who banlists?

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UT2004 does that. And they made it even worse recently.

Ut2004 has a global ban system, because EVERYTHING is run off a master server, they can ban your GUID and you cant play online (and they were doing it a lot at release). Now not as much.

BUT - there was a mod called UTAN that you could run on your server. UTAN was like UT Admin Notification or something. It was like a banlist. To get people's GUID on the UTAN list (which updated daily or something) it was VERY EASY. This didnt really bother me because our team or any other competitive teams never used it. (we just did utcomp). I mean someone from our team even got on UTAN, and he was pretty good (pyrogenix from lcd if you know). So it was like a banlist for everyone like WC3. Smart people didnt use it. Pubs used it to keep out hackers. Pretty decent. Nothing wrong.

THEN - Epic decides to INCLUDE UTAN into the new patch. So now UTAN can be turned on for ANY server, and since a ton of servers used it almost EVERYONE kept getting banned from servers. (competitive ut community is like at war with the noob pubbers. i dont get it, but we would ALWAYS love raping pubs and talking AMSAP (As much shit as possible)). So they we all got banned from utan. and then ladders started ENFORCING UTAN BECAUSE IT WAS OFFICIAL.. AND WE WERE BANNED.

Absolutley terrible crap. They took those rules down a little while later. But making UTAN official just pissed me off. It is a global banlist.


-Fool- you live up to your name...

I live in israel and I play on europe/useast
I never had anyone complain about me lagging(Well there was that time when I left edonkey open...).

Though I can understand banning leavers :D

DM Cross

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Well, I just had to open my big mouth...

SilverHawk said:
This thread is likely to be closed. This discussion has occured before and always ends up out of control.

Notice it isn't closed yet, and I've been keeping my mouth shut til now?

Say something? :D

Anyway, this is my opinion... And yes, take it offensively, please. Make my day! >D

Who the **** are you to tell me what games I can and cannot play.

You don't own it. Blizzard does. The models you made? Blizzard owned. The triggers you made? Blizzard owned. The abilities, the creeps, that tree right there, that dirt under your feet, that sky you see. All of it. Blizzard owns it. Not you. You claim rights to absolutely nothing.

Ok, you put work into it (no, I won't comment on the fact that DotA's stolen. Why? Because I don't care. I'm speaking about the banlist in GENERAL, since anyone can make/use one, with the proper knowledge) That's great. Well I put a lot of work into getting my butt out of bed to comment here, but you don't see me trying to say "Hmm, I don't like (this is at random) 56k, so he can't read my post, lemme create some program and upload it to TH (yes, this is bs, but it's the point behind the crap) so that when he looks at this forum, it says he's banned, or thread not found, or some crap like that, just cause I can and I feel like it."

Hell, I'm not even sure that's legal, let alone fair.

You think you people are like the "banlist enforcers", or whatever.

You're enforcing nothing you have any right to claim. Period. End of story.

So, people are leaving? Dropping? Yeah, in yours and almost everyone elses games, buddy. Even Melee games! You're suddenly now better then Blizzard, the people who OWN your hard work anyway, since after all, let's face facts: They don't banlist for anything, save banning accounts due to BREAKING THE RULES.

Now, you're going to say that some people on the DotA banlist are banned from DotA for... Breaking rules?

Who the **** are you to tell me what I can and cannot do in a game?!

Want me to not backdoor?

Stop me and everyone else with the game. Ryoko proved it was possible when he hacked the game in like two seconds and wrote a trigger that stops backdooring from, who was it, Furion?

Ta da. Problem solved.

OF COURSE NOT! Instead, let us find out when someone uses this cheat (except for the enforcers, I wouldn't be surprised to learn) and put them on our pooplist (yes, I just said pooplist, get on with your life) so they can't play because our balls are too big to just swallow (heh, the irony of this sentence made me giggle at 9 am in the morning :)) our pride and fix it like people suggest.

Ok, sorry, that was more directed at DotA, but if ANYONE banlists for "cheating", well, why don't you make ANTI-CHEATS?!

That was the point to that part :D

Now, I know a friend of mine, Sud (aw, I said we were friends :eek: ) banlists.

