Starcraft 2 Game Strategies


Is riding a roller coaster...Wee!
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Starcraft 2 Strategies​

Here is the blank sample. Copy And Paste.
Highest League
(a league here)

Most Successful

Any Meaningful Details:
How It Works:

Least Successful

Any Meaningful Details:
How It Works:


Is riding a roller coaster...Wee!
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Highest League

Most Successful
Race: Protoss
Concept: Build Towers in back of city/At Exit Point.
Any Meaningful Details: Your first pylon is built in there city.
How It works: By building towers in there base, you can attempt to build towards there peasants to slow there economy or by building it at there entry way you can attempt to slow there expansion , thus slowing there economy. The towers are not meant to win the game but just give you the upper hand.

Least Successful
Race: Terran
Concept: Mass marines rush.
Any Meaningful Details: None
How It Works: Basically you build 2-3 barracks and mass build marines. The Idea is to kill the other opponent.


Old Fogey ofthe site
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Most Successful

Race: Any
Concept: Win
Any Meaningful Details:
How It Works: Destroy the opponents

Least Successful

Race: Any
Any Meaningful Details:
How It Works: Get destroyed by your opponents.

Ok, I was messing around, i dont even have sc2 beta :(. But Seriously, This thread should be interesting. Question:Is zergling rush still cheap?


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Most Successful
Race: Protoss
Concept: Creating an ambush point
Any Meaningful Details: Place dark templars at the exit point of the amush point if they try to escape
How It works: Take your army have a big one and create many dark templars, then rush their base with 3 - 2 zealots attracting their attention and dragging them into an ambush then when they are near strike with all you got, be sure to have dark templars covering all exits and ambushing them from behind, this is best used you have an ambush point near their base so you can rush fast against their base after the ambush.


Is riding a roller coaster...Wee!
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Question:Is zergling rush still cheap?

I find alot of players say...
Finally Not a Zerg Player!
When They play me as I more often play terrain. For me personally. I can stop a zerg rush with out a issue, as long as i figure there going to rush. If I figure they wont I take a big risk and some times lose because i am not ready for the rush.


Starcraft 2 Editor Moderator
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Race: Protoss
Concept: Build Towers in back of city/At Exit Point.
Any Meaningful Details: Your first pylon is built in there city.
How It works: By building towers in there base, you can attempt to build towards there peasants to slow there economy or by building it at there entry way you can attempt to slow there expansion , thus slowing there economy. The towers are not meant to win the game but just give you the upper hand.
Edit: Note, when I first read it, I misunderstood it. What I'm going to talk about is actually a different strategy, although more successful

Original text:
I thought I'd expand on this. This is commonly refereed to as 3 warpgate rush or proxy pylon. It is currently one of the only viable builds in PvP.

You build a pylon in the opponents base, tech to warpgates and warp-in zealots in his base. Using Chrono boost is every time it's available is vital to making this as quick and deadly as possible.

Also note that this might be nerfed with the latest patch since they increased warp-gate tech from 60 to 140(if I recall correctly)


Resident Star Battle Expert.
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Those aren't really strategies...

Zergling surrounds/Stacked mutalisks? how come no one mentioned those yet?

SC2 armory Article said:
NOTICE: This is a GUIDE and is expected to be used as such. It is meant to be a helpful tool when looking up strategies associated with certain units, NOT to give a detailed description of each unit's stats. Like an Encyclopedia, dont bother trying to read the entire thing, but instead, use it to investigate certain units individually.

As we are in the Beta phase, we thought it would be interesting to have a Strategy guide for the different races in SC2. This guide is not meant to replace the official Starcraft 2 Armory Guide, but rather, augment it by providing unit strategies, combos and roles down in one central location. This will help organize discussions when beta comes out as any new strategies and so forth can be posted to this guide so that all may have access to the new ideas and unit combinations being developed in SC2. Perhaps when Beta actually comes out, this may become a sort of Beginners guide to the units, strategies and micro/macro tactics being adopted in SC2.

