Spellpack Necromancer/Necro Healer


Ultra Cool Member
Reaction score

This is my first spellpack


If you don't want to read all this just scroll down and download the attachement :p

Memory Leaks: No
Import Difficulty: 2/5
A couple of custom icons and abilities

Custom Abilities
-4 normal skill abilities
-2 dummy abilities

2 Dummy units (Those are aura Dummies, that's why there are 2 and not just one)
1 Custom Hero (based on Lich)

4 Custom icons

Health Funnel: 3 (all array)
Mana Greed: 5 (none array)
Aura of Necrohealing: 11 (all array)
Demonic Bloodrain: 9 (all array but one)
Testing: 2
Total: 30

hope this is enough info about the editor..

And now, The spellpack

Skill 1
Health Funnel

Transfers HP of the caster to a target friendly unit

Level 1 - Gives 20 HP to the target; draining 10 HP from the caster
Level 2 - Gives 40 HP to the target; draining 20 HP from the caster
Level 3 - Gives 60 HP to the target; draining 30 HP from the caster



Casting Trigger:
        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Health Funnel 
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to (Player((Integer A)))
                    Then - Actions
                        Set HF_Caster[(Integer A)] = (Triggering unit)
                        Set HF_Target[(Integer A)] = (Target unit of ability being cast)
                        Set HF_HPTrans[(Integer A)] = ((Level of Health Funnel  for HF_Caster[(Integer A)]) x 20)
                    Else - Actions

Transfer Trigger
        Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (HF_Target[(Integer A)] has buff Health Funnel ) Equal to True
                    Then - Actions
                        Unit - Set life of HF_Target[(Integer A)] to ((Life of HF_Target[(Integer A)]) + (Real(HF_HPTrans[(Integer A)])))
                        Unit - Set life of HF_Caster[(Integer A)] to ((Life of HF_Caster[(Integer A)]) - (Real((HF_HPTrans[(Integer A)] / 2))))
                        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                            If - Conditions
                                (Life of HF_Target[(Integer A)]) Equal to (Max life of HF_Target[(Integer A)])
                            Then - Actions
                                Unit - Order HF_Caster[(Integer A)] to Stop
                            Else - Actions
                    Else - Actions


Skill 2
Mana Greed

On each spell casted there is a chance, that a percentage of the used mana will be returned.

Level 1 - 20% chance that 30% of the mana will be returned.
Level 2 - 40% chance that 40% of the mana will be returned.
Level 3 - 60% chance that 50% of the mana will be returned.



Just one for this Ability
        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Level of Mana Greed  for (Triggering unit)) Greater than 0
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to (Player((Integer A)))
                    Then - Actions
                        Set MG_Hero = (Triggering unit)
                        Set MG_LvL = (Level of Mana Greed  for (Triggering unit))
                        Set MG_ManaBefore = (Integer((Mana of (Triggering unit))))
                        Wait 0.05 seconds
                        Set MG_ManaAfter = (Integer((Mana of (Triggering unit))))
                        Wait 0.02 seconds
                        Set MG_ManaAdd = (MG_ManaBefore - MG_ManaAfter)
                        Set MG_ManaAdd = (MG_ManaAdd / 10)
                        Set MG_LvLMult = (2 + MG_LvL)
                        Set MG_ManaAdd = (MG_ManaAdd x MG_LvLMult)
                        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                            If - Conditions
                                (Random integer number between 1 and 5) Less than or equal to MG_LvL
                            Then - Actions
                                Set MG_HeroPos = (Position of MG_Hero)
                                Special Effect - Create a special effect at MG_HeroPos using Abilities\Spells\NightElf\Blink\BlinkCaster.mdl
                                Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                                Unit - Set mana of (Triggering unit) to ((Mana of (Triggering unit)) + (Real(MG_ManaAdd)))
                                Special Effect - Create a special effect at MG_HeroPos using Abilities\Spells\NightElf\Blink\BlinkTarget.mdl
                                Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                                Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_MG_HeroPos)
                            Else - Actions
                    Else - Actions


Skill 3
Aura of Necrohealing

If activated, a friendly unit that dies under effect of the Aura will heal other friendly units which are also under the effect of the Aura.

