Arena Swamp Team Arena

Nivius Regular
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Hi Everyone!

It's time for me to Fulfill one of my ideas and Dreams
i have had for years, Let me Introduce "Swamp Team Arena",
a FROM THE DIRT built Arena Without all the lame
~Safe~ zones in normal Arenas where you can level in peace

v0.13.1 Overview (More pics in "Spoiler")
*Work in progress...*


The Swamp


Teamduel / Duel Arena

Town "Unsafe"


)- Choose a Hero From 36 Totally Different Heroes
)- Grind and Level him/her
)- Slaughter Enemy Players
)- Duel 1 vs 1 or Team vs Team
)- Battle some INSANE bosses as a team!
)- Team play Matters!
)- Win by killing Players in other team Total xxx times OR killing Bosses*

)- A good looking Swamp to Slaughter your Enemies in
)- Sure to Counter Players Grindzones, GUARANTEE PvP
Fights, No more "Grinding in Peace"
)- Sneaky Areas... Like to Surprise your Frags?
)- No 100% Safezones
)- Not even town is 100% safe!*
)- 2 Teams: White/Black
)- 12 Strength Heroes (Might be increased in the future)
)- 12 Agility Heroes (Might be increased in the future)
)- 12 Intelligence Heroes (Might be increased in the future)
)- Some Heroes Done!, se last update for info about them
)- Bosses
)- TEAMWORK is VERY important in this arena
)- And allot more to come...

*might change, but this is the idea now

So to do all this i will need help!

needed to be done:

* Some Hero Ideas
* Actual Making of Heroes and everything around it
* Making of Items, Recipes, Shops and so on
* make it possible to transfer items from hero to a Stash from anywhere on the map
* Making of creeps and such
* Anything else that might be needed to be done

Everyone that helps will be co-creators

I will spend most of my time making this terrain really great and i will also work whit making heroes

Nivius Regular
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Swamp Arena v0.06

- Added the Basic of the Bandit Area (Pic in Spoiler)
- Added Needed Blockers
- Added Bounderys for now
- Figuerd out a new Hero "Mmmrrrggglll The Murloc"



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Your terrain does not look good with those boundaries on your forsaken city and that tree model looks really bad, change it to something else that looks good.

In forsaken city, you got alot of corpse and infection and stuff but I see your city so pure..

Fix the terrain too grass don't blend with dirt.

Nivius Regular
Reaction score
Your terrain does not look good with those boundaries on your forsaken city and that tree model looks really bad, change it to something else that looks good.

In forsaken city, you got alot of corpse and infection and stuff but I see your city so pure..

Fix the terrain too grass don't blend with dirt.

important to notice is that that is the start. the basics, i will ofc change allot of things, but the idea is there... for example it will not be this "plain" and stuff once i'm done for real... this was made so that i can picture the ideas i have.

also its not infected, its raided :) also no units added yet, its gonna be level 1-3 bandits in town and increasing in strength/level till the end whit some "bandit leaders" around

Nivius Regular
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Swamp Arena v0.09.1

- Added Hero Rampaging Monster (80% done)
- Added Hero Murloc (40% done)
- Changed max lvl to 75 for testing, prob stay on 50 later on

Rampaging Monster
Attribute: Str (Melee)
Story: ~name~ was trown out of hes troll village as a child becoues of hes murderous intent. he had to learn to survive on hes own fighting any dangers that appear in the night. this is where he got hes first taste of blood...
Model: green troll whit 2 axes
Spells: Passives & Activates

* Base (9lvl): Aggressive Fighting (Working on...)
Increases ur damage 27%-180% at the cost of 5-45%extra dmg taken for x seconds (activate/self cast only/auto cast)
* Base (9lvl): The Taste of Blood (Done! ty for help Komaqtion)
For every enemy killed u get 1-9% of your life back (heroes 2-18%)
* Strong (7lvl): Aggressive Foothold (Done! ty for help Komaqtion)
Every time you get hit you have a 1-7% chance to do a 25 dmg Warstomp whit 0.01 sec stun
* Amazing (5lvl): Aggressive Swings (Done! ty for help Komaqtion)
Adds 2-10% chance to fire of a 100 dmg Shock Wave in front of you when u hit a monster
* Ultimate (3lvl): Rampage (Working on... need to figure somthing else out, this is almost nulled on highlevels)
Puts Grunk in Rampage increasing attack speed whit 33/66/99% and its double the current % of your Aggressive Swings and Aggressive Foothold

Attribute: Int (Melee)
Story: -
Model: Murloc dark blue
Spells: Summons and aura

(Working on all skills...)
* Base (9lvl): Summon Murloc (Close to Done!)
* Base (9lvl):
* Strong (7lvl): ~some kind of Aura~
* Amazing (5lvl): ~Copys~
* Ultimate (3lvl):

free_killing Regular
Reaction score
What i need help whit:
* Some Hero Ideas
* Actual Making of Heroes and everything around it
* Making of the classical choose hero way
* Making of Items, Recipes, Shops and so on
* make it possible to transfer items from hero to a Stash from anywhere on the map
* Making of creeps and spawn zones and such
* Anything else that might be needed to be done
whit all this said i guess i also need jass

