Writer's Challenge (Classic)


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Number 11, Enjoy :eek:

11. The story is set during a holiday ceremony. During the story, there is a rebellion against the ruling order. During the story, a character misunderstands someone.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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When I finish mine, nineteen is mine, this story of mine, will take some... time. :)

Meh, I have an essay to write...



In the Shadows, Lurking.
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i choose NUMERO 14!
...Heres to hoping for a war type scenario.
(probably a walk round the park, followed by a flying kite... but thats the luck of the draw!)


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I'll give a shot at writing. Can I have challenge 20 please?

Oh magical Box Board, what does 20 reveal :rolleyes:

20. A character is negative throughout most of the story. During the story, a character misunderstands someone. The story must have a water-spirit at the end.


i choose NUMERO 14!
...Heres to hoping for a war type scenario.
(probably a walk round the park, followed by a flying kite... but thats the luck of the draw!)

Sadly it isn't a war challenge, but you could probably easily make it a war story.
14. A character will visit the doctor. During the story, a character has to pay a fine. The story must have a cat in it.


Frog blast the vent core!
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During the story, there is a fight. The story must involve a boat in it. During the story, a character lies about his/her skills.

"Damn it Jeremy! I told you no smart stuff!"

It was a long time ago that Sarah had told me that she loved me. I remember the days that went by as my work ethic deteriorated, my entire ability to work slowly coming to a halt. Sarah, she had really caused me to go mad.

She always asked me things about science and life, things that she knew the answer to but liked to watch me squirm. Not questions about the subject of science exactly, but questions on the philosophy of science.

“If humans died out, would science still exist?” She had asked me one day, while we both worked on a biopsy of a plagued rodent.

“Well, science is defined by humans isn’t it? I suppose stars would still explode, chemical reactions would still take place, but without someone to witness it, I would have to say science is just a fabrication of humans.”

“Well, you’re right about one thing, stars would still explode and chemical reactions would still take place.”

This made me think of the old saying, if a tree falls down and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Sarah said yes, of course it does, but I like to think that everything is a fabrication of the human psyche, and that without one to experience it, then the idea of it is moot.

“Science stands alone, like the tree in the forest, Jeremy. Neither of them are governed by humans and neither are fabrications of human thought. It’s your stereotypical philosophy, that everything is a fabrication of thought, and that life the universe and everything are mere concepts of the human imagination.”

I couldn’t pass off as a philosopher, that’s for certain. Not under the eyes of Sarah. But something didn’t gel with me, why was she here, pointing a gun at my face telling me to give her the plague vaccine? Things were certainly not becoming of her.

There was a time when I considered proposing to Sarah, this was a few years after she told me that she loved me. But what did I know about love? I had never loved anyone in my life before her. I made a ring, out of crystallized platinum. I compiled the pattern myself, it took six months, cool huh? The crystalline pattern was nearly indestructible, the only way you could break it down was with temperatures that the sun generates. But I digress, Sarah, for some reason or another, wanted the vaccine that I had worked so hard on for 12 years of my life, the vaccine that would cure the virus that had been ravaging the human race for years.

There are two kinds of evils, the type that no one understands, the kind where people murder and destroy, just for shits and giggles. Then there is the kind that is inside all of us, the kind where you will cheat someone out of 50 bucks if they leave the opportunity open. This is the kind of evil that big businessmen and world leaders are renowned for, and my bet was that Sarah had something in mind with this vaccine. I suppose I thought of the same thing though, at least a few times. This vaccine, it would sell for millions, no, scratch that, billions, trillions, hell, I could probably make myself world leader if it meant allowing the human race to go on living. But I never wanted power like that, no, the Nobel prize would have sufficed.

“The vaccine Jeremy! Hand it over, we need it.” So I am faced with this situation, allow these men, whoever they were, to sell this vaccine for god knows what, or become a hero. I never wanted to be a hero.

“Ok, ok, here it is.” I pulled out the flash drive that had everything in it, everything needed to mass produce the vaccine. Of course, I’m not an idiot; I have what, fifty of these things? Don’t want to take any chances right?

So I pull the flash drive out of my pocket, and Sarah reaches over for it, all I can do is smile, and before she grabs it, I pull out my handy scalpel, and in the moment I have decided to stab the only person I have ever loved, I change my mind and instead thrust the scalpel into the flash drive.

“Damn it Jeremy! I said no smart stuff!” Sarah screamed, but unfortunately for her, her firearm was at her side, while she so leisurely reached for the flash drive. I had time, I ran out the door, into the hall, through the maintenance room and into the sewer. Through the drainage tunnels, and up a manhole into the street. It all happened before, it was scripted, and it had to happen this way. This was not me running; this was not me trying to get away, to find the police, this was in fact someone else, a character in a book perhaps, a hero. I am not a hero, I’m just a scientist trying to make a buck.

A shot rings out, and I turn to see Sarah standing there with a smoking gun in her hand. I wonder how she found me. Oh right, “this was scripted,” I thought.

