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The Helper

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Simple Egg Salad

Bachelor food forever.- what you can do with eggs I have to repeat this to add the tuna part

6 hard boiled eggs
Kraft salad dressing or mayonnaise
Sweet pickle relish
Salt and pepper and garlic powder to taste.

Peel and mash boiled eggs very well. Add pickle relish (for us usually 2
tablespoons) Add salad dressing, 1 tablespoon at a time until you have
desired consistancy that you want. We usually put 4 tablespoons. Note: If
you want; cut eggs in half longways. Place the yolk, relish, and salad
dressing in bowl and mix together very well. Spoon mixture into white of
egg. Sprinkle with paparika. Note: we have also mixed a little salmon or
tuna fish in with the egg salad for variety. Note: Fry a few strips of
bacon crispy and crumble into egg salad. Add your favorite wafers,
saltines, crusty bread for spreading the egg salad onto.

For Tuna Salad just add 2 cans of your regular canned tuna to this. Also add up to a quarter cup mustard to taste.

See all the Recipes!
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suga suga how'd you get so fly?
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for all of u that likes macas of whatever with good burgers and chips heres what u do when u have chips and burger together
U need:
coke :D

first take the bread on the top off the buger
than take out anything u dont want inside the burger e.g. tomatos
than have a sip of coke and put some chips INTO the burger
put the top piece of bread back on
have another sip of coke and eat ur chips BURGER

banana milk shake (suggested when parents are not home)

what U need:
AND add anything u want after the milk shake

first put milk+ice-cream in
then shake it up maybe singin the song shake it up baby now (shake it up baby) twist and shout (twist and shout) well cmon cmon now baby (shake it up baby) twist and shout... dunno if u know that song but i use to sing it in yr 4
add banana(squash in mashs) shake it up

hope it taste good....


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Experimented to Perfection: Tito Wraps

What you need-
One piece of thin deli-sliced turkey [or ham] (for each one you want)
Block of Sharp Cheddar cheese
Toaster Oven
Cutting Board
Sharp Knife

1) Lay out a piece of your Turkey on the cutting board
2) Cut a moderately-sized chunk of cheese, about 1 inch by 1 inch
3) Wrap Turkey around cheese, hold in place with toothpick
4) Sprinkle small amount of salt on the wrap
5) Place in Toaster Oven and set to Medium setting
6) Remove wraps after timer ends and let cool on the Cutting board
7) Wait until wrap has cooled to a luke-warm
8) Put back in the Toaster Oven and set to Low setting
9) Repeat 6,7, and 8 until Turkey is crispy, but
do not over-do it and do not leave it in too long in one time

The Helper

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Well, I got this idea from my SOF II clan. There, AngelBitch, whos the owner of the clan, has made a sub-forum for cooking alone. It's called "Sweet Talk With NG!". Her being a mother (And TS having verified that), she likes to cook, and I got some really good recipes from her :D

So... I decided to make a thread here, for recipes! :D

I have made two at my clan website today, I guess I will post them here to start. I hope I did them right :) Please post some of your recipes for yummy desserts/foods!


Banana Bread:


1 Cup White Sugar.
1/2 Cup Salad Oil (Half).
2 eggs, beater.
3 ripe bananas, mashed.
2 Cups flour.
1 Tsp Baking Soda.
1/2 Tsp Salt (Half).
1/4 Cups Orange Juice (Fourth).
1/2 Baking Powder (Half).


Cook in oven on 350 Degrees for +40 minutes. Use own judgement for time to take out.


If made correctly, which I hope you do :)D), creates two yummy loaves of Banana Bread.

My recipe for pancakes! :D

Ingrediants and Method

2 Cups Flour.
1 Tsp Salt.
4 Tsp Baking Powder.
3 Tbsp Sugar.

Next, mix these together, in a SPERATE bowl.

2 Eggs.
2 Cups Milk.
2 Tbsp Oil.
3 Tsp Vanilla.

Once you have those two things ready and mixed (Still in their seperate bowls), mix those two together, and their you go. Your batter. Make sure you have a large enough bowl :p

You all know how to cook the pancakes, of course! If you don't where have you been your whole life?


If made correctly, you will be saying mmm pancakes.