Level 1 - A quarter of the max health of the dying unit will be spreaded
Level 2 - A half of the max health of the dying unit will be spreaded
Level 3 - The max health of the dying unit will be spreaded


Activate Button

Deactivate Button


Activate Aura trigger
        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Aura of Necrohealing 
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to (Player((Integer A)))
                    Then - Actions
                        Set AS_Hero[(Integer A)] = (Triggering unit)
                        Set AS_HeroPos[(Integer A)] = (Position of (Triggering unit))
                        Unit - Create 1 Dummy (AoN) for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at AS_HeroPos[(Integer A)] facing Default building facing degrees
                        Unit - Hide (Last created unit)
                        Set AS_Dummy[(Integer A)] = (Last created unit)
                        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_AS_HeroPos[bj_forLoopAIndex])
                    Else - Actions

Deactivate Aura trigger
        Time - Every 0.10 seconds of game time
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (AS_Hero[(Integer A)] has buff Aura of Necrohealing Caster ) Equal to True
                    Then - Actions
                        Set AS_HeroPosMove[(Integer A)] = (Position of AS_Hero[(Integer A)])
                        Unit - Move AS_Dummy[(Integer A)] instantly to AS_HeroPosMove[(Integer A)]
                        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_AS_HeroPosMove[bj_forLoopAIndex])
                    Else - Actions
                        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                            If - Conditions
                                AS_Dummy[(Integer A)] Not equal to No unit
                            Then - Actions
                                Unit - Remove AS_Dummy[(Integer A)] from the game
                                Set AS_Dummy[(Integer A)] = No unit
                            Else - Actions

Aura Heal/Damage trigger
        Unit - A unit Dies
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (Owner of (Dying unit)) Equal to (Player((Integer A)))
                    Then - Actions
                        Set AS_MaxHP[(Integer A)] = (Integer((Max life of (Dying unit))))
                        Set AS_DyingUnitPos[(Integer A)] = (Position of (Dying unit))
                        Set AS_TmpGroup1[(Integer A)] = (Units within 800.00 of AS_DyingUnitPos[(Integer A)] matching (((Matching unit) belongs to an ally of (Owner of (Dying unit))) Equal to True))
                        Unit Group - Pick every unit in AS_TmpGroup1[(Integer A)] and do (Actions)
                            Loop - Actions
                                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                                    If - Conditions
                                        (Level of Aura of Necrohealing  for (Picked unit)) Greater than or equal to 1
                                    Then - Actions
                                        Set AS_Hero[(Integer A)] = (Picked unit)
                                        Set AS_HeroPos[(Integer A)] = (Position of AS_Hero[(Integer A)])
                                        Set AS_AbilityLVL[(Integer A)] = (Level of Mana Greed  for AS_Hero[(Integer A)])
                                        Set AS_TmpGroup2[(Integer A)] = (Units within 800.00 of AS_HeroPos[(Integer A)] matching (((Matching unit) has buff Aura of Necrohealing ) Equal to True))
                                        Set AS_UnitCount[(Integer A)] = (Number of units in AS_TmpGroup2[(Integer A)])
                                        Set AS_HpAdd[(Integer A)] = (AS_MaxHP[(Integer A)] / AS_UnitCount[(Integer A)])
                                        If (AS_AbilityLVL[(Integer A)] Equal to 1) then do (Set AS_HpAdd[(Integer A)] = (AS_HpAdd[(Integer A)] / 4)) else do (Do nothing)
                                        If (AS_AbilityLVL[(Integer A)] Equal to 2) then do (Set AS_HpAdd[(Integer A)] = (AS_HpAdd[(Integer A)] / 2)) else do (Do nothing)
                                        If (AS_AbilityLVL[(Integer A)] Equal to 3) then do (Set AS_HpAdd[(Integer A)] = (AS_HpAdd[(Integer A)] / 1)) else do (Do nothing)
                                        Special Effect - Create a special effect at AS_DyingUnitPos[(Integer A)] using Objects\Spawnmodels\Undead\UndeadDissipate\UndeadDissipate.mdl
                                        Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                                        Unit Group - Pick every unit in AS_TmpGroup2[(Integer A)] and do (Actions)
                                            Loop - Actions
                                                Unit - Set life of (Picked unit) to ((Life of (Picked unit)) + (Real(AS_HpAdd[(Integer A)])))
                                                Set AS_PickedUnit[(Integer A)] = (Position of (Picked unit))
                                                Special Effect - Create a special effect at AS_PickedUnit[(Integer A)] using Abilities\Spells\Undead\AnimateDead\AnimateDeadTarget.mdl
                                                Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                                                Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_AS_PickedUnit[bj_forLoopAIndex])
                                        Custom script:   call DestroyGroup(udg_AS_TmpGroup2[bj_forLoopAIndex])
                                    Else - Actions
                        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_AS_HeroPos[bj_forLoopAIndex])
                        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_AS_DyingUnitPos[bj_forLoopAIndex])
                        Custom script:   call DestroyGroup(udg_AS_TmpGroup1[bj_forLoopAIndex])
                    Else - Actions


Demonic Bloodrain

Causes a rain of blood to pour down in a large area,
healing friendly allied units for 20 HP per second and
damages enemy units for 10 HP per second. Lasts 60 seconds.