“I was going to propose to you Sarah.”

“I know there are more copies Jeremy, I’ll find one, you know I will.”

“Yes, the human race depends on it. By the way, I'm confused, shouldn't you know how to make the vaccine? I could have sworn you told me that you were number one in your class for medicine and genetics."

"I lied, I barely passed."

So here I am, lying in my own pool of blood, and I believe there is a boat, sailing in the seas I have spilt. It sails forever, even after the blood coagulates, even after my body breaks down and turns to dust; this ship of mine will continue sailing in the sea that is my blood. Sarah is on that ship, I know she is.

“Jeremy, when a tree falls down and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

“Yes, Sarah. It does.”


Reaction score
I pick 20!

I accidentally gave you 20, even though I gave it to sjakie. So If you still want to do it, you can both do the challenge. If not, you can pick another.

I want 27!

27. The story ends on a river. The story must have a philosopher in it. A character will send a letter.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Nice story Genkora. It was a bit confusing and fast, but good anyways. :thup:

Here's mine for number 5.

A character is enraged throughout most of the story. During the story, a character breaks something important to them. The story starts during a workday.

The sound of the subway train blasted through my ears, jolting me wake.

“Darn subway trains, I just hate ‘em!” I spat in disgust as I stood up. Before I walked out the door, I reached in my right outer-pocket. Safe. With a smile, I patted the pocket – inside was one of my most treasured belongings – a bracelet given to me by my mother near ten years ago, just before she died to tuberculosis.

“Darn TB,” I snarled to myself, reminiscing in my mind the day I received the news of my mother’s death, “I just hate those little sicknesses.”

Another day was beginning, which meant work. I sighed, and stepped out of the subway. The city was bustling with business just as usual. My work building was just a block away, but even that was quite a walk, considering all the other people walking towards you, away from you, into you, down, up, and almost every other direction there is.

“Darn walks,” I muttered, “I just hate these people that don’t watch where they’re going-” a man bumped into me, knocking my right shoulder over, “watch where you’re going!” I yelled to the man.

I grumbled and turned around to take a good look at the source of my new annoyance. He was dressed in dark blue-jeans, old white sneakers, and a black jacket. Beep! a voice suddenly cried out. I looked down at my watch – 5 minutes past 8. I was late. Before I continued to the office, I reached in my right outer pocket. My frowned deepened. There was nothing there.

Frantically, I raised my jacket pocket up so I could see inside – empty. My heart quickened, and I could hear it thumping against my bosom.

It was then, in my moment of restlessness that I knew! The man from before had stolen it, I just knew it! Like a predator, my eyes scanned behind me, searching for my prey. There! Going down into the subway station! Quietly but quickly, I rushed to the stairway, eager to get my precious necklace back.

In a matter of seconds, I reached the stairs, and ran down. I looked to the left, then to the right. The man was heading into a subway train, just thirty feet from the door.

“Stop!” I cried out furiously. Everyone turned and looked at me. The thief almost tripped, stunned at the face he had just seen a minute ago. After a second, he regained consciousness, and ran towards the open doors. I tailed right behind him as fast as I could.

I could feel the heat rising, sweat dripping off my face. I was panting heavily, but that didn’t matter. I was just a few feet away, and I made my move. With a scream, I lunged at the man, landing right at his heel.

The man and I were knocked down into the subway. The people inside were startled, and recoiled back to the walls. I wrestled with the man for a minute, but I was obviously the larger and stronger man. He gave up soon and raised his hands.

“Gimme’ the necklace!” I seethed at him. Slowly, the thief stood up, reaching into his pockets. He then pulled out the most-valuable item – the necklace! A slight gasp escaped me and I stared at it. Shaking my hand, I snatched it from his hands.

And right there, he made his move. As I drew the necklace back, I realized that he wasn’t letting go. I tugged at it for a second, right before a cold, hard fist rammed into my face. My hands clenched tighter, I wasn’t going to let go that easily.

I fell down backwards, and those few seconds lasted an eternity. My hand was still on the necklace. So was his. My body weight of more than 200 pounds pulling one way, the force of him running another way. The necklace ripped in half.

Everyone gasped in shock, mine being the loudest. I was dazed. Without thinking, I took the man by the arm, and in his shock, he almost came willingly with me. I ran outside the door, onto the platform, and pulled the man towards me.

His face was frightened, yes, the first time I really saw his face. He was probably about twenty. It wasn’t a vicious, greedy face, but that of a poor, needy man. But my thoughts of sincerity quickly vanished at the sight of the shattered necklace.

In a quick second, I pushed the man into the train tracks. The sound of the subway train blasted through my ears, jolting me. The train began charged forward, ending the man’s life instantly.


Here I write this story, in my cell. Tomorrow, my life ends, as I will take it myself. Suddenly, the tip of my pencil broke. I sighed wearily.

“Darn pencils, I hate it when they break.”

Heh, I guess I got carried away a bit. 800 words, but oh well. :D



Resident Star Battle Expert.
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This was hard...

