Melee Dungeon Lords


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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Dungeon Lords
Bored of serving in Heaven? Rule the Hell!

[Look at the second post for updates and news on the game!]

Game-Type: RTS
Genre: Fantasy
Players: 2-6
Teams: FFA & Ingame Alliances
Average Game-Time: [Unknown]
Status: In Development (Alpha released)

The Story behind:
Prick your ears up! Did you hear that? Something is lurking in the shadows. You may never know what kinds of gruesome creatures, evil demons and brute beasts are waiting behind the next corner for unwary adventurers. They tear them apart, mangle their bodies, torture and kill in the most painful ways leaving nothing as horrible pictures you couldnt even imagine in your worst nightmares.
Isn't it nice that they are all serving you? YES IT IS!

In Dungeon Lords you take the job of a dungeon master building up your underground citadel and training your creatures to become the greatest, the most powerful, the ultimate Dungeon Lord.

You will have to face not just greedy adventurers from the overworld and other dungeon masters who are trying to raid your base, no, you will have to fight them in a maze like randomized dungeon layout where you will never know what is up around the next corner.

good luck, you will need it!

The Terrain:
  • The terrain is fully being randomized by my Dungeon Generator currently version 0.8.
  • Screenshots are attached to the bottom of this post.


  • [*]Unit Training:
    • All units are spawned in barracks which can only spawn that particular unit type.
    • Each barrack can only train a limited amount of units at once. However if one dies it can spawn a new one.
    • All units do not cost any resources!
    • However training units has a cooldown and mana costs.
    • All battle units are "heroes". they can level up and become stronger the more they fight.
    • If a battle unit reaches level 10 it will evolve into a tier 2 unit with stronger stats and abilitys. It will begin as tier 2 unit at level 1 again.
    • Barracks can level up as well. Each time a battle unit raises a level the barrack which trained it will get exp cumulative with the level of the unit.
    • If a barrack dies all units trained by it will die as well 60 seconds afterwards.
    • If a barrack raises a level it can learn skills which will either improve the barrack itself or all units trained by that particular barrack
    • If a barrack reaches level 10 (max level) it will henceforward train tier 2 units by default.

    [*]Workers & Structures:
    • Your worker units are Goblin Slaves.
    • These workers harvest gold, built up structures, repair these if they are damaged and such.
    • Workers can as well heal the mana of your structures.
    • Unitproduction does not need food, instead the construction of structures does. (because the spawn of units is limited to the number of your barracks)
    • Structures do cost resources. And they cost alot.
    • There is only a single resource, its Ore.
    • Ore is harvested like trees in regular Warcraft III with your workers.
    • At the beginning of the game you can select your "race" out of a small set.
    • These "races" share all the same regular structures and workers. the only differences are the barrack (troop production) buildings and therefore their troops.

    [*]The Map
    • The map mainly consists of earth chunks.
    • At the beginning of the game the host can choose how he wants the random map to look like.
    • There may as well be some heavier rocks, dungeon like areas, tunnels, caves, and stuff like that.
    • Around the map "creeps" are scattered. In this game creeps are rather human, dwarfen and elven heroes from the overworld which inhabit your dungeon.
    • If those creeps are beaten they will give bounty as well as they might drop useable items for you.
    • Not just those creeps but barrels, crates and boxes will be placed all over the map to increase your wealth.

    • You can as well pick one of your battle units to become a "champion".
    • You can compare champion units with "heroes" from regular warcraft III. they are a stronger version of their original unit type and got special abilitys which got to be learned after a level up.
    • If your champion dies you wont be able to revive it but you may choose a new one out of your battle units.

