Snippet orbiteffect


FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
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An orbiteffect is basically an eyecandy effect that happens to rotate in an circular type of movement (on a sphere's surface).

uses/requires: xefx

The api is really simple:

[ljass]orbiteffect orbiteffect.add_to_unit(unit u, real radius, integer axis_of_rotation, real angle_in_degrees, real orbits_per_second, string path_to_effect)[/ljass]

Where the orbiteffect will orbit the unit "u" from a distance of "radius", in a path determent by the "axis_of_rotation" and the "angle_in_degrees", with a speed of "orbits_per_second", using the model of "path_to_effect".

[ljass]nothing <orbiteffect_instance>.destroy()[/ljass]

The most important and tricky arguments in the add_to_unit method are the axis_of_rotation which can take only the following values (ORBIT_X_AXIS, ORBIT_Y_AXIS and ORBIT_Z_AXIS).
I am finding it difficult for explaining them so I tried to make a "silly" pic that only describes the ORBIT_Z_AXIS (see the attachments section).

Yeah... not much of explanation but... there's always the demo map in which there are examples which hopefully would make sense.

library orbiteffect uses xefx

    private real PERIOD = 0.03125

    // exported globals used for the axis_of_rotation argument in the add_to_unit method
    integer ORBIT_X_AXIS = 0
    integer ORBIT_Y_AXIS = 1
    integer ORBIT_Z_AXIS = 2

    // private global(s)
    private location g_loc = Location(0, 0)

struct orbiteffect
    private static  timer             graviton = CreateTimer()

    private static  orbiteffect array instances
    private static  integer           instance_count = 0

    private unit    center_unit

    public  real    radius

    private integer rotation_axis
    private real    rotation_angle

    public  xefx    xefx

    private real    az = 0
    private real    az_inc

    public  real    x_offset
    public  real    y_offset
    public  real    z_offset

    static method looop takes nothing returns nothing
        local orbiteffect this
        local integer     i
        local real        ox
        local real        oy
        local real        oz
        local real        cux
        local real        cuy
        local real        cuz
        // local real        cuf

        if instance_count == 0 then // the destroy method was called on all orbiteffect instances
            call PauseTimer(graviton)

        set i = 0
            exitwhen i &gt;= instance_count       

            set this = instances<i>
            set i = i + 1

            set cux = GetUnitX(center_unit)
            set cuy = GetUnitY(center_unit)
            call MoveLocation(g_loc, cux, cuy)
            set cuz = GetUnitFlyHeight(center_unit) + GetLocationZ(g_loc)

            // set cuf = GetUnitFacing(center_unit) * bj_DEGTORAD

            if     ORBIT_X_AXIS == rotation_axis then
                set ox = cuz + radius * Sin(az) * Cos(rotation_angle) + z_offset
                set oy = cuy + radius * Sin(az) * Sin(rotation_angle) + y_offset //* Sin(cuf)
                set oz = cux + radius * Cos(az)                       + x_offset //* Cos(cuf)
                set xefx.x = oz
                set xefx.y = oy
                call MoveLocation(g_loc, oz, oy)
                set xefx.z = ox - GetLocationZ(g_loc)

            elseif ORBIT_Y_AXIS == rotation_axis then
                set ox = cux + radius * Sin(az) * Cos(rotation_angle) + x_offset //* Cos(cuf)
                set oy = cuz + radius * Sin(az) * Sin(rotation_angle) + z_offset
                set oz = cuy + radius * Cos(az)                       + y_offset //* Sin(cuf)
                set xefx.x = ox
                set xefx.y = oz
                call MoveLocation(g_loc, ox, oz)
                set xefx.z = oy - GetLocationZ(g_loc)

            elseif ORBIT_Z_AXIS == rotation_axis then
                set ox = cux + radius * Sin(az) * Cos(rotation_angle) + x_offset //* Cos(cuf)
                set oy = cuy + radius * Sin(az) * Sin(rotation_angle) + y_offset //* Sin(cuf)
                set oz = cuz + radius * Cos(az)                       + z_offset
                set xefx.x = ox
                set xefx.y = oy
                call MoveLocation(g_loc, ox, oy)
                set xefx.z = oz - GetLocationZ(g_loc)


            set az = az + az_inc

    static method add_to_unit takes unit u, real radius, integer axis_of_rotation, real angle_in_degrees, real orbits_per_second, string path_to_effect returns orbiteffect
        local orbiteffect this = orbiteffect.allocate()

        set center_unit    = u
        set this.radius    = radius
        set rotation_axis  = axis_of_rotation
        set rotation_angle = angle_in_degrees * bj_DEGTORAD

