AoS Unnamed


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[del]If you have the time, please do terrain for me. I'm not asking much, just any map of any tooltip (AoS, or not) that has 3 lanes would be enough for me. You don't have to add the trees, just put the cliffs, the water, and some stuff like that for me and I'll credit you greatly (placing your name on map intro to avoid being unnoticed).[/del]
We shall thank Belgarath (or as he likes to call himself, Jack-Shephard) for "lending" me his AoS terrain.
I've also edited it to be less serious, making it more easier to manipulate (or create).


Hello and thank you for taking interest into reading this!

Since [Arena of Champions] is somehow more than a year old now, I guess I am going to move to another project. But now, it will be an AoS (Aeon of Strife) type map, or any map that may have 3 lanes.

Like [AoC], I will be conducting multiple GUI spells and making that as complicated to do as possible, while being simple to code (auto-activate traps, feign death [although not to be shown in this map], etc.).

[del]Why is it unnamed you ask? Because it has no name. I want you people to name it, and you shall receive credit for it. Other than that, if the name you have suggested implies a brief description of the terrain (Concrete Assault, Forest Fortress, Crystal Frost, etc.), I will base my terrain tooltip on that.[/del] No, just suggest a name that fits on a forest and of the Sunken Ruins tooltip (no sand present). I "may" redo or simple replace the terrain tiles but that would change Belgarath's map completely (well, not really), so I doubt I will be doing it.


There are two teams. Each team has its own NPC camp/base where they, not only defend a building but, also defend the item within that building, which is the key to the fate of both teams. You can either be victorious, or face death.

There are Attribute Canisters which is the key element of this game. An Attribute Canister gives out stats for you in a period of time (depending on the nth time it has been used). There are canisters that give out Strength, Agility and Intelligence. Additionally, it may give out Maximum HP and MP increase, damage, armor, and attack speed. Each has a limit of 50 levels and all are payed through Soul Points. You gain 1 free for every level up and gain more of these by killing enemy Classes, fixing broken canisters [will be explained later], and completing challenges/special events.

You may ask, "how do the canisters work?". Well, I made it simple, but more complex than Blizzard's Tomes. Remember when I said you have to wait a time period before the stats are applied? The problem of the waiting is that it takes a form of a small wooden ward called the Canister which will be shown on the battlefield. It can, not only be disabled, but destroyed. So if you see an enemy canister, at least disable it since not only will it stop it from turning into an attribute but it must be fixed (with an item called Tweeker) before it has to START again [since you have to wait for a duration for the attribute to be applied].

There are thoughts to be considered about the canister. First off, you cannot create the canister in your side of the camp not until you destroy the Anti-Erection Rising Immune System (AERIS) in the enemy base. Another is that the canister can be disabled by 3 hits and has 500 hp. Also, destroyed canisters cannot be retained. Lastly, you cannot capture other disabled canisters, even by fixing it (which you can't).

There is a third camp which belong to the bandits. These bandits are neutral hostiles and may sometimes attack any of the camps (in an invading fasion [attacking from sides] - but fret not because you will be warned when they're coming), join in a battle, or just irritate you for the heck of it. Destruction of their camp is the only way to stop them from being annoying. The defense is penetrable, but still would need team cooperation. There are three preset bases that one of them would be the source of spawn and is not owned by neutral creeps and has a base defense.



- and it's basic framework

In this map, instead of picking multiple Heroes with specific skills, I'll make you, the player, to choose a specific Hero [let's say CLASS, in this case] with different set of skills to choose for your arsenal. There is a drawback, though, you can only select one of 3 for the first skill, select one of another set of 3 for the second, select one of another set of 3 for the third, and choose 1 from another set of 2 for your special. Skill hotkeys are fixed [Q for first, W for second, E for third, R for special].

- that exist on every Class

There are pre-skills which exist on every character which are
miss - Enables you to evade 7% of the time. From normal attacks only
POW! - Enables you to deal double damage 7% of the time. To normal attacks only.

