What it is like to move into the u.s after 7 years of living in a 3rd world nation.

King TonGoll

Reaction score
-----------------------------------DAY 1---------------------------------
wow, well today was my first time in a U.S school system for the past 7 years.

real big deal to me, I was riding the bus, and some one told me to lower the window.... I didn't know how....... Bus window's here are of another nature....

I am in the lowest level of Spanish! All of them are noobs, HAHA! I am going to fly threw Spanish class, just have to fake bad Spanish, should not be a issue.

J.R.O.T.C seems like a good class. Along with each class I am in. WTH is with this "H.O.P.E" stuff? they called it PHY ED and Health class where I am from....

And the lunch line made my last schools hell line look like nothing! I swear! It will take a while for me to learn the students code for the school, if there is one.... *I mean just the way the student's do things, the groups etc*

I had no clue that the girls sat on one side of the bus and the boy's on the other, i sat on the girls side first thing in the morning..... they told me I couldn't sit there.

I think I should right a blog about how it is to go from panama to U.S school system. Don't know where to do it though.

It is a huge shock! in all of panama, there where 3,000,000 people nation wide! Here there is such a vast number of students that it makes me question my very being. I feel like a ghost..... I mean I don't like the idea of being known, but wight now it is like everyone hates me.

I was thinking when i got on the bus, and in my head it was as if Dane cook was saying it but i was coming up with it.

"When you get into the bus... and you are the new kid, you look for the people you know you are going to hate. O that guy who just rejected me sitting next to him, he is going on the Hit list."

*I didn't know how to open the bus window as well.*

*This is a homework thing I did on my first day*
A Day in Shoes.

It was my first day at school, everything in the morning went, well to be honest, rather crude. The day starts out with me getting up at 6:30, way to early, I was finished getting dressed and all that jazz by well around 7:10. Now that would be an ok peachy but had it not been for the fact that I would be picked up at the bus stop at 8:31 (that day 8:43). My name is Franky and I had been living in the Isthmus of Panama for the past 7 years. My parents had made the quick in ends and broke out for Ocala to start a business, I was all jolly and merry about it, till I realized it mean leaving behind my thirteen foot catapult, me and the mates had built it with out own two hands, if I may be so bold as to say that I think we did ace.

Well, anyways back to where I had left off, my name Frank Retool odd last name no worries I know, and I am 15 years of age. I like old rock; such bands like A.C.D.C are to my licking, there all brilliant. See, these is not some tad bit half wit story for I have been stalked, chased down, and re adjusting to this new environment. Honestly, this is not easy! You don't just live in a third world nation and switch while landing on both feet! That’s just like assuming Barbra Streisand has a small nose, it's just not right! I mean have you seen that woman’s nose? It’s huge! Well that is a tad bit of topic, you don't just move like that and not struggle even if it be just a little.

Well, that’s me, as you can see I would be the comic relief character of a show, and not the main player. Anyway's my first day of school, after getting up dressed and eating I had to take a 10 minute stroll to the bus stop area. The bus stop area was a disappointment, as I had been watching most of the shows from the U.S I pictured it to be a little more modern, this was a let down! Just a stop sign in the middle of an intersection. Well I wait there for about 40 minutes, bus was late, and get on after listening to the same "Ok Go" songs on repeat. The journey on the bus started out rather harsh, I sat on the wrong side of the bus, you see, in panama there was no such rule for bus riders, and those where all most non existent. I had sat on the girl’s side, and was scolded by some kid who seemed to be in the 4th grade (I later found out he was really in the 7th grade). Well, I make my second mistake right away, I went straight for a open seat, guy who I was going to sit next to said "no man, it's taken." it was open but apparently he was saving, well I had already wanted to sit by my self, I labeled him to the wall of those who I will not speak to for a while.

I spend the next 30 or so minutes listening to music on my cell phone, I had picked it up a while ago during summer break, although it was near to impossible to hear my music. I forgot to mention I had to sit next to this overweight 8th grader not to be mean but he did make me suffer. When I arrive at school, the entire place is packed, lucky me I had attended that pre school business and knew to check the list to see my first period class, boy did that seem easy! I had to plow my way threw, and I am not one to be a bother or nuisance to others, but the placed was so packed it made me seem like a paper wait in the sea! I had to do or die so I changed into a ship and sailed that vast sea, finding quickly my first period class was an H.O.P.E program with a teacher named Sera Poselle. school seemed like I would like it, I noticed quickly all the dyed hair, due to my parents telling me they probably would not allow me to dye my hair in the school, although it seems to be the exact opposite. They had there chains out, there Mohawks, wild fire hair color's, and last but not least black clothes on such a hot day! Seemed they have no sense. I could simply walk around and deduct that most of these people must have been dressed by blind 4 year old girls, Nancy girls at that!