        // get a dummy 
        // and attach the effect to it
        set xefx = xefx.create(0, 0, 0)
        set xefx.fxpath = path_to_effect

        set x_offset = 0
        set y_offset = 0
        set z_offset = 0

        set az_inc = ((360.0 / (1 / PERIOD)) * orbits_per_second) * bj_DEGTORAD

        set instances[instance_count] = this
        set instance_count = instance_count + 1

        if instance_count == 1 then
            call TimerStart(graviton, PERIOD, true, function orbiteffect.looop)

        return this
    method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
        set instance_count  = instance_count - 1       
        set instances[this - 1] = instances[instance_count]

        call this.xefx.destroy()

        call deallocate()




  • orbiteffect_demo.w3x
    33.2 KB · Views: 425
  • z_axis_of_roation.png
    95.5 KB · Views: 446


Invasion in Duskwood
Reaction score
I've checked the test map, and hey bro, xe 0.9 is out! You should d/l it.

A linked list might be slightly faster than the current stack approach (WC3 match is kinda slow, and with a linked list you don't have to use any kind of math; and I also like linked lists much more, however it doesn't affect your code in any way).

Also, even tho' I like C++ and its syntax, it's still WC3 which has its own naming conventions, I wouldn't mix them, it can be confusing.

Other than that, the recreated Blood Mage spheres were good, I only realized that the mage has its own model-based effect after checked the sample trigger. Looks cool so far.

EDIT: Here's how mine would look like with proper API and a linked list:

library orbiteffect uses xefx

    private real PERIOD=.03125

    integer ORBIT_X_AXIS=0
    integer ORBIT_Y_AXIS=1
    integer ORBIT_Z_AXIS=2

    // private global(s)
    private location zLoc=Location(0,0)

struct OrbitEffect
    private static  timer             graviton=CreateTimer()

    private thistype next
    private thistype prev

    private unit    centerUnit

    public  real    radius

    private integer rotationAxis
    private real    rotationAngle

    public  xefx    sfx

    private real    az
    private real    azInc

    public  real    offsetX
    public  real    offsetY
    public  real    offsetZ

    static method callback takes nothing returns nothing
        local thistype    this=thistype(0)
        local real        ox
        local real        oy
        local real        oz
        local real        cux
        local real        cuy
        local real        cuz
        // local real        cuf

        if then // the destroy method was called on all orbiteffect instances
            call PauseTimer(thistype.graviton)

            exitwhen this==0  

            set cux=GetUnitX(this.centerUnit)
            set cuy=GetUnitY(this.centerUnit)
            call MoveLocation(zLoc,cux,cuy)
            set cuz=GetUnitFlyHeight(this.centerUnit)+GetLocationZ(zLoc)

            // set cuf=GetUnitFacing(center_unit)*bj_DEGTORAD

            if     ORBIT_X_AXIS==this.rotationAxis then
                set ox=cuz+this.radius*Sin(*Cos(this.rotationAngle)+this.offsetZ
                set oy=cuy+this.radius*Sin(*Sin(this.rotationAngle)+this.offsetY //* Sin(cuf)
                set oz=cux+this.radius*Cos(                        +this.offsetX //* Cos(cuf)
                set this.sfx.x=oz
                set this.sfx.y=oy
                call MoveLocation(zLoc,oz,oy)
                set this.sfx.z=ox-GetLocationZ(zLoc)

            elseif ORBIT_Y_AXIS==this.rotationAxis then
                set ox=cux+this.radius*Sin(*Cos(this.rotationAngle)+this.offsetX //* Cos(cuf)
                set oy=cuz+this.radius*Sin(*Sin(this.rotationAngle)+this.offsetZ
                set oz=cuy+this.radius*Cos(                        +this.offsetY //* Sin(cuf)
                set this.sfx.x=ox
                set this.sfx.y=oz
                call MoveLocation(zLoc,ox,oz)
                set this.sfx.z=oy-GetLocationZ(zLoc)

