Uther Party: How do I get the lich secret level?

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I'd love to elaborate about discussions...........
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Read the Quests menu.
It has sensitive information.

The only reason i did that is because i never even saw the lich game and i was eager to figure it out how to do it.

If you dont like people massive whispering you dont make it a secret game.


Guys i have found some new info.I found a ring from ultimate U.The name is Ring of Loathing.If u try to take the item it just warps u cant take it to your inventory but i think the lich can only take it to his inventory.I try to figure out something...


Gone but not forgotten
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Care to upload that version of the map?

Meat Shield


why... do... you... people... argue... this? :banghead:

lich game was removed from game recently



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oh how amusing

The maker of Uther party ultima, and several of its versions, designed the game to have several fun, random, and entertaining minigames for people to play, he also put in several hidden minigames, that players can attempt to find out, and show to the world. In an attempt to make people search, and search, and search for a secret out of pure amusement, the next version's of uther party ultima will have the "Cursed lich." If all of you haven't figured this out yet, the Cursed Lich is a FAKE minigame, put into the game to play with peoples minds and drive them insane, I have solid evidence to prove this fact.

First piece of evidence, the words that the lich says, he says strange words you wouldn't be able to understand, then the code 18346 is discovered, i dont know how people figured this out, but the only real clue i can find about it is, if you look at your numpad, and type the numbers 18346, you create what would appear to be a sort of star

Draw a line from 1 to 8, 8 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 6, then from 6 to 1, it would draw a star, even though the code is not 183461, its pretty obvious you can feel that its the intention of a star, this was probably the makers intention, if not, it doesnt matter, heres another piece of evidence.

When the lich is interacted with, casted purge on, or whatever, the screen glows and changes color, lich changes into random shapes, this was to build a mysteriously enigma that made players want to figure out how they could decipher this liches strange behevior. In other words, drive people into figureing out WTF is that lich, is he a hidden minigame?

now from these two simple points, the lich could easily be considered a real minigame but with a absolutely hidden solution. Thats at least what you would think, then the next uther party came out, final piece of evidence

the lich mentions "if only I had my lucky ring" so now people who played uther party were searching for the ring, assuming that the ??? item was the ring, attempting to try and get 2 of it and see what happens. However, in a later version of the map, his ring was revealed, ring of agony or whatever it is called, if you attempt to pick up the item, it is automatically teleported to a random area in the minigame selection room, this will happen indefinately. This is the solid proof that the maker of uther party ultima was playing around with us from the start, since he revealed that ring, and purposely has it teleport randomly if you attempt to pick it up, then he absolutely wants to laugh at your attempts to get the game to work. Who knows, maybe he might reveal the lich game in a later version, but in the version's currently released, it should be dead obvious. The lich game, itself has already been played several times, the lich game... is the attempt to uncover the lich game itself, and it has been played by uther party champions everywhere, trying ever so hard to find the last pieces of the puzzle which dont exist. Simply because, the maker wanted to hold the audience's attention, and to drive several people to mental insanity.

You cant say there isnt a lich game, after all the lich is there, but whos to say it can be put on the button to generate a minigame. In other words, the lich game, doesn't have to be a Minigame, but simply a psychological brain fart game.

Nonetheless, it was a very good move on the makers part, which has indeed done its job, to get everyone to lose their mind, trying to solve the unsolveable puzzle :D

However! If someone wish's to prove me wrong, their only evidence would have to be, a fraps recorded post on youtube, showing us the minigame, until we see that, I'll just wait until the next uther party version, then see if the lich game finally exist's, after all, no one cant say the lich game wont be made, but if it is, it will just become another secret minigame that everyone can play.

PS: Btw, off topic completely so PM me about this, who's a fan of Pheonix Wright?


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Eh? Where's the proof?

Are you sure that the item isn't just teleporting around because you dunno how to pick it up? Are you sure that the sound clip played by the lich isn't just a sped up sound clip, easily deciphered if it is slowed down? Wtf does a star have to do with anything?
... Hey, look. If I click the :p , :D , :mad: , and :eek: smilies, and draw a line through them, it looks like a star. Clearly that was the makers intentions.