Well, I make it to my first period without getting lost, for I had the advantage of a map being at hand! First period as I remember only had a few relatively attractive girls. Letting me down some, but I still had high hopes for next period. The first period teacher did as she was told to do and reviewed all the forsaken rules of the school; I did not really care, for I had read it all at my house. Everything seemed to lag on to the point where they started announcing some word of the day, at that I had a crack. It was an elementary level word; it seemed at first as if they where mocking my intellect, gave me some depression when I came to realize they weren’t. She spent at least 5 minutes telling some words of wisdom and the word of the day, after witch she went on to talk about how some woman got her students to pay attention, in my head she was just describing a teacher just a person. I could get you attention, look I just did, if you are reading this I have gotten your attention where is my award? Don't tell me I am full of myself, everyone should be, otherwise you end up just barely making it. The next period was algebra, I was happy at this, there was a guy who I could relate to, and for his name was Frank as well! We where both lost, both had end up in the same wrong class, and onto of all this managed to make it to our class at the same time, late but none the less at the same time.

Algebra was rather fun, all we did was review rules, and then do paper work so they may know where to find us at all times. That is the first time I thought, "Am I nothing but a number to these people?" The answer I am sure is yes. Again dismissed, and I start heading for my English class when I realize I have No teacher in the room, and a locked door in my face. I walk down the hall to find them telling everyone we have "A lunch" at first thought I wonder, "what the duce?" what is A lunch? Would they not call it lunch when they sit down to eat a meal during mid day? Apparently they had divided lunch periods, we where A lunch. So I quickly wonder to my own table, to sit at the end of the row furthest away from everyone I could get, and a group just has to sit in my view, I mean I am the new kid, leave me alone! The new kid will all ways want to sit alone, wither it be on the bus or at lunch for it makes no difference when you know no one! I had written a angry note during lunch to pass time, I was not really angry I just needed a pass time whilst I ate nothing more then two packs of raisins. Well, I quickly realize I had gotten so caught up in the angry note I did not notice them ushering everyone out, I had to scurry out and rush to my next class, I had gone there before, thus I knew where I was headed. I managed to escape the great fleet of storm troopers by getting to class before they could be deployed, those halls get packed tight. Next was English, same drill only change was a slight explanation of the class before and after the reading of rules. My English teachers name was Mr.Jestor he seemed like a fellow I could respect, and does still. We go threw the entire "what he would expect from us" and everything that need be said. I could tell from that second this class would be strong on home work.

Bell rings in his class but means nothing to us; we must stay put and ignore the first two or something. I mean I am not one to argue or dispute things but it is understandable that a human’s reaction is to get up when the bell rings is it not? Anyway our bell really rings and I get out into the sea of battle cruisers civilians and squirrels, you know the humans who are too scared to make it threw. I pity them, they must grow some guts otherwise they wont ever be to there classes on time! They are pretty much saying "take advantage of me, for I am weak!" My next class is biology, a class I was waiting for the entire day, I had nerves, no idea if the students here would be much more advanced then me whom came from a third world country, seemed to me I was in luck, if anything I had the upper hand for having had taking uttering in chemistry whilst in Panama. My Biology teacher was a mister Ree.

Well, my biology teacher seemed smart and assured me of it in several manners that I will not state due to them being personal test I perform an every human to test there intellect, so it is a judgmental View. Well, we some how get from Rules to how google and china are the people we should not help. In some points I was let down by this, although I see the logic behind not supporting google who helps the Chinese government filter there peoples searches. But what really makes no sense is that the Chinese do not rebel, this might not seem relevant to my day, and it is due to me having said so. So this class seemed like it would be fun. Slowly though I start to realize I am being watched. Well, turns out the guy sitting behind me was named Frank as well, go figure.