MECHANICS:Creep Mechanic

In SC2, creep has become a much more involved tool for the Zerg. Creep is expanded with the completion of a Hatchery, Creep Tumor (an ability of the Queen), or the Overlords ability to drop creep. This is how the creep affects the game:
-All Zerg ground units EXCEPT DRONES travel 30% faster on creep
-Any Zerg structure besides the Hatchery or Extractor must be built on creep
-Spine Crawlers, Spore Crawlers, and the Queen travel significantly faster than on normal terrain
-Any Terran or Protoss structure cannot be built on creep
-Creep is neutral, which means an enemy Zerg player has the ability to create structures on creep produced from your Hatcheries, Overlords, or Creep Tumors
-The surface area of creep shrinks if there is no Hatchery, Overlord or Creep Tumor to support it

[align=center]Burrow Mechanic:[/align]

Burrow has been moved to Lair tech as of Blizzcon 09.

Burrow requires an upgrade from the Lair/Hive. While a unit is burrowed, it is invisble to your enemies unless they bring a detector to the burrowed unit (or scans if Terran). Burrowing has come far since SC1 and now is a must have for some units:
-Ultralisks have acquired the burrow ability in SC2
-The Infestor and Roach has the ability to move while burrowed

How to use Burrow to your advantage:
-Flank your enemies with Roaches
-Manually explode your Banelings from underground
-Burrow a Zergling at an expansion so it forces your opponent to use detection

Nydus Worm Mechanic:

As of beta, the Nydus Worm may be spawned on any type of placeable terrain. The Nydus Worm morphs in as if it was a building. Units may be stored inside the Nydus Worm and unloaded at other Nydus Worms/Networks.

This is how the Nydus Network works:

1. Nydus Network is built by the Drone at Lair tech.
2. Units are loaded into the Nydus Worm.
3. The Nydus Worm may be spawned on any type of placeable terrain for 100 minerals each and takes 5-10 seconds.
4. Units can then enter a Nydus Worm or Nydus Network and exit through any other Nydus Worm or Nydus Network.
5. If there is at least one other Nydus Worm on the map and you are morphing in a Nydus Worm that is killed, the units inside the Nydus Network will not be killed.

To sum things up, the Nydus Network is basically just the Nydus Canal except you can travel between any number of points instead of just two.

Changeling Mechanic:

The Spawn Changeling is an ability that comes from the Overseer. When the Changeling comes in range of the foe, it changes into that race's first tier unit (ex: Marine, Zealot, Zergling). Once the Changeling has changed shape, it will not appear as an enemy to your foe. Your foe will have to manually target the Changeling themselves if they spot it.

The Changeling is a tricky unit to handle. For you to get the best out of it, you want to be sure that your opponent is not watching the army you send it to, and after it has transformed, you need to keep constant watch on the Changeling. All your opponent has to do to find a Changeling is move their army on purpose or by accident.

For max use of the limited time span of the Changeling, get the Overseer to spawn closer to the desired destination.

The Changeling in action

Each picture is a link to the specific information on that unit in the Game Guide. Units are also arranged by their tier positions (Hatchery/Lair/Hive).

Each link that provides a video is setup to go to the specific time in the video for your convenience.

NOTE: Detailed Unit Statistics may be found here:
Zerg Game Guide


Minerals: 50
Vespene: 0
Health: 40
Damage: 5
Abilities: Gather, Morph to (advanced) structure, Burrow

Strengths: Able to morph into any Zerg structure, can gather resources.
Weaknesses: Always the first target for base raids.

Advantages over: Nothing.
Disadvantaged under: Colossus, Stalker, Viking, Reaper, Hellion, Sentry, Archon.

The Drone is the least efficient worker of the three races. This is because the Drone is lost when making the building. Luckily, the new Queen's mechanic, Spawn Larva, creates 4 larva which makes up for this. Drones can also burrow if a mid-game base raid takes place.

