The Westboro Baptist, they dont screw around

The Helper

Necromancy Power over 9000
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WBC to picket the funeral of Madelyn
Payne Dunham, - pursuant to the
picketing laws of Hawaii or Kansas or,
etc., wherever burial occurs, - in
religious protest and warning to the
living; to wit: "Prepare to meet thy God."
Amos 4:11.

Yes. Dying time is truth time, and reflection time,
and time for meditating on the weighty issues of
life: getting right with God, life, death, Heaven, Hell,
sin, righteousness, judgment to come, etc. Obama
says his grandmother Dunham raised him, and,
her "influence on his manner and the way he
viewed the world was substantial." If so, then she
has much to answer for as she stands before the

Those Westboro Baptist church people are some crazy f*ckers.
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The Helper

Necromancy Power over 9000
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What is Westboro Baptist church?

The God Hates Fags people. They protest dead serviceman and anyone else that they deem unworthy. They had some notoriety after some YouTube videos of them singing God Hates you song. Do a google search on Westboro Baptist Church or there batshit crazy leader Fred Phelps for more info.


(o Y o)
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lol, i actually live less than 20 minutes from there. there a sad and pathetic group of people i dearly pitty since they will be the ones who will be severly judged. expect to hear news of the church being burned down or someone being shot because people around here are basically sick of them.


Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
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Wow... don't they ever run out of people to hate? Guess not.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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I got arrested for getting in a fight with these fuckers at my friend's funeral.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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That's what they want.

I don't care. They let me out after a few hours anyway, and then I went back to his old house and got wasted and tried getting into his kid's tree fort.

The guy I beat up was way worse off. I broke his nose and I think he might have gotten a concussion and his face looked pretty bad. Oh and someone set his sign on fire.


Post in the anime section, or die.
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So.. Westboro, -Kansas- Westboro baptist church is known for their extremist views on, everything except themselves. Here "Wikipedia"

Church views

A WBC member and child protesting homosexuality at the Trinity Episcopal Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma
The Westboro Baptist Church considers membership in most religious groups, such as the Roman Catholic Church or Islam, as akin to devil worship, and states these other churches to be "Satanic frauds preaching Arminian lies."[37] All non-Christian entities, non-Protestant Christian churches, and all Protestant Christian churches that do not strongly condemn homosexuality are said to be sending their members to Hell.
Westboro Baptist Church is monitored by the Anti-Defamation League,[38] and classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.[39][40]

Views on homosexuality
The church runs numerous websites such as, and others expressing condemnation of homosexuality.
The group bases its work around the belief expressed by its best known slogan and the address of its primary website, "God hates fags," asserting that every tragedy in the world is linked to homosexuality – specifically society's increasing tolerance and acceptance of the "homosexual agenda." The group maintains that God hates gays above all other kinds of "sinners"[41] and that homosexuality should be a capital crime.[42]
Views on religions

Westboro claims that the Roman Catholic Church is a "fag" church and that a third of Catholic priests are active homosexuals, seducing helpless children and women; Westboro Baptist refers to priests as "vampires" and "Draculas" and talks of Catholic priests sucking semen out of children's genitals like vampires suck blood from their victims. In addition, WBC calls Pope Benedict XVI such epithets as "The Godfather of Pedophiles" and "Pervert Pope". In April 2008 the WBC protested Pope Benedict XVI during a papal visit in New York City.

WBC member protesting Pope Benedict XVI outside the United Nations in New York City (2008).
The WBC launched a website called Priests Rape Boys in which they criticize the Roman Catholic Church because of the Catholic sex abuse scandal, saying, “Every time any person gives any amount of money to the Catholic Church, that person is paying the salary of pedophile rapists.”[43]
The WBC describes the Roman Catholic Church as, “the largest, most well-funded and organized pedophile group in the history of man” [44] and goes on to say that, “There are over 1 billion Catholics in the world—that's one out of every six people alive today—and every single one of them will split Hell wide open when they die—period. And there is nothing they can do about it.”[43]