My next period I had an old Puerto Rican woman for a teacher her name was Firginia. She seemed nice; I was able to play her like a deck of cards though. Knew this class would be a breeze due to having known Spanish from living in Latin America. She knew nothing witch was priceless, and still to this day knows nothing; she thinks I have a good accent from being born in Miami. Note to the wise, if I can take advantage of a situation and outsmart some one be it with word play or be it with jokes, I will take that chance. I still have the ongoing joke that I do not know Spanish with this teacher, although she knows that I know Spanish. It would be quite ridicules if she did not after I speed read the lines in Spanish after being dared by some one sitting next to me. Well back to my first day. I keep on with the fiasco and all most crack up while listening to these people tries to make the sounds of the alphabet. Honestly, the lowest Spanish level over there makes this place look real bad.

Next period was a highlight as well, J.R.O.T.C. I would be instructed by a sir Good. This class for some reason was packed with something called an "8.5" this was a shock to me, where I come from there was no such thing! It was doing or dies no second chance! I do not approve of this to be honest, they need to straighten up from the looks of it, and they had behaved like monkeys on substances that need not be named! The entire period went by rather fast, rules paper, review of what J.R.O.T/C is and what it stands for. I thought my day was over soon, but no, while going back to the bus, I am attacked by a group of girls. While this attack was welcomed it was rather odd, I was the loner, and liked to sit by my lonesome self. I mean I am not that attractive, short brown hair, brown eyes, jeans, messenger bag three necklaces, a ring, and a arm band as well ad some vans. I seem like an average Joe in my own opinion; well to me I look pretty bad. But this day I will remember. I get on the bus, Sit down, ambushed by elementary students who decide to scream at each other right over my head and threw paper balls etc, just like seals loud and annoying beasts that like to play with balls. Get off the bus with one thought in my head.

"Wow, what an odd lot."
---------------------------------------DAY 2-3------------------
well, the hot punani that i spoke off*no it was not a joke a hot girl was trying to start conversations with me*, was apparently, unlucky me, doing so for her well not to be mean but i have to be honest ugly uglyuglyfriend.

burn, now i will pull the hot girl out and ask her to help me break it to her friend that I am no where near interested, apparently I am using the action less method sun tzu used and it backfired, even though i am not trying to use it! action less actions can really break you down!

no more Tao for me!
--------------------------------------day 4-------------------------
Ok update, let's make it 5 stalkers......



Got this one on the bus, have no idea who it is from, girl not only spelled my name wrong, but has horrible writing skill's.
------------------------------------day 5------------------------------
Turns out Gage was a gay guy...... and some people on my bus thought i was gay, i like to look nice but that is way past the line.
----------------------------------end of week one--------------

---------------------week two day one--------------------------

Another one hits the dust..... aswell as two other girls who just cling to me.

dude this is awesome!
----------------------------day two week two----------------
turns out it was the hotter girl that liked me and well several other girls.
-----------------------------day three week two---------------
well, my classes are easy as hell, everything is going well nothing much went on today.
-----------------------------day 4 week two------------------
I make a few friends on the bus, now i have a few conspiracy believing buds i can talk to. they are cool.
------------------------------day 5 week two--------------------
ok today a lot happened. in the start of the day it looled on for a while, then we got to the pep rally, first time going to one. it sucked, it was loud as hell, i got back packs lumped on me, and then all i could do was cover my ears so they would not hurt. later that day i went out to the foot ball game, we lost
the foot ball game was hard to concentrate on and no one seemed to care much for it....
---------------------------end of week two--------------
side notes.

I was lent a pack of 32 cd's, and 6 mag's to learn about music here, they listen to strange stuff here.

the veronicas
Fall out Boy
3 Day's grace
The Auditions
Lily Allen
the red jumpsuit aparatus
the click five
cobra starship
boys like girls

are all new band's I learned this week end.
still learning more....

p.s this is a pic of me. though i am not happy with this pic.

----------------------------Day 1, week 3---------------------------
Ok, so I am being approached now for some dance called home-coming, Never even heard of it before, until reacently. Like hell i would take anyone, for i can't even dance *no one BS that anyone can dance*. I plan to be the loser at the wall who holds some ones food for them.... I hope they leave me alone whilst I do that........ I just moved here as well, I don't see anyone expecting me to take anyone...... O wait i was asked to take some one....... yea hollie is a no go, her friend asked me to take her, I will have to decline.

