Spellpack Strength Requiem, Gold Transmittion, Critical Buff, Lucky Barrier


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
It has been a long long time that I has submitting spells, I'm start it again. :D

~GaLs~ proudly presents the
Passive Spell Pack

This spell pack focus to the aspect of passive spell.
Since I saw in the forum, most of them are active spell, why no people making passive spell? I made it then. xD

All of the spell contains the following characteristic.
  • MUI (Multi Unit Instanceability)
  • Lagless
  • Fast

Now now, lets start the introduction.
*I will spoiler tag up all the spells as it takes time to load, if you are interested, just open it, else, ignore it and post at below. :D

Strength Requiem
Give chances to increase owns damage but increases the enemy's armor as well.
Level 1 - 5% to increase its enemy's armor by 10 and increases self's damage by 100%.
Level 2 - 10% to increase its enemy's armor by 20 and increases self's damage by 200%.
Level 3 - 15% to increase the enemy's armor by 30 and increases self's damage by 300%.
Duration - 3 seconds.

scope StrengthRequiem

//                                 Strength Requiem                                 
//                                by kentchow75/~GaLs~
// Implemention Instruction
// -Object Needed to be copied from Object Editor to your map.
//  [ Ability ]
//  1. Increase Armor [R] [StrengthRequiem]
//  2. Increase Damage [D] [StrengthRequiem]
//  3. Strength Requiem
//  [ Buff ]
//  1. Increase Armor [StrengthRequiem]
//  2. Increase Damage [StrengthRequiem]
//  3. Strength Requiem [StrengthRequiem]
//  [ Unit ]
//  1. Dummy +Armor/+Damage [StrengthRequiem]
// -Trigger  
//  1. Copy this whole trigger to your map.
// -Requirements
//  1. Jass NewGen WorldEditor from <a href="http://www.wc3campaigns.net" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">www.wc3campaigns.net</a>. ( v4b and above )
//  Implementation End                                 

//  Configuration  (This is where you need to edit to make the spell works in your map)
//&lt;-------------------- Percentage --------------------&gt;//

private constant function GetPercent takes integer level returns integer
    return level*5   //Level * 5

//&lt;------------------ Percentage End ------------------&gt;//


//&lt;-------------------- Rawcode --------------------&gt;//
    private constant integer SR_Id = &#039;A000&#039;
//Rawcode of Strength Requiem

    private constant integer SR_Dm = &#039;A003&#039;
//Rawcode of Increase Damage [D] [Strength Requiem]

    private constant integer SR_Am = &#039;A001&#039;
//Rawcode of Increase Armor [A] [Strength Requiem]

    private constant integer SR_Dy = &#039;h001&#039;
//Rawcode of +Damage/Armor unit.
//&lt;------------------ Rawcode End ------------------&gt;//
//  Configuration End

// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//


private struct StrReq
unit atker
unit trgerunit
integer lvl
integer percent
    method PlusArmor takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(.atker),SR_Dy,GetUnitX(.atker),GetUnitY(.atker),0)
        call UnitAddAbility(u,SR_Am)
        call SetUnitAbilityLevel(u,SR_Am,.lvl)
        call UnitApplyTimedLife(u,&#039;BTLF&#039;,1)
        call IssueTargetOrder(u,&quot;innerfire&quot;,.trgerunit)
    set u = null
    method PlusDamage takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(.atker),SR_Dy,GetUnitX(.atker),GetUnitY(.atker),0)
        call UnitAddAbility(u,SR_Dm)
        call SetUnitAbilityLevel(u,SR_Dm,.lvl)
        call UnitApplyTimedLife(u,&#039;BTLF&#039;,1)
        call IssueTargetOrder(u,&quot;innerfire&quot;,.atker)
    set u = null
    static method create takes unit atk, unit trg returns StrReq
        local StrReq SR = StrReq.allocate()
        set SR.atker = atk
        set SR.trgerunit = trg
        set SR.lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(SR.atker, SR_Id)
        set SR.percent = GetPercent(SR.lvl)
        if GetRandomInt(0,100) &lt;= SR.percent then
            call SR.PlusArmor()
            call SR.PlusDamage()
    call SR.destroy()
    return 0


private function SRCond takes nothing returns boolean
if GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetEventDamageSource(),SR_Id) &gt; 0 then
    call StrReq.create(GetEventDamageSource(),GetTriggerUnit())

return false

//&lt;-- Damaged Main Engine --&gt;//
    private trigger CALL_BACK = null
    private trigger PERIODIC = CreateTrigger()

private function pickedCond takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetUnitState(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_STATE_LIFE)&gt;0 and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) == false

private function pickedAct takes nothing returns nothing
    call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(CALL_BACK,GetEnumUnit(),EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)

private function PeriodicAct takes nothing returns nothing
local group picked = CreateGroup()

    //Setting Trigger
    if CALL_BACK != null then
        call DestroyTrigger(CALL_BACK)
    set CALL_BACK = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerAddCondition(CALL_BACK,Condition(function SRCond))

    call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(picked, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,Condition(function pickedCond))
    call ForGroup(picked, function pickedAct)
call DestroyGroup(picked)
set picked = null
//&lt;-- Damaged Main Engine End --&gt;//

function InitTrig_Strength_Requiem takes nothing returns nothing
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(PERIODIC,.1,true)
    call TriggerAddAction(PERIODIC,function PeriodicAct)



Gold Transmittion
This unit has chances to poke a hole in its foe's poket and steals money from it.
Chances - 3 x Level.
Gold - 5 x Level.
scope GoldTransmittion

//                                 Gold Transmittion                                 
//                                by kentchow75/~GaLs~
// Implemention Instruction
// -Object Needed to be copied from Object Editor to your map.
//  [ Ability ]
//  1. Gold Transmittion
// -Trigger  
//  1. Copy this whole trigger to your map.
// -Requirements
//  1. Jass NewGen WorldEditor from <a href="http://www.wc3campaigns.net" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">www.wc3campaigns.net</a>. ( v4b and above )
// -Optional
//  1. Import the icon in Import Manager to your map. It is Passive Transmute icon.
//  Implementation End                                 

//  Configuration  (This is where you need to edit to make the spell works in your map)
//&lt;-------------------- Percentage --------------------&gt;//
private constant function GetPercent takes integer level returns integer
    return 3 * level    //3 * Level
//&lt;------------------ Percentage End ------------------&gt;//

//&lt;-------------------- Gold --------------------&gt;//
private constant function GetGold takes integer level returns integer
    return 5 * level    //Gold stole when ability fired. ( 5 * Level )
//&lt;------------------ Gold End ------------------&gt;//

//  &lt;-------------------- Rawcode --------------------&gt;
    private constant integer GT_ID = &#039;A004&#039; 
//  Rawcode of Gold Transmittion
//  &lt;------------------ Rawcode End ------------------&gt;
//  &lt;-------------------- Special Effect --------------------&gt;
    private constant string  GT_SF = &quot;UI\\Feedback\\GoldCredit\\GoldCredit.mdl&quot;  
//  This is the special effect that will spawn when the ability is fired.      
//  &lt;------------------ Special Effect End------------------&gt;
//  Configuration End

// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//

    private sound GT_SD

private struct GoldT
unit atker
unit atked
integer lvl
integer perc
integer gold
texttag tt
texttag tt2
    method PlaySoundOnUnit takes sound soundHandle, real volumePercent, unit whichUnit returns nothing
        call AttachSoundToUnitBJ(soundHandle, whichUnit)
        call SetSoundVolumeBJ(soundHandle, volumePercent)
        call StartSound(soundHandle)
    method StealGold takes nothing returns nothing
        call SetPlayerState(GetOwningPlayer(.atked),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,GetPlayerState(GetOwningPlayer(.atked),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)-.gold)
        call SetPlayerState(GetOwningPlayer(.atker),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,GetPlayerState(GetOwningPlayer(.atker),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)+.gold)
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(GT_SF,.atked,&quot;overhead&quot;))
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(GT_SF,.atker,&quot;overhead&quot;))
        call .PlaySoundOnUnit(GT_SD,100, .atked)
    method CreateTT takes nothing returns nothing
    set .tt = CreateTextTag()
        call SetTextTagText(.tt,&quot;-&quot;+I2S(.gold),10 * 0.023 / 10)
        call SetTextTagVelocityBJ(.tt, 64,90)
        call SetTextTagPos(.tt, GetUnitX(.atked),GetUnitY(.atked),100)
        call SetTextTagPermanent(.tt,false)
        call SetTextTagFadepoint(.tt,1)
        call SetTextTagColor(.tt,255,255,1,255)
        call SetTextTagLifespan(.tt,2)
    set .tt2 = CreateTextTag()
        call SetTextTagText(.tt2,&quot;+&quot;+I2S(.gold),10 * 0.023 / 10)
        call SetTextTagVelocityBJ(.tt2, 64,90)
        call SetTextTagPos(.tt2, GetUnitX(.atker),GetUnitY(.atker),100)
        call SetTextTagPermanent(.tt2,false)
        call SetTextTagFadepoint(.tt2,1)
        call SetTextTagColor(.tt2,255,255,1,255)
        call SetTextTagLifespan(.tt2,2)
    static method create takes unit atk, unit atk_ed returns GoldT
    local GoldT GT = GoldT.allocate()
        set GT.atker = atk
        set GT.atked = atk_ed
        set GT.lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(atk, GT_ID)
        set GT.perc = GetPercent(GT.lvl)
        set GT.gold = GetGold(GT.lvl)
        if GetRandomInt(0,100) &lt;= GT.perc then
            call GT.StealGold()
            call GT.CreateTT()
    call GT.destroy()
    return 0


private function GTCond takes nothing returns boolean
if GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetEventDamageSource(),GT_ID)&gt;0 then
    call GoldT.create(GetEventDamageSource(),GetTriggerUnit())

return false

//&lt;-- Damaged Main Engine --&gt;//
    private trigger CALL_BACK = null
    private trigger PERIODIC = CreateTrigger()

private function pickedCond takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetUnitState(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_STATE_LIFE)&gt;0 and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) == false

private function pickedAct takes nothing returns nothing
    call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(CALL_BACK,GetEnumUnit(),EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)

private function PeriodicAct takes nothing returns nothing
local group picked = CreateGroup()

    //Setting Trigger
    if CALL_BACK != null then
        call DestroyTrigger(CALL_BACK)
    set CALL_BACK = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerAddCondition(CALL_BACK,Condition(function GTCond))

    call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(picked, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,Condition(function pickedCond))
    call ForGroup(picked, function pickedAct)
call DestroyGroup(picked)
set picked = null
//&lt;-- Damaged Main Engine End --&gt;//

function InitTrig_Gold_Transmittion takes nothing returns nothing
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(PERIODIC,.1,true)
    call TriggerAddAction(PERIODIC,function PeriodicAct)

    set GT_SD = CreateSound( &quot;Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Transmute\\AlchemistTransmuteDeath1.wav&quot;, false, true, true, 10, 10, &quot;CombatSoundsEAX&quot; )
    call SetSoundParamsFromLabel( GT_SD, &quot;TransmuteMissileImpact&quot; )
    call SetSoundDuration( GT_SD, 1601 )



Critical Buff
This unit buffs nearby ally unit and gives them chances to deal critical damage.
Chances - 15+(10 x Level).
Multiply - 1.5+(0.5 x Level).
scope CriticalBuff

//                                 Critical Buff                                 
//                                by kentchow75/~GaLs~
// Implemention Instruction
// -Object Needed to be copied from Object Editor to your map.
//  [ Ability ]
//  1. Critical Strike [CS Buff]
//  2. Spell Book [CS Buff]
//  3. Critical Buff
//  [ Buff ]
//  1. Critical Buff
// -Trigger  
//  1. Copy this whole trigger to your map.
// -Requirements
//  1. Jass NewGen WorldEditor from <a href="http://www.wc3campaigns.net" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">www.wc3campaigns.net</a>. ( v4b and above )
//  Implementation End                                 


//  Configuration  (This is where you need to edit to make the spell works in your map)
//&lt;-------------------- Rawcode --------------------&gt;//
    private constant integer CB_ID = &#039;A007&#039;
//Rawcode of Critical Buff

    private constant integer CBR_ID = &#039;A005&#039;
//Rawcode of Critical Strike [CS Buff]

    private constant integer SB_ID = &#039;A006&#039;
//Rawcode of Spell Book [CS Buff]

    private constant integer CBBUFF_ID = &#039;B004&#039;
//Rawcode of the buff Critical Buff
//&lt;-------------------- Rawcode --------------------&gt;//
//&lt;-------------------- Effect Range --------------------&gt;//
private constant function GetEffectRange takes integer lvl returns real
    return 450.+(100. * lvl)  //How far will this buff affect
//&lt;-------------------- Effect Range End --------------------&gt;//

//  Configuration End

// FAQ
// Q. How to adjust the critical strike data? (Multiply, percentage and others)
// A. All of these can be adjust at &quot;Critical Strike [CS Buff]&quot; ability.
// Q. Is the effect range should be the same as the one in &quot;Critical Buff&quot; ability?
// A. Yes, it should be the same or else it will malfunction, use a nice formula to make it accurately same as in object editor.
// FAQ End

// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
    private group HOST = CreateGroup()
    private group CHILD = CreateGroup()

private struct CritiBuff
        static method ChildCond takes nothing returns boolean
            return GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetFilterUnit(),CBBUFF_ID) &gt;0
        static method HostAct takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit host = GetEnumUnit()
        local unit leecher
        local integer lvl
        local real Er = GetEffectRange(GetUnitAbilityLevel(host,CB_ID))
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(CHILD, GetUnitX(host),GetUnitY(host),Er+9000,Condition(function CritiBuff.ChildCond))
            set leecher = FirstOfGroup(CHILD)
            set lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(host,CB_ID)
            exitwhen leecher == null
            //&lt;- Adding Real Buff -&gt;//
                if SquareRoot((GetUnitX(leecher)-GetUnitX(host)) * (GetUnitX(leecher)-GetUnitX(host)) + (GetUnitY(leecher)-GetUnitY(host)) * (GetUnitY(leecher)-GetUnitY(host))) &lt; Er+30 then 
                    if GetUnitAbilityLevel(leecher, CBR_ID) &lt; lvl then
                        call UnitAddAbility(leecher,SB_ID)
                        call SetUnitAbilityLevel(leecher, CBR_ID,lvl)
                        call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(GetOwningPlayer(leecher),SB_ID,false)
                elseif SquareRoot((GetUnitX(leecher)-GetUnitX(host)) * (GetUnitX(leecher)-GetUnitX(host)) + (GetUnitY(leecher)-GetUnitY(host)) * (GetUnitY(leecher)-GetUnitY(host))) &gt; Er+30 then
                    call UnitRemoveAbility(leecher, CBR_ID)
                    call UnitRemoveAbility(leecher, SB_ID)
            //&lt;- Adding Real Buff End -&gt;//
            call GroupRemoveUnit(CHILD,leecher)
            set leecher = FirstOfGroup(CHILD)
        set leecher = null
        set host = null
        static method HostCond takes nothing returns boolean
            return GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetFilterUnit(),CB_ID) &gt; 0

        static method create takes nothing returns CritiBuff
        local CritiBuff cb = CritiBuff.allocate()
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(HOST,bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,Condition(function CritiBuff.HostCond))
            call ForGroup(HOST,function CritiBuff.HostAct)
        call cb.destroy()
        return 0


function InitTrig_Critical_Buff takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerAddAction(t, function CritiBuff.create)
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(t,0.1,true)



Lucky Barrier
Can bashes any unit that attacks this unit.
7 x level %
Damage - 50 x level
Distance - 400  per second
Period - 00.25 x lvl
scope LuckyBarrier

//                                    Lucky Barrier                                 
//                                by kentchow75/~GaLs~
// Implemention Instruction
// -Object Needed to be copied from Object Editor to your map.
//  [ Ability ]
//  1. Lucky Barrier
//  [ Buff ]
//  1. Lucky Barrier
// -Trigger  
//  1. Copy this whole trigger to your map.
//  2. Copy ABC to your map if you don&#039;t have one.
// -Requirements
//  1. Jass NewGen WorldEditor from <a href="http://www.wc3campaigns.net" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">www.wc3campaigns.net</a>. ( v4b and above )
//  2. ABC system.
//  Implementation End                                 

//  Configuration  (This is where you need to edit to make the spell works in your map)
//&lt;-------------------- Percentage --------------------&gt;//

private constant function GetPercentage takes integer lvl returns integer
    return lvl * 7 //lvl x 7

//&lt;------------------ Percentage End ------------------&gt;//
//&lt;-------------------- Damage --------------------&gt;//

private constant function GetDamage takes integer lvl returns real
    return lvl * 50. //lvl x 50

//&lt;-------------------- Damage End --------------------&gt;//
//&lt;-------------------- Period --------------------&gt;//

private constant function GetPeriod takes integer lvl returns real
    return .25 * lvl//0.25 * lvl

//&lt;-------------------- Period End --------------------&gt;//
//&lt;-------------------- Rawcode --------------------&gt;//

    private constant integer LB_ID = &#039;A008&#039; //Rawcode of Lucky Barrier Ability
    private constant integer LBBuff_ID = &#039;B005&#039; //Rawcode of Lucky Barrier Buff
//&lt;-------------------- Rawcode End --------------------&gt;//
//&lt;-------------------- Slide Rate --------------------&gt;//

    private constant real LB_SLIDE_RATE = 8. // Slide the unit x range per LB_SPD second
//&lt;-------------------- Slide Rate End --------------------&gt;//
//&lt;-------------------- Speed --------------------&gt;//

    private constant real LB_SPD = 0.02 //The current spd is 8 range per 0.02 sec. (Aka 400 range per second)

//&lt;-------------------- Speed End--------------------&gt;//
//&lt;-------------------- Effects --------------------&gt;//
    private constant string LB_KS_EFFECT = &quot;Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\SpiritOfVengeance\\SpiritOfVengeanceBirthMissile.mdl&quot;
    // ^ The effect that appear when knocking back a unit.
    private constant string LB_SHIELD_EFFECT = &quot;Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\SpellShieldAmulet\\SpellShieldCaster.mdl&quot;
    // ^ The effect that appear at the caster when this spell is fired.
//&lt;-------------------- Effects End --------------------&gt;//
//  Configuration End

// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//


private struct LBarrier
unit atked
unit atker
integer lvl
real array x [3]
real array y [3]
real newx
real newy
real stopx
real stopy
real BashAngle
real Counter = 0
real TotalPeriod
boolean fired
timer SlideT = CreateTimer()
    private static method slide takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
    local LBarrier lb = GetTimerStructA(t)
    set lb.newx = lb.x[2] + LB_SLIDE_RATE * Cos(lb.BashAngle * bj_DEGTORAD)
    set lb.newy = lb.y[2] + LB_SLIDE_RATE * Sin(lb.BashAngle * bj_DEGTORAD)
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(LB_KS_EFFECT,lb.newx, lb.newy))
        call IssueImmediateOrder(lb.atker, &quot;stop&quot;)
        //Check if Pathing Available
        if IsTerrainPathable(lb.newx, lb.newy, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY) == false then    
            call SetUnitX(lb.atker, lb.newx)
            call SetUnitY(lb.atker, lb.newy)
        set lb.x[2] = GetUnitX(lb.atker)
        set lb.y[2] = GetUnitY(lb.atker)
        //The custom counting
        set lb.Counter = lb.Counter + LB_SPD
        if lb.Counter &gt;= lb.TotalPeriod then
            call lb.destroy()
    set t = null

    static method create takes unit attked, unit attacker returns LBarrier
    local LBarrier lb = LBarrier.allocate()
    set lb.atked = attked
    set lb.atker = attacker
    set lb.lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(lb.atked,LB_ID)
    set lb.fired = GetRandomInt(0,100) &lt;= (GetPercentage(lb.lvl)) and (IsUnitType(attacker, UNIT_TYPE_MELEE_ATTACKER) == true) and (IsUnitEnemy(attacker, GetOwningPlayer(attked))==true)
    set lb.x[1] = GetUnitX(attked)
    set lb.y[1] = GetUnitY(attked)
    set lb.x[2] = GetUnitX(attacker)
    set lb.y[2] = GetUnitY(attacker)
    set lb.BashAngle = bj_RADTODEG * (Atan2(lb.y[2] - lb.y[1], lb.x[2] - lb.x[1]))//atked --&gt; atker
    set lb.TotalPeriod = GetPeriod(lb.lvl)
    call SetTimerStructA(lb.SlideT, lb)
        if lb.fired == true then
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(LB_SHIELD_EFFECT,lb.atked,&quot;origin&quot;)) //x3 to improve visual effects
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(LB_SHIELD_EFFECT,lb.atked,&quot;origin&quot;))
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(LB_SHIELD_EFFECT,lb.atked,&quot;origin&quot;))
            call UnitDamageTarget(lb.atked, lb.atker, GetDamage(lb.lvl),true,false,ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL,DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC,null)
            call TimerStart(lb.SlideT,LB_SPD, true, function LBarrier.slide)
        elseif lb.fired == false then
            call lb.destroy()
            return 0
    return lb
    method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call PauseTimer(.SlideT)
        call ClearTimerStructA(.SlideT)
        call DestroyTimer(.SlideT)


private function Cond takes nothing returns boolean
if GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(),LB_ID)&gt;0 then
    call LBarrier.create(GetTriggerUnit(), GetAttacker())

return false

function InitTrig_Lucky_Barrier takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED)
    call TriggerAddCondition(t,Condition(function Cond))



