Defense Hero Base Defend


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The Last Stand is a game for one to eight players.

The object of the game is to defend your elven base from the invading Orcs.
You also have to counter attack the Orcs, and drive them back to their base. The further you reach, the harder it will get.

Win the game by destroying the Orcs' two Altars of Heroes.

As of now there are eight different heroes to choose between. Everyone with unique abilities.

This map is still a beta version, it needs a lot of balancing.
The map name isn't confirmed yet. -Suggestions of good names appriciated.












Any bugs found, balancing ideas, item ideas, hero/spell ideas, and any other type of feedback is greatly appriciated. :)

v0.99 -> v1.0
-Remade The Spheremaster: Summoned spheres deal more damage. Duplicates don't summon any spheres. Duplicates deal 100% damage.
-Increased the random time between Moon Rider's ulti.
-Increased the cooldown on The Captain's ulti.
-Added 200 mana cost to Sheep Stick.
-Added a ten second cooldown to the healing scrolls.
-Players now lose 10% of their current gold (if they have more than 100 gold), when their hero dies.
-Increased the Orc Tower's damage.
-Made the second wave somewhat stronger, made the third wave somewhat weaker.
-Minor tweaks of heroes; changing duration, mana cost, cooldown, etc.

-Optimized the map. It is now protected.
-Improved a lot of codes even more.
-If both elven spawn buildings are destroyed, you can no longer upgrade reinforcements or priests.
-Added an achievement (easter egg sort of thing.)

-Fixed a bug with upgrading Towers.

v0.98 -> v0.99
-The Spheremaster was greatly nerfed. Duplicates Spheres now deals no damage.
-Decreased enemy Bounty.
-Greatly increased the repenlish interval for sending reinforcements.

-Improved a lot of coding.
-Fixed the delay that occured when selecting the temple when your hero is not around.
-Added a Loading Screen.
-Changed the Projectile Art of Troll Witch Doctor, hopefully reducing lag for older computers.

-New Item: Sharp Short Sword (2500 gold - adds 35 damage, 25% chance to crit for 2.2x)
-Removed the critical hit from Bane's axe, increased the cleave damage from 25% to 45% (melee only.)

v0.97 -> v0.98
-The Sneak Attack Wave is now disabled if there's only one player playing.
-The Sneak Attack wave now waits a slightly longer time between the warning and the spawn.
-Decreased the Ranged Orc Hero Attack Range.

-Improved the Random Weather system.
-New potions and scrolls have been added to the Orc Burrow drop table.
-Fixed a couple of faulty tooltips.

-A new Hero has been added - The Captain.

v0.96 -> v0.97
-Nerfed the Priests' Dispel Magic ability slightly.
-The Tree of Life is now Invulnerable, and can only be attacked if the two nearest towers are destroyed.
-Players can now repair their towers for a small amount of gold.
-Changed the Prices on the new potions.
-Two elven towers have been added to the elven base.
-The Second Wave's Warlords can no longer use Ethereal Form.
-Improved the elven Towers slightly.

-New items: Potion of Speed (Increase Move speed of hero by 30% for 25 sec), Potion of Regeneration (Heals 500 hp and 200 mana over 30 seconds, dispel on attack), Scroll of Healing, Scroll of Greater Healing, Scroll of Superior Healing (Instantly heals 200/400/800hp to nearby allied units, also dispels negative buffs for the caster.)
-New Unit: Elven Warrior (Melee, Reinforcements, Upgradeable)
-New Wave: Sneak Attack. -The orc will randomly launch a sneak attack on the elven base.
-Non-picked Heroes are now invulnerable.
-Added a text message when turning on/off chat strings and Auto Drop.
-New Items are now being preloaded.

-Fixed a bug that prevented the last wave of reinforcements and Towers to be upgraded.
-Fixed the Tooltip on The Sprite's ability: Furious Wisps.

v0.95 -> v0.96
-Nerfed the Moon Rider's Flaming Arrow ability - Now deals less damage
-Added an Aura to the third wave of Warlords (Fel Orcs). The aura decrease armor for nearby enemy units.
-Increased the hp and damage of The Guardian of Nature's summoned Treeants.
-Added abilities such as Bloodlust and curse to the following Orc Units: Troll, Orc Raider and Witch Doctor.

-Remade the Tooltip system completely.
-Improved the system for buying items, all hotkeys changed.
-Improved the visual effect of the Pathfinder's Ulti (Leap).
-Added a Time-system. Food Used = seconds, Lumber = Minutes.
-Added a new building - the Potion Vendor (sells potions).
-Orc Burrows now randomly drop items when destroyed.
-Added AI for Purging players - Enemies will now attempt to purge heroes and illusions.
-Added a special effect to the Circle of Power when turning on/off Chat strings.
-Added a few more chat strings.
-Added more doodads. Can you find them all?

