Taking hero/unit/item idea requests


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My Request
* Class archetype - int , range, healer/supporter
* Hero background/theme - dont really matter, but try to related to holy and means have a background story :X
* Amount of spells, levels of each spell - 4 spells, 3 normal spell with a max of 4 levels and a ultimate with a max of 3 level

The model is

I tell u in advance, i will only credit you if you can make the hero :X but i will +rep you if the idea is given by you


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My Request
* Class archetype - int , range, healer/supporter
* Hero background/theme - dont really matter, but try to related to holy and means have a background story :X
* Amount of spells, levels of each spell - 4 spells, 3 normal spell with a max of 4 levels and a ultimate with a max of 3 level

The model is

I tell u in advance, i will only credit you if you can make the hero :X but i will +rep you if the idea is given by you

your lazyness make me facepalm.

she told ya that she only gives IDEAS!

she don't create the hero!



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These heroes are for an RPG, their skills are meant to be PvE more than PvP althou that will be added later. Anyway, the system looks like this

A basic class, can choose between 2-3 other classes to evolve into, for example:

Warrior = basic
Protector = Choice one
Berserk = Choice two.

At the moment I have 1 basic str class, 1 basic agility class, and 3 int classes.
Their names and roles: Warrior(tank/dmg), Archer (damage), Missionary(healer/dmg), Nature's protector (tank/healer), and Wizard (damage)

What I am mainly feeling I am missing is an agility melee hero, however, the rogue/commando approach is just a tad bit overused for me to like the idea. If anything comes to mind you would be very free to post the suggestion.

Strength damage dealer, perhaps even healer? I don't know here, you have completely free hands.

Providing possible "evolvement" classes would be quite awesome, but frankly, anything is welcome. :)


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your lazyness make me facepalm.

she told ya that she only gives IDEAS!

she don't create the hero!




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mapguy I appreciate you fighting for me, but can you two please stop the flooding? It's crowding up this thread way too much....


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Madbrood, the Mad Man

Madbrood, then a young elf named Dalorhai, was caged for his acts against the Royal Council. Banished from daylight, he suffered torture and inprisonment for countless centuries, until there was but a mere shell of him left filled with rage and an unyielding thirst for revenge. He now wanders the world, destroying everything in his sight.


Eyes in the Dark

Stalking his prey, Madbrood uses all tricks he has to disorient his target and move in on it.

Level 1: Decreases the targeted enemy units' visual range by 200. The next attack by Madbrood on the opponent summons an image of him that takes 400% damage and deals 30% damage.

Level 2: Decreases the targeted enemy units' visual range by 250. The next attack by Madbrood on the opponent summons an image of him that takes 340% damage and deals 30% damage.

Level 3: Decreases the targeted enemy units' visual range by 300. The next 2 attacks by Madbrood on the opponent summons an image of him that takes 280% damage and deals 35% damage.

Level 4: Decreases the targeted enemy units' visual range by 350. The next 2 attacks by Madbrood on the opponent summons an image of him that takes 220% damage and deals 35% damage.

Level 5: Decreases the targeted enemy units' visual range by 400. The next 3 attacks by Madbrood on the opponent summons an image of him that takes 160% damage and deals 40% damage.

Level 6: Decreases the targeted enemy units' visual range by 500. The next 3 attacks by Madbrood on the opponent summons an image of him that takes 100% damage and deals 40% damage.

Mana Cost: 90/110/130/150/170/200 mana
Cooldown: 60/50/45/40/35/30 seconds
Duration: 7 seconds.

Notes: All images die when the duration is over.


Stalker's Frenzy

As the Mad Man nears his victim and he smells the blood, he enters a fury that grows for each claw he sinks into his prey until he is mad with bloodlust.

Level 1: Upon activation, grants him five charges that wear down as he attacks. Aslong as there are charges left, his damage is increased by 10% and attack speed by 20%. Also, upon casting Eyes in the Dark he gains 2 extra charges of Stalker's frenzy based on the level of Stalker's Frenzy learned.