I feel like a sudding marvel in school, I mean I feel like I am the center of the universe! My head is wax, and I am walking in the sun, contrary to what ben would suggest.

about the music, i find myself becoming un effected by it, by all means anyone can play there music near me as Lon as it be not Paris hilton. But i would suggest "Cake" to you all. I got my books to take home today.... never had that in panama, we used our brains and read as much as we could in class, no text book's. Joined the community response team, and I cant wait till the 11, I wonder how they deal with it here. Bound to have some form of effect on the day........ the U.S gov needs there civilians to Fear terrorism so they are bound to fuel it some how on the 11th with speeches etc.

ok when i got up I didn't bring my H.O.P.E uniform, thus I was formed against the wall and laid to wait all day. While escaping English class a couple of girls where teasing me by jokingly asking me for my number lol, I feel kick ass. When I lived in panama i was a instant loser, a outcast, whites where a minority and gringos hated. thus i was that "strange" white gringo. I mean at least like 50% of my bud's where from the UK thus not gringos, but hated all the same.

I was planning on taking pictures of those whom i speak of but my plan was foiled by the fact i had no chance to take out my cell phone to take the pictures...... and plus then they would think I was interested in them. I sense danger about this Home coming crap, honestly! who's Idea was it?!?!?! ohh whoopdy do bazor! Now i will be honed to death!

*this post was made as me and my bud's would talk in panama.*
---------------------------Day 2 week three-------------------
I found out the reason behind the one side of the bus is girls and the other is guy's. Turns out students had been taking advantage of this to give blow jobs. I will not censor this, this will not be hidden! you wanted to the reason I gave it to you, I find this hard to believe, I mean who would happily give one? the smell, etc etc.......

Any ways, So My friend Ron, keeps introducing me to people, but all the people he knows are mostly girls. some guys here and there but mostly girls. Then there is a girl wearing a Japofile shirt that he knows, I ask her about it she said "I like getting Japanese shirts", I told her I had a "Domo-Kun" to see if she would say any thing, and she had no clue as to what I was speaking of. go figure........

The only thing that really wen on today was the fact that I learned i still have until Friday to join powder puff cheer leading.

nothing much happened today, I think everything should get more interesting when i go to raiders on Thursday and then powder puff cheerleading. aka start after school activities, cant wait for JSA as well.


notes on comments, no I will not post pics of them until I can manage to take out my cell during school and then I might. MIGHT.

and yea, I plan to going to home coming, but I plan to go alone.....

*Dang your pretty good for doing all this quite honestly. Mexican kids straight from Mexico entering high school have a real hard time not being shy around here. They usually run to who is most familiar to them, other mexicans, and not talk to others for awhile.*

Well, I know it is ether act now or forever bite my lips. If you want something you need guts.

------------------------day 3 week 3----------------------------------
I went threw that day fast nothing much happened, Except for me making myself look like a idiot the entire day.
--------------------------day 4 week three, end of week 3----------------
In the morning we go do H.O.P.E, this time i brought my extra clothes. after 30 mins of activities we head back to the class room, do some book work then get to the highlight of this class.

we had to vote for two things, class president, and prince/princess of the home coming dance. I thought, hey why not vote for myself. I voted me.
then i looked around, the punk groupie asked for my last name, I give out a dry crack and then say "****" I ask her her's and she said Rogers. so i put her down for princess, i don't know anyones last name.

Turns out all of her friends voted for the same thing I did. and then people across the room voted for me, but not her. I wonder how many votes I got, even though there is no way i will be prince, not many know my last name, and even with that, not many know my first name or who I am.

ok after that ordeal *president stuff doesn't matter*, I went on to lunch, but instead of going to lunch i go to another class to pick up the "powder puff" cheer leading form. that's right, ima gana be a cheerleader. URA URA URA!

then i try to go to lunch but my friend is all ready outside, so i just wing my hunger and talk to him.Next class goes well, he is impressed by my in depth explanation of the Tao of sage, I am happy. next class Spanish, this is block schedule, Spanish, first thing the teacher does as I enter she tells me " You have to go to room 116 for testing."