            elseif ORBIT_Z_AXIS==this.rotationAxis then
                set ox=cux+this.radius*Sin(*Cos(this.rotationAngle)+this.offsetX //* Cos(cuf)
                set oy=cuy+this.radius*Sin(*Sin(this.rotationAngle)+this.offsetY //* Sin(cuf)
                set oz=cuz+this.radius*Cos(                        +this.offsetZ
                set this.sfx.x=ox
                set this.sfx.y=oy
                call MoveLocation(zLoc,ox,oy)
                set this.sfx.z=oz-GetLocationZ(zLoc)



    static method addToUnit takes unit u,real radius,integer rotationAxis,real angle,real orbitsPerSecond,string effectPath returns thistype
        local thistype this=thistype.allocate()

        set this.centerUnit   =u
        set this.radius       =radius
        set this.rotationAxis =rotationAxis
        set this.rotationAngle=angle*bj_DEGTORAD

        // get a dummy 
        // and attach the effect to it
        set this.sfx=xefx.create(0,0,0)
        set this.sfx.fxpath=effectPath

        set this.offsetX=0.
        set this.offsetX=0.
        set this.offsetX=0.
        set      =0.

        set this.azInc=((360.0/(1/PERIOD))*orbitsPerSecond)*bj_DEGTORAD

        if thistype(0).next==0 then
            call TimerStart(thistype.graviton,PERIOD,true,function thistype.callback)
        set thistype(0).next.prev=this
        set thistype(0).next=this
        set this.prev=thistype(0)

        return this
    method destroy takes nothing returns nothing

        call this.sfx.destroy()

        call this.deallocate()


Do not use default values in structs because they'll increase your loading time. Declare them in the constructor.


FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
Reaction score
> I've checked the test map, and hey bro, xe 0.9 is out!

Oh... Hah =), I hope it doesn't break under xe v0.9 then

> Also, even tho' I like C++ and its syntax, it's still WC3 which has its own naming conventions, I wouldn't mix them, it can be confusing.

Well let's just say that I am using the's wc3's conventions =), not the Blizzard.j.

About the stack vs the list, well... in my opinion the stack is easier to write and "grasp" and it only adds a single addition in the looop so it's not much of an "optimization" that the list implementation give you.


Well, if 2006- computers could handle gamecache + return bug shenanigans then I don't think that some array lookups and little trigonometry would slow maps down. Tnx for posting though, I guess users would now have two choices then =).

@luorax: "Do not use default values in structs because they'll increase your loading time. Declare them in the constructor."

Not sure what you mean by that, but setting a struct variable member in the declaration simply means that in the allocation method it will be assigned that value, so what difference would it make if it's assigned there or in the constructor?
struct STRUCT
    real VAR1 = 1
    real VAR2 = 2
    real VAR3

    static method create takes nothing returns STRUCT
        local STRUCT s = STRUCT.allocate()
        set s.VAR3 = 3 // no point, could simply let jasshelper do it in the allocate method
        return s

// the output allocate method
//Generated allocator of STRUCT
function s__STRUCT__allocate takes nothing returns integer
 local integer this=si__STRUCT_F
    if (this!=0) then
        set si__STRUCT_F=si__STRUCT_V[this]
        set si__STRUCT_I=si__STRUCT_I+1
        set this=si__STRUCT_I
    if (this&gt;8190) then
        return 0

   set s__STRUCT_VAR1[this]= 1 // jasshelper saves some typing and &quot;effort&quot; =)
   set s__STRUCT_VAR2[this]= 2
    set si__STRUCT_V[this]=-1
 return this


Invasion in Duskwood
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If you assign an initial value to a struct member, it'll fill the whole array with that value, whilst if you don't, it'll leave it untouched as "0/0./false". It's minor things, just like that linked list vs stack thing, but it's extra speed for free, it won't break readibility.

It works perfectly with xe 0.9, I've already tested it :) And well, I'd still stick to the common conventions, that's what I get used to. If a moderator finds this snipper useful, I'm almost completely sure that he'll suggest you to change it tho' :)

I feel like this would have almost no lag on crud computers if you just used an single unit that was set periodically and had attachment points using a model like this: <-- only attachment version

The reason for using a model with attachment points? It's much less calculation intensive.

That's true, although for people like me this snippet is better, because I like to play with values (like XYZ offset, speed, angle) in real time, in the game. It makes your map much better IMO.


I didnt slap you, i high 5'd your face.
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if you could add an option to create an orbit affect of a unit that is currently existing around another unit based on its current position, i could think of a trillion ways i could use this for spell effects if you did that...

and i would suggest using T32 for this, but meh, thats just a preference of mine
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