System String Parser


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String Parser
as easy as [ljass]String.parse("1 2 3")[/ljass]

String Parser Tutorial
A helpful note for getting the most out of this tutorial

Don't just read the text/code. Paste the code into the map and run it and put in different arguments (sets of arguments are given too). Also be sure to experiment with the code.

Keep in mind that the system itself is not complex. The hard part is understanding how to properly use this system.

  • Chapter 1: Should I use String Parser?

    The first thing you may be wondering is what String Parser does. What you need to understand is that String Parser does too many things to be easily explained. It'd be like asking what JASS does. There's no good way to answer. This means that rather than asking what String Parser does, you should be asking if you need it.

    String Parser was made with in-game commands in mind: commands like -kick and -give. It was made specifically to deal with arguments for those in-game commands, like the blue in -kick blue and the 1000 in -give 1000.

    String Parser has the capability to determine what types values are. For example, 1000 is an integer. Not only can it determine types, but it can determine what a value can be legally inferred as. For example, 1000 can be treated as an integer, a real, or a string. This makes it extremely useful if you have a command like -give, which only takes an integer value.

    To look at it another way, it allows you to do this for in-game commands.
    [ljass]function give takes integer gold returns nothing[/ljass]

    Should String Parser be used for all commands? No. Not all commands need type checking, like the -save/-load commands for a save/load system.

    String Parser also has the capability to create new types (think of integer, string, boolean, real when I say types). This means that you could do a color type for a name changing command or a player type for an alliance system ([ljass]type color extends string[/ljass]). It also supports the creation, destruction, and manipulation of string values. For example, blue might be a string value and it might be of type color ([ljass]color blue[/ljass]).

    From this point on you will need the Learn String Parser map open

    Methods in Learn Map:
    [ljass]static method print takes string s returns nothing[/ljass]

    Variables in Learn Map:
    [ljass]string str //the inputted string[/ljass]

    Inputting a string into Learn Map:
    Run the map and type something.

    //  Delimiters: " ", ","
    //  String Delimiter: "
    //  Escape Character: \ 
    //			(escapes only ")
    //			("hello \"bob\"")
    //  Stack characters: ( ), { }, [ ]
    //			(stacks can be in stacks to any depth and of any amount)
    //			stacks must start with either (, {, or [ and end with their matching character ), }, or ]
    //  Ascii Integer Delimiter: ' 
    //			(ascii integers can only be 1 or 4 digits: 'h' or 'hpea')


    Chapter 2: Seeing String Parser in action

    To get a feel for using the learning map and to get a feel for what String Parser does, let's try out a demonstration.

    In the Execution area, paste this code
    local StringStack stringStack = String.parse(str)
    local integer x = 0
    local StringType stringType
    local boolean b
    local integer a
    local integer i
    local real r
    local string s
    local string bs
    local string as
    local string is
    local string rs
    local string ss
    local string value
    local StringStack array stack
    set stack[0] = stringStack
    	exitwhen stack[x] == 0 and x == 0
    			exitwhen stack[x].type != StringType.STACK
    			set x = x + 1
    			set stack[x] = stack[x-1].stack
    			exitwhen stack[x] != 0
    			if (x == 0) then
    				return false
    			set x = x - 1
    			set stack[x] = stack[x].pop() //skip the next stack
    		exitwhen stack[x].type != StringType.STACK
    	set value = stack[x].value
    	set stringType = stack[x].type
    	if ( then
    		set s = value
    		call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, + " as null: " + s)
    	if ( then
    		set b = S2B(value)
    		set bs = B2S(b)
    		call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, + " as boolean: " + bs)
    	if ( then
    		set a = S2A(value)
    		set as = A2S(a)
    		call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, + " as ascii: " + as)
    	if ( then
    		set i = S2I(value)
    		set is = I2S(i)
    		call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, + " as integer: " + is)
    	if ( then
    		set r = S2R(value)
    		set rs = R2S(r)
    		call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, + " as real: " + rs)
    	if ( then
    		call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, + " as string: " + value)
    	//set node =
    	set stack[x] = stack[x].pop()
    //call stringStack.destroy()

    In the Initialization Area, paste in this code
    call print("type in a set of values to see String Parser in action\n\" around strings, ' around ascii integers, separate values that don't have delimiters with the \"" + " " + "\" or \",\" char")

    Run the map and follow the directions.

    Chapter 3: Parsing a string

    The most basic type of parsing is filter parsing. This is done with String.filter
    static method filter takes string toFilter, string filterChar, boolean onlyAtStart returns string
    //toFilter is the string to be filtered
    //filterChar is the character to be filtered out of the string
    //onlyAtStart determines whether to filter a character out until another character is found or to filter the character out through the entire string

    Let's try filtering out all -'s and starting " " from all of our strings
    local string s = String.filter(str, "-", false)
    set s = String.filter(s, " ", true)
    call print(s)

    Try typing
    		   -hello---omg     -    --wow

    It should output
    helloomg         wow

    String.parse is used to fully parse strings. This method takes a string and parses it into a stack (google stack if you don't know what it is).

    For a demonstration, we will be using the parse method in conjunction with the toString method (if you don't know what toString traditionally does, google it).

    In the execution area, paste this code into your map.
    call print(String.parse(str).toString()) //parse the string into a stack and convert stack into a string

    save the map, run it, and then type something like 1 2 3.
    It should output
    1 2 3

    So at this point this may not seem very useful. We need a way to use the values.

    String Parser outputs its results into a stack of type StringStack. The StringStack includes
    method operator next takes nothing returns StringStack //returns next node on stack
    method operator value takes nothing returns string //returns string value of node
    method pop takes nothing returns StringStack //pops off current node and returns the next node
    method destroy takes nothing returns nothing //destroys the stack from current node onwards

    So, using these methods, let's see if we can use inputted values.

    Try this code in Execution area
    local StringStack stack = String.parse(str) //parse the string into a stack
    //where value is the string value on the stack
    local string arg1 = stack.value //set arg1 to stack[0].value
    local string arg2 = //set arg2 to stack[1].value
    local string arg3 = //set arg3 to stack[2].value
    //print args
    call print(arg1)
    call print(arg2)
    call print(arg3)
    //destroy the stack
    call stack.destroy()

    Now try typing in 1 2 3 and see what happens.
    It should output

    What if we wanted to handle any amount of arguments? This is where loops start coming into play.
    local StringStack stack = String.parse(str) //parse string into a stack
    local string array args //declare a string array called args
    local integer x = 0 //declare integer called x and initialize it to 0
    //store stack into args array
    	exitwhen stack == 0 //exitwhen stack is null
    	set args[x] = stack.value //set args to the value of the stack
    	set x = x + 1
    	set stack = stack.pop() //pop off current node and return next node so that the stack is destroyed by end of the loop
    //loop backwards over all strings in args and print them
    	exitwhen x == 0
    	set x = x - 1
    	call print(args[x])

    Now try typing in 1 2 3 4 5
    This shuold output (remember printing is done backwards in this case)

    StringStack also offers operators for getting the total elements in the stack
    method operator count takes nothing returns integer //returns remaining elements in stack

    So now let's try making a command that will only take 2 arguments
    local StringStack stack = String.parse(str)
    if (stack.count == 2) then
    	call print("you inputted: " + stack.value + "," +
    	call print("this command only takes 2 arguments, not " + I2S(stack.count) + "!!")