Vespene: 0
Health: 200
Damage: 0
Abilities: Overseer Mutation, Transport, Excrete Creep

Strengths: Spawns creep, transports units.
Weaknesses: Slow, suceptible to anti-air, requires mutation for detection.

Advantages over: Nothing.
Disadvantaged under: Viking, Phoenix, Corruptor, Archon.

THE OVERLORD IS NOT A DETECTOR! It has gained the ability to create creep though.

Excrete Creep:
The Overlord now has the ability to spread Creep, making it much more essential to use than just transport and supply. Don't upgrade all of them to Overseers because you can use the creep to your advantage more than you could then in SC1. Also, don't let them wander too far without protection, because they also double as your supply.

Minerals: 100
Vespene: 0
Health: 175
Damage: 4x2
Abilities: Burrow, Transfusion, Spawn Creep Tumor, Spawn Larva

Strengths: Excelent base defence, economic boost.
Weaknesses: Slow off the creep, big target for base raiders, large in size.

Advantages over: Light units and base raiders.
Disadvantaged under: Cruiser, Thor, Void Ray, Reapers, Sentry, Archon, Hellions.

Spawn Larva:
The Queens main ability is Spawn Larva. This ability adds 4 extra larva to the Hatchary. This is not just an economic boost for you, but also a faster way to pump out an army. This ability costs only 25 energy and takes 40 seconds so having a couple Hatcheries at your base would do good if you took about a 20 second interval between each Hatchery to begin spawning more larva.

This is where having more than one Queen is useful, since it always hangs around structures. Transfusion is generally a mix between Repair and Heal. It instantly heals 125 health of a selected unit/structure. This is probably best used on either on a critically damaged Hatchery, Nydus Network, or Spine/Spore Crawler. Ultralisks wouldn't be so bad either.

Creep Tumor:
The Creep Tumor ability extends the Creep. This ability can be used offensively because Zerg travel 30% faster on the Creep and the Spine/Spore Crawlers travel significantly faster on creep than off creep.

Minerals: 50
Vespene: 0
Health: 35
Damage: 5
Abilities: Burrow, Baneling Mutation

Strengths: Open areas, Fast, Small, 2 Zerglings per egg, ability to select any amount of units at once.
Weaknesses: Choke points, Splash attacks, the new clumping system.

Advantages over: Immortal, Stalker, Marine, Thor, Colossus.
Disadvantaged under: Disruptor, Marine, Reaper, Hellion, Archon.

Zerglings have barely changed from the first Starcraft. It's conventient to have a very massable unit with a morph ability. Aside from that, the ability to select any amount of units at once will do wonders for macroing with Zerglings. The new pathing system also makes Zerglings much more agressive in the heat of battle because they surrond their enemy much more easily now. The downside to this is that units bunch together now, making Zerglings much more suceptible to the Siege tank and other spalsh attacks.

Zergling/Hydralisk Combination:
The Zergling and Hydralisk are a force to be reckoned with. The Zergling's main role in this scenario is the primary fighting force against any ground units. Even though the Hydralisks are there for support, the Zerglings are also there for protecting the Hydralisks. Obviously the Zerglings should be in the lead of this attack.

Zergling/Mutalisk Combination:
This is a much more versatile approach than the Hydralisks. The Mutalisks have more speed than the Hydralisks, and the Zerglings have much more space to move about. The Zerglings main role is attacking the ground units again, but there are different variations that can occur, since the Mutalisk is an air unit.

Zergling/Brood Lord Combination
This combination is not as effective as the Ultralisk combo mentioned below, nut might call for more concentrated firepower. The Zerglings should be the main distraction in an attack like this. This will give the Brood Lords time to take down their targets. It is suggested that you have your Zerglings fully upgraded, as this is a late game force.

Zergling/Ultralisk Combination:
This is an extremely sharp approach to a late game assault, especially because it only consists of GtG units. This combination is almost useless without Zerglings upgraded to Cracklings (speed upgrade and attack rate upgrade). The reason why this works out so great is because you have your Ultralisks that blast through, and then the deadly Zerglings that spill through between each Ultralisk. This should probably be used as a final resort to a game, since your pooling your resources into vulnerable units.

