RPG Sins


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Prologue of the Story

This hemisphere is where all mamals, animals and aquatic life, live and also die. Some die from famine, others by wars, but some cannot die because of their own sins. Drowning in their pool of gore they wish for death, but death does not come, death is not tangible to them. They can only hope to be purged by your hands, the hands of a hero.
You are a hero of the kingdom of Shrimmerton, and in the eyes of your people you are nothing short of a king, in fact you may one day become one. As you travel your adventures to become the king of this fair kingdom and gain artifacts that have yet to be seen, you will meet many companions and passerby's. Some evil, others good.

Story of Gluttony

Wanting to beat your brothers --Adopted-- you travel to the far ends of the world, sharpening your skills and your blade. Rumors spread in your ears and you wonder where this breath of wind will take you now. You have heard of Gluttanius Hectorium Jadell, a sinner, perhaps the only sinner, a rare specimen who has a reputation of swallowing his friends alive and much more to his enemies, but as you are loyal to the holy church you set out to defeat this villian.
Traveling through the woods of Burns Oak you shove aside branches and step upon twigs and leafs that easily give away your position for present and future as the imprints are made. After many swamps and atrocious monsters that you have never seen you find a collosal villa. This villa is threatening with its skyscraper like points and cascaded walls. The atmosphere is dark and nerve-racking, gray and fearsome. As you are brave, you are naive. You enter.
As the gates erriely close behind you, you jump 180 degrees. Then you hear shouts for help coming from the distance, it is a younge boy, not yet adolescent, but frightened, bloody and runnning towards you. You touch his cheeks with your hands, asking what is wrong and what has happend, if you can help you will. From the shadows, where only the mansion lit from the moonlight, a bloody figure with a knife comes out screaming, "Give me that boy!" you do not.
He charges, not at you but the boy. You quickly, without hesitation, strike the monstrocious being. His eyes did not close like a corpses and he did not look frightnening, but rather quite scared. You find this surprising but quickly blow it off and comfort the child. The child clenching on to you, unknowningly grinning, starts to grumble. At first you thought nothing of it, but this grumble grew impatient, and you found yourself with a piece of tissue, flesh and blood, missing, gone, you fear for your life and jump back. From here the story begings as you frighteningly see this childs, no this monsters, face, changing into a more defined canibalistic face, with blood-shot eyes. He was a nothing short of a beast, a animal, a monster.
This is where the true story begins, now set out and fair well.

----Prologue of Envy----

Title "I have come for a body"

From birth I had a sickly body; my parents abandoned me at the age of 7. I was thrown into jail for stealing food to feed myself. Looking out into the horizon day after day in this tall rat-infested tower I see many happy families and the happiest are the nobles. I envy the rich and the power. At the age of 12 I died.
====Wandering as a spirit in a envy of flesh and power I stumbled upon a dying body, a old man; a body I could call home. I kept my back against walls as I was scared that this newly founded freedom would be taken from me, this decaying body was mine and mine alone. Soon I wished for more.
====I came across a hunter stupid and drunk. This body was large and powerful, I wondered how I could take such a body with this fragile old man. I didn't hesitate to try. During this campaign I found myself picking up the hunter with one hand and tossing him over the moon. This power was great in magnitude and I received a rush every time I used it. This body had youth, but not power or a family. Then I saw him, a prince, a wounded prince at that. I plan on taking his body, but I must nurute it first, heal it for myself.