    Chapter 4: String Type Comparisons

    The true power of String Parser is type checking.
    local unit u = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'hpea', 0, 0, 0)
    local widget w
    set w = u //works, all units are widgets
    set u = w //does not work, not all widgets are units

    Type checking is done with the StringType struct. This struct includes
    method is takes thistype ofType returns boolean //sees if a type is legally a type
    static constant integer NULL
    static constant integer BOOLEAN
    static constant integer ASCII
    static constant integer INTEGER
    static constant integer REAL
    static constant integer STRING
    static constant integer STACK

    And the type operator in the StringStack struct.
    [ljass]method operator type takes nothing returns StringType[/ljass]

    So to give it a whirl, why not print out all integer values in the stack
    local StringStack stack = String.parse(str)
    	exitwhen stack == 0 //exitwhen stack is null
    	if ( then
    		call print(stack.value)
    	set stack = stack.pop() //pop off current node and return next node so that the stack is destroyed by end of the loop

    Try typing 1 1.1 2 2.0 3
    This should output

    Another example
    local StringStack stack = String.parse(str)
    	exitwhen stack == 0 //exitwhen stack is null
    	if ( then
    		call print(stack.value)
    	set stack = stack.pop() //pop off current node and return next node so that the stack is destroyed by end of the loop

    Try typing 1 1.1 2 2.0 3
    This should output (remember, integers are also reals)

    Let's try to use StringParser for a more real situation, like adding an integer and an ascii integer and displaying the result.
    The layout below is a very common layout for commands.
    //integer ascii boolean
    local StringStack stack = String.parse(str)
    local integer i //stores first argument
    local integer a //stores second argument
    local boolean display //stores third argument
    local string result = "invalid input" //stores the result
    //first see if the first value is an integer
    if ( then
    	set i = S2I(stack.value) //set i to first value as an integer
    	set stack = stack.pop() //pop stack and go to next node
    	//see if second value is an ascii integer ('hpea' or w/e)
    	if ( then
    		set a = S2A(stack.value) //S2A converts an ascii string into an ascii integer value. Covered in String Values chapter.
    		set stack = stack.pop() //pop stack and go to next node
    		//see if third value is a boolean (true false on off)
    		if ( then
    			set display = S2B(stack.value) //S2B converts a string into a boolean value. Covered in String Values chapter.
    			//if display is true, display the result
    			if (display) then
    				set result = I2S(i+a)
    			//if display is false, don't display the result
    				set result = ""
    call print(result)

    Another way to get the type of a string is with the typeof method in the String struct
    static method typeof takes string s returns StringType

    This method will only work on strings with single values like "123" or "'hpea'".

    Let's try a single argument command that will only work with ascii integers ('hpea', 'h')

    if (String.typeof(str).is(StringType.ASCII)) then
    	call print("you typed " + str)
    	call print("ascii integers only!")

    Try typing 'hfoo'
    This should output
    Chapter 5: String Values

    String values are like variables in String Parser. To get a better idea of how String Values work, we'll work with some of the already defined values in String Parser.

    The pre-defined values in String Parser are true, false, on and off. These values are of type StringType.BOOLEAN.

    true, false, on and off may seem like values, but they are really all variables.

    All variables in String Parser are of type integer. Any value greater than 0 is considered as true when inferred as a boolean. Any value less than or equal to 0 is considered false.
    integer true = 1 //true
    integer false = 0 //false
    integer on = 1 //true
    integer off = 0 //false

    A variable can be retrieved using the StringValue struct's []. The various properties of the value (type, name, integer value, boolean value) can also be retrieved.
    static method operator [] takes string s returns thistype
    //converts a string into a StringValue
    method operator boolean takes nothing returns boolean
    //integer value as a boolean
    method operator integer takes nothing returns integer
    //integer value
    method operator integer= takes integer value returns nothing
    //sets integer value
    method operator string takes nothing returns string
    //name of variable (string value)
    method operator type takes nothing returns StringType
    //StringType of variable

    To get a better idea, let's try seeing what's actually stored in true, false, on and off.
    local StringStack stack = String.parse(str)
    local StringValue val
    local string sval //name
    local integer ival //integer value
    local boolean bval //integer value as a boolean
    local StringType tval //type value
    local string tname //name of type
    if (stack.count == 1) then
    	set val = StringValue[stack.value]
    	set sval = val.string
    	set ival = val.integer
    	set bval = val.boolean
    	set tval = val.type
    	set tname = //covered in StringTypes chapter
    	call print("name of variable: " + sval)
    	call print("integer value of variable: " + I2S(ival))
    	call print("boolean value of variable: " + B2S(bval)) //B2S is covered later, but converts a boolean into a string
    	call print("type of variable: " + tname)

    Try typing

    Values can be created or destroyed. Of pre-defined types, only boolean values can be created.
    method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
    static method create takes string value, StringType valueType, integer convertedValue returns thistype
    //value is the variable's name
    //valueType is the StringType
    //convertedValue is the integer value assigned to the value

    Let's try creating our own new boolean values called enable and disable.

    Paste this code into the Fields area
    static StringType enable
    static StringType disable

    Paste this code into Initialization area
    set enable = StringValue.create("enable", StringType.BOOLEAN, 1) //1 for true
    set disable = StringValue.create("disable", StringType.BOOLEAN, 0) //0 for false

    Execution Code
    local StringStack stack = String.parse(str)
    local StringValue val
    local string sval //name
    local integer ival //integer value
    local boolean bval //integer value as a boolean
    local StringType tval //type value
    local string tname //name of type
    if (stack.count == 1) then
    	set val = StringValue[stack.value]
    	set sval = val.string
    	set ival = val.integer
    	set bval = val.boolean
    	set tval = val.type
    	set tname = //covered in StringTypes chapter
    	call print("name of variable: " + sval)
    	call print("integer value of variable: " + I2S(ival))
    	call print("boolean value of variable: " + B2S(bval)) //B2S is covered later, but converts a boolean into a string
    	call print("type of variable: " + tname)
    	if (bval) then
    		set val.integer = val.integer + 1 //to show values can be changed
    		set val.integer=  val.integer - 1

    Try typing enable or disable. This script will also modify the values of the variables every time they are typed.