Casting Trigger
        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Demonic Bloodrain 
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to (Player((Integer A)))
                    Then - Actions
                        Set DB_Caster[(Integer A)] = (Triggering unit)
                        Set DB_CastPoint[(Integer A)] = (Position of (Triggering unit))
                        Set DB_TmpGroup[(Integer A)] = (Units within 800.00 of DB_CastPoint[(Integer A)])
                        Unit - Create 1 Dummy (DB) for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at DB_CastPoint[(Integer A)] facing Default building facing degrees
                        Unit - Hide (Last created unit)
                        Set DB_Dummy[(Integer A)] = (Last created unit)
                        Wait until ((Current order of (Triggering unit)) Not equal to (Order(tranquility))), checking every 0.10 seconds
                        Set DB_Caster[(Integer A)] = No unit
                        Custom script:   call DestroyGroup(udg_DB_TmpGroup[(bj_forLoopAIndex)])
                        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_DB_CastPoint[(bj_forLoopAIndex)])
                    Else - Actions

Dummy Remove Trigger
        Time - Every 0.10 seconds of game time
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (Current order of DB_Caster[(Integer A)]) Equal to (Order(tranquility))
                    Then - Actions
                        Set DB_CastPointMov[(Integer A)] = (Position of DB_Caster[(Integer A)])
                        Unit - Move DB_Dummy[(Integer A)] instantly to DB_CastPointMov[(Integer A)]
                        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_DB_CastPointMov[bj_forLoopAIndex])
                    Else - Actions
                        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                            If - Conditions
                                DB_Dummy[(Integer A)] Not equal to No unit
                            Then - Actions
                                Unit - Remove DB_Dummy[(Integer A)] from the game
                                Set DB_Dummy[(Integer A)] = No unit
                            Else - Actions

Heal/Damage timer trigger
        Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit Group - Pick every unit in DB_TmpGroup[(Integer A)] and do (Actions)
                    Loop - Actions
                        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                            If - Conditions
                                ((Picked unit) belongs to an ally of (Owner of DB_Caster[(Integer A)])) Equal to True
                                ((Picked unit) has buff Demonic Bloodrain ) Equal to True
                            Then - Actions
                                Set DB_HPChange[(Integer A)] = 20
                                Set DB_HPSet[(Integer A)] = ((Integer((Life of (Picked unit)))) + DB_HPChange[(Integer A)])
                                Unit - Set life of (Picked unit) to (Real(DB_HPSet[(Integer A)]))
                            Else - Actions
                        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                            If - Conditions
                                ((Picked unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of DB_Caster[(Integer A)])) Equal to True
                                ((Picked unit) has buff Demonic Bloodrain ) Equal to True
                            Then - Actions
                                Set DB_HPChange[(Integer A)] = 10
                                Set DB_HPSet[(Integer A)] = ((Integer((Life of (Picked unit)))) - DB_HPChange[(Integer A)])
                                Unit - Set life of (Picked unit) to (Real(DB_HPSet[(Integer A)]))
                            Else - Actions

Coloring Trigger
        Time - Every 0.10 seconds of game time
        Set DB_TmpGroupMAP = (Units in (Playable map area))
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in DB_TmpGroupMAP and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        ((Picked unit) has buff Demonic Bloodrain ) Equal to True
                    Then - Actions
                        Animation - Change (Picked unit)'s vertex coloring to (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) with 20.00% transparency
                    Else - Actions
                        Animation - Change (Picked unit)'s vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 0.00% transparency
        For each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (Current order of DB_Caster[(Integer A)]) Equal to (Order(tranquility))
                        (Level of Demonic Bloodrain  for DB_Caster[(Integer A)]) Greater than 0
                    Then - Actions
                        Set DB_EffectPoint[(Integer A)] = (DB_CastPoint[(Integer A)] offset by (Random real number between 0.00 and 800.00) towards (Random angle) degrees)
                        Special Effect - Create a special effect at DB_EffectPoint[(Integer A)] using Objects\Spawnmodels\Orc\Orcblood\BattrollBlood.mdl
                        Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_DB_EffectPoint[bj_forLoopAIndex])
                    Else - Actions
        Custom script:   call DestroyGroup(udg_DB_TmpGroupMAP)



I know it's a lot of information, but I hope to get some feedback
If i have forgotten something plz notify me then i can change/add it

I'll be off for today so I'll read replies tomorrow


Changed Health Funnel icon
Changed name to Dark Priest
Changed proper name to Krin


  • [Spellpack] Dark Priest.w3x
    91.6 KB · Views: 799


Ultra Cool Member
Reaction score
I have something to say! :D

That first spell, isnt it possible with Life Drain?