Captain Murderface, The name seemed oddly appropriate for a veteran Firebat and a seasoned Thor pilot and it was one name known through out the syndicate for the man’s reputation for overkill.

Alistair,Shinshiro,and the rest of my squad Rex and Razor had just arrived from a botched operation that involved a lot of screaming and a lot of sights that would make you shit your pants.My hand hovered over the door handle hesitant to meet the man known for his phenomenal temper. “WILL YOU GET THE F#$K IN HERE ALREADY YOU SORRY A#$ EXCUSE FOR A GODDAMN SYNDICATE MARINE SQUAD AND GIVE YOUR BLOODY GODDAMN REPORT!!”

We all winced simultaneously at the outburst, apparently the captain was not in a good mood but then again since when was he in a good mood? “Sir Echo squadron reporting in” we saluted the captain which was yelling at the top of his lungs at someone and judging from the tac map he was viewing shit has apparently hit the fan. We stood there for a minute watching the captain bark orders into several com channels before he noticed us. “Your Echo squadron?” I nodded not knowing what to expect. “Well thanks to that operation earlier we’re now fighting a loosing battle….WHICH I CAN HAVE YOU SORRY A#$ PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A SQUADRON TO THANK FOR!!!” Just then a message popped up prompting the captain to end his rant. Turning his back to us he opened the message, As he read the transmission we could’ve sworn a smile formed at the corners of the captain’s mouth.”Well well well…” he began..”Looks like your squad would be coming with me for an important mission. Get prepped we leave at 0450 hours.” I raised my hand to question him but was immediately met with a sharp reprimand that sent my entire
squad scurrying from the command booth.

“He’s quite the motivational speaker.” Alistair remarked sarcastically. I just shrugged my shoulders and made my way to the supply depots to grab a fresh rifle and a few of those new HE rounds. Alistair opted for a couple of new tanks of fuel before heading towards the engineering bay accompanied by Shin. Rex and Razor however opted to head to the cantina for some chow. I was left alone to stew over a few things before the Captain called us at the Starport. Finally the time came to depart for the mission. As I placed my gear in the various pockets of the CMC suit something fell out from my suit’s right arm. I bent over and picked it up and realized it was my lucky coin given to me by my best friend Cristine that I thought I lost during the last operation. I tied the pendant to my neck and headed towards the starport where the others where waiting. We silently boarded the dropship that would take us to god knows where. As usual the captain still had that reddish coloration on his face. Rex chuckled to himself and was imidiately met with a rather powerful backhand from the captain. “Fuck you” I tell you that captain Murderface has a way with words.

Rex got up and calmly took his seat after flashing the good ol’e captain the bird. When we emerged from the dropship it was like something out of an horror movie on steroids. The sun was rising up over the ridge towards the east bathing a small marine camp with a few siege tanks with sunlight. They’re the only one on this lonely passage way towards the main base that stands between success and certain annihilation which was a hundred meters ahead,The largest zerg offensive ever seen by mankind. They had every single type of mutations and several more that they had to borrow from the native lifeforms. “EVERYONE LOAD UP AND F#$K THEM UP!! LET’S GO GO GO!!!!” the captain lead the charge towards the first wave which was literally a carpet of zerglings. We clashed in the middle guns drawn and blazing. After a few minutes I lost sight of my squadmates and ended up next to the captain which just ripped a zergling in half. “GET THE F$#K BACK AND LET THOSE SEIGE TANKS DO THERE F%$@%NG JOBS!!” We ran for our lives as the zerglings chased the remaining infantry down while the tanks where pounding away. “WE NEED AIR SUPPORT!! WHERE THE F%$K IS THAT BATTLECRUISER?!” A large cohesive beam of nuclear energy suddenly appeared out of nowhere striking the nearest ultralisk causing it’s innards to boil and explode from the sheer heat of the blast. Wraiths streamed in and battled it out with the mutalisks in the air. The captain gave us one last order to retreat before he himself turned around and ran towards the hydralisk line. “What the hell!?” someone screamed in the tac channel. The captain rushed up and barbequed the nearby zerglings. Running out of fuel he began head butting them in a bloodlust induced frenzy. He was killing so much zerglings that the entire attack force turned towards him and began to pile up onto him. As we looked at the large withering mass where the captain used to be a large ball of fire suddenly erupted from where the captain used to be flash frying everything in it’s path.
As the few remaining stragglers where mopped up by the siege tanks and the rest of us. I met up with the guys and dropped onto the ground exhausted. The mission was over but at what cost? And did we really win something important here?

Later that afternoon as I brought my report to the General I saw a folded letter on top of his desk addressed to the late Captain. “Sir permission to speak freely sir!” I waited unsure if the general would give me permission. “Very well Sergeant at ease.” I hesitated for a bit before I asked him if the letter came before or after the Captain’s death. He told me the entire story….


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Got an english examination coming up, can I have 21 please.

21. A character borrows money, but the intention behind the action is not what it seems. A character is greedy throughout most of the story. During the story, a character misunderstands someone.
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