TH Mini-Tournament Series #2 [RESULTS]

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Linux is only free if your time is worthless.
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They have to go over 999. If they didn't then only 999 people could be on each server.

The ID is not unique to every player, but only to every name. So (if the number doesn't go over 999) there can't be more than 1000 people with the same name.

I've never seen a number larger than 999 - maybe a 2 or 5 slipped in there.

PS: In addition to that there's numbers like 023 - so they fill up remaining space with 0s. There's no reason why they wouldn't do it with all the 3-digit long numbers. And: since numbers are pseudo-randomly selected it'd be very strange that basically everyone has a 3-digit long code.


The DIY Ninja
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Actually, the character limit for the usernames is 12.

Seeing as there are 26 characters in the English alphabet, 10 numbers, and capitalization matters, there are 62 different characters possible for each character of a username.

That's 62^12 usernames. Each username can have 0 to 999 identities (assuming there were only 0 to 999 each username).

That's 62^12 * 1000 = 3226266762397899821056000 possible different people that could be on each server.

And even following your logic, it'd be 1000 given that 000 was a valid identifier, which I think it is.


0 to 999 would be plenty. I don't know why they'd have 0 to 9999.


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Still need 2 more players to join American League.

[Edit] Whitesock the beginning of the tournament is coming up soon, you might want to make your decision on your race.

[Edit 2] Zorg it is.

Player 1: Sevion

Player 2: YourFace


Player 4: Slapshot136

Player 5: Whitesock

Player 6: Slayer4000X2008


TOURNAMENT FULL - See Post #76 for Activity Check info.

All applied European players respond ASAP.


New Member
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Btw I am no noob and I will make this tournament fun to watch and consider to as the response :D ty


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It looks like everyone that signed up for the Tournament has responded in some way, shape or form.
So let the European League Tournament Begin!​

Round of 8

The Maps
Now the Maps you will be playing for these matchups! Remember they have to played in this order and its best 2 out of 3, so the third game is only needed if you both win 1 game, however you can play it regardless.

All the games must be played by January 28th, 2011

Monsterous VS Covereths
Game 1: Incineration Zone (2)
Game 2: Delta Quadrant (4)
Game 3: Delta Quadrant (4)

Siretu VS pixel
Game 1: Metalopolis (4)
Game 2: Blistering Sands (2)
Game 3: Blistering Sands (2)

Vestras VS S3rius
Game 1: Desert Oasis (2)
Game 2: Scrap Station (2)
Game 3: Kulas Ravine (4)

Bloodcount VS Speedlink
Game 1: Metalopolis (4)
Game 2: Lost Temple (4)
Game 3: Desert Oasis (2)

No new maps, the randomizer doesn't seem to like them. Good luck to all competitors...

Fun Stuff
Even if you are not playing (or even if you are an contestant you can still join in this too), you can still have fun! Below is a Word Document (its a 2003 Office so hopefully more people can use it).
Now you don't necessarily have to predict the full chart correctly, but if you can ether post in the thread or message me with who your prediction as Champion is of the Mini-Tournament BEFORE THE SEMI-FINALS you can win 3 rep.

This can be done for both tournaments when they start, and meaning you can receive +6 rep in total just for being lucky or having really good analysis skills. But remember it has to be in before the Semi-Finals. Good Luck:thup:


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  • Brackets.doc
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The Helper Connoisseur / Ex-MineCraft Host
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Hm...The thread title needs to change to [In Progress] or something. :)

I predicted Monsterous will win.


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Hm...The thread title needs to change to [In Progress] or something. :)

I predicted Monsterous will win.

Unfortunately, the American Tournament has not yet begun & is still looking for contestants D:
So I can not change the title yet.

But yeah hopefully those are some interesting matchups.


Starcraft II Moderator
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I am out of town ATM, I am at place where the PC can't support SCII so since everyone else is asleep I had the time to write a bunch of stuff for each of the upcoming match ups. I also offered some advice to the players. It might not be the best advice in the world, but it is my train of thoughts on how the maps will effect the players, their play styles and such.

It just had to be speed....