- that will [del]cease to[/del] never exist in this map
* means including ultimates
{text} means exception for ultimates

- *Stuns that last for more than 1.75 seconds
- Slows that exceed 30% reduction
- *Hastes that exceed 50% increase
- *{AttackS only} Speed bonuses that exceed 30% increase
- *Speed, defense, and hit point reduction auras
- *{DefUP only} None variable or non percented bonuses or reductions on defense
- Lifesteal that exceeds 30% of damage or hit points or a constant 215
- *Lifesteal, Slow, and Speed Auras that exceed 15%
- *{DamageUP only} Damage and damage aura that exceed 30%
- Ressurection, Animation, or any other spell that aids in the revival of both units and classes
- Spells that summon moderately fast to fast mobile units
- * Summoning of more than 1 unit
- Engineering upgrade, Incinerate, and Pillage


I have made up 3 classes for now
• The Spook, an expert of lurking in the shadows and whatnot.
• [del]The Flameslinger, whose weapon actually slings fire to unfortunate people.[/del]
• The [del]Elementalist[/del] Moxious, the adept of the different energies possessed within him which are Stench, Fur, and Flash.
• The Exploiter, a trigger-happy hammer-wielding (paradox!) maniac wanting only items to exploit.
• The Swordmancer, adept at magic and/or fencing. Yeah, and that's about it.

You may also suggest a class and also suggest skills for the first 3 classes that I have made.

You can suggest one and ask to replace the other if you like.

The Spook
First Skill:
• Escapee - Can't Touch This: Using the skill allows you to go invisible after a third of a second (.33) and zero collision. You receive a 50% decrease movement speed, and attacking while invisible both breaks the invisibility and cripples you for 3 seconds, slowing your movement speed to 30%. Invisibility lasts 14 seconds.
• Saboteur - Can't Hurt This: Using the skill turns you invisible after a second. Being attacked causes you to remove your invisibility, but attacking someone causes your third skill to increase in effect by 50%, but breaks invisibility. Invisibility lasts 8 seconds. Enemies may interrupt you even while fading to invisibility.
• Infiltrator - Can't See This: Using the skills turns you invisible instantly. Although it lasts only 4 seconds, you maintain your invisibility even after attacking, but this disables you to use the third skills [only on this state].

Second Skill:
• Escapee - Teleportation Device: Causes you to teleport away or to battle. Device creates an epicenter for no reason but to balance the skill, but still causes damage and decreases movement speed by 15% of nearby enemies. Has a 30 second cooldown. Damage is stat based.
• Saboteur - Hit and Run: Taking damage from another Hero between 5 seconds after casting this skill causes you to stun the enemy for 1 and a half seconds and teleport behind the enemy. The drawback is, it slows your attack speed by 25%. Five second duration remains even after being attacked once or more. Has a 45 second cooldown.
• Infiltrator - Rainbow Ride: Teleports 400 units away from the enemy target's behind, also leaving a conspicuous (means noticeable) illusion that deals 35% of original damage and takes two-and-a-halffold damage. Has a 22 second cool down.

Third Skill:
- All third skills have 100% chance while being cloaked except Fading Stalker
- Any third skill's effect is increased by 50% by Sneak.
- Skill may also occur while casting a target skill

• Escapee - Ensnaring Fist: Causes you to shackle the target to the ground for 3 seconds, making the target unable to move, but still attack and causes you to receive a 15% decrease on damage. Has a 15% chance of occurring on normal state. Sneak increases both duration and decreased damage.
• Saboteur - Noxious Canine: Causes you to sap out the life and mana of the target, slowly killing it. This also causes you to be unable to attack the target enemy after the poison lasts. Poison lasts for 5 seconds and has a 25% chance of occurring on normal state. Sneak increases dps only. DPS is stat based.
• Infiltrator - Vanguard Tumbler: Causes you to ultimately lower the defense of the target for a set amount of time, but saps out 50% of your current mana. Has a 10% chance of occurring, but can be activated or disabled. Sneak increases duration only. Defense decrease is stat based.

Ultimate Skill:
• Special - Dominate Target Please: Causes the target to receive critical damage 100% of the time. Critical damage occurs on any damage [normal, dps, other crits, etc.]. Using this silences you for a set amount of time. Debuff lasts for 5 seconds and can be dispelled.
• Special - Narcotic Syringe: Causes the target to slow down by 70% [attack and movement speed] and take damage 30% of its current health. Doing so will let you take 50% more damage than usual. Debuff lasts 7 seconds and can be dispelled.