Level 2: Upon activation, grants him five charges that wear down as he attacks. Aslong as there are charges left, his damage is increased by 15% and attack speed by 30%. Also, upon casting Eyes in the Dark he gains 2 extra charges of Stalker's frenzy based on the level of Stalker's Frenzy learned.

Level 3: Upon activation, grants him five charges that wear down as he attacks. Aslong as there are charges left, his damage is increased by 20% and attack speed by 40%. Also, upon casting Eyes in the Dark he gains 3 extra charges of Stalker's frenzy based on the level of Stalker's Frenzy learned.

Level 4: Upon activation, grants him five charges that wear down as he attacks. Aslong as there are charges left, his damage is increased by 25% and attack speed by 50%. Also, upon casting Eyes in the Dark he gains 3 extra charges of Stalker's frenzy based on the level of Stalker's Frenzy learned.

Level 5: Upon activation, grants him five charges that wear down as he attacks. Aslong as there are charges left, his damage is increased by 30% and attack speed by 60%. Also, upon casting Eyes in the Dark he gains 4 extra charges of Stalker's frenzy based on the level of Stalker's Frenzy learned.

Level 6: Upon activation, grants him five charges that wear down as he attacks. Aslong as there are charges left, his damage is increased by 40% and attack speed by 80%. Also, upon casting Eyes in the Dark he gains 5 extra charges of Stalker's frenzy based on the level of Stalker's Frenzy learned.

Mana Cost: 80/100/125/150/180/210 mana
Cooldown: 30 seconds.
Duration: 8 seconds.

Notes: The first bit is self explanatory whereas the second might need some clarification. If he has this skill learned, and uses Eyes in the dark, he will gain the effect of this spell with X charges but the same bonuses as the level of Stalker's Frenzy.


Rending Fangs

A fierce bite attack that rends the preys' flesh, causing it to bleed and take additional damage from attacks.

Level 1: Deals 60 damage over 5 seconds. Any physical attack on the affected unit deals 8 bonus damage.
Level 2: Deals 80 damage over 5 seconds. Any physical attack on the affected unit deals 13 bonus damage.
Level 3: Deals 105 damage over 5 seconds. Any physical attack on the affected unit deals 17 bonus damage.
Level 4: Deals 135 damage over 5 seconds. Any physical attack on the affected unit deals 21 bonus damage.
Level 5: Deals 170 damage over 5 seconds. Any physical attack on the affected unit deals 25 bonus damage.
Level 6: Deals 210 damage over 5 seconds. Any physical attack on the affected unit deals 29 bonus damage.

Mana Cost: 60/70/80/90/100/110/120 mana
Cooldown: 16 seconds


Leap (ulti)

Jumps high into the air in the direction of the target. Upon landing, slows and weakens nearby enemies

Level 1: Jumps to a target up to 525 distance away, slowing all enemies within 250 range of the target by 20% and causing them to take 20% more damage for 4 seconds.
Level 2: Jumps to a target up to 600 distance away, slowing all enemies within 250 range of the target by 30% and causing them to take 30% more damage for 4 seconds.
Level 3: Jumps to a target up to 525 distance away, slowing all enemies within 250 range of the target by 40% and causing them to take 40% more damage for 4 seconds.

Mana Cost: 175/225/275 mana
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Here's your hero HeX - hope you enjoy it. I had a hard time thinking of something that hasn't been done already.


Isn't Trollin You Right Now
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Awesome. Its funny i believe that
was made by my request last time i was thinking for ideas about this hero xD


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Happy, Please, can i request another?
( Pretty much in need of ideas )

Kwarx, the Fire Ranger

Archetype: Nuker, Invis, Supportive.
Please, 2 Passives.



