System Main Attribute Control


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Main Attribute Control

- TimerUtils

// ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~
// ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ Main Attribute Control  ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~
// ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~ ~*=*~
// MAC v5.2 by Laiev
// ===================================================================================
// ~ About ~
// This system is used to get the primary attribute (as Blizzard refers to it), this 
// is achieved by databasing every single unittype in the game.
// It allow the user to use the Main Attribute of the hero without problems.
// With some function, this system allow you to manipulate the main attribute, you can
// change it when you want and for what you need.
// ===================================================================================
// ~ Importing ~
// To import this System you'll need:
// - Chaos Ability MAC (Ability used to morph the heroes.)
// - Dummy MAC (Unit used to take damage.)
// - Chaos MAC (Unit used to be morphed.)
// Then you'll need to copy the AIDS and TimerUtils if you don't have it yet.
// Copy this Trigger to your map and configure it below to your map.
// ===================================================================================
// ~ Pros/Cons ~
// _____________
// Pros
// - Can register id manually.
// - Debug Messages when in debug mode.
// - Automatic register.
// _____________
// Cons
// - Requires an area to do the Automatic Register.
// - Need to wait a little before use functions in the first time of that Id.
// ===================================================================================
// ~ Functions ~
function MAC_SetValue takes unit whichUnit, integer newValue returns nothing
// whichUnit    = The unit registered in the system
// newValue     = The new value to the main attribute of the whichUnit
function MAC_GetValue takes unit whichUnit, boolean bonus returns integer
// whichUnit    = The unit registered in the system
// bonus        = If include the bonus (green text with the plus)
// return       = Return the value of the main attribute
function MAC_GetMainAttribute takes unit whichUnit returns integer
// whichUnit    = The unit registered in the system
// return       = Return what attribute is (based on Blizzard constants) 0 = Str, 1 = Agi, 2 = Int
function MAC_AddValue takes unit whichUnit, integer howMuch returns nothing
// whichUnit    = The unit registered in the system
// howMuch      = Amount of main attribute which you want to add
function MAC_ReduceValue takes unit whichUnit, integer howMuch returns nothing
// whichUnit    = The unit registered in the system
// howMuch      = Amount of main attribute which you want to reduce
function MAC_Registered takes unit unitId returns boolean
// unitId       = The id of the unit that you will register to the system
// return       = True if registered, false if not registered
function MAC_Register takes integer unitId, integer whichAtt returns boolean
// unitId       = The id of the unit that you will register to the system
// whichAtt     = The main attribute which you'll register to the system
//                  ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH     / bj_HEROSTAT_STR
//                  ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY      / bj_HEROSTAT_AGI
// return       = True if register, false if registered.
function MAC_GetMainAttributeById takes integer unitId returns integer
// unitId       = The id of the unit that you will register to the system
// return       = Return what attribute is (based on Blizzard constants) 0 = Str, 1 = Agi, 2 = Int
function MAC_DivideValue takes unit whichUnit, integer diviser returns nothing
// whichUnit    = The unit registered in the system
// diviser      = The diviser, for example:
//                Main Attribute = 50
//                diviser = 5
//                This function will change the Main Attribute to 10.
function MAC_MultiplyValue takes unit whichUnit, integer multiplier returns nothing
// whichUnit    = The unit registered in the system
// multiplier   = The multiplier, for example:
//                Main Attribute = 5
//                multiplier = 20
//                This function will change the Main Attribute to 100.
function MAC_PercentageValue takes unit whichUnit, real percent returns nothing
// whichUnit    = The unit registered in the system
// percent      = The percent, for example:
//                Main Attribute = 20
//                percent = 0.05
//                This function will change the Main Attribute to 1.
// ------------------
// ~ Direct Struct ~
// Change ? to some method:
// - setValue(newValue)        -> nothing
// - getValue(bonus)           -> integer
// - getMainAttribute()        -> integer
// - addValue(howMuch)         -> nothing
// - reduceValue(howMuch)      -> nothing
// - divideValue(diviser)      -> nothing
// - multiplyValue(multiplier) -> nothing
// - percentageValue(percent)  -> nothing
// ===================================================================================
// ~ Credits ~
// Jesus4Lyf
// - AIDS and Hash Function
// Vexorian
// - TimerUtils
// ===================================================================================