First thought "O fuck, better not be for something bad! hope it is for something good." with thoughts that it might be for Spanish placement.
turns out due to me being from another nation I had no record for reading they could go by. so they give me a "test" freaking reading one page out loud is not a bloody test! I don't care who you are, it is just not a test. |It had ended in will under 2 minutes, and done. had to wait for some one else to "go up with me" as if i could not do so myself.

next hot topic is Raiders. Ok I go to The J.R.O.T.C room, and then make is get into formation, we scream we chant, and Santa a goes to bloody up some pradure. I am one of the guy's with no uniform, they take me to the back, with about 10 or so other mates, and start assigning uniforms to us, toke a real time block. The Colonel ask's me when I am done, if i feel like joining the group for excessive. I said yes, no doubt. and was well on my way to joining the group. we walk, and burst run about, do push ups, streches, and other exersives while shouting odd things such as "1,000!" "Raiders Rock" "Raiders" "L I L I" "excess action".

while waiting for my ride my father pings me about 10 times via cell phone and I lose my sanity in the prosses. He picks me up, everyone goes whoopydy Baisel and we get the hell out.
=========End of week three.============

side notes. The Girls of my first period are trying to couple up me and the punk girl, by all means I like it, I like punk girls as long as they have good choice, and are clean. I mean, I have a huge probably succes rate with most girls for some reason, but I like this one, even if she is not the most pretty, even if she does not seem the oldest. I just like her personality and well to be honest her.

screw it, i wont post the end of this week.

---------------------week 4 day 1-------------------
Go to school today, they had sent a bomb threat in over the week end for 9/11 and we could not bring any bags etc.
*funny idea i had , they searched the bags, what if some one put a bunch of fake male parts in there bag?*

ok, the girl, the one who i decided will be my property, liked her birth day present *i think she was just saying that it was a CD I chose and knew she would like, but never heard of* now, I am a man of pride. As such, i refuse to lower myself to a doggy..... that having been said i then talk to her during lunch, i had sent her a letter in the birthday card. It had the following.

Happy Birthday! I don't know the day, or how old, but happy birthday!
Yea well, lame sending this thing like this. You can't read my handwriting. So this is as good as I can do...
It is hard for me to talk about anything when surrounded by a bunch of people. I even have a schedule to talk to you etc. like the other day, you caught me at a bad time, but you seeing me and talking to me was part of my plan, the "how’s it going sexy" thing was not..... Though that was pretty funny XD. I was sitting there, I knew you and your friends would be there in the morning, so it's like, I am a strategic stalker. During lunch I used to go out early in case you where to go outside for some reason and try to look open, now the people I know are screwing up my plan! XD.
I thought about things though, you see, I don't know how to dance, if I did me would have asked you to that event.... I don't know anything about Ocala, so I don't know any cool places to go to. Do you see where I am going? I am a nobody heh, and I all way’s have been. Best to just forget about me, I will only slow you down. I could give a bunch of reasons for why I am a loser, but those are enough. Hmmm....... what else will I tackle? Ohhh yeaaa, I will never say anything like "I like this person" in front of anyone but that person, I refuse to ever admit such a thing! Call me stubborn, but I refuse! *Until that person knows and everything goes well, then I will go out of my little safe cage. But if things go bad, I pretend it never even happened.*
I never..... Never...................................*dots would go on but I don't want to waste space or ink.*
I don't know how to think anymore really. Kind of funny, really I am disappointed in myself, I am the guy who worked very hard to never get like this..... I sound so pathetic.

Way's to contact me if it is impossible to get alone or if I am with some one and I cant get away.
My cell phone: ***-**** *It has music for the caller, its Billy talent-"Devil in a Midnight Mass"
My E-mail’s,
[email protected]
[email protected]

found out was Sunday, turned 15, I am currently 15 though. This is not a love letter, this is a confronting letter, you know the difference. she gave me only a half hug, mean, when you receive a present you hug the person who gave it! what a burn.... *not even worth giving one*

notes on the letter, just ask and I will update this.

Her friend is annoying*water in my face, gum sticks thrown at me* me I think i know why. but I hate it, Why do i need to be dragged down all the time?

---------------------day two week 4-------------------
I start the morning, and decide to put a small paper on my back, made the letters big and made it say "Hug's for free! No limit, forever whenever!" Today I got 17 hugs. Both Guy's and girls, well, until this one ass hole came and tore it off my back ripped it up and threw it away and started cracking up. I walked towards him, he circled his friends, they said," Are you gana hit him HAH!" and i said "no congratulate him for being able to steal it from me" *hold out hand. When he came to shake it i kicked him in the balls. he was pissed, bell wrong and we walked away from LUNCH. Walking down the hall with my friend and a smoothie flys right behind me. completely missing, guy threw a smoothie at me, my friend was wearing a 300$ red sox shirt and he said if it had hit us he would kill him.