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Type of suggestion: Hero
Detail: just synergistical abilities, no lore/tooltips required :)

* Class archetype: ranged AGI/INT archer hero
* Hero background/theme: Nelf archer, can be good/evil/neutral
* Amount of spells, levels of each spell: 4 spells, 5 levels each, no ulti

* Other remarks:

- her title is "Crystal Maiden"
- her theme is ranged stunning and locking down opponents
- preferably should be 2 actives, 1 toggle, 1 passive, but whatever (feel free to give her whatever abilities you think work best)
- her abilities should thematically support her "Crystal Arrows" ("Crystal Arrows", auto-cast frost arrows graphics with stun)

I know that making stun-based abilities which fit thematically and synergize is difficult, hence my request. I could've just given her some random single-target/AoE stun-nukes, but that's boring and overdone, so, I'm confident you can do much better. :thup:


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I know that making stun-based abilities which fit thematically and synergize is difficult, hence my request. I could've just given her some random single-target/AoE stun-nukes, but that's boring and overdone, so, I'm confident you can do much better. :thup:

If you guys didn't read, I don't currently accept any more suggestions. I don't have much time atm..


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Gawrthock, the Ogre Magi

We Gawrthock. We no have tribe cause warchief stoopid. Haha, warchief stoopid no more - we dead him. We no stoopid, we smart! Gawrthock now keel all humans. Dey think dey smart, but me smarter. Me? We! Shut up, stoopid! No you shut up!


Smash dat human with dat fiery thingie

Tooltip? Gawrthock no know wat is a tooltip. (Throws a bucket of second hand oil that explodes on contact)

Level 1: Throws a bucket of oil at a target point from up to 400 distance away. If it comes in contact with an enemy along its path, it explodes dealing 100 damage and applies "Wahaha da ground is on fire" between the casting unit and the position of the unit.

Level 2: Throws a bucket of oil at a target point from up to 400 distance away. If it comes in contact with an enemy along its path, it explodes dealing 140 damage and applies "Wahaha da ground is on fire" between the casting unit and the position of the unit.

Level 3: Throws a bucket of oil at a target point from up to 400 distance away. If it comes in contact with an enemy along its path, it explodes dealing 200 damage and applies "Wahaha da ground is on fire" between the casting unit and the position of the unit.

Level 4: Throws a bucket of oil at a target point from up to 400 distance away. If it comes in contact with an enemy along its path, it explodes dealing 270 damage and applies "Wahaha da ground is on fire" between the casting unit and the position of the unit.

Mana Cost: 100/130/160/190
Cooldown: 15 seconds


Wahaha da ground is on fire

Effect: Deals 8/12/16/20 damage per second for 5 seconds.


Me cast a red ball on dat one

This is burn good, whahaha! We go get sunglasses now.

Level 1: Deals 52-152 damage to the target, and applies "Whahaha da ground is on fire" to enemies within 300 range of the target.
Level 2: Deals 128-228 damage to the target, and applies "Whahaha da ground is on fire" to enemies within 300 range of the target.
Level 3: Deals 204-304 damage to the target, and applies "Whahaha da ground is on fire" to enemies within 300 range of the target.
Level 4: Deals 300-400 damage to the target, and applies "Whahaha da ground is on fire" to enemies within 300 range of the target.

Mana Cost: 75/90/130/170 mana
Cooldown: 9 seconds


Ogres' Breath

The stench of Gawrthocks breath, filled with cheap liquor and rotten fish, fills the air with a heavy smell that fuels any fires nearby.

Level 1: Deals 7 damage per second to anyone with the buff "Whahaha da ground is on fire" within 300 range.
Level 2: Deals 13 damage per second to anyone with the buff "Whahaha da ground is on fire" within 400 range.
Level 3: Deals 19 damage per second to anyone with the buff "Whahaha da ground is on fire" within 500 range.
Level 4: Deals 26 damage per second to anyone with the buff "Whahaha da ground is on fire" within 600 range.


We now 3. We ken dead yu.