Prologue of Greed
Title: The Howling Tears

Once upon a family a boy lived, cried, and received. This boy would cry to get what he wanted or simply lie to his unsophisticated, unsuspecting, and wide-eyed maids. This boy was known as Greed. Greed had an expensive taste, but he was not picky in what the taste was in, rather it be music, literature, or objects; he only wanted the sparkly and expensive items though. He was a outstanding merchants child and so he was never punished for his misdeeds. Then his mother died.
His mother was a gracious, beautiful and noble mother. She was envied by most and treasured by our Protagonist, Greed. Greed was old enough to understand death and this only made it harder for him to accept it. Over the next few months his father would do nothing but drink and give Greed everything he ever wanted and even more so. Greed's father was stuck on pleasing Greed, Spending time with Greed, living for Greed. Even so, Greed did not mind, in fact he enjoyed the attention.
Soon after the Seeker War, a war for treasure, Greed's father was killed by a common pick-pocketing thief. Greed was only twelve at the time and did not know how to run a business or provide for himself. He started to buy more and more, until he lost his Villa and possessions. Alone and hungry Greed did nothing, could do nothing, but cry a weeping Howl of tears. He did so for 7 days and 7 nights. On the 8th morning Greed never cried again. For he no longer needed to, he found a companion named Garble, a fiend, the same fiend who killed Greed's father and many others. Garble took Greed under his wealth and though him many things, so that Greed could become a notorious thief such as Garble. As Greed reached the age of seventeen he started to question more and more of Garbles well-being, because Garble has changed a lot in these past years, not just age, but in power and looks he became more Imp-like, more demonic.
Garble soon became stupid and could only think of how to play tricks on people; he was no longer alive, just a shell of his former self. Greed in rage of losing another Family-member killed all of his thievery companions and resurrected them with one of the many spells he inherited from Garble. He then locked Garble inside a tomb, guarding his castle. Greed feared anybody coming to take his power, wealth and influence, and so he made this base in the middle of his field of tears; a field where people used to live, kids used to play, a field washed away.
Game Info

This story will have 7 acts (Each based off a Deadly Sin, the entire map will be walkable and not segmented). The first act is about my favorite sin, Gluttony, and that was some lore I made up for it. This project has started officially today, 12/05/09 at 11:30 PM central.
This will be a orpg with acts. I will have multiple classes and will soon update this with them. Also I plan on each player adapting to a sin. Spells will be found and learned, not bought or picked. I expect at least 100 spells by Beta. This is officially in Alpha. If you wish to join this project, say so below. Any other commentary is welcomed. And as I said before, this will soon be updated with the actual game play.



I plan on having all bosses cast spells and interact to give the players a challenge.


I plan on all creeps having at least 1 spell that they try to cast. Most likely they will either charge or jump at you. (This will be dodgable, not easily, but surely.)
Inventory system: Each player involved in killing a unit will recieve a bag of loot. Each bag can only be seen by the player and not allies. This bag of loot will be a shop, no money needed, and you will select one of the items to keep.

Summoning Spells: All summons will be unique and powerful, but he is only as powerful as you make it. You will need to add mana to this beast if you wish for him to stay in this realm. The more mana added, the more power the beast has.
-- Summons will include, but are not limited to: Zodiacs, Skeletons, Flesh Mounds, ect.
Question: Do you like hack n slash types of games?
Possible Answers: Yes, I enjoy them.; No, they are horrible; Depends how good you make it; I have never tried one before; I would need to play this with it first.

Possible Positions/Suggestions:
Ideas --Lore, spells, cities, names, classes, ect.--

All these positions are not needed, but I would enjoy any of them filled. I wont accept anyone without accurate skills, and I must have an example of it.


----Trigger Requirements----

All triggers must be Mui/Mpi, Leakless and work effectively.
Any subroot of jass is accepted, as is Gui. (I code in Gui, and can follow jass.)

----Terrain Requirements----

A show case of some of your own work. Minimum of 5 Pictures of different scenery. (Not 1 picture of 5 angles)


Good. Lmao, this is the only thing I lack any skill in.


Creativity and originality.

----Over All Requirements----

Must be able to get a trigger/spell/system/terrain/model done by a date. My dates are very lenlient. Basicly, if you do not just blow it off or push it to the side, then you reach this requirement. If your schedule gets in the way or if you suddenly feel like you no longer wish to be apart of this map, then that is fine to, but you must tell me at some point and not just keep saying, "I'll do it later." :banghead:


If that lore sucked, please tell me, sometimes the spur of the moment makes people write bad.

Extra Notes and Storyline of your main hero PLUS ONE REAL SPOILER!!!

Hack n slash is hitting A and your guy plays the atk animation and w/e is in front of you gets hit (Unless your ranged/caster, ranged and casters would be a projectile system.)