I mean if you put negatives on...


Ultra Cool Member
Reaction score
Don't think so cuz the HP that is added is then the same as the HP that is drained.. And i have that the caster 20HP gives and that drains 10HP on the caster get it? Those aren't the same values and in the object editor there is only one editable box for those values

But i still don't have any comments about if people like it or not...
Plz i really would like some feedback



Ultra Cool Member
Reaction score
I know what it means... But doing this

DATA - HP Drained = -20
DATA - Bonus Life Factor = -10


Ultra Cool Member
Reaction score
you have tested that? cuz when i did that (before creating the ability in triggers) it didn't work..

Anyway.. even if it is correct what you say, it would still be nice if you can say if you like the spellpack yes or no and why etc :)



Ultra Cool Member
Reaction score
you have tested that? cuz when i did that (before creating the ability in triggers) it didn't work..

Anyway.. even if it is correct what you say, it would still be nice if you can say if you like the spellpack yes or no and why etc :)


Did you turn off (Disable Negative Variables in Object Editor) from the Preference..


New Member
Reaction score
I tested your spells, and I find them pretty nice, but there is a lot of thing missing/not done correctly.

First : Health Funnel, nice idea, but the binded key is said to be "F" but it is "E"

Second : Mana Greed, nice icon, but there is no DISBTN of it and no special effect =(.

Third : Aura of Necrohealing, nice idea and nice activated icon, but there is still no DISBTN icon (for the activated icon), and I think a special effect for the healing would be useful (to see it worked without pressing alt or selecting).

Fourth & Final : Demonic Bloodrain, nice idea again, nice effect, and no DISBTN again.

For the DISBTN icons u just need to add a 50% black layer on ur image.



Ultra Cool Member
Reaction score
I tested your spells, and I find them pretty nice, but there is a lot of thing missing/not done correctly.

First : Health Funnel, nice idea, but the binded key is said to be "F" but it is "E"

Second : Mana Greed, nice icon, but there is no DISBTN of it and no special effect =(.

Third : Aura of Necrohealing, nice idea and nice activated icon, but there is still no DISBTN icon (for the activated icon), and I think a special effect for the healing would be useful (to see it worked without pressing alt or selecting).

Fourth & Final : Demonic Bloodrain, nice idea again, nice effect, and no DISBTN again.

For the DISBTN icons u just need to add a 50% black layer on ur image.


Thx for the compliments
Gonna fix the problems now

EDIT: Fixed all... changed Hotkey,new special effects and DISBTN Icons for all abilities



Special Member
Reaction score
Demonic Bloodrain

The 'And - All (conds)' isn't needed here, or in any part of your triggers to be exact.
All conditions must be true for the 'then - actions' to execute anyway.
And - All (Conditions) are true
        ((Picked unit) belongs to an ally of (Owner of DB_Caster[(Integer A)])) Equal to True
        ((Picked unit) has buff Demonic Bloodrain ) Equal to True

Unit Group - Pick every unit in DB_TmpGroupMAP and do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions
        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                ((Picked unit) has buff Demonic Bloodrain ) Equal to True
            Then - Actions
                Animation - Change (Picked unit)'s vertex coloring to (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) with 20.00% transparency
            Else - Actions
        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                ((Picked unit) has buff Demonic Bloodrain ) Equal to False
            Then - Actions
                Animation - Change (Picked unit)'s vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 0.00% transparency
            Else - Actions
Can simply be..
Unit Group - Pick every unit in DB_TmpGroupMAP and do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions
        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                ((Picked unit) has buff Demonic Bloodrain ) Equal to True
            Then - Actions
                Animation - Change (Picked unit)'s vertex coloring to (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) with 20.00% transparency
            Else - Actions
                Animation - Change (Picked unit)'s vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 0.00% transparency

Aura of Necrohealing
Then - Actions
    Set AS_Hero[(Integer A)] = (Triggering unit)
    Set AS_HeroPos[(Integer A)] = (Position of (Triggering unit))
    Unit - Create 1 Dummy (AoN) for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at AS_HeroPos[(Integer A)] facing Default building facing degrees
    Unit - Hide (Last created unit)
    Set AS_Dummy[(Integer A)] = (Last created unit)
AS_HeroPos is never removed after use here - remove it with CS.

