[Guide] Open Source Software


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Hello. Have you ever heard of open source? Perhaps you have. Perhaps you haven't. But I'm here to tell you it's a very good thing, a thing that you should support.

Open Source means that the source code of a piece of software is readily available and legal to use, modify, and distribute. (However, usually it is illegal to sell it.) This means that users regularly add to the project by contributing code, and sometimes entire programs are used as bases for new ones.

For more info, check this Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Source

If you believe in free, high quality software, then you should support the Open Source Initiative!

In this short guide, I aim to create a list of open source applications that are trusted and powerful. I will include only programs that most people would use, however, if you want a quick list of all open source programs, check this Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_open_source_software

In addition, Sourceforge is a wonderful website to check out that provides releases of open source software and a community of coders. Furthermore, OSalt provides open source alternatives to popular commercial software.

Table of Contents
  1. Operating Systems
  2. Internet
  3. Office
  4. Media
  5. Tools
  6. Security
  7. Data
  8. Programming
  9. Games

1 - Operating Systems:

Operating systems are singlehandedly the most important software in a computer. As of now, I am only equipped to tell you about one kind of open source operating system, Linux, but I encourage anyone who knows anything about any other OS to write data about it and post it so that I can add it here.
For a comparison of Open Source Operating Systems, check this article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_open_source_operating_systems

  1. Linux
Linux is arguably the most popular and unarguably the widest known example of an Open Source Operating System. It was created in 1991 by Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux kernel, and based upon the GNU Operating System and MINIX/UNIX. It now comes in many distributions, both commercial and non-commercial. Wikipedia has a good article on Linux: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux. Linux comes in 5 general categories, depending on their package bases and other factors: Debian-based, Gentoo-based, RPM-based, Slackware-based, and Miscellaneous. Here are quick summaries of each of the first four bases:
  • Debian: Debian is generally a more user-friendly and pro-open software base.
  • Gentoo: Gentoo is a fast and powerful base that was designed to have very updated software.
  • RPM: Both Red Hat and SUSE were the original champions of the RPM package format. RPM bases are more known for being commercial (SUSE and Red Hat Enterprise are commercial distributions, however the source is available for a limited license, and a price).
  • Slackware: Slackware is a more advanced base that stresses ease of maintenance and reliability. This base is the one for users who really wish to learn about the inner workings of the system.
And now for the list of Linux distros:

  • Ubuntu:
    Ubuntu is a variant of Debian Linux, a popular flavor of the open source Linux operating system, which was based off of UNIX. Ubuntu is easily the most popular Linux version, known for its ease of use and helpful support community, but also known for its lack of power compared to other flavors of Linux. Like all Linux distros, it is more efficient than Windows, however it is not able to run programs made for Windows. However it's not hard to set your computer up to run both Ubuntu and Windows. If you have a new computer but can't afford Windows XP, then here you go. (Bonus: WiNE can run some Windows programs if you desperately need them.)​

2 - Internet:

  • Firefox:
    Firefox is an internet browser known for its flexibility. It features tabbed browsing, multilingual support, anti-popup, anti-virus, and anti-phishing protection, built-in proxy support, thousands of themes and plugins, and much more. Overall, it is much more secure and customizable than any other browser out there.​
  • Thunderbird:
    Thunderbird is an email/RSS client that is easy to use. It easily replaces Microsoft Outlook. It includes capabilities for plugins and multilingual support.​
  • Pidgin:
    Formerly known as Gaim, Pidgin is an IM client that handles over a dozen protocols, including AIM, YIM, MSN, ICQ, Google Talk, IRC, and MyspaceIM. It features dozens of plugins and multilingual support, and is gentler on system resources than many of the original clients.​
  • aMSN: (Recommended by SFilip)
    aMSN is a MSN messenger clone.​

3 - Office

  • OpenOffice:
    OpenOffice is a office suite similar to Microsoft Office. It includes a word processor, a spreadsheet editor, a presentation creator, a drawing tool, and more. It can even save in Microsoft Office formats, allowing you to use your OpenOffice documents on other computers without OpenOffice. Created by Sun Microsystems, the creators of Java, it supports many languages.​

