The FULL story of Warcraft

DM Cross

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I mean that the SCENE displayed, with the ships coming to fight against towers, might not be 100% right. After all, where were the Orcs sailing from? They were already IN Azeroth!

As for the walls, I think the battle ships even have SEIGE attack. So they'd be even better against towers.

Plus, you can't protect ALL the shores. And that's assuming they weren't already on land anyway. Maybe they flew over a non-protected area.

I'm just trying to make the point of it's one hell of a weird coincidence that ONE Orc clan managed to kill a DEMIGOD and some weak little Night Elf Sentinels, when the ENTIRE HORDE, at it's peak of Demonic power, couldn't crush the Alliance when it was already breaking in on itself.


You're wrong there. The one nation turned traitor DURING WC2. I remember hearing about it when playing the game.


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You're wrong there. The one nation turned traitor DURING WC2. I remember hearing about it when playing the game.

Yes, but that doesn't mean they were collapsing. Because the demonically enslaved Medivh took ovet the Alliance, does not mean they were buckling in upon themselves, mind you.

As for the walls, I think the battle ships even have SEIGE attack. So they'd be even better against towers.

If you've played WcII, you'd realize seige damage was different. And, realistcally, Just becuase a weapon has a certain type of ammo, does not mean it will be effective against a tower. Though Warcraft is not realistic, the story is realistic in the sense that everythigng doesn't follow the way the game works.

DM Cross

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Exactly. So why are you arguing on the base that scene from the movie happened exactly that way? :p

Medivh didn't take over the Alliance. I don't know WHERE the hell you got that from, that's nothing about what I was referring to. I forgot the person's name who turned traitor, but I BELIEVE (but I may be wrong) it was the nation of Alterac. Then (according to the book Day of the Dragons) Deathwing, under a human disguise, tried to take the throne, which would lead to his eventual ownership of the entire Alliance. Also during this time (THIS was after WC2, but the traitor episode was NOT, was DURING) he tried to get the Dalaran Magocracy outlawed, and almost succeeded. Rohan (I think that was his name) a maverick mage was assigned the task of freeing Alexstraza, the Dragonqueen, and that's when the Dragons regained their powers lost to the Demon Soul, and defeated (but didn't KILL) Deathwing.

(Note: As this was AFTER WC2, Deathwing had already "been killed". Apparently it was a trick)


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Wait, what the hell, this arugument holds no grounds. First off, the Humans did not defeat the Orcs. The Orcs were DOMINANT, after Lothar stormed Karazhan and banished Sargeras' spirit to the Twisting Nether, allowing Medivh's spirit to wander the aastral planes.

So, in fact, the Orcs were overpowering the Humans, so why the F' are we arguing?

The Orcs won, after Orgrim cleansed the Orcs of demonic corruption and laid seige to Stormwind> King Llane underestimated them, and they won.

DM Cross

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No, they lost WC2. They won FREEDOM in WC3. They ALLIED with a FACTION of Humans. :p

In WC2, they lost here, went back to their home. Humans followed and they exploded the planet, creating Outland. Then, the Orcs still on Azeroth were rounded up and put into camps where they became lethergic. (Meaning they were sort of in a "lack of will or desire" mood)

Then in WC3 (or rather, right before it) Thrall rallied the Horde, destroying the encampments and then you sail west in WC3, and the rest of the story is, as is it all, history :)

And we're not arguing, it's a debate. :p Different


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Ummm, have you played Warcraft III campaign? I played that throughly, that wasn't about Orcfs vs. Humans.

Medivh needed a way to stop the Lich King and Sargeras demonic corrupotion, so he lead Thrall and the Alliance together, with a common interest against the Scourge. Without Medivh, The world would be dead right now.

The whole campaign was about the Scourge's rise and Arthas corruption, with the other races having a common hatred towards there enemies.

DM Cross

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Yes, that all happens LATER ON! However, BEFORE WC3, Thrall, a young SLAVE of a human who RUNS the enternment camps learns of his people's history, with the help of a human girl ESCAPES the camps, finds Grom Hellscream, then his tribe, the Frostwolf clan, learns of his heritage, trains to become a Shaman, meets Doomhammer, helps Doomhammer, Drek'Thar, and Grom liberate the Orcs from the enterment camps and then becomes the Warchief when someone kills Doomhammer with a spear in the back. :)

Also, Sargeras is dead. Has been since Khadgar killed Medivh, cleansing his spirit. The head demon throughout WC3 is Archimonde, and then in WC3X Kil'jadeon.