Mana Greed

If the waits in this trigger were to be removed, it would make it MUI.
Yes - MUI.
Then - Actions
    Set MG_Hero = (Triggering unit)
    Set MG_LvL = (Level of Mana Greed  for (Triggering unit))
    Set MG_ManaBefore = (Integer((Mana of (Triggering unit))))
    Wait 0.05 seconds
    Set MG_ManaAfter = (Integer((Mana of (Triggering unit))))
    Wait 0.02 seconds
    Set MG_ManaAdd = (MG_ManaBefore - MG_ManaAfter)
    Set MG_ManaAdd = (MG_ManaAdd / 10)
    Set MG_LvLMult = (2 + MG_LvL)
    Set MG_ManaAdd = (MG_ManaAdd x MG_LvLMult)
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        If - Conditions
            (Random integer number between 1 and 5) Less than or equal to MG_LvL
        Then - Actions
            Set MG_HeroPos = (Position of MG_Hero)
            Special Effect - Create a special effect at MG_HeroPos using Abilities\Spells\NightElf\Blink\BlinkCaster.mdl
            Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
            Unit - Set mana of (Triggering unit) to ((Mana of (Triggering unit)) + (Real(MG_ManaAdd)))
            Special Effect - Create a special effect at MG_HeroPos using Abilities\Spells\NightElf\Blink\BlinkTarget.mdl
            Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
            Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_MG_HeroPos)
        Else - Actions

You need to include some Implementation instructions to give a bit of help to other people who want to import
your spells into their maps.

Great for first time.


Ultra Cool Member
Reaction score
First of all thx for the feedback


Demonic Bloodrain: Fixed

Aura of Necrohealing: Fixed

Mana Greed: I know that if the waits are removed it is MUI, the problem is that this isn't possible.. I need to determine how much the mana cost was to give it back.. It's a procent of the Mana from the casted spell. The only way (according to my findings) is that to determine the mana before and mana after the casting. That's why there need to be a wait..

Implementation instructions: will do soon

Anyway, thx for the feedback(yes again:D ) (+rep)
and one question: "Great for first time", but did you liked the spells or not..



Happy[ExtremelyOverCommercializ ed]HolidaysEveryon
Reaction score
Nice Spellpack, but 'Mana Greed' doesn't seem like a Warlock spell to me.

When I get home I will download it and test it for more feedback =]


Back from the dead...
Reaction score
Nice Spellpack, but 'Mana Greed' doesn't seem like a Warlock spell to me.

When I get home I will download it and test it for more feedback =]

For me, it was Health Funnel, as Necromancers doesn't are healers :p

+Rep for submission. Mana Greed as MUI should be great.


Special Member
Reaction score
Checked the updated map.

-> You need to add an expiration timer to your dummy units, otherwise they'll leak.
-> "And - All (Conditions) are true" statements aren't needed, as I've already explained why. Remove them.

All other stuff seems to be fine.

Oh, and btw, 5 star rating.


Ultra Cool Member
Reaction score
-> You need to add an expiration timer to your dummy units, otherwise they'll leak

But they are all removed, not in the same trigger, but still they are removed

-> "And - All (Conditions) are true" statements aren't needed, as I've already explained why. Remove them


Oh, and btw, 5 star rating
thx m8 :D

+Rep for submission. Mana Greed as MUI should be great.

thx dude and if you want to make it MUI you will need jass and as seen that i suck at jass it will not come from me:p

Nice Spellpack, but 'Mana Greed' doesn't seem like a Warlock spell to me
thx and it isn't a warlock :p (speaking of which.. i'm busy with a Warlock Spellpack (almost done))

For me, it was Health Funnel, as Necromancers doesn't are healers
well then most things aren't right as seen as all skills are healing/restoration skills :p

anyway thx for all the feedback guys. Appreciate it :D



New Member
Reaction score
so are they fixed

so ppl noticed some errors in these spell so are they fixed in the map posted or no, how would i make bloodrain into 3 lvls if possible could u put a trigger up for that plz


New Member
Reaction score
awesome, just what i needed, i created a map where the necromancer had to be a healer, no priests no pallys, only dark classes :p

ty it was exactly what i been looking for
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