Clearly he is the favorite in this match up... yes I chose zerg so I have no right to complain but the map lay out is clearly against me :D:D My style with zerg is as aggressive as it can get so... these 4 player long distance maps are clearly against me.
I have a special build in mind for Speed if I am to loose the first game... some time ago in another tournament I had the pleasure to see Kail's style of play (top 200 zerg) So I will use it against him if I am to fail... the question is, am I skilled enough to use Kail's style without it backfiring... Ah, don't you just loove gambling ? :)

Nonetheless I will give him my best shot. (Or not, depending on my mood)

Good luck to all contestants.

Ok so my predictions...
From the first round I bet that Monsterous will come out for sure... yes I haven't seen covereths or pixel play, but, I am sure that Monsterous can deal with whatever they can throw at him. As long as he uses ghosts and limits the usage of tanks, Monsterous should be fine. His maps are trully even for both races... so, really appropriate scouting for both players shall be required.

My advice to these players is to play a few practise games so that they can see eachother's style.

Siretu is hm... I have to say that he is at a slight disadvantage... Blistering sands has a back door. Ok, yeah, sure, a lot of players can utilize it into making a zergling run by and sniping the economy.... but in the mid game, the narrow chokes make it an AoE fest... It is really up to the players to use this (both burrowed blings and sieged tanks will do)
BUT overall the mobility of MMM and the area of effect of the siege tank will make it slightly easier for the terran player to start using the terrain at first. (Also if I recall correctly, therewas some lowground where you can place a siege tank that with vision on the highground can reck havock or defend from lings)

Vestras and S3rius... I saw a few games with them. (2 I belive)

I gotta hand it to vestras, he does know how to use the blings. To anyone who doesn't know here is the deal- the more the blings the better the carnage, with 98 lings I literally destroyed an entire terran base... and for what ? 48 suply ? Not cost effective sure, but only the pros aren't stockpiling in the late game.. .and if you are, then why not use the resourses to instantly kill his base or army.

My advice to s3rius is to utilise banshees, drops, hellions. Not bunker rushes, and to practise multi promt attacks since vestras is a macro style zerg- so he will have more bases than you.

My advice to Vestras- practise micro and effective apm. You will need it.


Linux is only free if your time is worthless.
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An excellent idea. I shall spew some predictions as well:

Monsterous : Covereths

I don't know Covereths, but from the previous tournament I know that Monsterous is solid and efficient. His TvT is boring as hell, but TvP is an entirely different thing and I think Monster will eventually overpower him.
Incineration is a good chance for Terran to put the hurt on toss if done right. Delta doesn't particulary favor anyone, though the open natural makes it harder for Terran to defend it well.

Siretu : pixel

The map composition is horrible for pixel. Blistering twice in a row is gruesome. I saw pixel playing once and he showed some unconventional tactics, but that won't help him in long-term games where solid macro and bulletproof playing counts.
In longer games I see Siretu in definite advantage, except on Metalo where starting positions will decide a lot. So Siretu will take it.

s3rius : Vestras

I'm not particulary happy about the maps.
Desert is kinda like Scrap, long ground attack paths, short air way. In addition to that an ulgy second entrance into the natural. I can't even begin to predict that outcome.
Scrap will be hard for me, I generally lose to Vestras on this map.
If it goes into game #3 I think I can finish it. Kulas generally does not favor Zerg.
The fact that we train together a lot will make it tough as nails as he knows most of my strategies
.In fact I think the winner of this match will take the entire tournament. I'll have to favor me, though. Gotta show some battle spirit!

Bloodcount : Speedlink

I don't know either player or their style, but I prefer the thought of the Zerg winning. So there you go :3

Semi Finals:

Monsterous : Siretu

Prediction for now: Monster will take it. I see him overall as the slightly better player, and Siretu playing a new race won't make it easier for him. But who knows - maybe their TvZ/ZvT will wipe away all prejudice from earlier games.

s3rius : Bloodcount

Prediction for now: I will take it. My TvZ is my strongest matchup. It won't be easy, but I'll pull through. If Vestras ends up in my place he probably won't have fun. Macro-heavy Zerg vs aggressive Zerg? Ouch.


Monsterous : s3rius

Prediction for now: My TvT is probably worst and I don't feel that comfortable playing it. But I got some ideas in my head.


