Cruiser Command


Starcraft 2 Editor Moderator
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This map is based on the Warcraft 3 custom map Cruiser Command.

== What is Cruiser Command? ==

Cruiser command is a cooperative map between two teams. Simply put, each team controls one battlecruiser and the goal is to kill the opponent's battlecruiser.

The map plays out in space but one of the main aspects of the game is the inside of the battlecruiser. Not only can you fly around in space, you can also run around inside the battlecruiser.

This is a vital part of the game because managing a battlecruiser is not an easy task. There's a multitude of things for all the crew members to do and when you are in battle with the enemy on your heels, your shield offline and 3 crew members unconscious you will wish you had three times the crew members.

== Project details ==

The project is newly started so everything you read and see is obviously a WIP, but we have a great team working on it to make sure it's at least as fun as the warcraft 3 version was.

Unfortunately, this means we are not currently recruiting since we already have two people doing triggers and data as well as two terrainers. If you feel like you can fill another role, reply in the thread but be prepared for a no. Merging together our different versions several times per week is a lot of work as it is.

If you still wish to contribute, we would love to hear your feedback.

I will personally read all your feedback and probably comment it with what I think about and potential issues.

== Content ==

First of all, here are some WIP screenshots. Do note that most of the terrain was made in the last two days. Nothing is final and we just want to finish a placeholder battlecruiser interior so that we can start linking the triggers together with the interior.

Elevator and door to the left hangar

Some basic space battle

A mining vessel mining an asteroid

The shield core on the second floor

Corridor between the shield core and the hangar

We have several concepts that weren't in the warcraft 3 version. To list a few:

* Boarding/Sabotage
* Two floors
* Advanced AI players to make up for the lack of human players(so you don't need to find 10 friends to play it)
* Broadsides(Since battles used to consist of just ramming the enemy battlecruiser while firing all your lasers and missiles while hugging the enemy battlecruiser, we decided to add broadside lasers to try and encourage a more strategic attack plan.

Here's the current progress:

Terrain: Serious terraining started very recently. I'd say the second floor(which is smaller than the first one) is about 65-75% done(not counting the polishing and remaking stuff we dislike) First floor is not really started at all.
Estimated Terrain Done: 30%

Data: This part is probably the thing we've worked the least on. Sure, we do use a mix of the data editor and trigger editor to create the core game mechanics but things like ship upgrades/abilities hasn't been worked on at all.
Estimated Data Done: 15%

Triggers: This is the first thing we started on and we were two people working quite a lot on it. On the other hand, this is one of the biggest parts of the project so there's a lot to do. Movement is working but needs some tweaking. Exuvo(the other trigger guy) is working on some good looking shield effects. We've done some basic broadside as well. This is all mostly Exuvo's work.

Meanwhile, I've been working mostly on ship systems. In warcraft 3, this was handled mostly with abilities but since I love the dialog system I've done some nice Battlecruiser overlays to make it easier to visualize and see what you're doing.

I've done the start to a power management system but no one had worked on power stuff before I did, I couldn't make it do stuff yet so it's just started.

I've also done the damage control system. This system didn't exist in the WC3 version. Basically, this allows you to seal of doors and to drain the air from different section. Draining the air from a section kills all players in the section, disables all system in that section but also extinguishes fires that otherwise might've spread through the ship. Re-pressurizing the section takes a lot longer than draining the air. So it should be used sparingly.

This can be used to kill boarding enemies although it might not always be the best options since the systems in that section will be offline for a long while and your own team might have player's nearby that will die.

The damage control is close to being done.

I've also done some asteroid generation algorithm.

This is map with randomly created asteroid fields that it did:

The mining vessel is also functional. It has the basic abilities(mining and returning the cargo to the ship)

Estimated Triggers done: 20%


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I remember playing this in WC3. It was a pretty fun game but somewhat extreme for I think the games engine. It did run into problems in WC3 but I think the biggest issue was trying to find the number of players required to play it.