But from now on, anyone that got their recipe from a website, next time try to get it from a family recipe or something. Anyone can get good recipes, but not everyone can learn the secret to a recipe passed down through the family, or something along those lines. :D
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The Helper

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Bacon Cheeseburger Puffs

  • 1/2 pound ground Chuck (80/20) ( I use lean ground beef)
  • 1 1/2 cups biscuit/baking mix (I used Bisquick)
  • 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 3 oz bacon pieces
  • 6-7 tablespoons buttermilk
  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • In a skillet, cook and crumble ground beef until no longer pink; drain.
  • In a bowl, combine biscuit mix, bacon and cheese; stir in cooked beef.
  • Add buttermilk and toss with a fork until just moistened.
  • Shape into 1-1/2-in. balls.
  • Place 2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheets.
  • Bake for 12-15 minutes or until puffed and golden brown.
  • Cool on wire racks.
Baked puffs may be frozen and to reheated at 400 degrees for 7-9 minutes or until heated through. No need to thaw first!
Thanks Anita Roberts !!

See all the Recipes in the Recipes Index!
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Oh Shi.. Don't wake the tiger!
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Looks pretty tasteful. But will probably even work without bacon. Yes?

The Helper

Necromancy Power over 9000
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Tortilla Dog

The perfect bachelor food under 3 minutes to make.

2 hot dogs, 1 large flour tortilla, 1 slice cheese, mustard, relish, mayo, etc

Nuke the hot dogs wrapped in a paper towell for a minute.

Lay Tortilla flat and divide cheese slice and lay divided sides in the middle of the tortilla so but do not go all the way to the end on both sides

Cut Hot Dogs in half lengthwise and put on cheese in middle of tortilla. Add Mustard, and any other toppings then roll the tortilla up. Put on a plate or wrap in paper towell and Nuke for 30 seconds to a minute. Let cool and go on with it.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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Clams and Pasta (actual food, not whatever the fuck else this shit on the list is)

This is a fairly quick dish, ten minutes, minus the time it takes to cook the pasta and clams if those aren't done, so probably about twenty total and tops if you have took everything. Cook clams by any method (Google it); it only takes a few minutes if you get them raw. Cost varies a lot depending on if you get fresh ingredients, seasons, and where you live. Shouldn't be more than like ten dollars for the plate (unless you're getting expensive ingredients or way out of the prime for cost), but you'll likely have to buy a hell of a lot more than just the amount for this, which I have no clue on. I usually make this kind of shit at work where I don't have to buy anything.


Butter, ideally clarified
Garlic, minced
Herb blend of oregano, parsley, thyme, and whatever else seems like a good idea to mix in. Rough chopped is fine
White wine
Lemon juice
Tomatoes, diced
Shredded Parmesan
Clams, probably about four to six ounces in shells (I usually get them pre-cooked and frozen, easier). Out of shell, you only need like two, but you can always use more if desired, just make sure to scale everything else if going overboard..
Pasta, about five to six ounces (I prefer cavatappi for these kinds of dishes, but a capellini or something would be good too. Linguine is common as well, but I just don't like it for light oil based sauces).

Fire up a medium to large saucepan, add about two ounces of butter. Melt if solid; heat if clarified. Oil CAN suffice if necessary, but it's not preferable. Be sure not to burn it, you don't need to get this that hot, medium to med hi heat will suffice if you're not good with the stove, but watch it. Throw in a bit of garlic, two or three teaspoons, with about half the amount of herb blend with a small hand of tomatoes. Saute for a few minutes, and deglaze with wine and lemon juice. Throw in another few tablespoons of tomatoes, add in cooked clams and pasta, toss until well blended. Cover for a few minutes until liquid has reduced sufficiently (really shouldn't be much more than a light dressing over the pasta and clams) and is hot. Top with Parmesan and herbs, serve hot. Don't eat the clam shells.

This will serve one. Scale accordingly.

EDIT: This would probably cost a minimum of 20 to 30 dollars an alright restaurant (the lower class of the type that would serve this kind of thing where you get oddly burned bread on the side), and upwards of fifty if you're looking at the 'reservation is appreciated' type.

ANOTHER EDIT: You can also throw in a dash of heavy cream with the pasta, and reduce it down, to get a really nice and creamy pasta with it. Don't use milk, it will probably curdle with the lemon juice in here. Heavy cream will be fine. Add the cream second to last, with the clams being the last thing after the cream has reduced. Maybe toss in a little more lemon juice after the clams, but it shouldn't be necessary.