Sounds like I'm pretty full of myself - predicting my own victory ~.~
Well, this is my honest and objective opinion, based on facts as much as I could.


Resident Star Battle Expert.
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I predict I will have fun getting steam rolled.

Though since people don't generally know most of my play style I would make some interesting matches at least. :3


In the Shadows, Lurking.
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It appears ill have to get my ghosts ready!
Though not a huge fan of Delta :eek:

Good luck Covereths!

My Predictions! Cause im jumpin' on the bandwagon.

Monsterous vs Covereths:

I dont know Covereths at all, so i can't really judge. Map wise; Ill have the map advantage in Incineration Zone. I have a good plan as to how to wreck havoc on that. Delta Quadrant im a tad unexperienced at, have not played it much. But for the sake of prediction, ill win! (Im the one writing this too ;D)

Siretu vs Pixel:
I dont know Pixel either, again cannot judge. The maps look to give some interesting games, and i forsee many banelings which will wreak havoc on Pixel. Blistering Sands will be a pain for Pixel, the backdoor is a nuisance. Personally, ill vote for Siretu.

S3rius vs Vestras:
Its very hard to tell cause of the maps. In my opinion, whoever controls the air first will win due to the short air distance in the first two maps. If Vestras can get mutas out, hes got a good advantage. If s3rius gets his vikings out, hes got an excellent advantage with overlord destruction. I would vote for s3rius... but Vestras has apparently improved alot. Its hard, and by the flip of a coin - ill go for Vestras.

Bloodcount vs Speedlink:
Another new player i don't know! Cant really say much here, but ill say Bloodcount wins.


Monsterous vs Siretu:
Not knowing the maps, it'll be a tough fight. If i can do enough harrassment and be agressive enough, ill have a good advantage. Ill just have to watch out for pesky banelings. This would be a relatively even fight, Siretu could win this just as much as i could.

Vestras vs Bloodcount:

I... dont know. I cant tell.

? vs ?
I don't know who'll be here at all!

Personally, my actual predictions are different. I used these examples for the sake of analysis if it turns out like this :D

My actual predictions are in an attachment, when i tried uploading it on imageshack it wouldnt work D:


  • Predictions.bmp
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Here are my predictions:

Monsterous : Covereths

Both Monsterous and Covereths are solid players, however I think Monsterous is a bit better than Covereths -- not much, however. The games can be in anyone's favor, but I think in the end the results will be 2 - 1 in favor of Monsterous.

Siretu : pixel

Seeing as Siretu has changed race to something entirely new for him, I feel like pixel has a favor here. I say 2 -1 or 2 - 0 for pixel.

s3rius : Vestras

This one is hard. I honestly don't know who's gonna come out ahead. It feels like this could be anyone's game to take. However, if I have to win, I have to win on the two first map, as I don't think I can win on Kulas Ravine, because of the ledge on the natural. I'm hoping for a 2 - 0 for me, but I'm not sure.

Bloodcount : Speedlink

I think I've played against Speed once, and I've certainly played against Bloodcount; I feel like Blood's aggressive style will be nullified by Speed's more (as I remember it) passive play. 2 - 1 in favor of Speed.


On an unrelated note, serius and I are gonna play our matches now. Anyone who wants to spectate can. Vestras.490.
If you are unable to join us, I will be livestreaming my first person view.


Starcraft 2 Editor Moderator
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I have to thank everyone who thinks I will be able to win a game at all. The brackets looks good for me though, I'd rather meet pixel(since he could be worse than me for all I know) than to meet Vestras or S3rius in my first match which would mean utter defeat.

I would've preferred to meet Bloodcount/Speedlink in the semi-finals though since that would mean I got a chance for finals.

So, my predictions are:

Monsterous : Covereths 2 - 0
I don't remember how good Covereths is although I've seen him play a couple of times. However, Monsterous is definately not bad and Covereths will have to bring out some great play to win this match.

Siretu : pixel 2 - 1
This could go either way for all I know. I am not that sure of my ZvT or my Zerg play in general but I think I'll be able to do take it home.

Vestras : S3rius 2 - 1
I have to hand it to Vestras, he's done a great job improving these last couple of months.

With his new promotion to diamond I bet he's even more prepared to take this home.