So I am glad that you are remaking this with the SC2 Engine, I am sure many of the problems we encountered will be adjusted through the new engine. I also like the idea of the AI. It does make it more realistic to play it often.


I come from the net ... My format, Vector.
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For the benefit of your citation: Starcraft I had Battlecruisher Command as well. 3 players per team, one to fly the BC, one to manage some stuff inside it (loading missiles (represented by kydarian crystals and such ofc), etc.), and one to build a base to support / repair the BC.

Looks awesome. Wish I played SCII to try it. XD.


<span style="color:#9C9C9C;"><strong>Runner Up - T
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I wanna be the team support/get your ass moving role :D


Starcraft 2 Editor Moderator
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I remember playing this in WC3. It was a pretty fun game but somewhat extreme for I think the games engine. It did run into problems in WC3 but I think the biggest issue was trying to find the number of players required to play it.

So I am glad that you are remaking this with the SC2 Engine, I am sure many of the problems we encountered will be adjusted through the new engine. I also like the idea of the AI. It does make it more realistic to play it often.

Yes, I think it'll be even better in SC2 due to several things like: better tilesets, doodads and models as well as a more powerful editor. I love AI and I wouldn't pass on the chance to make AI for anything(except maybe some lucia buns *cough*)

For the benefit of your citation: Starcraft I had Battlecruisher Command as well. 3 players per team, one to fly the BC, one to manage some stuff inside it (loading missiles (represented by kydarian crystals and such ofc), etc.), and one to build a base to support / repair the BC.

Looks awesome. Wish I played SCII to try it. XD.

I didn't know about the starcraft I version. I didn't really like the SC1 UMS maps since they(even though they tried really hard) often failed to represent what they were trying to do. It was just so hard to make a good looking map.

I wanna be the team support/get your ass moving role :D

Do you have skype? I'm kalonir on skype. Add me and I'll add you to our TheHelper group chat and then you can tell me to work every time I'm online. I'll need it :)

Good luck! How far in % do you think you have done it already ?

As I said, we started recently. I'll try to describe how far we've come in the different parts of the map.

Terrain: Serious terraining started very recently. I'd say the second floor(which is smaller than the first one) is about 65-75% done(not counting the polishing and remaking stuff we dislike) First floor is not really started at all.
Estimated Terrain Done: 30%

Data: This part is probably the thing we've worked the least on. Sure, we do use a mix of the data editor and trigger editor to create the core game mechanics but things like ship upgrades/abilities hasn't been worked on at all.
Estimated Data Done: 15%

Triggers: This is the first thing we started on and we were two people working quite a lot on it. On the other hand, this is one of the biggest parts of the project so there's a lot to do. Movement is working but needs some tweaking. Exuvo(the other trigger guy) is working on some good looking shield effects. We've done some basic broadside as well. This is all mostly Exuvo's work.

Meanwhile, I've been working mostly on ship systems. In warcraft 3, this was handled mostly with abilities but since I love the dialog system I've done some nice Battlecruiser overlays to make it easier to visualize and see what you're doing.

I've done the start to a power management system but no one had worked on power stuff before I did, I couldn't make it do stuff yet so it's just started.

I've also done the damage control system. This system didn't exist in the WC3 version. Basically, this allows you to seal of doors and to drain the air from different section. Draining the air from a section kills all players in the section, disables all system in that section but also extinguishes fires that otherwise might've spread through the ship. Re-pressurizing the section takes a lot longer than draining the air. So it should be used sparingly.

This can be used to kill boarding enemies although it might not always be the best options since the systems in that section will be offline for a long while and your own team might have player's nearby that will die.

The damage control is close to being done.

I've also done some asteroid generation algorithm.

This is map with randomly created asteroid fields that it did:

I did some starting work on the mining vessel.