Minerals: 25
Vespene: 25
Health: 30
Damage: 15 (+20 light)
Abilities: Burrow, Attack Structures, Explode

Strengths: High Damage, no friendly fire, detonate button.
Weaknesses: Suicidal attack, slow without speed upgrade.

Advantages over: Light units, Structures.
Disadvantaged under: Hellion, Siege Tank, Reaper.

The Zerg Baneling is a first tier unit replacement for the old Infested Terran. It's high damage out-put plus splash affect other first tier units drastically. Burrow and the detonate button are a tough combo that will force your opponent to be over cautionous to where they step on your territory. The Banelings are also very accessible because it mutates from the Zergling which is a very massable unit. The Baneling is a unit that can be added into any other combination of units, but will be almost useless in mid-late game attacks, due to Siege Tanks.

Baneling sneak attack:

Minerals: 75
Vespene: 25
Health: 145
Damage: 16
Abilities: Burrow, Fast Regenerate, move underground

Strengths: Health restores fast underground, good vs biological units.
Weaknesses: Focus fire.

Advantages over: Zealot, Marine, Reaper, Hellion.
Disadvantaged under: Stalker, Immortal, Archon, Marauder, Siege Tank, Thor.

The Roach is the Zergs 'tank'. If used right, the Roach can absorb huge amounts of damage because it's health regenerates fast. If your opponent knows what he is doing, he will focus fire and wear each one down one by one. Be sure to always bring along some Zerglings or Hydralisks.

Supposedly in the current build, Roaches can regenerate above the ground, or burrowed. While burrowed, they regenerate twice as fast though.

The Commando Roach:
The Roach harasses the enemy workers and burrow when low on health. Since they regenerate faster than normal units (even faster while burrowed), this works much better.

Everlasting Roach:
This is a main idea used with the Roaches special ability. You need to switch between two control groups, one group burrowed and healing faster, and the other group fighting the enemy. When Roach group A starts becoming weak, burrow them and unburrow the fully healed Roach group B.

Roach/Zergling Combination
This is the earliest possible combination you can have in a game. The main idea for this is be treated as a watered down version of the Ultralisk/Zergling combination. The Roach's role is lead the force head on and take most of the damage first, then let the Zerglings charge in. In this case, the Roaches should try to create a distraction, because they can absorb most of the damage by using their fast regeneration.

Roach/Hydralisk Combination
This combo might be slightly more effective than the Zergling/Hydralisk combo because the Roaches don't outrun the Hydralisks, and they are better suited for holding the front line when paired up with the Hydralisk.

Roach/Ultralisk Combination
This combo compared to the Zergling/Ultralisk is much less effective of a force, but much sturdier. The Roach will be much more of a support to the Ultralisk than the Zergling was.


Minerals: 50
Vespene: 100
Health: 200
Damage: 0
Abilities: Detection, Spawn Changeling

Strengths: Faster, Designated Detector.
Weaknesses: Suceptible to anti-air, loses abilities after mutation.

Advantages over: Cloaked units.
Disadvantaged under: Viking, Phoenix, Corruptor.

The Overseer is now the new designated Zerg detector. It will be smart to always keep one handy for Dark Templars or Ghosts. This means that you will need to have a fair balance between your Overlords and Overseers. The Overseer's vision increases the longer it is left idle. Overlords won't be required for the Zerg because it depends on what build you will be using.

The Spawn Changeling mechanic can be found earlier in this thread.

Minerals: 100
Vespene: 50
Health: 80
Damage: 12 vs Ground, 10 (+6 armored) vs Air
Abilities: Burrow

Strengths: Good anti-air, excellent support.
Weaknesses: Now acquired at Lair tech.

Advantages over: Phoenix, Void Ray, Mothership, Banshee, Battle Cruiser.
Disadvantaged under: Reaper, Hellion, Siege Tank, Thor, Viking.

