Spell Static Shield


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Static Shield - Follows JESP Standard


Surrounds a targeted friendly unit with balls of static electricity. If the target it attacked, a ball will fly off and damage the attacker.

- My second spell.
- In vJass, requires Jass NewGen Pack v4b or newer.
- MUI (Now)
- Leakless
- BJ-Free

library StaticShield
//Configuration Section
//Edit the following varibles as needed.
        //Spell Data
        //This is the raw code of the ability.
        private integer Ability = 'A000'
        //This is the raw code of the dummy.
        private integer Dummy = 'u001'
        //This is how long the effect will last before it dispels.
        private real Duration = 58
        //This is the attack type when damaging the target.
        private attacktype AttackType = ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC
        //This is the damage type when damaging the target.
        private damagetype DamageType = DAMAGE_TYPE_LIGHTNING        
        //Other Data
        //This is how often the movement triggers.
        private real Interval = 0.03
        //This is how many degrees the balls will move in one second.
        private real Degrees = 180
        //This is the distance the balls will be from the unit.
        private real Offset = 100
        //This is how close the balls need to be to an attacker before the attacker is damaged.
        private real Radius = 60
        //This is how fast the balls will travel when moving toward a target.
        private real Speed = 800
    //Level Settings
    //To add more levels, add another line like this:
    //set Level[<LEVEL>] = <AMOUNT>
    private function Balls takes integer lvl returns integer 
        local integer array Level
        set Level[lvl]=1 
        //Balls per level.
        set Level[1] = 1
        set Level[2] = 2
        set Level[3] = 3
        return Level[lvl]

    private function Damage takes integer lvl returns real
        local real array Level
        set Level[lvl] = 50
        //Damage per level (per ball).
        set Level[1] = 75
        set Level[2] = 80
        set Level[3] = 90
        return Level[lvl]

    //End of configuration settings.
    //DO NOT edit anything below this unless
    //you are absolutely sure of what you are doing!
        private integer array Database1
        private integer array Database2
        private integer array Database3
        private integer array Database4
    private function H2I takes handle h returns integer
        return h
        return 0
    private function Store takes handle h, integer s returns nothing
        local integer id = H2I(h)-0x100000
        if id <= 8190 then
            set Database1[id]=s
        elseif id <= 16380 then
            set Database2[id-8190]=s
        elseif id <= 24570 then
            set Database3[id-16380]=s
        elseif id <= 32760 then
            set Database4[id-24570]=s
            debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,20,"|cffff0000Static Shield storage limit reached at "+I2S(id)+".|r")
    private function Recall takes handle h returns integer
        local integer id = H2I(h)-0x100000
        if id <= 8190 then
            return Database1[id]
        elseif id <= 16380 then
            return Database2[id-8190]
        elseif id <= 24570 then
            return Database3[id-16380]
        elseif id <= 32760 then
            return Database4[id-24570]
        return 0