I guess i can help ;)
Edit: But i have to know which country you are from ;)

Nivius Regular
Reaction score
I guess i can help ;)
Edit: But i have to know which country you are from ;)
sweden :)

pm me if ur still intressted
It would be nice to do the terrain first before even touching the heroes.

true, im making a few heroes to learn atm, only the berserking monster will be as he is on the end, the marloc will prob change quite a bit

i got 1 more hero im gona test make, then im gona make the respawn triggers... after that the terrain is gona be worked on till 100% done

Nivius Regular
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Swamp Arena v0.12.5

- free_killing Joined me on this map
- Recoded the Healing shire in the middle by free_killing
- Made is possible to Respawn by free_killing

- Made is possible to Repick (no bug now)
- Finished Hero Rampaging Monster (100% done)
- Added Hero Noble Knight (95% done)
- Added Hero Mountain Giant (1% done)
- Fixed a few skills and did some small changes in the stats of skills
- Figgured out the idea whit hero/intems/stats and how to balance it
- Started to work whit the Second Grinding Area
- Added a INSANE ultimate spell for the Rampaging Monster (se Spoiler) (Balanced it ofc... before it culd do 5000 dmg on 1 unit on lvl 3 easy, lowerd to ~1000 one unit in the same situation) THANKS TO lh2705 for making this :)



New Member
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Swamp Arena v0.06

- Added the Basic of the Bandit Area (Pic in Spoiler)
- Added Needed Blockers
- Added Bounderys for now
- Figuerd out a new Hero "Mmmrrrggglll The Murloc"


Nice town but I don't like the poop green color of the swamp I know its supposed to be like that but w/e you have you opinion I hope it becomes great:D

Nivius Regular
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Nice town but I don't like the poop green color of the swamp I know its supposed to be like that but w/e you have you opinion I hope it becomes great:D

thats a town whit some random grass to make it vissable for the moment :p its not gona stay like that, im gona remake the titles

the swamp is in the middle of the map :) se first pic, that area will be filled whit trees in strategic places and allot of other things that comes to mind when thinking of swamps

Nivius Regular
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Swamp Arena v0.12.7

- Rampaging Monster (100% Done) - passives/effect/speed
- Noble Knight (100% Done) - defensive/Fast healing/Hard to kill
- Murloc (100% Done) - Summons/mirrors/aura
- Mountain Giant (100% Done) - bouncing/stunner/some damage reduction
- 4 of 36 heroes Done
- Got ideas for 7 more heroes
- Healing shire Heal RANDOM close hero every 0.5 sec for 75life/mana meaning... its not sure your safe by running there... but staying there a while will probably heal you up

Added ideas:
- Theirs not gonna be ANY tomes
- Balanced items and no uber items... - teamwork>items, chose your items carefully as they will make or break your hero

Nivius Regular
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Looks like an improved angel arena, if you need help just ask.

indeed, the idea is that its game play is gonna be close to angel arena, but less "cliffs"... for example, in angel arena your useless unless u know how to get to all places, also u MUST get some recipes... in my arena its gonna be of less importance, items are treated more balanced like in dota. also there's not gonna be any tomes, removing the unbalance whit some players having 5000 stats.

if anyone else might whana help this is kinda whats need to be done:

* Terrain, gota do the other 5 zones, and finnish zone 1, also thinking of adding a boss zone

* Heroes. got 5 heroes 99% done, some tooltip changes needed, got ideas for 7 more heroes, but its gona be a total of 36 heroes (12str/12agi/12int)

* Skills for the heroes ofc, im not that skilled whit triggers and such, can only do the basic of things

* Items, got no items done... gona be balanced kinda like in dota, theres not gona be any 20000 dmg items or 1000 agi tomes and so on...

* all creeps/bosses

* events, like 1v1/team v team/how to win and so on...

Nivius Regular
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Swamp Arena v0.12.8


- Priest (95% Done) - Healing/stealing mana/divine shield
- Mighty Knight (90% Done) - a true Tank :)
- Wicked Ranger (80% Done) - fast single target Damage dealer/movement speed

- 7 of 36 heroes Done (might actualy change max heroes to less) (4xstr/1xagi/2xint)
- Reworked some stats for heroes
- Fixed all tooltips for all heroes till now
- Got ideas for 4 more heroes
- made new area... "Raid" area, where teamwork is a must to reach the end of that dungeon (goan be some kind of reward in the end)
- made first 3 items
- started second zone terrain "rocky dungeon"

Added ideas:
- Tested out how tough the bosses need to be vs a good 5man party (1 unit vs boss = lose, teamwork vs boss=win)

Nivius Regular
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Swamp TEAM Arena v0.12.11 (yes, it have changed name)