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Look at your numpad
this is what a numpad looks like, now take away the numbers that arent in the code
its in the same shape as what i just stated in my reply, anyway that has nothing to do with it. Why would the maker put in a ring that randomly teleports around anyway, its only going to make people bitch and whin to the maker and ask them how to pick it up, which he will merely say "there is no lich game" which will drive people insane, they will all say hes lying, and try to figure it out themselves. I merely tried to prove that the lich game isnt a minigame, its merely a fake game, a mind game, a game to get people to ask everyone and their sister how on earth do they solve it.

wtf does a star have to do with anything? Ask the maker that, I didn't make the map, or the lich, you find out his intentions, im just stating what I noticed in the pattern of numbers, at anyrate thats how I remember the numters 18346, I draw a star on the numpad using my fingers.

Here pictures speak better than words

Heres a numpad

Heres how i would type in the code 18346 with the numpad

if you start from 1 and follow the line, it stops on 8, 3, 4, then 6. Now this shape obviously isnt a star, but if you add 1 more line

I think thats a star, or maybe I dont know any better, last time I checked, this is how someone would draw a star if they wanted to reference one, sure its not drawn to look how a star looks, we all know a star is a sun thats such a distance away we can only see a glimmer of light, but back in the good old childhood days we used to look at stars as a neat little shape with 5 points.

Look at yourselves, your only helping my testimony, your proving that its a mind game. Each of you is trying to come up with a way to say that I'm wrong, that I simply dont know how to pick up that item, that I dont know how the minigame is triggered. Yet I realized I forgot one final piece of evidence, the Quest log!

In the quest log, the maker clearly stated the following
"Removed: The Lich has been removed due to the high level of controversy, whining and reported mental disorders. If it makes you feel better, there is no lich game. "

As you can clearly say, he said the Lich has been Removed!!
However, in that very version, the lich could pop out from thunderclapping the bottom left corner, thus proving this fact, the maker was LYING. However, he then states "If it makes you feel better, there is no lich game." Now we know he was lying about the lich being removed, but was he lying here? Maybe he simply wanted to get people to think that since it was clearly stated in the quest log, everyone would give up, however once we found that the lich popped out, we knew that he lied about the first part of his statement. Therefore you cant rely on what he said in the quest. But theres something else about it.

"due to the high level of controversy, whining and reported mental disorders." Precisely where im going at, he noticed well off, that his plan had worked, after all, if he could give a damn about the whining and reported mental disorders, he would simply had, removed the lich game outright, and never popped in any way to unlock him. However he did, showing that he wanted to do this for that simple fun. Playing the puppeteer and watching his little fans act to his play, looking ever so hard for the clues to answer this mind boggling puzzle.


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You can notice certain patterns in absolutely anything. For example, on my seat. It's a pattern of indented figures, generally meant to be nothing. I've spent hours staring at it, listening to my music. I've noticed that there's a pattern that looks like a hand, and that it touches a pattern that looks like a dog, and that dog touches something that looks like a Frisbee. I can continue all the shapes that I see in it. I can even state the the designer meant for them to be there. But, in all honesty, what the hell do I know about it?

Why would the maker put in a ring that randomly teleports around anyway

Did it occur to you that you haven't yet figured out how you're supposed to pick it up? "Oh, look, I can't open this door. It's locked. I guess it's impossible."

Look, I haven't even played the game. I much prefer the RoC version of Uther Party. It's simple, easy, and fun. But that's aside the point. The point is that I'm simply applying common sense and you're not.