    Variable types can be converted into strings and back. We've already seen a few conversions in the StringValue struct.
    function S2B takes string s returns boolean
    //converts a string into a boolean value
    function B2S takes boolean val returns string
    //converts a boolean value into a string ("true" or "false")
    function A2S takes integer val returns string
    //converts an ascii integer ('hpea'/'h') into a string ("hpea"/"h")
    function S2A takes string val returns integer
    //converts a string ("hpea"/"h") into an ascii integer ('hpea', 'h')
    //keep in mind that String.parse only takes ascii integers with ' ' around them.
    //A2S and S2A will not work with surrounding ' '. String.parse automatically removes the surrounding ' '.

    Chapter 6: String Types

    String Types are types that a String Value can be. String Types were introduced in the String Types comparisons. With the StringType struct, users can create their own new types.
    static method create takes string name, StringType extend returns thistype
    //creates a new StringType of name that extends a StringType
    //name is the name of the StringType
    //extend is what the StringType extends. All StringTypes automatically extend StringType.STRING. Extending 0 will make it extend only StringType.STRING.
    method operator name takes nothing returns string
    //the name of the StringType.
    method operator extends takes nothing returns integer
    //what the StringType extends

    Once a type is created, it can never be destroyed or manipulated. Let's work a little with the already defined String Types.

    Place this into the Initialization Area
    local StringType n = StringType.NULL
    local StringType b = StringType.BOOLEAN
    local StringType i = StringType.INTEGER
    local StringType a = StringType.ASCII
    local StringType r = StringType.REAL
    local StringType s = StringType.STRING
    local StringType stack = StringType.STACK
    //print type names
    //Types: null, boolean, integer, ascii, real, string, stack
    call print("Types: " + + ", " + + ", " + + ", " + + ", " + + ", " + + ", " +
    call print("all types extend " +
    //print what the types extend off of
    if (n.extends != 0) then //NULL extends 0
    	call print( + " extends " +
    if (b.extends != 0) then //BOOLEAN extends 0
    	call print( + " extends " +
    if (i.extends != 0) then //INTEGER extends REAL
    	call print( + " extends " +
    if (a.extends != 0) then //ASCII extends 0
    						 //treated as its own type even though it is technically an integer
    						 //ASCII can never be a real because it has no decimals
    	call print( + " extends " +
    if (r.extends != 0) then //REAL extends 0
    	call print( + " extends " +
    if (s.extends != 0) then //STRING extends 0
    	call print( + " extends " +
    if (stack.extends != 0) then //STACK extends 0
    	call print( + " extends " +

    So how about creating some types.

    The following example will essentially do this
    type color extends string
    type playercolor extends color
    playercolor red
    playercolor blue
    color black

    Paste this into the Fields Area
    //following naming conventions for JASS handles
    static StringType color
    static StringType playercolor
    static StringValue red
    static StringValue blue
    static StringValue black
    static integer colorCount = 0
    static string array colorVal
    static string playerName
    static player p = Player(0)

    Paste this into the initialization area
    //type color extends nothing
    set color = StringType.create("color", 0)
    //type playercolor extends color
    set playercolor = StringType.create("playercolor", color)
    //red is a player color
    set colorCount = colorCount + 1
    set red = StringValue.create("red", playercolor, colorCount)
    set colorVal[colorCount] = "|cFFFF0000"
    //blue is a player color
    set colorCount = colorCount + 1
    set blue = StringValue.create("blue", playercolor, colorCount)
    set colorVal[colorCount] = "|cFF0000FF"
    //black is not a player color, but it is still a color
    set colorCount = colorCount + 1
    set black = StringValue.create("black", color, colorCount)
    set colorVal[colorCount] = "|cFF000000"
    set playerName = GetPlayerName(Player(0))

    Paste this into the execution area
    local StringStack stack = String.parse(str)
    local StringValue val = StringValue[stack.value]
    if (stack.count == 1) then
    	//remember that all playercolors are colors because playercolor extends color
    	//not all colors are playercolors. For example, black isn't a playercolor
    	if ( then
    		//these internal ifs are entirely pointless. This is just to show you the proper order when working with types
    		//that extend types. Notice playercolor extends color, so it goes first (color would return true if type was playercolor)
    		if ( then
    			call print("changing player color to a playercolor")
    		elseif ( then
    			call print("changing player color to a color")
    		call print("changing player color to " + + " " + val.string)
    		call SetPlayerName(Player(0), colorVal[val.integer]+playerName)
    call stack.destroy()

    Try typing

    It should change the color of your name to

    Remember green was never created. It should also say something along the lines of
    black is a color
    red is a playercolor
    blue is a playercolor

    Remember, of pre-defined types, only StringType.BOOLEAN can be extended.
    Chapter 7: Stacks

    Up to this point the chapters have only gone over single stacks.
    [ljass]local StringStack stack = String.parse(str)[/ljass]

    This chapter will go over stacks within stacks. The above will still work for the initial set up, but there will be StringStacks within the StringStack.

    A stack is created any time the parser encounters a (, {, or [. For the input to be valid, each stack must have a matching end: ), }, ].

    For example

    Working with these stacks can be very difficult because StringStacks can have StringStacks within them, meaning there could be any number of stacks within the stack you are working on.

    Nightmare of stacks:
    local StringStack stack = String.parse("((((()())())())()) 1 2 3")
    //stack has: (), 1, 2, 3
    //() has: () ()
    //etc etc

    You may be wondering how on earth you would loop over that. The loop is as ugly and complicated and as hard as it seems.

    The StringStack has 2 remaining operators for handling stacks.
    method operator size takes nothing returns integer
    //returns the total size of the stack. Only works on stack pointers. Will also work on the very first value of the base stack.
    method operator stack takes nothing returns thistype
    //returns the first node in a stack. Only works on stack pointers.

    Stacks are stored as pointers. This means that stack.value on a stack pointer would not return the actual value of the first node in that stack.
    local StringStack stack = String.parse("(1)")
    local string val = stack.value //null

    The stack operator is used to retrieve the first node within a stack.
    local StringStack stack = String.parse("(1)")
    local StringStack stack2 = stack.stack
    local string val = stack2.value //"1"

    Luckily, most of the time we will know precisely how many stacks we are handling as well as the values within them

    Let's try a simple example to show values are really within stacks
    local StringStack stack = String.parse(str)
    local string s = ""
    	exitwhen stack == 0
    	if (not then
    		set s = s + stack.value + " "
    		set s = s + "(...)" + " "
    	set stack = stack.pop()
    call print(s)

    Try typing 1(2,3,4,5,6)7

    This should output
    1 (...) 7

    Really, there are many many ways to handle stacks within stacks. It all depends on your command.

    To give you the basic idea of a format (infinite stacks within stacks and infinite arguments), here is a JASS example.

    The example adds a command for creating new variables of type istack (integer stack).