library MAC requires AIDS, TimerUtils

// Configuration
    // Dummy ID to test the damage. Should't got Locust or any invulnerable thing.
    private constant integer DUMMY              = 'dMAC'
    // Ability ID of Chaos.
    private constant integer CHAOS_ABILITY      = 'AMAC'
    // Chaos Unit ID.
    private constant integer CHAOS_UNIT         = 'CMAC'
    // The value here need to be hight enough.
    private constant integer TEST_VALUE         = 100
    // Owner of the units that system will use.
    private constant player  TEST_OWNER         = Player(15)
    // The X/Y wheres you'll use to test the damage. This should
    private constant real    TEST_X             = 2500.
    private constant real    TEST_Y             = 2500.
    // Don't change those values, it's only for easy access
    // You can also use the constants from Blizzard
        constant integer ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH     = 0
        constant integer ATTRIBUTE_AGILITY      = 1
        constant integer ATTRIBUTE_INTELLIGENCE = 2
        //bj_HEROSTAT_STR = 0
        //bj_HEROSTAT_AGI = 1
        //bj_HEROSTAT_INT = 2

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Do not change anything from here unless you know what you're doing.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

// Globals for the Hash Function.
    private constant integer       HASH_NEXT      = 53
    private constant integer       MAX_HASH_VALUE = 8191
    private          integer array HashedInt

// Hash Function, don't change it.
private function Hash takes integer i returns integer
    local integer hash = i - (i / MAX_HASH_VALUE) * MAX_HASH_VALUE
        exitwhen HashedInt[hash] == i
        if HashedInt[hash] == 0 then
            set HashedInt[hash] = i
            return hash
        set hash = hash + HASH_NEXT
        if hash >= MAX_HASH_VALUE then
            set hash = hash-MAX_HASH_VALUE
    return hash

// How to save the ID and what Attribute.
private struct MACData extends array
    boolean registered
    integer attribute

// Check if ID is registered.
public function Registered takes integer unitId returns boolean
    return MACData[Hash(unitId)].registered

// Get the Main Attribute by the ID of the Unit.
public function GetMainAttributeById takes integer unitId returns integer
    return MACData[Hash(unitId)].attribute

// Register the Unit ID, return false if already registered, else if successfully registered.
public function Register takes integer unitId, integer whichAtt returns boolean
    local MACData Mac = MACData[Hash(unitId)]
    if Mac.registered then
        debug call BJDebugMsg("|cffFF0000MAC:|r Trying to register a unit id more than once.")
        return false
    set Mac.registered = true
    set Mac.attribute = whichAtt
    return true

// Used to auto register the Main Attribute.
private struct TempData
    unit d0
    unit d1
    unit d2
    real r0
    real r1
    real r2
    integer id

private function GetAutomatic takes nothing returns nothing
    local TempData td = GetTimerData(GetExpiredTimer())
    // -----------------------------------
    // Check the life of Attacked Dummies.
    set td.r0 = GetWidgetLife(td.d0)
    set td.r1 = GetWidgetLife(td.d1)
    set td.r2 = GetWidgetLife(td.d2)
    // -----------------------------------
    // ----------------------------------------------
    // Some Debugs just to check if things are right.
    debug call BJDebugMsg("=========================")
    debug call BJDebugMsg("Dummy I: " + R2S(td.r0))
    debug call BJDebugMsg("Dummy II: " + R2S(td.r1))
    debug call BJDebugMsg("Dummy III: " + R2S(td.r2))
    // ----------------------------------------------
    // -----------------------------------
    // This need to be manually like this.
    if td.r0 < td.r1 and td.r0 < td.r2 then
        call MAC_Register(, 0) //Strength
        debug call BJDebugMsg("Main Attribute: Strength")
        call ReleaseTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
        call td.destroy()
    elseif td.r1 < td.r0 and td.r1 < td.r2 then
        call MAC_Register(, 1) //Agility
        debug call BJDebugMsg("Main Attribute: Agility")
        call ReleaseTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
        call td.destroy()
    elseif td.r2 < td.r0 and td.r2 < td.r1 then
        call MAC_Register(, 2) //Intelligence
        debug call BJDebugMsg("Main Attribute: Intelligence")
        call ReleaseTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
        call td.destroy()
    debug else
        // Just prevent something wrong.
        debug call BJDebugMsg("|cffFF0000MAC:|r Something goes wrong.")
    // -----------------------------------

