RPG Sins


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Yeah, I was planning on adding new content and such to the addons as well. I plan on the systems staying the same though. Cause if I add systems to it, then I might as well add them to the other maps as well. ^.^ After I make the maps without the addons, I will see what level most heroes end up on and add content based on that. All spells will be usable and generated randomly on to unit deaths, ofc I may update the other campaigns with the spells as well. All spells will be have a dmg scale dealing with attributes so that players can get this and that as they want and make their classes up. (Someone who picks the body hero but puts points into intellect and gets magic spells/healing spells would not be considered a Warrior but a paladin or magic swordsmen.)

what i ment by New systems was i ment to add upgrades or inovations onto the current systems and are you going to add armor items which change the apperance of your character or no? because that'd be intresting, especialy if you could find unique models to use


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Thanks for the script. ^^

@sajin I was going to, but I came across a model with a ton of awesome animations and looks like a rip model (It's not though) and he was just to awesome to not use for 250 kbs.


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I'm going to request for the forum to change names to Mephistophelian Isle, basicly Demonic Island, as that will be the name of this campaign.

---Other changes---

The first campaign will be a tutorial, the second campaign will be a 520 by 520 map that will have a lot of quests and companions that you can make, this will be the map that you can unlock act 1-7 campaigns. Act 1-7 campaigns will be unlocked by not getting the quest to go to these people, but go to the building or location to find blah and blah. Each campaign will be named the sin rather than the act. Every monster in all every campaign will be balanced for you to fight appropriately. I will have use mana and life force will just be hp. (I have no clue why I didn't relate the two in the first place? lol)

I added Act III prologue and decided not to do any more stories, just the prologues and let you guys act out the rest during the campaign.


Friend helped me to get projectile system working. Guess I'll use it after all.

---Edit 2---

I can only get 100 projectiles on the map at a time comfortably. (I may be able to increase it after tweaking the system)
So I plan on using it for the magic heroes and not for enemies. Enemies will shoot siege projectiles so that you can still dodge them. But since they are not units there wont be any spells to slow down the projectiles.


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Do you guys think a camera is a good idea? Should it be sticked to the hero? Should it follow the hero's rotation? Should I place a lot of cameras on the map and have the view change when you enter a certain area? Ex: A valley, make the camera not go into walls and such.


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Though a different camera system may be unique and make your game different, I also really hate custom cameras. I played this other campaign a couple of weeks ago, I think it was Dreamland or something, and it had a 3rd person following camera. It was reallly interesting and made the game seem almost nothing like WC3, but it also made it harder to see where I was going and really limited my view (and as realistic as it may be, when I'm playing a game about a wizard who gets sucked into dreams or even a game about horrible monsters who commit certain sins, I don't quite care about some limiting realistic camera views ;P). So as for me, I say no special cameras, though someone else might think differently :rolleyes:

I think the tell your own story thing is cool, though very ambitious. Just make sure you finish the project eventually! ;)

As for the new name...Its quite a mouthful, isn't it? Mephistophelian Isle...Interesting concept but I actually prefer Demonic Island..Or maybe...Demon Isle! Hehe, you do what you want with the name but just make sure it doesn't require a dictionary to read. :D


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Hmm, I'm all for custom cameras, but there should be a mode to disable them. Maybe even something like when your walking round in markets, cities, neutral creep zones ect you are in the third person camera, but, when you enter a boss fight, you go into third person camera to give you more awareness and control over the battle. I've seen this done in a couple of gaming companies games quite successfully. Don't ask me which ones though as I don't remember.


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As for the new name...Its quite a mouthful, isn't it? Mephistophelian Isle...Interesting concept but I actually prefer Demonic Island..Or maybe...Demon Isle! Hehe, you do what you want with the name but just make sure it doesn't require a dictionary to read. :D

No, not a dictionary, a thesaurus will do.

Thanks for the feed back.

I will have a lot of class customization in my game to let players make their own classes. (They will have certain spells for the main attribute of their class though. Allowing limitations. I will also make a quest system. (No cinematics, but a multiboard giving you choices of questions to ask and quests to accept and be told.) Most plants will attack you to. I'm making the tutorial level right now and am having a good time doing so, but it's far from finished.

Btw, how about the new act/story? How does it sound? I think a may redo some of it.


I tried out the different cameras for different regions, it's quick easy and quite nice IMO.

Also tutorial is about 60% done in terrain, 5% in quests, 20-80% in monsters. The tutorial should get players 5-7 levels depending on how many of the quests you do. (There wont be a ton of quests but not a small amount either.) If you know right away how to play and such I would think that the tutorial would only be about 10-15 minutes and you will automatically get to lv 5. (5 is the minimum.) Dungeons adapt to your level, while the wild does not.