    The format is as follows-

    where integers go into the (...) and there can be an infinite number of (varname(...))

    It might have been better as varname(...), but I did the nested stacks to show that it could be done.

    Keep in mind that this sample is somewhat complex, but it will show you the overall architecture of looping through stacks of stacks. This is just about as complicated as it gets.

    static integer stackCount = 0
    static integer stackRecycleCount = 0
    static integer array stackRecycle
    StringValue var
    integer val
    thistype next
    thistype last
    static StringType istack

    set istack = StringType.create("istack", 0)

    //stack is a dynamic stack of pairs
    //(varName, ())
    //varName refers to the name of a StringValue
    //the () refers to a stack of integer values to be assigned to the variable
    //parse the string as normal
    local StringStack base = String.parse(str)
    //need a stack array
    local StringStack array stack
    //need an argument count for each level
    local integer array args
    //need to track which level currently on
    local integer level = 0
    //needed to detect changes
    //previous argument count of level
    local integer array preArg
    //previous level
    local integer prevLevel = 0
    //local variables specific to this
    local thistype this
    local string s
    //level 0 is always base
    set stack[0] = base
    //if an istack is passed in, print it
    if (base.count == 1 and then
    	set this = thistype(StringValue[base.value].integer).next
    	set s = base.value + " contains: "
    		exitwhen this == 0
    		set s = s + I2S(val) + ", "
    		set this = next
    	set level = StringLength(s)
    	set s = SubString(s, 0, level-2)
    	call print(s)
    else //create istacks
    	//external loop handles current level
    		//exitwhen current node is 0 and current level is 0
    		//just like
    		//  exitwhen stack == 0
    		//  set stack = stack.pop()
    		exitwhen stack[level] == 0 and level == 0
    		//internal loops handles going through levels
    			//this will continue to dive into stacks until it is in the lower possible stack
    				//exitwhen the stack type is not a stack pointer
    				exitwhen stack[level].type != StringType.STACK
    				//increase the stack level
    				set level = level + 1
    				//store the previous stack level so that it can be returned to
    				set stack[level] = stack[level-1].stack
    			//this will continue to dive out of stacks until it is in a stack that has nodes in it
    				//exitwhen the stack is not empty
    				exitwhen stack[level] != 0
    				//if at the top level and the stack is empty, exit
    				if (level == 0) then
    					exitwhen true
    				//decrease the level
    				set level = level - 1
    				set stack[level] = stack[level].pop() //skip stack pointers
    			//given the above loop, it might end up being on a stack pointer, so repeat until
    			//not on a stack pointer
    			exitwhen stack[level].type != StringType.STACK
    		//the level might be 0 and the stack might be empty after the above loops
    		//ex: (())
    		exitwhen level == 0 and stack[level] == 0
    		//increase the arg count for the current level
    		set args[level] = args[level] + 1
    		//this is where actual code goes
    		//level: the current depth
    		//args[level]: current arg count of current stack
    		//args[0]: current base arg count
    		//stack[level]: current stack node
    		//prevLevel: the previous level
    		//preArg[level]: the previous argument count of current level
    		//preArg[0]: the previous argument count of base level
    		//this code could be better optimized, but it is set up this way to make it clear what is
    		//level 0 only contains stacks, so the level will always be 1 or 2
    		//level 1 only contains a string value and a stack
    		//level 2 only contains integer values
    		//beause this loop skips stack pointers, level 1 will always be the variable name.
    		//if on level 1, this also means that it is on a new pair because level 1 only has
    		//one value (stack refs are skipped)
    		if (level == 1) then
    			//remember level 1 is a pair, one being a string and the other being a stack of integers
    			if (stack[level].count == 2 and stack[level] then
    				set this = StringValue[stack[level].value].integer
    				if (this == 0) then
    					if (stackRecycleCount != 0) then
    						set stackRecycleCount = stackRecycleCount - 1
    						set this = stackRecycle[stackRecycleCount]
    						set stackCount = stackCount + 1
    						set this = stackCount
    					set next = 0
    					set last = this
    					set var = StringValue.create(stack[level].value, istack, this)
    				//destroy the stack and exit due to invalid input
    				call print("invalid input")
    				call stack[level].destroy()
    				exitwhen true
    		elseif (level == 2) then
    			//only takes integer
    			if (stack[level] then
    				if (stackRecycleCount != 0) then
    					set stackRecycleCount = stackRecycleCount - 1
    					set = stackRecycle[stackRecycleCount]
    					set stackCount = stackCount + 1
    					set = stackCount
    				set last =
    				//could handle multiple types with if statements, including stack refs
    				//this only handles integers
    				set last.val = S2I(stack[level].value)
    				//destroy the stack and exit due to invalid input
    				call print("invalid input")
    				call stack[level].destroy()
    				exitwhen true
    			//destroy the stack and exit due to invalid input
    			call print("invalid input")
    			call stack[level].destroy()
    			exitwhen true
    		//update previous values
    		set prevLevel = 0
    			set preArg[prevLevel] = args[level]
    			exitwhen prevLevel == level
    			set prevLevel = prevLevel + 1
    		//move to next node
    		set stack[level] = stack[level].pop()

    Try typing:
    (b0(1,2,3))(b1(4,5,6))(b2(8,9,0,5,4))(haha(100, 1))

    It should output nothing, but it will create 3 variables of type istack
    b0: 1,2,3
    b1: 4,5,6
    b2: 8,9,0,5,4
    haha: 100,1

    Now type

    It should output the varname and the contents
    b0 contains: 1, 2, 3
    b1 contains: 4, 5, 6
    haha contains: 100, 1
    b2 contains: 8, 9, 0, 5, 4

    The practical uses for Stacks are endless and there are an infinite number of examples I could provide ranging from simple uses to extremely complicated uses.

    The above code should help you visualize looping over an infinite number of arguments with an infinite number of stacks within them. You could use the above code for many uses.

    This is a much simpler example that will just loop over all values without keep tracking of arguments, depth, and value changes.
    //looping through all values within stacks of stacks
    function LoopThroughStack takes integer this returns nothing
    	local StringStack array stack
    	set stack[0] = this
    	set this = 0
    		exitwhen stack[this] == 0 and this == 0
    				exitwhen stack[this].type != StringType.STACK
    				set this = this + 1
    				set stack[this] = stack[this-1].stack
    				exitwhen stack[this] != 0
    				if (this == 0) then
    				set this = this - 1
    				set stack[this] = stack[this].pop() //skip stack pointers
    			exitwhen stack[this].type != StringType.STACK
    		set stack[this] = stack[this].pop()

    Even the minimum is rather complex.
    Chapter 8: Loop Templates

    Because the Stack loops are so insane...

    Please reply to this thread if you need a loop made and you don't want to make it. Also please be helpful and post your own creations so that they can be added to this chapter.


