Melee The Broken Alliance 2


Анна Ахматова
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TBA is a melee game with a unique twist. 10 players out of 12 play as heroes. The 2 other players are leaders. They control a castle and can build units and other structures. The aim of the game is to survive longer than the other team. The opposing team may send out heroes and other units to attack your main castle. You must defend your castle and do the same thing to them. This game takes a lot of strategy and team work. A leader must be strong and position each player in the correct spot. The individual player may decide to follow orders or go all out and do their own thing.




I read somewhere on the Internet that The Broken Alliance needs an update. People were actually playing this map and enjoying it. It surprised me because the old forum that hosted this game had shut down. I released this map a long time ago hoping people would play it, but I haven't gotten any tangible results until just now. So, I suppose I'll update it now.

Please check the last section for the most recent updates. All the other sections are discussion the newer version that was never released (I merely made it for my own amusement). Those who have played TBA and found it amateur, please post any ideas you may have about the game. I'll be considering all critique. If you have not played the game yet, try it out here. WARNING! I created this game two years ago. My writing abilities have improved greatly since then. Do not judge my current character on the old version. The newer version will be a lot better.


  • Story
  • Goal
  • Map Details
  • Heroes
  • Units
  • Updates




After the wars of Azerioth, a new conflict revealed itself. Two human kingdoms rose to the sky. Each opposed the other, yet they lived in reluctant harmony. One day the green armored warriors of the Olaf kingdom began their war campaign. They built massive war machines and burned many of Ryan's villages. King Ryan looked upon his cities with remorse. He could not save the innocent people who died by Olaf's hands. Olaf had also convinced many villagers to fight for his cause. He rallied them and approached Ryan's last few remaining castles. The soldiers guarding the land grew anxious as Olaf's armies marched toward the petty stronghold that held only three hundred footmen: all were untrained.

Once Olaf arrived at the gates, he sent out a messenger. He exclaimed to the lord of the castle that Olaf will spare the life of all the soldiers if they swear allegiance to him. The lord of the castle was in deep distress. He plead for a week of peace. Olaf agreed.

Lord Tim sent word to Ryan. His warrior son Paul told Ryan about the terrible siege weapons amassing outside Tim's door. Paul then begged for his father's life. Ryan reached out for the boy and embraced him. Then he said to him: "Go out and find five, brave heroes. Then take my peasants and build a strong castle for me. Do this to defend our people and in your father's honor."

At first the boy was alarmed. He was of age to understand the circumstances. His father and his army were destroyed at the week's end, but Paul traveled all over the continent in search of five heroes that will be willing to lay Olaf's advancing armies to waste. By the ending of the first year of Olaf's advance, he had come to a halt. There was a new castle being erected. Olaf sent a spy to seek out more information. The spy was killed as soon as he descended from the hill Olaf stood on top. A group of bandits had attack him, and he did not return to Olaf. Olaf, without a way to seek out information, assigned a newly knighted lord to command the invasion of the new castle. His name was Thomas. The battle that would take place was dubbed "Ceder's Fall." This was either the turning point or the last stand to the war of The Broken Alliance.


Goal of the Game


Each team has six players. These players are either computer or user players or none (if chosen). Players must attack until the opposing heroes stop reviving. When the main stronghold is destroyed, heroes will stop reviving. Thus the winners are the survivors. Victory is not forced.


Map Details


The map is filled with rich resources that players can use to their advantage. Each war leader must harvest gold and lumber, and they must protect their main castle. Failing to do so will result in a major loss. Heroes must aid their commander and the team should work together to destroy the opposing castle. Lords may build siege weapons or just regular towers that will cause massive damage towards heroes. Several buildings were built for battle already.




Currently all heroes level up to level 100. Each ability goes up to about 10 or 20 or 30. So heroes will able to cause colossal damage to any ground units. This is currently being balanced for the second release. Suggestions are welcomed.

Heroes currently level up with 1000 exp table. This may be lowered, but when more heroes are used, it's longer to level up. This issue will be debated.

Heroes revive instantly at the graveyard, which can easily be camped by a higher leveled unit.

Computers can control heroes. This does not lag up the system, yet the game stops for a matter of seconds as the computer players are being assigned.


Spell Breaker
Mountain King
Blood Mage

(Full descriptions are soon to come.)




Mobs are currently only hostile bandits. They evolve as the heroes level up. This makes things more difficult for heroes. Moving around the map is dangerous for all players.

Hostile units weaken the heroes, and other players can easily slaughter them. Computer players have a disadvantage, yet they seem to fair in every combat situation. Surely a human team will beat a computer team without trouble. Computer players are designed to reinforce human players. Computer teams weren't really intended.