The story does NOT follow Medivh. Rather, it falls the rest of the world. He is BEHIND the scenes, crafting destiny. Each race's part follows something different.

Orc part 1: Thrall and Grom finding a way out to Kalimdor. Sets up for the REAL Orc part, later in the game.
Humans: THIS follows Arthas and his corruption.
Undead: Again, following Arthas, but not his corruption. He's already corrupt. This follows moreso the actions of the Scrouge to bring the Legion into Azeroth.
Orc part 2: THIS part shows the Orcs growing as a people, and fighting back against their demon blood. It also shows the Orcs and the small Human faction lead by Jaina allying. Also shoes the Orc's alliance with the Tauren, and Wyverns.
Night Elf: This part is the finale, the grand ending part. It follows how the Night Elves come from hiding to look upon a brave new world, and how they take a step down from immortality to become mortals, in order to save the world from the Flame of the Legion.


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Isn't most of the backstory in the Warcraft III manual that came with Reign of Chaos? None of this seems new to me for some reason, and I've only barely played Warcraft II and never Warcraft I.

Also, what is Medivh, exactly? He gets killed before Warcraft II, but he's right there in Warcraft III.


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He was the guardian of Azeroth, if I'm not mistaken.

In Warcraft III, that was his spirit, he came back to brings the Horde and Alliance together to fight the Scourge.

DM Cross

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Medivh IS human. But he is a Guardian. I don't know if Guardians are explained in that book you mentioned, but here's a quick version of it:

After the Alliance was created, and WAY after the Burning Legion's first attempt at invading Azeroth, there were demons popping in and running all over the place. The Human mages and High Elf mages got together and formed the secret council of The Order of the Trisfalen. (Trisfal Glades, Trisfallen, etc. You get the picture) The Order is in charge of keeping the secret of the Guardian, the basic Champion of the entire world. The Order preforms a special ritual on a chosen mage to endear them with MASSIVE amounts of power. The Guardian then works to keep the world safe from demons.

Now, Medivh is the son of the greastest and most rebellious Guardian of all. As a matter of fact, his mother (the old Guardian) had Medivh so that the Order had to give the power to Medivh, instead of choosing a new Guardian. However, Sargeras, creator of the Burning Legion managed to infect Medivh in his mother's womb, and eventually corrupted him. That's when everyone killed him, thus cleansing the evil demon spirit from his soul. He then comes back to set his sins right :)

End of Medivh's story.

DM Cross

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Lothar killed him, true. But he wasn't the only one to go to TRY to kill him. A half-Orc female, who's name currently escapes me, and of course the famous wizard, and Medivh's apprentice at the time, Khadgar.

And by the way...Fledglings, as far as I know, refer to the spawn of a Vampire :p


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Alexander said:

I mean that the SCENE displayed, with the ships coming to fight against towers, might not be 100% right. After all, where were the Orcs sailing from? They were already IN Azeroth!

As for the walls, I think the battle ships even have SEIGE attack. So they'd be even better against towers.

Plus, you can't protect ALL the shores. And that's assuming they weren't already on land anyway. Maybe they flew over a non-protected area.

I'm just trying to make the point of it's one hell of a weird coincidence that ONE Orc clan managed to kill a DEMIGOD and some weak little Night Elf Sentinels, when the ENTIRE HORDE, at it's peak of Demonic power, couldn't crush the Alliance when it was already breaking in on itself.


You're wrong there. The one nation turned traitor DURING WC2. I remember hearing about it when playing the game.

Yes, but if you look at a world map, the route from Stormwind (in the nation of Azeroth, in the souther part of the continent) if faster by sea than by land. The coastline narrows and curves east, and in the narrow part there's a bunch of Dwarf-infested mountains. So coming up from the sack of Stormwind, it's be muhc faster to just sail straight up to Lordaeron, rather than walk around and over mountains.

(This, if you somehow couldn't figure it out from the name, is the same guy who dug up this topic.)

Regarding XXconanXXX's comment made while I was reading the stuff on page 3: ah, he's a spirit. That explains it.

Regarding XXconanXXX's other post on page 4: The Reign of Chaos campaign was about the coming of the Burning Legion. Extremely important to this was the rise of the Legion's vanguard, the Scourge. However, the Scourge becomes the dangling plotline for The Frozen Throne. It doesn't die when the Legion loses, and becomes stronger. Basically, the story is about the coming of the Scourge, because that's the only plotline that survives through both games (Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne).