  • Learn String Parser.w3x
    24.4 KB · Views: 335


Reaction score
library StringParser uses Ascii
//Author: Nestharus
//  Delimiters: " ", ","
//  String Delimiter: "
//  Escape Character: \ (escapes only ")
//  Stack characters: ( ), { }, [ ]
//  Ascii Integer Delimiter: '
//      function S2B takes string s returns boolean
//      function B2S takes boolean val returns string
//      function A2S takes integer val returns string
//      function S2A takes string val returns integer
//      struct StringValue
//          readonly boolean boolean
//          integer integer
//          readonly string string
//          readonly StringType type
//          static method operator [] takes string s returns StringValue
//          static method create takes string value, StringType valueType, integer convertedValue returns StringValue
//          method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
//      struct StringType
//          static constant integer NULL
//          static constant integer BOOLEAN
//          static constant integer ASCII
//          static constant integer INTEGER
//          static constant integer REAL
//          static constant integer STRING
//          static constant integer STACK
//          readonly string name
//          readonly StringType extends
//          static method create takes string name, StringType extend returns thistype
//          method is takes StringType ofType returns boolean
//      struct StringStack
//          readonly StringStack next
//          readonly StringStack stack
//          readonly string value
//          readonly integer size
//          readonly integer count
//          readonly StringType type
//          method toString takes nothing returns string
//          method pop takes nothing returns thistype
//          method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
//      struct String
//          static method filter takes string toFilter, string filterChar, boolean onlyAtStart returns string
//          static method parse takes string val returns StringStack
//          static method typeof takes string s returns StringType
        private integer stringValueCount = 0
        private integer stringValueRecycleCount = 0
        private integer array stringValueRecycle
        private string array stringValues
        private integer array stringConvertValue
        private integer array stringValueTypes
        private integer array stringValueLength
        private hashtable stringValueIds = InitHashtable()
        private integer array stringValueId
        private string array stringTypeNames
        private integer stringTypeCount
        private integer array stringTypeExtend
        private integer array reverseStringTypeExtend
        private StringStack array stackNext
        private string array stackValue
        private integer array stackCount
        private integer array stackStringType
        private integer stackInstanceCount = 0
        private integer array stackRecycle
        private integer stackRecycleCount = 0
        private integer array stackStack
        private integer array stackSize
    private function FilterCharacter takes string stringToFilter, string char, boolean onlyAtStart returns string
        local integer count = 0
        local integer length = StringLength(stringToFilter)
        local string newString = ""
        local string charCheck
        if (onlyAtStart) then
                exitwhen SubString(stringToFilter, count, count+1) != char
                set count = count + 1
            set newString = SubString(stringToFilter, count, length)
                exitwhen count == length
                set charCheck = SubString(stringToFilter, count, count+1)
                if (charCheck != char) then
                    set newString = newString + charCheck
                set count = count + 1
        return newString
    private function Typeof takes string val returns StringType
        local integer length //length of the string
        local integer length2
        local string char //current character being checked
        local string char2
        local integer curType = 0 //current type to be returned
        local boolean foundDecimal //found a decimal place
        local boolean foundNeg //found a negative sign
        local boolean foundInt //found an integer
        local boolean escapeOn //escape is on
        local boolean escaping //currently escaping
        local integer id
        if (val != null) then
            set curType = stringValueTypes[LoadInteger(stringValueIds, StringHash(val), 0)]
            if (curType == 0) then
                set length = StringLength(val)
                set char = SubString(val, 0, 1)
                set char2 = SubString(val, length-1, length)
                if (char == "(" or char == "{" or char == "[") then
                    if ((char == "(" and char2 == ")") or (char == "{" and char2 == "}") or (char == "[" and char2 == "]")) then
                        set curType = StringType.STACK
                    set curType = StringType.ASCII
                    if ((length != 3 and length != 6) or char != "'" or char2 != "'") then
                        if (char == "\"") then
                            set curType = StringType.STRING
                            set length2 = 1
                            set escapeOn = false
                            set escaping = false
                                if (length2 == length) then
                                    return StringType.NULL
                                set char = SubString(val, length2, length2+1)
                                if (not escapeOn) then
                                    if (char =="\\") then
                                        set escapeOn = true
                                        set escaping = true
                                        exitwhen char == "\""
                                if (not escaping) then
                                    set escapeOn = false
                                    set escaping = false
                                set length2 = length2 + 1
                            set curType = StringType.INTEGER
                            set foundDecimal = false
                            set foundNeg = false
                            set foundInt = false
                                exitwhen length == 0
                                set char = SubString(val, length-1, length)
                                if (foundNeg) then
                                    return StringType.NULL //no more parsing necessary
                                elseif (char != "0" and char != "1" and char != "2" and char != "3" and char != "4" and char != "5" and char != "6" and char != "7" and char != "8" and char != "9") then
                                    if (char == "-" and foundInt) then
                                        set foundNeg = true
                                    elseif (char == "." and not foundDecimal) then
                                        set curType = StringType.REAL
                                        set foundDecimal = true
                                        return StringType.NULL
                                    set foundInt = true
                                set length = length - 1
        return curType
    struct StringStack extends array
        public method operator next takes nothing returns thistype
            return stackNext[this]
        public method operator value takes nothing returns string
            return stackValue[this]
        public method operator stack takes nothing returns thistype
            return stackStack[this]
        public method operator count takes nothing returns integer
            return stackCount[this]
        public method operator size takes nothing returns integer
            return stackSize[this]
        public method operator type takes nothing returns StringType
            return stackStringType[this]
        public method toString takes nothing returns string
            local string s = null
                exitwhen this == 0
                if (stackValue[this] != null and stackValue[this] != " " and stackValue[this] != "," and stackValue[this] != "") then
                    if (s == null) then
                        set s = stackValue[this]
                        set s = s + " " + stackValue[this]
                set this = stackNext[this]
            return s
        public method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
            local thistype array stacks
            local integer i = 0
            set stacks[0] = this
                exitwhen stacks<i> == 0 and i == 0
                    exitwhen stacks<i>.type != StringType.STACK
                    set i = i + 1
                    set stacks<i> = stacks[i-1].stack
                if (stacks<i> == 0) then
                    set i = i - 1
                set stackRecycle[stackRecycleCount] = stacks<i>
                set stackRecycleCount = stackRecycleCount + 1
                set stacks<i> = stacks<i>.next
        public method pop takes nothing returns thistype
            set stackRecycle[stackRecycleCount] = this
            set stackRecycleCount = stackRecycleCount + 1
            if (type == StringType.STACK) then
                call stack.destroy()
            return next
    struct String extends array
        public static method filter takes string toFilter, string filterChar, boolean onlyAtStart returns string
            return FilterCharacter(toFilter, filterChar, onlyAtStart)
        public static method parse takes string val returns StringStack
            local StringStack this
            local StringStack array last
            local string array openStack
            local integer stack = 0
            local integer start
            local integer finish
            local string char
            local integer length
            local boolean found
            local boolean escaping
            local boolean escaped
            local boolean foundDecimal
            local boolean foundNeg
            local boolean foundInt
            local integer array totalCount
            local integer tyepCheck
            local integer length2
            local StringType curType
            local boolean done = false
            if (val != null and val != &quot;&quot;) then
                set this = 0
                set length = StringLength(val)
                set finish = 0
                    set found = false
                    set curType = -1
                        set finish = finish + 1
                        set char = SubString(val,finish-1, finish)
                        if (char != &quot; &quot; and char != &quot;,&quot;) then
                            set start = finish-1
                            set found = true
                        exitwhen found or finish == length
                    exitwhen not found
                    if (char == &quot;(&quot; or char == &quot;{&quot; or char == &quot;[&quot;) then
                        if (stackRecycleCount != 0) then
                            set stackRecycleCount = stackRecycleCount - 1
                            set this = stackRecycle[stackRecycleCount]
                            set stackInstanceCount = stackInstanceCount + 1
                            set this = stackInstanceCount
                        set totalCount[stack] = totalCount[stack] + 1
                        set stackStringType[this] = StringType.STACK
                        set stackNext[last[stack]] = this
                        set last[stack] = this
                        set stack = stack + 1
                        set openStack[stack] = char
                        set last[stack] = this
                        set stackNext[last[stack]] = 0
                        set totalCount[stack] = 0
                    elseif (char == &quot;)&quot; or char == &quot;}&quot; or char == &quot;]&quot;) then
                        if (stack &gt; 0 and ((openStack[stack] == &quot;(&quot; and char == &quot;)&quot;) or (openStack[stack] == &quot;{&quot; and char == &quot;}&quot;) or (openStack[stack] == &quot;[&quot; and char == &quot;]&quot;))) then
                            set stack = stack - 1
                            set stackStack[last[stack]] = stackNext[last[stack]]
                            set stackSize[last[stack]] = totalCount[stack+1]
                            set stackNext[last[stack]] = 0
                            set stackNext[last[stack]] = 0
                            set stack = 0
                            set last[0] = stackNext[0]
                                exitwhen last[stack] == 0 and stack == 0