[del]Flameslinger: This class is hard to make, maybe I'll replace it.[/del] - Yes, I did remove him.
[del]First Skill:
• Demolition - Oily Missile: Fires a missile filled with easy-to-burn oil, dealing instantaneous damage to the target and covers it with oil. Oil increases burn effects by 30% and lasts 10 seconds. Damage is stat based
• Ignition - Homing Cask: Hurls a cask filled with napalm that engulfs the target and those near it for 6 seconds. Enhances burn effects by 30%, excluding burn effect of the skill itself. DPS is stat based
• Conjuration - Oil Derrick: Conjures, apparently for no reason, oil on the target area, covering enemies with easy-to-burn oil and thus causing burn effects to be enhanced by 40% and lasts 10 seconds.

Second Skill:
• Demolition - TBA
• Ignition - TBA: Anything that criticals when target is under fire
• Conjuration - TBA:

Third Skill:
• Demolition - Explosive Fire: Spreads 30% damage to nearby enemies in every instance one deals damage. Does not possess any burn effects.
• Ignition - Incineration: Burns the target overtime, but takes 10 mana per second when activated. Can be deactivated. DPS is stat based.
• Conjuration - Hell Casket: Has a 20% chance to spawn a large pillar of flame to the target enemy, burning enemies caught by it. DPS is stat based.

• Special - TBA:
• Special - TBA:[/del]

The Moxious
First Skill:
• Stench - Doodee Package: Throws a cask filled with secret stench ingredients, dealing damage overtime to the target enemy and those enemies near it as well. Additionally, any damages it may will receive more damage based on the main stat of the attacker. Reduces the caster's damage by 30% for the set amount of time. DPS is stat based. Stench lasts 5 seconds.
• Fur - Hurl Furball: Spits a large ball of hairy badness, amplifying damages that the target receives and stunning it for three-quarters of a second, but uses a percentage of the Class' mana as post-payment. Vulnerable only works on normal attacks. Vulnerable lasts 3 seconds. Damage is stat based.
• Flash - Charm: Shows off the beauty of the one's self, irritating the enemy to the extent of hurting themselves which now deals damage to nearby enemies and slows them for 15%. This is for sacrificing the movement of the Class by 15%. Slow lasts 3 seconds. Damage is stat based.

Second Skill:
• Stench - Garbage Monster: Tranforms the Moxious into a large, disgusting creature. While in this mode, you gain an additional 200 hit points, but lose 4 armor. You gain the ability to passively stench targets for 3 seconds, dealing 20 damage per second. Transformation lasts for 8 seconds.
• Fur -

P.S. = Labels are labels. (Escapee, Saboteur, etc.) They don't mean anything.
P.P.S. = To maintain unrepetitive classes, only two players can pick the same class and no player should have the same spell.

Any other suggestions that you want to add? Or questions that you want to ask? Don't be shy to post.

- Explained it more thoroughly
- I made it less serious (and renamed a almost everything) so it would be easier to manipulate, and also easier for you to suggest

-unnamed- © BROCCOLI Productions
Distribution by EpicWar & The Hive Workshop
All Right Reserve 2009​


Working on a Map
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Wow, this looks like a really awesome AoS. Its great to see you back in map-making again, denmax!

I like your idea of the Hero Assasin and can't really say I want to replace anything. However, I do have one question: Is invisibility considered an extremely powerful state in the game? If so, does that mean that all invisibility ability should either have a side effect or last a short duration?

Some name suggestions:
Kingdoms of Artifacts- Its two kingdoms fighting over artifacts and one kingdom trying to steal it (I presume), just use a city kind of terrain for the camps and a more foresty one for the battlefields.
Aeon of Champions (XD)- Cos its also AoC, use the cool snowy terrain in your most recent AoC :)
3-3-3-2 [The amount of choices your hero has for the skills, 3 for first, 3 for second, 3 for third and 2 for special. Also means: 3 Camps at War, 3 Hits to Disable (a canister, that is), 3 basic skills, and 2 fates for each faction] This one is random.

This seems to be extremely interesting, what's your current progress now? I really await its released :D

EDIT: Assasin could use an instant damage kind of skill I think. Maybe make Hit and Run have a chance to trigger on the attacked unit when you break Sneak's invisibility.


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If I do that to Sneak, then I would probably remove the 50% increase on effects. Just remember that with Sneak and Fading Stalker, you'll still collide with nearby enemies.