(hero class/names can be changed)
Heroes till now - and type of skills
Rampaging Monster - Effects/attack speed/passives
Murloc - Summoner/Mirrors/dmg aura/chain heal
Mountain Giant - bounce attack/reduce dmg taken/stunning/self buff
Noble Knight - Heal/defensive/dev aura/reincarnation
Mighty Knight - Tank/reduce dmg taken/"thorn'ish"/holding aggro/reincarnation
Wicked Ranger - attack speed(fastest in the game)/speed aura/(single target nuker/slow aura
Priest - Blessed Heal/ses invisible/steal mana/mana aura/"bubble" :)/aoe heal
Sniper - slow but HIGH dmg/ 1000 range/run slow/.50 bullet 1000 range stun/Camouflage~Windwalk
Firelord - dmg+life regen buff/life regen aura/immolation/splash dmg/flame strike/(only problem is that fire don't know friend or foe) <- 3 of 5 skills done

- Reworked some skills
- rebalanced
- fixed some tooltips
- solved bugs whit some skills
- got ideas for even better teamwork

Nivius Regular
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Swamp Team Arena v0.13.1

(hero class/names might be changed)
Heroes till now - and type of skills
Rampaging Monster - Effects/attack speed/passives
Murloc - Summoner/Mirrors/dmg aura/chain heal
Mountain Giant - bounce attack/reduce dmg taken/stunning/self buff
Noble Knight - Heal/defensive/dev aura/reincarnation
Mighty Knight - Tank/reduce dmg taken/"thorn'ish"/holding aggro/reincarnation
Wicked Ranger - attack speed(fastest in the game)/speed aura/(single target nuker/slow aura
Priest - Blessed Heal/ses invisible/steal mana/mana aura/"bubble" /aoe heal
Sniper - slow but HIGH dmg/ 1000 range/run slow/.50 bullet 1000 range stun/Camouflage~Windwalk
Firelord - dmg+life regen buff/life regen aura/immolation/splash dmg/flame strike/fire aoe/(only problem is that fire don't know friend or foe)
new ones:
Chaos Master - Chaos dmg/% todo aoe dmg/chaos aoe spell/summon inferno <-- 3/5 skills done
Mage Assasin - Burn mana on attack/(blink short range)/(magic resistance) <-- 1(3)/5 skills done

- Reworked and partly remade Bandit area, only enviorment doodas and some noise left
- "Basic" Stone area started
- Coded an respawn timer for creeps
- fixed some tooltips
- solved bugs whit some skills and found new ones :)
give me a hand!


New Member
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wow nice u added more heroes and the terrain is getting a (bit) better
but the crap green color is weird for me

Nivius Regular
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wow nice u added more heroes and the terrain is getting a (bit) better
but the crap green color is weird for me

ty, well i don't really find any other kind of trees that works for me, this "kinda" works atm... looks better in game i tell u, iv already added the environment doddas. if anyone got idea for a tree sort that who'd look better there, tell me.

once the terrain is done for all zones im gona look over all zones again carefully :) to make them perfect (for me)

Nivius Regular
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Raid Area!

Swamp Team Arena v0.13.4

(hero class/names might be changed)
Heroes till now - and type of skills
Rampaging Monster - Effects/attack speed/passives
Murloc - Summoner/Mirrors/dmg aura/chain heal
Mountain Giant - bounce attack/reduce dmg taken/stunning/self buff
Noble Knight - Heal/defensive/dev aura/reincarnation <-- removed "thorn'ish" beocues of unblanced vs bosses
Mighty Knight - Tank/reduce dmg taken/holding aggro/reincarnation <-- removed "thorn'ish" beocues of unblanced vs bosses
Wicked Ranger - attack speed(fastest in the game)/speed aura/(single target nuker/slow aura
Priest - Blessed Heal/ses invisible/steal mana/mana aura/"bubble" /aoe heal
Sniper - slow but HIGH dmg/ 1000 range/run slow/.50 bullet 1000 range stun/Camouflage~Windwalk
Firelord - dmg+life regen buff/life regen aura/immolation/splash dmg/flame strike/fire aoe/(only problem is that fire don't know friend or foe)
Chaos Master - Chaos dmg/% todo aoe dmg/chaos aoe spell/summon inferno <-- 3/5 skills done
Mage Assasin - Burn mana on attack/(blink short range)/(magic resistance)/mana steal aura (vamp aura but mana) <-- 4/5 skills done
new ones:
Death Knight - King Arthas model (the Lich king from wow)/summon "Sindragosa"/summon "minions" <-- 2/5 skills done

- fixed some tooltips
- solved bugs whit some skills
- Started whit the Raid area! and yes its gonna be as hard as a raid in wow kinda, i'm gonna be impressed whit those that can get to the end
- got LOADS of ideas for these 6+1 raid bosses and all ideas are gona require some tactics and some timing :) (se spoiler for test boss details)
(items on the ground is keys, is gonna be carried by each "Area" boss later)

test boss was hard to get down, but it was possible (100.000 life/200 hero armor/20.000 chaos dmg/ 50dmg/s phenix fire)

vs best dmg unit having 500 dmg crits and tank having 10.000 life, healer spaming heal and other units nuking

fu*k up for two seconds and its a wipe :)
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