US News States Petition to Secede from the US after Obama Reelection


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Residents in more than a dozen states across the country have filed secession petitions to the Obama administration's "We the People" program, which is featured on the White House website.
A petition filed by Jesse W. (no last name provided) on behalf of Arkansas reads:

As the founding fathers of the United States of America made clear in the Declaration of Independence in 1776:
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
"...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government..."
Micah H. (no last name provided) of Arlington, Texas filed a petition that says:

The US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government's neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it's citizens' standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government.
The efforts come in the wake of Barack Obama securing a second term in the White House over Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. From New York to South Carolina, the states where residents have filed secession petitions spans a wide range.
Texas GOP official Peter Morrison, treasurer of the Hardin County Republican party, argued for an "amicable divorce" from the United States last week.
"Why should Vermont and Texas live under the same government?" he wrote in an op-ed in a Tea Party newsletter, according to the Fort-Worth Star Telegram. "Let each go her own way."

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Well, this escalated quickly...
I do not support Obama but this is quite interesting.
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And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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About fucking time. I've been waiting for someone to do this since I was like 12.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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That's a nonissue. There are far bigger problems than something as minor as tax distribution.


Mega Super Ultra Cool Member
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I always though that Cali should move to the East Coast then the tri-state + Cali should be their own happy liberal country. Maybe we can include some other states like Colorado and whatnot as well.


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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I think its time for another civil war. That will sure help the industry and economy. After a war, there is so much demand, so many new jobs and so much inventions.


Divide et impera
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I think its time for another civil war. That will sure help the industry and economy. After a war, there is so much demand, so many new jobs and so much inventions.

that usually only applies to the winning side..

That's a nonissue. There are far bigger problems than something as minor as tax distribution.

lack of money is a major problem.. I don't see how the "new" country could survive without it - sure they can have all the weed/guns/abortions/gay rights that they want.. but that won't keep police on the streets and teachers in schools


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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that usually only applies to the winning side..
There are no winners in a war. Every party is losing something. But from the ashes of the past a new order shall arise!

lack of money is a major problem.. I don't see how the "new" country could survive without it - sure they can have all the weed/guns/abortions/gay rights that they want.. but that won't keep police on the streets and teachers in schools
I dont see why it wont keep them at work. I mean, come on, they've got weed dude!


Chef, Writer, and Midnight Toker
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We're talking about Texas here, people; they don't like weed down 'round doze parts, ya know?

I'm surprised that THIS is the catalyst to make something like this happen. We're fucked with Obama and we're fucked without him, so I can't see what the effin' difference is. Hopefully if something does happen as extreme as secession, we won't have to go to war over it or some stupid shit.


Forum Administrator
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Well, how beautiful is that!

People of the United States, you all speak the same language, worship the same God (have faith in the same religion), have mostly the same roots, the same culture, have all roughly the same geopolitical climate... in fact, you have much more in common than that.

Why separate solely for economical reasons? I don't get it. Countries in Europe are uniting and they don't even share the same language, nor do they share the same culture, or religion at times. These are not the times to separate...

These states are acting like kids, really. Oh, I hate my Uncle Sam, he's not being as awesome as he was, I am running away from home! Definitely, I'll do it!

Get over it, Obama got elected. This is democracy. Stop acting like kids, grow up, and live toward elevating the United States' position, not lower it.

On this subject, I wish to share something with you all:


That, on itself talks a lot. It seems to me like a part of "elevating" the position of the United States in the world should start with fixing your education system. Too few have access to it, and rates as low as 20% are unacceptable, in my opinion, for a country so rich.

I couldn't even vote for either of the representatives, because I am not a US citizen, but to me the choice would have been obvious: Obama. And yes, I am highly educated (Bachelors Degree), as this study suggests, and quite informed on US politics.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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that usually only applies to the winning side..

lack of money is a major problem.. I don't see how the "new" country could survive without it - sure they can have all the weed/guns/abortions/gay rights that they want.. but that won't keep police on the streets and teachers in schools

Doesn't matter. If they secede any US currency is void there because they are no longer part of the US. All of those things can quite effectively, and should be, entirely state run anyway; there is no reason it can't be done. Yes, there is some minor planning involved due to a slight change in economy, but all in all, in a war like that, money is a very insignificant issue for the most part. I mean, I can barely even understand why you're coming from this point. The government doesn't handle money like you and I and it shouldn't. Even in the event it was an issue, the seceding states would just implement their own currency and distribute temporary IOU's until the new country or what have you is stabilized enough to set up a new standardized economy. Plus there are so many countries and private parties that would benefit from this kind of a war here in the US that could and most likely would fund any flat out revolution or secession. There are methods of financing it if it came to that being a problem, it's not an issue. What is an issue is what happens after the war when both sides are fucked up and have failing economies because they've been too busy fighting a war to deal with, and then over comes, say, any country with a military that wants to see the US gone.

This is democracy.
No, this is called a republic. There a major and fundamental difference; there are only 538 people in the country who's say matters when it comes to who is the President. It might even be 535, I forget if DC gets to vote for that or not. And your chart is biased; there is far more to take into account than what states are highest and lowest in education; most of the schools that do poorly really aren't able to get much better because they don't have the finances to do so. The schools that do well receive exponentially more funding than the ones that don't; the issue lies in the federal government's inability to do anything right, and if the state refuses to adhere to some rule their schools get no money anyway because the DoE can more or less pick and choose where they send funding to. Why wouldn't they send it to states that keep them in their position? I would. Besides that, those states have largely different economies. Why would you go to college if you want to be a logger or a fisherman? You can't sum everything up into one little chart like that and use it as evidence to make a point unless you're talking to morons that don't have the capacity to see through it. And even those with the highest scores still are usually pretty shitty when it actually comes to the standards they have anyway. Plus that has absolutely nothing to do with the education system here, that has to do with the college system, which is even more fucked up than the DoE has made primary and secondary schools, and is basically a series of corporations. Plus once you get a degree you would move a state where you can get paid more for that field of work. When I finish school I'm not going to stay in Arizona because there's no work here in my field.

Anyway the education system can largely again be blamed on the Federal Government; they're the ones that wanted to take control of it under Carter, and ever since then it's been a failure. Actually it probably started with women's rights, but that's beyond the scope here.

And for the record, I think it's safe to say I have above average intelligence when it comes to most topics, and I know that I have an exceptionally high aptitude. I failed out of high school with a 1.3 GPA; the highest and lowest scores are worthless on shit like that. I was like fourth from the bottom of my class when I dropped out I think (got almost 100% on the questions for the GED though... that was a stupid test). Anyway, it makes no fucking difference how well your school does; for all you know, the only reason those schools are the highest is because they segregate classes. Instead of teaching the kids that don't pick it up as fast, they put them into basic classes and pass them without actually teaching the subject with much depth, and then when they take their tests, they're all just scaled down Barney style. Actually they do do that, I know, because that was an issue I had to deal with when I worked for the GOP.

And a bachelor's degree doesn't mean much. Nor is that highly educated, considering it's been largely promoted as the 'minimum' recently.


Divide et impera
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Doesn't matter. If they secede any US currency is void there because they are no longer part of the US.

it's not the currency that I am concerned about - they can certainly make their own "dollar", and we can even go with theoretically that there will be no war - but they just lack the income relative to the amount of spending


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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Not really. A vast majority of them could be cut and likely would be. The US's expenditure is higher than the income from federal taxes. It doesn't make a significant difference in it's ability to operate for a while.
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