Summons 1 illusion, casting the same spells as Gawrthock though with less potent effects.

Level 1: Summons an illusion that casts the same spells as Gawrthock, causing 40% the damage. The illusion has 600 HP, and transfers half the damage Gawrthock takes to itself.
Level 2: Summons an illusion that casts the same spells as Gawrthock, causing 50% the damage. The illusion has 700 HP, and transfers half the damage Gawrthock takes to itself.
Level 1: Summons an illusion that casts the same spells as Gawrthock, causing 65% the damage. The illusion has 850 HP, and transfers half the damage Gawrthock takes to itself.

Mana Cost: 200/250/350 mana
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Duration: 13 seconds.
Here you go NotInTheFace, as you said - a bit more light hearted theme :)

@ Crazy_Dead, sorry I didn't mean to sound so irritated :p


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Invictus, the Witch Slayer

Witch Slayers are grim individuals who have dedicated themselves to eradicating the forces of evil, either in the service of the state or the Church. Their dedication is such that they will travel far if they think they can strike a meaningful blow against the forces of evil. They differ from paladins in that they do not hesitate to kill innocents so long as they also manage to slay the guilty.
Invictus, a young Witch Slayer, abondoned his throne and vowed to devote his life to the eradication of all evil. Clad in robes white as pure snow Invictus strides in to battle smiting his enemies with his holy powers bestowed upon him by the gods...


Holy Fervor

Smashing the enemy with his blessed Witch Hammer, drenched in holy water, this attack purges all the heretics from the face of the earth.

Effect: Deals (179 - 193 + (0.25 x Strength)) and an additional 30% of the damage over 10 seconds. Also, reduces the targets' armor by 4 while increasing Invictus' by 4. The DoT and armor effect stacks up to 3 times, with duration refreshed if reapplied.

Mana Cost: 100 + 2% of maximum mana
Cooldown: 4 seconds


Inquisition (Passive)

Builds inqusition whenever Invictus uses an ability. Inquistion enhances his combat capabilities.

Effect: Builds 1 inquisition whenever Invictus casts a spell, stacking up to five times.


Die, Heretic! (Ultimate)

Forces all nearby enemies to confess their sins, dealing damage to them based on the number of Inquisition accrued, while creating shields around allies to protect them from further harm.

  • 1 Inquisition: Deals 230-265 damage to enemies within 500 range and grants allies a shield absorbing half the amount.
  • 2 Inquisition: Deals 262-297 damage to enemies within 500 range and grants allies a shield absorbing half the amount.
  • 3 Inquisition: Deals 294-329 damage to enemies within 500 range and grants allies a shield absorbing half the amount.
  • 4 Inquisition: Deals 326-361 damage to enemies within 500 range and grants allies a shield absorbing half the amount.
  • 5 Inquisition: Deals 358-391 damage to enemies within 500 range and grants allies a shield absorbing half the amount.
Mana cost: (400 / Amount of Inquisition) mana
Cooldown: 40 seconds


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I am really sorry, but it seems we have missunderstood each other. :p
I needed 3 spell suggestions since I had finished 1 spell. My heroes are still supposed to have 4 spells each.



Creates a sanctuary of light at a target location where the Witchslayer and his allies can be safe. Units in the Sanctuary have their health regeneration increased by 10% of the Witch Slayer's Intelligence.

Rays of light come down every second, smiting enemies within the sanctuary. The rays of light strikes down at a random point in the sanctuary and damages nearby enemies for .5 Strength.

This is the finished ultimate. So I wanted 3 normal skills too. So the "Die, Heretic!" spell doesn't really fit in (if I'm not planning on having two ultimates). :D But the spells were still pretty cool and intuitive.

I also really like the Lore!
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    Signatures can be edit in your account profile. As for the old stuffs, I'm thinking it's because Blizzard is now under Microsoft, and because of Microsoft Xbox going the way it is, it's dreadful.
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  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Power back on finally - all is good here no damage

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