    private keyword Projectile
    private keyword Orbit
    private keyword Unit
    private struct Projectile
        unit Unit 
        unit Target
        real Damage
        trigger Trigger = CreateTrigger()
        timer Timer = CreateTimer()
        static method Movement takes nothing returns boolean
            local Projectile this = Projectile(Recall(GetTriggeringTrigger()))
            local real cx = GetUnitX(this.Unit)
            local real cy = GetUnitY(this.Unit)
            local real tx = GetUnitX(this.Target)
            local real ty = GetUnitY(this.Target)
            local real a = Atan2(ty-cy,tx-cx)
            call SetUnitX(this.Unit,cx+(Speed*Interval)*Cos(a))
            call SetUnitY(this.Unit,cy+(Speed*Interval)*Sin(a))
            if SquareRoot((tx-cx)*(tx-cx)+(ty-cy)*(ty-cy)) <= Radius then
                call UnitDamageTarget(this.Unit,this.Target,this.Damage,true,true,AttackType,DamageType,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
                call KillUnit(this.Unit)
                call this.destroy()
            return false
        method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            call PauseTimer(this.Timer)
            call DestroyTimer(this.Timer)
            call DestroyTrigger(this.Trigger)
        static method create takes unit u, unit t, real damage returns Projectile
            local Projectile this = Projectile.allocate()
            set this.Unit = u
            set this.Target = t
            set this.Damage = damage
            call TriggerRegisterTimerExpireEvent(this.Trigger,this.Timer)
            call TriggerAddCondition(this.Trigger,Condition(function Projectile.Movement))
            call Store(this.Trigger,this)
            call TimerStart(this.Timer,Interval,true,null)
            return this
    private struct Orbit
        unit Unit
        Unit Center
        real Degrees
        trigger Trigger = CreateTrigger()
        static method Movement takes nothing returns boolean
            local Orbit this = Orbit(Recall(GetTriggeringTrigger()))
            set this.Degrees = this.Degrees+Degrees*Interval
            call SetUnitX(this.Unit,GetUnitX(this.Center.Unit)+Offset*Cos(this.Degrees*(3.14159/180)))
            call SetUnitY(this.Unit,GetUnitY(this.Center.Unit)+Offset*Sin(this.Degrees*(3.14159/180)))
            return false
        method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            call DestroyTrigger(this.Trigger)
        static method create takes Unit s, real Angle returns Orbit
            local Orbit this = Orbit.allocate()
            set this.Center = s
            set this.Unit = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(this.Center.Unit),Dummy,GetUnitX(this.Center.Unit),GetUnitY(this.Center.Unit),0)
            call GroupAddUnit(this.Center.Balls,this.Unit)
            call Store(this.Unit,this)
            set this.Degrees = Angle
            call TriggerRegisterTimerExpireEvent(this.Trigger,this.Center.Timer)
            call TriggerAddCondition(this.Trigger,Condition(function Orbit.Movement))
            call Store(this.Trigger,this)
            return this
    private struct Unit
        unit Unit
        group Balls = CreateGroup()
        integer BallCount
        integer Level
        timer Timer = CreateTimer()
        trigger Trigger = CreateTrigger()
        trigger Exit = CreateTrigger()
        static method OnAttack takes nothing returns boolean
            local Unit this = Unit(Recall(GetTriggeringTrigger()))
            local unit u = FirstOfGroup(this.Balls)
            if IsUnitEnemy(this.Unit,GetOwningPlayer(GetAttacker())) then
                call GroupRemoveUnit(this.Balls,u)
                call Orbit(Recall(u)).destroy()
                call Projectile.create(u,GetAttacker(),Damage(this.Level))
                set this.BallCount = this.BallCount - 1
                if this.BallCount <= 0 then
                    call this.destroy()
            set u=null
            return false
        static method ExitF takes nothing returns boolean
            local Unit this = Unit(Recall(GetTriggeringTrigger()))
            call this.destroy()
            return false
        method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            local unit f
            call Store(this.Unit,0)
                set f = FirstOfGroup(this.Balls)
                exitwhen f == null
                call Orbit(Recall(f)).destroy()
                call KillUnit(f)
                call GroupRemoveUnit(this.Balls,f)
            call DestroyGroup(this.Balls)
            call PauseTimer(this.Timer)
            call DestroyTimer(this.Timer)
            call DestroyTrigger(this.Trigger)
            call DestroyTrigger(this.Exit)
        static method create takes unit u, integer l returns Unit
            local Unit this = Unit.allocate()
            local Orbit o
            local integer i = 0
            local integer a = 0
            local integer balls = Balls(l)
            set this.Unit=u
            set this.Level=l
            set this.BallCount = balls
                exitwhen i >= balls
                set o = Orbit.create(this,a)
                set a = a+360/balls
                set i=i+1
            call TimerStart(this.Timer,Interval,true,null)
            call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(this.Trigger,this.Unit,EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED)
            call TriggerAddCondition(this.Trigger,Condition(function Unit.OnAttack))
            call Store(this.Trigger,this)
            call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(this.Exit,Duration,false)
            call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(this.Exit,this.Unit,EVENT_UNIT_DEATH)
            call TriggerAddCondition(this.Exit,Condition(function Unit.ExitF))
            call Store(this.Exit,this)
            return this

    function Trig_Static_Shield_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetSpellAbilityId() == Ability

    function Trig_Static_Shield_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit u = GetSpellTargetUnit()
        local Unit U = Recall(u)
        if U != 0 then
            call U.destroy()
        set U = Unit.create(u,GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(),Ability))
        call Store(u,U)
        set u = null

    function InitTrig_Static_Shield takes nothing returns nothing
        set gg_trg_Static_Shield = CreateTrigger(  )
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_Static_Shield, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
        call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_Static_Shield, Condition( function Trig_Static_Shield_Conditions ) )
        call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Static_Shield, function Trig_Static_Shield_Actions )

Download: View attachment Spell-StaticShield.w3x

Credits to Tinki3 for the test map template.

Constructive criticism and comments are welcome.


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^_^ GJ

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Member (Who are you and why should I care?)
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I'm not sure if it truly is leakless, so if you find anything, please let me know.
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I don't see why you're using keywords... *edit*, now I can see..


Does this use some kind of system?


We are all noobs! in different states of Noobism!
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um...Lightening shield anyone?

Never mind. This is way better.

Question: why are you using Handle Vars INSIDE structs?


Member (Who are you and why should I care?)
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Yes, it is an integer attachment system. It's an array that uses handles converted to integers as it's index. (All handles' integer values start at around hex 0x100000 and go up.) Much faster than gamecache. (And ABC...)


They're not exactly handle vars. I'm attaching the struct's ID to an object so I can perform actions on it later, like in static methods I cannot used instanced variables. Structs still have to use handle vars sometimes.