Download it here:

View attachment [Spell Pack] Passive v1.2.w3x
[Spell Pack] Passive v1.1.w3x
[Spell Pack] Passive v1.0.w3x

Q - Why use filefront instead of uploading to this site?
A - This is not the final version, people will critic me, and I will upload newer version. I will only upload the final version to TH.
A - I don't know why can't press the attachment button...
[B][U][I]Change Log[/I][/U][/B]
v1.2 - Fixed misc code issue pointed out by Andrewgosu and released a beta code. (But he didn't appear to check it out.)
     - Fixed a leak mistake pointed out by Tinki3. (CALL_BACK==null should be !=)
v1.1 - Fixed a bug pointed out by GoGo-Boy which the sliding doesn't stop because unit can't reach its destination. 
       (Fixed by changing system abit)
v1.0 - First released.
Feel free to critic me. :p


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
I don't know why I can't, the forum won't let me to click the attachment button.


You can change this now in User CP
Reaction score
I really like critical buff and lucky barrier, the other two aren't very innovative imo^^.
However, there seems to occur a bug with the bash-slide from lucky barrier when the unit is in water or gets pushed to water. Neither the special effect nor the sliding stops. You should fix that.


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
>>However, there seems to occur a bug with the bash-slide from lucky barrier when the unit is in water or gets pushed to water. Neither the special effect nor the sliding stops. You should fix that.
Thanks for the report, I didn't test it before in water.

Edit -
Fixed that issue.
Cause - Unit unable to reach destination and caused a forever periodic timer.
Fixed - Changed the system a bit and it now uses timer to determine when should the knockback stop instead of when the unit reaches its destination.

Note - I will upload the map tomorrow or later on, report more issue is appreciated.


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
>>i dont like the names, but i like the spells.
Sorry, but I do admit that I had no creativity of naming.


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
>>Very innovative Spellpack.
I like the Critical buff one the most ^^

Well thanks.
Actually, that system could be modified to become a universal buff spell instead of just critical strike.


The Silent Pandaren Helper
Reaction score
    private method DistBtwReal takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
        return SquareRoot(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)))
    private method offsetX takes real x1, real dist, real angle returns real
        return x1 + dist * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
    private method offsetY takes real y1, real dist, real angle returns real
        return y1 + dist * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
    private method AngBtwReal takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
        return bj_RADTODEG * (Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1))

You do know functions like these are worse than BJ's?

They add to function calls amount and aren't compatible like the BJ are.

Call them directly or I will murder some small animals. And I am dead-serious. Maybe.


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
>>You do know functions like these are worse than BJ's?
Not all BJs are bad. TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEvent is the best example.

>>They add to function calls amount and aren't compatible like the BJ are.
Don't understand.

>>Call them directly or I will murder some small animals. And I am dead-serious. Maybe.
I could call the formula directly but instead I do it in a 2 step work.
1. For me, I had bad maths, I seperate them up to make it non-confuse when I debuging them.
2. It is more tidy, right? Or you would say a line of function call of 10 miles long would be tidy-er...

Don't murder small animals. It is not worth it.

I will try get more critic before updating the map. I'm not those guys which update a map once every bug found. More critic to be expected.


The Silent Pandaren Helper
Reaction score
I mean, every map has the 'blizzard.j' file, which contains all the BJ-functions. They are same for all. Compatible.

The functions you use are not. (The names already are untraditional, beginning in lower case)

You could have at least made them public and put them inside a library, so you wouldn't have to declare them more than once (function "DistBtwReal" is declared twice).

So they would be all-purpose, not spell-specific.

But that's not the point.

Why do "local real x = offsetX(x1, dist, angle)" if you can do it directly?

"local real x = x1 + dist * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)"

It saves a function call. The length of the code does not matter, the amount of function calls does.

The fewer the function call amount, the more smooth code. (That is especially important when dealing with timer-intensive spells)

In addition, I took a closer look at your code, and something really bothers me. And I will keep on nagging on you until it is fixed.

You should start to name your variables more descriptively! "e" for a unit is well, not good. Maybe it is for you, but not for other code readers, possible users.

Also, please, if you declare globals variables, write the names in capital letters!

I took me quite some time to find out where the variable "p" in function "pickedAct" for the 'Gold Transmittion' spell came.


"local unit e = GetEnumUnit()"
"call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(p,e,EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)"
"set e = null"

Can be optimised to a single line of code.

"call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(p, GetEnumUnit(), EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)"

Next, I don't see you destroying any triggeractions. They need to be destroyed. (Another option is to use conditions instead of triggeractions)


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
>>The functions you use are not. (The names already are untraditional, beginning in lower case)
Well, who stated that function's name must be begining in Upper Case?

>>You could have at least made them public and put them inside a library, so you wouldn't have to declare them more than once (function "DistBtwReal" is declared twice).
So they would be all-purpose, not spell-specific.

I seperate them is for spell-specific, because some spell might not need it, but you are also right of it, these things should be all-purpose.

If you want me to make them in a library, then every spell will need that specific library and will need do extra trigger copying... Or should I make the library spell specified? xD

>>"local real x = x1 + dist * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)"
Because I am bad in maths, and it is not even my standard to study those things... (I even don't know what Cos/Sin does.)
So I seperate them up into function calling is not to make me confusing myself when checking the code.

Hmm, there is also a way to solve this too. I will do then calculation directly, but I will add tons of comment in exchange. :p (I am serious.)

>>The fewer the function call amount, the more smooth code.
True, and I knew of it already. (Yea, just a milisecond.)

>>"e" for a unit is well, not good. Maybe it is for you, but not for other code readers, possible users.
Oh, it is the damaged system, which I made half a year ago.
I will change it. (Actually it represent "EnumUnit", so I uses the "E" for the name of the var.)

>>Also, please, if you declare globals variables, write the names in capital letters!
Well, who stated it again? Maybe I am not a programmer, I don't know what is your sight of view to a piece of code. But I, just think that those variable is for private use (Spell specified), so I will just simply name it (Atleast it is self explaining).

>>I took me quite some time to find out where the variable "p" in function "pickedAct" for the 'Gold Transmittion' spell came.
I should be easy to find it, Every thing inside the Damage System will not be anywhere but inside the comment border.

? "NB!"?

>>Can be optimised to a single line of code.
Well, yea. My knowledge ends at those 3 lines when I am half a year ago.

>>Next, I don't see you destroying any triggeractions. They need to be destroyed. (Another option is to use conditions instead of triggeractions)
Well, I have no knowledge about how triggeractions leaks.
I bet I need a tutorial on it, any?