For the people who are wondering about the storyline, well this is just lore, not the actual storyline, I'm giving you a piece of the theme not your actual hero. The storyline you will have will be similar ( I worked this out after posting the story). Here it is ( I'll also post it in the top post.) You and your adopted brothers and sent out on a mission to rid the continent from all evil by your father, the king. According to your father, you will become king if you win the peoples favor by doing so.
The below spoiler tag is the ending of this and is A SPOILER FOR REAL!
After defeating the 7 sins you and your brothers go to see who will claim your fathers throne, only to be betrayed by your father, who is in fact a sinner.
-------------------------------Updates go here-------------------------------------
Last Updated 12/09/08
Update 12/08/09 :
I think ill make the game like this: You will start in a castle around a fire, with 5 others surrounding you. From there I will run triggers to see who is in the game and adjust the difficulty accordingly. You will then be able to load your characters levels/spells/items and the difficulty will increase again. From here the difficulty will be set, and lower leveled players will get a buff to make them compatible with the highest level member of the party. All units in the game will give custom exp and the difficulty set will change to make every unit challenging, as well as the special techniques each enemy will have.
=== I hope this hopes explain the storyline a little bit better then I have done so far. I will try to get this in beta by the end of Christmas break. My break starts in a week and half.
============More About Difficulty============
Added: 12/09/09

If # of players = to X, then:
---- Change hp & atk % bonus and give the stats points, wood, to lower leveled heroes. Stats will be assigned with 1,1,1 or the choice of 5,5,5. (This scale represents str,agi,intelligence, you click add to each one indivudally, it is not preset picked. If you are the highest level player then you recieve no bonuses, but will have your level * 3 attributes given.

If level high player = Y, then:
---- Change all monsters, including bosses, to correct hp & atk % bonuses, as well as dmg of special skills. Bosses will drop items according to your level for each individual via the unique item system. Certain bosses will be harder to beat then others, leaving better spoils.

Body-Warrior = Warrior/Defender, type of spells available.
Mind-Healer = Bard/Priest, type of spells available.
Soul-Dark Spellcaster = Necromancer/Chi User, type of spells available.
Elemental-Spellcaster = Mage/Witch Doctor(Aka Shaman), type of spells available.

Things to know:
---- chi = mana, mana = chi
---- Most spells will be usable by all classes, but certain spells will only be usable for that direct class.
---- If a units chi or hero's chi equals 0, that unit/hero will die. Bosses will not die from lack of mana, but be severly weakend as their mana lowers. Bosses will have a unlimited amount of mana with no regen.
---- This system of classes will let users make their own classes such as a Body user with some mind spells will be considered a paladin roller.
------------Experience System--------------
Why make a special system for this?
---- Changing the difficulty for the amount of players would be unbalanced with attributes and items save/loaded, therefore, this system will make everything even, except higher level players will most likely have harder/better/uniquer spells.
Why not just get rid of the save/load?
---- Without a save/load no one will play hours to beat this orpg.
----Please Read This----
Please note that everything on this forum is new to me as it is to you, therefore, not everything is typed right and may cause misunderstandings, but I will try my best to update the storyline and other information. I will include more specific storylines of each character in the game as well.
----Contact me----

Username: FoeSaken
Msn: [email protected]
Forum: Thehelper.net


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hmm sounds kind of interesting. kind of wondering what your planning for lust haha. but im up for a terrainer. I have a few things and ill put them up later or tomorrow or whenever i get a chance. just remind me on bnet lol


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I will use this to post new updates.
Update 12/30/2009:

Major Decisions:

The Map Will Contain This:

Campaign Maps:
540 by 540 map where you find the 7 deadly sins and side quests.
Sin 1-7 (Different Maps)
Your Kingdoms' City
Wilderness Map
Bonus Maps
Thief System:
Allows players to pick locks and pick pockets depending on who's watching and their angles.
Learning System:
This system allows players to make choices for sub skills, leading towards their customized class.
Spell Generator:
I will make templates of 20-30 spells that will have special sfx picked for the spell. The sfx will save after first use. The description will be mostly plain, but satisfactory. I will have if/then/else sets of choices the Sfx can be. Example: If the spell is picked as lightning for the first sfx, then the second sfx of the spell will also be lightning related.
Item Generator:
Items will have random enchantments based off of your level. The description of the items stats will be displayed in a multiboard.
Dungeon and Landscape Generator:
The Dungeon and Landscape Generator's will have lots of terrain pieces put together. 5 distinct tile sets of pre-made terrain fitting together as a puzzle to make a map. These two generators wont be used til after the main quest line. Therefore will be added in a later add on to the campaign.
New Combat and Movement System:
I have decided to make right clicking manual attack into that direction. While arrow keys will be used for movement.
About Spells:
You will be able to carry 6 spells at a time. Each spell will fit into item slots. So that you may have a distinct hot key for each spell and be able to remove/add spells at wish.
Quest System:
All Quests will have a mutliboard that will have choices to talk to, ask directions, get quests, or buy goods. You will pick one of these choices using the up and down Arrow Keys. Some choices will inflict on your personality trait.
Item Inventory:
There will not be a fancy Item Inventory. You will only get gold from enemies, and items from chests. (Regeneration will be done with a rest skill that everybody will have.) Current equiped items will be displayed using the same multiboard system as the quests, but a bit more complex showing the item stats on a seperate multiboard.