private function Automatic takes unit u returns nothing
    local unit h0 = CreateUnit(TEST_OWNER, GetUnitTypeId(u), TEST_X, TEST_Y, 0.)
    local unit h1 = CreateUnit(TEST_OWNER, GetUnitTypeId(u), TEST_X, TEST_Y, 0.)
    local unit h2 = CreateUnit(TEST_OWNER, GetUnitTypeId(u), TEST_X, TEST_Y, 0.)
    local timer t = NewTimer()
    local TempData td = TempData.create()
    set = GetUnitTypeId(u)
    set td.d0 = CreateUnit(TEST_OWNER, DUMMY, TEST_X, TEST_Y, 0.)
    set td.d1 = CreateUnit(TEST_OWNER, DUMMY, TEST_X, TEST_Y, 0.)
    set td.d2 = CreateUnit(TEST_OWNER, DUMMY, TEST_X, TEST_Y, 0.)
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    // Add the Chaos Ability, change the Attribute and Order to Attack.
    call UnitAddAbility(h0, CHAOS_ABILITY)
    call SetHeroStr(h0, TEST_VALUE, true)
    call IssueTargetOrder(h0, "attack", td.d0)
    call UnitAddAbility(h1, CHAOS_ABILITY)
    call SetHeroAgi(h1, TEST_VALUE, true)
    call IssueTargetOrder(h1, "attack", td.d1)
    call UnitAddAbility(h2, CHAOS_ABILITY)
    call SetHeroInt(h2, TEST_VALUE, true)
    call IssueTargetOrder(h2, "attack", td.d2)
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    // -------------------------------
    // Set timed life for the dummies.
    call UnitApplyTimedLife(h0, 'BTLF', 1.)
    call UnitApplyTimedLife(h1, 'BTLF', 1.)
    call UnitApplyTimedLife(h2, 'BTLF', 1.)
    call UnitApplyTimedLife(td.d0, 'BTLF', 1.)
    call UnitApplyTimedLife(td.d1, 'BTLF', 1.)
    call UnitApplyTimedLife(td.d2, 'BTLF', 1.)
    // -------------------------------
    call TimerStart(t, .5, true, function GetAutomatic)
    call SetTimerData(t, td)
    set t  = null
    set h0 = null
    set h1 = null
    set h2 = null