I'll fix it by replacing the actions code into the Condition's function and make it always return false.


The Silent Pandaren Helper
Reaction score
Well, who stated that function's name must be begining in Upper Case?

Functions in JASS start with a capital letter and each new words' first letter is capitalized, too.


That is not a written law, but it's just the way it is.

On the other hand, when you use methods, it's fine to start the method name in lower case, but each word still needs to be separated by capitalizing.


Because I am bad in maths, and it is not even my standard to study those things... (I even don't know what Cos/Sin does.)
So I seperate them up into function calling is not to make me confusing myself when checking the code.

Hmm, there is also a way to solve this too. I will do then calculation directly, but I will add tons of comment in exchange. :p (I am serious.)

You mean, you hide everything you don't know about to the deepest corners of the Earth and deny their existence? :)

What's so difficult about using the values directly?

private method offsetX takes real x1, real dist, real angle returns real
     return [B]x1[/B] + [B]dist[/B] * Cos([B]angle[/B] * bj_DEGTORAD)

You just have to replace the text in bold with your values, instead calling the function.

Well, who stated it again? Maybe I am not a programmer, I don't know what is your sight of view to a piece of code. But I, just think that those variable is for private use (Spell specified), so I will just simply name it (Atleast it is self explaining).

Back in the days with no NewGen, one had to declare globals using the Variable Editor.

Every global variable has an 'udg_' prefix.' To separate them from local variables. Everyone was happy.

At present, you can declare globals with the help of NewGen and you don't have to write the prefixes anymore.

However, if there are no prefixes, how to separate globals from locals?

That's where block letters come to play.


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
>>That is not a written law, but it's just the way it is.
So, can't it just my way it is? (Just my oppinion.)
If you demand it, I will change it.

My oppinion of it will be, it is a private function which is used by the spell, it doesn't needed to be showed to everyone or to be called everywhere.

>>You mean, you hide everything you don't know about to the deepest corners of the Earth and deny their existence?
I do accept their existence but it is the fact the I don't know about it. I will try to evade it and make through it by the way I prefer and I understood.

>>What's so difficult about using the values directly?
No difficulties.

>>You just have to replace the text in bold with your values, instead calling the function.
I don't like reading maths afterwards. As you didn't answer my question in the early stage.

It is hard to be read afterwards if it is written in that way, atleast for me.
I would like to wrap them up nicely with the help of extra functions.

But I will change it if you demand it.

>>Back in the days with no NewGen, one had to declare globals using the Variable Editor.

Every global variable has an 'udg_' prefix.' To separate them from local variables. Everyone was happy.

Yea, true!
But during that time, I will rather uses locals and Kattana's system instead.
Don't compare the past and now. Past is past, now is now. :)

>>how to separate globals from locals?
Well, use you eyes and read? =.=''

I don't really sees a reason to stated out what variables are locals and what variables are locals.
It should not be called or used anywhere other than the system itself.
And the system is not used by anybody else, I, the one that understand it, is enough.

I will change it too, if you demand.

Well, nevermind, I did a big change on every code.

This is the Beta code, take a look. If it is ok, then I will remove all comment and update the map.
(Those comments is the older version of code, just in case they didn't work, I can revert it back.)
scope StrengthRequiem

//                                 Strength Requiem                                 
//                                by kentchow75/~GaLs~
// Implemention Instruction
// -Object Needed to be copied from Object Editor to your map.
//  [ Ability ]
//  1. Increase Armor [R] [StrengthRequiem]
//  2. Increase Damage [D] [StrengthRequiem]
//  3. Strength Requiem
//  [ Buff ]
//  1. Increase Armor [StrengthRequiem]
//  2. Increase Damage [StrengthRequiem]
//  3. Strength Requiem [StrengthRequiem]
//  [ Unit ]
//  1. Dummy +Armor/+Damage [StrengthRequiem]
// -Trigger  
//  1. Copy this whole trigger to your map.
// -Requirements
//  1. Jass NewGen WorldEditor from <a href="http://www.wc3campaigns.net" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">www.wc3campaigns.net</a>. ( v4b and above )
//  Implementation End                                 

//  Configuration  (This is where you need to edit to make the spell works in your map)
//&lt;-------------------- Percentage --------------------&gt;//

private constant function GetPercent takes integer level returns integer
    return level*5   //Level * 5

//&lt;------------------ Percentage End ------------------&gt;//


//&lt;-------------------- Rawcode --------------------&gt;//
    private constant integer SR_Id = &#039;A000&#039;
//Rawcode of Strength Requiem

    private constant integer SR_Dm = &#039;A003&#039;
//Rawcode of Increase Damage [D] [Strength Requiem]

    private constant integer SR_Am = &#039;A001&#039;
//Rawcode of Increase Armor [A] [Strength Requiem]

    private constant integer SR_Dy = &#039;h001&#039;
//Rawcode of +Damage/Armor unit.
//&lt;------------------ Rawcode End ------------------&gt;//
//  Configuration End

// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//


private struct StrReq
unit atker
unit trgerunit
integer lvl
integer percent
    method PlusArmor takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(.atker),SR_Dy,GetUnitX(.atker),GetUnitY(.atker),0)
        call UnitAddAbility(u,SR_Am)
        call SetUnitAbilityLevel(u,SR_Am,.lvl)
        call UnitApplyTimedLife(u,&#039;BTLF&#039;,1)
        call IssueTargetOrder(u,&quot;innerfire&quot;,.trgerunit)
    set u = null
    method PlusDamage takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(.atker),SR_Dy,GetUnitX(.atker),GetUnitY(.atker),0)
        call UnitAddAbility(u,SR_Dm)
        call SetUnitAbilityLevel(u,SR_Dm,.lvl)
        call UnitApplyTimedLife(u,&#039;BTLF&#039;,1)
        call IssueTargetOrder(u,&quot;innerfire&quot;,.atker)
    set u = null
    static method create takes unit atk, unit trg returns StrReq
        local StrReq SR = StrReq.allocate()
        set SR.atker = atk
        set SR.trgerunit = trg
        set SR.lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(SR.atker, SR_Id)
        set SR.percent = GetPercent(SR.lvl)
        if GetRandomInt(0,100) &lt;= SR.percent then
            call SR.PlusArmor()
            call SR.PlusDamage()
    call SR.destroy()
    return 0


private function SRCond takes nothing returns boolean
    //return GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetEventDamageSource(),SR_Id) &gt; 0
if GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetEventDamageSource(),SR_Id) &gt; 0 then
    call StrReq.create(GetEventDamageSource(),GetTriggerUnit())

return false

//private function SRAct takes nothing returns nothing
//local StrReq SR = StrReq.create(GetEventDamageSource(),GetTriggerUnit())
//    if GetRandomInt(0,100) &lt;= SR.percent then
//        call SR.PlusArmor()
//        call SR.PlusDamage()
//    endif
//call SR.destroy()