As you can see I have my work cut out for me and will probably not release this for awhile. I still think Terraining will take the longest though.


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I really think this sounds interesting. Is it going to be single player? It seems like it would be, though you did say orpg. I myself would prefer it single player, but I doubt I represent the target audience (I'm not much for online play).

The lore is interesting, though a little confusing at parts. Is this hero really like a famous hero, and if so, what are his brothers positions? Also wandering heroes? I wouldn't mind helping with ideas if you need, though I honestly suck at everything else ;P


In need of sleep
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when you say hack and slash, what exactly do you mean? (if you say default wc3, then its point and click not hack and slash)

you said your chapters will be based on the 7 sins, how so? From the lore you put up, it seems that only one aspect is based on the sin (although the sin here is murder, not being a glutton. His growling most likely means hes hungry, so in a way that is not over eating as he might be starved, so with that said he might not even be a glutton) and thats the kid your sent to kill.

im gona burst you bubble now, but if your looking for a group of people to help you i will assure you they will not compleate the project with you. This is the internet, the nest for those who are unrealiable and the core of procrastonation. Hoping that people would join you in your crusade in making a RPG from the internet is your failiure. If you want to see this project though, then you either make those parts by yourself, ask very specifically how to do things on the forums (but not for the person to do the whole thing for you), and work hard. Ive seen far too many projects die out because they spend more time squabbling over who dose what then actually getting stuff done, and those who are serious about the project are left behind because the procrastonators so say they will do something but never finish it ends up wasting their time and energy. To sum it up, solo the project if you want to see results and when in need ask us for assistance but not to do the map for you. (only posted this para because you put a recruitment thing at the end of your first post)


TH.net Regular
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when you say hack and slash, what exactly do you mean? (if you say default wc3, then its point and click not hack and slash)

you said your chapters will be based on the 7 sins, how so? From the lore you put up, it seems that only one aspect is based on the sin (although the sin here is murder, not being a glutton. His growling most likely means hes hungry, so in a way that is not over eating as he might be starved, so with that said he might not even be a glutton) and thats the kid your sent to kill.

im gona burst you bubble now, but if your looking for a group of people to help you i will assure you they will not compleate the project with you. This is the internet, the nest for those who are unrealiable and the core of procrastonation. Hoping that people would join you in your crusade in making a RPG from the internet is your failiure. If you want to see this project though, then you either make those parts by yourself, ask very specifically how to do things on the forums (but not for the person to do the whole thing for you), and work hard. Ive seen far too many projects die out because they spend more time squabbling over who dose what then actually getting stuff done, and those who are serious about the project are left behind because the procrastonators so say they will do something but never finish it ends up wasting their time and energy. To sum it up, solo the project if you want to see results and when in need ask us for assistance but not to do the map for you. (only posted this para because you put a recruitment thing at the end of your first post)

Why wouldn't he want to recruit people? Many threads have successfully recruited good members and have later on created a good map. That paragraph you've posted at the end has been used in another thread. Although I see why you used it on that thread, it isn't completely necessary to post it here.

Why? Because, he isn't doing this as a side-project like the other one, he is actually attempting to do something as the Project Leader.

Give him real feedback.


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Why wouldn't he want to recruit people? Many threads have successfully recruited good members and have later on created a good map. That paragraph you've posted at the end has been used in another thread. Although I see why you used it on that thread, it isn't completely necessary to post it here.

Why? Because, he isn't doing this as a side-project like the other one, he is actually attempting to do something as the Project Leader.

Give him real feedback.

what you have both said is true. It is hard to find people who will actually do something after signing up to help with the map and there are teams who have actually managed to find people who will help. The paragraph was posted as a slight warning to consider when recruiting people from my understanding. But it does look like Teach, even if he doesn't manage to find a good team, will be able to solo complete at least 90% of the map. Psiblade has also posted some feedback at the top of his post.