    [*]Winning Condition:
    • To win the game you have to become the most powerful dungeon master. To reach your goal you have to get gold. Gold is NOT a resource but only used as the winning condition.
    • In every game there is 10.000 gold shared between the players, creeps, treasure chests and eventually gold mines.
    • You can steal gold from other players by attacking their townhall. Doing so will pillage gold cumulative to the damage you dealt.
    • A player (or a team) has won if he (or his team) gathered about 75% of all the gold in the map. (would be 7.500 gold)
    • If your townhall is destroyed you wont have lost the game but the chance to steal gold anymore and therefor the chance to win. However you can go on playing.

please comment on this project and give some feedback.
i would really like to hear your oppinion about everything.

for any questions or suggestion just leave a comment and i will answer for sure.

thank you for reading.


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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==> Updates and News <==

Alpha Version 0.5 has been uploaded, check it out!

  • Races:
    • Structures: 10 of 12 so far
    • Units Tier1: 10 of 12
    • Units Tier2: 8 of 12
    • Champions: 9 of 12
    • Abilitys: 13 of ???

  • Structures:
    • most basic structures are finished

  • Dungeon Generator:
    • Creates already Tunnels, Ores, Rocks, Textures, Dungeon Parts, Creeps, Player starting units, fog.
    • Yet to come: Goldmines, creep adjustment, random creeps, additional eye candy.

  • Systems yet to be made:
    • Sudden Death
    • Champion selection
    • Tier 1 units to tier 2 upgrade
    • Gold Pillage
    • Victory condition

About the current version:
yes, the second alpha has been released.
when testing, please keep in mind that this is definitly not a final version. its not even close of being finished. many tooltipps, abilitys and alot of balancing has yet to be done, as well as some very vital systems.
Though there is already alot to see in this game. you can check out the dungeon generator, the growing fog, units and structures, the way you train and level units, and many other things.

i really want to have some feedback on this project, it is definitly going to help me finish it some day. I just want to hear that this is not a total waste of time and that at least some people are really interested in this being updated frequently.
though i am even thankful for negative critique. if you dislike anything about the concept, the idea, the design dont hesitate to tell me.

i am looking forward to read from you.
bye, Accname.

Here is the newest version available. Please take some time to test it and tell me what you think about it!


So many apples
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So Skills won't cost Mana?

I don't see any screenshots or anything like that. So, I can't judge or give my first impression =/


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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So Skills won't cost Mana?

I don't see any screenshots or anything like that. So, I can't judge or give my first impression =/

well, there really aint much a screenshot may show.
the terraining is done by the dungeon generator, therefor it is not much of an eye candy. (though i wouldnt say its bad)
i am not using any imported models/skins as well.

everything special about this map is the spawning system and the unit leveling as well as the champions. thats nothing a screenshot can show.
but if you really wanna see something i might consider uploading a pre-alpha version for promotional purpose.

but for doing so i really wanna get some feedback.
it would be really disappointing if i wont get any feedback for this project...


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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uploaded a pre-alpha version to show the dungeon generator and some basic gameplay. (building structures/harvesting ore/digging tunnels)

Added screenshots as well...

i am still looking forward to get some feedback.


Vastly intelligent whale-like being from the stars
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I suggest you expand your dungeon generator - instead of JUST rocks, how about some walls (use elevator model as walls)?

You could place walls randomly on the map, and then fill the gaps with rocks. That way, you can create chokepoints.


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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actually i am going to implement alot more stuff into the dungeon generator. it is merely a test version for those of you who feel interested in this project.

there will be dungeon walls, treasure chests, creeps (in this case humans, elves, dwarfen heroes etc) and other random stuff like spikes, pillars, etc.

but more important:
do you like it? do you think a random generated map has potential and would be fun?

i am thankful for all feedback.


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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Huge update revealing all progress made in the last days.

please leave comments, i am looking forward to lead this project into the right direction pointed out by this great community.

Look at the first and second post!


New Member
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I just tested a game of the version you uploaded (0.5), and I have to say it's got a good concept (Dungeon Keeper II ftw).