I don't agree with it.

Then again, I don't play his game with him that much, so I doubt he cares :p Besides, he at leasts unbans them. I still don't agree with it, but it's a small bit of assurance that he's not going to... Well, not the dark side, they're cool :cool: I think the list of banlisters (for stupid reasons like "Hey, you cheated in my map! BANLIST, BEYOTCH, OMG OMG OMG!") shall be henceforth labeled as the "Queer Side". :D (That's a joke. Feel free to take any problem you have and deal with it via the placement of it in your anus :D)

Now then, the last batch of people who make banlist are people who come onto games, swear and insult people, and then die, complain, and leave.

Well... Hmm...

Who the **** are you to tell me what I decide I want to do to make a complete and total retard out of myself with?!

Let's face it: These people exist. 12 year olds with an inferiority complex are out there, ladies and gentlemen (Dun Dun DUUUUN?!) and they pop up in games all across the galaxy. DotA STILL gets them, despite the banlist, because people just keep coming and coming. It happens. Laugh at the fact that this idiot spent 5 minutes downloading and loading your map, sucked ass at it, and left because he sucked that badly, rather then get your panties all bunched up and creating some stupid list that is going to create arguments across the Bnet community, and invoke the squirrely wrath of Alexander.

Anyway. That's like... The short version, ROFL!

Bring on the comments and -rep >D GRR!

I... have... SPOKEN! :D


TH.net Regular
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Wow! For all that ranting, you could have said the same thing in less then 2 paragraphs. Good job! I salute you :D

But back on topic, I think banlists are the stupidest things ever. Blizzard has probably discussed the matter over and over, and wad yah know, they seem to think that a "banlist" isn't needed. I for one do play dota every so often, I think using a banlist is pointless. Sure, someone can join your game and leave for several reasons, maybe they have to go to the doctor, maybe they are just doing really bad and decide it would be better if they just left. Well of course they first thing out of 3/4 the peoples mouths are: "z0mg! GAY LEAVER! BAN HIM!!!!!" so they game end and the host goes and bans him. So what? 1/2 the games on the list these days are dota? you are now banned from 1 of the 435463764 of them. There is no lack of others to join. Your not doing the community any good, your just wasting your time.

Put up and shut up, unfourtunitly people have lives outside of the PC. You can't do anything to change that. :mad:

That's my 2 cents. :)


-fool- said:
2. not living in north/south america
Stupid reason.. What if your CD-key is being played on all the time on in your real realm???? Huh? That happend to me.. Irritating.. And now people also you ban you for that?


Dogs are fuzzy
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zaqer50 said:
Put up and shut up, unfourtunitly people have lives outside of the PC. You can't do anything to change that. :mad:

People have lives outside their PC? Are you kidding!? Are you DRUNK?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!!!! Blizzard will own the world, and will have everyone strapped to their PCs for ETERNITY!! HAHAH!!! :eek: :D

Random rantings added for fun. :shades:


"[If life=Dota] I'd have quit long ago" -- Acehart
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You don't own it. Blizzard does. The models you made? Blizzard owned. The triggers you made? Blizzard owned. The abilities, the creeps, that tree right there, that dirt under your feet, that sky you see. All of it. Blizzard owns it. Not you. You claim rights to absolutely nothing.

Except for the server, of course, that I own, and that's the most important part. If I own the server, my word is law. It's the same as trying to refute the admin of a Battlefield 1942 or noobstrike server - you can't do anything and you'll never get anywhere, they have total control over it, because they're allowed to deny connections to whoever they want to their server. Custom game list games are served by the host, thus, the host has the power.

Then again, I don't play his game with him that much, so I doubt he cares Besides, he at leasts unbans them. I still don't agree with it, but it's a small bit of assurance that he's not going to...

I pride myself on weeding out idiots, and having as idiot free games as possible, and for the people that want to play this is beneficial. My banlist functions more like a warnlist, if someone I've personally banlisted comes in a game, I will query them as to it. If they don't respond, or respond like idiots (ie. ur a fag, I never left no game! [I love the ones that argue this, because I have to MANUALLY ADD them to the list, I don't do this arbitrarily], etc.), they get the boot. If they state what happened like a human being they get taken off. So their idiocy decides it.