                                    exitwhen last[stack].type != StringType.STACK
                                    set stack = stack + 1
                                    set last[stack] = last[stack-1].stack
                                if (last[stack] == 0) then
                                    set stack = stack - 1
                                set stackRecycle[stackRecycleCount] = last[stack]
                                set stackRecycleCount = stackRecycleCount + 1
                                set last[stack] = stackNext[last[stack]]
                            return 0
                        if (char == &quot;\&quot;&quot; and length-finish &gt; 0) then
                            set escaped = false
                            set escaping = false
                                set finish = finish + 1
                                set char = SubString(val, finish-1, finish)
                                if (not escaped) then
                                    if (char == &quot;\&quot;&quot;) then
                                        set curType = StringType.STRING
                                        exitwhen true
                                    elseif (char == &quot;\\&quot;) then
                                        set val = SubString(val, 0, finish-1)+SubString(val, finish, length)
                                        set length = length - 1
                                        set finish = finish - 1
                                        if (finish == start) then
                                            set start = start - 1
                                        set escaped = true
                                        set escaping = true
                                if (not escaping) then
                                    set escaped = false
                                    set escaping = false
                                exitwhen finish == length
                            if (curType == -1) then
                                set curType = 0
                        elseif (char == &quot;&#039;&quot;) then
                            if (length-finish &gt; 4 and SubString(val, finish+4, finish+5) == &quot;&#039;&quot;) then
                                set finish = finish + 5
                                set curType = StringType.ASCII
                            elseif (length-finish &gt; 1 and SubString(val, finish+1, finish+2) == &quot;&#039;&quot;) then
                                set finish = finish + 2
                                set curType = StringType.ASCII
                            if (curType == -1) then
                                set curType = 0
                                exitwhen char == &quot; &quot; or char == &quot;,&quot; or char == &quot;(&quot; or char == &quot;)&quot; or char == &quot;{&quot; or char == &quot;}&quot; or char == &quot;[&quot; or char == &quot;]&quot; or char == &quot;\&quot;&quot; or char == &quot;&#039;&quot;
                                set done = finish == length
                                exitwhen done
                                set finish = finish + 1
                                set char = SubString(val, finish-1, finish)
                            if (not done) then
                                set finish = finish - 1
                                set char = SubString(val, finish-1, finish)
                        if (stackRecycleCount != 0) then
                            set stackRecycleCount = stackRecycleCount - 1
                            set this = stackRecycle[stackRecycleCount]
                            set stackInstanceCount = stackInstanceCount + 1
                            set this = stackInstanceCount
                        set totalCount[stack] = totalCount[stack] + 1
                        set stackNext[last[stack]] = this
                        set last[stack] = this
                        set stackValue[this] = SubString(val, start, finish)
                        if (curType == -1) then
                            set curType = LoadInteger(stringValueIds, StringHash(stackValue[this]), 0)
                            if (curType != 0) then
                                set stackStringType[this] = stringValueTypes[curType]
                            else //parse number
                                set curType = StringType.INTEGER
                                set foundDecimal = false
                                set foundNeg = false
                                set foundInt = false
                                set length2 = finish
                                    exitwhen length2 == start
                                    set char = SubString(val, length2-1, length2)
                                    if (foundNeg) then
                                        set curType = StringType.NULL
                                        exitwhen true
                                    elseif (char != &quot;0&quot; and char != &quot;1&quot; and char != &quot;2&quot; and char != &quot;3&quot; and char != &quot;4&quot; and char != &quot;5&quot; and char != &quot;6&quot; and char != &quot;7&quot; and char != &quot;8&quot; and char != &quot;9&quot;) then
                                        if (char == &quot;-&quot; and foundInt) then
                                            set foundNeg = true
                                        elseif (char == &quot;.&quot; and not foundDecimal) then
                                            set curType = StringType.REAL
                                            set foundDecimal = true
                                            set curType = StringType.NULL
                                            exitwhen true
                                        set foundInt = true
                                    set length2 = length2 - 1
                                set stackStringType[this] = curType
                            set stackStringType[this] = curType
                        if (stackStringType[this] == StringType.ASCII or stackStringType[this] == StringType.STRING) then
                            set stackValue[this] = SubString(stackValue[this], 1, StringLength(stackValue[this])-1)
                    exitwhen finish == length
                set stackNext[last[stack]] = 0
                if (stack == 0) then
                    set stack = 0
                    set last[0] = stackNext[0]
                        exitwhen last[stack] == 0 and stack == 0
                        if (last[stack].type == StringType.STACK) then
                            set stack = stack + 1
                            set totalCount[stack] = stackSize[stack]
                            set last[stack] = last[stack-1].stack
                        if (last[stack] == 0) then
                            set stack = stack - 1
                        set stackCount[last[stack]] = totalCount[stack]
                        set totalCount[stack] = totalCount[stack] - 1
                        set last[stack] = stackNext[last[stack]]
                    return stackNext[0]
                set stack = 0
                set last[0] = stackNext[0]
                    exitwhen last[stack] == 0 and stack == 0
                        exitwhen last[stack].type != StringType.STACK
                        set stack = stack + 1
                        set last[stack] = last[stack-1].stack
                    if (last[stack] == 0) then
                        set stack = stack - 1
                    set stackRecycle[stackRecycleCount] = last[stack]
                    set stackRecycleCount = stackRecycleCount + 1
                    set last[stack] = stackNext[last[stack]]
            return 0
        public static method typeof takes string s returns StringType
            return Typeof(s)
    //string to boolean
    function S2B takes string s returns boolean
        return stringConvertValue[LoadInteger(stringValueIds, StringHash(s), 0)] &gt; 0
    //boolean to string
    function B2S takes boolean val returns string
        if (val) then
            return stringValues[1]
        return stringValues[2]
    //ascii to string
    function A2S takes integer val returns string
        local string ascii = &quot;&quot;
            exitwhen val == 0
            set ascii = ascii + Ascii2Char(val - val/128*128)
            set val = val / 128
        return ascii
    //string to ascii
    function S2A takes string val returns integer
        local integer i = 0
        local integer digit
        if (val != null) then
            set digit = StringLength(val)
                exitwhen digit == 0
                set digit = digit - 1
                set i = i * 128 + Char2Ascii(SubString(val, digit, digit+1))
        return i
    struct StringValue extends array
        public method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
            if (stringValueLength[this] &gt; 0) then
                set stringValueRecycle[stringValueRecycleCount] = this
                set stringValueRecycleCount = stringValueRecycleCount + 1
                set stringValueLength[this] = 0
                call RemoveSavedInteger(stringValueIds, stringValueId[this], 0)
        public static method create takes string value, StringType valueType, integer convertedValue returns thistype
            local integer id = StringHash(value)
            local thistype this = LoadInteger(stringValueIds, id, 0)
            if (value != &quot;&quot; and value != null and integer(valueType) &gt;= StringType.BOOLEAN and this == 0) then
                if (stringValueRecycleCount != 0) then
                    set stringValueRecycleCount = stringValueRecycleCount - 1
                    set this = stringValueRecycle[stringValueRecycleCount]
                    set stringValueCount = stringValueCount + 1
                    set this = stringValueCount
                set stringValues[this] = value
                set stringValueTypes[this] = valueType
                set stringValueLength[this] = StringLength(value)
                set stringConvertValue[this] = convertedValue
                set stringValueId[this] = id
                call SaveInteger(stringValueIds, id, 0, this)
                return this
            return this
        public static method operator [] takes string s returns thistype
            return LoadInteger(stringValueIds, StringHash(s), 0)
        public method operator boolean takes nothing returns boolean
            return stringConvertValue[this] &gt; 0
        public method operator integer takes nothing returns integer
            return stringConvertValue[this]
        public method operator integer= takes integer value returns nothing
            set stringConvertValue[this] = value
        public method operator string takes nothing returns string
            return stringValues[this]
        public method operator type takes nothing returns StringType
            return stringValueTypes[this]
    private module Initializer
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            set stringTypeCount = BOOLEAN
            set stringTypeNames[NULL] = &quot;null&quot;
            set stringTypeNames[BOOLEAN] = &quot;boolean&quot;
            set stringTypeNames[ASCII] = &quot;ascii&quot;
            set stringTypeNames[INTEGER] = &quot;integer&quot;
            set stringTypeNames[REAL] = &quot;real&quot;
            set stringTypeNames[STRING] = &quot;string&quot;
            set stringTypeNames[STACK] = &quot;stack&quot;
            set stringValueCount = 4
            set stringValues[1] = &quot;true&quot;
            set stringValues[2] = &quot;false&quot;
            set stringValues[3] = &quot;on&quot;
            set stringValues[4] = &quot;off&quot;
            call SaveInteger(stringValueIds, StringHash(&quot;true&quot;), 0, 1)
            call SaveInteger(stringValueIds, StringHash(&quot;false&quot;), 0, 2)
            call SaveInteger(stringValueIds, StringHash(&quot;on&quot;), 0, 3)
            call SaveInteger(stringValueIds, StringHash(&quot;off&quot;), 0, 4)
            set stringValueTypes[1] = BOOLEAN
            set stringValueTypes[2] = BOOLEAN
            set stringValueTypes[3] = BOOLEAN
            set stringValueTypes[4] = BOOLEAN
            set stringValueLength[1] = 4
            set stringValueLength[2] = 5
            set stringValueLength[3] = 2
            set stringValueLength[4] = 3
            set stringConvertValue[1] = 1
            set stringConvertValue[2] = 0
            set stringConvertValue[3] = 1
            set stringConvertValue[4] = 0
            set stringTypeExtend[INTEGER] = REAL
            call SaveBoolean(stringValueIds, INTEGER, REAL, true)

