RPG Terra's Decimation


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Terra's Decimation

This if my first release using pure vJass, and as such I've worked for awhile on the core systems to get a good foundation. For now, all that's done is a simple forest for new characters and such. I have 3 heroes done so far, which all have synergistic abilities to further encourage their use. Each spell also grows stronger with each use, but I'll go over that later. The current name is pending, as I'm a bit too tired to think of a better one at the moment...

  • Party System
  • "Knock out" System
  • "Corpse" System
  • Grade System
  • Intuitive Damage Show System
  • Spell Evolvement System (Yes, I know evolvement isn't a word.)
  • Miscellaneous Other Systems

All systems listed there are complete, but may change due to changes in theme, and/or ideas. I'll list an explanation of each next:

Party System:
In this ORPG I wanted to put forth the idea that working in a team is indeed better, so I came up with this: Each player can team with another granting vision and shared experience gain. Each team has a max of four members, teams can be created at will, and named whatever one likes.

"Knock out" System:
When one reaches death their soul will be instead be knocked out of their body. Their soul is invisible and only visible to party members. Souls cannot react with the enviroment, nor leave/enter dungeons. You have several options: Reach 75% of your Max HP, have a healer rejoin your spirit, visit a Medium in town (Which cannot be done in dungeons), or just wait 5 minutes.

"Corpse" System:
In the event a medium rejoins your soul, your body comes with you. Pertaining to some sense of reality, your items will be left behind in a "pack". Only party members can pick it up, if you or your party members pick it up it is automatically transferred to your hero.

Grade System:
Upon killing a unit, Grade is added to your hero. Grade is an inaccessible value attached to your save code. To get the value, upon killing a unit certain factors are determined. Grade starts at the optimal value of 10*Level of Monster. Your HP difference of what you started with upon attacking the unit, and when you kill it is divided by 10, then subtracted from Grade. Additional factors such as Potions, how many people helped, and etc. are factored in. Grade is only accessed upon loading. It is only used to add enhancements to your hero for only that game. Ie: Addtional Experiance Gain.

Intuitive Damage Show System:
It's pretty minor, but my Damage show only shows damage with 0.4 seconds, ie: unit is hit 2 times within 0.4 seconds, combine the damage and show. I needed to play with it, since Shield spells did not factor into it, so it now shows the actual damage.

Spell Evolvement System
: (Yet again, I know evolvement is not a word.)
Upon casting spells you increase it's use. After the use of that spell is at a certain point, the spell will increase in damage, AoE, etc. Additional factors may be added in later.

So, without further ado, here is a section for you to rant about possible features:

Upon being hit in the back, determined by certain values, you will receive 130% of the damage. Ie: Hit with 100 damage in the back, you will instead receive 130 damage.

Clean Hit:
For every hit a roll is cast, not literally, if it passes within a margin dictated by your weapon, ie: 12% or 30%, then you get a clean hit. A clean hit is essentially a ministun, and no it doesn't stack.

Others may be added in.

Screen Shots:

Here's a lame screenshot of my horrible self-done terrain. (Note: If you can see this section of the terrain, you can't see much else around you.)
Terrain Preview.jpg

New Screenshot:


Here's a preview of some heroes.

The Priestess is the main healer of the game, don't mistake her for pure healing, she has a few methods to keep her own in battle.

Divine Protection:
The Priestess prays for the hero's soul for Mish'kala to overlook the hero's well-being. Adds 15% Damage reduction, 15 Hp Regeneration, and its spirit will rejoin its body in the event of being knocked out.

Sacred Texts: (Passive)
For every 3 intelligence the Priestess will fore-go 1 point of her Mana cost on spells.

Spirit Recollection:
Upon casting it on a Fallen Hero's body their soul with rejoin its body. Heals the hero by 25% of their max HP if they are under it.

The Battle Mage:
The Battle Mage is responsible for taking down large groups of enemies at a time using his Mana as a medium to even further his tanking capabilities.

Discharge/Mana Steal: (Toggle)
Discharge: Instead of absorbing stolen mana, while Discharge is toggled the Mage will collect the energy into a single attack. When Discharge is untoggled his next attack will deal 50 * (Stolen Mana*2) in an Area. The Battle mage will also lose the inflicted damage in mana.