The Hydralisk has been made back into the old massable type from SC1 as of Blizzcon 09. Though they are Lair tech, they are extremely useful in almost any situation. The Hydralisk is your ideal backbone unit and supports any unit.

Hydralisk/Zergling Combination
The Hydralisk's primary role within this combo is for early air-tech support. If this does not apply, then the Hydralisk will be there for general support. The Hydralisk should be at the back of this force while the Zerglings go in for close combat. It is suggested that you upgrade the Hydralisk speed and carapace, because the Zergling and Hydralisk share this upgrade.

Hydralisk/Roach Combination
Like the Zergling combo, the Hydralisk will accompany the Roaches in case your opponent decides to fast tech to air. Depending on how you use your Roaches, that Hydralisks might be included in more combat than just support for the Roaches.

Hydralisk/Mutalisk Combination
This possibly the most flexible combo within the Zerg arsenal. Both the Hydralisk and Mutalisk can both rely on each other for support. Your Hydralisks might take the majority of the damage depending on whether you micro the Mutalisks or not. It is suggested that you upgrade Hydralisk speed, but you may have to pool more time into upgrading carapace or attacks.

Hydralisk/Corruptor Combination
This combination is more of a direct approach than other combos and should be used if your opponent chooses to tech and build air units. This will probably be a more popular choice than other Hydralisk combos, mainly because it occurs when your opponent techs to air. Hydralisks are more useful against armored units, which consists of the Terran's most common air unit, the Viking. Hydralisks will also be used to support against ground units.

Minerals: 100
Vespene: 100
Health: 120
Damage: 9
Abilities: Multiple Target Attack

Strengths: Great for harrasing, fast.
Weaknesses: Short range, suceptible to splash damage.

Advantages over: Colossus, Mothership, Marine, Banshee.
Disadvantaged under: Stalker, Thor, Viking, Battle Cruiser.

Nothing about the Mutalisk has changed much except for the fact that it does not mutate into anything now. This gives the Zerg's backbone air unit the freedom of it being it's own unit and not having to decide between AtA or AtG. The Mutalisk is best to have around in any situation for ground or air support. Mutalisk stacking is going to be even more effective due to the unlimited selection mechanic. They will not have to be controlled in seperate groups anymore.

Mutalisk/Zergling Combination

Mutalisk/Hydralisk Combination

Mutalisk/Corruptor Combination

Minerals: 200
Vespene: 150
Health: 200
Damage: 12 (+8 vs Massive)
Abilities: Brood Lord Mutation, Corruption

Strengths: Strong AtA, Corrupt units attack the enemy for a time.
Weaknesses: GtA units, light AtA units.

Advantages over: Void Ray, Banshee, Battle Cruiser, Colossus, Mothership.
Disadvantaged under: Marine, Thor, Phoenix, Hydralisk.

The Corruptor is a very strong AtA unit. When enemies are 'killed', they become an immonile turret that fires upon the enemies air units. The immobile turret has a range of 6 and a damage of 7. Be sure to bring Hydralisks in case you run into Vkings or Phoenixes because light air units will take Corruptors down in a flash. Best used as a counter late game to Motherships, Carriers, or Battle Cruisers. Also, Corruptors come in pretty handy if you run into ground units because they can morph into Brood Lords.

Minerals: 100
Vespene: 150
Health: 120
Damage: 0
Abilities: Burrow, Neural Parasite, Fungal Growth, Siphon Life

Strengths: Moves underground.
Weaknesses: No attack.

Advantages over: Any unit with high damage or special abilities, unit masses, units with high health.
Disadvantaged under: Detectors.

Sporting a nifty new design, the Infestor is a unique Zerg caster with the ability to move while burrowed.

Neural Parasite:
Neural Parasite is a temporal version of SC1's Mind Control, owned by the Dark Archon. It takes control of an enemy unit for 10 seconds. This would be best used when your enemy unleashes a tide-turning unit on you.