//&lt;-- Damaged Main Engine --&gt;//
    private trigger CALL_BACK = null//p = null
    private trigger PERIODIC = CreateTrigger()//time = CreateTrigger()

private function pickedCond takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetUnitState(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_STATE_LIFE)&gt;0 and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) == false

private function pickedAct takes nothing returns nothing
//local unit e = GetEnumUnit()
    call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(CALL_BACK,GetEnumUnit(),EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)//p,GetEnumUnit(),EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)
//set e = null

private function PeriodicAct takes nothing returns nothing//TimeAct takes nothing returns nothing
local group picked = CreateGroup()

    //Setting Trigger
    if CALL_BACK == null then//p != null then
        call DestroyTrigger(CALL_BACK)//p)
    set CALL_BACK = CreateTrigger()//p = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerAddCondition(CALL_BACK,Condition(function SRCond))//p,Condition(function SRCond))
    //call TriggerAddAction(CALL_BACK, function SRAct )//p, function SRAct )

    call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(picked, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,Condition(function pickedCond))
    call ForGroup(picked, function pickedAct)
call DestroyGroup(picked)
set picked = null
//&lt;-- Damaged Main Engine End --&gt;//

function InitTrig_Strength_Requiem takes nothing returns nothing
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(PERIODIC,.1,true)//time, .1, true)
    call TriggerAddAction(PERIODIC,function PeriodicAct)//time, function TimeAct)


scope GoldTransmittion

//                                   Gold Transmittion                                 
//                                by kentchow75/~GaLs~
// Implemention Instruction
// -Object Needed to be copied from Object Editor to your map.
//  [ Ability ]
//  1. Gold Transmittion
// -Trigger  
//  1. Copy this whole trigger to your map.
// -Requirements
//  1. Jass NewGen WorldEditor from <a href="http://www.wc3campaigns.net" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">www.wc3campaigns.net</a>. ( v4b and above )
// -Optional
//  1. Import the icon in Import Manager to your map. It is Passive Transmute icon.
//  Implementation End                                 

//  Configuration  (This is where you need to edit to make the spell works in your map)
//&lt;-------------------- Percentage --------------------&gt;//
private constant function GetPercent takes integer level returns integer
    return 3 * level    //3 * Level
//&lt;------------------ Percentage End ------------------&gt;//

//&lt;-------------------- Gold --------------------&gt;//
private constant function GetGold takes integer level returns integer
    return 5 * level    //Gold stole when ability fired. ( 5 * Level )
//&lt;------------------ Gold End ------------------&gt;//

//  &lt;-------------------- Rawcode --------------------&gt;
    private constant integer GT_ID = &#039;A004&#039; 
//  Rawcode of Gold Transmittion
//  &lt;------------------ Rawcode End ------------------&gt;
//  &lt;-------------------- Special Effect --------------------&gt;
    private constant string  GT_SF = &quot;UI\\Feedback\\GoldCredit\\GoldCredit.mdl&quot;  
//  This is the special effect that will spawn when the ability is fired.      
//  &lt;------------------ Special Effect End------------------&gt;
//  Configuration End

// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//

    private sound GT_SD

private struct GoldT
unit atker
unit atked
integer lvl
integer perc
integer gold
texttag tt
texttag tt2
    method PlaySoundOnUnit takes sound soundHandle, real volumePercent, unit whichUnit returns nothing
        call AttachSoundToUnitBJ(soundHandle, whichUnit)
        call SetSoundVolumeBJ(soundHandle, volumePercent)
        call StartSound(soundHandle)
    method StealGold takes nothing returns nothing
        call SetPlayerState(GetOwningPlayer(.atked),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,GetPlayerState(GetOwningPlayer(.atked),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)-.gold)
        call SetPlayerState(GetOwningPlayer(.atker),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD,GetPlayerState(GetOwningPlayer(.atker),PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)+.gold)
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(GT_SF,.atked,&quot;overhead&quot;))
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(GT_SF,.atker,&quot;overhead&quot;))
        call .PlaySoundOnUnit(GT_SD,100, .atked)
    method CreateTT takes nothing returns nothing
    set .tt = CreateTextTag()
        call SetTextTagText(.tt,&quot;-&quot;+I2S(.gold),10 * 0.023 / 10)
        call SetTextTagVelocityBJ(.tt, 64,90)
        call SetTextTagPos(.tt, GetUnitX(.atked),GetUnitY(.atked),100)
        call SetTextTagPermanent(.tt,false)
        call SetTextTagFadepoint(.tt,1)
        call SetTextTagColor(.tt,255,255,1,255)
        call SetTextTagLifespan(.tt,2)
    set .tt2 = CreateTextTag()
        call SetTextTagText(.tt2,&quot;+&quot;+I2S(.gold),10 * 0.023 / 10)
        call SetTextTagVelocityBJ(.tt2, 64,90)
        call SetTextTagPos(.tt2, GetUnitX(.atker),GetUnitY(.atker),100)
        call SetTextTagPermanent(.tt2,false)
        call SetTextTagFadepoint(.tt2,1)
        call SetTextTagColor(.tt2,255,255,1,255)
        call SetTextTagLifespan(.tt2,2)
    static method create takes unit atk, unit atk_ed returns GoldT
    local GoldT GT = GoldT.allocate()
        set GT.atker = atk
        set GT.atked = atk_ed
        set GT.lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(atk, GT_ID)
        set GT.perc = GetPercent(GT.lvl)
        set GT.gold = GetGold(GT.lvl)
        if GetRandomInt(0,100) &lt;= GT.perc then
            call GT.StealGold()
            call GT.CreateTT()
    call GT.destroy()
    return 0


private function GTCond takes nothing returns boolean
    //return GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetEventDamageSource(),GT_ID)&gt;0
if GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetEventDamageSource(),GT_ID)&gt;0 then
    call GoldT.create(GetEventDamageSource(),GetTriggerUnit())

return false

//function GTAct takes nothing returns nothing
//local GoldT GT = GoldT.create(GetEventDamageSource(),GetTriggerUnit())
//    if GetRandomInt(0,100) &lt;= GT.perc then
//        call GT.StealGold()
//        call GT.CreateTT()
//    endif
//call GT.destroy()

//&lt;-- Damaged Main Engine --&gt;//
    private trigger CALL_BACK = null//p = null
    private trigger PERIODIC = CreateTrigger()//time = CreateTrigger()

private function pickedCond takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetUnitState(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_STATE_LIFE)&gt;0 and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) == false

private function pickedAct takes nothing returns nothing
//local unit e = GetEnumUnit()
    call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(CALL_BACK,GetEnumUnit(),EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)//p,GetEnumUnit(),EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)
//set e = null

private function PeriodicAct takes nothing returns nothing//TimeAct takes nothing returns nothing
local group picked = CreateGroup()