Mana Steal: Attacks will steal mana equal to the inflicted damage / 5. This will also purge the unit, inflicting the stolen mana as damage.

Battle Stance: (Toggle and Debuff)
All magical damage will be foregone and the Mage will switch to Melee Attacks. The mage will deal Piercing damage to units, ignoring 15 of its armour. The Mage will also incur a loss of 5 Armour and 20 Damage.

Warrior's Blood: (Passive)
For every percentage of missing mana the Mage will lose his grip on his sanity. He gains 12% increased attack speed and 9 Strength per instance.

The Berserker is the main tank of the game. He uses his crowd control abilities to clear the way for spell-casters and to further his own progress.

War Cry: (AoE)
The Berserker lets out a cry debuffing all nearby enemies causing them to lose 20% hp, and giving it to the Berserker. The De/Buff lasts for 17 seconds for the Berserker, and enemies.

Rushing Strike: (Charge-type)
The Berserker rushes towards a target enemy pushing aside any enemy in his path, if the Berserker is stunned or silenced in any way during his charge, he will be idle for 3 seconds. Upon impact with units he will deal 120 physical damage and be pushed back for 200 units. The Berserker will additionally stun the target unit for 2 seconds and deal 230 Physical damage.

Berserker's Blood: (Passive)
For every 5 kills the Berserker has a 15% chance to increase his hp by 150. The gained hp is not saved from game to game.

(More Heroes coming soon.)



Terra is the Plane in which humans reside. Terra is the midway between Niflheim and the Upper Realm. Humans have lived in peace since the times of Chaos, but as of late Demons have begun their ascent into Terra. Many humans live here, but several Upper Beings such as Elves and other fictitious creatures have descended to aid the Lesser Born.


Niflheim is the first of the Lower Realms, being the borderline between it and Terra. Many of the weaker Demons reside in this plane. But as time passes, more of the Lower Realm Demons have begun the ascent into Terra as well.

The Upper Realm

The Upper Realm is a Plane of fictitious existence. It's exact nature is unknown, as well as what resides in it, the only creatures to emerge would be the Elves, and an assortment of other Intelligent Races. The only person to know of its true name does not exist in Terra, nor all but the lowest Realm. This creature's name is not yet known to those outside his reach of power, but soon his name will become known to all...

The Story So Far

Demons have begun their decimation in Terra, it has become increasingly apparent to humans that they have no chance to win by normals means. Yet, a former Demon Queen along with her loyal minions appeared before the King. The exact conversation between her and the King are so far unknown to the public, but as a consequence she is being escorted by her many minions and several rather lucky travelers to an undisclosed location. They know not its purpose, but by the sound of their King, it's the only chance they have.​


I just wanted to post an example of the simplistic code that comes with using vJass for people who are confused by my earlier statement.

scope BerserkersBlood initializer Init

//! runtextmacro PUI_PROPERTY("public", "integer", "Kills", "0")
//! runtextmacro PUI_PROPERTY("public", "integer", "Hplevel", "0")

private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit u = GetKillingUnit()
    if GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, 'A00U') == 1 then
        set Kills<u> = Kills<u> + 1
        if Kills<u> == 5 then
            set Kills<u> = 0
            if GetRandomInt(1, 100) &gt;= 15 then
                set Hplevel<u> = Hplevel<u> + 3
                set Bonus_Life<u> = Hplevel<u>
    set u = null
    return false

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition(function Conditions))
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH)
    call PreloadAbil(&#039;A00U&#039;)

I know it has very minor leaks due to Creating Triggers and etc, but only one hero of its kind can be picked.


Ya Rly >.
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Horrible terraining? I thought it was pretty good =)
Would the name "Terra" have anything to do with Final Fantasy's Terra? (Like just a reference to the name?)

I'm such a nerd...
Anyway, hope this map turns out to be a big hit!


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Terra is just an alternate word to the plane of existence where Earth is located. If I say Terra, I refer to the Human plane.


You can change this now in User CP.
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I haven't thought about the other aspects of your game, but do you have a plan to prevent players from abusing your spell evolvement system? A player can just cast the same spell over and over and over again near a ... say mana fountain. Also, keep it mind that some spells may not be used as often as others. (well, again, that depends on what spells you have)

Best of luck. I'm looking forward to this.