    struct StringType extends array
        public static constant integer NULL = 0
        public static constant integer ASCII = 1
        public static constant integer INTEGER = 2
        public static constant integer REAL = 3
        public static constant integer STACK = 4
        public static constant integer STRING = 5
        public static constant integer BOOLEAN = 6
        public static method create takes string name, StringType extend returns thistype
            if (integer(extend) &gt;= BOOLEAN or integer(extend) == 0) then
                set stringTypeCount = stringTypeCount + 1
                set stringTypeNames[stringTypeCount] = name
                set stringTypeExtend[stringTypeCount] = extend
                    exitwhen integer(extend) == 0
                    call SaveBoolean(stringValueIds, stringTypeCount, extend, true)
                    set extend = stringTypeExtend[extend]
                return stringTypeCount
            return 0
        public method operator name takes nothing returns string
            return stringTypeNames[this]
        public method operator extends takes nothing returns StringType
            return stringTypeExtend[this]
        public method is takes StringType ofType returns boolean
            return this == ofType or (this != NULL and (ofType == STRING and this != STACK) or LoadBoolean(stringValueIds, this, ofType))
        implement Initializer


Super Moderator
Reaction score
1) When will I need all, if any, of these functions?
2) MAKE CLEAR DOCUMENTATION. MAKE CLEAR DOCUMENTATION. MAKE CLEAR DOCUMENTATION. MAKE CLEAR DOCUMENTATION. What you have now is a mess. All of your systems are like this. Look at some of Jesus' code and you'll see what I mean. I don't even want to use this system because I don't want to read a tutorial on what functions to use. Just make a simple documentation at the top of your script.
3) I don't exactly get this system. It's a combination of ExplodeString, quiraj's string parsing, and a lot of other unneeded functions?