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Alright, I read all the lore regarding the sins, and my main concern is that it doesn't really seem to follow a theme. Like in one, the boy's name is Greed, the sin he commits, whereas in the other one the spirit as no name. And the glutton one has a name sort of similar to his sin. Maybe you should make it so the name is their sin, so the spirits name is "Envy" and the glutton guy is just "Glutton" or "Gluttony". Or, of course, you could change Greed's name to something else, and they could all have more regular names...I just think they should all be named something in the same category. It makes them seem like they are all connected in the game.

Also, did I miss it or did you not write like a background story for Gluttony? You were more talking about the world in general in that spoiler.

Envy's story seems not to have so much to do with Envy. Your story seems almost more like greed, because the spirit wants more and more powerful bodies. Envy I think is more like you hate or dislike someone because they have things that you don't. I think a person made of Envy would take more pleasure in harming the lucky ones, torturing them so they feel the pain of being poor and crippled.

Greed's background seems okay, though you said a pickpocket killed his father...Then you said Greed sided with a fiend (demon?) who killed his father? And then you say he becomes more demonic over time...I think the pickpocket should still be a pickpocket when they team up. Or, maybe something more serious like a high-stakes thief...Just still humanish. Also...I'm sort of missing the greediness in greed. Sure, he gets all these fabulous things, but it seems almost like he's satisfied with them and wants to keep them. Not like he keeps wanting more and more and more, like I would imagine about Greed. Also, the killing his friends because he was frightened? Maybe instead he kills them because he wants all their riches.


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The key difference between greed and envy is slim because greed is wanting to keep, to hold on to, to not give away or give in, while envy is jelousy towards one and if you are jelous then obvious you want it.

I think the first name is fine as is the third, but yeah I should add a name to the second, which I already have a idea of how to do. And I should probably do the changes to greed like I was talking about, which are: Make the tear thing more back to back, and make the thief/pickpocket thing more clear.

I'll do these changes later on.

Thanks for the feedback.


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Major Decisions:

The Map Will Contain This:

Campaign Maps:
240 by 240 map where you find the 7 deadly sins and side quests.
Sin 1-7 (Different Maps)
Your Kingdoms' City
Wilderness Map
Bonus Maps
Thief System:
Allows players to pick locks and pick pockets depending on who's watching and their angles.
Learning System:
This system allows players to make choices for sub skills, leading towards their customized class.
Spell Generator:
I will make templates of 20-30 spells that will have special sfx picked for the spell. The sfx will save after first use. The description will be mostly plain, but satisfactory. I will have if/then/else sets of choices the Sfx can be. Example: If the spell is picked as lightning for the first sfx, then the second sfx of the spell will also be lightning related.
Item Generator:
Items will have random enchantments based off of your level. The description of the items stats will be displayed in a multiboard.
Dungeon and Landscape Generator:
The Dungeon and Landscape Generator's will have lots of terrain pieces put together. 5 distinct tile sets of pre-made terrain fitting together as a puzzle to make a map. These two generators wont be used til after the main quest line. Therefore will be added in a later add on to the campaign.
New Combat and Movement System:
I have decided to make right clicking manual attack into that direction. While arrow keys will be used for movement.
About Spells:
You will be able to carry 6 spells at a time. Each spell will fit into item slots. So that you may have a distinct hot key for each spell and be able to remove/add spells at wish.
Quest System:
All Quests will have a mutliboard that will have choices to talk to, ask directions, get quests, or buy goods. You will pick one of these choices using the up and down Arrow Keys. Some choices will inflict on your personality trait.
Item Inventory:
There will not be a fancy Item Inventory. You will only get gold from enemies, and items from chests. (Regeneration will be done with a rest skill that everybody will have.) Current equiped items will be displayed using the same multiboard system as the quests, but a bit more complex showing the item stats on a seperate multiboard.

Hot keys:
I will make a spell book with hot keys: wasd to cast the spell used to move. And QERFVC for the 6 spells in the hero's inventory. The first one may be a issue because of the fact that you might have to spam the key to keep moving, instead of just holding it down. I may make it auto run that direction, until you hit the key again.

As you can see I have my work cut out for me and will probably not release this anytime soon. I still think Terraining will take the longest though.