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Spells will only gain a use if it deals damage. Yet, for non target buffs, it will still apply. Evolving them isn't much of an advantage, just a luxury.


You can change this now in User CP.
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So this is the RPG you've been working on :p

It looks really great ren, looking forward to it.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Looks cool.
I be also lookin foward to it.
Maybe add some doodads to your terrain and make it less... straight, lol. Bigger trees also tend to make it look more realistic. ^.^



(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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As I've said, my terrain is horrible. I was kind of hoping for someone to do the terrain...

Edit: The main post should be up to date now, I had to do alot of revisions.


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Bump. Save/Load system has been implemented using Kode.


Active Member
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Is this online? Or say something to do without internet? Sorry if it was already mentioned earlier, didnt catch it.


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Yes, it is multiplayer. I'm thinking of doing either 8 or 10 players, instead of the commonplace 12.


New Member
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As I've said, my terrain is horrible. I was kind of hoping for someone to do the terrain...

Edit: The main post should be up to date now, I had to do alot of revisions.

I could try to do some terrain for you, if you'd like. I'm not the best terrainer out there, but I'm not the worst either, so just give me a tell if you want me to give it a try. :eek:


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Well, I'm not sure if you'd be up to it. The map size will be kind of big... I think it's 256x256? The map size is debatable to within 50~75 units.


New Member
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Well, I'm not sure if you'd be up to it. The map size will be kind of big... I think it's 256x256? The map size is debatable to within 50~75 units.

>The map size is debatable to within 50~75 units.
Units, what do you mean? :nuts:

Hm, well, it all depends on the details. 256x256 is indeed quite big, but as long as you have an idea of how the general outlay would look, how the theme would, where places should be and such, I could give it a try. It's only an offering though, I don't mind if you say no.


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Units is the amount of distance traveled in wc3 form? I call it units anyway. For the map bounds, it'd be a different format, guess that was the wrong word to use.

As for the theme.. Just go with an earthen style with 5 towns in strategic locations which look fortified, as they're fighting the Demons at this point. If it looked too laid-back... It wouldn't fit at all. It also needs one point which looks demonic/corrupted.


New Member
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Units is the amount of distance traveled in wc3 form? I call it units anyway. For the map bounds, it'd be a different format, guess that was the wrong word to use.

As for the theme.. Just go with an earthen style with 5 towns in strategic locations which look fortified, as they're fighting the Demons at this point. If it looked too laid-back... It wouldn't fit at all. It also needs one point which looks demonic/corrupted.

Earthen style, you mean as in barrens-style?

5 towns with strategic locations, where would you want these towns in the map? How big should they be? Should they look different? What style should the towns have?
The point which looks demonic corrupted, how big should it be, where should it be, and corrupted as in felwoodish-style or as in outlandish-style?
Assuming that if the 5 towns and demonic/corrupted place doesn't cover the whole map, what else should be there? Plains? Forest?

These questions are assuming that you want me to terrain your map. :p


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Well, as in Earthen I mean Forests and such. Earth > Earthen? The towns' locations would be in strategic location, ie: near rivers, on hills, on mountains, etc. The towns should be small-ish, the first town and the Capital, where the king is, are the biggest. The Demonic location would be just about the same size as the capital, and a portal of some sort at the end of the Area.


New Member
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Well, as in Earthen I mean Forests and such. Earth > Earthen? The towns' locations would be in strategic location, ie: near rivers, on hills, on mountains, etc. The towns should be small-ish, the first town and the Capital, where the king is, are the biggest. The Demonic location would be just about the same size as the capital, and a portal of some sort at the end of the Area.

Alright, Earthen makes sense. :p

As you know, forests can have alot of styles, like ashenvale, felwood, summery lordaeron or fall. How would you like the style?
And for the towns and such, do you think you could draw some kind of basic layout if you have any ideas where towns should be on the map, like the citadel in the middle and the other towns spread out or however your idea of the layout is.

>The towns should be small-ish

Small-ish? What do you mean with that, small-ish to you can mean huge to me. Small-ish isn't very descriptive. :p

As I said, some kind of basic drawing make in paint or something would help to give me an idea how it would look and where you would want stuff to be, etc.
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