Fungal Growth:

Siphon Life:


Minerals: 150
Vespene: 150
Health: 275
Damage: 25
Abilities: Spawn Broodlings

Strengths: Spawns two Broodlings every attack, strong AtG
Weaknesses: AtA units, massable GtA units.

Advantages over: Archon, Ghost, melee units.
Disadvantaged under: Corruptor, Phoenix, Viking.

The Brood Lord is a mutation from the Corruptor. They have a powerful AtG attack that spawns 2 Broodlings upon each hit. Even though these Broodlings are weak and have a timer to their life, they create a great distracton and allow the Brood Lord to keep attacking. This unit is great for harrasing the enemy while preparing for an attack. Be sure to bring anti-air when using these powerful flyers.

Minerals: 300
Vespene: 200
Health: 600
Damage: 18 vs units, 60 vs structures
Abilities: Burrow

Strengths: Chokes, high damage and health.
Weaknesses: Open areas, large target, expensive.

Advantages over: Archon, Marine, Ghost, Hellion, Ultralisk, Thor, Structures.
Disadvantaged under: Any AtG unit, Immortal, Void Ray, Marauder, Zergling.

Be sure to keep your Ultralisks out of open areas, because they are MASSIVE. The new pathing system makes it a lot easier for Zealots and Zerglings to take down an Ultralisk in an open area much easier. Ultralisks have a special attack for attacking buildings which totals 60. If you need to take down an expansion of an opponent quick and efficiently, then build a couple Ultralisks and some support.


Divide et impera
Reaction score
terran: move in with your enemy (move your base into theirs and then upgrade to planetary fortress while your workers distract theirs ASAP, just don't try vs a zerg)
works wonders vs toss/terran players, not so great vs zerglings, and you should have an ally that can support you preferably if it's 2v2 (although it works just fine in 1v1's as well)


Resident Star Battle Expert.
Reaction score
the above post is a cheesy all in strategy that's bound to fail most of the time even with favorable conditions. /rant

Concept:Harassment/Pressuring with a Mutalisk/Zergling combo
Any Meaningful Details:This aims to keep your opponent economically behind while you pull out ahead.
How It Works:As you prevent your opponent from expanding with zerglings (with speed) your harassing there mineral line by picking off workers and other key targets such as tech buildings. In theory since there is unlimited selection in SC2 if you stack enough mutalisks you'll be able to kill most targets with one shot.This is assuming you know how to micro them properly in the first place. Mutalisks and Zerglings are nearly a staple in all current match ups and as such should be used to there full potential as agile attacking units keeping the pressure on your enemy as you pull ahead in terms of economy. If done right you should be able to just out macro your opponent.

Note that:You can never fully win the game with just Mutalisks and Zergling harass alone. The above strategy is to be compared with you giving your opponent AIDs then giving him swine flu to finish him off.


New Member
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Concept:Force field walls
Any Meaningful Details:this is much more effective against zerg as they have more melee units and roaches only have a short range. The basic idea is to have the bulk of your army made up of sentries and stalkers. Then use force fields to create a defensive barrier between you and them. if they back off and wait for the FFs to wear off, just put your next row further ahead and you will slowly push them into thier base/ away from your base. Each senty can cast 4 FFs with a full energy pool so if you have about 6-10 of em with 10-20 stalkers this strat is very effective when fighting at abses, not so good on open field though so id keep it to maps like desert oasis, blistering sands, lost temple etc where there are not many big open spaces.


Reaction score
Race: Zerg
Concept: Sneak attack
Any meaningful details: works best against Protoss.
How it works: in the beginning of the game, move your overlord to the opponent's base, out of sight. Keep upgrading your base until you have a fair amount of units (attack your opponent sometimes so he/she thinks you're going for some kind of straight mass attack), and then create a Nydus Worm at the place you placed your overlord, and attack with your army.

Works for me :thup:


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
Race: Terran
Concept: Blitzkreig
Any meaningful details: This is meant to be a fast destruction. This works even better if you have an ally of either Zerg or Protoss.

How it works:

This build order is a 9.5 minute game using only SCV's and Marines.