Estimated Triggers done: 20%


Starcraft II Moderator
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Well, it is a start, but there is a lot more to do before you can begin the bug fixing, balancing and polishing ^_^ Just keep your team together and it will come together, at a point in time.


Current occupation: News poster
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I played it in wc3 too. One of the most fun maps I played and since it is pvp you can play it over and over managing different part of the battlecruiser.

Good luck with the project, I can't wait to play beta. :)


Is riding a roller coaster...Wee!
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Very Excited about this project.

I don't play many custom games anymore, but I will get on as soon as this is in beta or release.

*Gun Seat its a first person view, could add a little more firepower, and they could aim more precisely, maybe even zoom in.
This idea might not really make sense for this game, but its a idea.

How I can Help
*Advanced AI players

I would love to give a the advanced AI players a shot.
for that i can only assume i would code it for all of the jobs, and have it work on whats needed most.
I would even start on this today :)

If I can help let me know, I would be able to send sample map of what ever you needed. I would just need a basic outline of what needs done with it.
I am very weak on terrain, and effects. But when it comes to straight back end logic and code I do decent.

My Email is [email protected]


Starcraft 2 Editor Moderator
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It is great to see your interest in the project and I really appreciate it. Please don't be discouraged by my answer.

The gun seat is a nice idea but even though the feeling of sitting in a gun seat aiming at enemy fighters in a first person view would be AWESOME. It would not be effective. It's only going to be 2 dimensions so you basically scroll to the left and right, looking for targets. While if you're not in the gun seat, you can see all the targets and shoot them immediately without having to turn around to face them.

It's also a decent amount of work and viewing stuff in fps view like that might make the horizon look weird. As I said, the feeling of it is awesome but as you said, it doesn't make sense to use it for this map.

However, this is how awesome it would look(Pictures are from EdwardSolomon's flight simulator on SC2mapster. Awesome work, keep it up):
This is not cruiser Command

(From thread

When it comes to help for the project, I am still afraid that I'll have to decline it. This is not just some automatic answer I give everyone who asks. There are a lot of reasons for it:

First of all, we already have two coders(me and Exuvo). Currently, we're merging our maps once or twice each week if we've done significant work. If we're three people, that's basically doubling that work(and merging maps is tedious work where you have to try to remember all bug fixes and stuff you've done and everything you've implemented since last version)(If someone knows a better way to do this, please do tell)

Also, creating an AI right now is... I'd say impossible. Thing is, there's nothing for the player to do atm since you can't operate most of the vital systems. This means that you cant really create an AI because there's nothing for it to do.

There's also the fact that I really like and enjoy creating AI and I am going to take the task on myself. If you're really interested in AI and have the free time, check out It's Stanford's course in Artificial Intelligence which is available online this year for free. You'll be able to access all lectures as well as homework assignments and exams. In other words, it's like doing school on your free time but with an awesome subject.

Despite all this, I know you're an awesome guy. I remember seeing your work in Warcraft 3(You did that roller-coaster map, right? I think I was one of the first testers :))

I'll try to think of a system that you could make that you could develop isolated without needing access to other stuff on the map that isn't finished yet. If I can think of such a thing, I'll contact you and we'll work something out.


Is riding a roller coaster...Wee!
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Ya. Good Point. And your right about the AI, as you would need most of the game done first.
And it may make more sense for you to make the ai anyway, as it would need to be tweaked alot to have it the way you want it and making it your self likely be easier in long run.
"a system that you could make that you could develop isolated" Yep that's would be the type of thing i wouldn't mind doing.
Dont worry about finding me something to do, only if its really going to help push the project out sooner. I have much more interest in playing this then helping make.

Ya I did the roller coaster project I even tried to bring it to star craft 2, But couldn't seem to change yaw,pitch with code. (made A How To Change Yaw,Pitch, how in star2 but its got to many issues)
In Warcraft I hard coded alot of units and then later found a way to do it with code.