It's also hilariously ironic that the people who scream inbalance and make an ass out of themselves and how they're never going to play said shit map again always seem to come back to play again (or at least try to, excessive stupidity is something I will ban for).

DM Cross

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You play on Bnet's Azeroth, don't you? How do you own the server?

I don't see why you're trying to make it all personal :p You were just an example, I wasn't attacking you.


Cocktails anyone?
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You know, I can understand banning someone who's completely being an A' hole, but if it's for something so trivial as leaving or not playing too well, then that'd when it gets out of hand. Hell, if you haven't played DotA for two yearsd every day, and aren't an ass, you can't play in "TDA offical games". And if you ARE an ass, they flame you for it. Sooo....What, can you make a list of proper flames, comebacks, ways of being an ass, and a proper list of rules to play the game?

Oh, and, if I have a blackout, I have to have sufficient and legal proof that I didn't leave a DotA game...Rofl.

Let us thank the heavens that WoW requires a subscription, because if it didn't, we'd see way more arguments and stupid morons playing the game. (Um, I'm not talking about the WoW forums, those can get a little crazy sometimes :p)


Im_On_56k said:
And why would that be? Because you give out your cd key to other people. Which means its your fault.

No.. I dont.. It must have been hacked or something.. I dont share my cd key in any way..


"[If life=Dota] I'd have quit long ago" -- Acehart
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You play on Bnet's Azeroth, don't you? How do you own the server?

No I don't, I play on my own server hosted on my own bandwidth. If I was playing a ladder game, then I would be playing on Azeroth's server. For custom games, all the B.net realm does is report the game names, in the same way Gamespy 3d does, so each game is host owned.

I don't see why you're trying to make it all personal You were just an example, I wasn't attacking you.

It's not personal, you just have misconceptions on how banlist works and I'm filling in the details for you.

You know, I can understand banning someone who's completely being an A' hole, but if it's for something so trivial as leaving or not playing too well

You way underestimate the disruption of leavers on games. Leavers are not the exception, they are the NORM. The general population has no qualms about leaving, nevermind that it inconveniences and ruins the game for 9 other people, all that matters if their own selfish impulse at the time, and when they're doing poorly or don't like their hero, off they'll go. These people should be hunted down and shot, but since that's not legal, banning them is the only thing you can do. If you have a genuine need to go, at least state it to the people in the game, and try not to let it not be a weak reason "oh it's dinner time" (if you can't put aside the half hour it takes to play a game, don't join one please). Generally I allow leniency for even the people who have to go to dinner and give them several chances, but I cannot stand people who leave because they suck.

Newbies don't get banned, but idiots do. There's a fine line between being a newbie, and being an idiotic newbie. In Dota, a newbie mistake would be to get a mask of death on anti-mage. That's forgivable as a lack of knowledge, but an idiotic newbie says he's going to get mask of death and gets it anyways despite repeatedly being told by his team that it will ruin his feedback (and thus make his hero pretty gimped).


Dogs are fuzzy
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Sud said:
You way underestimate the disruption of leavers on games. Leavers are not the exception, they are the NORM. The general population has no qualms about leaving, nevermind that it inconveniences and ruins the game for 9 other people, all that matters if their own selfish impulse at the time, and when they're doing poorly or don't like their hero, off they'll go. These people should be hunted down and shot, but since that's not legal, banning them is the only thing you can do. If you have a genuine need to go, at least state it to the people in the game, and try not to let it not be a weak reason "oh it's dinner time" (if you can't put aside the half hour it takes to play a game, don't join one please). Generally I allow leniency for even the people who have to go to dinner and give them several chances, but I cannot stand people who leave because they suck.

wouldn't it be cool if someone created a program to keep people from leaving the game unless they restart or leave WC3 completly? I think someone should work on that. I also know someone who has a program that reads peoples IP adressess and disconnects them from custom games...

DM Cross

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Sud said:
It's not personal, you just have misconceptions on how banlist works and I'm filling in the details for you.