To start off, send all of your starting workers to mine minerals. Build 1 SCV and send it to minerals. When you have enough for 3 more SCV's, send them off to minerals. Once you've stocked up 300 minerals, build Supply Depots. <See Strategic Placements for info!>. Build 3 more SCV's and minerals. Send one SCV to build Refinery and two more to help mine Vespene Gas. Save 400 minerals and 100 vespene gas and build 2 Barracks with Reactor addons. Build an Engineering Bay and upgrade level 1 weapons and armor for marines. Mass marines with the rest of your minerals. Once you have a force of about 30 marines, attack the enemy base. Continue building marines for reinforcements if needed.

Variation: Everything will be the same, except you will build 3 Barracks with Reactor addons for an even faster kill.

Variation 2: Can't get in? Have an ally help you scout. Once you've found his/her blockade, send in a Ghost with a nuke. Finish with End Games below.

Zerg Teammate: Have him harass early enemy economy with zerglings to ruin their start. When finishing up the game, have him mass Roaches if Terran enemies or Mutas if Protoss. (Watch out for Immortals!)

Protoss Teammate: Have him scout early for Roaches if enemy is Zerg. If so, have him build Immortals. If Zerg is Roach Faking, have him make Carriers and Phoenixes. When finishing the game, have him take out the Mutas/Roaches while you micro your units to kill ground units and buildings.

Terran Teammate: Have him create supporting units like Medivacs and heavy assaults like Marauders and Hellions (against Zerg, Hellions are epic). Air support is essential in 2v2 because you never know when the enemy will have air units. Marines are not the best AA, but they do well against Carriers if micro'd well. Focus on taking out one at a time and you'll do fine.

End Game With Either Teammate: While your teammate takes out any problem units (counters of Marines), you should focus on the rest of his army. Once his army is dead, focus on taking out army producing structures. If the enemy is Protoss, kill pylons. If the enemy is Zerg, kill his Hatchery. Take out any defensive structures. For Protoss, kill only pylons. The rest is mop-up.

I have yet to lose with this build order.

Replay: View attachment 1269261220

<Strategic Placements>

What is Strategic Placement of Supply Depots? Well, it is placing them so they are beneficial to you in more ways that just supply. What I mean by this is to use them to block enemies. Block off your entrances and station units behind them. Melee units will not be able to hit you and ranged units can be killed from afar because of reduced sight. See replay for more info.


  • 2010-03-21
    58.1 KB · Views: 251


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
Race: Protoss
Concept: Crushing Defeat
Any meaningful details: This build works best against anyone!

How it works:

This build order can be anywhere from 12 to 15 minutes utilizing Probes, Stalkers, and Sentries.

7/10 Start
9/10 Probe
10/10 Pylon
13/18 Assimilator
17/18 Probe
17/18 Forge
17/18 Pylon
18/18 Probe
18/26 Photon Cannon
18/26 Photon Cannon
18/26 Assimilator
26/26 Probe
26/26 Pylon
26/26 Gateway
26/26 Gateway
26/26 Pylon
26/26 Pylon
26/34 Cybernetics Core
26/42 Upgrade Shields Lvl 1
26/42 Upgrade Ground Weapons Lvl 1
26/42 Upgrade Ground Shields Lvl 1
26/42 Warp Gate Upgrade

Rest of the game, Stalkers, Sentries, and Pylons. Build an extension if you need to.

When you get an army, attack. You may skip Photon Cannons if you (believe that you) don't need them.


  • 2010-03-20
    239.7 KB · Views: 295


Resident Star Battle Expert.
Reaction score
Race: Terran
Concept: Blitzkreig
Any meaningful details: This is meant to be a fast destruction. This works even better if you have an ally of either Zerg or Protoss.

How it works:

This build order is a 9.5 minute game using only SCV's and Marines.