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Then try the game out

Perhaps you should give the game a try, its pretty darn fun. After all, its because of this fun that I decided to make this post on this forum, even when I'm trying to deny the fact that the Lich game doesn't exist, I find it amusing to see what people can try to say to disprove my theories. At any rate, your only focusing your claims on one piece of evidence, I simply stated that "I" found a star shape in the pattern of the numbers 18346, I didn't say, "Thats the only reason I believe the lich game is fake." Hell, I've even had my go at trying to solve that damn puzzle, I've even tried everyones theories about the 25% chance thing, but I've loaded a save game in a game I played at least 10 times, not once did it happen.

So before you ask me, "Wheres the proof" that the lich game doesn't exist. I want you to try the question yourself. Wheres YOUR proof, that the game itself even exist's.

So far, all I see the game as, is a mind game to try and play the game, and unless I see a youtube recording of it myself, I'll just look at everyone else's claims "I've played the lich game" to be nothing more than fibs to urge people into figuring it out themselves.

And to answer your question YES it did occur to me that I didn't yet know how to pick it up, maybe there is indeed a way to pick it up, but guess what, no one here has any solid proof that they played the lich game, so even if we end up finding out how to pick up the ring, and maybe give the ring to the lich, whos to say another puzzle wont pop up out of nowhere. Hell maybe the next uther party might have ANOTHER riddle come in, like maybe after the ring is finally picked up, the holder cant move anymore, or something, the maker can come up with anything he wants after all.


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So before you ask me, "Wheres the proof" that the lich game doesn't exist. I want you to try the question yourself. Wheres YOUR proof, that the game itself even exist's.

Unlike you, I never stated that I had proof. You did. I have yet to see proof. My logic is that it's there until it's proven that it's not. I see no reason why it can't be there, only you stating that because you couldn't figure it out, it's obviously set-in-stone fact that it's not there.

At any rate, your only focusing your claims on one piece of evidence, I simply stated that "I" found a star shape in the pattern of the numbers 18346, I didn't say, "Thats the only reason I believe the lich game is fake."

Er.. Read a bit deeper?

Moi. said:
Are you sure that the item isn't just teleporting around because you dunno how to pick it up? Are you sure that the sound clip played by the lich isn't just a sped up sound clip, easily deciphered if it is slowed down?


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alright I appologize the mistakes I made from misreading your reply :banghead:

Anyway, I'm going to ask you an out of the box question. Let's say you wanted to have a secret that was so secret, no one would be able to figure it out unless they came and asked you themselve's personally. Now obviously, if the secret has an answer, it may or may not have clues leading to its solution. Now, what would happen if you made a secret, but the secret had no answer, yet had clues leading to the illusion of an answer, would people be able to tell if it has an answer or not without asking the secrets creator himself?

Now, you say you haven't played any of the uther party's besides the one's back in RoC, unless I misread your reply again. let me simply summarize what all this is about.

After you win the basic 8 minigames, you get the selection of minigames, im not sure if this was in the old uther parties, at any rate, you are given about 5 or so choices of free games, inside these selections are hidden secret games, basically secret modes you can get, such as casting drunken haze on the archer to get the drunken archer, along with a couple others you'll find listed in this thread.

Now we come to the topic at hand, the Lich game, or so it would seem, was first introduced in version Q I believe, he was named "Cursed Lich" was selectable but he was paused, so you could not give orders to him, even though he was under your control. Now, if you do anything to him normally, he starts randomly changing shapes and says gibberish, from this point nothing you do has any effect. Now down on the bottom part of the map, if you slightly scroll the view down, you find a ??? item, you can retreive it with the panda or mannoroth, and give it too the lich, then if the lich is purged or hit by whatever spell triggers, he starts morphing into random things, except this time he says "who is there" if you type in 18346 the screen gets dark, a red flashing starts, and he says "Who was that, can anybody hear me?"

Now, in this version you cant get any further than that, it was simply there for people to try and figure it out, however the next version, the quest log stated.
"Removed: The Lich has been removed due to the high level of controversy, whining and reported mental disorders. If it makes you feel better, there is no lich game."
And as I stated in my previous post, this was a misleading statement, for the reason that once you get to the minigame selection area, theres a strange effect in the bottom left. If you bring a mountain king over to that area and use thunderclap, then the cursed lich from the previous version appears.