Who the **** throws a smoothie? Well, all the girls felt bad that he ripped it up *leet win?* and one of his friends who is all so my friend told me "he would have fought if he didn't just go to the dentist"........... I think he is just a arse bandit. So, I used this hugs for free to sap hugs out of a certain group of girls. *yes, You can tease if you want too* next school day I have all ready made three "Free Hugs" signs out of cardboard. I plan to use them all, hand out two and keep one. doing this for fun, a teacher said it was fine as long as i don't force hug people. *Me thinks star wars!*

The friend/bad ugly girl, Is like pissed off at me now, I am going to make her not hate me. if she hates me then i can never settle into there group and would be pulling her away from her friends all the time. This is going to be hard, but I am going to try and pull my location to there location slowly. my friend thinks they are crazy, and he is a cool guy. I learned that she hates the skaters, some of witch i am friends with, but trust me they must be retarded. *at least these guy's, i used to skate, and I inline skate now, these guys are retarded* So I should make it clear to them that I am going to transaction myself to her slowly and that No one tells me who i can and cannot be friends with. *they don't like her that much.*

back to the friend, she attacked me verbally in the morning, scarry shit. WHY DID YOU SAY THAT????? WHY DID YOU TELL HER THAT?, those words will ring in my ear for a while. I would rather Die then suffer with that person, but i will have to do the impossible and become her friend..... get along.

another reason behind my plan of the Free hugs, is to meet people in the school, If i do that then I can decide who to be friends with and who to not be friends with. gain knowledge and full fill a plan i had from half the year back. a plan for whatever high school i went too.

I detest drugs, I want to be the biggest drug snitch in this schools history, and I want to do it without them knowing it was me. but first I have to find comrades, and will have to be friends with the stoners at the same time. If you think I should not do this, my mind is made, I will pay the price.
Okay, this should be a big update. more then one day, a lot of days.
Directly following the last post, the next school day I had was a Thursday. I got suspended for punching some one in the face, the skaters. Notice I disregard the word fight, this was not a fight. A fight is long, and painful. I felt no pain nor was it long, it was a max of 5 seconds during lunch. The group had called me over, began calling me a fag, queer, asking if I wanted to kiss them, pushed me then *my left, his right* slapped me open hand to the face. I then raise my right hand and punch him twice. While at the same time the guy with awful aim with the smoothie was with them and threw another smoothie at me *he hit do to being really close* and another bud poured water on me. Now I was pulled away, but there was no need, I walked away at the same time. he was slow, before he could punch back i grabbed his right fist and prevented him from doing so. I am not claiming to be a good fighter, but I have been in a lot and i can say this guy was way to open and to slow. slow may be power but speed can kill the power you may gain. While there entire table was cracking up everyone in the lunch room had noticed or something, it seemed that they where all standing up and talking above tone. While walking away, while some girl said i was so stupid, i felt proud. Just like I had won, or rather I did win but thats to me. If he thinks he won then he won. if he didn't i won, ether way I don't care what he thinks or anyone who believes what he say's. I don't have to.
After the walking away, two seconds after, a staff member had begun asking if i was all right then the 10th grade dean, the ninth grade dean was missing, toke me to his office. Made me sit and write out what had occurred. I had explained that in the morning The guy who threw the smoothies had punched me in the face breaking two of my chains *Fixed now, neck chains, you know.... the bling bling type,only mine is a jolly roger and the Bleach skull*. There was one girl as my witness, sent in by some one.... I will get to that in a moment. That is later down the line. Ok, so after that they allow me to change my shirt and then force me to sit without speaking. but I talk to this girl who went to diciplin due to having been receiving threats from some other girl, she cracked at how i smelled like a berry.
They question me on what i had written and then after another long period of time, probably one hour, they move me to the detectives room. Not for more questioning, but for "protection",I sit there by myself for the next 4 hours! But I had no problem with it, I can wait till the end of the world by myself. Spent most my life that way anyway, a man needs nothing more then his creativity and himself, IHad spent the entire time remaking the fight in my head and creating conversations, as well as feeling like shit for making some one get angry and in my view point scarred and freaked out.
They take me out for a second due to a fire drill, The woman they had take me was nice, she liked my story and told me these guys all ways get into trouble, the kid i punched, he alone had over 40 referrals.