Some suggestions/comments:
  • In the beginning multi-board, the tooltip for the fog selection gets cut off
  • Perhaps the processing of the map should display its percentage or something to the players... this way they know the game has not frozen and it is not bugged, since the loading time for this is pretty long (the freezing thing could happen)
  • The maximum unit count for all units should be displayed in the tooltips of the barracks' spells imo
  • The room that I was randomly placed in had about half a dozen footmen in it. It was the first time I played; needless to say, I nearly died as they constantly attacked and I was left with very little things to continue playing
  • Berserker is spelled wrong (you spelled it Berserkr)
  • Perhaps have Adventurers (hostile creeps) to wander or at least spawn normally; right now they are too cluttered and looks very awkward
  • I'm confused when you use the word "Ore" and "Gold" ... you do mean the same thing, right?
  • When I picked my race, I picked "humanoids as slaves" though that was not what I got (no humans whatsoever)
  • Right now, I think this project definitely has potential and the concept is great... continue working :D


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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In the beginning multi-board, the tooltip for the fog selection gets cut off

yes i know, i am still working on it. i just thought this hasnt got that much importance right now.

Perhaps the processing of the map should display its percentage or something to the players... this way they know the game has not frozen and it is not bugged, since the loading time for this is pretty long (the freezing thing could happen)

not a bad idea, i will think about it and maybe include it in the next version.

The maximum unit count for all units should be displayed in the tooltips of the barracks' spells imo

as i posted above, tooltips havent been made at all. i have just written 1 or 2 words for you all to know what it does. however right now all barracks spawn 3 units max this will change in the final version. Minotaur barracks for example will spawn only 1 single unit max.

The room that I was randomly placed in had about half a dozen footmen in it. It was the first time I played; needless to say, I nearly died as they constantly attacked and I was left with very little things to continue playing

still working on that part of the dungeon generator. creep rooms and other players will have a min distance between each other in the final version.

Berserker is spelled wrong (you spelled it Berserkr)

well thats my way of spelling it. xD

Perhaps have Adventurers (hostile creeps) to wander or at least spawn normally; right now they are too cluttered and looks very awkward

as i posted in the second post this is something which has yet to be implemented, it will be for sure.

I'm confused when you use the word "Ore" and "Gold" ... you do mean the same thing, right?

well the only resource you use to build anything is "ore". it represents "lumber" in game. i will change the game interface in future versions.
However the actual "gold" is used as a winning condition. you have to collect as many gold as possible to become the most powerful dungeon lord.
although gold is not implemented in this version so far.

When I picked my race, I picked "humanoids as slaves" though that was not what I got (no humans whatsoever)

humanoid is referring to "human-a-like" beings such as orcs, goblins, gnolls and such. you wont play humans cause they are your enemys from the overworld.
those beings are called humanoid in games as D&D as well.

Right now, I think this project definitely has potential and the concept is great... continue working :D

thank you very much, a great feedback! +Rep for all your work.


Starcraft II Moderator
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Interesting. Someone desided to use the dungeon keeper core system and give it a fresh, new life.

Sounds interesting and intriguing. I wish you the best of luck with it. If u need help with any ideas at all just tell me. :)


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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thank you both for your comments.

actually i do need some ideas. its about the races tier 2 units and champions as well as on structures and abilitys.

this is what i have already:

Fearsome Creatures such as Orcs, Gnolls, Ogres and Minotaurs are your sevants. They focus on brute strength and power. All creatures got incredible high hitpoints and deal alot of damage though they lack in both their movement as in attack speed. Humanoids spawn as well few in numbers.
  • Orc
    • Tier 1. ~Berserc~​
    • Orc Grunt Model
    • Melee
    • Berserk ability giving bonus attack and movement speed for a short period of time
    • quite high hitpoints and attack
    • average armor
    • Low agility and mana

    • Tier 2. ~Fanatic~​
    • Orc Shaman Model
    • Melee
    • Rage ability giving alot more attack and movement speed
    • very high attack
    • high hitpoints
    • average armor
    • Low agility and mana