// The struct to store and get value.
struct MAC extends array
    //! runtextmacro AIDS()
    private static method AIDS_filter takes unit u returns boolean
        if IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) and GetOwningPlayer(u) != TEST_OWNER then // Prevent infinty loop.
            if not MAC_Registered(GetUnitTypeId(u)) then // If not registered will auto register.
                call Automatic(u)
            return true
        return false
    // ---------------------------------------
    // Change the value of the Main Attribute.
    method setValue takes integer newValue returns nothing
        if not MAC_Registered(GetUnitTypeId(.unit)) then
            debug call BJDebugMsg("|cffFF0000MAC:|r Trying to define the main attribute of an unregistered unit.")
        if MAC_GetMainAttributeById(GetUnitTypeId(.unit)) == 0 then
            call SetHeroStr(.unit, newValue, true)
        elseif MAC_GetMainAttributeById(GetUnitTypeId(.unit)) == 1 then
            call SetHeroAgi(.unit, newValue, true)
        elseif MAC_GetMainAttributeById(GetUnitTypeId(.unit)) == 2 then
            call SetHeroInt(.unit, newValue, true)
        debug else
            debug call BJDebugMsg("|cffFF0000MAC:|r Wrong value of main attribute, it should be 1, 2 or 3." )
    // ---------------------------------------
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
    // Get the total value (with/without bonus) of the Main Attribute.
    method getValue takes boolean bonus returns integer
        if not MAC_Registered(GetUnitTypeId(.unit)) then
            debug call BJDebugMsg("|cffFF0000MAC:|r Trying to get the main attribute of an unregistered unit.")
            return 0 // Return 0 if Unit is not registered or if Main Attribute is registered wrong.
        if MAC_GetMainAttributeById(GetUnitTypeId(.unit)) == 0 then
            return GetHeroStr(.unit, bonus)
        elseif MAC_GetMainAttributeById(GetUnitTypeId(.unit)) == 1 then
            return GetHeroAgi(.unit, bonus)
        elseif MAC_GetMainAttributeById(GetUnitTypeId(.unit)) == 2 then
            return GetHeroInt(.unit, bonus)
        debug else
            debug call BJDebugMsg("|cffFF0000MAC:|r Wrong value of main attribute, it should be 1, 2 or 3." )
        return 0 // Return 0 if Unit is not registered or if Main Attribute is registered wrong.
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------------
    // Get the Integer of the Main Attribute (Blizzlike).
    method getMainAttribute takes nothing returns integer
        if not MAC_Registered(GetUnitTypeId(.unit)) then
            debug call BJDebugMsg("|cffFF0000MAC:|r Trying to getAttribute the main attribute of an unregistered unit.")
            return - 1 // Return -1 because 0, 1 and 2 is used.
        return MAC_GetMainAttributeById(GetUnitTypeId(.unit))
    // --------------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------
    // Completeness, you can easy use the setValue.
    method addValue takes integer howMuch returns nothing
        call .setValue(.getValue(false) + howMuch)
    // --------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------
    // Completeness, you can easy use the setValue.
    method reduceValue takes integer howMuch returns nothing
        call .setValue(.getValue(false) - howMuch)
    // --------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------
    // Completeness, you can easy use the setValue.
    method divideValue takes integer divider returns nothing
        call .setValue(.getValue(false) / divider)
    // --------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------
    // Completeness, you can easy use the setValue.
    method multiplyValue takes integer multiplier returns nothing
        call .setValue(.getValue(false) * multiplier)
    // --------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------
    // Completeness, you can easy use the setValue.
    method percentageValue takes real percent returns nothing
        call .setValue(.getValue(false) + R2I(.getValue(false) * percent))
    // --------------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------------------------
// API for people that don't like to use struct directly.
// ------------------------------------------------------

// Get the value of the Main Attribute.
public function GetValue takes unit whichUnit, boolean bonus returns integer
    return MAC[whichUnit].getValue(bonus)

// Get the Integer of the Main Attribute (Blizzlike).
public function GetMainAttribute takes unit whichUnit returns integer
    return MAC[whichUnit].getMainAttribute()

// Change the main attribute of Unit to any value.
public function SetValue takes unit whichUnit, integer newValue returns nothing
    call MAC[whichUnit].setValue(newValue)

// Completeness, you can easy use the SetValue.
public function AddValue takes unit whichUnit, integer howMuch returns nothing
    call MAC[whichUnit].addValue(howMuch)

// Completeness, you can easy use the SetValue.
public function ReduceValue takes unit whichUnit, integer howMuch returns nothing
    call MAC[whichUnit].reduceValue(howMuch)

// Completeness, you can easy use the SetValue.
public function DivideValue takes unit whichUnit, integer divider returns nothing
    call MAC[whichUnit].divideValue(divider)

// Completeness, you can easy use the SetValue.
public function MultiplyValue takes unit whichUnit, integer multiplier returns nothing
    call MAC[whichUnit].multiplyValue(multiplier)

// Completeness, you can easy use the SetValue.
public function PercentageValue takes unit whichUnit, real percent returns nothing
    call MAC[whichUnit].percentageValue(percent)


Well, this should be easy to understand and if have some question about the system, see the documents or see the TESH bellow.