You can do to the lich exactly what you could do in the previous version, except after you type in the code, if you cast blizzard over the lich, he becomes frozen, then if you cast breath of fire using the panda on the lich, he is unfrozen, flashing stops, your able to control and freely move the lich, and he says "I'm finally free, but it feels like I'm missing something." If you simply bring him over to the panel, he dies, and his ghost says, "Damn glowing panels, my only weakness, if only I had my lucky ring.

Now everyone kept trying to, up until this point, tried to figure out where that ring is. Even me, I was looking for that very ring, after a while I simply gave up, figured I'd wait till someone else figured it out.

However, upon the release of ultima U, once you get up to our current step of the puzzle, a ring appears on the top of the screen if you manage to look past the terrain by shifting your view using delete or insert. When I first saw this I thought, hey theres the ring. I go to pick it up, it teleports randomly around the room. Now when I had played this version I finally learned how to design maps myself, I knew very well what you can do with the capabilities of the world editor. But after I saw that ring of agony, randomly jumping around, I thought to myself, it feels like I'm being toyed with...

Then it hit me, why would these extra clues only appear in later versions in succession? Why didn't the previous versions have these clues? It couldn't be because the cursed lich wasn't finish yet, he wouldn't release it if it wasn't done! But then it all became obvious, especially from what he said in the updates

"due to the high level of controversy, whining and reported mental disorders."

It was all a joke from the start, the maker wanted to make a secret minigame that had no solution, to drive its fans into a brick wall constantly pondering and pondering how to solve the puzzle. People make up rumors like the 25% chance thing to get people to keep trying all this stuff, using what they figured out as a way to lure people into believing them. But that basically means that if they just reveal one clue, they could make up any random thing they want.

Yeah if you want to get the ring, you have to try and pick it up 50 times within 5 seconds, if you take too long, you have to start over.

If I were to say this, people would actually go and try it, because i know that they wouldn't be able to count 50 times, let alone do it in 5 seconds.

If the cursed lich game actually existed, then everyone would know it by now. One person simply has to show that it exist's, how to do it, then everyone would play it, get bored of it, and move on. The maker, thought, if they COULDN'T figure it out, they would keep on trying nonetheless, because he was already known for the secret minigames that had been put into the map already.

Now I ask you this, rather I ask anyone this. If the lich game exists, why were clues inserted one by one each version after the other?

At the same time, is the lich game playable before version U? is it playable in version Q? If you go to version Q everyone still claims that after 18346 you put the ghoul on the panel and theres a 25% chance. But if there is a lich game, wouldn't someone have figured out in an older version?

Mr Zero

Junior Regular (Got the T-shirt)
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Zackreaver, I support you 110%!

How come that many people still play this game to this very day? It is fun? Yes, but we all know there is missing something. We havn't beated the game yet!
We will not stop playing before we have beated the "Lich" game which dosn't exsits. We have all been minipulated to think there was one.
"But what about the clues"? True. There has been clues, but where have they lead us? To the dead end. We can't sovle it!
I'm not saying that the game never exsits but maybe this is the game. A game for your mind. Nothing else. Just something to drive us instane, keep playing just for be the first lucky one to play the "Lich" game. Everytime new version comes out, we are been handed over more clues. Leading to more frustration, desperation due to we can't solve the "Lich" quest! We are stucked, pwned by the ceator. Face it!

Gameover man, gameover.


