Spell Optic Blast


FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
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Optic Blast is more or less [pretty much =)] a clone of the Starcraft 2's Colossus Thermal Lance attack.
The underlying struct requires feeding it some points and other data after that it caries the actions.

Required libraries:


//! zinc

library opticblast requires TimerUtils, GroupUtils, LightningRecycle, TimedEffect
    constant integer    ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT                = 4;
    constant real       BEAM_MOVEMENT_UPDATES_PER_SECOND = 32;
    constant string     DEFAULT_SOUND_LOCATION           = "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\AerialShackles\\MagicLariatLoop1.wav";
    constant string     DEFAULT_EFFECT_LOCATION          = "Abilities\\Weapons\\SpiritOfVengeanceMissile\\SpiritOfVengeanceMissile.mdl";
    constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE                      = ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL;
    constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE                      = DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL;

    location loc = Location(0, 0);
    unit     tmpu = null;

    boolexpr filter;
    function targets_allowed() -> boolean
        unit u = GetFilterUnit();
        boolean b;
        b = IsUnitEnemy(u, GetOwningPlayer(tmpu));

        return b;

    struct sounddata
        sound s;

    function StopLoopingSoundTimed()
        timer t = GetExpiredTimer();
        sounddata sd = GetTimerData(t);
        StopSound(sd.s, false, false);

    function PlayLoopingSoundTimed(string file_location, real x, real y, real z, real duration, integer volume)
        timer t = NewTimer();
        sounddata sd = sounddata.create();
        sound s = CreateSound(file_location, true, true, true, 10, 10, "SpellsEAX");
        SetSoundVolume(s, volume);
        SetSoundDistances(s, 2000, 2000);
        /*SetSoundDistanceCutoff(s, 2000);*/
        SetSoundPosition(s, x, y, z);
        sd.s = s;
        SetTimerData(t, sd);
        TimerStart(t, duration, false, function StopLoopingSoundTimed);

    function dummy()

    public struct opticblast

        lightning beam[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];
        real      beam_distance_from_hit_to_move_to[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];
        real      beam_traveled_distance[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];
        real      t[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];
        real      t_inc[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];
        integer   slowest_beam_index;
        timer     executefuncer;
        group     damaged_units;

        unit   caster;
        widget target;

        string beam_model[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];

        real beam_start_x[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];
        real beam_start_y[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];
        real beam_start_z[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];

        real beam_hit_x[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];
        real beam_hit_y[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];

        real beam_move_to_x[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];
        real beam_move_to_y[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];

        real beam_duration[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];

        integer beam_count;
        boolean play_sound;
        string  sound_location = "";

        boolean beam_spawn_effect[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];
        string  beam_effect_location[ENERGY_BEAM_COUNT];

        real beam_hit_radius = 0;
        real damage          = 0;

        method setup()
            integer i    = 0;
            real    dx   = 0;
            real    dy   = 0;
            real    highest_duration = 0;
            integer highest_duration_index = 0;

            PauseUnit(caster, true);
            for (0 <= i < beam_count)
                t<i> = 0;
                t_inc<i> = 1.0 / (beam_duration<i> * BEAM_MOVEMENT_UPDATES_PER_SECOND);

                dx = beam_move_to_x<i> - beam_hit_x<i>;
                dy = beam_move_to_y<i> - beam_hit_y<i>;
                beam_distance_from_hit_to_move_to<i> = SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy);

                if (highest_duration &lt; beam_duration<i>)
                    highest_duration = beam_duration<i>;
                    highest_duration_index = i;

                beam<i> = GetLightning(GetLightningIdByCodeName(beam_model<i>));
                MoveLightningEx(beam<i>, false, beam_start_x<i>, beam_start_y<i>, beam_start_z<i>, beam_hit_x<i>, beam_hit_y<i>, 0);
            slowest_beam_index = highest_duration_index;

            damaged_units = NewGroup();
            executefuncer = NewTimer();
            SetTimerData(executefuncer, this);
            TimerStart(executefuncer, 1.0 / BEAM_MOVEMENT_UPDATES_PER_SECOND, true, function dummy);

            if (play_sound)
                dx = GetWidgetX(target);
                dy = GetWidgetY(target);
                MoveLocation(loc, dx, dy);
                if (sound_location == &quot;&quot; || sound_location == null)
                    PlayLoopingSoundTimed(DEFAULT_SOUND_LOCATION, dx, dy, GetLocationZ(loc), beam_duration[slowest_beam_index], 100);
                    PlayLoopingSoundTimed(sound_location, dx, dy, GetLocationZ(loc), beam_duration[slowest_beam_index], 100);
        method exe()
            integer i = 0;
            real    x = 0;
            real    y = 0;

            for (0 &lt;= i &lt; beam_count)
                t<i> = t<i> + t_inc<i>;
                if (t<i> &gt; 1)
                    if (beam<i> != null)
                        RecycleLightning(beam<i>, GetLightningIdByCodeName(beam_model<i>));
                        beam<i> = null;
                    x = beam_hit_x<i> + t<i> * (beam_move_to_x<i> - beam_hit_x<i>);
                    y = beam_hit_y<i> + t<i> * (beam_move_to_y<i> - beam_hit_y<i>);