  • Gnoll
    • Tier 1. ~Headhunter~​
    • Gnoll Archer Model
    • Ranged
    • Poison Arrows dealing additional damage over time
    • very high attack power
    • medium hitpoints and mana
    • Low agility and very low armor
    • Tier 2. ~Menhunter~​
    • Gnoll Model
    • Ranged
    • Deadly Arrows dealing high damage over time
    • very high attack power and mana
    • medium hitpoints and agility
    • very low armor

  • Ogre
    • Tier 1. ~Troublemaker~​
    • Ogre Model
    • Melee
    • Smash deals damage to units close to the target
    • high hitpoints and attack power
    • medium mana
    • Low agility and armor
    • Tier 2. ~Smasher~​
    • Ogre Lord Model
    • Melee
    • Crash dealing high damage to units close to the target
    • high hitpoints and attack power
    • medium mana and good armor
    • Low agility

  • Minotaur
    • Tier 1. ~Shaman~​
    • Tauren Shaman Model
    • Melee
    • ???
    • very high hitpoints
    • high attack
    • medium mana and armor
    • very low agility
    • Tier 2. ~Giant~​
    • Tauren Model
    • Melee
    • ???
    • very high hitpoints and attack power
    • medium mana and armor
    • very low agility

You are in charge of the most evil creatures called directly upon hell into your dungeons. Felhounds, Satyrn, Succubi and demonic warlocks follow your orders. Demons mainly focus on skills instead of power. Every unit got its distinguished role and its unique skills which make it incredible useful in the one situation or another.
  • Satyr
    • Tier 1. ~Stalker~​
    • Brown Satyr Model
    • Melee
    • Permanent invisible and Critical Strike for extra damage
    • high agility
    • medium mana and damage
    • Low hitpoints and armor

    • Tier 2. ~Silent Killer~​
    • Blue Satyr Model
    • Melee
    • Faster invisibility and stronger critical strike
    • very high agility
    • high damage
    • medium mana
    • Low hitpoints and armor

  • Succubus
    • Tier 1. ~Mistress~​
    • Red Succubus Model
    • Melee
    • Lifesteal 25%
    • medium attack power and agility
    • Low hitpoints and armor
    • Tier 2. ~Vicious Maiden~​
    • Blue Succubus Model
    • Melee
    • Lifesteal 100%
    • medium attack power and agility
    • Low hitpoints and armor

  • Felhound
    • Tier 1. ~Ripper Tooth~​
    • Felhound violet Model
    • Melee
    • Cripple leaves the target unable to move
    • high hitpoints
    • medium attack, armor and agility
    • Low mana
    • Tier 2. ~Impaler~​
    • Red Felhound Model
    • Melee
    • Cripple leaves the target unable to move and deals damage over time
    • high hitpoints
    • medium attack, armor, agility and mana

  • Eredar
    • Tier 1. ~Warlock~​
    • Red Eredar Model
    • Ranged
    • Manashield 75% and Chaosmissle deals additional damage per attack
    • high mana
    • medium attack and agility
    • very low hitpoints and armor
    • Tier 2. ~Witchmaster~​
    • Violet Eredar Model
    • Ranged
    • Manashield 100% and Unholy missle deals additional damage per attack and slows the target.
    • very mana and high attack
    • medium agility
    • very low hitpoints and armor

still looking for unit ideas for the beast race. i got so far "bugs" and "slime" monsters.

and maybe i ll look for some ideas for buildings as well. whats yet to be implemented are traps such as explosive barrels, dungeon spikes and such.

btw. progress is being made, new structures, progress bar when generating the dungeon and barrack leveling has been implemented.


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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sorry mates but i cant work on the map anymore because of a fatal error of my warcraft world edit.

progress is halted until the problem has been solved...

(Link to the problem)
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