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Alexander said:
Medivh IS human. But he is a Guardian. I don't know if Guardians are explained in that book you mentioned, but here's a quick version of it:

After the Alliance was created, and WAY after the Burning Legion's first attempt at invading Azeroth, there were demons popping in and running all over the place. The Human mages and High Elf mages got together and formed the secret council of The Order of the Trisfalen. (Trisfal Glades, Trisfallen, etc. You get the picture) The Order is in charge of keeping the secret of the Guardian, the basic Champion of the entire world. The Order preforms a special ritual on a chosen mage to endear them with MASSIVE amounts of power. The Guardian then works to keep the world safe from demons.

Now, Medivh is the son of the greastest and most rebellious Guardian of all. As a matter of fact, his mother (the old Guardian) had Medivh so that the Order had to give the power to Medivh, instead of choosing a new Guardian. However, Sargeras, creator of the Burning Legion managed to infect Medivh in his mother's womb, and eventually corrupted him. That's when everyone killed him, thus cleansing the evil demon spirit from his soul. He then comes back to set his sins right :)

End of Medivh's story.

All right, this makes more sense. And you all post too quickly. :)

DM Cross

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Good point about the plot, Sagron.

What you guys aren't getting is that the Orcs didn't have to sail at all! When they ARRIVED on Azeroth, FROM Draenar, they were IN Azeroth. The portal was what is now the Nethergard Keep, or something like that. The Paladins (or someone) made a small military base around the portal in order to watch for demons/orcs/etc. So where were they sailing from? What, they decided to leave and then came back?! ;) :p

-About your second post-

Yeah, we talk too fast :p We're nerds, lol!

By the way, just a tip, don't double post :) You're registered as a member, I see, so you have access to the Edit button. It SHOULD be on the lower right hand corner of each message you make. Just edit your post to add whatever, instead of posting again :)


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Ummm, yudo know that Azeroth refers to the entire world of Warcraqft, correct? They arrived somewhere near the Barrens, if I recall correctly.


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XXconanXXX said:
Ummm, yudo know that Azeroth refers to the entire world of Warcraqft, correct? They arrived somewhere near the Barrens, if I recall correctly.

Hmm. I know that Azeroth is the entire place. Maybe I'm confused here. OK, what's the area at the bottom of Lordaeron's continent? And wasn't the Dark Portal down in that southern region, as was Stormwind?

Dang, I really need a map to look at now. It's hard to do this off of memory.

DM Cross

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Azeroth is also the name of the southern region of the Eastern Kingdoms, I hope YOU know that :)

And um...For WC1 and 2, no one even knew about the Barrens. I think Blizzard sort of made up most of the WC history for WC3, when they threw the Night Elves in there :p And added stuff like the Tauren and Wyverns.

Anyway, the Orcs sailed AWAY from Azeroth/Lordaeron (Aka, the Eastern Kingdoms) at the very beginning of WC3: ROC. However, before that, they came from Draenar TO Azeroth. (The continent, not the world)


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Draenor is on the second continent, where Durotar, Ashenvale, etc. reside. THAT's where Draenor was, and they hailed from it. So they HAD TO sail from one continent to another.

What, are they going to swim?

The reason they sailed away was because they were just finished with the Battle against the Humans. They aaren't going to magically appear on the other continent.


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Alexander said:
Azeroth is also the name of the southern region of the Eastern Kingdoms, I hope YOU know that :)

And um...For WC1 and 2, no one even knew about the Barrens. I think Blizzard sort of made up most of the WC history for WC3, when they threw the Night Elves in there :p And added stuff like the Tauren and Wyverns.

Anyway, the Orcs sailed AWAY from Azeroth/Lordaeron (Aka, the Eastern Kingdoms) at the very beginning of WC3: ROC. However, before that, they came from Draenar TO Azeroth. (The continent, not the world)

Right, that's what I thought. That also explains why all that early stuff (from the Well of Eternity on) was in the Warcraft III manual.

Also, I've got a new theory on the whole Cenarius issue: When you get the Chaos Orcs in that mission, they're red. In Warcraft II, they're all green. Therefore, Grom and company were rather high on demonic blood, high enough to change color. The orcs in Warcraft I and II didn't have enough demonic blood in them to do the damage that Grom et al could.
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