//      _____ ___ ___ _   _ 
//     |_   _| __/ __| |_| |
//       | | | _|\__ \  _  |
//       |_| |___|___/_| |_| Highlighting:
//                            - MAC by Laiev
//      What is this?
//     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
//          Implementing this allows the TESH syntax highlighter in Jass NewGen
//          to highlight the syntax for this system (and autocomplete the functions).
//      How to import?
//     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
//          Copy this into a blank text file, and save it at:
//          <Your Jass NewGen folder>\tesh\includes\MAC.j

function MAC_SetValue takes unit whichUnit, integer newValue returns nothing
// Set the main attribute of the registered unit to some value

function MAC_GetValue takes unit whichUnit, boolean bonus returns integer
// Get the exactly amount of the main attribute of the registered unit

function MAC_GetMainAttribute takes unit whichUnit returns integer
// Get the main attribute registered in the system of the registered unit
// - 0 = Str
// - 1 = Agi
// - 2 = Int

function MAC_AddValue takes unit whichUnit, integer howMuch returns nothing
// Add the amount of main attribute of the registered unit

function MAC_ReduceValue takes unit whichUnit, integer howMuch returns nothing
// Reduce the amount of main attribute of the registered unit

function MAC_GetMainAttributeById takes integer unitId returns integer
// Get the main attribute registered in the system of the registered unit by id
// - 0 = Str
// - 1 = Agi
// - 2 = Int

function MAC_Registered takes integer unitId returns boolean
// Check if the id of the unit is registered

function MAC_Register takes integer unitId, integer whichAtt returns boolean
// Register the id of some unit in the system

function MAC_DivideValue takes unit whichUnit, integer divider returns nothing
// Divide the Main Attribute of the unit. It change the Main Attribute.

function MAC_MultiplyValue takes unit whichUnit, integer multiplier returns nothing
// Multiply the Main Attribute of the unit. It change the Main Attribute.

function MAC_PercentageValue takes unit whichUnit, real percent returns nothing
// Percentage the Main Attribute of the unit. It change the Main Attribute.

  • Jesus4Lyf - AIDS and Hash function
  • Weep and Sevion - How to auto do it.
  • Vexorian - TimerUtils

- Errors? Fails? Bugs? Suggestions? It will help me to improve it.

  • 1.0 - Release.
  • 1.1 - Now using the optional function in the static if.
  • 2.0 - Rewrited all the system with AIDS Struct, removed the use of group and reduced much the use of globals.
  • 3.0 - Changed the way to register, fixed some mistake and rewrited the system a bit.
  • 4.0 - Changed static variable, added new function to get main attribute by id.
  • 4.1 - Changed the interface language of most functions.
  • 5.0 - Added way to auto-register. Added some configurations. Added three new function (completeness). DivideValue, MultiplyValue and PercentageValue.
  • 5.1 - Removed unused constant. Changed KT2 to TimerUtils. Added fast setting of ATTRIBUTE_(STRENGTH/AGILITY/INTELLIGENCE).
  • 5.2 - Fixed wrong informations at Docs and Added requirement TimerUtils.

Press ESC to add 3 to the Main Attribute of a new Hero, notice that the first time it don't add and will return debug message.
Write '-get' to show the value of the Main Attribute of Last Created Unit.


  • MAC 5.0.w3x
    58.7 KB · Views: 411
  • MAC 5.1.w3x
    54.1 KB · Views: 407


Active Member
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If you have the optional requirement AIDS make use of it:
static if USE_ARRAY and LIBRARY_AIDS then

If I used your system I would change the groups to public. If I have to register my heroes sorted by main-attributes once I don't want to do that twice if I need them somewhere else.

You could add the operator syntax for get/set for bonus cuteness.
// maybe not exactly like this
set MAC[yourhero].base  = X+MAC[yourhero].base
set MAC[yourhero].bonus = X+MAC[yourhero].bonus


Invasion in Duskwood
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And a function to get the primary stat of a hero.