To start off, send all of your starting workers to mine minerals. Build 1 SCV and send it to minerals. When you have enough for 3 more SCV's, send them off to minerals. Once you've stocked up 300 minerals, build Supply Depots. <See Strategic Placements for info!>. Build 3 more SCV's and minerals. Send one SCV to build Refinery and two more to help mine Vespene Gas. Save 400 minerals and 100 vespene gas and build 2 Barracks with Reactor addons. Build an Engineering Bay and upgrade level 1 weapons and armor for marines. Mass marines with the rest of your minerals. Once you have a force of about 30 marines, attack the enemy base. Continue building marines for reinforcements if needed.

Variation: Everything will be the same, except you will build 3 Barracks with Reactor addons for an even faster kill.

Variation 2: Can't get in? Have an ally help you scout. Once you've found his/her blockade, send in a Ghost with a nuke. Finish with End Games below.

Zerg Teammate: Have him harass early enemy economy with zerglings to ruin their start. When finishing up the game, have him mass Roaches if Terran enemies or Mutas if Protoss. (Watch out for Immortals!)

Protoss Teammate: Have him scout early for Roaches if enemy is Zerg. If so, have him build Immortals. If Zerg is Roach Faking, have him make Carriers and Phoenixes. When finishing the game, have him take out the Mutas/Roaches while you micro your units to kill ground units and buildings.

Terran Teammate: Have him create supporting units like Medivacs and heavy assaults like Marauders and Hellions (against Zerg, Hellions are epic). Air support is essential in 2v2 because you never know when the enemy will have air units. Marines are not the best AA, but they do well against Carriers if micro'd well. Focus on taking out one at a time and you'll do fine.

End Game With Either Teammate: While your teammate takes out any problem units (counters of Marines), you should focus on the rest of his army. Once his army is dead, focus on taking out army producing structures. If the enemy is Protoss, kill pylons. If the enemy is Zerg, kill his Hatchery. Take out any defensive structures. For Protoss, kill only pylons. The rest is mop-up.

I have yet to lose with this build order.

Replay: View attachment 1269261220

<Strategic Placements>

What is Strategic Placement of Supply Depots? Well, it is placing them so they are beneficial to you in more ways that just supply. What I mean by this is to use them to block enemies. Block off your entrances and station units behind them. Melee units will not be able to hit you and ranged units can be killed from afar because of reduced sight. See replay for more info.

this is better done by including leap frogging bunkers in the mix and forgoing the upgrades. Stims however should be researched along with the marine's shield. Usually something like this should be done with medics but seeing as they've turned it into the medivac which would arrive much later in the battlefield would make Early infantry pushes difficult to pull off. Also you must be sneaky with this because should your opponent scout it out he or she can counter it effectively with either large amounts of defenses and a good sim city or a good amount of units/defenses and a good sim city.

If it reaches to the point where you need better have a better unit composition that late in the game other than marines.


The DIY Ninja
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All that BANANAMAN says is true. If you get countered, you're screwed. It's nearly impossible to retech after you've been countered because the enemy already has their tech up.

However, I have had experiences where Ren can get up Ghosts pretty fast ;) By the time I have 30 or so Marines. By the time we're ready to attack, she has a nuke. It'll be a bit longer because of this and because you must wait for the nuke, but it does work better if you can get a scout in and nuke their army/econ.


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I mostly play zerg, so I thought i would mention this little tactic to anyone unfamiliar with the zerg build mechanics. If you've ever tried to do a zergling rush, only to find the enemy zerg is somehow able to get 2 more zerglings into your base than you have... this is how they do it:

build drones until you max your supplies, wait to have 75 minerals, build an extractor, this will free up one supply. begin training a drone and cancel the extractor. this will give you 11/10 drones that can be harvesting while you wait for your 2nd overlord to hatch. if done right, by the time the overload is done, you will have the 200 minerals necessary to build a spawning pool. the rest is pretty straight forward from there... that 1 extra drone at the begining of the game makes the difference of 2-4 additional zerglings in your rush.


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Indeed... But with it being some 10 years now since starcraft, I thought i'd post it for those who are new to the starcraft universe.
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