However S3rius and Vestras do play a lot and they know each other's styles inside out. I think it all comes down to how good of a job S3rius does with the harass.

Bloodcount : Speedlink 2 - 1
First of all, Bloodcount's style is quite unstable. It feels a little like TLO. Some days he can beat anyone and somedays he loses due to very stupid mistakes.

However, he got a variety of different strategies under his belt which will help immensely. Add to this the fact that they play each other a lot and that Speedlink's build against Zerg is very predictable.

If Bloodcount is having a decent day, he will win.


Monsterous : Siretu 2 - 1
Monsterous is a good player, at least as good a Terran as I am. Since my Zerg skills is not yet as good as my Terran skills, I have a pretty small chance of winning this.

If my Zerg skills were at the same level as my Terran skills, I would at least have a decent chance since I think I prefer the ZvT matchup to the TvT matchup where I got completely obliterated.

Vestras : Bloodcount 2 - 0
I am sorry Bloodcount, but I can't see you getting out of this as a winner. Vestras got so much more experience in ZvZ and Zerg in general.

I predict two long games where Vestras is ahead by at least 40 supply almost all game long.


Vestras : Monsterous 3 - 1 (Assuming BO5
I think Monsterous play is a bit too standard. I predict that the first game will be a long macro game and Vestras will come out on top.

Second game will also be a macro game and will end at around 20 minutes due to some fantastic drop action from Monsterous that will just be too much to handle.

Then Vestras will win the last two matches with ease but they will still be long macro games.


Starcraft 2 Editor Moderator
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I am going to do a resume of the games.

Game 1:

s3rius < Desert Oasis > Vestras

Vestras starts on the bottom position in Desert Oasis with S3rius on the top position. Vestras expands to the natural expansion and goes for a roach warren and banelings nest. Meanwhile S3rius drops tanks, scvs and marines next to the rocks south of Vestras' main.

S3rius fortifies the position with bunkers and sieged tanks and proceeds to drop marines up into Vestras' main. The tanks are in range of Vestras' spire which is in the process of morphing and he's forced to cancel it.

Vestras transfers drones to his natural and starts getting out some roaches to try and stop the constant marine drops into his main but s3rius just keeps lifting them back on the low ground.

One banshee arrives at Vestras natural and proceed to kill off the queen. The banshee got cloak and Vestras quickly gets an overseer out to detect it and gets down the banshee along with another one that arrived later.

The new spire finally finishes and the mutas are able to harass the medivacs that are dropping marines but the bunkers with marines on the low ground prevents them from getting to close to the tanks.

Vestras loads 5 overlords filled with banelings and use them to carpet bomb the bunkers and tanks, destroying everything.

Vestras proceeds to try to harass but there are turrets covering the base properly.

After a while s3rius pushes out with marines, tanks, thors and medivacs. After being behind the entire game, Vestras can't beat the push back and gg's.

Game 2:

s3rius < Scrap Station > Vestras

Vestras again going for an early expand while s3rius goes for a fast starport to try and drop Vestras. In the nick of time Vestras sees the drop on the minimap and pulls the units back to defend against the drop. The drop is largely uneffective but the medivac takes up some of the unit and goes over to the natural instead.

Vestras again opts to go Mutalisk/Baneling/zergling along with roaches. He uses the mutalisks to gain map control and deal significant economic damage to s3rius.

Both players get their third and s3rius uses blue flame hellions to harass Vestras third expansion several times.

Vestras finally pushes out against s3rius third and destroy s3rius army.

s3rius gg's.
Game 3:
(To be announced)
Vestras dropped in the end battle and the rematch is starting soon. I will write reports for both the match where he dropped and the rematch.'
Edit: Vestras disconnected again, I will write the third report as well. I wont write a fourth though if it comes to that.

First game:
Vestras spawns down in the bottom right corner and s3rius in the bottom left corner. Vestras quickly expands to his natural expansion and uses the lings to kills the rocks at the natural, giving him access to the high ground above. This quickly shows to be a good decision when s3rius now decides to do a tank drop on that high ground along with some marines.

Since Vestras got the rocks down, he can defend against the drop without losing too much. s3rius picks the tank up and goes to third expansion on the high ground behind the rocks and sieges his tank there but Vestras is already attacking the rocks to gain entrance there.