Something like this:

public function GetMain takes unit whichUnit returns integer
    static if USE_ARRAY then
        if IsStrArray[GetUnitId(whichUnit)] then
            return 1
        elseif IsAgiArray[GetUnitId(whichUnit)] then
            return 2
        elseif IsIntArray[GetUnitId(whichUnit)] then
            return 3
        debug else
            debug call BJDebugMsg("|cffFF0000MAC:|r Trying to get the main attribute of an unregistred unit.")
            debug return 0
        if IsUnitInGroup(whichUnit, IsStrGroup) then
            return 1
        elseif IsUnitInGroup(whichUnit, IsAgiGroup) then
            return 2
        elseif IsUnitInGroup(whichUnit, IsIntGroup) then
            return 3
        debug else
            debug call BJDebugMsg("|cffFF0000MAC:|r Trying to get the main attribute of an unregistred unit.")
            debug return 0


Hey Listen!!
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Fixed the first thing, thx :)

about the second, I leave it private to prevent people to add some unit to two group at the same time, doing it the main attribute will always return the group of the first attribute (ie: if you add to int and agi, it always will return agi)

and the third... what do you mean about that?


the function MAC_Get is to get the amount of the main attribute, not some integer value, returning 1/2/3 will not have any sense


Visitor (Welcome to the Jungle, Baby!)
Reaction score
Please use AIDS struct instead.
And, someone did something like this, end up was grayed.
So far, I don't see any useful usage for this library.
This should be based on UnitTypeId, no unit-orientated.


Hey Listen!!
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I don't use AIDS struct to allow people to use other Index System


Invasion in Duskwood
Reaction score
I mean to get the primary stat, and not that how many str do the unit have.

// whichAtt = The main attribute which you'll register to the system
// 1 = Strength
// 2 = Agility
// 3 = Intelligence

Something like this. If it returns 1, then the hero's main attribute is str. If 2 then agi, and if 3 then int. Do you understand me?


Hey Listen!!
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Ya, i understand.

the function Get is based on Get function of Blizzard (GetHeroInt, GetHeroAgi, GetHeroStr) that returns the amount of that attribute

for someone which don't understand Jass is strange to return some fix value since you want the amount of that attribute.

My vision is that an user want the amount of that attribute not that atribute (since you already return the main attribute plus the amount) but of course I can do some function for it.

I'm rewriting some part of the system right now but i'm thinking how i can use ID of the unit instead of the direct unit


Hey Listen!!
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As I said before, i'm rewriting it to do what kingking said |:

It work but I need more tests before change it


Invasion in Duskwood
Reaction score
Maybe you should register the unit types instead of registering any unit with the system, and when someone calls the "MAC_Add" or "MAC_Set" then it gets the hero's main stat, and modifiy it. Using this we don't need any unit array or group, only an integer array.


Hey Listen!!
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because with this system you can manipulate the main attribute directly


yes, i'm doing it... but start to rain and i got a little bug with the new registration way

Set is used to set new value to that attribute, add just add some value to that attribute

probably i'll remove the groups since array is better and more fast, also the option with array and group are here just to people which don't want any index system, but with the new update it'll requires AIDS because the struct

EDIT: v2.0 :)

thx for everyone above for comments and suggestions :)

PS: i'm not sure if i use the AIDS struct right... So... any wrong thing post


Hey Listen!!
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not anymore :x now AIDS is required since now i use struct AIDS

I'm using the AIDS struct right?


Reaction score
AIDS structs are created when the units enters to map, AIDS filters work before of the creation of the struct, so, your filter will be false eveytime:
    private static method AIDS_filter takes unit u returns boolean
        return MAC_Registred (GetUnitTypeId(u))

Because when a unit is created, it isnt MAC_Registred.


Hey Listen!!
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have you read the function Registred?

It is based on unit ID, not on the unit itself...

the AIDS_Filter just check if the id of the entering unit is registred |:


New Member
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i suggest to use native hashing, your current hash it slow and collusion vulnerable.
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