Now, back to on topic:
This sounds like it will be quite fun, though I do want to know exactly what hack and slash means there. Will be looking onto this often


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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i have a question.

you said your game is supposed to be an online RPG but from the story given above it sounds rather like a single player RPG, more over the fact that you enter that creepy house. how are you going to implement multiplayer into this storyline?


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"All these positions are not needed, but I would enjoy any of them filled. I wont accept anyone without accurate skills, and I must have an example of it."
I said this, so obviously I don't care either way if I get people or not, I'm perfectly capable of making the map by my self. Also eating a person is more glutton then anything, would you rather I had the dough boy throwing cakes at you?

Btw, Hack n slash is hitting A and your guy plays the atk animation and w/e is in front of you gets hit (Unless your ranged/caster, ranged and casters would be a projectile system.)

For the people who are wondering about the storyline, well this is just lore, not the actual storyline, I'm giving you a piece of the theme not your actual hero. The storyline you will have will be similar ( I worked this out after posting the story). Here it is ( I'll also post it in the top post.) You and your adopted brothers are sent out on a mission to rid the continent from all evil by your father, the king. According to your father, you will become king if you win the peoples favor by doing so.
The below spoiler tag is the ending of this and is A SPOILER FOR REAL!
After defeating the 7 sins you and your brothers go to see who will claim your fathers throne, only to be betrayed by your father, who is in fact a sinner.


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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Btw, Hack n slash is hitting A and your guy plays the atk animation and w/e is in front of you get shit (Unless your ranged/caster, ranged and casters would be a projectile system.)

the method described by you would need a decent way of adjusting your heroes facing angle to hit the enemys you actually want.
this could mean alot of extra work for the players if its not made properly.


In need of sleep
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you can do a lock on system, here your hero automatically faces its target (you can either use another key to cycle though lockons <aka nearest target, if current target is nearest target then do the 2nd nearest target> and movement is done though slides and whatnot

as for my pharagraph, i originally posted it here, but i found a better use on another thread, and i must apologize for missing that last line

telling us what situation the hero in isnt lore, lore would be what the world is at the moment and the history behind the world that made it this place. You can give us a history of the sinners (although its hard to immagin the church pointing only one sinner out of an entrie body of people... who are these guys? humans after a game of shin megami tensei law ending?) What you gave us was part history (prolouge and first para of part 1) and part storyline.

Im intrested in learning why the kid is labled a glutton


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Well he eats a lot of humans. I wanted a darker side of glutton, not just some fat kid eating pastries.
About the hack n slash, I know a way to make the units you right click on and u go right next to him. I can also use patrol as a means to have your guy constantly attacking a point, rather than having you right click then hit a a bunch of times. This is wc3, so I'll probably do the patrol method.
I forgot to mention a few things in the first post and will add some details in a moment. Such as my unique looting system that I'll make and other small details. And by that lore not actually being you I was just saying the fact that you go to a mansion and this kid comes out and blah blah, that was just me making a story line up and not actually you yourself fight, I'll make that guy die when I update the story in the thread as well. After all he was completely tricked. ^^

Btw, even though it's true that the louder you're stomach growls the emptier you're stomach is, In most peoples minds it means hungry and nothing more. Gluttons eat a lot so they are constantly hungry.


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Update 12/08/09 : I think ill make the game like this: You will start in a castle around a fire, with 5 others surrounding you. From there I will run triggers to see who is in the game and adjust the difficulty accordingly. You will then be able to load your characters levels/spells/items and the difficulty will increase again. From here the difficulty will be set, and lower leveled players will get a buff to make them compatible with the highest level member of the party. All units in the game will give custom exp and the difficulty set will change to make every unit challenging, as well as the special techniques each enemy will have.
---- I hope this hopes explain the storyline a little bit better then I have done so far. I will try to get this in beta by the end of Christmas break. My break starts in a week and half.


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You still didn't answer me or the other guy's question, exactly...You keep implying its multiplayer, so, just checking, is that true? Is there going to be any way to play/beat the game if you are playing solo?

Mmm...I'm not going to be really critical on the storyline, like how if eating people is really gluttony, blah blah blah...But I don't really know about the whole Japan thing. Now, correct me if I am wrong because there is a high chance I am, but aren't sins typically associated with Christianity and the bible and whatnot? Feudal Japan doesn't really seem like a very Christian-y place, and "sins" reminds me a bit more of the Middle Ages in Europe. I'm not saying that you HAVE to put it in the middle ages for it to make sense, but I just don't really associate feudal Japan with sins...And ninjas? Not quite so much for a dark game like this, I think you might be better off with...ehh...maybe something either righteous that really fights to get rid of sins, or even something that was dark but is trying to redeem itself.