If you do use cream, keep the temperature low, below 200 degrees, ideally at 150 to 175 or so. Higher than that and you risk curdling the cream (very bad) or having the sauce separate (also bad). If you do fuck up you can temper it to try and fix it, but the best way is definitely to just not do it, it's not always easy to fix cream sauces and you might just waste a bunch of time and money.

And an interesting note, if you happen to be able to get camel's milk (which I doubt you will; I'd imagine it's really fucking expensive even if you do), I've been told it doesn't curdle.
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And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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Caesar Chicken Pita

Here's another decent recipe that is a fairly healthy choice that can be done fairly cheaply. I, again, don't have prices, as I don't pay attention to that when shopping really (I do, but I mean I buy whatever the fuck I want, as I'm not on a college budget yet so I have some excess money and don't really notice prices, as my house pretty much just has the same things in it constantly, and also work in a pretty well stocked kitchen for most of the day where I make myself whatever the hell I want, but I'll try to work on it; I'm sure that money is a concern for some people here and they aren't going to want to spend a lot on regular meals at home). I'll also start to try and take pictures of them as well sometime, since that's always a beneficial addition.

Ingredient List:

Romaine Lettuce (about a quarter head, maybe an eighth head depending on the size of it)
Parmesan (I use a lot of Parmesan, but I love cheese. A good handful is really necessary)
Caesar Dressing (this can be made but I don't think that would save money and isn't fun)
Chicken Breasts (about four or five ounces raw is what I use, two small breasts)
Lemon Juice or a Lemon (a lime will suffice if in a pinch; you don't need much)
Bacon (optional, but a good addition. Two average sized slices will suffice, but three is best because I love to snack on a nice piece of bacon while cooking)
Spinach (just a small handful, probably twenty leaves or less would suffice)
Shredded Cabbage (a small pinch works, or else it overpowers. I prefer green cabbage, but that's personal, if you really like red go with it. If you hate cabbage, exclude it)
Salt and Pepper
Pita (five or six inch diameter is a good size; it'll be stuffed, so you might need to scale the ingredients up or down depending on how big or small you have, and how much you can actually get into it before it breaks. Use some judgement, you don't want to pack it to the point of breaking, but it'll probably happen a few times anyway. It can be difficult to stuff a pita).

Cook the chicken in your preferred manner. I prefer to grill it, but that may not be an option. Small breasts CAN be microwaved and cooked, but it's kind of gross to me, but some people don't mind. I would say that is a last and desperate resort and I don't think anyone would argue; go get a small propane camping grill if you don't have a range or oven to cook it in. You want the chicken to be nice and moist. Other than a grill, I would say your next best option would be to just fry it in a lightly oiled pan, I would slice it first. After cooked, dice into small pieces.

Quarter your romaine head if you have a full one, and chop up for a salad (small sections, maybe inch by an inch leaves or so). If it looks like it's going to be too much to shove into a pita, use less obviously. I like to grill mine, but it's totally optional (if you have access to aforementioned camping grill or a grill pan or something, throw the quarter head on there before chopping, or just romaine leaves if you only have those. You're trying to get some good grill marks on there, it'll wilt slightly. Don't cook it too much, or else it won't have that crisp bite to it. Brush it with olive oil or something for good results, but not totally necessary).

Rough chop your spinach and (cooked) bacon (I prefer to dice my bacon into little bits, but whatever, it's bacon, it's awesome any way you have it). If you want you can cook your chicken in your bacon grease; I've never done that, but I bet it would be good.

Throw the chicken, romaine, spinach, bacon, Parmesan, and cabbage into a bowl, and toss a little to mix it up. Add in the Caesar dressing (you don't need very much Caesar, you really only want to get a nice, thin coating on the salad mix. If you add too much, it really overpowers the whole thing and tastes like total shit, it's fucking gross, don't be liberal with Caesar, it's not a ranch or blue cheese). A small dash of lemon juice will suffice, or squeeze in half of a ripe lemon. Toss it all together, salt and pepper to taste.