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yup, its the creators absolute choice if he wants to put an end to the endless lich game riddle, chances are that he wont, hes probably going to toss in yet another obstacle to play with peoples minds, after all thats alot more fun than just putting in a lich game... If you really really want a lich game, try pyramid escapes quiz game, it has a lich! Lol

Anyway, the answer is in the hands of the creator, I just think its fun that his plan to fool people worked so well. Hell maybe he will prove me wrong, and show us some amazing passcode that was absolutely hidden and impossible to figure out unless he told us, the only way to really prove that is if someone unprotected the map and had a look at it, until then I'm going with what I figured out through the version's I played :)


From error to error, one discovers the entire truth

As is evident in version V, games such as Forest Troll, as well as the number of players remaining check to trigger death match in Tinker, the Tax game draw issue when played after reaper game, the lag related error in first round games in version U, and so on, and so forth. Bugs are an ever reoccurring error in Uther Party. The more games, the more triggers, the more chances for errors occur. The reason why the steps found in later games to solve the Lich are not found in earlier versions is that the game bugged before them. Some workarounds are made to compensate for these bugs, thus old steps which failed, are replaced with new steps, or even more simply, corrected so they work. The Lich, is something that the creator tests on his own, leaving the testers out of the loop. When other games are tested there is usually only small number of testers, and thus most bugs are found then, but not all, since many require a full game for them to occur. (Like Tinker and Forest Troll.) I digress, the Lich, is most definably a game, it is a rather unique and I find rather enjoyable game, although unorthodox in nature.

Here is an open question. What drives you to seek the knowledge of how to solve the Lich? What force compels you to know everything there is, the craving to know all to the point of madness, falling ill to the curse of the Lich. Knowledge is the intellectual manipulation of carefully verified observations. Look into the depths of your own soul and learn first to know yourself, then you will understand why this illness was bound to come upon you and perhaps you will thenceforth avoid falling ill. From error to error, one discovers the entire truth.


After Unfreezing the Lich

After you unfreeze the Lich, check the upper left corner of the area, off the map, and you'll fine the ??? ring again. You need the panda to go get it though. Every time you pick it up, it teleports to a different part of the area.

In the upper right hand corner behind the trees is a switch. If you attack it with the panda, a message pops up telling you that nothing happened.

That's as far as I've gotten.

1- Stomp lower left.
2- Get ??? with panda.
3- Give to Lich.
4- Purge Lich.
5- Type 18346.
6- Cast blizzard on Lich when in his normal form (might take a few tries).
7- Use breath of fire on him.
8- Lose mind.

Mr Zero

Junior Regular (Got the T-shirt)
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I know I know, I'm not allow to talk about hacking maps etc. but I want to keep this alive. See after I read Dalek and Zackreaver posts I know the creator must have put in the game but made very hard to find it. Now I got some proves:
The trigger code: (war3map.j)
Line 18151:18154

function aEO takes nothing returns nothing
call DisplayTextToForce(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS,[B]"Congratulations! You have successfully unlocked the Lich!"[/B])
call DisplayTextToForce(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS,"TRIGSTR_1127")

Now "TRIGSTR_1127" means it was create in GUI and its string is in the war3map.wts file. "TRIGSTR_1127" is really:
Line 1773:1777

Please, don't spoil it for others.

So there gotta be some game in there. I look more deep at the trigger code...

In the upper right hand corner behind the trees is a switch. If you attack it with the panda, a message pops up telling you that nothing happened.

Ok I founded the bit about this.
It seems that you have to do something else before you trigger the switch.
Line: 18124:18131

call DisplayTextToForce(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS,"It seems you broke something!")
call ShowDestructableBJ(true,k0)
call UnitAddAbility(eh,'A01E')
call PauseTimerBJ(true,ed)
call DisplayTextToForce(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS,"Nothing seems to happen.")

"if(aEL())then" can either be a boolean or a function.
"call ShowDestructableBJ(true,k0)" So there is going to "pop-up" a new "destructable". Wondor what that is?
"call UnitAddAbility(eh,'A01E')" And some unit is going to get another abillity.
"call PauseTimerBJ(true,ed)" Seems that some timer has been runing since it being stoped now... but for what?

We can conlude that;
A. You gotta do something before attack the switch.
B. Some unit will get a abillty. Probaly the lich...
C. You gotta do it fast! A timer is running... Or it something else timed.



If someone could please get me a copy of the unprotected map, I could figure it out in no time. :D

Or, please tell me the name of a program to unprotect.
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