Though the main purpose of the Priests Rape Boys website is to criticize Catholicism, the WBC also criticizes several mainline Protestant churches on the website, including, Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Episcopalians and Baptists. The WBC explains that
their preachers have shirked their responsibility to tell people the truth about sin, and instead lie to them about what the Lord their God doth require of them. If these lying, false prophets told people the truth about what God says regarding those who suffer sin upon their neighbor (Lev. 19:17-18), there wouldn't be any butts in the seats when the plate got passed. These preachers are not preachers of righteousness, they are teachers having itching ears (2Tim 4:3), and they absolutely count on the abysmal bible illiteracy of their parishioners . . . “Priests rape boys” is indeed an air-tight, three word case against all of the mainline 'christian' churches - their preachers and members, without exception. They are all going to Hell!”[45][dead link]

Eastern Orthodoxy
The WBC claims that Orthodox Christians are indistinguishable from Roman Catholics. The WBC criticizes the Eastern Orthodox Church's use of icons, claiming that they constitute idolatry. The WBC also criticizes veneration of the Virgin Mary, the Theotokos, saying, “There is no scripture that supports bowing down to kiss images . . . or praying to Mary! She was a human being, who God predestinated to bring forth the Lord Jesus Christ, and to raise him. [46]

In response to a Newsweek article alleging that American soldiers flushed copies of the Qur'an down the toilet at Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo Bay, Fred Phelps released this statement:[47]
So what if our guys flushed copies of the Quran down the toilet? We hope they did. They probably did; We hope they flush more. Mohammed was a demon-possessed whoremonger and pedophile who contrived a 300-page work of Satanic fiction: The Quran! Like America's own whoremonger and pedophile wangled his own hokey Book of Mormon!
In relation to the war in Iraq a WBC flier implies that God has sided with the

“ In His retaliatory rage God is killing Americans with Muslim IEDs: "Saying Touch not my anointed, and do my prophets no harm." 1 Chron 16:22.[48] ”
The WBC maintains a God Hates India website where they state that "80% of India’s population claim to practice Hinduism . . . A country full of idolatry inevitably results in a nation full of fags and fag-enablers, because that’s what happens when you depart from the Living God!"[49]
The WBC then admonishes Hindus to convert to Christianity saying: "If you would STOP worshipping false gods, being a fag would not be a complex matter. Stop going a whoring after other gods and start serving the Living God in truth![49]"


In the section about Jews the WBC FAQ states:
the only true Jews are Christians. The rest of the people who claim to be Jews aren't, and they are nothing more than typical, impenitent sinners ... the vast majority of Jews support fags. In fact, it is the official policy of Reformed Jews to support same-sex marriage. Of course, there are Jews who still believe God's law, but most of them have even departed from that. It doesn't matter if you're a Jew or a long as you believe in Christ."[50]
In 1996 Phelps led a protest at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., proclaiming:
Whatever righteous cause the Jewish victims of the 1930s–40s Nazi Holocaust had, (probably minuscule, compared to the Jewish Holocausts against Middle Passage Blacks, African Americans and Christians—including the bloody persecution of Westboro Baptist Church by Topeka Jews in the 1990s), has been drowned in sodomite semen. American taxpayers are financing this unholy monument to Jewish mendacity and greed and to filthy fag lust. Homosexuals and Jews dominated Nazi Germany . . . The Jews now wander the earth despised, smitten with moral and spiritual blindness by a divine judicial stroke . . . And God has smitten Jews with a certain unique madness . . . Jews, thus perverted, out of all proportion to their numbers energize the militant sodomite agenda... Jews are the real Nazis.[51]
Also in 1996, Phelps began a campaign called "Topeka's Baptist Holocaust", whereby he attempted to draw attention to attacks perpetrated against WBC picketers, saying that they were not random but organized attacks orchestrated by Jews and homosexuals. Phelps announced, "Jews killed Christ", and "Fag Jew Nazis are worse than ordinary Nazis. They've had more experience. The First Holocaust was a Jewish Holocaust against Christians. The latest Holocaust is by Topeka Jews against Westboro Baptist Church."
In another statement, he said "Topeka Jews today stir up Kansas tyrants in persecuting Westboro Baptists. They whine about the Nazi Holocaust, while they perpetrate the Topeka Holocaust."
WBC was present at a 2002 Holocaust memorial dedication in Topeka, proclaiming "God Hates Reform Judaism".[52]
A March 25, 2006 flier regarding a Jewish adversary of Phelps uses the phrase "bloody Jew" four times and the phrase "evil Jew" more than once every twelve sentences. A sampling of WBC's fliers regarding Judaism can be found at the ADL's website.[53] Phelps has also been targeted by the Anti-Defamation League for his anti-Semitic statements.[53][54]
On May 8, 2009, members of the church protested at three Jewish sites in Washington, D.C., including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) offices, the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and the city's largest synagogue. Margie Phelps, daughter of Pastor Fred Phelps, led the protest, holding signs stating that “God Hates Israel,” “Jews Killed Jesus,” “America Is Doomed,” “Israel Is Doomed,” and “ADL Jew Bullies.” The protest was apparently part of a series of upcoming protests which the church has planned at Jewish institutions in Omaha, St. Louis, South Florida and Providence. The group reportedly posted a list of the upcoming protests' locations and dates, along with the statement “Jews Killed the Lord Jesus.”[55] In an interview, Margie Phelps said that her church was targeting the American Jewish community because church members had “testified” to gentiles for 19 years that “America is doomed” and that “Now it's too late. We're done with them.” Phelps also claimed Jews were "one of the loudest voices" in favor of homosexuality and abortion and that “[Jews] claim to be God's chosen people. Do you think that God is going to wink at that forever?” Phelps concluded by stating, in an apparent reference to the Book of Revelation, that all the nations of the world would soon march on Israel, and that they would be led by President Barack Obama, whom she called the “Antichrist.”[55]