The tricky part is stuffing it into the pita. I make this all the time and still fuck up many a pita trying to get it all in there. The easiest way to do it would be to throw the pita into a microwave for ten or fifteen seconds to get it warm and soften it up, and cut it in half. You should be able to pop it open, and then just stuff the salad mix into the two halves.

I like to throw the pita down onto a grill to get some nice marks on it, maybe give it a light coating of butter or oil to help it (not much, or else it'll get soggy; if you nuked it, it's already going to be a bit soft, so watch it. It shouldn't take long). A toaster oven or something will also work for this part, the goal is to just toast it very slightly and crisp it up.

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Fuckin' Dank Chocolate Brownies:

- 1 Cup ghee, melted (browned butter, strained) [measure by volume]
- 1 ice cube of coffee concentrate, or 1 tbsp. and 1 tsp. espresso powder
- ~2.25 Cups white sugar [425 g]
- 4 eggs, room temperature
- 10-12 oz. bittersweet chocolate chips, best you can easily get (approx. 1 bag)
- 3/4 Cup Natural Cocoa Powder (Ghirardelli makes good natural cocoa) [75g]
- ~1.5 Cups all-purpose flour (160g)
- 1/3 tsp. baking soda
- Salt Grinder
- Deep Cake Pan
- Wax Paper
- 1 Tbsp. Milk Powder (optional but recommended)

1. Start by putting about a pound of butter into a deep saucepan on high heat. Add the milk powder if available before the butter finishes melting. Stir constantly as butter melts and then boils. Continue stirring until the bits of milk powder and butterfat brown. When the bits are about 10% dark brown, 80% very dark brown and 10% black you should take it off the heat and immediately remove it to a different heat-proof container. Allow to cool and finish the infusion process for about 10 minutes, then strain into measuring cup until you have 1 Cup of liquid ghee. Set the over to 350 degrees F.

2. While ghee is sitting, place the coffee concentrate into a small saucepan, cover and set on high. When it first starts to bubble, remove from heat and add immediately to the ghee. (If using espresso powder, add it to the ghee without introducing any other heat source.) Pour the hot ghee/coffee mixture into a mixing bowl and add the cocoa powder. Make sure it's still hot, as the heat from the mixture will help separate the remaining cocoa butter from the solids, providing a deeper chocolate flavor to the end product.

3. Add sugar about 3/4 Cup at a time. Stir until fully incorporated into the mix, adding more in the same fashion until it has all has been mixed in. A wooden spoon or a hand mixer both work equally well for all the mixing involved. Add eggs (remember, room temperature will work best) one at a time, fully incorporating into the mix before adding the next.

4. Mix flour, baking soda and about 5 twists of your salt grinder in a separate dish. Add this mixture to the egg mixture in three parts so as to avoid losing any of the flour due to hard mixing. Once fully incorporated, add the chocolate chips and stir them in.

5. Grease cake pan on the inside bottom and sides. Cut wax paper to fit the bottom of the cake pan and coat the sides of the pan with cocoa powder if you have any to spare. Twist two turns of salt onto the wax paper and pour the batter into the pan. Twist two more turns of salt onto the top of the brownies and place in over for 30 minutes without opening. At 30 minutes, turn the pan 180 degrees and return to the over for 25 minutes. After that, check with a toothpick every 5 minutes until it reaches the desired consistency. A toothpick inserted into the brownie (not into a chocolate chip, mind you) should have a very small amount of brownie crumbs stuck to it, but it should not be completely clean. Again, you may have to check 2 or 3 times if you accidentally hit a chocolate chip.

6. The hardest part. Once finished, cut along the edge carefully until the sides are completely apart from the brownie. Put a plate upside-down over the top of the pan and flip the brownie onto the plate. Then, flip onto a cooling rack or a cake dish and allow to sit for at least 18 hours. Yeah, 18 hours. Sucks when you want a brownie fresh out the oven, but for some reason these need to sit for that length of time in order to achieve their pinnacle. They can be cut into wedges or squares or however you like them.
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2D-Graphics enthusiast
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I dont use recipes, I just put whatever I have at the moment in a pan and see what I can make of it.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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Recipes only are necessary if you don't know what your making. Once you know the basic process and understand flavor your good.


Oh Shi.. Don't wake the tiger!
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Recipes is not just "preparing a particular dish" It could give you, new ideas !


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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Then you don't need a recipe, you need a better idea.
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