They thought I was Gay for doing the Free Hugs campaign in school.
that morning I had brought three free hugs cardboard signs to school as a small joke. Passed out two,got man rapped the good funny way and then these guys where all ready planning to steal my sign. To bad for them, I was surrounded by supporters and then before i they could they where confiscated for promoting public affection. Instead he goes for a punch to the face, I swing back at him and thats that. *sorry if this is out of sequence but whatever*

On to the aftermath of the ordeal, they call my parents, tell them I was "madly swinging at every person near me" *I only hit one guy then walked away....* . I get 5 day's no school, and then my parents pick me up. Now You might think that after they toke my side *The officer, the dean etc all said they think I was the victim to them and know that I didn't want this to happen*, that they would go easy on me. But they didn't, next five days except during night I was forced to do slave ware house box moving work, Fun isn't it?

At night though everything changed! You see, remember the girl I was talking about? well I had given my phone number in the letter, she called me and then I got her number and this was mostly three way talking. First Time in my life I had even HEARD of three way talking. I was like what the fuck is going on? They told me before I could ask, and I never told them I had never even heard of it, did say Never done it before though.

After like day three, we where to be honest flirting a lot on that phone, I had asked her out to the home coming and she said yes, and now she is my girl friend. Whoopy me! Now i get all the free hugs I want! That is the summery of suspension time, now onto today week 5 day one and the end of week five at the same time!

I go to school, she told me to meet her in the library, I wait to see her enter the library in a location (she told me she wanted me to sit in a way she could sneak up on me) she would se me first. My back to the entrance zoned into the library. Now we go to the library and then while leaving the same kid I had a row with came up and started asking if i "wanted to punch him". Now If you are asking that, the answer is yes, but I would not do so. my girlfriend pulls me away and starts showing my to people. Thankfully I had all ready met some of them and was able to leave with no balls down my neck threats.

Go threw school, lunch is going on, two of the group, the one who poured the water and the guy I punched thought it would be cool to sit near me for a few seconds during lunch, they are scooping me out, I know they asked if I was a bus rider.I fear them not so I told them that I was, and I am. My friend Steven, among many asked me WTH I was thinking. The answer is simple;
If I Caword then, I would forever be taunted. If I fought then I could make some time to create fear and thus they would leave me alone.

So you see I had a valid reason to fight back. only they knew what i knew about what the son's of the letter A can do.

So my girl friend all so was with me during bus board. And now tonight we go to the football game, the guys who bring war on there backs will probably attend this as well, to this I know only one good qoute.
"Cry havoc, and let loose the dogs of war". But I fight with my brains, I need no pride, I discard it, I need no honor, IT is worthless. forgive me if this post sounds odd, I like talking like this.

*Will post new entry after game*


This informing enough?

P.S I am planning to go to the mall next sunday to start a FSM *Flying Spaghetti monster* Revolution in the mall, going to spread it in school, need people to do this with. for more info on the FSM just go here. www.venganza.org

I all so made a My space, http://www.myspace.com/tongoll add me if you want lol.


I just got a awesome idea, I think I might consider making this into a comic strip.......... but first need to improve art skills.


Missy wants blood!
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Now that certainly provides a nice insight into what it's like to move to a place where everything's different. The biggest time I did that I just moved school, and that was daunting enough.

And as for all those bands, they're crap. Don't let 'em draw you in! In the UK we call such people emos :p


Working As Intended
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"Life at School - An enriched tale written by King_TonGoll"

This was quite interesting. I agree with the others, the gay guy part was funny. :p

Some of the bands you listed I like, especially AFI. :p :rolleyes: You'll get used to it over time, or we'll make you. <Insert evil Smilie>

Anyways, on a more serious note - You should defiantly continue updating this. It's interesting, and within practically 2 hours you now have four responses all positive. As long as it doesn't get spammy, this would be great to read. :)

(I am starting High school too - Though at a different grade level, and I've lived in Canada my whole life)


Just Smile.
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That is messed up o_O Keep us updated :)

Some of the more common things are uncommon to you, makes it funny ^^ Though I am in Canada. My school isn't as... like that.

I haven't even gone back to school yet.

And the gay guy was hillarious!

King TonGoll

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sure thing, Lol, I thought it was kind of funny aswell, but at the same time way uncool.....

O and the guy who had lent me all the CD's and such, well i had been talking to him for a while online, i think he is gay though. he has a girl friend but dang his voice......

o and about the emo kid's, i think they are kinda cool, although i am a old rock fan myself, I allway's liked the punk style, I even went threw a dyed hair faze and a mohawk. But if anything i would fall into old school.


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> aswell as two other girls who just cling to me.
> dude this is awesome!