                    MoveLocation(loc, x, y);
                    MoveLightningEx(beam<i>, false, beam_start_x<i>, beam_start_y<i>, beam_start_z<i>, x, y, GetLocationZ(loc));

                    beam_traveled_distance<i> = beam_traveled_distance<i> + t_inc<i> * beam_distance_from_hit_to_move_to<i>;
                    // if (ModuloReal(beam_traveled_distance<i>, beam_hit_radius) &lt;= 16)
                    // { 
                            tmpu = caster;
                            GroupEnumUnitsInArea(ENUM_GROUP, x, y, beam_hit_radius, filter);
                            tmpu = FirstOfGroup(ENUM_GROUP);
                            while (tmpu != null)
                                if (!IsUnitInGroup(tmpu, damaged_units))
                                    UnitDamageTarget(caster, tmpu, damage, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE, DAMAGE_TYPE, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS);
                                    GroupAddUnit(damaged_units, tmpu);
                                GroupRemoveUnit(ENUM_GROUP, tmpu);
                                tmpu = FirstOfGroup(ENUM_GROUP);
                    // }

                    // if (ModuloReal(beam_traveled_distance<i>, 32.0) &lt;= 8)
                    // {
                        if (beam_spawn_effect<i>)
                            if (beam_effect_location<i> == &quot;&quot; || beam_effect_location<i> == null)
                                AddSpecialEffectTimed(DEFAULT_EFFECT_LOCATION, x, y, beam_duration[slowest_beam_index] * (1 - t[slowest_beam_index]));
                                AddSpecialEffectTimed(beam_effect_location<i>, x, y, beam_duration[slowest_beam_index] * (1 - t[slowest_beam_index]));
                    // }

                if (t[slowest_beam_index] &gt; 1)
                    i = beam_count; // break;
        method stop()
            PauseUnit(caster, false);
    function spell_optic_blast() -&gt; boolean
        opticblast ob;
        unit       caster;
        real       cx;
        real       cy;
        unit       target;
        real       tx;
        real       ty;
        real       dx;
        real       dy;
        real       dirx;
        real       diry;
        real       dist;
        real       line_length;

        caster  = GetEventDamageSource();

        if (GetUnitName(caster) == &quot;Colossus&quot; &amp;&amp; !IsUnitPaused(caster))
            cx          = GetUnitX(caster);
            cy          = GetUnitY(caster);
            target      = GetTriggerUnit();
            tx          = GetUnitX(target);
            ty          = GetUnitY(target);
            dx          = tx - cx;
            dy          = ty - cy;
            dist        = SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            dirx        = dx / dist;
            diry        = dy / dist;
            line_length = 256;

            ob = opticblast.create();

            ob.caster = caster;
            ob.target = target;

            ob.beam_model[0]           = LIGHTNING_DRAIN_MANA;
            ob.beam_start_x[0]         = dirx * 128 + cx - 24;
            ob.beam_start_y[0]         = diry * 128 + cy;
            ob.beam_start_z[0]         = 295;
            ob.beam_hit_x[0]           = -diry * line_length * 0.5 + tx;
            ob.beam_hit_y[0]           = dirx  * line_length * 0.5 + ty;
            ob.beam_move_to_x[0]       = diry  * line_length * 0.5 + tx;
            ob.beam_move_to_y[0]       = -dirx * line_length * 0.5 + ty;
            ob.beam_duration[0]        = 0.49;
            ob.beam_spawn_effect[0]    = true;

            ob.beam_model[1]           = LIGHTNING_DRAIN_MANA;
            ob.beam_start_x[1]         = dirx * 128 + cx + 24;
            ob.beam_start_y[1]         = diry * 128 + cy;
            ob.beam_start_z[1]         = 295;
            ob.beam_hit_x[1]           =  diry * line_length * 0.5 + tx;
            ob.beam_hit_y[1]           = -dirx * line_length * 0.5 + ty;
            ob.beam_move_to_x[1]       = -diry * line_length * 0.5 + tx;
            ob.beam_move_to_y[1]       =  dirx * line_length * 0.5 + ty;
            ob.beam_duration[1]        = 0.5;
            ob.beam_spawn_effect[1]    = true;

            ob.beam_count              = 2;
            ob.play_sound              = true;
            ob.beam_hit_radius         = 128;
            ob.damage = 100;


        return false;

    function onInit()
        unit u;
        trigger t = CreateTrigger();
        GroupEnumUnitsInRect(ENUM_GROUP, GetPlayableMapRect(), null);

        u = FirstOfGroup(ENUM_GROUP);
        while (u != null)
            TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(t, u, EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED);
            GroupRemoveUnit(ENUM_GROUP, u);
            u = FirstOfGroup(ENUM_GROUP);
        TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function spell_optic_blast));       

        filter = Filter(function targets_allowed);


//! endzinc


  • optic_blast.w3x
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Hey Listen!!
Reaction score
You really should use some Damage System.

function onInit()
        unit u;

(and other function that you don't null locals)

Why this:

if (GetUnitName(caster) == &quot;Colossus&quot; &amp;&amp; !IsUnitPaused(caster))

This should be based on ability or unit type id, also this SHOULD be configurable.
And unit paused?????

This is a bad practice

Also, your system/spell/library/something just register preplaced units in the map, not any other entering unit, so this will fail if you use dynamic spawn (which happen in 99% of maps)
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