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Hmm, so you decided for a HUGE map after all? No offense, but let me tell you that this is not a wise decision.
When creating an rpg, you do not want a map size greater than 256x256 - believe me. It limits you more than it grants you freedom. Especially in a single player rpg, it doesnt make sense, too, as you can easily create area switching. And plus: It's easy to increase the size of the map with Newgen, whereas it is hard to decrease it. And let's not forget how hard it is to just fill EVEN ONE 480x480 map with decent terrain.

The problem I see with most people starting a 480x480 map is, that they do not know what exactly they do. 480x480 is not twice as big as 256x256, but actually FOUR TIMES as big (area wise). Most people forget that. It also comes with the following disadvantages that people often forget:
- the loading time increases enormously, both for the game itself AND the time to open the map in the editor (the latter is probably more important)
- the tileset is limited the same as with a 32x32 map ... you are limited to 16 tiles. This sounds like a lot, but it isnt. This makes your map look very boring and repetetive.
- the processing time to place and remove objects on the map increases with every object placed ... When you reach a state where 50% of your map is covered with terrain, it takes almost one or two seconds to place a single doodad ... this might not sound long, but it's really annoying when you try to create new areas fast
- finally, and probably the most important point: It's frustrating. Period. You terrain and terrain and terrain ... and you will never see the minimap filled. Nothing is more demotivating than that.


And you know it.
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Hot keys:
I will make a spell book with hot keys: wasd to cast the spell used to move. And QERFVC for the 6 spells in the hero's inventory. The first one may be a issue because of the fact that you might have to spam the key to keep moving, instead of just holding it down. I may make it auto run that direction, until you hit the key again.

Make the movespells autocastable with a hotkey for auto/unauto casting them.
(They should obviously have no cooldown. :p)


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Make the movespells autocastable with a hotkey for auto/unauto casting them.
(They should obviously have no cooldown. :p)

pretty sure that wont work... and even if it did... it wouldn't be any different then doing it the way I said to...

also bump

--sorry for late reply, had to get a new router.


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I will have a additional hotkey controling regular attack and spell attack. You will be able to designate a spell to cast when right clicking instead of attacking when right clicking. This will allow you to use a spell faster.


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Alright, I read through your new developments...So, walking is going to be classified as constantly casting a spell? Okay...The only problem I have is that using arrow keys or WASD to move can make it really hard to get to specific places. Why is key movement better for this map than normal right-click movement?

I have decided to make right clicking manual attack into that direction. While arrow keys will be used for movement.

So when you say right clicking will be "attack in that direction", will that cause the unit to move at all, or just to turn and attack?

Each spell will fit into item slots.

Does that mean both spells and items will fit into the same inventory space? And you'll have to choose between holding items and having spells? Or will you only be able to hold items that are equipped?


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Alright, I read through your new developments...So, walking is going to be classified as constantly casting a spell? Okay...The only problem I have is that using arrow keys or WASD to move can make it really hard to get to specific places. Why is key movement better for this map than normal right-click movement?

So when you say right clicking will be "attack in that direction", will that cause the unit to move at all, or just to turn and attack?

Does that mean both spells and items will fit into the same inventory space? And you'll have to choose between holding items and having spells? Or will you only be able to hold items that are equipped?

1 & 2: Right clicking will make u turn and attack that direction. So it's like diablo 2 and torchlight combat. You wont constantly have to cast the spell and what not to move. It will be either holding the arrow keys or pressing ws to constantly move that direction until the key is pressed again. (Angle will need to constantly be pressed though) You may use either the numpad and arrowkeys or wasd and the other hotkeys. So you get to pick. I will try my best to let you get to a specific spot.
3: Item inventory system... so yeah items go in a different spot then wc3 default inventory.

I will make a option to disable this type of movement and combat. (Patrol to auto attack in a certain direction will be used instead.)
But the spell and item inventory will have to be a must. So that the hotkeys do not clash/to far apart. And also easy to add/remove.

I may have a unit that you can put the spells in instead, but that may clash with moving your guy manually. (No arrow/wasd)


I plan on making the first two spells a pre-made spell that you pick out of other ones. These two spells will be based off of the class you pick.


Should I just have a hotkey to press to enable/disable the right click to atk/right click to move
Instead of using arrow keys and wasd?

----edit 2----

Yeah I think I'll do that.


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I would help with ideas if it weren't for the fact it reminds me so much of Full metal alchemist.. It just seems though if I were to emerge myself into this it would end up leaving me knowing the ending to that series. I am waiting for a friend to give me my copy of F.M.A episodes 28-finale plus the movie.
So, I don't wanna help because of that and because I am in the middle of my campaign called "Xar-Xar's age of war" currently making a solo version and a co-op
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