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I will try to get this in beta by the end of Christmas break. My break starts in a week and half.

planning on getting a rpg in beta in just a week and a half? that sounds like a very tight deadline, you'd be working almost non stop unless you dont mean having the whole make and basic triggers done. from what ive experianced even the smallest rpg's take atleast 2-3 weeks just for the items / terrain / basic systems / and custom units, And custom skills + balancing takes about another 1-2 weeks. trying to get it in beta will proabaly take alot more work then your really expecting. Not to mention having to implement each feature into the map (if 3 people are working on the map at the same time and you attempt to bring them togeather all the importing and reimporting might take awhile too) To meet your deadline, unless you plan on many long nights, you'd atleast need to have 2 people on both triggers and terrain then another few on custom units and items.


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You still didn't answer me or the other guy's question, exactly...You keep implying its multiplayer, so, just checking, is that true? Is there going to be any way to play/beat the game if you are playing solo?

Mmm...I'm not going to be really critical on the storyline, like how if eating people is really gluttony, blah blah blah...But I don't really know about the whole Japan thing. Now, correct me if I am wrong because there is a high chance I am, but aren't sins typically associated with Christianity and the bible and whatnot? Feudal Japan doesn't really seem like a very Christian-y place, and "sins" reminds me a bit more of the Middle Ages in Europe. I'm not saying that you HAVE to put it in the middle ages for it to make sense, but I just don't really associate feudal Japan with sins...And ninjas? Not quite so much for a dark game like this, I think you might be better off with...ehh...maybe something either righteous that really fights to get rid of sins, or even something that was dark but is trying to redeem itself.

Ninja's was the game name not me adding the hero... Sins existed everywhere and im not really thinking about making this religious past the point of the 7 deadly sins being a religious belief. And at the multiplayer thing I stated 2-3 times that it would be and the post b4 you posted this was a update saying how I will make it playable for all levels to play together and for you to play in single or multiplayer. This is also a story on a made up world, so the church and culture is up to me completely, but I have decided not to do feudal japan, I was just influenced by the game at the time like I said I probably was.

@sajin You're in my clan, so you should know how often I'm on wc3, I put lots of hours into it cause I got no life.


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Added more about the difficulty/experience system in the update section. Also added classes and some game play.
---Also Bump


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The storyline kinds of reminds me of Assassin's Creed in which your master orders you to kill some people in order to erase the secret and in the end it turns out your master was using you. Still, quite a good storyline there :thup:


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Thanks. Also I never finished assassin creed 1, so you kinda ruined the storyline for me, lol. Please put you're comment in a spoiler because that was a ACTUAL spoiler.


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@sajin You're in my clan, so you should know how often I'm on wc3, I put lots of hours into it cause I got no life.
true true =p (sadly i havnt been on latly getting highspeed somehow fucked up wc3 and im trying to fix et lol)

Thanks. Also I never finished assassin creed 1
eh i finished it but wasted my time, I saw the ending coming and after about 5 hours in i was so bored with the game play i only finished it for the achievment lol.

And at the multiplayer thing I stated 2-3 times that it would be and the post b4 you posted this was a update saying how I will make it playable for all levels to play together and for you to play in single or multiplayer

I think ninja means, How are you going to incorperate multiplayer aspects into such a single player oriented game seeing how you can go into the bosses at a high level solo while your buddys messing around in a low lever area. will the bosses respawn or is there some underlieing system or idea your not telling us =p

If a units chi or hero's chi equals 0, that unit/hero will die. Bosses will not die from lack of mana, but be severly weakend as their mana lowers. Bosses will have a unlimited amount of mana with no regen.

dont you think this would be unfair for a class with lower chi such as the warrior? (unless your giving them all high chi to start) it will also minimize the amount of possiable builds that could be used. wat if you want a warrior to be like a caster tank with snares and taunt spells then blast them with AoE spells for a good combo? This mana system would basicly kill the hero trying to accomplish this. And what if you wanted a Mage tank? someone with a shamen or necromancer who has defence skills that last a short period? they would need to spam them to keep them up while team members take down the rest. this system encourages team work but limits their creativity to make an effective team depending on the skills avaiable.

P.S. I also have some spell and Item ideas if you need me =)
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