Oh, then I retract my statement :) If you'd be so kind, I really never did figure out how a banlist can stop someone from entering a game. I mean, when I first heard about it, I thought it was a huge word document with names that you had to scan to find a banned person on :rolleyes:

So, explain away :)

Sud said:
You way underestimate the disruption of leavers on games. Leavers are not the exception, they are the NORM. The general population has no qualms about leaving, nevermind that it inconveniences and ruins the game for 9 other people, all that matters if their own selfish impulse at the time, and when they're doing poorly or don't like their hero, off they'll go. These people should be hunted down and shot, but since that's not legal, banning them is the only thing you can do. If you have a genuine need to go, at least state it to the people in the game, and try not to let it not be a weak reason "oh it's dinner time" (if you can't put aside the half hour it takes to play a game, don't join one please). Generally I allow leniency for even the people who have to go to dinner and give them several chances, but I cannot stand people who leave because they suck.

Newbies don't get banned, but idiots do. There's a fine line between being a newbie, and being an idiotic newbie. In Dota, a newbie mistake would be to get a mask of death on anti-mage. That's forgivable as a lack of knowledge, but an idiotic newbie says he's going to get mask of death and gets it anyways despite repeatedly being told by his team that it will ruin his feedback (and thus make his hero pretty gimped).

Yeah, I can agree with this.


"[If life=Dota] I'd have quit long ago" -- Acehart
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The banlist keeps an internal database of names and IPs and it keeps track of anyone who connects to your computer through the standard Warcraft ports (in the case of a ladder game it is non-functional because nobody connects to you, you connect to the realm and same for the other guy).

When people connect to you, you will get an audio and visual representation if they are someone of note (usually "banned player detected" will play, and they write text to the DirectX buffer so you can see a ghost of text scrolling across the top of the screen). This information is normally gathered through your database, but if you're a moron you can use the info from TDA's database.

Usually when I get a TDA banned guy in a game, I congratulate him for pissing them off.

It also provides other functions, such as being able to ping people, and query their IP for country. But you are an asshole if you ban based on geographic area, because it means you don't have a clue how latency works in Warcraft. Someone with 300ms ping can play the game just fine (it's them that has to deal with the command delay, not you). Unstable connections (which cause the Waiting for player... screen) are a different issue and not detectable through the banlist. Other night I had a Brazilian, a Singapore, two Australians, and a bunch of USEast people on my Canada west server. No waiting for players screens whatsoever.

It also has some other nice functions, such as auto-close Warcraft if someone leaves during countdown.

Banlist is a bad thing when a retard has control of it (read: clan TDA), but if the person using it isn't a retard then it enhances the game for those who really do want to play.


Hello, my view of this banlist might be biased due to the fact i was just banlisted. If you happen to disagree with my point of view, feel free to do so publicly, because i'll probably never come to this forum again anyway.

I feel banlists was created with very good intentions, by smart people who feel that hosts should have more control over people joining their games.
However, while the banlists could stop leaving bots and people who deliberately attack others inside of a game, those people are of a minority. I speak from experiences I had. (perhaps i was lucky)
The bad thing about banlists is that the wide-spread usage of it. Everyone could simply download the banlist program using a little amount of time. There was no filter between hosts that ban only bots and pkers and hosts that ban everyone for fun.
From today's experience i found out you can also get banned from leaving on him due to him custom booting a fellow player for taking one of his 'kills'.
Now i find myself being disconnected at start everytime i try to play.
Being the one who bought the game, naturally i find it distressing that i am not able to play it.
I understand that many good hosts merely use banlists to make the unruly behave better for fear of being banlisted, and that they hardly ever use it anyway. But the power is there. It is there even when your morning has gone foul and you look for a way to relieve stress. It is also there for those unfortunately less educated people who uses the program a lot more freely.
Who here frequently used a banlist, and banned someone who had been merely cheeky? Or just bad at the game? Or someone who left for an important reason, but had no time to say it? Overall, the bad outweighs the good. For those of you who wants to filtrate your game, you can use the old-fashioned boot. That is my opinion.
I apologize for wasting your valuble time reading this bunch of gibberish.


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i banlist ppl, but not globally, i just add em to my own personal list because id really prefer to not play with those people again.
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