The mutalisks get out and Vestras try to sneak around and harass but due to "imba repair", he doesn't get down a vital turret at s3rius third and Vestras if forced to back out with his mutalisk.

The game continues and both players expand a lot, splitting the map in half. s3rius is being active with the drops and he does some hellion run-by's.

Due to a split second of mis micro, Vestras' mutalisks clump up close to s3rius thors and a ton of mutalisks die. Vestras quickly gets maxed out with max upgrades(and I assume s3rius was too, I don't know since I was watching Vestras stream).

s3rius slowly pushes out with tanks lines over the middle and Vestras attacks. It's tank/marine/thor against ling/bling/muta/roach. s3rius comes out ahead since when the battle's done he still has a couple of tanks and thors. However, Vestras is sitting at 6 bases with a ton of stockpiled resources. He pumps out some zerglings for good measures and most of the tanks and thors are close to dieing when the lings are dead. What s3rius doesn't know is that there is 20 ultralisks with 3/3 upgrades morphing.

At this tense moment, Vestras disconnects.

Second game:
The second game starts out almost like the start of the first game. They spawn on cross positions this time with Vestras in the top left. Vestras expands again and quickly starts beating on the rocks to gain access to the high ground above the natural.

This time however, s3rius opts to start out with 2 reapers that arrive into Vestras' natural. Vestras hasn't killed the rocks yet so he cant chase the reapers but he can see up the high ground thanks to some overlords.

While he uses the lings to beat on the rock, the roaches are being used to defend the mineral line. After a while the roaches kill the 2 reapers. Vestras has barely had the time to relax before there's a marine/tank drop in Vestras main. It deals some damage and then retreat before the roaches and lings get there.

Yet again s3rius places the tank and marines on the third expansion behind the rocks but the roaches start attacking it to bring it down. The roaches take some damage but finally get up the ramp and kill off the tank and marines while the mutas chase the medivac.

The game goes on. Vestras goes ling/bling/mutas as usual and then he disconnects. Meh. Now I have to write another resume. FML. I will kill Vestras if he disconnects again. I'm just saying!

(Due to unforeseen cake, I wont write the third report. Although it turns out Vestras and s3rius wont play their third game right now anyways)


Linux is only free if your time is worthless.
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All games up until now.

As Siretu said (thanks for the writeups btw) we replayed Kulas and Vest dropped again. I'm getting slightly depressed.

PS: I want to add something to Siretu's review of the Kulas games:

At the time my death army (TM by Day[9]) overwhelmed his roach/muta/ling I managed to take down 3 of his expansions and moved onto the last one while my loyal engineers taped together new thors and marines. Basically all his base were belong to me. In Sir's report it sounded a bit like I was about to get mauled when I was actually ahead in income and food, while behind in army count.

We couldn't determine a definite victor, although I considered myself ahead (and the spectators thought me slightly in the lead, too). Vestras demanded a rematch and I didn't want to let it come to a judge's decision. That wouldn't be very satisfying for the both of us.

Same goes for the second match. I quickly expanded twice in a row and with so many MULES and early SCVs it allowed me to stay slightly ahead in income for a long time even without efficient harrassment. The reapers were killed before they could make dead people. Damn waste of money. The medivac with the tank flew right into unfriendly skies and all dudes got killed by roaches before they could strap in again.

In the following battle I would have given my kingdom for a few force fields. These damn banelings just LOVE blowin' things up and I ran out of marines - the mutas hit the rest of my army hard, but I was still ahead in food.

It was way past time I dispensed some indiscriminate justice when he dropped. My guess is that a thor hurled some thunder bolts at a above-ground power line and disconnected Vestras.. or maybe it was a Zergling.. I'm sure it was a bad zergling..

Anyway this series seems to know no end. Whatever I do they keep bringing me back in another game.
I have hidden 9 references to Sc2 Terran unit quotes in that spoiler. Kudos to whoever finds them :D


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  • THT Vestras - s3rius - 2 - Scrap Station.SC2Replay
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  • THT Vestras - s3rius - 3 - Kulas Ravine.SC2Replay
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  • THT Vestras - s3rius - 4 - Kulas Ravine.SC2Replay
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