4 - Media

  • The GIMP:
    The GIMP is an image editor comparable to Adobe Photoshop. With plugins, it can do everything Photoshop can do.​
  • Audacity:
    Audacity is an audio editing program better than many audio editors that you have to pay for. It can layer audio, apply effects, record audio, and more. If you make music, Audacity is the tool for you.​
  • VLC Player:
    The VLC Media player is a simple but versatile media player that can play and convert most audio and video formats, including the annoying .flv format that Youtube uses.​
  • VirtualDub:
    VirtualDub is a video editor that works with AVI files. It is not incredibly powerful but it is fast for batch processing.​
  • Rockbox:
    Rockbox is an alternate firmware for portable media players. Based off of UNIX, it makes iPods much more power efficient and allows them to do more, including play games, have themes, and view new file extensions.​
  • Ogre3D: (Recommended by SFilip)
    Ogre3D is a popular 3D graphics engine that has been used in a large number of projects.​
  • Paint.NET: (Recommended by Orc_Tamer)
    Paint.NET is a powerful but simple painting program that was originally intended to be a free replacement for MS Paint.​
  • Blender: (Recommended by Orc_Tamer)
    Blender is a 3D content creation suite available on all major operating systems.​
  • Irrlicht Enginge: (Recommended by TheDamien)
    The Irrlicht Engine is a powerful, adaptbale, and cross-platform 3D engine.​
  • Camstudio: (Recommended by Orc_Tamer)
    Camstudio is a screen activity recording program that records in AVI format.​

5 - Tools

  • Launchy: (Recommended by Marc.)
    Launchy is a keystroke launching program. It won the Sourceforge Best New Project Award for 2007.​

6 - Security

  • ClamWin:
    ClamWin is an Antivirus for Windows. It has a high detection rate and a large database of known viruses.​

7 - Data

  • Azureus:
    Azureus is a torrent client built in Java. Although a tad slow, it is not owned by BitTorrent, Inc which means that it is not going to report your information to the feds. With the new Vuze interface, it also gives you content based on your preferences. For P2P freaks, Azureus is a great client.​
  • 7-Zip:
    7-Zip is a data archiver, much like WinRAR or WinZip, but much more powerful. It integrates into the Windows Shell and handles .zip, .rar, .tar, .gzip, .7z, and much more.​
  • FileZilla: (Recommended by SFilip)
    FileZilla is a FTP transfer client that is very popular and efficient.​

8 - Programming

  • KompoZer:
    KompoZer is a HTML/CSS editor based off of Nvu. It fixes many of Nvu's bugs. KompoZer features a powerful WYSIWYG interface and makes it easy for anyone to create webpages.​
  • SciTE: (Recommended by SFilip)
    SciTE is a source code editor. It works on Windows and Linux.​
  • Notepad++: (Recommended by SFilip)
    Notepad++ is a Notepad replacement and code editor. It is very powerful and very popular.​
  • Autohotkey: (Recommended by Storm_Surge)
    Autohotkey is a development kit with its own scripting language that enables complex macros, key bindings, and scripts to be created.​
  • Scrolling Game Development Kit 2: (Recommended by Marc.)
    All-in-one program for creating 2D scrolling games. Compile your games into stand-alone .NET executables or customizable C# source code. Includes built in graphics editor with anti-aliasing and translucency, parallax scrolling map editor and more.​

9 - Games

  1. Warcraft III
  2. Other

  • Warcraft III Replay Parser for PHP: (Recommended by Marc.)
    Warcraft III Replay Parser for PHP pulls out the information stored in *.w3g Warcraft III replay files (players' nicks, races, units, etc.) and enables you to use them on your webpage.​
  • JASS Tools: (Recommended by Marc.)
    Tools for parsing and analyzing the JASS scripting language.​
  • Warkeys: (Recommended by Marc.)
    Warkeys is a supplemental program that works with Warcraft III to customize the CustomKeys.txt for Warcraft III using a Windows GUI. The program Warkeys is based on the concept of Keycraft made for previous versions of Warcraft III.​
  • PHP Battle.net Clan Script (Recommended by Marc.)
    A Battle.net clan management system for PHP using a MySQL backend. Allows leaders to easily update and maintain website with no HTML knowledge. Ability to add/update/delete members, news, ranks, medals, rules, diplomacy, and clan history.​


  • Tremulous:
    Tremulous started as a mod for Quake 3. It is now a standalone game. It is a hybrid of a RTS and a FPS.​
  • Sauerbraten:
    Sauerbraten is a FPS with a fast, rich engine. The gameplay is heavily arena-like, with kills being made every 3 seconds.​
  • Nexuiz: (Recommended by Arken0493)
    Nexuiz is a FPS deathmatch game with colorful graphics and fast-paced gameplay.​
  • Stepmania: (Recommended by Warchamp7)
    Stepmania a DDR clone that allows for custom song creation. It is arguably the most popular standalone DDR clone.​
  • Frets On Fire:
    Frets on Fire is a Guitar Hero clone that allows for custom song creation.​
  • Digital Paint Paintball 2: (Recommended by Marc.)
    Paintball2 is a fast-paced first-person game with capture the flag, elimination, siege, and deathmatch (free-for-all) styles of gameplay. This project focuses on enhancing the Quake2-based engine it uses.​
  • CSS:RPG Mod: (Recommended by Marc.)
    CSS:RPG Mod is a server plugin for Counter-Strike: Source. It's based off the UT2K4RPG Mod. All player data is saved into a SQLite Database. CSS:RPG is open source so that it can be ported to other Half-Life 2 mods or for learning HL2 plugin coding.​
  • Bombermaaan: (Recommended by Marc.)
    A classic Bomberman game, cloned on original SNES games.​
  • CG Madness / CG Portals: (Recommended by Marc.)
    CG Madness is based on the classic game Marble Madness. It is running on OpenGL and uses current CG techniques. In the extension CG Portals you will be able to throw Portals towards walls and/or floors, so you can reach unreachable places.​

Have any open source software that you'd like added? Simply post the link to it and I'll have a look. If I like it, I'll add it!