The controlled units are weak compared to heroes, yet they can be upgraded to fair a better chance. Heroes will still be able to cut a whole army into pieces, yet mobile units can still be used to defend castles. Mass motors are effective.





AI is now available for castle builders. Computer player can build towns and units. The hero AI can fight.

Screen shots will arrive soon. A playable and editable BETA version will be available soon. You may play the old crappy version for the moment. The updated version is still going through some remodeling. I want to refine the horrible grammar and descriptions. I also want to work out a few bugs and glitches that made the old version annoying.

Save codes will be no longer featured. Sorry. I may add some ORPG features into the mix if you desire.

Share comments, suggestions, and ideas here. I'd love to read all your thoughts. This thread will be lively updated tomorrow. Keep your eyes pealed for more juicy action from newly formed Hermit Studios.

- Ninva


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Starcraft II Moderator
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Buddy, that is not melee, that is Offence. :)

This sounds good, but, I don't think that many people will want to control the castles.


Анна Ахматова
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Buddy, that is not melee, that is Offence. :)

This sounds good, but, I don't think that many people will want to control the castles.

Eh, that's what made people like it though.

Offense, AOS, Defense... All the same to me. Thanks for telling me though.


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Never imagined you'd be making a map Ninva. It sounds really cool so far, so please continue with this. I'm looking forward to it.


SC2 Forum MVP - TheSkunk #386
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(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Wasn't active when those were around, and the map was community based so...


New Member
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Whoa whoa, did you get Kings permission to continue his map? Because he didn't want to update is map with current units for a reason. Theres no reason too, there filler...

Also FYI Broken Alliances is still being worked on and updated at its main location, King hasnt stopped.


Анна Ахматова
Reaction score
Whoa whoa, did you get Kings permission to continue his map? Because he didn't want to update is map with current units for a reason. Theres no reason too, there filler...

What? I made this game from scratch.


Анна Ахматова
Reaction score

Look at my profile. I made The Broken Alliance. People were playing the old crappy version.

Why are you questioning me? I know the rules of map making. I would never edit another person's map unless Blizzard made the map. I'm using a Blizzard melee map because it's balanced.

Don't troll my thread, bud.


New Member
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Look at my profile. I made The Broken Alliance. People were playing the old crappy version.

Why are you questioning me? I know the rules of map making. I would never edit another person's map unless Blizzard made the map. I'm using a Blizzard melee map because it's balanced.

Don't troll my thread, bud.

Um I'm NOT, the only broken Alliance thats really around is King_leopolds which is a very popular map, and a lot of people try to make new maps of previous ones. And this looked like a continuation of Kings BA, which I would ever think would give his rights away like that(I know him hes a friend)

If its not and is just a coincidence you both have the same map names then thats fine... Its not exactly common seeing BA other then kings


Анна Ахматова
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Um I'm NOT, the only broken Alliance thats really around is King_leopolds which is a very popular map, and a lot of people try to make new maps of previous ones. And this looked like a continuation of Kings BA, which I would ever think would give his rights away like that(I know him hes a friend)

If its not and is just a coincidence you both have the same map names then thats fine... Its not exactly common seeing BA other then kings

I'm planning on changing the name to Ceder's Fall. The script I'm planning out in my head has something to do with this title. The game will not have a story, but I may write a campaign later.

How does this look like a continuation? This game is very different from the popular BA.

I do, apparently, have a small fanbase somewhere on the Internet. I do not know if they still play my game, but if they run across the title, I'm sure they'd be happy that I held onto the name TBA. When I first saw BA, I got angry. I thought he stole my ideas, but luckily he didn't.


New Member
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Yea... He didn't his map is quite different, and very popular.

The name is VERY similar,t hats where I got the idea, so I would suggest a name change...


New Member
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I think punwisp should have actually downloaded this map before making the accusation that Ninva would steal King Leopold's map.

Anyway onto the harsh criticism. ;)

Note: I tested this map only in single-player with computers. I also forgot to set all the slots to computers. The teams were like this:

Me (Druid)
3 computer allied heroes (Paladin, Mountain King, Beastmaster)
3 computer enemy heroes (Druid, Knight, Priest(?))
1 computer castle builder

So of course, my comments will be only based on that experience. It would probably be much more different if someone would play this map with real people. The comments you should pay more attention to are the ones not involving the AI/gameplay.

I'll begin with the map description. It's too long as the text gets cutted off and contains some useless information such as "each team has six players" and basically repeats what will be said at the loading screen. I think you should have some kind of info in there that differentiates which players will become the heroes and which will become the castle builders and a short description of the goal.