    //Setting Trigger
    if CALL_BACK == null then//p != null then
        call DestroyTrigger(CALL_BACK)//p)
    set CALL_BACK = CreateTrigger()//p = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerAddCondition(CALL_BACK,Condition(function GTCond))//p,Condition(function SRCond))
    //call TriggerAddAction(CALL_BACK, function SRAct )//p, function SRAct )

    call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(picked, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,Condition(function pickedCond))
    call ForGroup(picked, function pickedAct)
call DestroyGroup(picked)
set picked = null
//&lt;-- Damaged Main Engine End --&gt;//

function InitTrig_Gold_Transmittion takes nothing returns nothing
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(PERIODIC,.1,true)//time, .1, true)
    call TriggerAddAction(PERIODIC,function PeriodicAct)//time, function TimeAct)

    set GT_SD = CreateSound( &quot;Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Transmute\\AlchemistTransmuteDeath1.wav&quot;, false, true, true, 10, 10, &quot;CombatSoundsEAX&quot; )
    call SetSoundParamsFromLabel( GT_SD, &quot;TransmuteMissileImpact&quot; )
    call SetSoundDuration( GT_SD, 1601 )


scope CriticalBuff

//                                 Critical Buff                                 
//                                by kentchow75/~GaLs~
// Implemention Instruction
// -Object Needed to be copied from Object Editor to your map.
//  [ Ability ]
//  1. Critical Strike [CS Buff]
//  2. Spell Book [CS Buff]
//  3. Critical Buff
//  [ Buff ]
//  1. Critical Buff
// -Trigger  
//  1. Copy this whole trigger to your map.
// -Requirements
//  1. Jass NewGen WorldEditor from <a href="http://www.wc3campaigns.net" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">www.wc3campaigns.net</a>. ( v4b and above )
//  Implementation End                                 


//  Configuration  (This is where you need to edit to make the spell works in your map)
//&lt;-------------------- Rawcode --------------------&gt;//
    private constant integer CB_ID = &#039;A007&#039;
//Rawcode of Critical Buff

    private constant integer CBR_ID = &#039;A005&#039;
//Rawcode of Critical Strike [CS Buff]

    private constant integer SB_ID = &#039;A006&#039;
//Rawcode of Spell Book [CS Buff]

    private constant integer CBBUFF_ID = &#039;B004&#039;
//Rawcode of the buff Critical Buff
//&lt;-------------------- Rawcode --------------------&gt;//
//&lt;-------------------- Effect Range --------------------&gt;//
private constant function GetEffectRange takes integer lvl returns real
    return 450.+(100. * lvl)  //How far will this buff affect
//&lt;-------------------- Effect Range End --------------------&gt;//

//  Configuration End

// FAQ
// Q. How to adjust the critical strike data? (Multiply, percentage and others)
// A. All of these can be adjust at &quot;Critical Strike [CS Buff]&quot; ability.
// Q. Is the effect range should be the same as the one in &quot;Critical Buff&quot; ability?
// A. Yes, it should be the same or else it will malfunction, use a nice formula to make it accurately same as in object editor.
// FAQ End

// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
    private group HOST = CreateGroup()
    private group CHILD = CreateGroup()

//private function DisBtwReal takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
//    return SquareRoot((x2-x1) * (x2-x1) + (y2-y1) * (y2-y1))

private struct CritiBuff
        static method ChildCond takes nothing returns boolean
            return GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetFilterUnit(),CBBUFF_ID) &gt;0
        static method HostAct takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit host = GetEnumUnit()
        local unit leecher
        local integer lvl
        local real Er = GetEffectRange(GetUnitAbilityLevel(host,CB_ID))
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(CHILD, GetUnitX(host),GetUnitY(host),Er+9000,Condition(function CritiBuff.ChildCond))
            set leecher = FirstOfGroup(CHILD)
            set lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(host,CB_ID)
            exitwhen leecher == null
            //&lt;- Adding Real Buff -&gt;//
                //if DisBtwReal(GetUnitX(host),GetUnitY(host),GetUnitX(leecher),GetUnitY(leecher)) &lt; Er+30 then //Bug occurs that ally unit had buff but didn&#039;t affected.
                if SquareRoot((GetUnitX(leecher)-GetUnitX(host)) * (GetUnitX(leecher)-GetUnitX(host)) + (GetUnitY(leecher)-GetUnitY(host)) * (GetUnitY(leecher)-GetUnitY(host))) &lt; Er+30 then 
                    if GetUnitAbilityLevel(leecher, CBR_ID) &lt; lvl then
                        call UnitAddAbility(leecher,SB_ID)
                        call SetUnitAbilityLevel(leecher, CBR_ID,lvl)
                        call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(GetOwningPlayer(leecher),SB_ID,false)
                //elseif DisBtwReal(GetUnitX(host),GetUnitY(host),GetUnitX(leecher),GetUnitY(leecher)) &gt; Er+30 then
                elseif SquareRoot((GetUnitX(leecher)-GetUnitX(host)) * (GetUnitX(leecher)-GetUnitX(host)) + (GetUnitY(leecher)-GetUnitY(host)) * (GetUnitY(leecher)-GetUnitY(host))) &gt; Er+30 then
                    call UnitRemoveAbility(leecher, CBR_ID)
                    call UnitRemoveAbility(leecher, SB_ID)
            //&lt;- Adding Real Buff End -&gt;//
            call GroupRemoveUnit(CHILD,leecher)
            set leecher = FirstOfGroup(CHILD)
        set leecher = null
        set host = null
        static method HostCond takes nothing returns boolean
            return GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetFilterUnit(),CB_ID) &gt; 0

        static method create takes nothing returns CritiBuff
        local CritiBuff cb = CritiBuff.allocate()
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(HOST,bj_mapInitialPlayableArea,Condition(function CritiBuff.HostCond))
            call ForGroup(HOST,function CritiBuff.HostAct)
        call cb.destroy()
        return 0


//private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
//local CritiBuff CB = CritiBuff.create()
//call CB.destroy()

function InitTrig_Critical_Buff takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerAddAction(t, function CritiBuff.create)
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(t,0.1,true)


scope LuckyBarrier

//                                    Lucky Barrier                                 
//                                by kentchow75/~GaLs~
// Implemention Instruction
// -Object Needed to be copied from Object Editor to your map.
//  [ Ability ]
//  1. Lucky Barrier
//  [ Buff ]
//  1. Lucky Barrier
// -Trigger  
//  1. Copy this whole trigger to your map.
//  2. Copy ABC to your map if you don&#039;t have one.
// -Requirements
//  1. Jass NewGen WorldEditor from <a href="http://www.wc3campaigns.net" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">www.wc3campaigns.net</a>. ( v4b and above )
//  2. ABC system.
//  Implementation End                                 

//  Configuration  (This is where you need to edit to make the spell works in your map)
//&lt;-------------------- Percentage --------------------&gt;//

private constant function GetPercentage takes integer lvl returns integer
    return lvl * 7 //lvl x 7

//&lt;------------------ Percentage End ------------------&gt;//
//&lt;-------------------- Damage --------------------&gt;//

private constant function GetDamage takes integer lvl returns real
    return lvl * 50. //lvl x 50

//&lt;-------------------- Damage End --------------------&gt;//
//&lt;-------------------- Period --------------------&gt;//

private constant function GetPeriod takes integer lvl returns real
    return .25 * lvl//0.25 * lvl