Maybe, just maybe, I'll try to enhance flames to actually show invisible units. XP, or show invisible units when they go too near (like 175 units).

I have not started yet, obviously since I'm still asking for a map name and terrain ideas >.<

I actually forgot I stink at making AoS maps...

Instead of making it AoS I'm just gonna make it a three lane or something...

Edit: Edit:

Actually, every skill should have a drawback. Invisibility changes your state, it is not instant and looks abusive. Thus, drawbacks are born.

Teleports look abusive as well, so drawbacks are there for them too.

More include uber damage, stuns, uber slows, auras, lifesteal, etc.

For me, each skill should have a drawback. One with less of a drawback but less of an effect, and the other with more of a drawback and more of a great effect, and the other to be moderate. This then makes a person create a unique but efficient skill combo.

In time, they WILL get fixed skill combos, so I will balance it in the future and also the reason why I made only 2 players to choose the same class and only one may choose each skill.


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Sorry for the double post but I guess I have to say this is very important.

If anyone has the time, please do terrain for me.

I'm not asking much, just any map of any tooltip (AoS, or not) that has 3 lanes would be enough for me. You don't have to add the trees, just put the cliffs, the water, and some stuff like that for me and I'll credit you greatly (placing your name on map intro to avoid being unnoticed).


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Hi denmax! Good to see another pinoy mapper (sad to say I'm no longer making wc3 maps now).

Here are some map name suggestions:

  • Frozen Wastelands
  • Aeon of Domination
  • Era of Sundering
  • Conflict of the Desert
  • Guild of Fallen Heroes
  • Guild of Heroes
  • War of the Factions
  • Faction vs. Faction
  • Warriors of the Cold
  • Battle Render
  • Fields of Snow
  • Flatlands of Windchill
  • Dunes of Bloodshed
  • The Dunes of Hazard
  • Aeon of Sands
  • Sands of Conflict
  • Shards of Bloodstained Ice

The terrain suggestion is: Ice or Desert, whichever you like. If you don't like any of the names then I'll surely make up more names.


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wew, lol, lots of ideas from users? terrain, titles and stuffs? anyways, good luck


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wew, lol, lots of ideas from users? terrain, titles and stuffs? anyways, good luck

That is because I am as lazy as heck.

Still requesting terrain.

Seriously, the only problem I have in mapping (fortunately) is the terrain. Look at AoC's and tell me, just tell me how "attractive" it is.. >.<

EDIT: Suggesting titles are not even that essential. I could name one for myself. I'm just too lazy to write "Attack of the Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis". Yes, that is a lung disease.

And I'm not asking THAT much except the terrain (which I could do too, but quite frankly WORSE than any other map that has appeared in the human realm), the not-so-essential-but-still-you-could-help-by-suggesting-just-so-your-name-appears-in-the-credits title, and some ideas (which I could also make for myself)

I'll post my stupid Flameslinger ideas later..

Happy gaming!


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maybe there are some aos terrains pre-made by some world editors in some sites, i downloaded one, but its 4 lane aos, and the terrain is very good


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maybe there are some aos terrains pre-made by some world editors in some sites, i downloaded one, but its 4 lane aos, and the terrain is very good

Pre-made? As in "hey doodZ i giV u diz j()()sT cw3d17 m3"?


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I made it less serious (and renamed a almost everything) so it would be easier to manipulate, and also easier for you to suggest.

I may edit Narcotic Syringe to a backstab like skill. Maybe doing criticals while attacking from the back ("activatable" and some other drawback effect)


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If you want, you can use an AoS terrain I made ages ago. I have screens somewhere, it's sunken ruins/Ashenvale tileset. I suppose it's quite good. PM me if you want to have it.


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@Belgarath - Yeah, sure thing.

- Removed Flameslinger (aw man)


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So sorry to say, really, than I'm No Longer into Wc3 Map Making and my Wc3 has been long unused.

Give me something to do that ain't related to mapping, preferably the Map Thread Layout (I have a good taste for these stuff). If you need the thread to look nice, just send me a visitor message/PM:D


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Let me thank Belgarath for giving (or at least I think o_O) me an AoS terrain.

It is in a forest-like terrain of the tooltip Sunken Ruins. No sand present.

I am not sure if I am "allowed" to modify the terrain of his map but for now I will keep it as it is.

This means, the project is going to continue! Yey!

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