Anyway Cant wait for it to be done or even beta. Very Excited about this project.


Is riding a roller coaster...Wee!
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Hows the project coming along? Been checking here almost ever 2 days. Just very excited to play. Tried to even get on the war3 one but wasnt able to host. even posted in the forum about hosting issues. :(


I didnt slap you, i high 5'd your face.
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This looks awesome and i cant wait to try it...
as for the merging process and it being tedious, have you tried setting up an FTP to let you both work on the map (not at the same time) but to-where whenever you made a change it would save to a remote server that you both access the map from?

its like a thumb drive on the internet connected to both your computers
Im sure it would be a great way to let you access the map and it would also help you to document exactly what changes were implemented and when if you kept a version of every save, that way you could backtrack if needed without hacking your map to bits and pieces

as for the gun fps... have you thought about using guns defensively? ie: whenever you fly through asteroid fields rocks might fly out at different angles, this would give it a 3d fps point to the game without relying heavily on it for the battle... and im sure it wouldnt be amazingly hard to program a few simple rocks flying at the ship, and if you programmed them to explode like classic asteroid you could use those as a small weapon against the enemy ship... just ideas, i really love the concept but never got the chance to play in wc3


Starcraft 2 Editor Moderator
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Hows the project coming along? Been checking here almost ever 2 days. Just very excited to play. Tried to even get on the war3 one but wasnt able to host. even posted in the forum about hosting issues. :(

It's slow progress. The other trigger / data guy is very busy in school(and so am I but to a lesser extent). Our terrainer has lots of work at university but I'll have some terrain to work on in a week or so.
This looks awesome and i cant wait to try it...
as for the merging process and it being tedious, have you tried setting up an FTP to let you both work on the map (not at the same time) but to-where whenever you made a change it would save to a remote server that you both access the map from?

its like a thumb drive on the internet connected to both your computers
Im sure it would be a great way to let you access the map and it would also help you to document exactly what changes were implemented and when if you kept a version of every save, that way you could backtrack if needed without hacking your map to bits and pieces

as for the gun fps... have you thought about using guns defensively? ie: whenever you fly through asteroid fields rocks might fly out at different angles, this would give it a 3d fps point to the game without relying heavily on it for the battle... and im sure it wouldnt be amazingly hard to program a few simple rocks flying at the ship, and if you programmed them to explode like classic asteroid you could use those as a small weapon against the enemy ship... just ideas, i really love the concept but never got the chance to play in wc3

We have a server with automatic backups but since I am doing most of the work atm, I rarely upload it there. The reason merging is tedious work is not because we cant transfer it between eachother(we use the server). The problem is that we want to work on it on the same time.

I still think it would be hard to pull of a fps gun. It would be hard to code and it would be less efficient to use than a normal top-down view.

Also, for progress I will be posting small updates(as well as other editor related things) on


Starcraft II Moderator
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A new blog, shiny !

Do different colours give different amount of resources ? If not, they should.


Is riding a roller coaster...Wee!
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well we all know who that goes with trying to work on a project while dealing with school or life. but its all good. just hope you guys are able to continue working on it even if its a little a time. Cant wait to play!


Starcraft 2 Editor Moderator
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A new blog, shiny !

Do different colours give different amount of resources ? If not, they should.

The different minerals are different types of resources. Like minerals and gas. They are used in different amounts for equipments. Let's say missiles for examples require mostly purple minerals(but a small bit of yellow and red as well)

Here are the icons I made for 2 of the minerals(There are 4 in total). We will use the blue and yellow mineral icons for the other two.



Starcraft II Moderator
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Hm... this icon is soo... hm.. damn it bothers me soo much, from where did you take it ? I can't remember where I have seen it before T_T


Starcraft 2 Editor Moderator
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I took the yellow icon and recolored it in gimp. I have a purple version as well. Personally, I think it looks fine. What is it with it that bother you?
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