Reaction score
MAKE CLEAR DOCUMENTATION. MAKE CLEAR DOCUMENTATION. MAKE CLEAR DOCUMENTATION. MAKE CLEAR DOCUMENTATION. What you have now is a mess. All of your systems are like this. Look at some of Jesus' code and you'll see what I mean. I don't even want to use this system because I don't want to read a tutorial on what functions to use. Just make a simple documentation at the top of your script.

Documentation is as clear as a full blown in-depth vJASS tutorial, lol. It doesn't can't get much more clear than that ;P.

And documentation also covers all of your other questions ;D, so I will just ignore them ^_^.

Oh yes, and everyone else has rated the documentation in String Parser as some of the best documentation ever written for a wc3 resource. Only one person has ever had a question about this resource, and that happened because they didn't bother to read any of the documentation. A few people have learned how to use StringParser (probably about 20) as well ;). More than 1000 people have been able to decide whether or not they wanted to use it via the documentation. Of those 20, probably at least 10 learned it for fun ;D, lol. It is virtually a complete code parser as all it is missing is operators (not worth adding the feature in as while the feature may be cool, it'd be virtually 100% useless).


Super Moderator
Reaction score
>Documentation is as clear as a full blown in-depth vJASS tutorial, lol. It doesn't can't get much more clear than that ;P.

I think you're a bit confused. Clear would be a quick run down I can read. I'm not wasting my time reading that monster. I can't say this is overkill, because like Bribe said, it has potential. But it's still not documented well.


Reaction score
The tutorial is the best way to learn StringParser. The very first chapter more or less covers the features of StringParser in a couple of paragraphs and states whether or not it'd be useful to you. Most people do read chapter 1 (more than 1000).


Super Moderator
Reaction score
I don't think you understand.

//Author: Nestharus
//  Delimiters: &quot; &quot;, &quot;,&quot;
//  String Delimiter: &quot;
//  Escape Character: \ (escapes only &quot;)
//  Stack characters: ( ), { }, [ ]
//  Ascii Integer Delimiter: &#039;
//      function S2B takes string s returns boolean
//      function B2S takes boolean val returns string
//      function A2S takes integer val returns string
//      function S2A takes string val returns integer
//      struct StringValue
//          readonly boolean boolean
//          integer integer
//          readonly string string
//          readonly StringType type
//          static method operator [] takes string s returns StringValue
//          static method create takes string value, StringType valueType, integer convertedValue returns StringValue
//          method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
//      struct StringType
//          static constant integer NULL
//          static constant integer BOOLEAN
//          static constant integer ASCII
//          static constant integer INTEGER
//          static constant integer REAL
//          static constant integer STRING
//          static constant integer STACK
//          readonly string name
//          readonly StringType extends
//          static method create takes string name, StringType extend returns thistype
//          method is takes StringType ofType returns boolean
//      struct StringStack
//          readonly StringStack next
//          readonly StringStack stack
//          readonly string value
//          readonly integer size
//          readonly integer count
//          readonly StringType type
//          method toString takes nothing returns string
//          method pop takes nothing returns thistype
//          method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
//      struct String
//          static method filter takes string toFilter, string filterChar, boolean onlyAtStart returns string
//          static method parse takes string val returns StringStack
//          static method typeof takes string s returns StringType

I should get a quick gist of what this does, and the description of what a function does right there. I'm not asking to be able to just read that and know how to use this perfectly, but anyone with an intermediate knowledge of JASS should be able to just read that. That's how it is with AIDS, Table, TimerUtils, Status, BuffStruct, any other good system.


Reaction score
I should get a quick gist of what this does, and the description of what a function does right there. I'm not asking to be able to just read that and know how to use this perfectly, but anyone with an intermediate knowledge of JASS should be able to just read that. That's how it is with AIDS, Table, TimerUtils, Status, BuffStruct, any other good system.

There was a reason I wrote the tutorial over doing what you just mentioned ;P.

Here was a simple demo of the stack operator in StringStack

function LoopThroughStack takes integer this returns nothing
    local StringStack array stack
    set stack[0] = this
    set this = 0
        exitwhen stack[this] == 0 and this == 0
                exitwhen stack[this].type != StringType.STACK
                set this = this + 1
                set stack[this] = stack[this-1].stack
                exitwhen stack[this] != 0
                if (this == 0) then
                set this = this - 1
                set stack[this] = stack[this].pop() //skip stack pointers
            exitwhen stack[this].type != StringType.STACK
        set stack[this] = stack[this].pop()

You may be able to semi understand what each thing does, but you will have virtually no idea of how to use most of them. The stack was a rather extreme example, but anyways. Maybe I could take the short descriptive lists from each chapter and put them into the header of the system.

String Parser outputs its results into a stack of type StringStack. The StringStack includes

method operator next takes nothing returns StringStack //returns next node on stack
method operator value takes nothing returns string //returns string value of node
method pop takes nothing returns StringStack //pops off current node and returns the next node
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing //destroys the stack from current node onwards

StringValue would be variables, StringType would be types (similar to JASS).

Already defined types

//      struct StringType
//          static constant integer NULL
//          static constant integer BOOLEAN
//          static constant integer ASCII
//          static constant integer INTEGER
//          static constant integer REAL
//          static constant integer STRING
//          static constant integer STACK

Where types BOOLEAN and STRING can be extended (extending NULL auto extends STRING). Extension works just like you'd expect it to work. An INTEGER extends a REAL (integers can be inferred as reals, but reals can't be inferred as integers).

[ljass]// method is takes StringType ofType returns boolean[/ljass] would be the type comparison.

I guess I could write a short tutorial to StringParser. You understand all of what I went over quickly so far?


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Format the post properly, rather than abusing quotes and lumping it into a huge spoiler.
Feel free to use [noparse][/noparse] and [noparse]
[/noparse] (especially the latter).


Reaction score
Updated formatting. Kept it in a spoiler tag as scrolling to the bottom when only needing the code is maddening ;o.


Super Moderator
Reaction score
You updated the tutorial to be very informative, and it is very useful.

The library itself has wide uses... I bet I could create a fake limited unix terminal using this and a few trees.

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    Signatures can be edit in your account profile. As for the old stuffs, I'm thinking it's because Blizzard is now under Microsoft, and because of Microsoft Xbox going the way it is, it's dreadful.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am not big on the recipes I am just promoting them - I use the site as a practice place promoting stuff
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    @tom_mai78101 I must be blind. If I go on my profile I don't see any area to edit the signature; If I go to account details (settings) I don't see any signature area either.
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    What is up Old Mountain Shadow?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Thursday!
  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Power back on finally - all is good here no damage
    Happy Friday!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    New recipe is another summer dessert Berry and Peach Cheesecake -

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