-The Demon Slayer's attached special effect caused by Burning Blades are now removed if he is purged.
-Fixed a typo in the Tooltip of item: Broadsword.

-Potions Added. Lesser Potion of Healing/Mana (+250hp / +150 mana). Greater Potion of Healing/Mana (+500hp / + 300 mana). Superior Potion of Healing/Mana (+1000hp / +600 mana).

v0.94 -> v0.95
-Nerfed Sphere Master once again, his Illusions' spheres now deal 75% damage of the original spheres.
-Sphere Master Illusions can now be healed by Sphere Master's healing wave ability.
-Changed the Sheep stick, it now requires three wizard's wands, but gives more damage and mana reg.
-The Demon slayer's Shuriken has been nerfed. The Demon Slayer's Metamorphosis has now shorter range.
-The warlords have become stronger.

-Added random weather effects.
-You can now turn on/off the death/entangle chat strings, if you find them annoying.

-Fixed a spawning bug with the Warlords.
-A color code bug has been fixed with the multiboard.

-Added two new items: Venom Ring (+5 damage, 10 poison damage/sec, poison does not stack), Black Fang (+25 damage, 20 posion damage/sec, poison does not stack)

-New Hero added: The Pathfinder (More info: Play the map!)

v0.93 -> v0.94
-Balanced The Moon Rider's ulti, increasing it's range slightly and added longer intervals between the starfalls. The Moon Rider's ulti now targets random units every time.
-Decreased the Orc Shaman's damage and attack range, and added splash.
-Improved the aim for abilities; Shuriken (Demon Slayer) and Thunder Arrow (The Commander).

-Added minibosses (called Warlords) to each level. Spawns randomly.
-Priests, extra reinforcements and tower upgrades can now be recruited/sent/upgraded without having a nearby patron. (A few seconds delay.)
-Added floating text when unit dies, heroes kill units and units are entangled.

-Fixed a bug that made priests stop moving. They should now work properly.
-Fixed a bug with Bosco's Bite, it should be working properly now.

-Added four new items; Gloves of Haste, Claws of attack, Shaman Claws, Witch Doctor Claws

v0.92 -> v0.93

-Nerfed The Guardian of Nature's Entangling Roots ability. Also Nerfed his Ulti, which now lasts shorter amount of time.
-Changed The Druid's Bite ability, max hp dealt/recieved = 1000. Lowered mana cost.
-Enemy Heroes now change level according to player heroes' levels.
-Priests was nerfed, and are now upgradeable. Priests now priority healing Heroes.
-Improved The Sphere Master's Healing Wave ability, more healing per level.

-Players are now unable to attack eachother's items.
-All Non-Passive abilities now display Cooldown time in their Tooltips.
-Moved the Attribute Bonus Research button.
-Changed the Priest's Attack Projectile.

-Fixed a buggy Repick message.
-The Fountain of Health does no longer heal Orcs.

v0.91 -> v0.92

-Made The Sprite Stronger, added more armor and hp to her Reptiles, but decreased their damage.
-Shared exp gain was changed, more exp gained now than before.
-Changed the ulti skip level requirement to five.
-Increased the Attribute Bonus to max level 35.
-Defense gain per agility point slightly decreased.
-The orc waves now yield more bounty.
-The Moon Rider's ulti was nerfed, a cap of maximum number of targets was added.
-Orc Heroes improved, added more hp and armor.
-The Sphere Master's ulti was nerfed once again, deals less damage.

-Multiboard added, displays player name, number of kills and deaths.
-Players now lose gold upon death, 100 per death (if the player has 100 or more gold, else no gold is lost.)
-New ability for the Circle of Power: 'Auto Drop Item On/Off'; changes if your circle should automatically drop bought items or not. Default = False.

-Fixed a bug with the Commander's Storm Stomp that prevented attack speed bonus.
-Fixed a bug with The Sprite's Furious Wisps ability, and The Moon Rider's Multi Shot ability.

v0.9 -> v0.91

-Made Orc Wave #3 weaker.
-Made The Sprite stronger.
-Made The Sphere Master weaker.

