact but its close. You can look up, down, left and right at any time while moving with arrow keys. The movement feels a bit odd still to me, while not necessarily finished by any means, its just completely different from Sharpshooter and key tapping for WASD takes some getting used to but not near as difficult as stop and aiming.

Is there going to be blood and stuff? Like in Gears of War. With all these things you have suggested, this completely reminds me of Gears of War. From the shotgun to the aiming-while-moving-but-slowed thing like in Gears - which is why I think this change is a good one. Sorta'.

I havent really played GoW but I guess I can try adding alot of blood lol. I intend to make the shotgun feel as smooth as possible in terms of control that is the main objective at the moment before I begin creating any terrain and level design. The normal movement will now have a crosshair so that will help out a lot as well but the rotation will be much faster which means less precise accuracy, so when you need to really aim at someone then you can easily hit a key and it will take you into the aiming mode very quickly. Again, I think it would be best if the aiming would still allow you to move ofcourse, but the rotation will simply be quite a bit slower bit more precise. I want to make sure both views can transition as smooth as possible.

yes i know its frustrating to make such a big map when you know its almost impossible to make it as complex as you want it to be. also the fact that warcraft could not handle all of your triggers and complex movement and aim systems and that it may lagg if 8 players are playing your game is a good reason to make it smaller and less enormous.
also your new idea would make the gameplay for newbies much easier (no sniper rifles).

well i am looking forward for your map to be finished someday, i think its still a very good map and you need alot of willpower to work through such difficult triggers and systems as your maps has.
And well, fun is always the most important factor in creating a map. your map could be the biggest and most complex map ever made, if the players dont like to play it its kinda useless not?

do your best, its your map, i guess it will be much better as most other maps on Bnet whatever you're going to change.

Thanks, yeah it gets frustrating sometimes but for some reason I keep on working on it in my spare time. Lag will always be a problem unfortunately but List Checker and Lan programs work very nicely. A big problem with Sharpshooter is, even if you get 5 or 6 players in your game and it is somewhat playable... once people start moving around it will very quickly bog down your computer. Well that problem has and will be fixed for the next map. Hopefully this weekend I will have time to really start changing stuff, it will be alot of work considering I am almost completely redoing all the systems but Ill make sure to update what I have done for anyone who might care.


New Member
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well i read most of it and i think thats acutually a much better way to go but get rid of the sniper ahhh but hey its yo map do what you want but maybie instead of rifle man a custom mdl like this
this is all konstructs aka weapon less marine with weapon attachments
bullet models and what not and its only a suggestion
i think ill still waste a few horus of my life every now and again with frined on sharp shotter and its furture versions maybie not waste more like "invest"


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I like it, it's fun. But DL takes way too long and controls are so HARD. lol
Mouselook would be sooo nice, but it's impossible. :(

Its possible...but it won't work exactly the way your thinking...you would have to click at some point to move the camera.


Super Moderator
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They would not exactly work in Battle.net though, since they are not MPI.


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Actually there's alot of people that say they aren't MPI, but if you use handles they become MPI. :D
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