Next, the hero picking process... It's not that bad actually since it's just like choosing a hero from a tavern. I suggest changing the building model of the "Hero's House" to something other than a farm, since I didn't even know that was a building where you could pick your hero. Or trigger that the hero players will automatically select their "Hero's House" at map initialization.
The hero descriptions were too brief for the custom heroes or had the same old boring descriptions for the heroes in a regular melee game. (Darn no background story!!! :p)

I chose Druid as my hero. I'm assuming you had based this hero off the something non-human since it has some funky hero names. (The computer hero's name was Gholbine or something like that.)

You'll definitely want to nerf this hero. Having Entangling Roots at Level 7 is imbalanced since the duration for heroes lasts longer than the cooldown. Sleep Level 10 can also be pretty annoying. In my own opinion, you should probably remove Sleep for the Druid since it doesn't really fit and he already has a disabler - Entangling Roots.
I don't really know how much damage Mana Shield was blocking at Level 10 since there was no number value in the tooltip so I don't know how good/bad it is.
In my opinion, Abolish Magic seemed like a waste of an hero ability. (Isn't it always going to do the same thing?) I would rather have the Druid learn a healing/summon ability instead.

There were some hotkey issues with the Druid. Sleep conflicts with Entangling Roots. The positions of the command buttons for the abilities are also messed up. I also thought there wasn't enough info in the tooltips for the abilities since they had no number value describing duration/damage blocked per mana point/etc. whatsoever.

The AI for the heroes wasn't that bad but it wasn't exactly great. It's good that you managed to make it run to the fountains if it got hurt and made it run around killing the creeps. Since AI isn't really your main focus, you don't need to do this but I suggest making it able to try attacking the castle.

The AI for the castle builder was funny. I saw that it built a lot of farms and trained only Riflemen and Mortar Teams. I never really saw an army but then again I was disrupting them with my own hero.

I think you should make the Cannon Towers' attack only affect enemies. (If you don't I think evil people, such as myself, will abuse the towers' attack power and Area of effect damage by staying near another tower and letting that tower also get hit by the Cannon Tower's attack.)

The graveyard doesn't really look like a graveyard. Put some blight and some Tombs there or do something to make it look more dark. I also think you should put some towers there too to discourage enemy heroes from camping them.

For the Monstrous Bear (a summon for the Beastmaster) and other super enlarged units, I suggest making the selection size bigger to fit the model.

I noticed that my computer castle builder seemed to be colored orange yet an enemy hero (the Priest) was also colored orange. Not sure if this is a real bug or not.

The items available were sort of boring to me.
Suggestion: Put some of your own unique items with some of your story. That would definitely make it more interesting.
I also think you should have a shop that sells potions/consumables.

For the creep units that spawn, I think the highest creep I ever seen was the Bandit Lord. I'm not sure if you have other different creeps, but if you don't you should definitely make more. It's sort of monotonous, killing those annoying bandits over and over again. When they respawn, I think they appear near some kind of encampment instead of just randomly appearing from the trees. (Yes, a bandit actually did spawn in the middle of trees)

I think you should put a victory condition (if you haven't) or at least something that says, "You survived!" and shows the score screen.

The story itself was pretty interesting, though I do think that the names are sort of unfitting for a king or noble people. (They sound too common and the name Olaf just makes me laugh. XD)

What I liked about this map was that the gameplay was sort of unique: it was like a melee game except some players just focused on one unit (a hero) while the other two players focused on an army (the castle builders). I'm sure this map would have been funner with real people if the armies of both castle builders were actually fighting instead of me just soloing a defenseless AI for the castle builders while my other AI buddies are off killing those bandits that come out of nowhere and those other underleveled AI enemy heroes due to me camping them by abusing the annoying powers of Entangling Roots, Sleep, and Mana Shield.

I hope you weren't offended by any of this and that this post might actually help you improve your map.


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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Just wanted to ask if you could somehow include a save/load system for your stats. Not for loading for levels and such, but for saving your stats. I don't see a practical use, aside from unlocking things, for this but if you find one it'll be cool.


Анна Ахматова
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Just wanted to ask if you could somehow include a save/load system for your stats. Not for loading for levels and such, but for saving your stats. I don't see a practical use, aside from unlocking things, for this but if you find one it'll be cool.

I was thinking about that. If you win so many games, you will unlock titles and parts of the story. I dunno if it'd be worth the trouble though.


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
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I'd say try it out for awhile and see how it goes, who knows how it'll turn out?
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