New Items:
-Steel Axe (+15 damage, 10% cleave)
-Bane's Axe (+40 damage, 25% cleave, 25% crit (x2.5))

New Units:
-Temple (Building, recruits priests)
-Priests (Heals and buffs allied units, spawns together with the reinforcements)

Last Update: 2009-06-16


  • How to beat The Last Stand v1.0 (Hard).w3g
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  • The Last Stand v.1.0 opt.w3x
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I am amazingly focused right now!
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Come on, people. There's rep to be earned! :p


Working on a Map
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Woah, looks pretty awesome. Gotta try it out :)
EDIT: Rather interesting, the Shamans and Witchdoctors are too strong though :S. They are ranged with high damage and imba health. I couldn't even get near the place where they spawned cos there were like 100+ of them.


Starcraft II Moderator
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I tested it. It was pretty cool... Though, it needs a lot more heroes. The current ones aren't anything that special. I enjoyed the wave upgrading and the wave buying. There should be units who you buy to strengthened the wave. For example spell casters. I really enjoyed the overall concept, but, well, just add some more heroes items and some buyable units and I think that this map will be good. Overall, a nice start, but it needs more content and something to make it truly original. Good job so far :)


I am amazingly focused right now!
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Woah, looks pretty awesome. Gotta try it out :)
EDIT: Rather interesting, the Shamans and Witchdoctors are too strong though :S. They are ranged with high damage and imba health. I couldn't even get near the place where they spawned cos there were like 100+ of them.

Bah. I think all waves (except the very last one) are too weak. :p

Seems good but that red font makes my eyes bleed.

What red font?

I tested it. It was pretty cool... Though, it needs a lot more heroes. The current ones aren't anything that special. I enjoyed the wave upgrading and the wave buying. There should be units who you buy to strengthened the wave. For example spell casters. I really enjoyed the overall concept, but, well, just add some more heroes items and some buyable units and I think that this map will be good. Overall, a nice start, but it needs more content and something to make it truly original. Good job so far :)

Thanks for the feedback. =)
Yeah, I was planning on making more heroes and items, but for now I need to balance a lot. -So that's priority number one. ^^


Starcraft II Moderator
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While you are balancing take a look on the starting dmg, attack speed and spell power. some heroes (like the deamon hunter guy) are all in one. that ain't cool ;(


I am amazingly focused right now!
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While you are balancing take a look on the starting dmg, attack speed and spell power. some heroes (like the deamon hunter guy) are all in one. that ain't cool ;(

I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by "some heroes are all in one". :eek:


Starcraft II Moderator
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take the deamon hunter: good dps, good shuriken spell and very good ultimate (both dmg, bounce, hit points and chaos attack


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Wish I had WCIII... :(

All in one meaning too powerful since they are like all classes? Like a tank, healer, DPS, support, all together?



I am amazingly focused right now!
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Updates made!
Version 0.91 released.
More info in the First Post of this thread.


I am amazingly focused right now!
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Updates made!
Version 0.92 released.
More info in the First Post of this thread.


I am amazingly focused right now!
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Updates made!
Version 0.93 released.
More info in the First Post of this thread.

Feedback is greatly appriciated!


Starcraft II Moderator
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Alright, Let's see where this goes shall we ?

The terrain is beautiful. Really good, I just love it. The replay factor is high. Actually this map has potential to become something really big. It reminds me of the good old Hero defences :)

Jokes aside, the heroes are balanced, that is good. The only serious problem this map has is that there aren't enough items and heroes. MAKE MORE FOR GOD'S SAKE. Also you should also be able to buy units to aid the wave. For example healers or mele warriors. Either way, something about the waves must be done. The difficulty is just right. The map is really fun, but like I said, it must have more heroes, more items and more battle field options :) See to that and I am sure that it will be sucsesful :)


I am amazingly focused right now!
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Jokes aside, the heroes are balanced, that is good. The only serious problem this map has is that there aren't enough items and heroes. MAKE MORE FOR GOD'S SAKE. Also you should also be able to buy units to aid the wave. For example healers or mele warriors. Either way, something about the waves must be done. The difficulty is just right. The map is really fun, but like I said, it must have more heroes, more items and more battle field options :) See to that and I am sure that it will be sucsesful :)

I don't think it's quite balanced yet. :p

Yeah, I'm working on new heroes and items.
-If you have any ideas, please say so. ^^

I played this map on two players with my friend recently, and thought it was too easy. I haven't played with eight players yet, though. -Dunno if it's easier or harder.

You can upgrade priests on version 0.93. ^^
I was thinking of adding some melee warriors as well, but I still need stronger enemies, I think.

Thanks for the feedback, always appriciated. =)


I am amazingly focused right now!
Reaction score

Updates made!
Version 0.94 released.
More info in the First Post of this thread.

How about every 2-3 waves a mini-boss as well ?

Done. See changelog. :thup:


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Terrain is good, game concept is as well. I like the "teleport items" ability. Simple but elegant.
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