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Does anyone know how often moderators look through spell submissions?


We are all noobs! in different states of Noobism!
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Your map and code is missing stuff. Your missing a section of the library at the top.
The map crashes to wc3 main menu.


master of fugue
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Yes, it is an integer attachment system. It's an array that uses handles converted to integers as it's index. (All handles' integer values start at around hex 0x100000 and go up.) Much faster than gamecache. (And ABC...)
Also unsafe. (what happens when indexes break array limit of 8192?)
It is just a noob version of Vexorian's CSData. (witch is safe)
much faster than ABC? I lol'ed.


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Look at the top of the trigger. Scroll to the right. It's there. It doesn't crash to the desktop. (Unless you did something.)

If you have more than 8192 unnulled handles in your map, your map has some serious problems. And about speed, check out the benchmark test results http://wc3campaigns.net/showthread.php?t=96879


master of fugue
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You know that bullshit about 8192 not-nulled handles is something I heard million times by now.

More than half maps are made mostly in GUI, and even if GUI mappers clean leaks, they usually don't null handles.
And even if you are a jass-only mapper you cannot null all handles because 20% of blizzards functions have handle leaks.
Not to mention return leaks.

So sooner or later a map that uses systems that are based on 0x100000 will either crash or get slow.

And benchmark results that PandaMine posted are a bit rigged:
Attaching and Retrieving Structs through a single handle (timer)
HSAS ~ 93 Executions Per Millisecond
ABC ~ 56 Executions Per Millisecond
Gamecache ~ 52 Executions Per Millisecond
Where did you ever see a map that has only one timer?

Attaching and Retrieving Structs through a multiple handles stored in an array (timer)
HSAS ~ 83 Executions Per Millisecond
ABC ~ 61 Executions Per Millisecond
Gamecache ~ 56 Executions Per Millisecond
This results are almost OK.
There is only a small problem that this test was made in NewGen debug mode.
ABC is slower in debug mode because it has error/warning reporting,
a feature that no other system of this type has.

So in release mode ABC will be maybe 10 Executions Per Millisecond slower than 0x100000 based systems.
But after half an hour of playing a map 0x100000 systems will start to show problems while ABC will continue to work normally.

Oh gee did I forget to null some variable?
Oh yes I don't give a shit because I use ABC.

But hay I always say, speed is not everything.
Lets talk about type-safety.
What happens when you use one of those 0x100000 systems and get a brilliant idea to attach things to units?

ERROR - your code is not MUI any more.
Witch is worse if spell that uses unit attaching is cast on the same unit twice game will probably crash.

I guess now your map has some bigger problems than 8192 not-nulled handles.


We are all noobs! in different states of Noobism!
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Look at the top of the trigger. Scroll to the right. It's there. It doesn't crash to the desktop. (Unless you did something.)

Now you're just being insulting.

I just downloaded it again and it works. The Spells good. I mustve done something Retarded.

Constructive criticism:
Please fix the spaces of all those blank lines and library on the FAR right. Those shouldn't be there and its not hard to fix. Tighten up the spaces between the top parts, private functions and the level settings. The bottom is nice and readable.


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@ cohadar
Okay, now you're just being a douche. I've tested it and it works when cast on a unit multiple times. And it is small, so I can put it directly in the trigger. The spell is responsible for itself, not the map it is used in. If someone's map is really leaky, that's the author's fault. Besides, that is what I chose to use. It's not your concern. End of discussion.

@ Chovynz (Apologies for all that.)
I moved those there so that the configuration is easier to understand and less confusing with all these other things around it. But perhaps I will do away with that.


Staff Member and irregular helper
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If someone's map is really leaky, that's the author's fault.
Despite how rude you think he was the concern is real, it doesn't take leaks to reach H2I - 0x100000 > 8192.

For example, on the DOTA Template this test:
function H2I takes handle h returns integer
    return h
    return 0

function DoTest takes nothing returns nothing
    local location l = Location(0,0)
    call BJDebugMsg(I2S(H2I(l)-0x100000))
    call RemoveLocation(l)
    set l = null

Gives 5121 after 30 seconds (this is before any spawns and before anything at all happens in the game), and gives 5450 after 2 minutes (this is after two waves and me selecting one hero).
Most of the handles are the destructables, other things that add up are multiboard cells, units, triggers, blizzard.j stuff, ect.


Staff Member and irregular helper
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Twice, once after 30 seconds and once after 120 seconds. The DoTest is just stuff I added myself to the map and not really important. The point is that it's possible, and not even unlikely, that a leak free map can reach 8192 handles. Afaik, the maximum destructable limit is 10000 so you can reach the handle limit(*) with pre-placed destructables alone. 10000 is not that much on an epic RPG map :p

(*) In lack of a better word.


master of fugue
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Like I said attaching to units is not MUI.

Casting lightning shield on same unit from 2 heroes.
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