//&lt;-------------------- Period End --------------------&gt;//
//&lt;-------------------- Rawcode --------------------&gt;//

    private constant integer LB_ID = &#039;A008&#039; //Rawcode of Lucky Barrier Ability
    private constant integer LBBuff_ID = &#039;B005&#039; //Rawcode of Lucky Barrier Buff
//&lt;-------------------- Rawcode End --------------------&gt;//
//&lt;-------------------- Slide Rate --------------------&gt;//

    private constant real LB_SLIDE_RATE = 8. // Slide the unit x range per LB_SPD second
//&lt;-------------------- Slide Rate End --------------------&gt;//
//&lt;-------------------- Speed --------------------&gt;//

    private constant real LB_SPD = 0.02 //The current spd is 8 range per 0.02 sec. (Aka 400 range per second)

//&lt;-------------------- Speed End--------------------&gt;//
//&lt;-------------------- Effects --------------------&gt;//
    private constant string LB_KS_EFFECT = &quot;Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\SpiritOfVengeance\\SpiritOfVengeanceBirthMissile.mdl&quot;
    // ^ The effect that appear when knocking back a unit.
    private constant string LB_SHIELD_EFFECT = &quot;Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\SpellShieldAmulet\\SpellShieldCaster.mdl&quot;
    // ^ The effect that appear at the caster when this spell is fired.
//&lt;-------------------- Effects End --------------------&gt;//
//  Configuration End

// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//
// -----------------------&gt; Do not edit anything below this line. &lt;-----------------------//


private struct LBarrier
unit atked
unit atker
integer lvl
real array x [3]
real array y [3]
real newx
real newy
real stopx
real stopy
real BashAngle
real Counter = 0
real TotalPeriod
boolean fired
timer SlideT = CreateTimer()
    //private method DistBtwReal takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
    //    return SquareRoot(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)))
    //private method offsetX takes real x1, real dist, real angle returns real
    //    return x1 + dist * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
    //private method offsetY takes real y1, real dist, real angle returns real
    //    return y1 + dist * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)
    //private method AngBtwReal takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
    //    return bj_RADTODEG * (Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1))
    //Formula End
    private static method slide takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
    local LBarrier lb = GetTimerStructA(t)
    set lb.newx = lb.x[2] + LB_SLIDE_RATE * Cos(lb.BashAngle * bj_DEGTORAD)//lb.offsetX(lb.x[2], LB_SLIDE_RATE, lb.BashAngle)
    set lb.newy = lb.y[2] + LB_SLIDE_RATE * Sin(lb.BashAngle * bj_DEGTORAD)//lb.offsetY(lb.y[2], LB_SLIDE_RATE, lb.BashAngle)
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(LB_KS_EFFECT,lb.newx, lb.newy))
        call IssueImmediateOrder(lb.atker, &quot;stop&quot;)
        //Check if Pathing Available
        if IsTerrainPathable(lb.newx, lb.newy, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY) == false then    
            call SetUnitX(lb.atker, lb.newx)
            call SetUnitY(lb.atker, lb.newy)
        set lb.x[2] = GetUnitX(lb.atker)
        set lb.y[2] = GetUnitY(lb.atker)
        //The custom counting
        set lb.Counter = lb.Counter + LB_SPD
        if lb.Counter &gt;= lb.TotalPeriod then
            call lb.destroy()
    set t = null

    static method create takes unit attked, unit attacker returns LBarrier
    local LBarrier lb = LBarrier.allocate()
    set lb.atked = attked
    set lb.atker = attacker
    set lb.lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(lb.atked,LB_ID)
    set lb.fired = GetRandomInt(0,100) &lt;= (GetPercentage(lb.lvl)) and (IsUnitType(attacker, UNIT_TYPE_MELEE_ATTACKER) == true) and (IsUnitEnemy(attacker, GetOwningPlayer(attked))==true)
    set lb.x[1] = GetUnitX(attked)
    set lb.y[1] = GetUnitY(attked)
    set lb.x[2] = GetUnitX(attacker)
    set lb.y[2] = GetUnitY(attacker)
    set lb.BashAngle = bj_RADTODEG * (Atan2(lb.y[2] - lb.y[1], lb.x[2] - lb.x[1]))//lb.AngBtwReal(lb.x[1],lb.y[1], lb.x[2], lb.y[2]) //atked --&gt; atker
    set lb.TotalPeriod = GetPeriod(lb.lvl)
    call SetTimerStructA(lb.SlideT, lb)
        if lb.fired == true then
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(LB_SHIELD_EFFECT,lb.atked,&quot;origin&quot;)) //x3 to improve visual effects
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(LB_SHIELD_EFFECT,lb.atked,&quot;origin&quot;))
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(LB_SHIELD_EFFECT,lb.atked,&quot;origin&quot;))
            call UnitDamageTarget(lb.atked, lb.atker, GetDamage(lb.lvl),true,false,ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL,DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC,null)
            call TimerStart(lb.SlideT,LB_SPD, true, function LBarrier.slide)
        elseif lb.fired == false then
            call lb.destroy()
            return 0
    return lb
    method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call PauseTimer(.SlideT)
        call ClearTimerStructA(.SlideT)
        call DestroyTimer(.SlideT)


//private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
//local LBarrier lb = LBarrier.create(GetTriggerUnit(), GetAttacker())

private function Cond takes nothing returns boolean
    //return GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(),LB_ID)&gt;0
if GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetTriggerUnit(),LB_ID)&gt;0 then
    call LBarrier.create(GetTriggerUnit(), GetAttacker())

return false

function InitTrig_Lucky_Barrier takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED)
    call TriggerAddCondition(t,Condition(function Cond))
    //call TriggerAddAction(t,function Actions)



So many apples
Reaction score
You changed the TriggerAddAction, to TriggerAddCondition, to avoid Leaks, right? :)
Anyways, good job on these Spells


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
>>You changed the TriggerAddAction, to TriggerAddCondition, to avoid Leaks, right?
I change it for the demand of andrew, but he is not looking at it...


Special Member
Reaction score
The beta codes are fine, replace all old triggers.

Though the line "if CALL_BACK == null then" in the Strength Requiem and Gold Transmission triggers needs to be "if CALL_BACK != null then".

You should also explain where to replace raw codes.


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
>>Though the line "if CALL_BACK == null then" in the Strength Requiem and Gold Transmission triggers needs to be "if CALL_BACK != null then".
Why should I? It is for checking if the trigger is first time run in game or not, because if it is the first time, CALL_BACK is equal to null. After that, it will always return a value.

>>You should also explain where to replace raw codes.
I though I explained them??
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    Signatures can be edit in your account profile. As for the old stuffs, I'm thinking it's because Blizzard is now under Microsoft, and because of Microsoft Xbox going the way it is, it's dreadful.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am not big on the recipes I am just promoting them - I use the site as a practice place promoting stuff
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    @tom_mai78101 I must be blind. If I go on my profile I don't see any area to edit the signature; If I go to account details (settings) I don't see any signature area either.
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    You can get there if you click the bell icon (alerts) and choose preferences from the bottom, signature will be in the menu on the left there https://www.thehelper.net/account/preferences
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  • The Helper The Helper:
    What is up Old Mountain Shadow?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Thursday!
  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Power back on finally - all is good here no damage
    Happy Friday!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    New recipe is another summer dessert Berry and Peach Cheesecake - https://www.thehelper.net/threads/recipe-berry-and-peach-cheesecake.194169/

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