Gone but not forgotten
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Only Ubuntu?
Most notably, the linux kernel is open source.
Most of the distros are OS as well - we're talking about a hundred at least. I don't think it's a good idea to just state one. If you have to, at least state all the popular ones (Debian, Madriva, openSUSE, Fedora, Gentoo etc.) or give a link to this article (or maybe this one).
A link to sourceforge wouldn't hurt either.

Some other projects I know of:
Scite and Notepad++


I used to go here a lot.
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Added FileZilla, SciTE, and Notepad++. The first and last are ones I've seen used and probably should have added, and the middle looks like it's a good program.

I did not add Spring because I feel it is not complete. However I'd like to say it looks great so far.

I added aMSN reluctantly, because I feel Pidgin can accomplish the needs of MSN users, but I know that some people like the fancy features that aMSN can provide.

I did not add Panda3D because it is not truly open source - it includes closed source (however free) packages.

Also, added KompoZer, because I forgot to earlier.

Also, I did not add any other flavors of Linux, because quite frankly, if you are unfamiliar with Linux, and therefore unfamiliar with open source, you really should only use Ubuntu because of its simplicity. Furthermore, I'm not Linux expert myself - I've used Ubuntu and seen my brother use a couple other flavors, but I can't really speak for the Linux community. Although I've heard Suse and Fedora are fairly easy to install and use as well (however I'd never add Suse because it's closed source).


Gone but not forgotten
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> because it's closed source
I said openSUSE - as the name implies, it is Open Source.

> I did not add Panda3D because it is not truly open source
How about Ogre?

> you really should only use Ubuntu because of its simplicity
That's relative. Many people I know claim Mandriva is the simplest. I personally think it's SUSE.
Saying Ubuntu is the easiest is like...you see a man in a store and he asks you where he can find a cola. You point him to where Pepsi is saying that it's the best. That's not quite what he asked for - you should tell him about Coca-Cola too and any other similar drink and let him decide for himself.
So either add them all (or at least a couple more) or don't add Linux as a whole. You can state that you think Ubuntu is the simplest (but saying this is also wrong IMO as it gives the impression Linux as a whole is very hard) and bold it or so. But at least make sure they know of the other possibilities.


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
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I felt the need to comment on this:
FireWarrior said:
(Bonus: WiNE, a Windows Emulator, can run some Windows programs if you desperately need them.)
The acronym for WINE is:
Not an


I used to go here a lot.
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>>The acronym for WINE is:
Not an

Didn't know that, I'll correct it (and add the new info) later.

EDIT: Added Paint.NET and Blender, corrected WiNE info, added information on Linux in general.

I hope any users with knowledge of a particular flavor will post information for me to add! I'll credit you.

EDIT: Added Autohotkey and Nexuiz.

EDIT: Added Stepmania and Frets On Fire.


There are some who would use any excuse to ban me.
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You should make use of the [noparse]
  • [/noparse] tags.


Gone but not forgotten
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Ouch, the new formatting is anything but readable. :eek:
Would be much better if you used lists for actual programs, like this:
9 - Games

  • Tremulous:
    Tremulous started as a mod for Quake 3. It is now a standalone game. It is a hybrid of a RTS and a FPS.​
  • Sauerbraten:
    Sauerbraten is a FPS with a fast, rich engine. The gameplay is heavily arena-like, with kills being made every 3 seconds.​
  • Nexuiz: (Recommended by Arken0493)
    Nexuiz is a FPS deathmatch game with colorful graphics and fast-paced gameplay.​
  • Stepmania: (Recommended by Warchamp7)
    Stepmania a DDR clone that allows for custom song creation. It is arguably the most popular standalone DDR clone.​
  • Frets On Fire:
    Frets on Fire is a Guitar Hero clone that allows for custom song creation.​


I used to go here a lot.
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Added many suggestions from a user from Scumedit (I can't list them all o.o)

To do: Improve formatting drastically.


Mega Super Ultra Cool Member
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I just got OpenOffice but I was wondering in every word processing program, If I copy and paste something from the internet to my document, it changes the format (color, font, size), I was wondering if you can change it so when I paste something it will use default from my word processing program, EX 12pt Times New Roman.
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