Nice to hear that.

> I had no clue that the girls sat on one side of the bus and the boy's on the other

This. is. lame. Sitting next to girls is... natural :)

Good luck in the US mate, and keep updating this! It's funny :p

King TonGoll

Reaction score
> aswell as two other girls who just cling to me.
> dude this is awesome!


Nice to hear that.

> I had no clue that the girls sat on one side of the bus and the boy's on the other

This. is. lame. Sitting next to girls is... natural :)

Good luck in the US mate, and keep updating this! It's funny :p

the thing is, in panama, i wa sa loner and a not so happy guy, now that i moved i have re shapped myself, and have gut's when it comes to people, and look a lot better.

I don't know why! But this is really awesome! not only that, but the teachers assighn good home work and the kid's all act retarded *I know they can do better*, so then I look like I am smart!

all so the music i don't like so much, but i will admit even with my pink floyd, AC/DC *no way i would wear that shirt... UK kids know why*, and jimmy back round i have no clue why they like these no talent bands.

I am still on the week end, even though there are more parts that i think you guy's would like to hear i am not sure if i should post them.


Missy wants blood!
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AC/DC *no way i would wear that shirt... UK kids know why*

I'm from the UK and have no idea what your talking about, unless you are implying that the emos have something against people who listen to proper music. In most schools in the UK you have to wear uniform anyway, until you enter sixth form (which Is what I'm doing this year (college to people in the US)).

King TonGoll

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I'm from the UK and have no idea what your talking about, unless you are implying that the emos have something against people who listen to proper music. In most schools in the UK you have to wear uniform anyway, until you enter sixth form (which Is what I'm doing this year (college to people in the US)).

Im not Bi, AC/DC means Bi, I love the band.


Missy wants blood!
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I know you like the band. It's just that where I come from, AC/DC means alternating current/direct current (physics), or else it refers to the band. It has absolutely no connotations with bisexuality.

King TonGoll

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I cant wait for tomarro, every day of school has been fun!

And I knew it!

P.S I Can't wait to start posting more in deph, there is a lot more that happense that i don't write about.

King TonGoll

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Day 1 week 3

Ok, so I am being approached now for some dance called home-coming, Never even heard of it before, until reacently. Like hell i would take anyone, for i can't even dance *no one BS that anyone can dance*. I plan to be the loser at the wall who holds some ones food for them.... I hope they leave me alone whilst I do that........ I just moved here as well, I don't see anyone expecting me to take anyone...... O wait i was asked to take some one....... yea hollie is a no go, her friend asked me to take her, I will have to decline.

I feel like a sudding marvel in school, I mean I feel like I am the center of the universe! My head is wax, and I am walking in the sun, contrary to what ben would suggest.

about the music, i find myself becoming un effected by it, by all means anyone can play there music near me as Lon as it be not Paris hilton. But i would suggest "Cake" to you all. I got my books to take home today.... never had that in panama, we used our brains and read as much as we could in class, no text book's. Joined the community response team, and I cant wait till the 11, I wonder how they deal with it here. Bound to have some form of effect on the day........ the U.S gov needs there civilians to Fear terrorism so they are bound to fuel it some how on the 11th with speeches etc.

ok when i got up I didn't bring my H.O.P.E uniform, thus I was formed against the wall and laid to wait all day. While escaping English class a couple of girls where teasing me by jokingly asking me for my number lol, I feel kick ass. When I lived in panama i was a instant loser, a outcast, whites where a minority and gringos hated. thus i was that "strange" white gringo. I mean at least like 50% of my bud's where from the UK thus not gringos, but hated all the same.

I was planning on taking pictures of those whom i speak of but my plan was foiled by the fact i had no chance to take out my cell phone to take the pictures...... and plus then they would think I was interested in them. I sense danger about this Home coming crap, honestly! who's Idea was it?!?!?! ohh whoopdy do bazor! Now i will be honed to death!

*this post was made as me and my bud's would talk in panama.*


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Dang your pretty good for doing all this quite honestly. Mexican kids straight from Mexico entering high school have a real hard time not being shy around here. They usually run to who is most familiar to them, other mexicans, and not talk to others for awhile.


Missy wants blood!
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I assume homecoming is like the prom that we had at the end of year 11. I didn't go, but hell, I feel really crap when I look back at people's photos of the event and realise that a certain someone could have been mine...

I should have gone, even if I didn't have anyone to go with.
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