Views on race and ethnicity

WBC portrayal of Topeka mayor James McClinton (an African-American)
Founder Fred Phelps is a veteran of the Civil Rights movement,[56] and the Church attempts to distance itself from racism.[57] However, the Anti-Defamation League has documented racist imagery in its fliers and racial slurs against African-Americans. When the WBC attacked Topeka mayor James McClinton, for example, it portrayed him as a gorilla with a Nazi swastika armband.[58]
On the subject of neo-Nazis, KKK, and other violent extremist groups: "We don't believe in physical violence of any kind, and the Scripture doesn't support racism. ... The only true Nazis in this world are fags."[59]
In November 2008, the church stated on its picket schedules that it would be protesting the Italian Consulate in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania because Italians are "mobster-breeding perverts" and "God REALLY hates Italy." The post also portrays Italians as unintelligent and the validity of their "culture" is mocked as well. [60]


As a christian myself. i have no problem with their views on other religions, scratch that, i have a problem with their EXTREMIST views on other religions. I have no problem with the general idea of disliking the other religion (other then the fact that you should hate the sin, but love the person) however, their EXTREMIST views on everything just annoys me beyond belief


What do you guys think about them? No, dont look at them from a religious view, just from a view of sanity's sake. Do you think they are good people that are mis-informed? or people that should know better
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ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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I personally don't understand how you could even remotely think that those kinds of thoughts are the right thoughts. I'm not religious, at all, and even I feel they're just jackasses. How in the world do they feel justified to sit outside a fallen soldiers funeral with "God hates fags" signs? It's just screwed up...


Mega Super Ultra Cool Member
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They are assholes but it's funny when you watch Bruno :p


Mega Super Ultra Cool Member
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Spoiler Alert

Yea he is, it's prob one of the good scenes in the movie. Bruno and his gay partner are stuck in a bondage device and ask them to remove it for them lol


Formerly Smith_S9
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Well, I do feel like they're idiots, but I don't really care, as long as they are not doing more than sitting with signs and singing. Lucky me that we don't have those in Romania :rolleyes:.


Now officially a Super Lurker
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Wow. That's some serious stuff. Talk about fanatical!

It makes you wonder how anybody can hate someone else, or a whole group of people so much that you can blame everything on them and condemn them so.

How can they call themselves Christians with ideals like that? "love thy neighbor"? Hello?


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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Well, I do feel like they're idiots, but I don't really care, as long as they are not doing more than sitting with signs and singing. Lucky me that we don't have those in Romania :rolleyes:.

Well it's quite disrespectful to the family to protest political views at someones funeral...


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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It's too bad they act under the guise of a religion, much like Scientology they thrive on the blind eye our government (and society) gives to the "church".

If you did something like this without the banner of religion you would be arrested, or placed in a mental health care facility.
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